HomeMy WebLinkAboutSubcontractor Agreement i PERMIT# ISSUE DATE PLANNING& DEVELOPMENT SERVICES ,I Lis•'t�' F Building & Code Compliance Division j BUILDING PERMIT SUB-CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT S&W ELECTRIC, INC. have agreed to be (Company Name/lndividual Name) VIlYJ�1NE1�E�/FL(OP:.MENLCORt?,-- _�_ --- the Sub-contractor — (Type of Trade) (Primary Contractor) For the project located at (Project Street Addressor Property Tax ID#) It is understood that,if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project,the Building and Code Regulation Division of St.Lucie County will.be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub-contractor notice. ` e2r CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE(Qualifier) SUB-CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE(Qualifier) MATTHEW LYLE WYNNE LAWRENCE STUBBS 'I PRINT NAME PRINT NAME 08898 29442 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida,County-of ST_LUCIE =,__..._ _:.:-_. -__State of Floridai-Countyof ST,LQP.IE__ The foregoing instrument was signed before me thise�day of The foregoing instrument was signed before me this day f 7'_7-c 2j/by MATTHEW LYLE WYNNE t__ ,2� LAWRENCE STUBBS who is personally known 4L or has produced a who is personally(mown iL or has produced a as identification. as identification. GCA 6..r- STAMP STAMP Signature of Notary Pee .en tore of Notary Public DOROTHY ANN•BASKIN i Print Name of Notary Public Print Name of Notary Public �gSAc;. DOROTHYANN BASKIN MY COMMISSION#HH 045443 ��'t; LAURAR,cUBSEDGE c: i :'• EXPIRES:October2,2024 *� `P_Cammission#HH013089 Bonded 7hru Notary PuWk Unden � EzQires October 21,2024 eve �''•'F F�?' BondedThruTroyFainlnewance800 W70" I I PERMIT# ISSUE DATE i 410 _ � JL LANNING& DEVELOPMENT SERVICES i '` Build n & Code Coxn liance.Division . BUILDING PERMIT .SUB-CONTRAGTOR-AGREEMENT j AQUA DIMENSIONS have agreed-to be (Company.Name/Individual Name) the PLUMBER Sub:-coniractor-for WYNNE DEVELOPMENT CORP.. (Type of Trade) (Primary Contractor) For the project located at (Project'Street Addressor Property Tax rD#) It is understood that,if there.,is.-any change of status.regarding our participation with-theabove mentioned project;the Building and Code Regulation biv sion of'St. Lucid-Countywillbe-.advised pursuantto the filings of a Change of Sub=contractor notice. CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE(Qualifier) SUB-C... . SIGNATURE(Qualifier) I MATTHEW LYLE-WYNNE ROBERT LUDLUM PRINT'NAME PRINT NAME 0889.8 1'8628 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER COUNTY'CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida, T LUCIEda,County of k State of-Florida,County of ST. LUCIE The'foregoiag-instrumeeni-was signed hef6*jjje this A`J day of The foregoing instrument was-signed Wffo�re me this ANS day of /byV�S�C2w�a1�-'� .2eby who is personally.kaown Y or has produced a, who is personally known-or has:produced a as identification.Lp,�� ' entifieation. STAMP f Signature'of Notary ''lic Signature of Notary Public STAMP DOROTHYANN BASKIN RHONDA LAFFERTY Print Name of Notary Public Print Name of Notary Public oOROTHY/WNBASKIN o�PRY>�B`• RHONDA @ AFFERTY *; * MY COMMISSION. F MY COMMISSION#GG058720 EXPIRES 0061 t2,2024 �'FaFFF � EXPIRES January 08.2021 ' ••$„„;,• ';Bonded „ „ -Thp Notary PuMIC Undenvtiters PERMIT# ISSUE DATE