HomeMy WebLinkAboutWS 21 - Sub Agreements5142 Armina Place 131170001650001 5142 Armina Place 131170001650001 ELECTRIC CONNECTION5142 Armina Place 131170001650001 PERMIT #ISSUE DATE FI,,{NTqINC & T}EVELOPMENT SNRVICES Building & Code Cornpliance Division BtIrLrlrN(; Purn{l:f STi B-CONl'IIACTOR AC RIlEM I NT &rtm##x-+ 4, *)' ths Mechanical ('l t'pr' ol l radc) Iol tlie ploieot locatcd at ',4 <*havc agrccd to be S,b_cii,tr.tict.r. fot, K. Flovnanian Florida Operations - Joseph Spalt (Plimalv Contlaulor') (['r'o.ie ut Str'eet Ailth'ess ol Prt:ipell1, 'I'irx Il) #) Il is unclerstood that. il there is any changc of status project, the Builciing ancl (iode Reguiation Division fiIing ot'a Clhange of :^iib-contractol nolice. J i,4ii'-:\ COr*'l'lt[(IIS]l SlGl,lA'f URlil (Qualifi ttJ Joseph Spalt PRIN'I NA\IT c8C1263048 - St"C #34426 i-;otrslt iiilr'nIri:,rrrilr.,{ Nmrurin regarrling oLrr participalion with the abcive rnentir:ned of St. L,ucie Clorrnty rvill be advisecl pursuant to the ,1 ,4 .5,,, u - .' ,, /"t-?c1,_!- PRI\T N \\If ,/ ('*crgr ysz{ Stute of Florida, Cuunrl ut PBC lhc forcgoing irstrunrcnt rvos signed treforr ure tlris _t.lrt.r of ,2() , "r, Joseph spalt rrlro is pcrsonalll'knorrn / o, t ^rprotlucrtl l CtltjNT'\' CliR'lIllICr[l'lON N t]iltlrlli Strtc 0l'l,lori(ltr, r-:ouaty ot t{4Ot,!yt Ptlett- 'l'he forr:going instrrrfterlt u'rs signctl bclbrc nrr this _ dl1,ol 'zo'2a'4',/ rrlro is pcrsorallt lrrtou rr ./ ot lws protlrrccrl :r as irlcrrlillcatiorr. /,/'/' l,cil^o,/ (1r' Signaiu le ol Notary Puhlic Plint n-arne of Notlr"r' Public suB-fioN'r'It/\C'r'olt stcNA rtittlfQuatilicr) as iden{ificatiol .irgiIfrtrecrfidr rur,r* l(evin Wirth ii Notiry pubiic -.gtqtqlpFlorida m- - Camrrission fl GG 917671 '.|.i-t]' ray Comm. Expires Sep 29, ?023 Bonded through National Hotary Assn, ltcvisctl I l/1612016 Plitrt N*rne of r\ota11' Puhlic s r-Ail,lP -ffi-nrA L cLos r'av coiltilsstoN # GGo7os45 ;*i;; r6rruarY o7 '2021 5142 Armina Place 131170001650001