HomeMy WebLinkAbout20-182 Evans 12-30-20 All/ Revised Plans 2I r. 03 I 0 60'-0" 1 29'-4" 1 30'-8" L = I r•IM: F-36 F-3 / r -I T-8 L J L 0 o IIM I�%n 2'-0 I E UI -i I -i I !oxio�Fa 13'-2„ OUTSIDE SHOWER ROUGH -IN F-3(o / I T-8 L — — — J / T-8 / / F- 6 I C-I oo I I L -- O 0 0 0 2 II Q I Y LL O D ood // F-16 --—- �-- — — — —� F-16 \ I I I I o I ncret�e slab with fibermesh OR J /10 L1JWM on 6 mil Visqueen over / in compacted termite treated fill / ° o i c-2 N `r I I I_ I O I L -fr--— — J �I LL Recess for ° Shower LL F I — IAIM AY N I N r �I U_ F-16— — J I I I I I i n 7 L F-24 N C-4 001 �I -2-4 4„ IUI I I lU1U1 �i U U UI I JulLJL — — — — — — — — — — — — — — - ---F=16 EI IE E IE E E E I I' I I I �- U_ ' I 4" concrete slab with fibermesh OR IE 6"x6" 410/10 WWN on 6 mil Visqueen over clean compacted termite treated fill 12'-2" I IW I I IIV I C I Ir --- J I E L--- F El 0RE I �- I o1I I Ell O F II VENTED ' HOOD ABOVE E. (MICRO/ I OVEN - L - - - °I m F--1 �7- C I I Q AH LLI I I I[ �0 I LL, 0 W I - See detail at E_I garage step down on this sheet a r- — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — 4" concrete slr i3°�ibermesh ® ► "A" I r= �"x�" 410/10 ww wFS�nA t it Visqueen over clean compact -ter-mite treated fill I oo o CA �I �I IU SLOPE 2" ,> c E L—— — — — — —— F--6------ C 0 MAI Io O 19 1 1011 101OC C-� 6'-2" 23'-4" A�/IC H.B. ETER FOUND/4TION FL/4N FOUNDATION NOTES: SCALE: 114" = I'-O" 1. Any changes to plans must be submitted to the architect for approval before proceeding with construction. 2. Contractor shall be responsible for verification of all notation and dimensions before starting construction. 3. Soil conditions assumed to be 2S00 psf. Should any other conditions be encountered, the architect shall be notified in writing for revision -4. Verify all recess thickness at showers, tile, etc.... S. Contractor to provide filled cell with concrete and I US bar Vert. at 48" o.c. max. f rovide (1) filled cell on each side of openings upp to S'—II" wide. Pg Provide (2) filled cells on each side of openings s from �i —O" to 9' —Il" and F�rovide (3) filled cells on each side of o enie s from 10' —0" and u Contractor to see plans for an other condition used. Foundation walls p shall have filled cells at 24" o.c. unless otherwise noted (see section) L Contractor to provide for Form Board Survey — Form Board Survey to be provided to Truss Company prior to truss construction 7. Contractor to provide for soil test prior to construction and provide a copy of soil test to architect for review prior to construction 8. ALL Reinforcing steel shall be grade �0, meeting ASTM A—I� and A-3S specifications. ALL Anchors to be A-307 steel. 