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SPECjFIC=QNS ALLEN E. ARTHUR, JR., ARCHITECT - 305 NORTH FERN CREEK AVENUE ORLANDO, FLORIDA 32803 JOB #.... ._...A29 73 Property Address See Site Plan - Sheet #1 County of ;r_v."' , State of Florida Owner Southland Corp. Contractor GENERA, SPECIFIC&TIM (a) The General'Conditions of the American Institute of Architects, latest edition, are hereby made a part of these specifications, with the following modifications: 4.18.1 - add: "the contraotor hereby acknowledges the'receipt of ten dollars and other good and.valuable consideration from the owner and the Architect which has been paid to him as specific consideration for the, indemnification provided herein." (b) It shall be the responsibility of the General Contractor. to visit the proposed building site and familiarize himself with site conditions and local rules, regulations and construction practices. (c) General Contractor and Sub -Contractors shall arrange services and pay for all fees or permits required for their work. (d) Payments to the Contractor shall be made as per Southland Corp. "Standard Form of Construction Contract" - Form #8200004-A. The General Contractor shall secure this form from the. "ConstrtLetion Co-ordinator". Lien waivers shall be furnished the Owner covering 100% of each disbursement prior to the next disbursement. Upon payment of the final disbursement the General Contractor shall furnish the affidavit as per Section 71?:18(3W0 Florida Mechanics Lien Law. Prior- to final acceptance by Southland Corp. the General Contractor shall furnish a "Certificate of Occupancy" as provided -by. the Local Building Official. (e) Contractor and Sub -Contractors -shall furnish all matePie.Is, labor, and equipment needed to complete their work. (f) Contractor and Sub -Contractors shall not start work until they have obtained adequate workmen's Compensation and Liability Insurance and present proof to Owner. Workmen'leCompensation shall be in accordance with Florida Statute #440-10. Public Liability shall be in an amount of not less than $100,000,00 for one person and a total of $300,000.00 for all accident$. Provide property damage, (including automobile damage), insurance in the amount of $5,000.00 on account of any one accident and in an amount of not less than $25,000.00 for damages on account of all accidents. (g) The Owner shall carry Fire and Extended Coverage Insurance with $100.00 deductible clause. The Contractor shall be responsible for all glass breakage until acceptance of the job by the Owner. This included losses by wind storm not covered under the $100,00 deductible clause in the Owner's pplicy. (h) The intent of these plans and specifications is to provide a complete system under each division. Discrepancies, omissions, mistakes should be brought to the attention of the Owner prior to submission of a bid by Sub -Contractor or material suppliers in order to clarify the discrepancy. N (i) Contractor and Sub -Contractors shall comply with'all applicable codes, rules, regulations and laws of governing bodies; Sub -Contractors arw requested to bring any dis- crepancies from these rules noted on the plans or in the specifications, to the attention of the Owner prior to starting work. (j) Where a particular material or product is specified the standard specifications of the manufacturer are hereby made a part of these,plans and specifications by reference. The specified system shall be. installed as per the mfg, recommendations except where modified in the plans or specifications. All materials shall conform to minimum standards of American Society for Testing Materials; Southern Standard Bldg. Code or South Fla. Building Code. (k) All Contractors and material suppliers shall arantee their work or products for a period of one (lTuyear from date of "Substantial Completion" (as determined by the Construction Co-ordinator or Architect) and agree to replace any defective work at no additional cost to the Owner, (1) The Architect or Owner may order tests (A.S.T.M. Specs.) at any time for any material deemed unsatisfactory,; the Sub-Contracter or material supplier will pay for all tests and expenses of replacing "defective" materials and damages due to the delay in completion of the building, (m) Sub -Contractors and material supplier shall comply with regulations on notification of Lien Rights to the Owner, per the revised Florida Mechanics Lien Law. Owner shall obtain and post on the job site the Notification of Lien Rights as required by law. No worlds Jo gMEpWe until (n) The Con rae or shall furnish shop drawings as called for. -It shall be the Contractor's responsibility to verify all field measurements and obtain the Architect's approval. (o) Where allowances are specified, the difference in costs shall be a credit or extra charge to the Owner. (p) Sub -Contractors shall regularly clean up all debris left by their men and repair all damage to other eontractor's work by their men, otherwise, they shall be back charged for any damage not corrected. (q) Where changes are requested by the Owner or deemed necessary that involve additional. costs, the change and cost shall put in writing and approved by the Owner before completion. If time does not permit,the Owner's verbal approval shall be sufficient, but, any additional cost shall be clearly understood by the Owner and Contractor before proceeding. (r) The Architect, where retained by the Owner, shall periedieally inspect the construction to verify the work complies with the intent of the plans and specifications. The Architect is .not acting as Project Manager or Superintendent of Construction for the Contractor. s ,.. SITWRK 2.01 (a) Footings shall be minimum 120 below finish grade, resting on natural, undisturbed soil or machine compacted soil. Form footing trenches where soil is not sufficiently firm. (b) Steel in footings shall rest on non-eorrosivw supports 3* off ground, minimum of 24" o.c. (c) Concrete for footing shall be 3,000 p0.1, at 28 days. (d) Set rebars, bolts, etc. as called for. 2.02 (a) Clean site of existing brush, debris, including any footings and pipes below grade. Save all trees vossi_ blje,. (b) Use only clean sand/gravel fill for areas requiring fill. Sprinkle and tamp in 108 layers. (c) Remove all wood, paper and other organic matter from — any fill or excavation. (d) Excavate for footing trenches, removing all loose or_ organic type soils, and fill any euta wit!2 clean sand: 4 Compact all footing trenches with a mechanical tamper to provide minimum 2,000 psf bearing value. (e) Where soil conditions are not readily verified soil borings and/or compaction tests should be obtained (f) Exterior grades should be as called for on drawings and pitched away from building toward drainage facilities. (g) Treat soil within 51 of building area with a bonded termite treatment. Provide 5 year renewable guarantee. 