HomeMy WebLinkAboutProject Information 40' 9'-2 9/16" = 5' 24'-10 1.5/16" KYES/CENTRAL m PLAN AS SHOWN PROPOSEDLAN ALL DIMENSIONS APPROXIMATE 2840DH 2634DH 284ODH �_ 0�'/ ! W243GRC Q —1 _i__�——J O szB Dcea6 I 6' -�- -- - - -UV PORCH 1.3'-1 7/16" WP a 17- 1 ` 1 _Linen r 11'-1 7/16" - 42"high bar Nu 8'-10.1 - 0 246B 2468 41168 o (� Dryer Washer 284ODH 284ODH 284ODH ctive - r- ��� 2'-119/16", r ' ■ � -11 1/2 - 51 25'-2 15/16" - -� _ 4Q IVING AREA � J 613 sq ft a - V, I<' , �r paga t. OLIVER TWHIViXOGMS,INC. revision 6/07 FLORIDA INSTAlAATI6N INSTRUCTIONS FOR.THE MODEL 1101 ne,S Rtlzq At•STEEL ROLmQAwk SYSTEAA' MODEL t161"V"(STEPS V,16) LONGITUDINAL:ONLY•;F01.L61NSTEP$ 1-9 FOR:ADDiNG LATE•RALARit2;FGtfow Steps 70.15 FORCOn EYEAPPLCAWWS Fo1ldiivSteps,16-19 ENGINEERS STAMP - ENGINEERS STAMP 1. SPECIAL CIRCUMSTANCES:if the-follim4ng conditions occur=STOP: Contact Oliver, Technologies at 1-800-284-7437: a)Pier height exceeds 48" b) Length of home exceeds-76'c),Roof eaves exceed 16"d)`Sidewall height exceed 96` e)-Location-is-within-1500 feet of coast. INSTALLATION OF GROUND PAN 2.Remove wseds and debris-in an approximate two foot square to expose-firm soil.for.each ground pan(C): 3.Ploco ground-pan.(C)directly-below chassis 1-beam.Press or drive pan firmly into soil until flush with or below-suit: SPECIAL NOTE:.The.Iongitiidirial."V"brace'system-senies:as a pier under the home and should be loaded'as any' othef OWK. 4 is.recothrilended-that.after leveling piers;and one-third inch(1/3°)before.home is-loWdred completely on to-piers;complete steps•4 through 9`below then remove,jacks. INS14LLATiCiN--OF LONC�(Wi3i tAL!M?!i3 acE.SYS'TFRl1 NOTE: WHEN iNsTAL uNG THE LONGITUDINAL SYSTEMDB', A MMWUM oF-2 SYSTEMS PER FLOOR SECT(O.N IS REQUIRED.SOIL TEST PROBE SHOULD BE USED'TO DETERBOINE`GORRECT TYPE OF ANCHOR.PER-.SOIL CI.ASSIFICAmon.tF PROSE TEST READINGS ARE BETWEEN 176 8-275 At FOOT ANCHOR MUST 8E-USED:iF PRO13E TEST READINGS ARE BETWEEN 278.8 350 A 4 F00TANCIiOR lR- 6E.USED.USE GROUND ANCHORS WITH _ TH DIAGONAL,7IES AND STABILIZER PLATES EVERYVWW .VERTICAL TIES ARE ALSO=REQUIRED ON HOMES SUPPLIED: wffH-vERTtcAL TiE'CONNECTION POINTS(PER FLORIDA RELY). 4,Select the coned Square tube brace(E)length for set=up'(pier) at silpport.location. (The 1$"tube is always used:as.the bottom-part of the longitudinal anti):Note:.Either`tube:can be.used by fisself,cut,and`dritfedto lea61h as-long as a 4016 45.degrao tingle is malntainecl. PIER HEIGHT 1:25°`ADJUSTABLE 1.50"ADJUSTABLE (Approx.45-degrees Max.) Tube Length Tube Length . 7 3l4"to=25" 22" 10" 24 3/4"to,32 114F. -32" Via" 33"to 41" 44"' '18" . 40"to:48' 5, install(2)of'the 1%50"square tpbes•(E (18"tube)')into.Vie"U bracket.(a),insert Carriage bolt'and leave nuiaoosefor final adjustment 6. 1`19m I beard conngctor(F)_loosely on the bottom flange of the I=beam. 7. Slide the selected 1`.25'tube-(E)46to.a 1.50"'tube(E)and attach to 1-beam-connectors(F}and fasfen_loosety with:661ttand riut: 8. Repeat stsps•6 through 7 to create the,"V"patterri,of the square.tunes loosely in place. The angle`is not to exceed 45 degree and not:below 40,degrees-. 