HomeMy WebLinkAboutMudde Permit AppAll Apnugtl! INFO MUST BE COMPLUTE0 FOR APPLICATION TO BE ACCEPTED Date: 1WI12020 Permit Number: Building Permit Application Plarrit'iq and Development Sefvicei Set l,lft and Code Aequ;a rian ffsion Commercial Residential X 2300 VirginldAvenae, Fort Pierre a 34-982 Phone: {772} 462-1553 Fax: (772) 462-1578 RM fAPPLICATION FOR:Roof Replacement ,FT, LtROPOSED IIVIPR lLEIVIENT LQ�A-ItIIN' _ _, Address: 106 Sheridan U1. Jensen Beach. FL 34057 pr,cperW Tax ID g: 4504-310-0004 -010-2 Lot NO Site plan rjame� $herldarl Ln Block No. Project game. Mudde ReWence DETAIL D DESCRIPTION OF WORK: Remwie existing roofing maledal down to wood dock. I nspeOVRepaldRenail WooO deck. Install Self-Adhemd Roofing Undedayment to entire roaL Install 26 GA 5V Urnp metal panels to enOre roof area. New Eiectricat Meter — __._ Second Vectrilcal bletef [CONSTRUCTION INFORMATION: -- Additional work tobe performed under this permit —check all that apply. _Mecbznlca1 — Gas Tank —Gas Piping Total Sq. Ft of Contructi on, k� CoAofCznstrucfion-$ 2�4 55D _shutters _Wfndmvs/Dours —Pond Gencr.Aor 2— Roof Pitch Sq. Ft. of First Floor, Utilities: —Sewer __Septic evilding Height. k 6 i OWNER/LESSEE: Narne_��Iicole Mudde Address- 108 Sheridan La City.. Jensen Beach State ZI p Code: 34957 Fax:`_ Phone No 7722045910 E>M ajj._na-y@key2t(_0M Fill In fee simple Title Holder on next page (if different Oorn the Owner listed above) CONTRACTOR., Ila me:Asidmw Keys cornpany'Andrw-v Thomas Contracting UC Address- I t93 SE Pod St Lu4e 131vd #322 City: Port St WciQ �tatu:FL zip code; ?A952 — Fax:—,_ Phone ND772626IZ50 State or County Ulcer4eccc 133 1638 it value of wrtstructiori is 2SOO or more, a REWROED Notice of Commencement Is required. if valveof HAVC Is $7,500 or more, a RECORMI) Notfoo of Cvmmencement4 required. SUPPLEMENTAL CONSTRUCTION LIEN LAVA INFORMATION: Address: City; State: Zits: Phone fEE SIMPLE T1TLE KOLDER: Not Applicable Name, Address. City: Zip: - Pharte- MORTGAGE COMPANYc Not Applicable Name: Address: City: State., Zip: ^Phone, BONDING COMPANY: Not Applicable Name: Address-. City: . _ zip- — Phone - OWNER/ CONTRACTOR AFFIOVIT: App4ration is hereby/made to obtain a permit to dathe wark and installation as indicated I cer fy that na wotkor installation has commenced prior to the Issuanceof a perrnit. Sat. Lutje Couaty rnaW no representation that is griintins aperm9t will authorizeth grant ho1cfer to build the subject strutture yr3ilrh is In conflict with any ppiicable Home Oviciers AMkcratioo rules, bylaws or a� co�renants that may restrict or proMIt such structure. Ptease consultwit� your borne Owners A ssociali'on and review your deed or any restrklions which may apply. cansWeration of the granting of this regv"ted permit, I do het'eby agree that I N01, I n all respects, perform the work in accordance Wth the approved plans, The Florida Building Codes and St. t,ude! County Am endments. The faStowing bullrftrtg Permit applications are exempt from undergoing a full concurrent-,r review., roam additio0s, accessory structures, %Vmnntag peals, fences; watts, signs, scraan morns and accessary uses to another norr esi dentiat use WARNING TO OWNER -Your failure to Rtwrct a Notice of Commencement may result in paying twice for improvements to your property- A Notice of Commencement must be recorded to the public records of St. Lucie County and pasted on the jobsite before the first inspection. It you intend to obtafn financing, consult with tender or an attorney before commencing work or recording your Notice of Commencement. Signatme oaf /t 5�e.�C.+3ntr&(Gr as Agent for Chaoner Signature of act9r}LicenS t >'r STATE OF F L � STATE OF I COUNTY t7F COUNTY rn to for affirmed) and subscribed before me of rn to or affirm and subscribed before me of s'cafPr r Onlinek4rarizatictn p talPres rt OnllneNutarfzation tub X dt day or 202a by thi y of ��2 a � �—�-. � lVamcafpersnnrrtsTdngst3teen¢rtt. tit �4f�9 Qt1tY5 Pdterrtent. PerSor+ai ow, Q�Prmd t82ntiflcation Fersonali _ !t P uce td tifttatto t5 Typenffd ti t� type 11 vrc+ Pro trc i..,l (Signs ure of Ka Pa lit- Matz of ptoctd (Signature trf N P blic- Sul,F CumnusstDn h . � all Clummisstan N (Se 1) III F:EVIEVI$ FRONT ZONING !WPERVISOR PLANS VEGETATION SEA TURTLE MANGROVE COUNTER REVIEW ttEVIEW FkMEW REVIEW REVIEW` REVIEW