2.9 Paving ( a) Scope of work: .1, This Contractor shall furnish all labor and material to complete all burb, drainage, paving and approach area constructions shown on the drawings. (b) Materials: 1. All materials used for paving shall conform to the latest requirements of the Florida State Department of Transportation Specifications. (c) Construction methods for hard paving: 1. The area to be paved shall be graded to provide necessary drainage and shall slpe away from the buildings. 2.. Surfaces shall meet roadway drains and slope to elevation of same. 3. Compact the sub -grade to provide a minimum of 50 Tsi bearing value or density of 98% pr©eter. AASHO T-180 modified). 4. Over the compacted subgrade, construct a 4* limerock stabilized base in accordance with latest Florida State Department of Transportation Specifications. Compact with nine (9) or more rubber -wheeled rollers loaded with rock. Compaction value of the base shall equal 98% density by Procter test. 5. The surface shall be cleaned and dry. Prime seal teat shall be approved cutback asphalt (BC-70 or EC-90a and temperature when applied shall be between 120 F and 150F. The material shall be applied by means of a pressure distributor at a rate of approximately 0.1 to 0,25 gallons per square yard. a 2.9 Paving (Continued) 6. The bituminous surface course shall be hot plant, type Z, mix in accordance with Fla. State Department of 'transportation Specifications. Install to a minimum finished thickness of 10. Adjacent masonry surfaces shall be protected against splatter. The finished surface shall not vary more than 1/8" in ten (10) feet. Irregularities that exceed the specified tolerances or that retain water on the surface shall be out out and replaced. Skin patching will not be permitted. The finished surface shall be well rolled to provide a smooth voidless surface. 7. Seal all asphalt paving with two coats of "Comicoat" sealer at the rate of approximately 0.17 gallons per square yard (55 sp. ft. per gal.) After the first coat has dried to the touch, about 2 hours, apply a second coat at the same rate. Mixing and application shall be as per manufacturer's specifications. The asphalt paving shall cure a minimum of two weeks prior to application, and shall be thoroughly dry and clean prior to application of sealer. (d) General: 1. Concrete curbs shall be as shown and detailed on the drawings. Catch basins, drains, approaches, etc., `shall comply with local specifications.. 2. This Contractor shall protect all work from damage by his equipment and, upon completion of the work he shall clean up and remove from the property all surplus and discarded materials, rubbish, etc., and restore all damaged property to the satisfaction of the Architect. 3. Install 3" wide stripping as called for on the plot plan. 4. This Contractor shall guarantee the work in this division for a period of one year (1) and agree to replace any defective work during that period at his own expense. 3_, CONCRETE 3.1 (a) Portland cement (type I) shall comply with A.S.T.M. #C-150. (b) Concrete aggregates shall comply with A.S.T.M. #C-33• (c� Water shall be drinking quality. (d Sand shall comply with A.S.T.M. #C-144. 3.4 Alternate Roof Deck System: (a) Provide a light weight insulating concrete roof deck in lieu of metal decking called for. (b) Consult the specifications of other trades with which may have a bearing on the work covered by this Divisioh. (c) The roof deck shall consist of a 2*" minimum thickness light weight concrete slab containing one part Portland Cement to six parts water proof "Zonolite" (or equal) aggregate, and having an over dry density of 22-28 P.C.F. Total deck wt.-6.60# per sq. ft. (d) The roof deck shall be installed over standard 26 gau e galvanized "Tufcor" (Granco Steel Products Co.) w/1-U6" corrugation depth. Metal decking shall be attached to the steel bar joists by welding. Metal deck shall have crimped joints or other venting means. Anchorage shall be designed to resist 30 p.s.f. uplift. (e) Consult plans and other trades for location and size of necessary duct and vent openings. (f) All concrete roof surfaces shall be screeded to an even plane, free of depressions and left smooth to receive the built-up roofing. .9 3. CONCRETE -(Continued) .3,5, 3.6 (a) Floor slabs poured on grade shall be 2,500 p.s.is concrete reinforced with 6" x 6" x #10 woven wire fabric. Leave slab with rough surface where monolithic terrazzo is called for. Provide construction joints as called for - "Burke" galvanized key way. Walkway slabs to have a broom finish. Interior floor slabs left exposed or to receive resilient tile shall havea smooth trowel finish. Seal cooler floor slab with "Lambert's" "Crystal Clear Sealer." (b) Concrete for footings, beams, fill cells and columns shall be 39000 p.s.i. @28 days. (c) Provide P expansion joints approximately 20' o.c. each way in walks and drives. Provide tooled construction Joints at-51 o.c. in all wake. (d) Provide P pre -formed asphalt impregnated expansion joint filler at all slab and wall intersections. (e) Exterior walks shall have a broom finish. (f) Lap all reinforcing bar minimum of 180. Tie wire mesh laps at 12" intervals. (g) Set, anchors, bolts, and plates as shown. (h) All concrete work shall be in accordance with A.C.I. Specifications. (I) Exposed concrete forms shall be smooth exterior D.F.P.A, form plywood with sealer coating applied to prevent concrete to wood adhesion. (j) Horizontal forms shall not be removed for 10 days. Vertical forms shall not be removed for 48 hours. Do not make vertical pours greater than 480. (k) Provide following protective covering: 1. Beams - 1j" outside of ties 2. Slabs - 3/4" outside of ties 3. Footings — 3" outside of steel - sides and bottom 2" outside of steel - top (1) Keep all concrete work dampened for a minimum of 1 week after setting up. Prevent excessively rapid curing. (m) Exposed finish concrete shall be hand rubbed to a smooth even texture, free of voids. 4. MASONRY 4.4 (a) Install concrete block, brick, lintels and window sills as called for on drawings. (b) Build and fill lintels, beams and fill cells where called for including wire reinforcing, ties, furring strips, steel rods and bolts. (c) Pre -cast concrete units shall be constructed of minimum 3,000 psi white concrete with smooth finish. (d) Concrete block shall mnform to and be laid according to latest Specifications of Florida Concrete & Products Assn. Inc. and A.S.T.M. #C-90-59 (e) Concrete blockjjoints shall be tooled or as called for on the elevations. (f) Lay concrete blocks level and plumb with flush vertical faces. All horizontal and vertical joints shall be in straight alignment. Joints shall be laid with full mortar coverage shoved tight. (g) Cover top of all masonry walls at end of each working period to prevent moisture penetration. (h) Brick shall equal OBickerstaff Clay Products Co., Inc." wire out pink #50 - standard size brick units. SubstitUtions must be Mrgved. Lay brick with common running bond pattern.- plumb and level. Provide concave tooled mortar joints. (i) Provide a water -proofing coating of "Lamberts" Waterban #30 over exterior face of concrete block to receive brick veneer. 