HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgreement for the Installation of Elimination SystemHomdeam THIS AGREEMENT PROVIDES FOR RETREATMENY OF A STRUCTURE r e a T 0110911111. AND THE REPAIR OF DAMAGES SAINT LUC1E COUNTY USE ONLY CAUSED BY WOOD DESTROYING ORGANISMS WITHIN THE LIMITS Aceoma Na: STATED IN THIS AGREEMENT. AGREEMENT FOR THE INSTALLATION AND MONITORING OF THE SENTRICONG COLONY ELIMINATION SYSTEM FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION Secdon L GENERAL INFORMATION. Name: R.K Able X-P C W' 1C i1 . Service address: Ct !o l y City: Fort Pierce State: FL Zip Code: 3 y1s I Lmutiom 01"En stmoulStickerr Panel Lima rocup ofstrocu*ee 210 Billing Address:.T-90 A10 M 6-zg aj)- City: State: Zip Code:,-3V-7&0 Home Phone: Work Phone:_"i7Z 9•,4 — /';P/ 1 TwounsesTypm O Comaivo is Ptoraaive Seedoa IL SERVICE COMMITMENT HomoTate Pea Defense, Ina, (the 'Compe cyl wa in compliance whit applicable fodeml, veto and load laws, eclat cad regulations: A. In" the Swlriwo tamio ball suldons (the 'SiWam7 e s U the perimeter of tho ttnxturgs) (no attach d graph) locoed at the Service Address above(tiro'Soueaaa(sy�for the funaimteafee ofS er B. Maaito► e i aSttlFoa fo amordonoo with the tabd diaodims fora period ortwelvo (1:) monUn Immodistsiy following knalbelon oriho stotiona far an reread faoti C. Total anrat the fmymrofiaadhuionand Moahof SZefO D. m"ApermlFee dwthe rust Yale f30n.A0 R Dodos the monbminspadod, add and remove Raab t® tamito bdt from the Stations a appropriate; F. Delius the mmritariagpulled, maimainall Stations inserviceable conditiox SeedoD ILL CUSTOMER UNDERSTANDING OF PERFORMANCE OF SENTRiCON SYSTEM. Cuaoma oadasonda that: A. The SaMam System iavdva instolklica cad mmdtaing, colony elimination with Rtauit wanho balL end subsequent moahodng for eondriumu proteaiom from new tatmito edodos; B. IderwhofflareBfaww olatomornthanoyearshmddbeexportedbetweenn: L fastallatims rat secedaonsweiamendsallideattamiroaairitytoallowthodd'atonofRamittamitobait;end ii. Addido ofitscmlttenailobdt. C. Dating the Futevd(s) bdw= Installation of lire Stations end compteo elimination of osiaiag tangle eolonio . lamnlo foodtes within tiro Suuctara, possibly iovolviag additional structural damnA may occur. Additional services such as spot oppliadow of conventional tomtitieides are available to cotebst termite activity as o localized. dtort tam basis If desired, but sro not needed fmsad will not contribute to tangle owy dicdnatian. D. The active ) hngra llen is the Semdeon System la an insect SmaA regtdamr (Reauit) thot prevan s wwka termites from moltins. (Molting is aided to colony E totem tltm it conducted ea R=rW% Dow ASmSeiatcos I.I.C. giro maxothowd of Reaoi%observed av* 1 , of vety low levels of memmlian tmdeity only te Very high tombofeapesom P. Trumann is provided spina the amock of abtamnom tamlta (Rdiauliiamas spp„ Hdactor mes spp. end Copw mm *p• (pormoaan). This Agreement does not provide for the trecunate of any Atha putt, plant. suited or Wganlam other then nth tangles. no Compaq has not impacted or tratcd the suaetme(s)for boahhedseed mddaorfimSL By law, the Company 6adquafiSA authorized orGamdto Inspect fahecllh ralatd molds or flmsL 0. The CompanymanwrepresenationvegardinsthecouslocmimormmnbaermyClimestanglecolonies. Seetton W. DOW AGROSCIENCES LLC OWNERSHIP OF SENTRICON SYSTEM COMPONENTS. Casomsr also andastmuls that: A The Scredcon system end all of the components of the Seattcoa System ('Corapoccoul) have been dedp al by Dow ASrostitaw LLC. The Cmaponws aromad will formalho propely ofDowAsmSdmtea I.I.C. Cislomerhasao