HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding permit appALL APPLICABLE INFO Must BE COMPLETED FOR APPLICATloN TO BE ACCEPTED Date: Permit Number: |i-I ;,-i . i J i -_-I I i--'J `er®i e I E! I Ee' Building Permit Application Planning and Development Services Build.Ing and Code Regulation Division 2300 Virginia Avenue, Fort Pierce FL 34982 Phone: (772) 462-1553 Fax: (772) 462-1578 Commercial Residential XXXXXXXX PERMITAPPLICATION FOR: Roof PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT LOCATION: Address: 14201 DULCE REAL FT. PIERCE, FL 34951 Legal Description: SPANISH LAKES FAIRWAYS BLK 74 LOT 1 property Tax |D #: 1306-500-0339-000-2 Lot No Site plan Name: Block No Proj.ect Name: Setbacks Front Back: Right side: Left side: II DETAILED DESCRIPTION 0F WORK: REMOVE EXISTING ROOF & REPLACE ANY ROT INSTALL ASTM-226 30# UNDERLAYMENT INSTALL 26 GA METAL ROOF SYSTEM CONSTRUCTION INFORMATION: I AdE'::;`cworKtobE]e:::i::kundertn,sperm,t-checkEGaspipinga||H::;::rs Hwindows/Doors E]E,ectric Ep,umbing Hsprink,ers EGenerator ERoof ::ts:'osfqc::s°tfr::t:::r:usct:05::03:700 ut„ ,t[e:.t± :::I::E°sr:pt,c Bu,id,ng Height OWNER/LESSEE:CONTRACTOR: NameJOSEPH J CAIRNEY Name: JOE BAKER Address: 14201 DULCE REAL Company: BIG LAKE ROOFING & REPAIRS city: FT. PIERCE state:FL Address: 2699 NW 16TH BLVD. zip code: 34951 Fax:city: OKEECHOBEE state: FL Phone No. 631-235-6713 Zip code: 34972 Fax: 863-763-7662 E-Mail:Phone No. 863-763-7663 Fill in fee simple Title Holder on next page ( if different E-Mail: BIGLAKEROOFING@YAHOO.CoM State or County License: CCC046939from the Owner listed above) lf value of construction is $2500 or more, a RECORDED Notice of Commencement is required. SUPPLEMENTAL CONSTRUCTION L EN LAW INFORMATION: DESIGNER/ENGINEER: ji|Not Applicable RTa°mReT:GAGE COMPANY: tiNotApp|icab|eName. Address.Address: City: State:City: State: Zip: Phone:Zip, Phone, FEE SIMPLE T TLEHOLDER: }£NotApplicable R:#ep]NGC°MPANV: b4NotApplicableName: Address:Address: Cit:City: Zip: Phone:Zip: Phone: I certify that no work or installation has commenced prior to the issuance of a permit. !tirccu[cj:#:n:t!:cT:wi!i,:a?wi[eahpp;F:i::n#:tL3:5h:ai|#a:!sg:,i3af.Pan?,:o:n:tr#!:a#:o#zdg:te!#.:riaij;n;egs[t#chfigniua##e#Ea: ct structureppprFyTibitsuch ln consideration of the granting of this requested permit,I do hereby agree that will, in all respects, perform the work in accordance with the approved plans, the Florida Building Codes and St. Lucie County Amendments. The following bu i ding permit ap plications are exempt from undergoing a full concurrency review: room additions, accessory structures, swimming pools, fences, walls, signs, screen rooms and accessory uses to another non-residential use WARNING TO OWNER: Your failure to Record a Notice of Commencement may result in your paying twice for L#roev:hmeefTrtssttj:sypoeucrt,porno.qf#Ltn¥eo=±c:oo:EtoaTnT,ennacnecTn::tomn::[tbfj{:c,:rnddeedr%Tda#::::fnoe,tbheef;::sitecommencingworkorrecordingyourNoticeofcommencement.,-ee , -c,E= ,Z)A:-- - . . - Signature of Owner/ Agent/ Lessee Signature of Contractor/License Holder =LAUTNE£FOFFL°E%rf. Lc E£AUTNE£FOFFLO R 18ife< , ¢ Thh,:EgLnagy,::tru\te4ntnwJ:£=k=Y:e!geffpj;remeJoguscati #.£sfE#3a8yi::tr5=nLW:S£Cin|w'e2dogfrb:fyoreme 0TGf BciJC+ (Name of person acknowledging )(Name of person acknowledging ) 1 (Signature of Notary Public-State of Florida )(Signature of Notary Public-State of Florida ) PersonaHyKnownioRproducedldentiflcation :;:Se°:fa:|ye#,:,¥antxau::dproducedldentlflcationType of Identification Produced ":--`:``::S..ife...::.zsMy:9¥,!:se:'h:gv#,%:i 185 REi}`.tti*&;??