HomeMy WebLinkAboutRecords of Test BoringNOTES RELATED TO RECORDS OF TEST BORING AND GENERALIZED SUBSURFACE PROFILE I. Groundwater level was encountered and recorded (if shown) following the completion of the soil test boring on the date indicated. Fluctuations in groundwater levels are common; consult report text for a discussion. 2. The boring location was identified in the field by offsetting from existing reference marks and using a cloth tape and survey wheel. 3. The borehole was backfilled to site grade following boring completion, and patched with asphalt cold patch mix when pavement was encountered. 4. The Record of Test Boring represents our interpretation of field conditions based on engineering examination of the soil samples. 5. The Record of Test Boring is subject to the limitations, conclusions and recommendations presented in the Report text. 6. "Field Test Data" shown on the Record of Test Boring indicated as 11/6 refers to the Standard Penetration Test (SPT) and means I 1 hammer blows drove the sampler 6 inches. SPT uses a 140-pound hammer falling 30 inches. 7. The N-value from the SPT is the sum of the hammer blows required to drive the sampler the second and third 6- inch increments. 8. The soil/rock strata interfaces shown on the Records of Test Boring are approximate and may vary from those shown. The soillrock conditions shown on the Records of Test Boring refer to conditions at the specific location tested; soil/rock conditions may vary between test locations. 9. Relative density for sands/gravels and consistency for silts/clays are described as follows: SPT CPT SANDS/GRAVELS SPT CPT SILTS/CLAYS BLOWS/FOOT KG/CM' RELATIVE DENSITY BLOWS/FOOT KG/CM- CONSISTENCY 0-4 0-16 Very loose 0-1 0-3 Very soft 5-10 17-40 Loose 2-4 4-6 Soft 11-30 41-120 Medium Dense 5-8 7-12 Firm 31-50 121-200 Dense 945 13-25 Stiff 50+ over 200 Very Dense 16-30 25-50 Very stiff >30 >50 Hard 10. Grain size descriptions areas follows: NAME SIZE LIMITS Boulder 12 Inches or more Cobbles 3 to 12 Inches Coarse Gravel '/< to 3 Inches Fine Gravel No. 4 sieve to'/< inch Coarse Sand No. 10 to No. 4 sieve Medium Sand No. 40 to No. 10 sieve Fine Sand No. 200 to No. 40 sieve Fines Smaller than No. 200 sieve 11. Definitions related to adjectives used in soil/rock descriptions: PROPORTION ADJECTIVE APPROXIMATE ROOT DIAMETER ADJECTIVE <5% Trace Less than 1132" Fine roots 5%to 12% Little 1/32" to Small roots 12% to 30% Some V411 to 1" Medium roots 30% to 50% And Greater than 1" Large roots Organic Soils: Soils containing vegetable tissue in various stages of decomposition that has a fibrous to amorphous texture, usually a dark brown to black color, and an organic odor. Or anic Content <25%: Slightly to Highly Organic; 25% to 75%: Muck; >75%: Peat GFi �