HomeMy WebLinkAboutNo Rise Analysis Report for 6418 Riverland DriveW H ILL 0 LA N J Q Z a W N 0 z Cd U LU Ul W V J F CULPEPPER & TERPENING, INC CONSULTING ENGINEERS I LAND SURVEYORS NO RISE ANALYSIS REPORT FOR 6418 RIVE RLAN D DRIVE C&T Project No. 18-034 MAY 16, 2018 • PREPARED BY Culpepper& Terpening, Inc 2980 South 25th Street Y Fort Pierce, Florida 34981 Tel. (772) 464-3537 www.ct-eng.com PREPARED FOR Mr. Mark Powers 6418 Riverland Drive Fort Pierce, Florida 34982 1. Section 1— General Information 1.1. Project Description The firm of Culpepper & Terpening, Inc. has been retained by the Owner to perform an analysis of the impact on the St. Lucie River Floodway by the proposed redevelopment of an existing 0.34-acre residential property, on lot 6 of the Riverland Subdivision, located at 6418 Riverland Dr., located in the unincorporated area of St. Lucie County, Florida. The project is located along an oxbow of the St. Lucie River, approximately 600 feet east of the main channel of the North Fork of the St. Lucie River. A general Project Location Map, "Figure 1" is included on page 3. As per the St. Lucie County Property Appraiser's Property Information Card, the site was originally developed as a single-family residence in 1981; the property contained a freestanding single-family residence with an attached garage, and boat dock. Hurricane Irma damaged the existing homestead in September 2017 and the Owner has prepared plans for the construction of a new homestead and is under plan review by St. Lucie County. 1.2. Purpose The purpose of the following analysis is to determine there is a "NO -RISE" impact on the St. Lucie River Floodway by the redevelopment. Since the project redevelopment of 6418 Riverland Dr. activities lies within the designated St. Lucie River Floodway, as depicted in Exhibit C — "FEMA Flood Map", thus an "NO -RISE" analysis will be required in compliance with FEMA Regulation 44 CFT 60.3(d). 1.3. Project Background 1.3.1.Historic Aerial Photographs We have attached "Exhibit A — Historical Aerial" on page 10, which depicts site conditions as of 2016. The aerial depicts the existing homestead and attached garage, and a boat dock, located at 6418 Riverland Dr. St. Lucie County, Florida prior to the commencement of construction. 1.3.2. Boundary and Topographic Survey We have attached portions of the site Survey performed by this office, on April 11, 2018 as Exhibit B — "Survey Excerpt", see on page 11. No Rise Analysis Report Page 2 of 14 May 11, 2018 Prepared By: Culpepper & Terpening, Inc. C&T Project No. 18-034 6418 Riverland Dr. St. Lucie County, Florida r 0 i' MIDWAY RD. MIDWAY RD. I 1 -1 a Ld N D Q. PROJECT � W LOCATION En z ARKLAN 6 LY1- 0 Y. ERLANDi DRNE a.N z �G SECTION 9, TOWNSHIP 36 SOUTH, RANGE 40 EAST ST. LUCIE COUNTY 1"=3000' Figure 1. Location Map. 6 ti O z No Rise Analysis Report Page 3 of 14 May 11, 2018 Prepared By: Culpepper & Terpening, Inc. C&T Project No. 18-034 1.3.3. FEMA Map We have attached "Exhibit C - FEMA Flood Map," on page 12 taken from FEMA Map No. 12111CO276J, Dated 02/16/12, which depicts the floodway designation and a base flood elevation of 6.3 NAVD at the location of this property. 