9. F�rovide a minimum of 3 concrete protection at footings and 1-1/2 concrete protection at beams for ALL reinforcing bars. 10. Contractor to pprovide the Architect with truss shop drawings including ALL truss cut sheets showin ALL truss reactions prior to START OF FOUNDATION WORK for strapand footing size verification. g 4" concrete slab with fibermesh OR 6 x6 #10/10 WWN on 10 mil Visqueen over clean compacted termite treated fill O 6" min. b 45 bar cont. i � N a--) �9 v 04 v 12„ (2> 1*5 bars cont. bottom steel 16" DETAIL AT GARAGE STEI=DOWN Scale: 3/4" = 1'-0" _I N SEE TYPICAL �ECTIONS Inn -4" concrete slab with fibermesh OR 6"x6" #10/10 WWM on 10 mil Visqueen over clean compacted termite treated fill Grade N E . III m 16"w x 16"d concrete monolithic footingg with (2) 45 bars cont. and #5 transverse bars at 32" o.c. 3 16" F-l� FOOTING DETAIL SCALE 1/2" = 1'-0" I r(4!"IP o 7� HN 9770 U �••�Fh'ED ARG , � 00 �N Q3 IV � cc o 00 00 r— M N U ZIDa) U� U � � M a, ZS c� ZS N �� m W L-5 " O ..ZWOD�Uo < } N N }, U < ao 06 [L t - r L < Z ## N N O 07 ~Orr U���� �x'j J < W Q.� m� J-1--1 DATE DRAWN 8-I1-20 ion DRAWN BY: � A.B.K. C.C.U. W CHECKED BY: D.R.B. MODEL: SERENITY 2 CAR GARAGE RIGHT Q SHEET Q �o I m Digitally signed by OF q. Daniel R. Braden �A JOB NUMBER: Date: 2020.12.31 pq 2 0 —18 2 09:55:22-05'00' 00t In c: sc:h& UI& l�fark T-8 Thicken slab edge to 8" x 8" with (1) US bar cont. f-1 1�11w x 1�"d concrete monolithic JootinQwith (2) 45 and 45 transverse bars at 32O.c. (bottom) rebar continuous F-2.4 Thicken slab to 2,4"w x 24"1 x 1�"d with (3) 45 bars each way f-3 3�11w x bottom 3�1 x 12"d steel. concrete pad footing with US rebar at 8" O.c. each F—�O �O"w x bottom �0 1 x Ii�"d steel. concrete pad footing with US rebar at 8" O.c. each F-80 80"w x bottom 80"1 x Ii�"d steel. concrete pad footing with US rebar at 8" O.C. each Hang beams On columns using Simpson MBHA 3.56/11.88 with (1) 3/4" dia. ATR top and face with min. T" embedment set in Simpson ET Epoxy Tie Adhesive Bloeam with I"x as needed to fill hanger Stra Girder truss to wall using Sim son GT strap with (1) 5/8" dia. ATR embeded 12" min, in concrete and (22) IOd nails into wood beam O N F W SOME i�i1�1ia�.C3i1[���lII • 11w, � _ L60 L31 BI cli I BI F I ---- —� 1 11'-0" High 1 Tray Ceiling BI °p 1 N 8'-8" 14'-4„ L31 BI 12 SLOPE �, cn C-2 LAU L , ^ BI' �< LL U W un , LH M_ z z 73~HA 12 W BI 0 SLOPE 6 LL BI L45 BI BI Hang beams on columns using Simpson MBHA 3.56/11.88 w-it (1) 3/4" dia. ATR top and face with min. T" embedment se in Simpson ET Epoxy Tie Adhe ive 12 6 ISLOPE B2 / 11' 0" High Tr y C cling C —'4 mim L20 L90 BI BI LU O N BI (2) HETA 2 ®rs-, USE 0110,11mo Metal Sales Manuf turing Inc 5v Mexal Roofing Installed per FL #11 0.1 over PoKolass Self dhered rooting sgstelR, instal e per o er I9/32" CDX plyw oil a ached to trusses embeded 12" min. In concrete and (22) IOd nails into wood beam EN IN ER D RU S S T 24 .c. YPICA � h p d awm s b ma ufa ture ) i Bs Ceiling at 12'-0" Strap beams to columns using Simpson HETA 20 at each beam end Strap Beam to walls usingg Simpson HUC 212-2 / with (3) I/4" x 2" tapcons in each flange into concrete I strap with (1) b/6" dia. A I K embeded 12 min, in