HomeMy WebLinkAbout4041 Wayne PSU 30 Product Approval 5ONEMOletC. 6,3,3 Slopes of 4r12 or Artet: End {verticiaIM laps III be mininnu n &anches and side [horizontal) laps shall be rnlr7 imurn 4-inches. End (vertical) laps shall he offset from caur$e W r!s.L- not less than 6 feet. Minimum attachmeM shall b-e with FBC TahJe LS07-1-1 or P,905,1,1. Whtn batterr syrstem;s are to be installed atop the Unde" end, the underlayment need only he prell rairmfily attadlied pending attachment of the battens. 6,3.4 Slopes of 2! l2 tc lei& thin 4; 12; End (vertiml[ laps shal I be minimum a-IrXhe3 arld side (horizontal) laps shall he rninimurn 25-In#ies, End Iverkicall laps shall.1 he offset fmrn course to aaurse not less than 6 feet Begin by fastener a 25-iinch wide strip along the eaves- Place a full-wift shut owr the starter, completely overlapping the starter course. Ccrnt Mime up5l-00-e, rnaintai-i[ng minimum 254nds side [hgrizprrtgilf laps, resulting in a doub a -layer application- Mirlim um at#acf tent sb@R be in aQwn:Wnoe with FBC Table 1507-L1 or R%5-L1- Secure end laps 4-i nch p,c, 1tir Wn batten systems are to be installed atop the Unde%ynlent, the underlaymerrt need vnrV be prel iminarily attached PEhldine Mtachrnent of the battens. &4 T`taniurn►T" PSU-30 - — &A-1 Non -Tile Inst21.3tions! Shall be irrstailed in rwrr pii$nm with thw co-dified requirements for ASTM B11970 undeF ayment in FK Table 1507,1.1 for the type of prepared roof covering to be installed r and Owens coralrlg 1pUbfished requirements_ TIOnliurm" PSU-30 shall he hack -nailed in acmrdanrewith Owens (4*mlr)$ publMtd ihstallativn requirements` GA�2 Nail --On File Ap lick ns; Shall be installed in <*mP4I811t* witfr the requirements for Self -Adhered Membrane underlayr{nent se forth in FikSWRI April 21312 [4-12j, and Owens Conlinj� published requirements- Titanium' PSEF30 shall he beck-na iled max. V 0,c, with 12 ga- ga[vanized annular rink shank nails through 32 ga., 15J84nch diameter tin caps in accordance with Owens Corning published installation requirements - Refer to Section 5.8 for the sNgIii-nitatiuns, 6. S.3 Foa m-On THe Applications, Sha IL be installed i n compliance with the requimrnie-nts for 5e1i`•Ad hered Mlem bra ne underilayment set forth in F!115A TRI APri[ 2012 (0 -121, and Owens Corning published requirement-,. Tilitnn,m' KI J-.gyp 5h,11 ha hack -nailed max- 5" 04e, WO 12 ga, gaIYanized annular rink shank nails through 32 ga., 1-5 f B-inch diameter firs caps In $ rdance wlt;h Owens Corning published installation requirements. Refer to Table 1A for a-Ilowable tile adhesiYes. Refer to Section 5.6,1 far wind uphill 11wi tatlom Refer to Section S.9 for We staging lima#apn s, 6. rtft�Cll�tktt'F'p `#tern: r i 65,1 Tht Titanium 2-Ply System mnsists of a base Layer of Titanium Ul)t- (t*"urfac?e Prilmd -or stet invarted� mechanically attached to the wood roof deck followed by Titanium PSU-30r setf-adhered- 6.5.2 Non -Tile Apoliica2a�; Irt ll Tltanlum U17L•30 (Ibp surface primed or sheet inverted) in accorda nee with Section 6.3 followed by titan lung P$U- in acwrdance with S@4%on 6,4, NEroo Er, tLC E.YW tlon Report 9119M.11A"11 rrJA u i Fi uweinn VIY41} 60 EDITJON FN1171 W WON-IffliF EVALUATbM FUSEMA 119 Trtaniiurn fborUnde4sfinrrtts RAviiian 21: 1Djj7j2(n9 PmW 7 of 8