HomeMy WebLinkAboutProject Information 44' 10'-5 1/2" 2'_0 1/2" 6'-2" 19'-5 1/2" PROPROSED PLAN ZONE 3 TNR PLAN AS SHOWN O OVERHANG THIP SIDE' ALL DIMENSIONS EXPOSURE D BURGE� I_I� 39' lm A QpPROXIMATE � ;v; m, .� w.',�;'itH��''�, z,,h. �x.�' L' f3.' •— {+,�. -�rF -=.' -sL3v� rr'...r..6,::�i�i e'ai ti tw-? � ..... sr r i,---------- Pantry I� Bedroom# 2 tt 1 _ _ Linen (� f # 1. f01 a f I tax t zsss Yw, zass nose k 30°high bar f Bedroom# 1 stack R-30 ROO ;x f �., ix O WO Prep IMPACT WINDOWS r R-19 WALLS R-11 FLOOR 2, - Cinen Linen #2 _ WH t f 17'-0 112" - u3�cri':L 8 a 7',i ,�^-.�..—_=1 �.'aF' y t•�i. ._.�_ t .»rs -• a �`_ ��< ,,,.r,y ,N ��#:_;�`f?':�"��;,• .cx7�=. a �::x ., � �:...6z".9,2�t��a�.➢�`�':.��'.�S�*h,�z�1r.Ys. -�-� .. 4noN ran' Ja7 `7�Ox12 over _ 9' FLAT CEILING 30x6O 17'-611 780 sq ft page i OLIVER-TE CdNNOL•OGIES,INC. revision 6/07 FLORIDA IN$TALI,AYIOId 14STRUC110NS FOR.THE OUNDAT(ON'SYSTEM MQDEL 11Q1"V"SERr s gii s�.l:{ - slMODEL'1101"V"(STEPS 1;45) LONGITUDI`NAL,ONLY:FOLLOW STEPS 1.9 FOR ADDING LATERALAk)li.:follow Steps 1415 FOR CONCRET.E.A0LICA17ONS:'Fo11ow Steps:16-19 ENGINEERS STAMP: ENGINEERS STAMP 1- SPECIAL,CIRCUMSTANCES:-If the-following conditions occur-STOPb.Contact Oliver•Technologies of 1-800-284-7437: a)Pier height exceeds 4W b) Length of home exceeds 76'c)Roof eaves exceed 16"d)Sidewall height exceed 96' e)Location is within 1500 feel of.coast INSTALLATION OF GROUND PAN. 2.Remove weeds and debris in an approximate two foot square to expose.frrrn soil-fbf each ground pan(C). 3.Place'ground_pan.(G)directly-below chassis 1-beam-.Press ocdrive pan finnly;into sail until Flush with or below-soil. SPECIAL NOTE:The longitudinal V brace.system-serves-as,a pier under -the home and should be loaded as any other pier. It is.recomrrlend6d,that.after leveling piers,and one4hird inch(1/3°)before_home is towered completely on tdpier& complete steps-4 through 9`below thenremove,Jacks. INSTALLATION OF.LOPdGiTUO1NAL"V"-BRACE.SYSTEM• NOTE: WHEN INSTALLING THE LONGITUDINAL SYSTEM-DAL;', A MINIMUM OF 2 SYSTEMS PER FLOOR SECTION IS REQUIRED;SOIL,TEST PROBE SHOULD BE USED TO DETERMINE CORRECT 7YPt OF-ANCHOR.PEWSOIL CIJk"IFICAnONAF PROBE.TEST•READWG3 ARE BEYUNEEN 176&275 A S FOOTANCHOR-MUST-BE USED:IPPROBE TEST READINGS ARE:BETWEEN:276 8 350 A-4 FOOT ANCHOR IItAY BE.USED.USE MTH GROUND-ANCHORS V DIAGONAL.TIES AND STABILIZER PLATES EVERY 54".VERTICAL TIES ARE ALSO=REQUIRED ON HOMES SUPPLIED: WrTH vERTtCALT1E-cpHNECTION POINTS(PER FLORIDA REC3). 4. Select the correct,sduare tube brace(E)length for set-up'(pier).height at support location.(The I tube is always used;as:the bottom part-ofthe longitudinal arm):Note_Eithertube.can be used by itself,cut.and drifted to length.as-long as a 40 to 45.degree erigle-Is maintained. PIER HEIGHT 1:25"ADJUSTABLE 1.50"ADJUSTABLE (Approx.45-degrees.Max.) Tube Length Tube Length T 314"to-25" 22" 18" 24 3/4"to.32 114"- :32r- 18, 33"to 41" 4,V" 18" 40-16.48" 54" 1,8" S. lristall(2)of the 1.50"square tubes(E (18-tube))into_the'U'bracket(J),-insert carriage bolt'and leave nut.loose-for final adjustment. lit Place I-beard connector(F)loosely on the bottom flange of the 1=beam. T. Slide the selected 1.25"tube(E)Into:a 1:50"-tube(E)and attach•to l=beam Connectors(F)and.fasten loosely,with•boit•and nut. 8. Repeat steps 6 through 7 to create the"V`pattern of the square,tulles loosely In place.The angle`)s not to ezcee_d.45 degtee•and not:below 4a degrees. 