dshrawith mWel to any arthe components,otherthan the tight to theirwoa instdld by tiro Compmy on do Cast@ melt premiss ada this AgroemmL B. On expiration at termination of this Agromom, the Company sad Dow AgroSetmoes LLC or their respective repraadotives we amberired by Customer to radmoo Rom oil"mds premises the SW= and other Components rat app wflste disposition. to addition, Witte Company, fa whatever man. ceases to nyraeat ato ba amhmiead to repraanl tho Senrlcon Systan, I. TheCompanywatz. e. So notify CUSIMAer, b. OfferLlraomathe dtemaWesefeitherantes adilfacatform oreamdteprotection ortamimsttegibis Asrama d; a CtedittheQmwnst&rsenicapddfor but noyet received, ifsppropriaw; d Rcr=d to the Custotea Bra omama equal to the fen paid for savica rot ya rcWvd if Customer elects to diseominuo the relationship, or if the Company emtnot offer an effective alternative fors of tamito protadon; and L Retriom or &iow DowASmSeiaas LLC of its reprasmotives rasontble atom to do pmndsw fa the retrieval of tho Components ord S. LlmemawiU: L GrIml do Company end Dow ASt4dencrs LLC or their rapc6vo npre aelatives reasonable minas to the preaiaes fa the rculmosl of tho and b. ShhaegreowiththeCompanyontheusedondtanotiveformoftandleommrolalandasothisAgreement. PAYMBNrMBTHOD. OCash OChcck OCreatcad tfpoyi%by «wise cold or soaralus dew from you beak Become, plume complete the socehd Amholin ins far hkaAaanged payments. This Agmemertcoatdols arialsIimUadcos, condition and esdalonson the Company'sobllgalboe.Ftessorod theendreAgreementbermstptlog. In coaddemtion fa tho.Company perfomdag the writes spocilied dew and subject to the term and conditions of this Agreaaan6 Customer agrees to make the paymems Moved above. Customer admowledgm tatxdpt of a shgoed copy or this Agrmeatt. This Agreement b tat binding on the Company umii aw" by an attthaired amaga a auwdva offaar of the Camtpmy. CUSTOMER: HOMETEAM PEST DEFENSE, INC. SiSaamaa• �y,�0 Sigmtole: NmdNsmo � Jr �,sr p�N— VOID/ FOR PRESLA13 APPROVAL ONLY o mer. com Eff d oa,a, NONEFFECTIVE RIGHTTOGMCi:'L:Y01/,rHSCV.VTOMBAIIAYCAAMY1ILrTAANS CriOHATANYTIMEPR10RTOM10N1GHrOFTHETH1R0BUSINESS 1NYAPMTHEDArSOFTNOTMVSALTIOM SEETHBAfrACHONUT10EOFCANLTLL4T10NFORANEVLoWArIGNOFTHISNGHT. THE REMOVAL OF THE BAIT OR BAmNG SYSTEM MAY RESULT iN A LACK OF TERMITE PROTECTION S eSamRmpozzle& to,lao.lslt3eredtadeawAsofDowApaSrlmaaLLC (UMSYR)NIS SmOon V. CUSTOMER COMMITMENT AS TO CONDITIONS CONDUCIVE TO INFESTATION& The Comma agrees to he solely respma'bio for maintaining the Treated Premises free from any condition coududvo to temtitc htreststion ('Conditions CondudW am below for explanation). The Customer IBM" BM" to be solely responsible for Idettilybg and cqm d erg Conditions Condudv& The Mgwibility raw aelusiwlr with the Cuaoma, ad with the Compsoy. Fannie of the COMM o dart Cmloma to nay of the above conditions does at alter Customer's rmpomtib7ity under this Section. in eddifim% the mdsteame of my ("bons Coad! ive thol was um timelY cwmted. Ineladittg mty Conditions Condudw existing; bus am vistblo to as time of the occasion of tbu Agreement, will Wo ComPOY, At its sale dberetbs1. to terminate tbo Agreement or to requite Customer toparchm• any addltieml accuroat requited as a result of the Conditions Conducive. Customer luaus- to fay onopersto with the Comptmy daring the tam of this Agranenk. and ogees to mahualn the ara(e) baited free from such Coaditiom CwAWM COW specift items may be noted bdowin *Additional Cbrameas• (Section XV). CONDITIONS CONDUCIVE! CaW'utian Conducive lacludo, but tam not iimited to, work" improper watnation, featly phambing, and water baba or immodest in at arcs ed the Mtct we bhuct stractanl Problems, Including, but eat limited to, wood to ground canines, masonry failurok' amd sattlamem of the foundation, been insmldfm% stump ocastructiab expended polystyrene or Wrabaam molded feundwlm system, ddiag (Including vbtyl, wood teal mad) if within 6 inches of the ge=ul; match or other pratectivo ground covering; end firewood, twit, lumber. wood, muhh, sludbt, vines, and other protective 1putml covaitlq Uwitida 6Inches of MwMM.,,e1hNnwWe.