HomeMy WebLinkAboutProject Information MEN 1230 SW 10tii Street Ocala Ftorida.34478 Pit(352rG29-7571 - Tax(3i2)419475$' Data' 1212/2016 T6 whom.this may concern: In.reference to serial# IW61-0544J.,A/P Model# 4301--QT Skyline Corporation; hereby certifies this home will be built to comply with the Current Wind Zone III, Exposure D.requirements of the H.U.D. Manufactured.Horne Construction and Safety Standards Act-at the time it-was manufactured, If We can be of further assistance in this matter,.please contact us at the number listed above. 'Ua rid Otzel- Saes.&Marketing Accouni Manager y oner H 0A `�-' a j KITCHENiDINING MCA- oMta MASTER BSDR M jp-r f BEDROOM L1 IW ft= t C W- DIVISIONS. U2 �344 633_o _ !IS P6 71 ti. DRAVr By. M5 zo'i+�s 3?J,47/ t25 � 3556 Bi2 S ins bsc staJ�er o��=_ 163 X16,41 0 3(:CtiT?TION DIir1YPiRG '.�iJ7sfi�i R rac Ezpe 171 536 37 2-33'Q° 37`-33' IQ 2CQi(-2Q Qatiid- Eduordo [4-Qfl6Z8-a5 t page L OLiv.ER- EC THNOI:OGIE%INC, revision 6/07 FLORIDA INSTALLAT10N INSTRU dNStFOR.THE MOD L 11Q1 "y"SERIES ALL 5T_g Ft)UND TiON SYSTEM`- MODEL 1101"W(STEPS 146) LONGITUDINAL ONLY.FOLLOW STEPS 1-S FOR ADDING LATERAL Ah :fbtfow S[eps l a15 FOR CONCl7t?EAPPLICATIOAiS::W101V Step"s•16-19. - - ENGINEERS STAMP' ENGINEERS STAM➢ .._ 1_SPECIAL G(RCUMSTANCES:If the--following conditions occur STOPl _Coritacf Ofiver Technologies at 1 800-284-7437 a)-Pier height-exceeds 48" b) Length of h6riie_exceedsA'c)-Rgof-eaves exceed-16"d)Sidewali height exceed 96`` e}Location is within-1500 feet of coast IN,OTAL aTION OF_GROUND PAW 2.Remove weeds and debris fh an•appr6xiihate two.foot:square to expose fir n.soit.for each ground pan:(Cj 3.Place"ground_pan (C).directly below chassis 1-beam:.Press-or:drive pan firmly into soil until'flush with of bs dWsoit. SPECIAL NOTE:The1ong1Wdin01 V"brace'system4ervas as a pier-under the horne.and should be foaded,as.sny otherpier. It Is-recommended that.after leveling piers;and one-third inch(1/3")before=dome is lowered complefely on topers;.complete steps'.4 through 9'below then remove.jacks. iNS16LLeT10N : F-LONfli"'91)'NAL`-'y;•$RAC€.SYSTEM NOTE;° WHEN INSTALLING THE L9NGfrvDINAL sySTEMQjy, A MIMIMUM OF+2 SYSTEMS PER FLOOR SC-CTIOH 1$REtikltftED,SOIL TEST PROBE'SHOULD BE'USED'TO 1)ETERMINE'CORRECT TY00,OF ANCHOR 0IMSOIL CLASSIFICATION IF PROSE TEST READINGS ARE BETWEEN. 175.8 27&A$FOOT ANCHOR MUST BE;USEDs IF PROBE TEST,READINGS�ARE;8ET1NEEti 276 S 350 A•4 FOOTANCHOR,MAY BE-.USED.USE' GROUND ANCHORS 1MTH DlAGOHAL.TIES:AND STABILIZER PLATES: TV•v&ndAL TiEs ARE ALSO 11 -REQUIRED ON HOMES SUPPLIED wnrA vERTIQAL TIE:CONNECTION POINTS(PER.FLORIDA.REQ)- 4•Select the correct square tube brace,(E)length for set=up'(pier)height at support location;(The.iW'tube is AhAdYs 'used.-. the 6ottom.partof the longitudinal arm):Note:Either tube.can-be.used by dself;W(.arid drilled to len6th-as1ong as a 40 to 45.degree-engte-Is maintained- PIER HEIGHT 1:25"ADJUSTABLE 1.50"ADJ17Sl'ABLE (Approx.45-degrees.Max.) Tube Length Tube Length. 