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Planning Division
ST. LUCIE CUNTY March 1,20 7
30ARD OF CON Mark Block r
CO 2415 Tam d Dr
Fort Pierce,FL 34949 RECEIVED MAR 217017
CHRIS DZADbVSKY RE:Finishec I floor waiver
D[STRIb 1 Dear Mr.Bl cker:
Please accpp t.this letter in response to your written'request received February 24,2017 to
TOD MO RY th� ,.f 1 x��ahnypy ,pf the road Tile waiver r�nrea is for
VICE-CHdiRMAN a proposed storage building at 2415 Tamarind Dr.Fort Pierce.
Pursuant to ection 7.04.01(C-3)of the St Lucie County Land Development Code,the
Planning and Development Services Director has the authority to grant administrative relief,
LINDA B R17 when topographical conditions are such that compliance with this subsection would be
DISTRI 3 impracticabl or cause grade level conditions detrimental to adjacent or nearby property,
consistent w th the intent of the Flood Protection regulations and any other applicable portion
of this Code
DISTRICT, 4 The Plannin and Development Services Director has granted your request for administrative
relief of the unshed floor elevation based on the following determinations:
LATHY TO I 1 The pr posed shed is in the Flood Zone AE-4.The existing house is in Flood Zone X.
II� SEND 2 The ce ter line of the adjacent road is 5.73'NAVD.
DISTRICT 5 3 . The Pr posed finished floor elevation will be 5.18'NAVD'which is 0.55'below center
line of he road;0.5'below the finished floor elevation of the house and 1.18' above the
minim m required Flood Zone elevation.
HOWARD PTON 4 Raisin the finished floor elevation 18"above center line of the road will bring the floor
OUNTY ADM STRATOR up to 7 23'which will be 1.55'higher than the finished floor elevation of the house.
4 Raisin the finished floor elevation 18"above center line of the road could cause
conditions detrimental to adjacent or nearby property and to the existing house.
DAN MCt E 5 The pr posed storage building will be in the rear of the property.
This approv 1 does not in any way constitute•authoriz4tion4o.begin construction.._Prior.to the
MAILING ADDRESS commencem nt of any construction on this property,an application for specific building permit
2300 VIRGIN AAVENUE must be obtained from this department.
=ORT PIERCE, L 34982
1� Please feel a to contact me at(772)462-2822 if you have any questions.
(772)462-2822 incer ly,
TDD Leslie Olson ICP
(772)462-1428 Planning anc Development Services Director
FAX cc: Monic Graziani,Building and Code Compliance Manager
(772)462-1581 Carl Peterson,Building Official
Debra ampetti,Zoning Supervisor
E-M IIL' Bonnie C Landry,AICP,Planning Manager
i '