1.3.4. Existing Structures The existing site development, based on field surveys and review of the St. Lucie County Property Appraiser Card, contains a total of 3,340 square feet (sf of structures. The structure includes; one (1) single story family residence, one (1) single story attached garage, one (1) covered screened Lanai attached, two (2) attached concrete patios, and one (1) attached covered concrete patio. The existing site development is depicted on the attached "Exhibit D —Pre Development" on page 13. A summary of these structures is shown on "Table 1 — Existing Structures" below: Table 1 Existing Structures Single-family Residence 2,059 SF Attached Garage 525 SF Concrete Patios 266 SF Lanai 490 SF TOTAL 3,340 SF 1.3.5. Proposed Structures The property will remain as single-family residence with accessory structures after construction as shown in the attached "Exhibit E — Post Development" on page 14. The redeveloped site based on the building permit, includes the following: • Demolition of the existing 2,059 sf residential structure and 525 sf attached garage; • Demolition of the existing patios and lanai; and • Construction of a 1,751 sf single-family residence and 1,195 sf associated structures. No Rise Analysis Report Page 4 of 14 May 11, 2018 Prepared By: Culpepper & Terpening, Inc. C&T Project No. 18-034 A summary of these structures is shown on "Table 2 — Proposed Structures"below: Table 2 Proposed Structures Single-family Residence 1,751 SF Covered Concrete Porch 596 SF Concrete Equipment Pad 132 SF TOTAL 2,946 SF. 2. Section 2 — No -Rise Analysis 2.1. No — Rise Analysis Methodology The definition of "NO — RISE" will be determined based on the requirements, as follows: • The post development "Floodway Impedance" is less than or equal to the pre development floodway impedance; and • The post development "Flood Plain Storage" is equal to or greater than the pre development. The "Floodway Impedance" is defined as the calculated area in square feet (sf of the structure as measured perpendicular direction to the stream flow. The first component of Floodway Impedance is the "vertical impedance" of each structure. The vertical impedance is defined as the difference between natural grade and the Floodway Elevation measured in feet. The second component of Floodway Impedance is the "horizontal impedance" of each structure. The horizontal impedance is defined as the horizontal measurement of structure as measured perpendicular to the stream flow. In accordance with FEN 1_A analysis, if a structure is in the shadow of another structure upstream, then the downstream structure doesn't add additional impact to the Floodway. The "Floodway Impedance" for each structure was calculated in square feet (sf by multiplying the vertical impedance by the horizontal impedance. No Rise Analysis Report Page 5 of 14 May 11, 2018 Prepared By: Culpepper& Terpening, Inc. C&T Project No. 18-034 Floodplain storage will be analyzed as a volumetric measurement of the site storage from existing ground to the finish floor of the structures. 