concrete and (22) IOd nails into wood beam all BI L45I: BI L45 BI L45 i I� I.22" S"ttti x 36" I Access) N MCI light 0 12 12 W < LHA z 4-) � U p- BI L16O �w n lL N — L 1 2,4 L BI ro.H.1 0 Isr— 11 BEAM SCHEDULE Mark Size and Description BI Two rows of beam block filled with concrete and 1 45 bar continuous in each row. Provide precast lintel filled with concrete and (1) #5 bar cont over openings B2 (2) 2" x 12" SYP #2 PT B3 (3) 2" x 12" SYP #2 PT B4 One row of beam block filled with concrete and 1 #5 bar continuous in each row. Provide precast lintel filled with concrete and (1) 45 bar cont over openings STRAPPING SCHEDULE HETA 20_ SIMPSON HETA 20 hurricane anchor at each truss supporting Max. 1810 lbs. uplift. Strap shall have (9) IOd x I I/2" nails. HET,4 20 STRAPPING SCHEDULE HTS 20 Simpson HTS 20 hurricane anchor at each truss (24" o.c.) supporting Max. 1450 lbs. uplift w/ (20) IOd nails HTS 20 TRUSS BRACING NOTES Contractor to brace all top and bottom chords in floor and roof trusses in the following manner: - install first row of truss bracing 36" from exterior walls and spaces 12" o.c. thereafter top and bottom chords install bracing on any top or bottom chord which is longer than 12" in clear span. All truss bracing to be 2" x 4" wood and shall be attached to top of bottom chord and on bottom of top chord of trusses. MEMO lirralow ROOF SHEETING ATTACHMENT CETAIL I. Minimum Mail Size = 8d ring shank (min. 2" long) 2. Minimum Screw Size = #8 x 2" 3. Minimum Sheathing Thickness 19/32" CDX PI wood 4. Use nails or screws based on pressure for roof stated in permit info box on these plans for zone 3 Key Area Edge Field Fastener Pressure Zone 1 8d ring shank 45 psf Zone 2 41, 8d ring shank % psf Zone 3 .4" �{" 8d ring shank 8.4 psf ** Zone 3a #8 wood screw 112.5 psf - :0��\EL * �-`IMF^✓ �••�Fh'ED ARG , � 00 �N Q3 QC CS cc r- � o `O \O U � � U �00E a� .. U M N U U � � �w 7t •� � N � �� zs CA r- N a W W L U 0 ' Z LLI NNa' U QO OD p- � rr L < ZNN it 11) O n,~Orr � c<1 (� ~ W �xLL —1 m � J-1--1 Qj 4-3 LO Q) J-1--1 TYPICAL ROOF NOTES: Scale 114' = 1'—O" DATE DRAWN 8-11-20 Overhangs shall be 2'—O" unless otherwise noted on this sheet DRAWN BY: Roof pitch shall b& unless otherwise noted on this sheet 14.S.I<.�C.C.U. Truss shop drawings to be provided by manufacturer W CHECKED BY: Any changes to this plan shall be submitted to the D.R.B. architect for approval in writing prior to starting construction. MODEL: ALL TRUSS TO TRUSS CONNECTIONS BY SERENITY TRUSS MANUFACTURER � G��,��E Architect to review Truss Shop Drawings Prior RIGHT to construction for layout and uplift verification Q SHEET Contractor to provide for Form Board Survey and to provide Q Form Board Survey to Truss Company prior to truss construction Contractor to provide the Architect with truss shop drawings inc u ing ALL truss cut sheets showing ALL truss reactions prior o T RT Digitally signed b � o� q. OF: FOUNDATION WORK for strapp and footin�gg size v r i c on. Daniel R. Braden � JOB NUMBER: — TRUSS DEFLECTION SHALL NOT EXCEED 0.5 � rs &.