9- 4. MASONRY -(Continued) s 4.8 (a) Provide "Dur-0-Wal" #9 ga. galvanized type "S" (8" or 12") steel truss reinforcing in every other horizontal masonry course and first two courses above and below any opening and 24" beyond openings. 4.9 (a) Mortar shall be type "N" (750 psi) to comply with Ai.S.T..M. #C-270-61T. (b) Sand shall comply with A.S.T.M. #C-144. (c) Water shall be drinking quality. 4.10 (a) Clean masonry units with "Sure Clean" #600 detergent as per mfg. specifications. Do not use any commercial solvents as acid. -5 IP MET, ILLS 5.2, 5.4 A.Sttuctural Steel and Steel Joists (a) Scope of Work The work in this division includes the furnishing and erection of all steel columns beams, open web joists, metal decking,,' . angles, plates, and any other structural steel indicated on the drawings, and required for the proper completion of this work. (b) General The current rules and practices of the American Institute of Steel Construction, shall govern this work, except as otherwise noted on the drawings or as otherwise specified. Welding shall be in accordance with "Standard Code for ARC and Gas Welding in Building Construction" of the American Welding Society. All materials shall conform to A.S.T.M. A-36 Specifications. (c) Fabrication , All structural steel fabrication shall be as follows: 1. Shop fabrication shall be my means of are welding. 2. Field erection shall be my means of are welding and/or bolting. All connections not specifically shown as bolted shall'be arc welded. 3. All steel joists shall be fabricated in accordance with the Steel Bar Joist Institute. (d) Cutting and welding A1I cutting and welding shall be in accordance with current A.I.S.C. standard details and current code'for Are Welding and Gas Cutting of the American Welding Society. (e) Connections All connections not specifically detailed shall be designed, detailed, and constructed to sustain maximum reaction for which member concerned. is capable. (f) Shop drawings 1. Before fabrication of any item under this Contract, this Contractor shall furnish the Architect with four (4) sets of shop drawings. The Architect shall make corrections, if necessary, and return them to this Contractor. Two prints of the corrected approved drawings shall be furnished to the Architect. 2. This Contractor shall make no additional changes to the approved drawings and the fabrication shall be in accord with the approved shop drawings in every detail. 3. The shop drawings shall preferably be prepared under the supervision of a Registered Structural Engineer and shall be presented in a manner conforming to good standard practice. 4. The shop details of each joist shall show all member sizes, all panel point locations and the weld size and length of each joist. (g) Painting Thoroughly clean all joist and steel to remove loose_ scale and rust prior to painting: All steel joists shall -be shop painted with one coat of asphaltic paint before delivery. to the job. All structural steel shall be painted with one shop coat of Red Oxide Primer. After erection all scars, field welds and bolts shall be touched -up with similar coating. 5. METALS (Continued) (h) Steel Joists Open We't steel Joists - Shortspan series: 1. Joists shall be of location and designation of which is indicated on bhe drawings; design, fabrica- tion, and erection shall be in accordance with the specifications of the Steel Joist Institute. 2. Provide suitable ceiling extension on joist ends. (i) Erection All steel joists and structural steel shall be erected level and plumb. Provide temporary windbracing as required by code.. Q) Inspection 1. The Contractor shall have the steel joists visually inspected after erection, by a reputable testing laboratory. The selection of the laboratory shall -be approved by the Architect. 2. The visual inspection shall cover welding, bearing, deflection, bridging, alignment, and any other details necessary for good construction practice. 3. The inspection report will be paid for by this Contractor and a copy sent to the Architect, Owner and Building Official. 4. Should the inspection suggest further tests and/or replacement due to faulty workmanship, the cost of these tests and/or replacement will be borne by this Contractor. (k) Steel framing 1. Beams, tubes, angles, tees, columns, and other steel framing members shall be provided where shown and called for on the drawings, and according to the details and notes thereon. 2. Structural steel framing, where shown by the drawings to be exposed work, shall be of first class workmanship, with joints neatly fitted and welds ground smooth for neat appearance. B. Steel Studs- Interior (optional with Contractor) Interior steel studs shall be 3j deep x 18 gauge studs ® 24 O.C. Studs shall equal products of Penn Metal Operation Div. of Keene Corp., Parkersburg, W. Va. 5.5 Metal Roof Deck (a) The work contemplated under this specification includes all labor, materials, equipment and services necessary for the proper completion of a metal roof deck, as shown and called for on the drawings and hereinafter specified. (b) Consult the specifications of other traces which may have a bearing on the work covered b this Division. (c) The roof deck shall equal "Inryco" 1�" deep - 22 gauge - type "A" galvanized steel decking. Anchorage and installation shall be as per mfg. specifications and as called for on the drawings. Deck shall be designed for 30 p.s.f. Live load and 45 ps.f. uplift. CARPENTRY 6.1 (a) Grading requirements: 1. Moisture content shall not exceed 19% for framing lumber. 2. All structural lumber shall be #2 structural or stress grade. 3. Exterior plywood for siding and other trim shall be exterior D.F.P.A. - M.D.O. 4. Interior plywood backing shall be interior D.F.P.A. "C-DO plugged Vbywood. 5. Exposed interior plywood shall be interior D.F.P.A. "A -DO plywood. 6. Shelving shall be of 3/4" interior D.F.P.A. "B-DO plywood with edge bands or equal strength particle board. �6. CARPENTRY (Continued) 6.2 (a) All solid wood in contact with concrete, masonry or exposed to the exterior shall be perservative pressure treated - similar to "Wolmanizing" process. 6.5 (a) Stud walls where called for, shall be 2" x 4" (or 2" x 6") ® o.c. Provide double 2" x 6" header over openings. Provide a 2" x 4" fire stop 41 from floor in all partitions. (b) All woodwork will be set level, plumb and tightly secured in place with nails, bolts or anchors as per accepted practice or codes. Exterior anchors shall be of non -corrosive materials. Anchor all roof framing with galvanized'"Hurricane" clips or straps. 6.9 (a) Interior mouldings and trim shall be B and better clear white pine or fir. 7. ROOFING 7.1 (a) Built-up roofing shall equal "Johns -Manville" built-up roofing applied in accordance with the mfg. specifications for a r s1k:g, surface asbestos built-up roof specificationk. #151-20 year non-nailable deck. Roofing shall be installed strictly as per mfg. recommendations. (b) No bond shall be required but roofing contractor shall guarantee roof and flashing for two (2) years from date of finish application and repair all damage caused by roof failure. (c) Parapet wall flashing shall equal "Johns -Manville" Speci- fications #FE-3-' Asbestile Five -Course Flashing System" 7.2 (a) Gravel stop and metal caps shall be constructed of 0.030 aluminum. Build stop and cap in 10 ft. lengths with clips of same shape under each joint. Anchor bottom of gravel stop with continuous clip nailed to wood blocking. See detail. Anchor caps with concealed clips at 24" o.c. Do not face or top nail any exposed metal work. (b) Provide and install 0.030 aluminum over flow scuppers as noted on drawings. (c) Exposed downspouts where called for shall be constructed of 0.030 aluminum. Provide #4 hardware cloth over curb outlet. 