2.1.1. Pre -Development Floodway Impedance The pre -development impedance was determined for each existing structure by multiplying the vertical impedance by the horizontal impedance. A review of the site survey and the St. Lucie County Property ser Card sows that fhe exisaug residence is a three a oom sing e- family home. The vertical impedance natural grade elevation for each structure was determined by reviewing the topographic survey and interpolating surveyed ground elevation sho.ts surrounding each structure. Structures that do not exceed the Floodplam— Elevation of 6.3 NAVD, such as the driveway, Lanai and patios, the vertical impedance was measured from the natural grade to the top of the structure. The horizontal impedance of each structure was measured perpendicular to the direction of Floodway flow. The site is located along an oxbow of the St. Lucie River, approximately 600 feet west of the main channel. The perpendicular direction of the Floodway flow is measured in relation to the main channel of the St. Lucie River. The "Pre -Development Impedance" has been calculated as 224.59 square feet as shown below in Table 3. Table 3 Pre -Development Impedance Ftmshed. r `> � � Natural Yerttcal '�HonzQatal " Floodway- r Elevation Floodway Grade -Impedance Impezdafice Impedance .� f AVD r AVD ft ' ff Area SFi Structure;_ A?D Residence 5.60 6.3 3.44 2.86 70.47 201.55 Concrete Patio 4.64 6.3 3.44 1.20 2.54 3.05 Driveway Curb 4.76 6.3 3.44 1.32 15.14 19.99 TOTAL 224.59 *Exhibit D-Pre Development 2.2.Proposed Development Floodway Impedance As per the Architectural Plans by Scott Archer Studio, dated March 28, 2018, the proposed residence is a three (3) bedroom single-family home. No Rise Analysis Report Page 6 of 14 May 11, 2018 Prepared By: Culpepper & Terpening, Inc. C&T Project No. 18-034 The proposed development impedance was determined for each structure by multiplying the vertical impedance by the horizontal impedance. The vertical impedance natural grade elevation for each structure was determined by reviewing the topographic survey and interpolating surveyed ground elevation shots surrounding each structure. Structures that do not exceed the Floodplain Elevation of 6.3 NAVD, such as the driveway, the vemca unpe ante were measured from ffie natural grade to the top ot the structure. The horizontal impedance of each structure was measured perpendicular to the direction of stream flow. Since there was no increase in the number of bedrooms in the proposed redevelopment plan, it was determined that there would be no additional impacts to the septic drainfield size. A septic drainfiled size is dependent on the capacity of the system as determined by the amount of bedrooms in the residence and thus a drainfield analysis was excluded. The Post Development Floodway Impedance for the Project has been calculated as 224.55 square feet, as shown below in Table 4, "Post Development Impedance." In analyzing the post development Floodplain Storage, we determined that the development area reduced by approximate 394 square feet and the onsite storage volume increased by approximately 1,127 cubic feet. Thus, there is no significant change in the available flood plain storage for the post development condition. Table 4 Post-Develo ment Impedance Ftmshed u ` I�I,atural Veit�cal ' Y'�I�oFnzontal