•2020.12.31 A4 20-182 — TRUSS LENGTH NOT TO EXCEED 35' 09:55:51-05'00' � D,�rinhil -usses spaced per truss nufactures plans 1Pical splice ttach bracing to truss chord ing (2) IOd nails in all cations x 4" wood bracing Use nails or screws based on pressure for roof stated in permit info box on these plans for zone 3 Additional Precast Lintel #5 bars Lintel Bar Clear "A "B" Length Length Span Bars Bars r ' .• ,'M N N .� CLEAR - 2'-10" 2'-8" I'-6" 2,3 none 4-----y �-----� �-----y CLEAR 3'-4" 2'-2" 2,u3 none 8F8-0B/IT 8F8-IB/IT 8F8-IB/2T Additional 4'-O" 3'-10" 2'-8" 2,u3 none #5 bars CLEAR •`�' 3'-2" 2,u3 none fOnen,Row of "H" D. k Above '-"5'-2" 4'-O" 23 none none Precast Lintel N'G .� none i i Additional i ' i CLEAR US bars '� ----�' �'-6" 7'-0" 6'-2" 2,tt5 none 8FI6-IB/IT 8FI6-I13/2T NOTES: T-0" 2,:a5 none I. min. coverage of steel=Ls" 2. min. bearing required 51 ea. end=8" ALL reinforcing steel is grade 60. 3. standard for reinf. steel=ASTM A615 TYPICAL LiNTEL SECTION ( PRECAST CONCRETE ) LiNTEL SCHEDULE Window Rows of Max. Max. Max. or Door "H" Block Gravity Uplift Lateral Mark Unit Lintel Cast -Crete Above Bottom Size Top Size Load Load Load Width Size Specification �� �� Steel Steel (PLF) (PLF) (PLF) L22 2'-2" 3'-b" 8F8-OB/IT I u5 3069 1569 1024 L31 2'-6" 4'-0" 8F8-OB/IT 1 #5 2561 1363 -163 2'-8„ 1 3'-1" L45 4'-5" 5'-10" 8F8-OB/IT 1 #5 1105 909 339 L50 5'-O" 6'-6" 8F8-OB/IT 1 #5 1238 835 -121 L60 6-8" T-6" 8F8-OB/IT 1 #5 1011 i2_1 534 L80 8'-0" 9'-4" 8F8-IB/2T I 1 #5 2 #5 152 591 1 512 L90 9'-0" 10'-6" 8F8-IB/2T 1 #5 2 #5 643 530 401 L90B 9'-0" 10'-6" 8FI6-IB/2T ONE I u5 2 u5 1533 1183 401 LI00 10'-0" ll'-4" 8F8-IB/2T 1 #5 2 #5 582 494 452 LIOOB 10'-0" ll'-4" 8FI6-IB/2T ONE 1 #5 2 #5 1 1366 1028 452 L120 12'-0" 13'-4" 8F8-IB/2T 1 #5 2 #5 4-11 428 324 L120B 12'-0" 13'-4" 8FI6-8/2T ONE 1 #5 1 2 #5 10,115 7110 324 LI40 I4'-0" 15'-4" 8FI6-IB/2T ONE 1 #5 2 #5 1250 609 259 LI60 I6'-0" IT-4" 8F8-IB/2T 1 #5 1 2 1 #5 300 192 194 L160B 16'-O" IT-4" 8FI6-IB/2T I ONE 1 #5 1 2 1 45 950 500 194 - ALL LINTELS SHALL BE MADE BY CAST-CRETE. - LINTELS SHALL BE FILLED SOLID WITH 3000 PSI CONCRETE - REFER TO CAST-CRETE CATALOG FOR ALL INFORMATION REGARDING LINTEL CONSTRUCTION, HANDLING INFORMATION, AND SAFE LOAD REQ. REQUIREMENTS - LINTELS OVER 14'-O" LONG ARE TO BE PRESTRESSED. - CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY ALL LINTEL SIZES BASED ON FINAL MASONRY OPENING SIZES AND ADJUST LINTELS ACCORDINGLY PRIOR TO ORDERING ANY/ALL LINTELS Diagonal bracing to be 2" x 4" to span 8'-0" from gable et " nailed to each truss 2" x 4" bracing to sp 8'-0" from gable end each truss with (2) IC See typical wall sectic construction /4 BLE E N ED ULI /4 gray L L EDET/4 19/32" CDX plywood sheeting nailed per roof sheeting attachment detail on roof plan sheet Soffit and fascia - see typical