7.7 A. Aluminum Soffit System (a) Provide and install "Kaiser" aluminum soffit system as per mfg. recommendation. (b) Soffit system shall consist of #SOF-16 sections with one cc". center row of #SOF-16VN ventilated sections. Color to be white. (c) Leave soffit system in a clean, level condition, well secured against uplift. B. Aluminum Shingle System (a) Aluminum shingles shall equal "Kaiser" #RSH601 rough sawn shakes with a baked -on "International Orange" color enamel finish. (verify). Attach shingles as per mfg. specifications. Provide matching trim accessories - starter strip, hip caps, ridge caps, etc.,, (b) Leave shingles straight in a good clean weather tight installation. (c) Equal products of other mfg. shall be accepted. Where required by local code, shingles will be installed in a class "A" system. ,7i_ ROOFING; (COtinued) 7.8 (a) Provide and install one "Bilco" #6-209 21 - 6" x 3' - 0" roof hatch as called for on drawings. 7.10 (a) Install flashing for vents, pipes, etc., furnished by others. Provide 2" high galy. iron pitch pans with 4" flanges filled with coal tar pitch for all roof penetrations. (b) Flashings not otherwise called for shall be 26 gauge galvanized iron. 7.14 (a) Provide full thick foil -backed mineral fiber insulation Batts in ceilings where called for. (b) Mineral fiber batts shall have a non -reflective casing with an:�'internal vapor barrier with an (r) thermal resistance value of 13. (a) Install batts with vapor barrier down and well anchored to joists. (d) Replace wet or damaged batts with new materials. 7.15 (a) Roof insulation board shall equal "Johns -Manville" - 1" thick '!,Fesco" board applied as per "Johns -Manville" Specifications #501. Omit insulation board if lt. weight concrete deck is used in lieu of metal decking. 8 DOORS. WINDOWS & GLASS 8.1 (a) 1. See drawings for type, sizes and location of aluminum window wall system and other glazing. 2. Furnish h1 labor, material and other services to complete the fabtication and installation of aluminum window wall system and other fixed sash. 3. All fixed sash shall be designed and installed to resist a -minimum 35 p.s.f. lateral wind load. (b) 1. Fixed sash and aluminum wall system shall equal "Kawrieer""Core System" 411 deep; finish shall be ` "Alumilite #204RL". Aluminum entrance door frames shall be 1 3/4" x 4 1/2" deep with flange with interral pile weatherstripping. 2. Doors shall equal "Kawneer" narrow stile #190 with heavy duty overhead surface mounted closer, push bar, pull handle' threshold integral pile weatherstripping in all jambs. Locking device on doors shall be a hook throw bolt equal to "Adams -Rite" #1851 - AW-505. Finish of door and trim to be "Alumilite #20 RL". All aluminum casings, sills or other trim shall be 0.32" aluminum break metal with matching finish. (a) Install wall system level and straight with continuous caulking seams entire perimeter. This Contractor shall not install system until concrete surfaces are clean and level to receive work. All joints and weather stripping shall have tight neat hairline joints - well secured. : (d) Submit shop drawings with anchorage details for approval. 8.2 Metal doors and frames - (a) Metal door shall equal "Amweld" series #1500 - full flush. Doors shall be 18 gauge with 6 gauge hinge reinforcement. (b) Metal jambs where called for shall equal "Amweld" series #400 - 1 3/4" deep x 5 3/4" wide x 16 gauge. Provide 3 galvanized "T" anchors each jamb. Frames shall have a bonderizid finish zinc chromate primer coat. (e) Install doors and frames securely and level and plumb. Leave in clean operating conditon. 8. DOORS, WINDOWS & GLASS (Continued) 8.26 (a) 1. Glass for aluminum wall system shall be 1/41, thick clear tempered plate glass. 2. Glass for entrance doors shall be 3/16" tempered clear plate glass to comply with safety regulations. 3. Bulkhead material shall equal "Weyerhaeuser -panel 15" with double faced 10 mil aluminum both sides. Color 4. Mirrorsb� 411 thickplateglass with sealed edges. (b) Manufacturer's I&bels: Labels showing strength, grade thickness, type and quality will be required on each piece of glass. Labels must remain on glass until it has been set and inspected. (c) 1. Secure glass in aluminum sash with neoprene gaskets. Align sash uniformly in straight line with accurately formed tight joints and clean-cut corftrs. 2. Secure mirrors to wall with 4 "Mirraco" Clips. 3. At completion of work leave glass whole and free from cracks and rattles. 4. All work shall be installed level and plumb, free of scratches, mortar stains. All sash members to be in a well matched color sequence. FIAJrsRES Scope of work - Furnish all labor, materials and equipment required to install acoustical ceiling system, drywall, and painting work as called for. Coordinate with other contractors for locating light fixtures, a/c grilles, glass and other equipment. 9.1 (a) Acoustical the - see drawings for location of acoustical tile materials. 1. Acoustical the grid units shall equal "Armstrong" Lay -in Non-combustible Mineral Fiber panels - Georgian Design - Microperforated texture, 24" x 48" x 5/8", vinyl latex coated, square edge, panels as manufactured by Armstrong Cork Co.", or equal exposed grid system. Tiles shall have a flame resistant factory applied finish with a light reflecting factor of at leaf 75%. 2. The suspension system for supporting and securing acoustical the units in .place shall consist of metal runners, clips, couplings, channel shaped edge, mouldings and other special accessories necessary for a complete installation. All metal shapes to have a baked on white enamel finish. Suspension system shall comply with A.S.T.M. #C635 and installation shall comply with A.S.T.M. #C636. (b) Application 1. Acoustical tile units shall be installed in a tuue and even plane, in straight line courses laid out symmetrically about center lines of ceiling or opt6l. Border the shall be not less than 12" wide.. Neatly fit border the against vertical surfaces to form a tight joint. Provide 24 gauge cold rolled white steel edge moulding at perimeter of each room or panel. 2. Carefully examine air conditioning and electrical plans, roof framing plans, and architectural details and coordinate a ceiling pattern with the respective trades at the time of laying out their work to effect a minimum of cutting of tiles and metal grid. 3. The metal grid suspension system shall be similar to the exposed grid assembly system of the "Armstrong Cork Co. , or approved equal. The system shall be installed in accordance with the mfg. recommendations. 