I�}gedance �, N Elevation � * Floodway Gradef; r� Impedance )Empedance `Area` '� Y t SEA'' ...Structure AVD AYD ., ADD: ft Residence 8.00 1 6.3 1 3.44 2.86 65.44 187.16 Drivewa 4.79 6.3 3.44 1.35 12.80 - 17.28 Concrete Porch 7.30 6.3 3.44 2.86 7.03 20.11 TOTAL 224.55 *Exhibit E — Post Development (This space is intentionally left blank.) No Rise Analysis Report Page 7 of 14 T1ay 11, 2018 Prepared By: Culpepper & Terpening, Inc. C&T Project No. 18-034 Conclusion Based ,on the analysis conducted by Culpepper & Terpening, Inc., and with the reliance of information, plans and surveys, the following findings are made: 1. Culpepper & Terpening, Inc. was retained by our Client to analyze the impacts of the proposed redevelopment of a residential property; 2. The site is located in the unincorporated area of St. Lucie County Florida, on the North ., 3. The site, Lot 6 of the Riverland Subdivision, contains 0.34 acre of residential zoned property; 4. The original homestead per St. Lucie County Property Appraiser office was constructed in 1981; 5. The properly is located with a floodway designation per FEMA Map No. 12111CO276J, Dated 02/16/12; 6. The base flood elevation is 6.3 NAVD per FEMA Map No. 12111CO276J, Dated 02/16/12; 7. An analysis was completed in compliance with FEMA Regulation 44 CFT 60.3(d); 8. The pre -development impedance was calculated to be 224.59 sf; 9. The proposed development impedance was calculated to be 224.55 sf; 10. The proposed development impendence is 0.04 sf less than the pre -development impendence; and 11. A "No Rise" in the floodplain is anticipated because of the redevelopment. No Rise Analysis Report Page 8 of 14 May 11, 2018 Prepared By: Culpepper & Terpening, Inc. C&T Project No. 18-034 Certification Our office has reviewed and considered the historic development of the property, existing site conditions, the proposed Site Plan, surveys and building plans'in performing our of the impacts of the proposed redevelopment. It is our opinion that based on our analysis and the removal of the existing structures that the post development encroac ens w—M be tess Man or equal o Tie pre-Elevelopin—ent encroactiments an thus will result in a "NO=RISE" to the North Fork of the St. Lucie River Floodway. Prepared By: CULPEPPER & TERPENING, INC. James P/'Bu/ch" Terpening, Jr., P.E. FL Re st lion # 24276 Date: 5 / 141 11 ►Q�, .a .., �, 6 E IV ' W:' No 24276 6 • ; �•� S. �:Jrb p STATE OF No Rise Analysis Report Page 9 of 14 May 11, 2018 Prepared By: Culpepper & Terpening, Inc. C&T Project No. 18-034 r ;.aON�i��3� r�P�y: -:h "Y� �'3` key` �vk �'�t„I,� .*. -'• L � '�- ?�'�, k . 'w u' A'.. .s� rS' ar..'vimSO z _ �ti €L�s 2+'- a��"-�'-�'Y'.'irh-r-�"* +IR k .,s p � 3r. .is��{ 50 sG . E. fiim+'`+a FEET r'-�,rT-3 1 r rat r t`ithrtr s1 Yi h . s ST E GIE-RVE �I s"s �7'�i'iit x ''�C. }�.y'b, may. '�� €' s's�'. ,,�.�.,�rr��z •�.�1 �'Y�`t'�,ti� gO r ,� *s r%. ''dm'U. 3'� y-s. k R. see x�� .� d't� yt4a�,+x2.1� �,'4.�1 ����.- •��* �, � S�•i "�tv.. 4,0 k PROJECT L0CATT0IV . fzs 41 i E S -5 �� yf'tr� 2c�.kt rt '3 K �+ gF� s't„,'�" "' ,"'YY `r''v x:>St of A, Xi -i''' +§�t �s,. rru, '.k ,. 