section for exact details 2" x 4" sub -fascia 1/8" thick light textured stucco over paper backed wire lath nailed to substrate through one layer of 15 lb felt using 8d nails. Substrate to be 19/32" CDX Plywood nailed at 6" o.c. in field and edges with IOd ring shank nails into studs. ClarkDietrich XJ15 Double-J expanded flange galvanized control oint attached to pl wood using d ring shank nails (2) in each corner and at 16" o.c. thereafter with min. I" penetration into studs 1L (12 Cambrdige Asphalt Shingle Roofing installed per product approval FLU 30310.1 over Polyglass self adhered roofing underlayment over 19/32" CDX plywood attached to trusses per sheeting attachment diagram on roof plan N T S F-2-f Section at Entr_q Forch Scale 3/4" = 1'-0" sr Cambrdlge Asphalt Shingle Roofing Installed per product approval FLU 30310.1 over Polyglass self adhered roofing underlayment over 19/32" CDX plywood attached to trusses per sheeting attachment diagram on roof plan Dowel (1) #5 bar w/ 25" min lap and 6" embed ete Footing M iss Tie Down F, &aair nts Girder Truss 3 1/2" x 3 1/2" x 1/4" thick steel column 10" x 10" x 5/8" thick base plate with (4) 5/8" dia. x 8" A.B. preset in concrete slab 4 3/4" wide x 12" high x 8" long x 5/8" thick steel column cap prewelded to steel column. Provide 1/8" dia. predrilled hole for (3) 5/8" dia. thrubolts. ADJUST CAP WIDTH AS NEEDED TO MATCH GIRDER THICKNESS - VERIFY WITH TRUSS SHOP DRAWINGS PRIOR TO FABRICATION 3 1/2" x 3 1/2" x 1/4" thick steel column 5/8" dia. x 8" a.b. preset in concrete slab I�� 10" x 10" x 5/8" thick base plate prewelded to column Base Detall Secondary Pour 14" x 14" square to recess bolts Footing - see foundation plan for size and steel requirements Tublcal Steel Column Detail MAX. UPLIFT = 6,000 Ibs nts MAX. GRAVITY = 10,000 Ibs Wood truss bottom chord 26 ga. top track screwed to studs using (2) Type "S" screws each side of each stud Attach to trusses using (2) #8 screws at 48" o.c. max v q) 3 %8" 26 ga. G.I. metal stud blocking at mid -span of studs a 0 0 n R rn \1/2" drywall 3 %" 26 ga. G.I. metal stud at 16" o.c. > tr 26ga bottom track screwed to studs +using (2) Type "S" screws each side of each stud Typical base INTERIOR WALL SECTION nts nts Simpson HTS strap at each truss suppporting Max. 1450 lbs. uplift (2�f) IOd x 1 1/2" nails in each strap Galt' -Alum Metal drip on I" x 3" Beveled Drip on 2" x 8" Fascia, 1/2" thick light textured trowel on stucco finish applied to 1/2" dense glass screwed to soffit framing using 410 x 2" SS screws at 6" o.c. field and edges Hang beams on columns using Simpson MBHA 5.56/11.88 with (1) 3/4" did. ATR top and face with min. 7 embedment set in Simpson ET Epoxy Tie Adhesive grade 12 ;o SLOPE Beam S2 Column C-1 �I I I�� �✓I I I�� �4'I I Ill--�i I I -� ...