HomeMy WebLinkAboutSubcontractor Agreement \_✓ �J Mar. 21. 2017 12:20PM ONE CALL Nri. 0606 P. 1 PERMIT# ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVE;LOPW NT RERVI("ES 4 EW Building& Code C.11mplinnee Division to ..�.._ ..._.--._._�_,__...._.......-. ... )tY1:f1,T17NC:PT,RhI[T MAR 2 3'2017 Si16-CONTRACI'Olt AG1t1;1:A frNT P ER��I ITTI NG St. Lucie County, FL have agreed to be �(F'nln tal Y N12mr/lntily lunl Nliniq) the Sub-contractor for (Typeul'Trude) I` t i l (1'rintaryCnntrNtcty) -- 1 Il C �•-b4) l or the projeel locttled itl _ /� \ 1 `\_ � t� �' J ►--_ _� t._.�--) i 1 i (Project Streef Address or roperty'hir ID It iS understood (hilt, if there iS any Change oFslttlus regarding our participation with the abovo mentioned prdjeCt,the Building imd Code Regulation Division of St.Lucie C:outtty wil I he advised pUmlant to the filing ctFa C;hiinge o!'Sub-contractor notice. CO.�iTR1CTS1f,;NA'I'l1 iF:(QualiRierl tit)Il- :ON'1'1 r�TOlt SIGN,ITURR litlrr) bv YNI 'I� .1d7L P tNrNANIM:' { CdI IN'I'Y Cl lEl'lltlC 4TI0N NLTDtRTR' — COUN`1'Y(T.I l'IF'ICATION NUntuLlC tithe of Flm•ida,<;nunty af'—M t� Slide GC htGrltln,C'mmt}•of m�7 1r ) The rnnre�(phing instrument n•as aigued before rile(hls t-{� dn)•of �ITL1e C4rcg0il/t�htstt�uncnt lvac si�netl hcl'urc me tltis Juypof-i- r 14fL�t- ,zui7`,hy }�v1') !4 �-71v1�yGa(}j -�t(�"r(iG1 ,zult hhy (.C�I_(,�!( /7l who is personally imewn k ur hiu prothiml a _... who is persolmll intmrn JC r has produced u as Idnutitleatinn its(dial incalk. ((( J.� 1 W:f STAMP Slauattree.orJVntany Yohlie nn tirG(u�f Norory l'nhlle Ih•Int Name of Notary Yublie reim Name GrNotaty Yohlic IFJWN WEAVER Nd MY COMMISSION Y FF 200M � :: �. EXPIRES:June 17,2019 �rr'o�" Notary Fub5c slate ol.Ploddo �` y�. Bonded Thru Notary public llndenTcew y Veronlen C Arleage Itcvia:d 1111012016 •OOM Expboa t7I2 202 0 067221 PERMIT# ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT•SERVICES � ° �h� Building & Code Compliance Division R���C F \ E D s -— - - BUILDING PERMIT MAR 2 3 20 SUB-CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT PEP,MITTiNG St. Lucie County, FL Lave agreed to be oIn pan a ie ndividuM Name p t�l the Cl �. ) — Sub-contractor for (Type of Trade) (Primary Conti ct 1) For the project located at (Project Sttee Address or PI•operfy Taxi D fi!)M) ��-, It is understood that, if there is any change.of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project,the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub-contractor notice. CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE(Qualifier) SUB TRH OR SIGNATURES(Qualifier) �obin PRINT NANIE PRINT NAt1iP. 2(0 z COUNTY CERTIFIC�YrIONNILINIQER COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMIIER 1 State of Florida,Counly of Iv (k n //�� state of l+lm4dn;County ofmQ�_ j Tlrc foregoing instrument w•ns signed before me Ihijo day of The foregoing instrument wns signed before me this v day of 1 M0A .20_U,by &eCk- _(A•, ,C(-&Q MQYCh .20j]by John 0 We'll Ic who is persmrnlly known Aar has produced a who erso •Imowu)(—or has produced a as identification, as I entincation. ODA," STAMP STAD11'Signature of Notary Public Slgnnlme o nta 'ubllc ®, e. Kllra Print Name of Notar•Public Print Name of Notary I SAWNI C0%iMISSION N FF 117676 !EXPIRES:June 18,2018 •i�, �; BoMeS Thru Wary PuNc Undp.Mrbrs v*f eo Notary public Stale of Florida Veronica C Arteaga u I 1 My Commission GG 057227 Revised 11/1612016 orM1� Expires 12/21/2020 v I l