`,,,„hvHCE#|#ESRSFBNW#A%%S2:gi Revised o7/ i 5/2o 14 -.''TZ?igris`:``` BondeTThru N°tary pub"C `'ndermtore ;-.?3:,#S{`3:`-: BondeE#LREoS#`i#ifeei„nt REVIEWS FRONT ZONING SUPERVISOR PLANS VEGETATloN SEA TU RTLE MANGROVE COUNTER REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW DATECOMPLETE INITIALS Michelle Franklin, CFA --Saint Lucie County Property Appraiser --All rights reserved. Property Identification SI.te Address: 14201 DULCE REAL Sec/Town/Range: 06/34S/39E Parcel ID: 1306-500-0339-000-2 Jurisdiction: Saint Lucie Coiinty Ownership Joseph J Cairney (LF EST) 14201 Dulce Real Fort Pierce, FL 34951 Legal Description SPANISH LAKES FAIRWAYS BLK 74 LOT 1 Current Values Just/Market Value: Assessed Value: Exemptions: Taxable Value: i :,'LsgsiI_______ $81,100 $81,100 $55,500 $25,600 Property taxes are subject to change upon change of ownership. • Past taxes are not a reliable projection of future taxes.. tc,itaeses#,£fi#qu #oop#andthespreecRE\va, of Taxes for this parcel: SLC Tax Collector's Office I Download TRIM f or this parcel: Dawnload PDF I use Type: 0100 Account #: 138219 Map ID: 13/06N Zoning: Planned Un Total Areas Finished/Under Air (SF): 1,714 Gross sketched Area (SF): 2,656 Land size (acres): 0.18 Land size (SF): 7,736 Building Design Wind Speed Occupancycategory I 11 IH&IV Speed 140 150 160 Sources/links: AIHnformatjonlsbe!i%Voe##te2CoO£{esc:i:f#i5etjcmoeu/nbtyutpisos:PfyecAtptp°r:jt#eAfinrqgjit%r:#e?eewd!.th°utanywarranty. NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT Permit No,Propert}' Tax ID No.1 306€OO-0339rooo-2 State or Florida, County or St. Lucic Tlie Undersigr€d liereby gives notice tliat improvement win be made tp certain real I)roperty, and in accordance with Cttai)ter 713, F]orida Statutes, the following information is provided in this Notice of Commencement. Legal Description of proi]erty and address if availal)le 14201 DULCE REAL SPANISH LAKES FAIRWAYS BLK 74 LOT 1 Gcncra] description of imt)rovemcnts Ownernessee JOSEPH CAIRNEY RE-ROOF Address 14201 DULCE REAL FORT PIERCE, FL 34951 Intcr€st in property.:OWNER Fcc Simp]c Title ho[dcr (if othi.r than owner) Address Contractor BIG LAKE ROOFING & REPAIRS Address 2699 NW 16TH BLVD OKEECHOBEE, FL 34972 Surety Address Amount or Bond Lender Addre.es Phone # 863-763-7663 Fax# 863-763-7662 Pllonc # Fax# Phone # Fax# PersonswithinthcStateorFloridadcsignatcdb}.Owneruponwllomnoticesorothcrdocumentsmaybescrvc by Section 713.13 (a) 7., Florida Statues: Name Address In addition to himsc]f, o`vner dcsjgnatcs Phone # Fax# Pl,one # Fax # to rc..eive a copy ol-the Lienor's Notice as provided in Sel:tion 713.13 (I) (b), Florida Statutes. Expiration date of noticii til. commencement is one year I.ron tlie date or re€tirding unless a differcht date is specified. WAENING TO OWNER: ANY PAYMENTS MADE BY THE OWNER AFTER THE EXPIRATION OF THE NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT ARE CoNSIDERED "PRoPER pAyMENTsuhtDERL.H.7i3.ij,I-.s.,ANLti.ANREsuLTiNyuuRpAyn`itj-rwicEi.-uRiMPROvliMrmsTovouRpRopERTy.ANOTlcEoF COMMENCEMF.NT ivlusT BE REcORDF.D ANli pOsTF.D ON THli .lob slTE BF.FORE THE FIRST INsl.ECTION. n-you INTEND TO OBTAIN FINANCING, coNSuLT wrm TouR LENDER oR AN AITORNEy BEFORE COMMENCING WORK oR RECoRDING YOUR NOTICE oF COMMEr`rcMENT. Si8natol1.'sTitlc/Offict. State of Florida, County. of C) Acknowledged I)€fore m€ ttiis who is personally known to me or \`. clw u ca r o has produced ._5C±+r_€`t+f`---C`capQ Sigmtut.e of NotatT Title: Notarv Pul}lic