4. Do not install panels until interior relative humidity is below 80% and building is "Closed in". (c) Samples - submit samples of acoustical the units and of accessories as requested. (d) Protection - clean all spots and blemishes from completed work, remove and replace defective or damaged units and leave ceilings in clgan condition at completion of job. (e) Guarantee- the acoustical sub -contractor shall guarantee all work under this division for a period of one (1) year. SHES -9aNI 9.6 (a) All walls knd ceilings where called for shall receive 1/20 regular gypsum wall board. Joints shall have taped and caulked treatment equal to "Gold Bond" specifications for single layer construction of the National Gypsum Company. Leave drywall clean and with a smooth finish. (b) Provide metal casing at all exterior corners. (c) After completion, patch and caulk any defects, holes etc., to match existing work. 9.9 (a) torape cleant receive paint. All surfaces d caulk amust ®beddry 1prior ftoes painting. (b) Number of coats specified is deemed sufficient to produce desired density and color. If, because of excessive thinning, inferior materials or poor application, the desired finish is"not produced, addit onal- coats at no -ex ra expense will bg applied. (c) Caulking material will be an elastic non -hardening compound equal to "Vuloatex". (d) Apply the following coats;: 1. Exterior Concrete Masonry: Special coating - by others. See Div. 9.10 2. Brick Masonry - 1 coat "Thompson's - Water Seal" well sprayed into mortar joints. 3. Exterior Woodwork - Painted Finish let coat - wvod primer (flat finish) 2nd & 3rd coats - flat trim enamel. 4. Exterior Metal - let coat - zinc chromate primer 2nd &,3rd coats - flat trim enamel 5. Interior Masonry - lst coat - Speedhide block filler 2nd coat - Lo-Luster enamel 6. Interior woodwork painted finish lst coat - wood primer 2nd & 3rd coats - "Satinhide" Lo-Luster enamel. 7. Interior Metals - - let coat - zinc chromate primer 2nd & 3rd coats - "Satinhide" Lo-Luster enamel. 8. Interior drywall-"§lazed.Goating" - let coat "Speedhide" primer sealer; 2nd coat - semi -gloss "Pitt -Glaze" enamel. 9. Interior drywall - 2 coats - Lo-Luster enamel. 10. Interior Masonry - "Glazed" finish - lst coat Cementhide block filler. 2nd coat - "Pitt -Glaze" coating - semi -gloss. (e) All paints shall equal Speedhide Line products of PPG Industries. Paints shall be mixed and installed as per mfg. specifications. 9.10 (a) Provide a "Marble Crete" (or equal) textured coating on exterior masonry walls where called for. Textured finish materials shall equal products of "Premix-Marbletite" Sales Co. IbC., 3009 N. W. 7th Ave., Miami, Fla. 33122 (b) Applicator shall be licensed by Premix-Marblecrete. (c) Applicator shall check condition of masonry walls and stucco. Insure a good smooth flush joint surface, prior to application. (d) Provide a minimum 1/4" thick skim coat of stucco over all masonry work. (e) Leave all work in good condition with uniform color and texture. Any patching necessary shall match adjacent work exactly. (f) Carefully mask all metal and other surfaces to prevent splatter. -.o MECHANICAL A FtumbinQ System 1. General Requirements: a. Furnish and install' a complete plumbing system consisting of soil, waste and vent piping, cold and hot water systems, fixtures with standard trim Including piping required for special equipment - floor drains, etc. b. See drawings for location of equipment, fixture model numbers and other information. Division I, General Specifications are included in this division. c. All work shall comply with applicable requirements of the latest.edition of the Southern Standard Plumbing Code with local modifications and other appropriate agencies - Local and State Health Departments. d. Provide all permits required for all plumbing work including sewer and water connection (tap) fees. e. Other special fees such as water or sewer lateral charges, pollution fees, extension charges, highway jacking expenses not included in the contract, shall clearly be made known to, General Contractor and Owner prior to start of constructions otherwise this contractor shall be held responsible for all expense of providing utility services. f. Provide temporary sanitary facilities as required by local regulations for use of -construction workers. g. Co-ordinate with other trades for early and proper installation of all equipment to prevent excessive cutting and patching and avoid interference with other equipment. h. Connect all equipment furnished by others such as dishwashers, ice maker refrigerators, food waste grinders, etc. Obtain rough -in requirements prior to construction. I. Provide septic tank and grease interceptor systems as called for on drawings, including permits, percolation tests, etc. 2. Plumbing, gMaterials: 3 a. Sanitary and Vent Piping (1) No -hub east iron joined with neoprene gaskets and stainless steel couplings. 2 Plastic pipe joined with solvent dement. DWV copper tubing with 50/50 tin -lead soldered joints. () Fittings as recommended by pipe mfg. and S.S.P.C. b. Water Piping (1) T e "L" or "K" copper tubing as required. (n hard tempered above grade. (b soft tempered - under or in concrete floor slabs. (2) Provide 1" x 12" air chambers ® all hot and cold water line take offs to all fixtures, except where "engineered" arrestors are required. Provide "engineered" water hammer arrestors in all fixture branch lines equal to "Josam" 1485 Series (to comply with PD1-WH2O1-1965 standards) where water pressure exceeds 65 p.s.i. and/or fast closing valves are installed. (3) Fittings as recommended by mfg. or S.S.P.C. Solder shall be 50/50 tin -lead. c. Waterproof membranes shall equal "Compotite" waterproof membrane with wt.=6.40 lbs/sq.ft., installed as per mfg. specifications. d. Fixtures - see schedule on drawing. Equal fixtures by other mfg. shall be accepted. All exposed trim - escutcheon plates, valves, supply arms, drains, traps, etc. shall be chrome plated 17 gauge brass with matching fittings. Provide all necessary trim and supports, hangers, etc., required for securely anchor- ing all fixtures. Damaged trim or fixtures shall be replaced. e. Flashing; - Sheet lead to comply with S.S.P.C. Flash all pipe penetrations thru.exterior roof and walls. f. Provide clean outs and manholes (Pre -cast concrete) as per S.S.P.C. Clean and test all pipe systems as per'S.S.P.C. Sections 107.4, 107.6 and 107.7 Floor clean outs to equal "Zurn #A-1326. Wall clean outs to equal "Zurn-#1315-1 with #Z-1395-1 box with chromium tops. sa.-..,.,<-^..y>^-�^X�^'^..,ee.._ ..� ,a�. :a:.r.'M' .s'PM" �. �� .A., . •..f. r•.r ifxr a:: a,.. ,.d. L .., .i' 2iy Nt" R R'$+U• _ inn "'n'K1 ...:. , Yt .. .. N ... ..: s.. a .. <,. �l Fish •'x+iw` , .,t' . ..,: r., .iT,. 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SUSPENDED ACOUST I GAL A (T NKS) - CON! T U_ E. RETE 6LOGIG f�_ Tit. aCIG _. - 4c. BLOCV, To T E SAND ,,. DAIRY C. Nk TILE _ FLASH r _oR ALL DICY WA, LL To 6E TYPE "X° FIR GOC� ,-..:.,UGH',-`( SEAL WAT EiCPRoc^�= C.oii f'.. Pr �_.. t^rk-_ v-✓A•`LS 6EFoRE INS'�ALL.INC . `w.E-FA P, c_oo�ER. ," ,.. "..," .. MATCH COL. -`+_ C-- :.. ;" - !NATIONAL TERRAZ `.: A`-< ^1-r4t EpITIOtV .