HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Permit applicationAl I APIPU ABLE INFO MU ST BE CpRAPLETED FO R AIP PLI i�4T101%1 TO BE ACCEPTED Date: I --� — • p, onRf" and [)eveJoRment 5trwices ?errnLt N u rube r; _ Bu Ildiing Permit Application Era ,WirT and Code RegWlaiion Djvjs�vrl 23W 4fir!pjrria Ave"We. Flirt PleKe FL 349U no-w. (772) 4-52-1553 fax: (77 214621- 1578 Commercial -- F-PfRMl7 APPLICATION F R:FCE ROOF Fri` Sid.entl.al PRQPOSE') IMPRO VEMENT LOCATION: Address_ S615 TFIAVEL.E IRS WAY FT P I E RC E PrnlSertY Tex I D #_ 3410-503-0016-000-7 Lot N0, — Black No. Site Plan Nam(!: Pr[)Ject Name: -- L2ETAILEL DESCRIPTION OF WORK' REMOVE SHINGLE ROOF INSTALL PE E L & -SX I K U N DERLAYM ENT FL 16048 INSTALL SHINGLE FL10674 1� ST fA)� New Electrical Met -err Sevo nd E Iectrlca I Meter CONSTRUCTION INFORMATION' AddLrianal war k to pe rfOrmed under this Perm it — check all that a PilIy; -_MechanicaI Electric — Ga5 Tarok plurrtiNng TataI Sri- F[ Of Cvnstructian: 1 776 8.000 cast Of f-orrstructicin 5 - QW N EI LESSEE: Name Fobert FeF"an Gas PI ping — sprinklers 5q. shutters — 1Generatof i rwdowglmors Portid Raaf Jid Pltch Ft of First Floor. 1 ,? 0 S >a tilltie5: _Sewer — Se Ptit Address: 6615 Tfavi lem WAY 0ty- FOB S _State: EL ZMp Code: 34982Fair: Phone No- E-Mail: _ Ci ildl ng HE40t; S FT CONTRACTOR: Name. ROLAND WILEY Company:, HOP LINE ROOFING Add r%ass; 1973 SW G IrENDALE STREET City: POR-IF RT LUC I E to Ee; FL Zip Cade: 34987 — [�hprLe NO 772-260.9565 F111 in fee simple Title >i old E!r an next pad,e ( if dMEfererrt E-Mlail H�fiE LGNEI���F IP10 ' 1�,�HCMO. CMS from t he Ckwrier I istEd a h owe) State at Courrt* License 0001 �� � 1 �� i If value of const-ctlon iS 75M Or MOM a RiEC:DRDEd N*tke o! Cgmmenceml�nt k required, 1t 1ra lue Of HAV.0 is $7.Soo or more, a RECORDED Notice gf CorrmmerKement is mquired, C1100LEKII EN7AL C NSXRUCTION LIEN LAW INFORMATION, DES E#/ENGIN EER: Not Applica bl a MORTGAGE COMPANY; _ N �# �pp I i{ a b1� Barrie; _ fume;_ Address: _ Address; City; Stake: City; State; State �: Phorl e_ Zip= Rhone: FEE SIMPLE TITLE H OEb ER: _ riot Applicable BONDING CO MPAN Y; _Not A pplic able NaM-E riame:� �- Address: Address- city- City- phone: Zip; Rhone: OWN ER/ CONTRACTOR AFFIDW. Application is hereby ma de to obta in a penruit to do the work and i nstallation as indicated. I wtify that no work or Irrstallarti" has wrnmenoed prior to the is&uance of a Permit. St Luole Courfty rn akes no rep esentatian that is granting a perrnil will authorize the permit holder to Mild the Subject structure which is in oonfli t with anyapplrGa ble Horne Owners Association ru les, bylaws -or and covenants that may re�tric t or prohibit such sir ucture_ Fgease consvIt with your Home GwnerS Association a-nd re%rlew your deed for any: eask : mns whr[ may apply. In consideration crli tht, granting -of this requested pear~ il�, I do herebrY agree that I will: in all respects, perform the work in aroordanre with the &pproved plans, the Florida Ruitdi ng CDdes and 51. Lurie Cvu ntv Amendments. The roll -owing building permit applications are exempt from undergc&g a full concuFrencV review-. Fmrn a.ddrtaons, accessor-y structu re-s, swimming pools, ftetces, walls, signs, screen rows and accessory uses to a norther non-residential use WARNI N G TO OWNER = Your faikure to Record a Notre of Commence me nt may re#ult in paying twioa For i m pfoveme nts to yo-ve pro pe rty. A Notice of Cornmen cerne nt must be recorded in the pki blic fecordS Of St. Lu,Cre Count} all d posted o n the job s ite before t he fi rst rn Specti o n. I f -you intend to obt a i n fi nanCl ng,, con 5ult with lender or an attaMgw before co rn rnenc I ng woe k 0 r recordin our Notice of Qom m err -Cement. .7 S,g atI.I ro of Owner) Lessee n r 5 Agent for Owner Slgnature C4arrtrattor/License Holdeirii STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF Sytqm tea (or afritnied) and subscylbed before M2 -OF P rtal Pre rue of Onli" NWarix3ti6r1 this ay+ of 2024 by Name of person ma Personally Known OR Produced 9de Type Qf IdendfiicadoA — Procluced (signature of N rV Public- State of Flctfida Corrmmrssion Aloe C)L I 0 1 N REVI EWS STATE OF FI_0ItID COUNTY OF— . 5wo{or af#irmedM and subsenbed before me of hyrslcal Pres nee or Online N o ar,ration #hls ay of W29 by Name of person making Personally Known OR Produced I•dentlfici Type cif Identiflic-&Wr i c Produced 4 lhl&j, {Signature of t ry Nbl ir- Stag {�f Florida j `` 19 Commission No. 1 (Sa I) , tirro r RO NT I ZCINI14G I SUP I=FIVISOa I PLANS VEEa ETATICIN SEA TURTLE I MIAt+ GAOV E 11:0 U NTE R REVI EIS REVREVIIEHr REVIEW I REVIEW FLE1+lE N+