9.After-all bolts are,Ughtehed'.seethe 1.25 and 1.50`tubes usin4 four(4)1/4"-14 x 314 self tapping:screws.in pre-drilled holes, INSTALLATION OF t eTP A TELESEOPit4 Syst=R.- THE'.MODEL 110C-V"{LONGrfUDINAL a.LATERAL PROTPCTION)ELiMiNAtM,*WE NEED FOR MOST STABILIZER-PLATES;grFRlgtl titles. NOTE.THE USE CW THIS Sy8TEM-REQUIRES VEtMCAL,TIES SPACED AT S-,r FOUR FOOT(4')GROUND AAICHOR MAY 8E USED EXCEPT WHERE.THE HOME-MANUFACTURER SPECIFIES DIFFERENT. 10:Install•rernalning verffcaf tfe= own straps'and 4'ground anchors per home.manufacturer's instructions:NOTE:.Centerline anchors to be,sized according to soil torque,condition:Any manufacturer's Specifications-for s)dewall anchor loads in exoess�of 4,000 lbs.require a-5'anchor per Florida,Code:. 11..NOTE&Each•system is required to have a frame tie and.stabilizer attaChed-at;each lateral<ami stabilizing location..This frame.tie 8 stabilizer plate-needs_to be foceted within 187 from af-Center ground;pan_. 12.Select the Correct square-tube brace.(H)length for set-up lateral transverse at support location: Tt a lengths come ih either fi0" or 72"lengths.(With the 1..50'tube`as the b�00,tube,at the 1 25".tube as the inserted`tube.) 13:install the 1.50 transverse brace(H)'to the ground pan connector.(D)-with bolt-and nut: 14=Sltde:1.25'transverse brace info Ilia 1.50`brace:and attach toaadtacert i bream oonitector(C j with;bolt arfit nut` y 5:Secur 1.50'transv rse•arm.to 1.25"tansv rse arm'usin four 4 1/4' 14 z 3/4"self to ; in -sere in' tie-dril sd hales; OLIVER 7ECHNOLOGIESi iNG': Telephone:931-79ti 45ti5 9-800-284-74V Fax 931-79643811 b iss:cvm page 2 INSTALLATION U3lNG,CQNCRETF,,RUNPJER f FUOTER mvisiou 6/07 I& A.conc rete':runner,%footer or slab may tie used In`plece of the steel ground pan. a) The donersteshall be minimum 25Dt1-psi mix ' b) Acoricrete.runner.-shay tie either iongltudinal or transverse,and must be a minimum of 8'deep with a mninurrn width of 16 inches longitudinally,oi l8�lnches transverse to allow propel distance between the-concrete bolt.and the edge of fhe concrete(see below). G) Footers musf:have minimum:surface area of•441 sq.in.(i.e.21'square),and must be a minimum of 8'deep. d) If a full stab is used,Vie.depth must beA.4'minimum. Special kispection of the system.bracket installation is not required.. Footers most allow for at least or from the concrete bolt to the edge of the concrete.NOTE:The-bottom of all footings,pads,slabs and rrurnra e Must be-Per focal)urisdictlon, LOi+IGiiTUDINAt' (Model'11011C. 17 When us rnc Part#a101 1N=CPCA Iwetset).