9.After all boltsare,tightened,sd re•1.25"and IAP"tubes using-four(4)'1/4"-14,x 314"self-tapping screws,in pre-drilled`holds. INSTALL®!ION OF LATERAL TELMoping MN;IftM ARM SYSTEM THE'MODEL 11t11."v-(LONGiru nkA N).RUMINATES THE NEED FOR MOST STABILIZER PLATES A.FRAME TIES., NOTE;THE USE OF-THIS SYSTEM-REQUIRES VERTICAL-TIES SPACED AT vv. FOUR FOOT(4')GROUND ANCHOR.MAY BE USED EXCEPT WHERE,THE HOME-MANUFACTURER SPECWIES DIFFERENT. 10.install remaining vertical'tie4pWn straps-and 4'ground anchors'per home.manutaclUfer'S InS1rVGtiOrrS: ROTE;Cienterttne: anchors to be sized according to:soil torque.condition.Any.-manufacturer's specifications for sidewall anchor Ioads in excess of 4,000 lbs.require a 5'=anchor per Florida Cone;, 11.-NOTE:Each system-is required to have a frame fie and-stabilizer attached at each lateral.arm stabilizing location.This frame:tie 8. stabilizer.plate:needs to-beJoceted within 187 fromW-center ground.pan. 12.Select the correct.square-tube,brace(H),length for set=tip lateral transverse at support location:The lengths come.in e•Ither t'i0" or 72"'tengths.(With the 1.50"•tube,as•the bottom tube;;dnd_the 1,25'tube a z the inserted4ut3e.) 13.Install the 1.50 transverse brace.(H)..to the,ground pan connector.(D)with bolt-and nut: 14.:Slide'1.25'transverse brace.Into-the 1.5T brace.-add attach to adtacent-l=bean'!connector=(:f)with`bolt and nut- 15-,'Secure 1 5T-transverse-amr 10 1'25'ttansvecse arm•using four(41114'-14 x 314-self-tapning-screws in ore-drilled notes' OLIVER TECHNOLOGIES; INC"s Telephone:,931-79&4555 1-800-284-7437 931-796-3811 www 9livertechnologies:com J page 2 iNwALLATIOd usW3 CONCREI'E.RUmNER1 Ft?OTER revision 6/07 16. A concrete runnerjooter`or slab may be -used In place ofthe steel ground pan. a) The concrete:shall be.mihiinum 250E psi rbix b) A co6dret6-sunner may be.either"longitudinal,or transverse,and must be a minimum of 8'deep with a minifi uni width of 16 inches longitu�nally or'18 inches transverse to allow proper distance between the-concrete botfand the edge of the oorfcrete(see below), c) Footers must Neva"mrnirrium surface aiea:of•441 sq.in_(.e.21"square),and-must be a minimum of 8"deep, d) If a full stab is used,the depth,must.be-a 4°minimum. Special,6ispection of the system.bracket installation is not required.. Footers must allow.for at least 4'from the concrete boll to the edge of the cbnaete. NOTE-The.bottoro®f all footings;pads,slaw and Winners must be per local]utlsdictfon. L0NGl7fiDIkA.L:(Model 111:LC. )`0 -T 17. When usinc Part#"1101-W=CPCA IWWEeta.•simply install the brack6 in runnerlfobte_r OR When-'instaltina In cured cbnomte use Pail#- 1 d1=11 CPCA fdtyset).The 1101(dryset)CA bracket is,attached to the concrete:using(2)5/8'xW ooncfete wedge bolts(Simpson.part# S162300H 516'X 3"or Pc(wm.eglanrelent):Place the GA bracket rn desired location: Mark bolt hole locations then using a"518'diariiater masonry trit;"drili;a hole to a;miriimum depth of 3':. Make sure a!l dust and concrete is-blown oufdithe holes:Place,ivedge boMs'lnto drilled - .. holes,,then place 110Y(dry!W)CA bracket onto wedge bolts and Start bolt nuts. Take-a hammer and lightly drive the wedge bolts down by hit8rig.the but(matting sure not to hit the top.of threads on boil):The ve_ofconexebe inr ge txilt needs to be at or below fhe Lao of.condrete:Complete by Ughtening.nuts.. LATERAL:(Model 1101.TC"Y"j 18: For wet set(pait#110i1-W-TACA)"instattation simply lnshdli M6 anchor WIt.into-iunnerNooter.For dry set,installation(part#110'I-aTACA) mark.bolt-hole locations,then using a W8'd'iam.masonry biti-drill a'j!gle-to:s minimum depth of:37. Make sure a1l-dust and conorete.is blown out bf the bole.Pface-wedge bolts(Simpson part PS16MOOH SW X T or Bowers equivalent)info.