HomeMy WebLinkAboutTermite Treatment TERMITE PRETREAT SPECIALL"Ili SL� _ i1 ;.__800=DILIGENT MyDiligent.com i • State License JB228623 AAt..otice of Preventative Treatment for Termites (as required by Florida Building Code(FBC)2326.5 and Broward County Chapter FBC 105.2.2) CONCRETE WASHOUT SERVICES TERMITE PROTECTION !! I PEST CONTROL MOSQUITO CONTROL RODENT CONTROL SERVICE ORDER NUMBER SERVICE DATE l k V-1 7 TIME ® WEATHER CONDITIONS DEVELOPMENT NAME(PROJECT) CONTRAWAME CONTACT P SON Q QdC4 r—r_3'`� Cal ( &Y Lj STRUCTURE ADDRES. (LOT/BLOCK CITY,STATE,ZIP CODE G UNTY �t�elLescb�� �2 �T ��c 4�1q�! CONTACT PHONE NUMBER NOTES TREATAdNT TYPE/AREA COATING ❑MONOLITHIC ❑PATIO ❑GARAGE ❑DRIVEWAY ❑STEM WALL ❑ADDITION ❑CUTOUTS ❑FOOTERS ❑FRONT ENTRY ❑EXTERIOR PERIMETER FOR RENEWAL ❑OTHER TREATMENT TYPE ❑TAMP&TREAT ❑TREAT ONLY �NAL ❑RETREAT ❑BORA CARE TREATMENT ❑TERMITE BAIT STATION PRO Q/OMINION ❑ADONIS 2F El PREMISE ❑DEMON TC �❑TERMIDOR ❑BORACARE ❑OTHER G ACTIVE INGREDIENT CONCENTRATION .. ��RM SFRL ❑.05% ❑.06% .1% ❑.12% ❑.25% ❑OTHER GALLONS APPLIED_� �� )TE • e ®••P•.o lbR SQUARE FOOTAGE � `'�`-' LINEAR FOOTAGE 1 (y-4,1�0 1 � i / 1 1 SQUA4 FOOTAGE VERIFIED i 1 YES ❑NO ❑MEASURED OR VERIFIED PER PLANS 1 i OB EADY CONDITIONS MET e • o' YES ❑NO DETAILS S�\ SAFETY CONDITIONS As per 2326.5 FBC-If soil chemical barrier method for termite prevention is used.Final exterior treatment shall be completed prior to final building approval. Certificate of Compliance:The building has received a complete treatment for the prevention of subterranean 14rmites.Treatment is in accordance with rules and laws established by the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services.(Per the Florida Building C ) If this notice is for the final exterior treatment,initial and date this line ✓Tz TOR INSTALLED ❑YES ❑NO) FINAL STICKER ❑ELECTRICAL PANEL TER HEATER OTHER Payment Terms: Customer's payment in full is due at time of initial service.Gusto agrees that a finance charge in the amount of 18%per annum will be assessed on all unpaid balances that are not satisfied by the due date. I even a collection process becomes necessary to recover an unpaid balance the following fees will be assessed includ' ntnotii ite collection rvice fee,attorney's fee,finance charges and non-sufficient funds payment fee. Custom r will be responsi r paying all costs ciated wi collection process. r( Date Apphc�Diligent Sery x i Date Customer(Property Owner or Agent) Corporate 3500 NW Boca Raton Blvd. I Suite 714 1 Boca Raton, Florida 33431 1-800-DILIGENT -�=ERM1TE PRETREAT-SPECIALISTS 7 ��Q Myo igent.com ' State License J13228623 IGEN i TERMITE SERVICES •Notice of Preventative Treatment'for Termites' - (as required by Florida Building Code(FBC)2326.5 and-Browa d County Chapter FBC_I05.22) PEST CONTROL I LAWN,QTRlEE&SHRUB CARE . t-= TERMITE PROTECTION • 1 MOSQUITO.CONTROL i RODENT CONTROL SERVICE,ORDER NUMBER I J t l (� 0� I j r�� ! SERVICE DATE TIME " WEATHER CONDITIONS DEVELOPMENT NAME(P OJRCT) CONTRACTOR'S NAME CONTACT PERS0�,1 o, t l E i' � >C STRUCTURE ADORES�LOT/BLOCIt7 `'' i ;STATE,ZIP CODE COUNTY vt CONTACT PHONE NUMBER NOTES TREATMENT TYPE/AREA ❑FLOATING MONOI(THIC ❑PATIO ❑GARAGE ❑DRIVEWAY ❑STEM WALL 0 ADDITION ❑CUTOUTS ❑FOOTERS O FRONT ENTRY ❑EXTERIOR PERIMETER FOR RENEWAL ❑OWNER . i TREAT ENT TYPE i A-TAMP&TREttT O TREAT ONLY CI FINAL ❑RETREAT O SORA CARE TREATMENT O TERMITE BAIT STATION , PRODUCT 1 DOMI ` NION 2L ❑ADONIS Fj�" D P� 75WPS ❑DEMON TC ❑TERMIDOR TC -° '❑BORACARE ❑OTHER j ACTIVE INGREDIENT_ -!"�' CONCENTRATION ❑,05% ❑.06% 1� ' ❑.72% ❑.25% ❑ATHER GALLONS APPLIED 1� e $QU/�R�FOOTAACEE LINEAR FOOTAGE SQUARE FOOTAGE VERIFIED I ES ❑NO ❑MEASURED OR VERIFIED PER PLANS - / 1 • p p,.1 • e OB READY CONDITIONS ❑NO . DETAI `�.�..•: SAFETY C,tQNQIT10N3S As per 2326.5 FBC-If soil chemical barrier method for termite prevention is used.Final exterior treatment shall be completed prior to final building approval. Certificate of Compliance:The building has received a complete treatment for the prevention of subterranean termites.Treatment is in accordance with rules and laws established by the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services.(Per the Florida Building Code.) ; If this notice is for the final exterior treatment,initial and date this line (TERMITE MONITOR INSTALLED U YES ❑NO) FINAL STICKER ELECTRICAL PANEL cl WATER HEATER OTHER Faymertit Terms: Customer's payment in full is due at time of initial service.Customer agrees that a finance charge in the amount of fs�o per annum will (' be assessed on all unpaid balances that are not sa` . e due date. In the event a collection process becomes necessary to recover an un ocattf 1 'balance the following tees will be assessed inc ding but no f d to; collection service fee,attorneys tee,finance charges and non-sufficient funds 6° PaYmen flee, C tomer will be responsible r Zing all s elate it y coWe-ction process. Z -Date Inc. t. Applicator(Diligent Termite Pretreating, ) 1 0►-DILIGENT 2e Customer(Property Owner or Agent) Da El���tDrlligent.com • 02 ZOIr ; g Raton Blvd. I"Suite 714 1 Boca Raton,Fiorida�3431 I.7-800-DILIGENT °