PLANNING& DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building& Code Compliance Division IBM-DING PERMIT SUB-CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT Comfort Control oT St. Lucie Caunty, Inc, have agreed to'be (Company Name/dndividtial N=e) the HVAC Sub-contractor for Wynne Development Cora. (Type of Trade) 2 OTimaty Contractor) - - For the project located at (Project Street addressor?Wpe ty'Tax ID#) It is understood,that,if there is any change of status.regarding our participation with the above mentioned. project,the Building and Code Regulation Division of St.Lucie County will be advised pursuant.to the filing of a Change of"Sub-contractor notice. CONTACTOR SIGNATURE(Qualifier). S GNA,TURE(Q er) Matthew Lile Wynne Barry 'mmerman PRM NA114E PRINT Net ME 08898 _ 8288 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER COUNTY CIZUTI"FICATION NUMBER Mate of Florida,County ofCJ�c-.�V G�� ' State of Florida,County of G The;Foregoing instrwitthhtrw�as tkned before me thi:�L day of The foregoinZ instrument was 9fped before me tt�ua ,day of who is personally known'�%or has produced a who is personally known\ or has produced A as fdehtification. as identification, a4 4;. STAW �/�. 3TAMF Signature of Notary FUCC Signature of Notary print Name of Notary Public Print Name of Notary Pub c DOROTWMNBASVJN �w`s? ,,. DOROTHYANN:EIA ] �. MY COMMISSION#HH 04" 1-sail MYCOMMISSION#�Q���y�{E�y�XPxIR.E�S�:yOctob`a,'r-2,2,�0^2_4, Bonded __�EX�PIIR.ES,Octob . orded-1YU"vw�-puIk em.. '•FOFF��� BondedThtu .Pub . Revised 111W2016 L66-d ZOOO/ZOOOd tFLo-i 999L8L83LL d.l oo Su i p l i n8 9UUAM -wodi g L: L 9-L,-6a-Z L I'll 'FERMtT:# 1:SSUEDATE I it : ea . :PLAM &.DEVE +OPIINTRYICE laceMaw Division' � '• '� BTr3ILDING EER3VI1tT � :... . ". ...: : ...:' ..:::::.'.:. ... .' . 5UB-CQNTRACTOR.AGR1EiY[EN`C` ` T,r..eas a a :a:asa: R'o'o Have agree ;fobe �(�ompany l*Tamelfndiuiiaai Naive) the. Rflaf3ng. Sufi=coritraetor: or' Lynne Deyelapeat Corp,: {Type of Trade). (Primary Contracroi)., 2 5 �� Fnxthe poect,;laaated at: J ... �4 �..... .. .... (Project Sfreet:Acldiessor'Pioperty Ta?tID��� � �I ItAs,understood:thi t': there::is aiiy ciiange:Qf status rega dui our participationwit: :tfie above II pr..ajec 'thaB ldii ig;and Code Regulation D1yi'sion of.St Lucie Colrnt vvrll:be:advised.pursuaAt.. >Lhe. fi,on of*Change';of_St i-cozitractar z once. r �CONTRACT�it SIG�'3A`fYTttE'.Queli�e)` :SiJB-CQ'4'TIt�S, STGi!1..:.'. .:. (Qoalfiier . . . Mat th.e:w.:Ly1.e. W:yr-rye . . R1 iV�NAlV1E: :$R]NT �M C4ti fiY.GERTIfiICATXON1t`Lr141BETt C—OUNWCERTgTCATTOh;1V1JMSER ;S1stg;oL.Florid�;.Coun�jro' �v State�:oiE6iaa;C of �1C•�`� 3`he foregoing insbrumeatwas gned before;me;thi day of. Ttig foregoing iosiruuienYwassigged before=me tlus�+`— dey. f. -who u. eison911``lafiowri oraas raduced a: wtio;is,gersunatly3lnown: 4r:hwprodacedA -w P Y '! P asiden>pfieation:.. ':as::den6ficafiab: ; Signatgreof 1Votary;T' ..e :S�gna#die'of'l�otary lic cLa,�41pm.0,6am., CLO/a: 49TAW i o/) S je 9�oWo"1NV )P,MM' kjqSK, 3D.0,g07Hy Ay.,v' Pnat'11ia�ie!of1�TAtsry Putilic.. 'I �nntltiama'�of3`ofaryFnbGc� I' ° .,; DOROTHY N .t�?ti: ,,� DOROTHYANN BA8KIN ;•so• /WN BASKI MY COitA�IIISSION#HH Q�15�A3 :t, ,: MY COMMISSION#HH 045443 c�r IXPIREB:Ocfober1.,2024 %4; EX[�IRES:Octpber2,2024 •Fgat;°•'� Bonded Tiv Notary Rui�icL ntl�uuritas •r�F... .Bonded 7hm Notary Puetfc Uiidaiv�ileis. .Revisiftl!11Y:1b12016: `I I