HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Permit ApplicationAll ARPLI CABLE INFO MUST HE COO PLETE D FOR AF Pl�IrkTION TO B E ACCEPTED Date: 1-6-2021 Perm it Nvrn ber, COUNTY _L:±1 Building Permit Application pj= inl;.0rid DevetoUmeentServk0 SUihpiiRg and Code ReguVjian MWOn commercial Residential — 2300 Virginfa Avenue, For r Pierce F1 34992 Phone! (7721462-1553 Fax; �7721 452-1579 P E� APP LI CATION FOR; R E Root PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT LCKATION: Address. 367 European LN Fort P fierce P mperty 3a M 411D -9: SI#e Plan Name; Project Name: 3410-5D3-0212-DOO-1 EDIETAI LE D D ESCR I PTION O F WORK' REMOVE SHINGLE ROOF Lot rjo. 2 Block No- H INSTALL PEEL & STICK UNDERLAYMENT FL16048 INSTA LL H INO LE FL 1067 1°r1w y ---ZA- X ? ) New ElntrimhI Mete r . 5eoond E lectrica I M e#er CEO :NST�U ON I N F0RMATl0 N = Additional work to be performed under this permit -check all that appN-. _Mechanical _ has Tank _ Gas Piping _ 5huteers _ W Indows jD&Drs Fond E 1-writ _ Plumbing _ Sprinklers _ GL',rbe rater X Roof 15112 _ Fitch T.Dtal Sq. Ft -of Con5#ructi-On: 2, 460 C05t Of C1?rk.struetl0n; $ 10-OM 5.q. Ft- of First Floor: 2.4 60 U till# 1e5: _Sewer _Septic 8u ildi rrg Helghr: a FT Ifti{ IER LESSEE; CONTRACTOR' -� Name Janice h 1pGralh _ Name= L� LAf+IO 'I�EY A re5s: 367 European LN Cam parr;SHORELINE ROOFING Fort Pierce State_. Address: f73 GLENAtlr STREET City: � PORT �T L LPG I E ZIp Code: 34082 Fax: City: gate: FL Pharre No. Zip Code: 34987 Fax: Phone N a 772-260-11665 Rill in fae simple T09 Holder an next Page if CI fererrt �• Ma i I H FIB LINE ROOFING fA�-ICIC . C F I from the owner I istad a l;oo+re) StateLOT County Licen se O001331170 if Malue of pr,nstr ` tion hs 25M or rrror4Pr ;1 RECORDED Notloe of Cwnmencemefit is required, Gf value of HAVC is $7F5M yr more, a RECORDED N4t1ce of Commencement ,is regvired- s—uPPLEM ENTAL CONSTRUCTION LIEN LAW I NFOR MATION: DESIGN E R/ENGI fV EER: , Idot A pp I ica ble I MORTGAGE COMPANY: � Not Alp plieab1 e Name: Add res5 _ Name: AddreSS' City: _ State: city. State_ Zip; _ Pflone Zip; Phone: FEE SIMPLIE TITLE H O X ER: _ N of App I ica ble BONOI NG COMPANY: Not Ap pl i Cab I e Name: Na rne: �r Address: Adel r45s' City= - City- ZiP; Phone; Zip: Pliorke! OWNER/ CONTRACTOR AFFIOVIT: Application is hereby made to obtain a permit to do the work and invalla -on as indicated. I r*rtify that fto work or inss*liatian has cor'rtim enced prior ro the issuipmee of a permit. St. Lucie CoUrqy m a kes no reDresentaraon that is gran ti ng a jpermGt rwll I authorize the pefmit hordet w build the subject structure which is Irk conflict rwitb antis applicable Home Owners ALssociation rules, bylaws or P-nd covenants that may teS#rlct or prohibit Such structure. please consult Ali your Home owners Associ3#Ion and review your deed for any restrictions which rogyr $Rot . in consideration of the granting pf this requested permit, I do hereby agree that I will, in all respects, prrfQfm the week ir% accordance with the appmwecl plans, the Florida Building Codes and St Lucie Cli�untyr amendments. The foil owing bvildl ng pe".it applications erg exempt from u ndergoing a fulq concu rrerL Y r4Mew: room addltlons� a"essory strucWresswi mmi ng pools} fenc-es, w;)1 is. signs, screen rooms and aCcessaTy uses Si) another nori -residential use WARNI NG TO OWNE R: Your failure tG Recofd a Notice of Cgmvnencernent may r+e90% in Payl ng twice for i mp rove ment-s to your property- A Not ice of Co-n me ncern ent m u5t be re[orded i n th e p ub I le records of St. Luce County a nd post-ed on the }ob5i to 4efore the first i nspeCtion. If you i rite nd to obtZiirti Tina nci rkgr eonsu It with lertde r or an attornie bef0-ro com m enCi n work or c ord i ng you r N ati ce of Corn menmment. Signature owrwer Lessee�Co trK �sAgent Ior ovwner I {n cur ontXdo#or foense 1101 STA-rE OF FLORIDA CCUNTY OF i �L' J� a :5wi to ;.or affirmed) and subscribed before me of ical Prey or Online Notarization this _ . ay of e s �024 by M1lame of person maki-c} tatellilent. Ly faersMiolly KRUM)_ OR Nodu.ced IdWVflcat rii_aa_L Ty°pe�aF Identification Prl 7d _ I fsigniature -of Nota u Cam missium NO. Cq.)---. state of Florida . F [Saari REV9 WS FRONT ZONING ' COUNTER I REVIE CIATE REC:EIVEI) DATE ;TATE OF F tORd D COCJ NTY OF 4 7L l�! sworn (or affirnik) and subscFi bad before me of Physical preserKe or I)nllrte Notati zatbon this ayr of f f , 21)21 by Name pF person} ma king statejent. PerWrlally Known %X OR Produaod Iderktlficati •* Type Of IdentrFcation } u -Prod uced Ch m (Signature of ry Publk- State of Florida No. (Seal) i F4 °. CoMrni$slon $IJPERVISOR IU PNS VEGETATION SEA TURTLE MIANGROVE RFV1-E REYIEI REYIEIN REVILW REVIEW