�...:. ::'. ;:�.: - r.. tH�---+�H---� - F-36 Section at Rear F orch Cambrdige Asphalt Shingle Roofing installed per product approval FLU 30310.1 over Polyglass self adhered roofing underlayment over 19/32" CDX plywood attached to trusses per sheeting attachment diagram on roof plan Simpson HETA 20 or equal hurricane anchor at each truss 12 with (10) 10d x 1 1/2" nails ( 24" 10lb supporting g Maxim 6 18101bs. uplift \ Galt' -Alum Metal drip on I" x 4" Drip on _ I" x 8" Fascia on `p 2" x 6" Sub -Fascia 1/2" thick stucco on 3/8" hi -rib lath attached to horizontal and vertical wood framing with nails or staples to provide no less than 1-3/4" penetration into horizontal wood framing and 3/4" penetration into vertical wood framing members 5/8" thick light textured stucco on typical concrete block construction #5 bar vert. w/ 30" overlap — at each filled cell ZY base board Trusses at 24" o.c. see shop drawings by others -0" T.0 A.F.F. 4" concrete slab with fibermesh OR "xd" #10/10 WWM on 6 mil Visqueen over clean compacted termite treated fill Scale 3/4" = 1'-0" 6" min. of R-22 spray foam insulation on bottom of roof sheathing in compliance with ICC-ESR-1826 dated Feb. I, 2012. Install DC 315 Intumescent coating per section 4.3.2 of ICC test noted above to comply with 15 min. thermal barrier requirements. TYPIC/4L SECTION PRE-ENGINEERED TRUSSES at 24"o.c. TYPICAL ( shop drawings bg manufacturer ) 6/8" drywall with smooth finish 1/2" drywall over I" x furring strips at 16 o.c. with R6 foam panel insulation on typical 8" Block walls All drywall is per FBC 102.3.1 and shall meet all pertaining ASTM codes. Mortar to be Type "M" only. Provide Dur-O-Rock at air wet areas (ex. showers, tubs etc...) Fill cell with concrete and (1) #5 bar vert. (typical). Max. spacing shall not exceed 32" unless otherwise noted see foundation plan notes for spacing at openings 4" concrete slab with fibermesh OR 6"x6" #10/10 WWM on 6 mil Visqueen over —clean compacted termite treated fill Scale : 1/2" = 1'-0" Digitally signed 1 Daniel R. Braden Date: 2020.12.31 09:56:20-05'00' 0��gEL R. Q R ,04 ® - 0 oaa AR 97700 �^ O= V U wa��n� W O 00 00 00 N � N pcW W � o O O ..z w �" O } ��, CA -3 4 0O0 006 ' Q- r r < 03 z Nci tt ~ O rr- W U �3 x —1 L U � U_ LL to ' +3 N -Q Q J-1--1 DATE DRAWN 2-12—I4 DRAWN BY: ,4.B.K_�C.C.u. CHECKED BY: D.R.B. MODEL: ^Q l--I SHEET D — I w OF 9. JOB NUMBER: r� co ri h � A/C disc. ground to rebar in slab E L E C T R I C;4 L PANEL /1/4// Poles BR Load Wire Description circ# circ# Description Wire Load BR Poles 2 40 1.0 kw 48 A/C comp 1 2 Double O en 1*8 8.4 kw 40 2 3 �{ 2 30 3.5 kw #10 AHU 5 6 Cook Top #8 kw 40 2 Z g 2 30 4.5 kw #10 40 gal. water HTR 9 10 Dryer 48 5.0 kw 30 2 II 12 1 20 1.5 kw #12 Microwave 13 14 Irr. Pump 412 1.8 kw 20 2 1 20 1.5 kw 412 Kitchen S.A.C. 15 16 1 20 1.5 kw 412 Kitchen S.A.C. I 18 Dishwasher 1*12 1.2 kw 20 1 1 20 1.2 kw 412 Clothes Washer 19 20 Refrigerator 412 1.2 kw 20 1 1 20 0.81 kw 1*12 Garage Door Opener 21 22 M. Bed, M. Bath LGT 414 15 I I 20 0.81 kw. 412 Garage Door Opener 23 24 Living, Study, Foyer LG7 414 