4, c m�tvt'r' "'"' 'ft p`.xs.; y5 :� G=• u � - tin �{ ��'S. > � � � :f �x __ d, x t, t : , Exhibit - Historic Aerial (2016) CULPEPPER & TERPENING, INC CONSULTING ENGINEERS I LAND SURVEYORS 2980 SOUTH 25th STREET • FORT PIERCE, FLORIDA 34981 PHONE 772464-3537 • FAX 772464-9497 • w ..ct-mg wm 151 SW FLAGLER AVENUE • ST'UART, FLORIDA 34994 PHONE 772-220-3376 • FAX 772464-9497 • a .ct- &com STATE OFFLOMDA CENTMCA770NNa L9 4M NO RISE Analysis 6418 Riverland Dr. HISTORIC AERIAL JOB N0 is —am SCALE 1:100 F8L• 18—O H EAD&dn DATE O4-24-1e No Rise Analysis Report Page 10 of 14 May 11, 2018 Prepared By: Culpepper & Terpening, Inc. C&T Project No. 18-034 S41Vf LUClF. RLVFR APPROXIMATE MEAN HIGH WATER LINE AT ELEVA710N -0.14' PER F.D.EP. INTERPOLATION STATION N0. 926 LOCATED MARCH 27. 2018 AT 4.00 P.M. NBO' 57' 56'W C WOODEN 25.71' SOUTH BANK OF THE NORTH z DOdC ??a, FORK OF THE ST. WOE RIVER -' MEAIbFlt Lp1E FND U4 611— -, � 31' 20V LEANING S 0.19 1 -r _.OF_gAIVK -- - - " - -- IR - - :? ;` • WOOD STAIRS �0-.Ip N65' 28' 44'W ONLINE DECK, 36,71. N67' 36' 47'W SOUTH 1.41' 6429 RIVERLAND ORl i Parcel 10: 3409-705-0012-000-5 100 m 8 'cA h "W� "aOp� m OCCUPIED �q •r '•? COVERED 0 FFE 5.17' �ZT ' •' '` F r'6416 RIVERLAND DR Fl 4R �4 ENTRY t / Parcel ID 3409-705-0005-000-3 4' CHAIN OF• ��```<'i- LINK FENCE (T1'P) SET 5/8' IR/ gh ppry' ' :. - ASEPTIC TANK LID LB 4266 (TYP) QL '+~ APPROXIMAIE '�0)v1MA1E SEPiiC DRAIN FIELD DC DRAIN FIELD AREA AREA BENCH c., �>N%p.. .... \ fOP FND 1/Z' IRC '=';''. 84Opr(Q) D 5/8',IR/C \ 0.� 3.15 ` ,'•` �. (ILLEGIBLE) 88) iNrANDpRn,E BENCHMARK— ` -„'(6Oq� EASEyp/r (N.A.V.D. 88)204 r- \ 61) Note: Taken from Culpepper & Terpening, Inc. Survey dated April 11, 2018 Exhibit B - Survey Excerpt CULPEPPER St TERPENING, INC 9J' CONSULTING ENGINEERS I .LAND SURVEYORS f , 2980 SOUTH 25th STREET • FORT PIERCE, FLORIDA 34981 PHONE 772464-3537 • FAX 772-464-9497 • www.ct-eng.com SI AI'G OF FLUh1llA CGF'1'1F1CX171ON No. LB 1286 No Rise Analysis Report Page 11 of 14 Prepared By: Culpepper & Terpening, Inc. NO -RISE Analysis 6418 Riverland Dr. Survey Excerpt JD8 NO: 18-ON SCALE: 1:30 FILE' 10-034 S bXLan DATE 04-24-18 May 11, 2018 C&T Project No. 18-034 rn r LtbtNU FLOW N ^?. 1 SKIM FLAZARDARFAS SUI11'.CTTO INUNDATIONS Q ® . CHANCE ROOD _� L_ _I_ J r. amw rare mm nao-,mr rani aro awn as �emerme. une rma w (II -L IS aawwd MyaauW w•awMlN apq.ww na< S v1 r1mE10rW xn maN a Ileo<uq aY eie iK ar<W aunty fovea, avf d ipaoal ibm 11anN Q a � Nx<ulOmaMaG. 'v.anE VF. Re 3r<FboO FlMcm eCe <ate�i.fa <l�'. � mxkA rm-- z mNeu ees<Flml ewaaanaermnm. Q mfL+.W Dm0 a<dru d 1.3 Aw T�s•b ewes d panPnpr aas Faaa iY 'J OaC nC. _ 1100000 tors Ad wma<wndrm]u<cl�awnv4am.mumvvnake�s< pRmmC. Fa auf d+Auvl nnAmtir0. <eacNm aMawam<sel. maR AR SPmd hea WaH xo, rmanr ewma]aamtic lK aMua Wr<cl . MdavuM aa4m w:was sw so<h aw<.va. A.a xk r<ue me rams rom mad wsaa a airy dszm m waax adtmm r :vL aYsw me�xwddwnam. mre v vyvet neua .oe wan wwry ns:ed (wa.a eoa.k �o esr va,s datum. iorae'2 tnm rom sax war vcmn' reap ae soa+l. ease fam OehmrmN. '77. 