� Seaton VL ADDITIONS. ALTERATIONS, AND OTHER CHANCES. This Agroaant covers tie Shuctme(s) Identified In Seadon I as of the date of the initial f nagaie.CustomerwinimmadimelyMI&theCompanyinwddng(1)FfWto-theStrudan(s)beingstructurallymotined,altmodofodnowsochanged,(Z)Ptiao any tandtiddo being applied on or duo to the tomion ofmty Station, (3) if son b removed or added +rood the foundation of the Sarctuga) a (4) oy tsmpatng of baiting egalpme m or supplies Gmurs, Failure to notify the Compmy in Withfg of d1W oven listed above mr void the AgrmmanL Additional service rognited by Sty eddhion, dlaabnaalurs udtovmt may be Provided by the Company atCartama'sospm a6andmay more anadjutmumt in thoremnwl fan. Seetim VIL DAMAGE RELATED TO SERVICES The Company wall mrardte duo Caro while peffbrming &rube hereunder to attempt to avoid damaging my pan Of Qmoauefe proFwY. F11110 or animals. Under no draaestmea Wig the Company be —%Is for Amens Caused I- the C a tit ti rho ark I vpar(oronod, cxoepr than damages w Bee so VIGIL REPAIR AND RRFTR song from gross oegllgmao of the Company. Cumma is °mpSar o ono vw s -- - _ responsible. ro Custoanu'a solo oxpeuso, for relintbishing Cttaranera infesstion ofsubtarSemt tataba ooeros b No trsoted 16, dmrg& la addition, subject to the goomal Item and eondtiant of The Compmy's toad liability will not exceed in say ono calendar ) S1,000.000 in tho aggregate era the tam of the Asmarm a, ladudiq 1. Ctrmma apaady viva arty dsdm for _:_ campanrato Wants or rtmesat taraatt. Amnonfor buxamw ens, loss of use, busiau intarw damage. The Customer selmawledges the the daaugo to Ono anent ceased by the Company In the paformon drumnnnas shell Comuary be hold liable for any mount greater th 1Ike to subta►aows Wmlt* babtty termite activity may coath responsible for repairs ofsubterrmaae terealto damap• that acm 2. The Coamparyrs obBgdlmt to repair taantadmwge tm6 b000aro ei Addresser (G) the Bra mmiva smy of tho lactallaft Grills Stati= fading an Roavit termite bait in one or more tanute bait whom 1 commutivo service visits to the Service Address, any live tamita In pwenoa of Iive termites, occurs while the Compm)h obligation to rc der Cempary, the Compmy sgoa to reimburse Costs= fa the to tar la[ttab Subject to thage tad tamAgreement. ran the tam of thisAgraomma, tho Company will tetrnss the Cues of infestation stno oddidmd ;meta, the Company will ir, asits eau, new Jambe damage to the waled an cturgs). r Faa or(7 SUMM or i) the rain males vdwaf tha uwcd +Wesutgs), user cwccd or mmeyueww &mws mtmiog to lho adatmm or Subtaraaneu termites err subtemmm 4 dim'mmim of vahe, or any %smo• damage dap to the prescuae of Subaarmeon land ta or quay is performing a serviu and a 1 far tomint dto damage mpeirs set faabove and my of its savcoa, Customer wolf as mry alaim for property "a. and aaroa the mule to the amount paid by lla Casten to Cempey for the lamito tame* to be padormed. to be prarmt to a structure for ■ Parlhd of Um• fallowlog to atmenL The Company Is not ofarsthe tapir portion Ofthe warsmaybeeoroes•114CUM five tpmthecadkrof(i) climimtim