<. ;i. WH I"T E'..=' �Ar.1 10*T.1-1(3tHT FtEO ). -,:� i..--. i'3E�A-ZZO IN AONO M. C.. ,.. ,_.. TC.RRA2Z0 CLE/�t-J1 I Y.VARIA-r IOI--I\ 1 6c SMOG r �— _ ,,.,.fi 3:... sx� �..... .....- 4... ,. Sw• ,.mod " � _ s , NO SIZC 1 I PR. gI-o' x-1 X1�%4` ENTRY - 2 'S1-O" '° I KT'-O X 1- FLUSH ..,: ,w METAL C. G.A. iS GALV S'I EG.L. C �. I 1%,,PR. 4"ST EHL HiiNOES-W ELp PIN HOLLOW cote- j . .. :. T'oM .°. 3'-0 KG'-B X lyp' H ,,rsRD II PINE. PKr cYLUVDEA LocKS ET 1 PR. '. t u R.. 5T. FS S ZI_p" y�6' $" X13/g It it �� PRovypE PR1VAcY l-oCKSET \ o rn Doo Rs To COMPLY Y-_ I GIOoD GRADE FACE VENEERS-EaOTH SIDES. quarry Tile ta) Work shall include all materi and labor to provide quarry ti as indicated on the drawings described herein. ;b) Material: 1. All the shall equal American Olean Tile Co. Products. 2. 'quarry tile floor shall be 6" x 6" x i11, non-abrasive type, Broken pieces will be accept 3. :rout for all quarry tile s ting shall be an acid and akali resistant grout to comply with T.C. of A., Inc. Formula # AAR-II. Exposed joints to have flush tight finish. c) Setting: All work shall be donee in accordance with latest spec- ifications of Tile Council of America,Inc. Work shall be laid out tc )void small outs of tile. All I, shall be rubbed smooth an Joints shall be sat ur- ~ with water, then grout with prepared water -proof grow forced into all joints so the joints are filled to entire dep- th - flush with top. All tile shall be laid in a random broken W tern and size, level, except t� to be uniformly pitched to fl +rains. id; C' _1 tile floors with "Sure detergent and buff. use acid clerper,et.,. -..�� d i h OoD BLOCKINCa --+ of JOISTS CoV 4TILM- Tt LIE CL N'a ' MENU �oARD �,N.1.C� 2` x 4' altiPrLtS Q iG" a 2" PL AT G. 1T I D11L`(w.ALL .ALL AILCUNO +1 ^ f Z v Ur R1y FRR r� ILtTY lit __ I _ 3 4 10N IF II BILCOI/ RooF SCUTTLE '� -� TYPE '�g'� W' S 2-(:> RUN RooFINGI FELT UP f # UNDEfi CLIP- HOT MOP i TYPICAL WOOF G.e,.>JT-� Aroc....•, 2" K4' PLATE L//,y 24Hb STEEL- JOISTS �F° 2'K4' 3�KIG �24 F4 ?, ST ESL \\ Jo.,: 2'x4" STUDS --_�-. CL0,Y GEN EK AL !: T ION DAT T$ CO NTtAGT OF,) it DAY WALL .- ACOUSTICAL TILE GLNG� : j%a r ACa UST1J iCAI TILE GL(j4 " r..1L.E V, p a . REAR __. %z• I �':) $T�C1RAGi'_ -: DRYWALL-- � O� UT T LE N I 191 C W A u G J 0 2 ANEL G IN PANEL LF A A UTIL AILYYz PAST row" F i j 1W1M(-SIMVLAJTE - ( WALL HUNG �I T£LEPHON£ 5 IS✓gCANOTY LING - 0 0 � � e } m w A �iLOOi I al{AI" I MUSS, HAND SINK � PANEL Il uND6R COUNTER --i.- PAeouc SCAL f iA'P SASH I3'-Psi ,_ )1' r FLOOR PLAN rn $ Ui 0 F-- Q V a. N A , rs� Aol x. ... r,. _. .. .. .. .,.. .. .,..: .. .,. ... ,. P.T..x8 @ TTOM ai. E "... 60 c 1. 'FR AM 5 E I S M L � y I N �1 q )Fi ., ., }V, , '``a 7 �- rki'°4: '""r , y al". m°�. ,. 'kii10 X.. .,GAD. PC. _, t- , a'.r 3v ; r n s .., r, e t isr p Pr ',,[ :"i, ,. '�»:' ' t ::" :' � 1 G". ` �To � �!t CORNE0.YPIC -,.. £ .v'.aah. � ° N ,,.. .Y Ii" rL'7..w. ° � •,.q-:n. I r :� °#. q.,, 'Se .u, I Tor LSIDESa 12"O. G. 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BOLT HEAD WITH HOT MASTIC TO `?�' _ a 6 m"`" AFTER ROOF\S COMP DRILL 5/G" HOLES �T t u r �4 B� LONG STEEL BOLTS W�2r1 o.D, BETWEEN TOP ctioRDs oTr RooF JOISTS FRoM X 5�6 Z.D. X T'H\GK STI<6L FLAT WASHER } y \N6\DE THE BU\L01Nto, kp CTY P\eAL� 4 %4" —20 HEX NVT, AFTER NUT lS le Tt6HT EN<•it1, WELD NUT To 6G1_7CTYP\GOil AL. � r^'We d ♦YY, . yy � ae 5 f I �r ry ..„ � , 'f ', Y . 4 x ,Sa}� 3 t� S w=- *,. "rd nr 1 y""".," �'- Y;i, `�",. '�� t .> :... ;, •. :' a k,,�n— ,» •. n i' �"`5 r„ �. k "y o- ",yak d'yr L U M ','.. r` • ",.4 t:..w ;`.x ,:.eu. ,.-%ti,,:,::.:> ... ,„, .». Y.l J. .;: 8 Aw (, Nhl�. G MPL`( , n F+ J d: I 1' I L I i A r" s/ r�1 �r. ! k, f � t i E 4r F= % t d wx�� nt ..1 >. ..'a�a £Yx:. - •t .: x, , .,, 'T i"' .,,. Y ...h,.�,.� , r .:.L. '.':v:.' � .:. ,e ,.. 'p. "YY * s' � �. , •': 2. PlVM6lH G COKTRACToR 5NA N"T ..,, �, rF ,,. INvoI.v ED. , n Ir[ 'i: <TAP ^�", <. :.,.R .A.. - :R9Y O�,.D 11 .^iti:, ;• :i,` .. Y .f �'.1 y pry .iep , y _#'4 24—WHiT 3. 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ISA� J:;� A N T A RY 11... W AST E P �` w'o fiAr /TRAFFI 1-lD � L U M R1SER D►AGI�AM � �} r.* �. „r�, �:r: � „f..,��irv.;_:, � � r., .�^, k.., k , ro« ��7 � F 1 NO CAL rt r .^ ,+ .. e,. ,.. .e',.y. ,.. ..; _ , �. .. .. ,-M <.s.. ,s1° `��,>., �. w ', ` ., A „�,, Iiim 4 y ". , , .. ..C. J n , , V.. 4. w .i4 , . ,... , -, ,Y..... Y w P< ..... . n .,. ., tl • � j.. yy R �1 1p Wo ry �, d _w.... x 1 s � n ,. � ..... x..... ,.. ' { m. j I rvp cEG ,Down r I TYP. 4 sin ES I i i � . LYt"x 2'V4'"x y4 Ls vi aN VIEW of FRAMING FOP, RooF O ! IQ 1MI �Rip le t i � '• 1h ,'`,� '.ram a 3 j xq F ` rt i # F �e ice` „b y 2 t 1 Ik y: i ,yy 3t s m "M 5t E. ;! / q * x 7. MENEM N. Y r M S �s '•h Iyutl� n a Ix3 1 p *.. Al c b+ � h a � � ff� P, � {I�"11i I � y b rb ... :b.. �� ';i. „i^�''�.:'�r` W ,°o�eY.� 'a dwf. t:m'"* ssE N.T. SS. OPy LINE x ,1 IN "I "may ,mas k , a .5'��w+ gm ' ;„ 1 x 2.-.i rrv.'. nMi^.G`.u.'"+f��'; ,✓am. ,:;w"-:,,a.urv'":L, `�• '�`,4'�`na�"�`� °v."�.a i x ; ti� y i mySN�y' dSf S i + 1.� 4 �.Mee3 1 E r v �To1LET EXHAUST FANS - ' 0GIAT COM6\NATlONS- E , -:-..GROAN° 6o G.F.M. - Voo W. ,,t ,`. AMP-MoV. GoHZ 1G* VP To ORIOEikT ENT GAP ON Roo¢._,. e { t M All y " "I+" R 41145 SLEEVE THRU ROOF Wl Roop Af�� JACK BY GENERAL Co NTRAC.T'op, a g l !,'' o 3x : FOR REFR\G. LINES BY REFRt G. coNTRACTOR. REFRIG. CONTRACTOR i TO W.P. SLEEVE AFTER L\NE5 VAF?' ' ARE INSTALLED. 1 s � I .. O' `r 1! u EVA? - oA,nv r#" pQ t ^ fr f " r. �4x 4 r •� rQQ=XQMG S N. a "KIN, t k. e I. SCOPE r Provide and install air conditioning components as -},own per the plan.' Exact locations will be determined by the roof plan and measurements at the building and in cooperation with other contractors and in all cases, shall ',e sul,ject to the approval of Cie Architect. II. CODE REQUIREMENTS All proposals shall include, and work shall 1^e accomplished in accordance wit'Y all applicable local laws, regulations, ordinances, statutes, and codes,'" wtnich sl,.all be delineated, and all modifications required by the inspecting aut'iority shall be made '.,y the air conditioning contractor without additional cost to t',e owner. III. GUARANTEE A. This contractor $lull guarant and the complete system operation will 'Ie free from defects in and materials. The contractor agrees to replace, without e e owner, any part of the apparatus on this work which "'defective within one (1) year. B. Five year factory warranty on motor compressor shall be filled out in the owners name and given to the owner, prior to final acceptance of work performed under this section. ��r.` t sr, 41` C. This contractor shall furnish to the owner representative all fic of final inspection and approval from inspection authorities jurisdiction. `! �. TV. UNIT SPECIFICA ��,��%� &�������;�� +r:,"•,. �..:::, ���,. I�, � , A. Gas or electric heating system s%all '.Ye determined by The Southland T�, a.... GOrpOTat ionn+e:,..,ww a a «r "s s.,. z 3y5:. 