1 ROODWAYW.SINZCNE.AE OTHER FLOOD AREAS zoeeA x�dnm r.waawerm]; a.a,d a-eemu are rao war.en ezoas a as war a and w wen amad: arse r9 aun l edae tut �,,✓ aims moa -el tv eannvn le emus ileac Ewa. :CT LOCATION FEMA PARx EL. 6<3 BLvo�� OTHERARE� maEk xd<a•fmv<ralodwOCMrM O.Mamnl Wed NMflm' taran xda exam ilea reads xe waG•rnbN.T[p0iYC4. ,i iP COAS7 AL BARWQt RC_OURCES SYSTEM ((SIRS) AM-5 F R Z • E A O DFR, - ODIERW6E PROTECTED AREAS (OPAs) au wee.aaA<a<wwmerr�m..a.wdacpsamsow;drme 4an xreL LKamaal dune rboadaa maoary a]x awm eMrt.nm� mdun -- ba OduNary PROFILEn •••••••••••••••••• O]ke W aM awm]eY aama sown rma wam xv ma BASE LINE =-= -- '—,w, Imes"aamw ro<a.eawesd °"'<•"' ^w 573 ^^^• ere nma Fevnmwmarnnac e4wsmtirra• Itt9W1 em<Ilm]p-^Mnnl�wfne uKwm wmnm<tl<rt mree• • ilOC<a1 an! AoaNAmwimi •P.f0O1 Nflmi d 1939 A A 0x<seaade ROFILE BASE LINE aau'�'Y'i+=^' o�`°et.: ✓`sm;nnmi«mrwn��ewe<"'"r a/5—E iam+w urv.wan rra.sivsxwar Ta me mree fi[00000 Fr ]ne0foct 9ra value Hwtla sam Fnr4 maa6M< sYR BC.be ifID<•10N_ . a9al:. TraY.m<P•mT• Oa@ 0X5510R •'"d'"eie �oWremne xusm ur. ama+d rar ao1 • •MIS •wr Mk Exhibit C - FEMA Flood Map CULPEPPER & TERPENING, INC CONSULTING ENGINEERS I LAND SURVEYORS } 2980 SOUTH 25th STREET • FORT PIERCE, FLORIDA 34981 PHONE 772�64 3537 •PAX 772-464 9497 • wwcv ct en com & 52'ATS OPFZORIDA CIILTIPICATTONNa LB 428TS No Rise Analysis Report Page 12 of 14 Prepared By: Culpepper & Terpening, Inc. • ` - PANEL Oi/8J 1 I FIRM FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP j ST. LUCIE COUNTY; �t FLORIDA ' _L AND INCORPORATED AREAS JLL �T Se PANEL 276 OF 420 C _iwvv.oe. sea <wu exwai,Ard;n �. �G v _ -ti MAPNULIBER 12111CO276i ' v MAP REVISED < FEBRUARY 16,2012 l vL ew<rn cmrrs<o<L H..<¢<n<.<.woe. I NO RISE Analysis 6418 Riverland Dr. FEMA Flood Map JOB NIX to —am SCALE N.LS, FW- 16—am E]fiL aft I QA1E 04-24—ta T'vIay 11, 2018 C&T Project No. 18-034 f 0 a. LUCIE BIVBR 3 3 (OXBOW) $ 0 J , - EXIST. MEIgpp= U11F SW 471E iO4ro) _-.. -- - EXIST. CONC. PATIO gEXIST. COVERED a?' 1 SCREENED LANAI EXIST. COVERED CONC. PATIO \ EXIST. CONC. ONE STORY / PATIO 7 RESIDENCE CURB �i EXIST. c, CONC. J DRIVEWAY S. 44 15.14' 70.47' - 54' Exhibit D - Pre Development CULPEPPER be TERPENING, INC CONSULTING ENGINEERS LAND SURVEYORS 2980 SOUTH 25Lh STREET • FORT PIERCE, FLORIDA 34981 as PHONE 772-4643537 •FAX 772464-9497 • www.a-eagcom %•°:�51'dTE OF FLOIiIU:\ C6R'1'IFIC.I"C1QN No. LB 1296 No Rise Analysis Report Page 13 of 14 Prepared By: Culpepper & Terpening, Inc. EXIST. FENCE _ NO -RISE Analysis 6418 Riverland Dr. PRE DEVELOPMENT JQB NLA 18-G1# SCALE• I.,M RLE 18-a% Edibaft DAM 04-23-12018 May 11, 2018 C&T Project No. 18-034 ff. LUCIE RIVER 3 3 (OXBOW) $ 0 WAMM 1W Kw 31,04'(p) 1 PROP. CONC EQUIPMENTPAD 41�$ ��, PROP. COVERED CONC. PORCH PROPOSED TWO STORY r RESIDENCE Ala • S?y \ 44�Cpj 12.80' 65.44' 7.03' PROP: 4r�) • ; CONC. DRIVEWAY 490. Exhibit E - Post Development CULPEPPER & TERPENING, INC uQ CONSULTING ENGINEERS I LAND SURVEYORS 53q 2980 SOUTH 25th STREET • FORT PIERCE, FLORIDA 34981 t� PHONE 772-4643537 • FAX 772-464-9497 www.ct-.cmg.com S'rAXE OF FLORIDA CEWrIFIC.MON No. LB -12 6 No Rise Analysis Report Page 14 of 14 Prepared By: Culpepper & Terpening, Inc. NO RISE Analysis 6418 Riverland Dr. PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT JCS Ne is -Olaf I =ME- 1:30 FIIE 16-034 Womft I AAW- at23-mir May 11, 2018 C&T Project No. 18-034