(D)cDr qWa,dry gansvfirsa connector and into ddgeii 1616.if needed,take a harn"mer and Iftly drive-the"wedge bolls down by hitting,the nut(making sure not to hit th e top of threads on•bott),then remove the nut the sleeve of conciete.wedae boft needs to be at' below_the top of concrete. 19-When using,part#1161 CVW.(wefset)or 1101'CV0"(dryset);ir>Siali per'st' 17 818, Notes: 1. LENGTH OF HOUSE IS THE ACTUAL-BOX SiZE Z- • =STABUZEFtPiATEAND FRAWTE I TK)N (needsb betocat�dwihiril8ixt�es diiierafgaL psnaaorxref_e) a F�:J= LOCAMMCFLOI IGfTUDtNN:BRAC�IG:ON11( 4.E[—. &LiONGiTLV1NAL.L0CATIONS -REQUIRED NUMBER AND LOCATiQWQF MODEL 1101:"V128 11-01 G "V' fiRACES FfItR M TO 4112-RDOF-PUM ALL WIDTHS;AND LENGTHS UP-TO 52 • - !� • Al • 9FT01 0 �. ALL WIDTHS;AND LENGTHS OVER-52'TO.80.' • • • A • i • 6. • • HOMES WITH 5/12 ROOF PITCH REGUFRE; PER FLORDA REGULATfONS, 6 systems-for home lengths"up to 52' and 8 s�rs#er"ns-for homes_: over 52'and up 80'. -tie p191te and frame fie f°equired of aac IataFat bracing sy5#em.. Fladda appS d 4'ground _ ,, _ / page 3 anchors may be used in all __' revision 6/07 loons except where home manufacturers sped-: fica6ons for sidearall straps' i ,;. are.in excess of 4,000 lbs. I- Transverse arm I beam +I r I't:r Thesetocationsi reqpirq a 5'. connector anchor.Per'Florida Code <H'�Transverse arm \�- Top(1 257 bottom(1s1). . C=GROUND PAN D=GROUND PAN CONNECTQR 0-Ground p_.;V brace I-beam :;;: U BRACKETS'TRANSVERSE Pan. connectors E'=TELESCOPING V BRACE transverses "' TUBE'ASSEMBLY W/15 BOT connectors J-gtorind.Pan TOM TUBE AND 1.25.TUBE V Bradraf INSERT " P—"°V" BRACE] BEAM Cj1 TORS AS E-`1!•Brace Tub H TELESCOPING TL NSrVERSE •,, Top(1257 ARM ASSEMBLY Bottom'(1.5* 1=TRANSVERSE AL SEAM -Ground Pan. CONNECTOR c, J=V'PAtit BRACKET p ��.�.:.,�� C!�:�.�,_.,•-:-.ter- ' - Model# 1101 "Vn Longitude.d-ry � ;-= fem (1}PecAsserutily concrete bracket4i A- k part.#1101 D-CPCA 7 of Wet bracket part# 1101 W-Cf?CA not Grade s-1r-A rX.:_ Model '11U'I GVD t '•. shown. -- _ Cardagel3o �l4ut.- - �:. =;-._:_.. _::;:__ {Model 1101 CVW 7-BEWCONNECTOWEIRAC{�T 't not shown Florida approved 4'ground C=COiVCREf E-FOOTER/RUNNER anoors may tie used in all locations except.where home -- D=CONCRETE U BRACKET TRANSVERSE manufacturers specifications CONNECTOR(Connects with grade 5-12 x2 for sidewall'straps are.in :i' I 1r�calri a bolt&nut I-Transverse arm beam. .• =_xcess of 4,0001ba These ; c r c r+ locations require.a&anchor. connector — _ter E=TEL:ESCOPING-V BRACE Per Florida code. Transverse arm TUBE ASSEMBLY W/1.5 BOT- �''� Top(1-25y TONI TUBE AND 1.25 TUBE. bottom(t 5•y INSERT F:=V BRACE I-BEAM CONNECTOR-ASSEMBLY ' O�anc`ete F-.v brace 1-bee,,, ` (connects with grade 5-1�2'x 4 eamage boLY U bracket connectors 2fc nut) transverseH=TELESCOPING TRANSVERSE-ARM \connectors .I-concrete ASSEMBLY . v -\r Bracket t=TRANSVERSE ARM 1-BEAM CONNECTOR (connects WM grade 5 42'x'2 W'carriage bolt• &nut). f-top(t:2s�Brace Tub To _ r J-CONCRETE`V' BRACKET(connects with - Bottom (1.51 grade 5.-�1/2'x 4".carriage-bolt--&nut) t" ncrete Foated Runner Model#1101 C V-" - 9LIY�R TECHNCL.QGIES)INC. e e:^3179fr4555 P 1400=284-1437 F�axs 937-768481a @@@��� www.olivertectinologies:coin