15 1 1 20 412 Master Bed Recept 25 26 Family, Bath 1*2 LGT 1*14 15 I 1 20 412 Master Bed Recept 21 28 Bed 42, Bed 43, Laundr , Dining LGT 414 15 1 1 20 412 Living Recept 29 30 Kitchen Lighting #14 15 1 1 20 412 Bed 42 recept 31 32 Garage Lighting 1*14 15 I 1 20 412 Bed #3 Recept 33 34 Exterior Lighting 41.4 15 1 1 20 #12 Garage Recept 35 3� spare 1 20 #12 Smoke Detectors 31 38 spare 1 20 #12 Exterior Recept 39 40 spa s are 41 42 s are PANEL "A" LOAD CALCULATION SHEET Load Description Qt . Watts Total(Watts) General Lighting (3 watts sq. ft.) Small Appliance Circuit(s) Cook Top Micorwave Refrigerator Dish Washer Double Oven Clothes Washer Clothes Dryer Water Heater Irrigation Fump Garage Door Opener 2890 3 8,00 2 1,500 3,000 I 1 1,100 1,100 1 1,200 1,200 1 1,200 1,200 1 8,400 8,400 1 1,200 1,200 I 5,000 5,000 1 4,500 4,500 1 1,800 1,800 2 810 1,620 Total Watts 44,390 First 10000 Watts 5100% 1 10,000 10,000 Remainder 34,390 5140% 1 O 13,156 Electric Heat or A/C 10,000 565% 1 10,000 10,000 Calculated Load Watts 33,7156 Voltage 240 Calculated Wattage Divided by Voltage = Total Amps 140.65 Panel Size to be Installed = 200 Amps ELECTRICAL FLAN ELECTRIC NOTES: I. Use copper wire only, no aluminum. 2. Provide and wire all required smoke detectors. 3. Contractor to verify location of electrical service and provider -4. ALL paddle fans shall be on a rheostat. S. Recessed cans to be Installed per NFPA requirements. �. ALL Branch Circuits that supply 125v single phase 15 amp or 20 shall be protected by Combination -Type AFCI Circuit Breakers. 1. Tamper resistant AFC[ receptacles to be Installed in ALL rooms Kitchen, Bathrooms, and Garage. SCALE: 1/4" = P—O" amp outlets 8. ALL bath and kitchen and garage receptacles to be GFCI protected. 9. ALL exterior outlets to be Wf /GFCI protected. 10, A/C Return Air Balance Must comply w/ F.B.C. Mechanical 2010 ed. and current version of any supplements to the 2010 ed. 11. A/C Refrigerant Imes that are run thru slabs must be sleeved in PVC 12. ALL A/C Equipment shall be 15 SEER 13. Provide Disconnects at ALL appliances (water heater, A/C units, and ALL other equipment as required by N.E.C.) 14, A/C Ducts in Garage shall be metal or l" thick minimum rigid nonmetallic Class 0 or Class I duct or other approved material and shall have no openings Into the garage. 15. Smoke Alarms shall be Installed in the following locations: a) In each sleeping room. b) Outside each separate sleeping area in the immediate vicinity c) On each additional story of the dwelling ** ALL Smoke Alarms shall be interconnected and hardwired Digitally signed by of the bedrooms. Daniel R. Braden * * Date: 2020.12.31 09:57:16-05'00' N m 1..� W LU LU L-5 " O ' Z w OD < `-' CA < ao ou U L zOD OD ## CA CA �~o CA CA Orr 73 m ~ (a LU x J IL DATE DRAWN 8-11-20 con DRAWN BY: � A.B.K. C.C.U. W CHECKED BY: D.R.B. MODEL: SERENITY 2 CAR GARAGE RIGHT Q Q SHEET �1 w OF q. JOB NUMBER: A4 20-182 C ea ri h