HomeMy WebLinkAboutslabPlanning & Development Services Building & Cade Regulation Division] 2300 Virginia Ave Fort Flerce, FL 34982 772-462-2172 Fax 772-462-6443 CERTIFICATE OF TERMITE -TREATMENT CONSTRUCTION SOIL.TREATMENT PERMIT #: S LC J P' d '03CrB ADDRESS: BLJ1LDER/C0NTRACTQR: S LL-- PEST CONTROL CONTRACTOR: :�"—P-A PEST CONTROL LICENSE #: f' 1 .I�' We, the undersigned, hereby certify that we have pretreated the above described construction for subterranean termites in accordance with the standards of the National Pest Control Association. L'6 Square feet if area treated_ Chemicals used . d-' e_c1C U, Percentage of solution_ Date of Treatment. Footing 1'� Treatment r` Re-Treat _ Li' _ Driveway iy 125` Treatment Re -Treat Other 1-�' Treatment Re Treat Total gallons used: 0 Time of Treatment: l©� Slab 1 Treatment Re -Treat Pools In Treatment Re -Treat prim -Inspection , I ignature of Exterminator Date Note : There must be a completed ►arm for each rWulmd irea6nenf acre treatment and this form mustbe on the job site to be pidrad W by ttre inWedorat bate of eadi inspection or the a teduled inspection will fay7 and are -Inspection fee charges: FBC 104.2.6 Certiff ate of Protective Trea6nent for prevention of teaches A weaUter reastant-- jobske postiltg Lard shall be provided to receive dupilcate Treab-nent C eitfficates as eadr reqwred proteztva &vatmentis completed, providing a copy for Me person Ehe permit is izu5d to and another copy for the building parmitfrles. the T eabnwx Cerft3te shall prowde the product used, identity ofthe applicator, time and date offhe tr�tment, site location, .3ma treated, chemical used, percent concentration and number ofgallons used, to establlsh a venflable record of protective treatrrrent: If the soil chemicalbarrfermeffiod far termiteprevenbon is u-EGd, final exterior &aatmentshall be completed prior to final budding approval. 5t Lucie County requires fur the final inspection fair M, a- Permanent Sticker to be placed on the electrical panel box cover, Ustintg all the treatments and dates of appHcations. Revised 712412014 SOUTHCOAST PEST CONTROL INC. 2872 EAGLES !VEST WAY PORTST. LIKE, FL. 34952 772-37U-4120 PLEASE SEE CHANGE OF ADDRESS INVOICE DATE 12131120 A S U ENTERPRISES PRECONSTRUCTION TERMITE TREATMENT AT: 7803 EDEN RD. FORT PIERCE, FL. TOTAL DUE $ I25.00 THANK YOU DAN SALICA