HomeMy WebLinkAbout4041 Wayne PSU 30 Product Approval 2N Eno I etc.
aytYkWe QFA4 ¢ha"zv M M32455
353 Christian Str-et, Unit 413
Oxfnrd, CT OE 478
04 (203) 262-924.5
Owens Corning Roof i n& and AsP ha 11, tLC Evaluation Report I1 98 ILGEL-R11
.One Dwens Corning Park-Lvay FL116OZ-R1O
Toledo, ON 43651� Date of €ssuance; 11/0311W8
(740� 321-6345 Revision 11; 1011712019
50 PE:
This Evaluation Report is issued under FLuk 611152#3 and the applicable rules and regulations gowerni ng the use of
cans#ruction rnateriads in tiie State of Florida. The dlixurnentafdon submitted has been revi-ewed bw RDbert Mcrnink-n,
P-E- for use of the product under the Florida Building Code afld Florida Building Code, Reside ntia] Vo€u me. The products
descrlbed heFein have b$en 9WQluated for coempRanee with the 61 Edl6m �24T7) Florida Bu Ilding Code lions rNated
DmPi pTIow Titania rrfm Roof Underlaymerrks
iAREMC.: Labeling shal I be in accordance with the requir-ernents -of the Accredited quality Assurance Aguincy noted
COMMUED CONP L MM. This Evaluation Report iS vak until such time as the named products) changes, the referenced
(}u2dkty Assurance documentation changes, or provisions of the Code that relate to the product change_ Acceptance of
this Evaluation Report bg the nian Client gonstitutes agreement to notiify Robert Niemi nvn, P.C. of arW Changes to the
product(s), the Quality Assurance or the produdtlon fac2ity €ceatkmJs)- NEMO ETC, LLC requifes a complete review of
#h1$ Evaluation Report relative to updated Code requirernerrts with each Cc4e CVde_
filiYammmmw, The E"Iustlon Report nurnlzer preceded by tfhe words "M!:N O I etc, Evaluated" may be displayed in
advertising literature- If any portion of the Evaluti0n Report is displayed, then it shall be dorm M its entirety.
WSPWMON= Upon request, a Ccpy of t1hiS -Entire Evaluation Report 511311 be prouidM tc the user by the man ufatturer or
its distributors and sha1I bit available for impecdon at the job site at the request of the Bu Ming C ff-cial_
This Evaluation 'fort insists of paw 1 through Ew
Prtpmecf by:
Robert J.M. H�F,e�rm 1�ken,, P.E.�_J_
'• rht Nokmde FnI npf/v.Nrky�wo mjdaind bi RuLtr:
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NOAV3 1 EGLL 060ft I0 592 Fk4doDCA .4NO-W3
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G ERnFWATEM CF 1ruMOM=ft0c9=
1. NEMO ETC, LLC does riot have, nar does it intend to wgvirr cr will it atguire' a tinandal Interest In any companw rn.3nAcwr rigor
distributing products it evaliwtms.
2, N E M 0 UE, UC 7s nDt owned, operated cr CDrrtrolled by any company nvnuFad Lz r%or 43i!wtribLrtirtig products It evaluateK
3- Robert W4KnineN P.E. does not have roar will a quie, a frmandal Interest in eery company m;prrrrracturrng or dist6builag prod ucts for
which tl,� evaluation reports are belflg Issued.
4- Robert MernineN P.En do¢F not have, nor vom 3eriwee, a financial interest in any gBrar matityr involved in tht approval process of the
5- This is a bulldrng code evanadon. Neither NEMO ETC, LLC nor Robert Niemimn, R.E. are, In anyway, th4e Dusigner of Record For anw
prcgea on whirh this Evalwt on Report; or previous versions thwoot, is�was used far perrnitting or da-Jgn guidance wMesa retained
speeifleBityrforthat purpose-