18„ 24,3/W to,32 1/4- -32r' 18" 33"ter 41" 40746 48" 54 18" 5. install(2)ofahe 1.50 square tubes:(E. (18'1tubej)-into the"U'bracket(J),Insert carriage bolt'and leave nuiaoose-for final adjustment. 6= Plape)=bearn':connectoc(F)-loosely,on the bottom flange of.the I-beam_ 7._ -Slide the seleded I.25'tube-(E)i6to:a.1 50'--tu6t3(Ey and attach to I-beam connectors(F)and fasten_loosetywith bolt-arid.nut: 8. Repeatsteps6 throughl7 to Creafe the`V"pagorn:of the square.Wbos looselyin place.The angle`)'not to exceed 45 degree-and not:below 40'-degrees: _ 9.After-all bolts are tightened,sd. re•1.25 and'1.50'tubes-using`fouf(4)1/4-14 x 314"`setf-tapping:screws.in pre-drilled holes_ _At QN OF LATERAL TELBWMIMO TR.ANS1elM44E A_RM_y�y -STEM THE-MOOEL 1101."1/"(LONGrrUUINAL-&LATERAL PROTECTION).6UMINATEs TWO NEED FdR.MOST-5TA61L12ER.PLATES,,*-FRAME'TIES' NOTE:THE USE OF THIS 8YSTEM�REQUIRES vEtMCAL.TIES SPACED AT 5'4 FOUR FOOT(4')GROUND ANCHOR MAY BE,USED EXCEPT WHERE.THE HOMEVANUFACTURER SPECIFIES DIFFERENT I0.Install remaining vert(cal`tie-down straps,and 4'ground anchors per horrid.manufacturer's instructions:NOTE:eenterllne; anchors to be stied according to°soil.torque<condition:Any ff manufacfurer's specifications for.sidewall anc:hor.foads)n excess-of 4,000')bs.require a•5"anchor pelorida Code.. 11.-NOTE Each''-systetn is required to have a•frame pe'andatabilizer attached at.each lateral:ami stabilizing_location:.t his frame,tie'8 stabillzer plate:needs'.W be located4within 18'fromrof-center ground.pan. 12.Select"the:cor rect.square-tube•bcace(H)lengh-torsef-up lateral transveise at support1ocati6n The lengths come:in-eitherfi0" or7.2"lengths,(With the 1.50'tube.as-the.liottom,tube;•and:thei 125'.tube as the inserted'tube:y' 13: 1 rtali the•1.50 transVerse�brace,(N):'to'the'ground pan connector.(D.)'with boll<and nut: . 14.Slide'1:2_5"[r2nsverse,brace irito thi3:1.50 brdce;4 d attach to�adjacent I.beam oonnectar-('E)wittf bolt and nut-: 15-S'ecure 1 50'transverse-arrn-to 1 25'transverse'arm,usina four(411/4'=14 z 314"self=tapoinq•screinrs in ore-drilled holes' _. OI.IVER TEClNO1.OGIES;INC Teteplmne;s3i-79s-a555 1-800484-1 Fem 931-79S43811 wwo olivertechnolloopwcom pp8a 2 INSTALLATION 11 '15 RUNNEWI FQOTEfi revision 6(01 16. A ooncmete=iunner,footer or•stab may tie used to place of the steel:gmund pan. a). The concrete shall oe.mittimum 2St)0'psi mix b) A conc rete-runner.ma.be.eitt►er(ongitudinal=or transverse,and must tie a minimum of 6 deep with a miriimurn width-of 16 inches longitudinally or 18•Inches transverse to allow proper distance betweenfheconcrete.bolt and the edge oftttie concrete(see below). c) Footersmit have minim-urn surface area of 441 sq.in.(Lo.21'square),and-must be a minimum of 8'deep: d) 1f a full slab Is used.