•simply install the bracket in runnerltooter OR When;p�tallina.ln cured cnniXete use Part# 101�D_CiFA fdrvset1 The 1101 (dryset)CA bracket is attached toAhe concrete.using(Z)5/8'x3'concrete wedge bolts(Simpson part# 9.162300H 5/8'X 3"or Povvet5 equnralent}.Riacs the CA bracket in desirgd location. Mark bolt hole`loeattons;.then_using a.5/8'dfamater masonry bite drili.a hole to a minimum depth of 3.. Make_sure all dy$t:and concrete is glows outof the holes Place wedge isoltsfrito:ddlled boles,then place 1101 (dry,set)CA bracket onto wedge Bolts and startwedge bolt nuts. Take-a hammer and)ightty`drive ills wedge bolts down by hitting the nirt;(makin- sure not to hit the top;of threads on bolt).The ales+ 4_ltQ I�l __@grwedoe bolt needs t at or ow the ton of concrete:Cgmplete by tightening nuts. tATEMLr(Riedel 1110�11C Is. For°wet•set(paR#1101-w TACA)installation simply inshati fire ancnor bolt into runnerJfooter For dry set installation jpart#.1101-t)•TACA) mark.bott'ttola locatinris,then using a 5/8'clam.masonry btt;drill a hole to s miNmum depth of;3 Make sure ail east.and concrete.is blown out of ftie hots;Flare-wedge trills(SantPsoti part#iSitiZi00W 5/8 X 3'or Powers equivalent)Into(DI ctnrjcxeta.dry OC�tnsYerse tieGtor.and into drilled hole if needed,take a tiarr+trter and,ligtrity drive the wedge bolls down by titlting the;nut(making sure riot to hit the top of threads on bolt),then remove the nut The sleeve of contxete..wedge bolt needs_iQbe a or'tieksw the ton of i�Ijeriete. 19.•tWhen using mat 110, CVW(wetset)Or 11U1 CVD(dryset),insisll,per steps 17&18; Notes: 1. LENGTH OF HOUSE IS THE ACTUAL,BOX.,SIZE 2'.• =STABL.RM,R A"TEAND FRAME-nE L:O_C'gM.- (rieef lD be wM18rlctW0foerl=x0f ldpartoroonaw) 3. LOCA`M OF LCNGiTt04CBR iG OM_Y` 4. �� &LCNGMJDliVALL.0CATK)1 S REQUIRED NUMBER AND LOCATION,OF MODEL 1101.-V".OR 1'l01 C SMOG FORVE!lb 41 1 i WF.PITCH u ALL WIDTHS;AND LENGTHS UP TO 52' • j IMs ' • • • • • • ALL WIDTHS; AND LENGTHS OVER 52'TO 80' • • • • _ •. vil III If—d 1�:,] HOMES WITH 5/12 ROOF PITCH REQ.UiRE PER FLORO3A REGULATIONS6 systems for home lengths up to 52'and 8 systems for homes over 52'and up 80'. One staWj2_,r. plate-and frame fie touired of aach Iatma bf dn@ gotem.. LE r HANORA�I' GRIP SIZE - STAIR TREAD AND RISERS 1�"•Zr� THE MAXIMUM RISER HEIGHT SHALL BE 7-3/4 INCHES. THE RISER SHALL BE MEASURED VERTICALLY BETWEEN LEADING EDGES OF THE g > ADJACENT TREADS. THE GREATEST RISER HEIGHT WITHIN ANY FLIGHT Z' $ a r • I OF STAIRS SHALL NOT,EXCEED THE SMALLEST BY MORE THAN 3/8 INCH. s R 1 THE MINIMUM TREAD'OEPTH SHALL BE 10 INCHES. THE TREAD DEPTH SHALL BE W d. MEASURED HORIZONTALLY BETWEEN THE VERTICAL PLANES OF THE FOREMOST PROJECTION B 0: \S OF ADJACENT TREADS AND AT A RIGHT ANGLE TO THE TREAD'S LEADING EDGE. 9 ' THE GREATEST TREAD DEPTH WITHIN ANY FLIGHT OF STAIRS SHALL NOT EXCEED THE s $ SMALLEST BY MORE THAN 3/8 INCH. q 3 P (7 Qo THE RADIUS OF CURVATURE AT THE LEADING EDGE OF THE TREAD SHALL BE NO GREATER G B NONCIRCULAR CIRCULAR RECESSED THAN-9//10 INCH. A NOSING NOT LESS THAN 3/4 INCH BUT NOT MORE THAN 1-1/4 INCHES p j SHALL BE PROVIDED ON STAIRWAYS WTTH SOLID RISERS.A NOSING IS NOT REQUIRED WEREg Q Potim+ilDr.A• >8i" THE TREAD DEPTH IS A MINIMUM OF 11 INCH •6" P6timatar, +HANDRAIL HEIGHT, MEASURED VERTICALLY FROM THE SLOPED PLANE ADJOINING THE TREAD NOSING, OR FINISH SURFACE OF RAMP SLOPE, F SHALL BE NOT LESS THAN 34 INCHES AND NOT MORE THAN 38INCHES. 