1 "„e au.^ y.. •.,:"". "�^ ua °' @•. k, .' B. Gas fired furnace shall be natural gas, all capacity requirements listea. 1 ' C. Electrical duct strip heaters KW requirement shall he determined by The Southland Corporation. All units over 5 KW shall be staged by outside. ambient temperature control. t"Y D. All air conditioning units must cr eaters to prevent damage to compressor on cold weather s unit ware accidentally W„ started or purposely started." a ..10I E. Each unit shall have an anti -freeze thermostat installed to prevent ik , formation on the evaporator coil due to personnel neglect, such as lowering the roam thermostat below 65°F, or by failing to change f ups when they become dirty. (`this control prevents freeze p due to 10 suction pressures and the settings will prevent short cycling of the compressor). The feeler bulb shall be mounted on the face of the evaporator coil and located at the low pressure position of the coil ro The anti -freeze thermostat shall he set by the installation contract(1r to turn the compressor off at +300F and automatically reset to allow compressor turn -on at the full range of the thermostat (approximately +55oF to +650F). F. All air conditioning units shall ',ave low ambient controls on the ur to permit operation down to +40OF outside ambient temperatures, or lr)wer as specified in Paragraphs, G, H, and I below. G. A +40OF low ambient control is required for all geographic areas where 40 winter design temperatures are listed in the A.S.H.R.A.E. Guide and Date book as +10oF or above in the 997. column. H. A OOF low ambient control shall he used in all areas where winter design temperatures are listed in the A.S.H.R.A.E. Guide and Data Book as below +10OF in the 997 column. -, Al? I. In extremely cold areas, lock out thermostats shall be installed whic will prevent unit operation below +30OF outside ambient, and will automatically reset and allow compressor operation to initiate at +3507. J. Equipment to be installed shall be selected to conform with the following: 1. Electric Cooling/Electric Heat Cooling equipment shall be installed as follows in accordance with - the following summer conditions at a design Dry Bulb in the 1% -` w t column as stated in the A.S.H.R.A,E. Guide and Data Book: Design Dry Bulb up to +10407" 2 each TCO48C3B units „� Design Dry Bulb aver +1Q5, leered with The Southland Corp. ' Engineering Dept. „. Electric Heating elements shall be installed in the units in accordance with the following winter weather data and design conditions in the 997. column as stated in the A.S.H.R,A.E. Guide and Data Book: Winter low ambient above +25°F 5.761CW, G.E.moJh�l AY 96X235 in unit #1 Winter low ambient between +lOoF and +240F 9.96KW, G.E. model AY96K200 in unit #1. Winter low ambient between O0F and +90F 9.96KW, G.E.model AY96X200 in each unit staged that unit #1 will operate on the indoor thermostat, and that unit #2 will operate on an outdoor thermostat when the outside temperature is below +110F. The outdoor thermostat to be used in each case is a G.E. model AY28KI10 with the G.E. model AY20X113 terminal box. When Winter design conditions are -10F and below, and Natural Gas for heating is not available, contact The Southland Corporation Engineering Department. 2. Electric Cooling/GAS Heat Combination gas heating/electric cooling units shall be instal specified below: �y Summer conditions at a design dry bulb of 1040E or below in the I s column as stated in the A.S.H.R.A.E.Guide and Data Book, and with t,;!,` winter weather conditions as stated in the 99% column, shall have equipment installed as outlined below: Winter law ambient above +10OF One TC048C3B cooling unit, unit #2 ar One YCO48C3B10 combination unit, Unit #1 &14, � m a4n,a?f,W, y. Winter low ambient between -200 and +90F one TC048C3B cooling unit ., unit #2, one YC048C3B15 combination unit, unit #1. % m 1 8 3B O combination units "inter low ambient ,slow -19°F Two YC04 C 1. S. Determination of heating equipment to be utilized, will be gove by whether or not natural gas is available. Gas heating shall be used as a primary type of heati K. Each unit shall include the factory manufactured duct hood, G.E. mode' AY69XO90. V: INSTALLATION SPECIFICATION Each unit installation requireat= A. The supply/return duct, G.E. Model AY69XO91 to be installed and properly NK sealed through the roof cut. B. 25% fresh air kit, C.E. Model AY70XO91. This kit includes a rain hood, bug screen, and manual damper. C. Each unit shall be equipped with the G.E. model AY82X251 diffuser. D. Filters shall be mounted in the unit. A viscous impingement throw away type filter shall be installed as part of the installation procedure. B. A roof mounting frame, G.B. Model AY90XO16 shall be provided by the general contractor. VI. THERMOSTAT CONTROLS A. iurn£sh the G.E.model AY28X097 combination cooling/heating (one stage , cooling, one stage heating) manual/automaticthermostat with the G.E. model AY28K099 sub -base for unit #1 and 2. ,his shall be mounted as shown on the drawing. " B. On each unit a Honeywell model T675AI516 with bulb holder #107324A changeover thermostat shall be mounted with the feeler bulb in the return air flow at the unit and the thermostat control mounted on the outside of the duct hood with the Honeywell Q615A weather proof housing. The thermostat shall be adjusted to maintain a room temperature (store " area) at +740F for each unit;this thermostat must be tied into both of the roam thermostat lines in series. a J M s k , PII. PLUMBING�. t.. s.; ..,•,.. r�, ,,,,„ a: ..,, a - y This contractor shall hook-up the condensation line from the coil unit, T>to the designated area, on said drawings, On gas fired furnaces, this contractor will make the final as cormection: VIII. GENERAL A. After completion of the work described in this specification and shown the drawings, the air conditioning contractor shall thoroughly clean . all exposed equipment, removing all labels, stickers, and any crating debris and leave all installations finished and ready for operation'' This contractor will start system check and balance air flow to arks a`= ' sure unit is operating satisfactorily.1 Lowvoltage wiring by this contractor. ` l� •e , �, °fy D Electrician shall provide power supply wiring. rn 3E` The following design goals are set forth as guidelines for systm performaneeC. Evaporator - Coil and Blower Unit Air Eyap eoa Temp. AIR Discharge fr. coil Roas Cc,�yd tion 6 ft he ` I 0E to 45 44580 to 6008 74 60-65X R H r " Condenser Design Qond£tioas ������u� ,- 11 Outside nt Condensing Temp. Freon Above bi n JOOOF, 507RH 115OF to 1186F 150F to y� . LUTION UNITS (Required only if low remp.cases are self contained) - An exhaust fan with duct shall be mounted through the roof a' v` -as sham on the mechanical plan. The fan shall be a two speed,fi 9ru thermostatically controlled ACME Centri-Master PR13C8 or equivalent. The thermostat shall be set to start the fan on a temperature rise at +900F. Ulief Vent - A relief vent shall be mounted through the roof as shown tithe mechanical plan. The vent shall be