-We:depM must,be'a 4'minimum. Las 'bon the'. tam.bracket-installation is not SpeaeJ. _ pecb sys required.: Footers must allow for at least 4"irom'the concrete bolt to the edge of th6 ebricrate. AiOTE The bottorii cf all footings;pads,slaw and ninnera must:t ver local judsdictlon. LONGRUDINAG(Modal 1i011C^V')' 17. When im Pad#1101-W7CPCA IWdtset)isimply install the bracket in nlnnerlfooter OR When ins 11i in cured concrete use P rt# i01-D GPCA(drAet).The i101 (dry-set)CA bracket is•a#iiwhed to the concrete:using(2j 5/$'x3'concrete wedge halts(Simpson.part# S162300H 5/8'X-3'or.Porisrs equiyalgnt):Place the GA bracket in desired location: Mark bolt hole loeattons;.ttien using.a 5/8'd(arrieter masonry bit;drill.&We to a:rnlfiimum depth of T.'. Make sure ail d(jst;and o6ncret61s-6lownouf4f.the holes.Piace wedge bollsinto drilled boles,then place 1101 (dry set),CA'bracket on wedge belts and start`wedge tioIt-nuts; Take a hammer grid_lightiy drive the wedge bolts down-by hitting the nut:(making sui&tiorto hit the tbp:ofthreads on bolt).The sleeye-ofoopere_te"wedne tio8 needs tome at`or balsa the ton sf co to-,Complete ley tightening nuts.. LATERAL::(Model 1101 TC'V-) 18. Far-Wet"set(part#1101 W TACA)installationt simply instsil the anchor boil into runnerlfooter.For dry sel installation(part it 11 01-D-TACA) mart bolt-hole locations,ffibri using a 5/6'diam.masonry bit,drill a hole to a minimum depth of-3" Make sure all-dustand concrete.% blown out of the We Place-wedge bolts(Simpson cart 4616400M 5/8'X 3'or Powers equivalent)inta•(D)concWo dry nnpeis_e connector and into dritled hole:if needed,take a hemmer and,ligMty drive the wedge bolls down ti5!tutting the nut{making sure not to hit the top of threads onbott),then remove the nut.The sleeve of concrete vitadbe bolt n'eeds_to be ai or below fhe ton.of ciui ate, 19.When using'part#1161 CVW.(wetset)or 1109 CVD,(dryset),irisWl 0er'*Os 17&18;. Notes: 1. LENGTH OF HOUSE iS THE ACTUAL BOX SIZE 2'. = PIATEAND TIELCX'ATIO-N (rig sLo be vWin18i'xtiesofaet i'bfgou'tdpanoraor>�e) 3. LOCA'iIOAI.OF-L04GIT1Atl�1 R: AI..O qW- 4; LONGITLIDlNAL LOCATIONS REQUIRED NUMBER AND LQCATION_OF MODEL 1901."V".QR,1.1-01 G y. BRAC@S Adz Ra0p PITCH ALL WIDTHS;AND LENGTHS U070 52' • 0, ALL WIDTHS; AND LENGTHS OVER 52'TO.S0' • . HOMES WITH 5112 ROOF PITCH REQUIRE PER FLORIL}A REGUiATiONS 6 AYOeMs-for home lengths;up to 52' and 8 SY!*rns for homes over 52'and Up-80'. One t it er plate aril frame +ta requir :.�f eaCt laral biCi�gjl tem., . o FWda.apptdved 4-ground gage 3 anrhots tray be used in all revision 6107- locations except where homemanufacturers specs. fmalions46r sidevrah straps are in excess 04,000 lbs. I-Transverse arni l beam A These locations require a b' connector L anchor.Per'Floritla Code: ._ H-Transverse arts Top 025� . bosom(1.s') :: G=GROUND PAN -D`—GROUND PAN CONNECTOR: D-Ground F'U'brace I-beam U-BRACKETS:TRANSVERSE Pan, connectors. E'=TELESCOPING V BRACE transverse TUBE ASSE MBLY W11.5'BOT connectors d•-ground Pan = } TOM TUBE AN151.25;TUBE V 9tackei INSERTt Aar- �ee F='V' BRACE i=BEAM C�1Cr- ys TORS.ASSEMBLY; E ti'-Brac67b H.