4'-0'MA T. 5 4" X 6 BOARD RAIL CAP *HANDRAIL SHALL BE PROVIDED ON AT LEAST ONE SIDE OF EACH B-6'MAX TIP / THE GUARDS MAYBE WOOD,ALUMINUM,VINYL,OR EQUIVALENT. CONTINUOUS RUN OF TREADS OF FLIGHT WITH FOUR OR MORE RISERS. . r,�y��xg • HANDRAIL ASSEMBLIES AND GUARDS SHALL BE DESIGNED TO RESIST A' OPENINGS SHALL NOT ALLOW _�^7 LOAD OF 50 PLF APPUED IN ANY DIRECTION AT THE TOP AND TO THE PASSAGE OF A 4" DIAMETER SPHERE TRANSFER THIS LOAD THROUGH THE SUPPORTS TO THE STRUCTURE. 2 X 4 TOP& BOTTOM ATTACHED TO I � 1 TO POSTS WITH (2)#8 WOOD SCREWS ON.INSIDE FACE. 2 X 2 BALUSTER OPENINGS FOR REQUIRED GUARDS ON THE 4'-0'LANDING HEIGHT=7 STEPS(MIN,) MIN. (3) SIMPSON'S SDS 1/4" X 4-1/2" 11 SPHERE 4T3/8"RTO PASS THROUGHALLOW A WOOD SCREWS FOR RIM JOIST TO POST 9t CONNECTION, (5) 16d NAILS OR-EQUIVALENT I�y ATTACH BALUSTERS TO TOP &BOTTOM Q P.T. STEP LANDING FLOOR FASTENE W/MIN. (1)#B WOOD,SCREW OR EQUIV. TO HOST FLOOR MEMBERS USING SIMPONIS STAIR AND LANDING ILLUMINATON REQUIRED d.~d W 1/4" X 3-1/2" SDS WOOD SCREWS'OR \ IF I EQUIV. AT 12" D.C..STAGGERED SCREW PATTERN �-P,7.2X6 . ' (:ONGRETE OPT10N: 2X6 P,T, LANDING CONSTRUCTION IF STEPS ARE INSTALLED ON EXISTING CONCRETE, THE GROUND 16" O.C. FLOOR JOISTS USING(5) 16d NAILS OR ANCHORS AND TIEDOWN STRAP CAN BE OMITTED. EQUIVALENT AT EACH JOIST TO RIM JOIST CONNECTION. THE P.T. 4 X 4 POSTS SHALL BE ANCHORED TO THE EXISTING CONCRETE SLAB USING SIMPSON'S L-BRACKET OR EQUIVALENT. 30" GROUND ANCHOR W/TIE DOWN STRAP STRAP TO WRAP AROUND P.T. 2 X 6 TIGHTLY (DO NOT OVER TENSION STRAPS) (EACH SIDES OF LANDING) m (1) 2 X 6 P.T. ATTACHED TO POSTS .0 ce USING (5) 16d NAILS OR EQUIVALENT AT EACH (3) 2 X 12 P,T. STAIR STRINGERS w a a 2X6 TO POST CONNECTION. „o Thmepse9p�llans antl anpeNFlrallotnrys 2014 FIBC-Realdetlnnall(61h Ed P.O.) orowllg�+Numbor.. V ULT-ULTIMATE DESIGN WIND SPEED.170 MPH S1 > i STEP CONSTRUCTION NET s VASD-40TAINAL MBIG14 WIND SPEED=132 MPH ~ (TABLE 1609.3.1) COItiTRA TOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR VERIFYING t3s=a dcum.) A DIMC�f�I'O S AND CONDITIONS PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTIOLI s•" Erol�°m"S.M. ate S.scenic Hvvry+S,sla,1OO ALL STAIR COMPONENTS TO BE PRESSURE TREATED LUMBER, LakD Wales,FL 33853 310 S.Sro bNw)•eb 100 OIOca;803-589,5980 - Lnka Wobe,R33e53 ALL FASTENERS IN CONTACT WITH P,T. LUMBER TO B HOT DIP GALVANIZED OR STAINLESS STEEL Fex:1-s69 eas•z044 ©"o ,",,,,, VER' . VAL XiNY+ SKIRTING ( cosopax�ens- S installation 9 ` WALL " P ��«acH SGR�'�S �tp•��pA&''i'; t , TAP FRONT Ft;.O;aR f . SNAPS 10710 -rOV Back lF4D$9 SGij�tiVS� ANm PAnaErt. �"Ts - V SLOC K SUPPORT 3.9 l4mM- pEe SOOT apF vemT[LAIrlohP SEC ijgGb 'fQ 'tbf}®Ante AMD B&TTOOA i�(4t� 4 kd 'Vj ISjtN SCAEVjS 1 . . to LL PAAM LS Asts A CO s¢t ga.E 4i � {�MpNtIV Ea'TDP �{}1uT 4�A ¢LLz.[alCr,� ,. - l1P ON PAjwgLl AT-rAtHFO TD rpRou Alta ,M[T% '71/iGN C�At.�1lklsiZEp:hiAlL l "'OC (IF SOL tS SAMOV.-r4IEw. $,Wac) 1 FILECOPY