an ACME "Skymaster" Ventilator with a back draft damper (to allow intake of air to tha ;> store area). CONDENSING UNIT SPECIFICATIONS # ENG-3471 FOR 5 HORSEPOWER MEDIUM TEMPERATURE, 7-ELEVEN WALK-IN COOLER REFRIGERATION SYSTEM The 'Larkin ,ackage descri'ed ',elow is one of five systems on the Southland Engineering approved list, meeting all requirements of Specification #ENG-3471. } ry LARKIR SYSTEM MODEL #SCS-0500H1 CPM-120-3 as illustrated along wit', package mounting dimensions. Weig"t 1,200 lbs. A. DESIGN CONDrfIONS .' Capacity - system total - 34,5W Diu Ambient temperature 950E P Room temperature 35°F < )� Evaporator temperature 24.2OF B. The a':ove remote outdoor air-cooled condensing unit equipped with fact aw manufactured waterproof exterior enclosure for weat'+er protection. ;,qV C. Copeland compressor Model MRA1-0500 - 208-220 volts, single or 3-phase as ' per purc%ase order, using F-12 refrigerant and operating at 250F suction temp 1. CONDENSER SPECIFICATIONS - Design am'ient operating conditions 950F. Design operating temperature with a minimum of 5,000 CFM. Fin spacing difference not to exceed 15OF, ' not to exceed 11 per inch to prevent 'lockage. Condenser motor inherentlq , protected. Fan guard k" close mes'i wire to prevent ae a to fan. r"'2. Minimum receiver capacity 55 lbs, refrigerant at 90% f and equipped wit!, safety relief valve. 3. Crankcase '+eater wired for consta,Yt operation. 4. Banco Oil Safety Swi'-c'-. s5. Low am'ient control system, Alco HP8 or Sporlan ORO-ORD. r 'x r + - r. - r d r 6 sports -• �i 481T T suction. li Ye filter wit' rasa ire to moonta 7, Banco #012-4637 combination '',ig,-low pressure control. 1 .. 8. Sporlan liquid filter drier #C304 (30 cu'ic in.), Elgl,t glass $A-14 with moisture indicator and liquid line shut-off valve assembly, mounted. 9. Suction and disc�,arge viLration eliminators - mounted paralled to crank shaft and supported `,y .:eavy gauge ',rackets. «a 1J. Suction and liquid lines to be piped to outside of enclosure. ll5HP single phase condensing unit to have crankcase pressure regulating ,. ^`valve installed in .auction line 'y manufacturer and to be set for full ' £ load amps, at time of installation 'y installing contractor. 12. Sporlan #MB952 liquid line solenoid valve wits. manual opening stem a s installed down stream of liquid line shut-off valve within condensing „r unit enclosure and wired to control panel. 13. Weat',erproof, dustproof electrical box wit!,. controls mounted and wired. ' 1 - 40 amp circuit t,reaker or fused disconnect. " 1 - 40amp. contractor.' 1 - Toggle switch in control circuit to shut down compressor only4�� ° 1 - Terminal for thermostat connection. i I - Wiring diagram affixed to control panel box cover. 1 - Paragon time clock., model 80 45-20, for straig'it time defrost. 14. All components U.L. listed. 15. All wiring in compliance with ational Electrical Code. 11i. Three Larkin Model CFM-120 Evaporators, 4 fine inch, t'iree 10" fan 'lades, 230 volt, flare inlet, 7/8"OD outlet. Total CFM'. per evaporator: 2,040. 17. Three Sporlan CFE1C expansion valves 3/8" x 1/2" SAE. 18. White -Rogers 201-8 Thermostat 0 - 550F. D. REFRIGERANT PIPING DESIGN: 1. All auction line piping shall be sealed refrigerant grade, type L, hard drawn. The liquid line shall also he sealed refrigerant grade, type C hard drawn on all main runs. The short section of 3/8" tubing between main liquid line and expansion valve to be soft drawn refrigerant tubing. The 3/8" tubing to be *.eed from bottom of main liquid line as per schematic. graded 2. All .orizontal tubing runs shall be toward the compressor or "P" traps 1" per 20 ft. 3. The 7/8" suction line from evaporators dull enter the 1-3/8" suction line at the top to prevent oil or refrigerant draining into evaporator. 4. A "P" trap is to be installed at base of vertical riser and an inverted trap at top of vertical riser as shown in schematic. E. REFRIGERANT LEAK TESTING: h connected the After all refrigerant tubing is , entire system, including the condensing unit, should he pressurfted to 150 prig with a mixture of R-12 refrigerant and dry nitrogen and all connections, both flare and soldered, throughly checked with an electronic or halide leak detect- or. All leaking solder connections to be dis- assembled, cleaned, and resoldered. EVACUATION 1. The complete system must be evacuated with a vacuum pump. The refrigeration compressor shall not be used to evacuate system. 2. The complete system, including the condensing unit to be evacuated a minimum of 3 times. The vacua to be broken the first and second time at 300 microns using R-12 refrigerant. The third vacuum to be broken by charging the receiver and high side with the correct amount of liquid refrigerant. G . INSTTIATION The main suction line inside the cooler including the "P" trap and vertical riser through pass - through opening$ to above roof area and horizontal run to within 5' of condensing unit to be covered a minimum of 3/8" Armaflex. Insulation s to be sealed by glue or tape. H. START UP 1. Oil level in compressor sight glass to be half full or three -fourths full at all ties. 2. Proper amount of refrigerant R-12 shall bF charged into the system (full sight glass at 350 design temperature) with compressor operating at the proper head pressure. 3. Only Suniso -3G- dual inhibited oil to he used in Copeland compressors. The thermostatic expansion valve superheat 1 be set after system has been fully arged and temperatures have stabilised. I. COR RESPONSI27STTY 1. Remove all crating from preaises. 2. Unload and set in position the condensing unit and evaporators as per plan. 3. 'heck each piece of refrigeration equipmen for damages and shortage. If damaged condition exists, the contractor shall: a) obtain inspection report in duplicate from Carrier b) notify 7-Eleven Office and refrigerati equipment supplier immediately, c) make repairs when authorized to do so. 4. Obtain from manufacturer and install any malfunctioning parts of equipment without charge to 7-Eleven, p 5. Obtain, pay for and furnish all refrigeration permits required by local or state ordinances or codes. 6. Shall comply with all local and state codes; a in jurisdiction whenever the specifications ,'-do not meet codes, the codes shall take preference. 7. No extras shall be allowed due to conditions with which the re6't£geration contractor should have been familiar. NOTE: 4 ggulO SlJCT/O/Y THREE 63 LINES N1Ay S& MOU/YTED FAN r-014 ON KEAR WALL OF COOLtIt //fig• SUCTION NEARER - wl'78 • LINES TO EA. UNIT T t ------------ ---- _--------- - - L FAQ O/L �.- ga FAN CO/Ly 6 - 5„ I FA/w/ CGrc. IT ` lye"SuC T/ON LIQ0/0 UP TO ROOF THRL! COMMON .JACK O SY'OO 450 O i / CT�Y COot RUC � p REF: SHEET 6 IRA IN LINES. ^ Y C hlO SC..O, LE No \ 3Od 1,s6m C-'ttl LARKIN COMPAK AIVMI-TEMP UM/16 'r CPM /2C) r. XPANSION VA. � � BE�C7/i'E SETT/Nt SX/ - rl Z � tz n ii 0 - - x n w* s � k w I rt. w.,I,. .n, tB' jYs > ' :. re.. WYI� ,.. , K�. J{ y�� fi: ,%Cf?':t.5� Y4d�. �'1•^., y � G t 31` �♦rvw1."3 N V. nirt'0.�'=.::. d "d';^+"v�# k S l S gyp` a s J ad c714 � t 4 y* h swig's � �'� Im