=TELESCOPING TI,�NSr E � n Top OlinJ� ARM ASSEMB. ,= N0:_ t3ottbiri (1.5� / i=TRANSVERSE At SEAM =Ground:Pan. CONNECTOR J=V PAN BRACKET"' Model# 11.01. cent ,a via top Longitude:d-ry � ..' angB (I)PerAssesgtily concrete bracket _ part-#_1101•D--CPCA ' � '' r3 � _Grade� '.1/�•k.i Wet bracket part# vL 1101 W-CPCAnot Grades-l2'x2112" _ Model-`I'1.01 QVID• °s Shown- r. cordage Bot:Nut _ . - -- ::= ' Modes 1101 ,CVW `I-9EAN►CO-99ECTOR•SHAGi(Ef rlo 5howh Florida approved 4'grnutsd --= C=GONCREfE'FOOTERIRUNNER anclmrs may be used inall tocat,ens except where h"orne D=CONCRETE U.BRACKETTRAN§AEkSE• manufacturers specifications CONNECTOR(cOnec6 With grade 5-10 x2 for sidewa►l.straps ere in -•; _. �.. 1P�'carfiage bolt&nut), t- Trat>,sverse arm 1.beam. excess of4,000 Ibs.These -•,i t IfIt:Q locations:regulm.a-V anchor. connector, E=TELESCOPING V BRACE Per Florida code. % H:Transvers'e`arm TUBE ASSEMBLY W11.5 BOT- ToP(1m'9 TOM TUBE AND 1.25TUBE, bottom(1:3•.)` INSERT F="1r BRACE t-BEAM"CONNECTOR-ASSEMBLY n-sonciele F %r.bracs t tiearrr i - (connects with grade,5-<1W x 4r carnage bolt U bracket- connectors &nut) 'transverse -� connectors H=TELESCOPING TRANSVERSE`ARM i-Concrete ,ASSEMBLY '%F Bracket I=TRANSVERSE ARM i-BEAM CONNECTOR' (connects with grade 5 AW x21f2 carriage 04 c, &n . ' E,'V'Brace-Tab '� -- _ Topy(1:257 r J=CONCRETE 'V` BRACKET connects with eottom (1,&) grade!i, '1/2`k 4°-carriage°halt&nut) Concrete t' Footed Runner • I � - Model#1101 C "W - ' O,LIYFR.TECNNQL.QGIES�•1NC. Te Qp 1���oAl 284 743T ( 1400 .-,79s-sera -�+vww��tva7le�hrto�ogles:com HANDRAIL GRIP SIZE 1 4 STAIR TREAD AND RISERS rR �4 2 THE MAXIMUM RISER HEIGHT SHALL BE 7-3 4 INCHES. THE RISER SHALL BE MEASURED VERTICALLY BETWEEN LEADING EDGES OF THE W " 1 ADJACENT TREADS. THE GREATEST RISER HEIGHT WITHIN ANY FLIGHT v. P � E OF STAIRS SHALL NOT EXCEED THE SMALLEST BY MORE THAN 3/8 INCH. a �• W `�C� THE MINIMUM TREAD DEPTH SHALL BE 10 INCHES. THE TREAD DEPTH SHALL BE N �" }1• Fa"'1: ^+O. t MEASURED HORIZONTALLY BETWEEN THE VERTICAL PLANES OF THE FOREMOST PROJECTION OF ADJACENT TREADS AND AT A RIGHT ANGLE TO THE TREAD'S LEADING EDGE. I THE GREATEST TREAD DEPTH WITHIN ANY FLIGHT OF STAIRS SHALL NOT EXCEED THE F F SMALLEST BY MORE THAN 3/8 INCH. b Pa O THE RADIUS OF CURVATURE AT THE LEADING EDGE OF THE TREAD SHALL BE NO GREATER5 ` NONCIRCULARCIRCULAR' RECESSED' // 1-1/4 E a SHALL99E PROVIDED ON STAIRWAYS WITH SOLID RISERS.A NOSING MS NOTEQIRbWHERES Po6moIPI:'4'-84 Pertmelel:PBS THE TREAD DEPTH IS A MINIMUM OF 11 INCHES. -HANDRAIL HEIGHT, MEASURED VERTICALLY FROM THE SLOPED PLANE ADJOINING THE TREAD NOSING, OR FINISH SURFACE OF RAMP SLOPE, SHALL BE NOT LESS THAN 34 INCHES AND NOT MORE THAN 38 INCHES. *HANDRAIL