ofd m colony oreatmia loaned on or about do Service loay diminntim shall bo deaaad to oaur wdaoA following ttve ooaseeroive roomthf of tatmhes ted st tit* Service Address, the Company's tmhaldm is usable to team for o period of three r of the temuo bob motions located a$ the Service Address. lfmow damage, a evidenced by the t onnho damage is h► rev% following tmitte wifiatim from Cumma and an inspection by nablo sou of Ott repass, bin a* to the wcat that alto lord resssable cost of sell mpoin is 4. Su*xl to the randidog pmvisiont of this Staion V111.4. Comma will be quilled to select the contractor who will perform the aaedrd reports to the treated doe aes oar imooeosmactwitheeoauaetoyCuuamcrogremmpmvWodmComP&WGC yofthopmpoudeonumerwhtobid.ifthoCompcny second bid for bite work in eases be , Co Aaor � green o do tre scd neaesare(a) o a eamoetor desitpuaed by the Company far the purpose of obmaining a second the o The �° repair Work Comma admowiedgm that the Company reserves the right to soled the contromor to ft J. The Company is not nesponswo fa tho repair of either visible damage (noted an the attached inspection graph) or hidden domage existing as of the data of" Agreement. The Company dam not guarmnee that the damage disclosed on the aucehed Inspection graph rcpreseta ail of the existing damage a of the doe of this Agra m aL The Company WM not be responsible for (1) any damop caused by Merolla to the treated straaurs(s) or the Comeau the►mf orWat; prior to or following the tam of tble Agreement or (1) any eats or aspirates locoweed by Casomw a a rods of any such damage. Customer wolves all claims for damap to the Pro" a people the may rent$ directly or todiree0y from urvias prodded by she Company, with the sole exception ofdalms fwdmsga due to the pouae esoftheCom andforIts amployea. Sedloo IX, PAVMBNT. TM Compmlrs otlonto pafamr aWa Out AgmcmaM b omMlwted a = Cumma%ppaayymet in Bun of the price set Penh in Seetim 11 abet Cnoomea'a fanaro to pay Sub price in full will ewes* Out Agreement to automatically tied iasmedimly, terminate to its atiaety and the Company will be disebtrped of all lisbili$y. All amumas paid. if any. will bocamo the property of Cho Compwy as 64ul*W damages hereunder. The i—nation fee is duo and pryable at tho time of the Initial service. The renewal fee is duo and payable upon receipt of introdes Invokes the are ad paid within thirty (30) days of tho dinroim d+o will acres idaest on the u+p+dd balansa ate rate equal o tho barer of I.S7L per aumaln (ISSi Per yw) as the owbunn ono allowed by low. In the event the legal action Is aoowmy 90440901 MY sooud due the Company, the Company, will bo ambled to reeve from Comma all sow atsoncwm% Indading "==able worosye foes, In edditim o all aartwndlag eaSattsduo the Compmy. Section X. TERM. Unless otherwise apcditWty FrAded herein. tho parties agree the the initial amoaumiany renewed an an annual basic, for an additiamd twelve (IS) month period. be a ntoxdr 6aitial tam tmpm paytaomn by Cuumaa ofthe too indicated in Section IiJL of fhb Asmomaru (sue +by givbg the other panty written notice m last Wry (30) days past to time and cf Ono the by Ctmoma. d any time following the initial lam, a written nobs to the other poly or lama yea paled time may bo unewW mmuaily wdth tba muuW eonu m of both Fetch, aid, the loan timbry (10) day+ Prior o tie and tithe the aarcm tam Tthin lfe Cad reserves the right o Section comer by ARBITRA 0 .. ANY CONTROVERSnotice to tho Compsq ve OR CLAIM ARISING OUT OPing r1 AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE PARTIES, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ANY I PERSONAL INJURY OR PROPERTY DAMAGE, SHALL BE SETTLED BY BIN OTHERWISE, THE ARBITRATION SMALL BE ADMINISTERED UNDER THE.CO1 ASSOCIATION ("AAA") OR, IF APPLICABLE, IT SHALL BE DE[ERMINED UNDI DISPUTE& THE PARTIES EXPRESSLY AGREE THAT THE ARBITRATOR SHALi TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THiS AGREEMENT, AND THAT ANY ARBITRATION CONSOLIDATED OR JOINED WITH ANY ACTION OR LEGAL PROCEEDING UNDEp PREMISE& AND WILL NOT PROCEED AS A CLASS ACION, PRIVATE ATTORN ACTION. FATHER PARTY HAS THE RIGHT TO REQUIRE A PANEL OF THREE Is) A! RESPONSIBLE FOR THE COST OF THE ADDITIONAL ARBITRATORS. EITHER HEARING THAT THE AWARD BE ACCOMPANIED BY A REASONED OPINION. THE FINAL AND BINDING ON ALL PARTIES, EXCEPT THAT EITHER PARTY MAY W11 ARBTIKAL APPEAL TO A THREE McAIBRR APPEAL TRIG INAL. Tee AMPAuarr. TO A TRANSACION arm of this Agrecnmm� whfi be far ewdvo ((I2) months end win bar wan of four (4) addidoal twelve (I2) asmOn Padods, following tiw ed to adjaaanmt as provided In this subscatoo), unless dither pity name$ term. This Agm enteat may be otmiatcd by to Company at hirty (30) drys past to such termination. As the and of d m five (5) 040, either party may to ralasto the service with written notice at memo the pea of savda. This Agreement may be terminated by irR A tELATiNG TOfTHIS AGREEMENT OR ANY OTHER ORT AND STATUTORY CLAIMS, AND ANY CLAIMS FOR DING ARBITRATION. UNLESS THE PARTIES AGREE IMERCiAL-RULES OF THE AMERICAN ARBITRATION R THE AAA PROCEDURES FOR CONSUMER -RELATED FOLLOW THE SUBSTANTIVE LAW, INCLUDING THE PROCEEDING UNDER THIS AGREEMENT WILL NOT HE ANY OTHER AGREEMENT OR INVOLVING ANY OTHER 3Y GENERAL ACf10N OR SIMILAR REPRESENTATIVE UMTRATOR%AND THE REQUZMNG PARTY SHALL Be PARTY AIAY REQUEST AT ANY TIME PRIOR TO THE AWARD RENDERED BY THEARBMIATOR(S) SHALL BE THIN JO DAYS OF THE ORIGINAL AWARD REQUEST AN PARTY SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL APPELLATE 6 QUESTIONS OF LAW AND PACT UNDER A CLEARLY NAL AND BINDING. JUDGMENT MAY BE ENTERED ON D COMPANY ACKNOWLEDGE AND AGREE THAT THIS INTERSTATE COMMERCE AND SHALL BE GOVERNED AL WMITIVIY OR SPECIAL HEALTH CONDITIONS, if Comma bdbvm that Customer or other occupants of the anted Wnesun tivo to pestieiduhamidddes or their odors or (0) lava other health Conditions that may he eifeaed by pmticideshermiticidos at tleir odaee Oust you trot have on Initiator o ubsegsoat.savice performed d yaws promises; until you have smoked with your family p�ysIdm At your novido Wommilon about the ehandesb to be be used in treathe promises. BY parch ft t a &wnsnt. Crammer aoumes Z ask and waives A the Company In eonneaiaaa with such sensitivity atcand im At your request, the Company will provide Infarmdbn Bran the chemtab to Sadva XIH. ASSICI4ABILITY. This Agroamem is trwdamblo to a raw owner of the pre" located at the Service Addrm provided Chet Ono new Gwen of the P7ePa9r enters into an htwlidbn turd tanitoaag agrcamem with the Compsey. The Compuy raw= the tight o ahSgo a trwfa fee, adjug the swaw reeved two. and ekonge do terms of tho Compamft obligddonsunder this Agreement we ay such uremia. Upon the dosing of tho Salo ofda property located m tho Service Addrask *6 Agrmment will Unninmo. Sea XIV. ENTIRE AGREEMENT AND SEVERABILITY. This Agmanut and the attached gmph mumltuto Oa edro sgrmtncas bahveen the parties. Comma ra ref= warrmts and ropsesams thstea , In rning this Agnmaaem. Comma is not relying on any proaalm agtea cut a saarMIL Whether aml or values, as�why and !idly as fonll ha this Agrcem m. H any part of this Agmcam Is held to be undid or