HomeMy WebLinkAboutPool Alarm Affidavit R ry .IVrD MAR 21 7917 PLANNING &DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT ° Building and Code Regulations Division 2300 VIRGINIA AVE FORT PIERCE,FL 34982 (772)462-1553 Fax(772)462-1578 AFFIDAVIT OF REQUIREMENT COMPLIANCE Residential Swimming Pools,Spa,and Hot Tub Safety Act PERMIT# I(We)acknowledge that a e swZmmi pool,spa,or hot tub will be constructed or installed at I h'c ci c-19 = and hereby affirm that one of the following methods (Please print street address) '11 be used to meet the requirements of Chapter 515,Florida Statutes:(Please initial the method.used for pool.) The pool will be isolated from access to the home by an enclosure that meets the pool barrier requirements of Florida Statute 515.29. The pool will be equipped with an approved safety pool cover that complies with ASTM F1246-91(Standard Performance Specifications for Safety Covers for Swimming Pools,Spas,and Hot Tubs). W/AII doors and windows providing direct access from the home to the pool will be equipped with an exit alarm that has a minimum sound pressure rating of 85decibels at 10 feet. All doors providing direct access from the home to the pool will be equipped with self closing,self latching devices with release mechanisms placed no lower than 54 inches above the floor or deck. I understand that not having one of the above installed at the time of final inspection,or when the pool is completed for contract purposes,will constitute a violation of Chapter 515,F.S.,and will be considered as committing a misdemeanor of the second degree, punishable by fines up to$500.00 and/or up to 60 days in jail as established in chapter 775,F.S. I understand that the St.Lucie County Building Inspections Department assumes no liability for the final inspection of one of the above protective devices,or the lack of maintenance,or the removal of such after the swimming pool has been finalized. I,the contractor,agree to instruct the owner of the proper use and mai%enance of such safety device: CO OfOR AGINATURE OWNER SIGNA ST TE OF OUNTY OF �• ST OF O COUNTY OF L OTARY PUBLIC NOTARY PUBLIC The foregoing instrument was ackn 1 ged before me The foregoing instrument was acL edged before me this day of ,20 , this 1_day of 2017 b by / Personally Known or Produced Identification Personally Known or Produced Identification v Type of identification Produced: Type of Identification produced:&.1/L ;A FARA D HERNANDEZ. FARA D HERNANDEZ MY COMMISSION#FF172419 MY COMMISSION #FF172419 ,,-n- Fti�". EXPIRES October 28,2018 Q: V e= SLCPDS Re EXPIRES October 28,2018 7Q 4 FloridallotaryService.com (407)398o'0153 FloridallotaryService.com Me Copy . 3 Quality,Service,Integrity,Commitment to Excellence n Model:8187D-SAFE POOL One unit per single entry/opening(and/or with its screen by using the second set of sensors). f- Can not be used for 2 windows next to each other. a T Magnetic sensor entry alarm °�.•_,�`�s-.-� �:,���.. r� "Always on"alarm protection Adult pass-through auto reset button t i Y- 0, High output 110-115 dB alarm ' ', `•, -t`: I'k Water/weather resistant housing t c Ia• Magnetic sensor for additional door/screen door Low battery LED display It'- Addtional pass-through button for delayed entry from either side door or fence { Intended for interior or exterior use 9V battery operation(not included r� UPC Barcode:014575 18701 1 P, Pool Guard Alarm USA Patent No.5,473,310 and No.6,727,819 f" ETL Approved under UL 2017 Standards 1 I