SHALL BE PROVIDED ON AT LEAST ONE SIDE OF EACH -a*-Dr MAX- .T. 5/4" X 6 BOARD RAIL CAP 5' VINYL R EQUIVALENT. CONTINUOUS RUN OF TREADS OF FLIGHT WITH FOUR OR MORE RISERS. THE GUARDS MAYBE WOOD,ALUMINUM,VIN ,O • HANDRAIL ASSEMBLIES AND GUARDS SHALL BE DESIGNED TO RESIST A OPENINGS SHALL NOT ALLOW �C LOAD OF 50 PLF APPLIED IN ANY DIRECTION AT THE TOP AND TO THE PASSAGE OF'A 4" DIAMETER SPHERE TRANSFER THIS LOAD THROUGH THE SUPPORTS TO THE STRUCTURE. I� P 2 X 4 TOP &BOTTOM ATTACHED TO TO POSTS WITH (2)#8 WOOD SCREWS ON INSIDE FACE. OPENINGS FOR REQUIRED GUARDS ON THE 3'-0"LANDING HEIGHT-5 STEPS(MIN.) 2 X 2 BALUSTER-- SIDE OF STAIR TREADS SHALL NOT ALLOW A 4'-0'LANDING HEIGHT= 7 STEPS(MIN.) MIN. (3) SIMPSON'S SDS 1/4" X 4-1/2" SPHERE 4-3/8" TO PASS THROUGH. WOOD SCREWS FOR RIM JOIST TO POST CONNECTION, (5) 16d NAILS OR EQUIVALENT z ''"I� E..� P.T. I� ATTACH BALUSTERS TO TOP &BOTTOM .T. STEP LANDING FLOOR FASTENE Z O TO HOST FLOOR MEMBERS USING SIMPON'S y W/MIN. (1)#8 WOOD SCREW OR EQUIV. 1/4" X 3-1/2" SDS WOOD SCREWS OR S STAIR AND LANDING ILLUMINA710N REQUIRED EQUIV. AT 12" O.C. STAGGERED SCREW PATTERN b .T. 2X6 I 2X6 P.T. LANDING CONSTRUCTION CONCRETE IF STEPS ARERE INSTALLED ON EXISTING CONCRETE, THE GROUND 16" D.C. FLOOR JOISTS USING(5) 16d NAILS OR ANCHORS AND TIEDOWN STRAP CAN BE OMITTED. EQUIVALENT AT EACH JOIST TO RIM JOIST CONNECTION. THE P.T.'4 X 4 POSTS SHALL BE ANCHORED TO THE EXISTING CONCRETE SLAB USING SIMPSON'S L-BRACKET OR EQUIVALENT. 30" GROUND ANCHOR W/TIE DOWN STRAP - - STRAP TO WRAP AROUND P.T. 2 X 6 TIGHTLY (DO NOT OVER TENSION STRAPS) (EACH SIDES OF LANDING) (1) 2 X 6 P.T. ATTACHED TO POSTS USING (5) 16d NAILS OR EQUIVALENT AT EACH (3) 2 X 12 P.T. STAIR STRINGERS _ 2X6 TO POST CONNECTION. ? - These plans and spedficaDons - o � RSec"to I of DrawinggNumber.m n180 VULT-ULTI� DESIGNWINDS ED,-170MPH S1 STEP CObJSTRUCTION VASD-NOMINAL DESIGN WIND SPEED o 132 MPH �`" NOTE: (TABLE 1609.3.1) OONTRACT SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR VERIFYING CONTE CST (3 eemnd gusts) ALL DIM ENSION§)AND CONDITIONS PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. 9eaybE glmeMeaema. �J ALL STAIR COMPONENTS TO BE PRESSURE TREATED LUMBER 318S.Scenic HTwY,St..100 --( = Lake Wales,FL 33853 31e s.sanlc Hwy,slo io0 ALL FASTENERS IN CONTACT WITH P.T. LUMBER TO BE HOT DIP GALVANIZED OR STAINLESS STEEL office:663-se9-5980 ��W'b••n � F.1.86&885-2044 ©copvalr.Hr 1p1e . VERTICAL VINYL SIiIR'PING ( components S inetailation ) �T.TsiG;HED vit.T t InCK SCR&WS 16•'APAeT i i $M-lAfT 1rtrO "rop BACK 401DE9 SCRs WS,AND PANEL cvT4 ? PA BLOCK 5 u PPO RT 3.9 in4K" SECUgFb TQ Yb elF VE&TSLA•rSow p��,,, P 84C-K AW* b&rTenA &A t. v4f ttvtat SGRE4�5 1�N141t 4A LL AMtE LS 446 A"G SsS giE ay � f v%ovwG TOP r-4%ws than Puum �G) up oN y' • B rJ'i'fbiM;T A IK C Xr'TAC-m TD G.l2puauJl�- �lle7sc 711lCH GAtIVOi17.66 AWL M'04o '(IF UIL IS SAPJD%)'-r4lEbd i