vnaafaeesblC for any ressm tlm remodalneng geand eo dick s of dda Ayamw veal assmier in fall fotm and sfka The tame of" Agneram mod heroin may not be emended w altered mite a written change is sppneved min signed by o Corpotato OBdea of Comps aY. No other emptoyca of Dams of Company have outierity to amend or alga soy par of this AgramaL Prorldede. howove . that a to No paragraph on ARBITRATION. If Mho sca esem Precluding Ole mbbmta from conducting on tabitratlen =antalvo or private anotay general action is found o be Judd or cuadsrmable then to anti of the ARBIT TItNi praso e d m a dote ddetod Item lidsAgreement. �' P+�+Ph shall be deemed to be Section XV. ADDITIONAL COMMENT& SMUWMOHamdy�PeoDefatm.la&m201) uadwaksofBmvArpeddaccsLLC Wssasymtill J PLEASE HAVE TM FOLLOWING ACKNOMMGFIVIEM NOTARIZED: I CERTIFY THAT: (CHECK ONE) A. I AM THE OWNER OF RECORD OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED PROPERTY AND WILL BE CONDUCTING THE WORK AS OWNER/BUILDER. Olsdanrue 3btemerlC Sbta few tequ.'�s mr:sWaCon rn be dome bY�sad oanbacAvs You:heve i�pCed fibre penNt wader an eremptlon to !rat law. The arempNcur allows yvv, as tre owneror)wrFvR&ly, to actasyvro•awn embed wwM oak4r msWons even trough you do not have a.Qcur m You mustAVYW d14 ondte XFavialan of ft oansbuvVM yummy.. You may b:dld or ftrum a ata,famfy or twwwf iced&= or a farm oadtadWv� You may aisa baud or k pwm a mmmerdal btrMia prw/ded your casts do not eared p73M. The burddag or redlesee nxat to J r your own we or oozrp enry. !r meynot be bunt or substartdepy fmpioYed for sofa or kasec lryau mf arkm a bdft you haler butt ar substantaUy Improved yourself wRhln 1 year aRer dre. evnsbrrt�n is oorrrpkb; The kw wx'presrrnw fret yti wont or suds!ante/y/mprovedlttbrsa/eorlass� wh/ahlSavlo/atanofOri(seaempbars, Yau.mayi HAwanwfX=edPM=toad as yourcondmotororto supevv/sb poop/e wa►Afit9 on yourbu9dlrrg. Rlr yvurrrspaR:�Plytomadvsrue butpeop/eenpdoyed b3' you have QcBnses required by ante bar end bymurtty or mwYapal /krns/r(+/ ardwm= Yau may not delepto the rasponsibinty rtg work to a /lcrnserl cr>rrtracmr who !c no!!ke[ssed peribms on woikbav done Any person wafdng on -your bulidGrg who far rtatlfcerued must work under yorr direct supevlkfar and must be ernp:byed by yary whktr means that you mtet deduct fi:GL am/•wfYrhefdtrrg b:t and.provhle wwlris aao;persrddron hr that entp/oy� aD as pmsv►bedby/aw, Your arrtszrtreuon mustcvmplywld'iallapplka6k Paws; ord6�mrcd, bu�iq � a�rdmnlr;q �� B. () I AM NOT THE OWNER OF RECORD OF.TIiE ABOVBD DBSCRIBBD• PROPERTY; HOWBM I HAVE AUTHORITY TO ACT, AS, AOBNT FOR THE OWNER OF RECORD. (St, Lucie County Colo and Compiled laws reguiras that this, type of work be done by a licensed contractor. PLEASE PROVIDE DOCUMENTATION). 1., I CERTIFY THAT ALL INFORMATION SUBI&TrBD'WITH' S APPLICATION IS TRUE AND OMPLB'I'EYT HE BE OF MY KNOWLEDOB. , �`0��22 WN,B�R,/2,�1AGENTSION CONIRAMRSIONATURE STATE OF FLORIDA, SfATF-0Mpip: RIDA, COUNTY OF ST, LUCIE COUNTYT. LUCIE The foregoing instrument was acknowledged The foregstrumeat was eelmowledged before me this "day ofQts3Dt� before m , &&LX&y of �. 202S by . who is by - who is to me or (rk. or Prin Notary Public Title 2 Commission Number to me or as iden0cation. Notary Public Title CommissioaNumber (sEAL): (SEAL):w`QP�'4���l�� - Commies on #. GG060876. " P'wft saw 0 ,* : � Expires: January 9, 2021 _ .pg ��e� aa �����,. Bonded thru Aaron Notary •� •�r rrr r rrirtrrr •rr�irtir�r• rtttttiititrtitfttttttttitttttittttttttttttttt , _�w' APPROVED,_, bp,NffiD_ REV>SMI APPROVED 8Yd . MW=Nhi ?VAL PM0URCES DBPARTMMr / DME 00E 4 UPDAM 0014