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From: Lydia Galbraith
Sent: Tuesday, January 5, 2021 4:41 PM
To: Permits
Subject: RE: Com Foundation permit 2101-0059 (2 of 2)
From: Lydia Galbraith
Sent: Tuesday, January 5, 20214:28 PM
To: Permits <Permits@stlucieco.org>
Subject: FW: Com Foundation permit 2101-0059 (2 of 2)
This is the 2ntl email that need to be scan to above permit
Thank you,
Lydia Galbraith Zoning Specialist
Ph: 772-462-1555 2300 Virginia Ave. Fort Pierce 34982
facebook cam/stluciegov I twitter cam/stluciegov I instagram com/stluciegov Iyoutube.com/stiudegov
sr wee
St. Lucie County Building and Code Division is committed to great service and your feedback is important to use
Please tell me how we're doing.
suggestions,How was your service? Please contact, melissa Brubaker, Supervisor, at brubakermapstlucieco.org to submit your
The County is OPEN for business, though, the building remains closed to the general public to kee
our citizens and employees safe during the pandernic. The Building Department is operating in a n
location, just a few feet from the main lobby, at the SW corner of the building (formerly the Utilities
Department). Look for the GREEN
A-Frame signs. The hours of operation are .. • • Friday i'
t I am tostaff available by email or phone.
continueIf you need to contact me, my direct extension is 462-1555.
File-ase ke times while we do our best to help the community remai
safe as we • operate at the new normal. I
From: Submittals <Submittals@stlucieco.ort >
Sent: Tuesday, January 5, 20213:17 PM
To: Lydia Galbraith <ea!braithl@stlucieco.ora>; Planreview <planreview@stlucieco.or>;>
Subject: FW: Com Foundation permit 2101-0059 (2 of 2)
From: Bobby Laughlin <bobbv@fulcrumeroup.com>
Sent: Tuesday, January 5, 2021 10:41 AM
To: Submittals <Submittals stlucieco.ore>
Subject: RE: Dollar General -Port St. Lucie -Monument Sign Permit App
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Please note, there is no block on the project. The brick is a faux, cement board brick per the design to match the
store. That being said, there is no engineering involvement. Please let me know. Thanks,
Fr��CRUM� Bobby Laughlin, VP of Pre -Construction
! V C lrA Fulcrum Construction Group / 810 Manci Avenue, Daphne, AL 36526
c: 251.581.4893 / o: 251380.8375 / f: 251117.2867
f ®a @
fulcrumgroup.com / bobbvCcDfulcrumgroup.com
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are not the intended recipient, be aware that any disclosure, distribution or copying of this e-mail or its attachments is prohibited. If you have received this e-mail in
error, please notify the sender immediately of that fact by return e-mail and permanently delete the e-mail and any attachments to it.
From: Submittals <Submittals stlucieco.org>
Sent: Tuesday, January 5, 20219:36 AM
To: Bobby Laughlin <bobbv@fulcrumaroup.com>
Subject: RE: Dollar General -Port St. Lucie -Monument Sign Permit App
We will need engineering plans for the block wall. Please re submit the application with the engineering plans. This e-
mail will be deleted.
Thank you.
From: Bobby Laughlin <bobbv@fulcrumeroup.com>
Sent: Monday, January 4, 2021 12:36 PM
To: Submittals <Submittals stlucieco.org>
Cc: Zach Ingram<Zach.inaram(r@fulcrumeroup.com>; Bruce Herbitter <bherbitter@reedsmetals.com>; Casey Martin
Subject: Dollar General -Port St. Lucie -Monument Sign Permit App
SECURITY WARNING: This email originated from outside the County systems. Please show caution when
clicking links or opening attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.
Please see attached permit application for the monument sign installed at the Dollar General as noted in Port St.
Lucie. The sign vendor pulled the original permit, but the county inspector Josue Guevara requested that the permit be
reapplied for through the General Contractor (our company) who installed the decorative portion of the sign base. The
work is complete and Mr. Guevara has performed all necessary inspections. Please let me know if the attached will
suffice and what the permit fee might be to get this portion taken care of so everything will be signed off.
y+� Bobby Laughlin, VP of Pre -Construction
Fulcrum Construction Group / 810 Manci Avenue, Daphne, AL 36526
c: 251.581.4893 / o: 251.380.8375 / f: 251.217.2867
fulcrum¢roup.com / bobby a fulcrumaroup com
(f 1 4®J in
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