HomeMy WebLinkAboutSubcontractor Agreement PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT # Building and Code Regulations Division BUILDING PERMIT SUB-CONTRACTOR SUMMARY (Company/Individual'Name) will be using the following sub-contractors for the project located at (Street address or Property Tag ID#) It is understood that if there is any change of status regarding the participation of any of the sub-contractors listed below,I will immediately advise the Building and Zoning Department of St.Lucie County. St.Lucie County/ Trade Name of Company/Contractor State of Florida License Number Electrical Electrical Plumbing Aqua Demensions 18628 CFC057526 SAC/ Delair Heating and AC 27191 Mechanical CAC032448 Roofing Sunshine Roofing 25387 CCC 1327796 Gas OFFICE_,,USE ONIaY PERMIT ISSUE DATE: NUMBER: Revised 07/29/2014 i PERMIT# ISSUE DATE £ PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division µ°µ BUILDING PERMIT SUB-CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT Comet Electric& Equipment, LLC/Mark Lurtz have agreed to be (Company Name/Individual Name) the Electrical Sub-contractor for 4RN / " &79 — (Type of Trade)- ---- -- ------- - ---_-- - - (Primary-Contracto ) — -- --- - ---- - -- For the project located at�� � / ,(,� (Project Street Address or Property Tax ID#) It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and-Code Regulation Division-of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to-the filing of a Change of Sub-contractor notice. CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE(Qualifier) SUB-CONTRACTOR SI URE(Qualifier) ` Mark Lurtz P NT NAME PRINT NAME EC130O2784 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NkJMBER COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida,County of I State of Florida,County of Palm Beach The regomg instrument was sign before me this d f f The foregoing instrument was signed before me this 5th day of 200by December ,20_a,by Mark Lurtz who is personally known or who is person y known for has produced a Ya t.P •, FRANCES DONZA as identification. fi MY COMMISSION ti FF 014070 as identifi on. EXPIRES:July 27,2017 ':wBonded Thru Notary Public Underwriters STAMP Si store of Notary Pub Sign re of N a Pub rc Print Name of Notary Publ' tint Name of Notary P is =Publlc ic State of Florida- inSRevised 11/16/2016 sion FF 2077059/2019 PERMIT# ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES _ Tu_y 11�, It Building & Code Compliance Division DEC ® 2016 — - - - BUILDING PERMIT SUB-CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT Biro Actl i I f m6l-A have agreed to be Company Name/Individual Name) the I Utz�},4 Sub-contractor fo C)�r'11Realri�14P.S - (Type of Trade) --- (Primary Contractor) - For the project located at 3 ;5 3 (Project S eet Address or Properly Tax ID#) It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project,the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub-contractor notice. CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE(Qualifier) SUB-CON CT R SIGNATURE(Qualifier) Rkv L(,)j PRINT NAME PRINT NAME COUNTY CERTIFICATION N BER COUNTY CERTIFICATION UMBER State of Florida,County of State of Florida,County of he foregoing instrument was signed before me this �f� da f The foregoing instrument was sign before e is�day of by �`�Li7/G1J_ 24,by who is personally known or has produced a who is personally known_or has produced a as identification. jt' as identification. �Y P"•• FRAtiCES!�ORIZN pRpNCES DOM-ll �?� =4t~ ` MY COMMIS510r!tFF01fi170 ;r,ep -- Y OMMISSION#FF 01a070 '*; += 0 7 °•�.`• :*: M C 127 2017 �.�; •'o<e EXPIRES:Juiy 2`l. -_*: EXPIRESnderr+ritz j yt o� Bonded 7hru Notary Psibiic`S 1 Sig ature of Nota Pu 'is ++•• �'h Bon edThru Not Signature of Notary public. Pf �.. Print Name of Notary Public H{ Print Name of Notary Public Revised 11/16/2016 l PERMIT# ISSUE DATE V PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division BUILDING PERMIT SUB-CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT t St.Lucie County Contractor Certification Number: State of Florida Certification Number(If applicable): CAC 032448 Del-Air Heating, Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Inc. have agreed to be the (Company Name/Individual Name) MECHANICAL L Sub-contractor for A4 (Type of Trade) (Primary C tracto For the project located at (Project Street Add less or Property Tax ID# It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, I will immediately advise the Building and Zoning Department of St. Lucie County by filing a Change of Sub-contractor notice. (Form: SLCCDV(No.004-00) BUSINESS QUALIFIER (Name of the Individual shown on the Contractor's License) NOTARIZED SIGNATURES ARE REQUIRED Business Name: Address: 531 CODISCO WAY City/State/Zip: SANFORD, FL 2771 Phone: 1- - 65 email: hvac@delair.com �Robert G. Dello Russo Z w ,_11GNATURE PRINT NAME DATE STATE OF FLORIDA,COUNTY OF , THE FOREGOING INSTRUMENT WAS SIGNED BEFORE ME THIS DAY OF _. DELLO RUSSO 4 BY E;MT 0 WHO IS PERSONALLY KNOWN O HAS PRODUCED AS IDENTIFICATION. fid"k &M,& (STAMP) SIGNATURE OF NOTARY PUBLIC RINT NAME OF NOTARY PUBLIC SLCPDS:08/06/2014 f': MIRINNAQ•YURNER COMMISSION I FF 22$780 R.N. r Bond dThru1oiuJyuP OOU ee4rors PERMIT# ISSUE DATE PLANNING&DEVELOPMENT SERVICES 'COUNTY Building& Code Compliance Division BUILDING PERMIT .SUB-CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT r, , have agreed to be (Co parry Name/Individual Nam me ' Sub-contractor for 4 A 14,k, hih J&Vl)> (Type of Trade) J (primary tor) For the project located at ` Project Street Address or Property Tax #) It is understood that,if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project,the Building and Code Regulation Division of St.Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub-contractor notice. ONTRACTOR SIGNATURE(Qualifier) SUB-C CTO IGNATM(Qualifier) 1` T PRINT NAME PRINT NAME CQ � �� COUNTY CERTIFICATION E COUNTY CERTIFICATION N�ER State of Florida,County of State of Florida,County of The foregoing instrument was signed before me this day The foregoing instrument was signed before me this day of 2 by 211/_/by who is personally(mown or has produced a who is personally Imo_wn or has produced a as identification. as identification. ,Y FR NCE Killlliatdre of Notary Pu c _; ;_ MY COMMISSION#FF 014070 Signature of Notary Pub ;i¢ .rye: FRANCES DONZA EXPIRES:July 27,2017 *; i= MY COMMISSION I FF 014070 'Afoi�`d Banded Thru Notary public UndeiwrAers EXPIRES:July 27,2017 S Bonded Thru Notary Public Underw tors Adut Name of No tic Print Name of N ry Public Revised 11/16/2016