HomeMy WebLinkAboutStamped - 2010029 - Powerlift - 45 x 14 - Yates Hanger Working Calculations 10-16-20 RICE ENGINEERING 105 School Creek Trail | Luxemburg, WI 54217 (P) 920.617.1042 | (F) 920.617.1100 Powerlift 45 x 14 Door – Yates Hanger Hydraulic Door Calculations Project Location: Port St. Lucie, Florida Prepared for: Powerlift Hydraulic Doors - Lake Benton, MN REI Project # R20-10-029 10/16/2020 Disclaimer: This Certification is limited to the structural design of structural components of this Hydraulic Door system. It does NOT include responsibility for: · Structural design of hardware, hinges, and latches. · Design of material separation to prevent reaction between dissimilar materials. · Design of air and water infiltration prevention. · The manufacture, assembly, or installation of the system. · Quantities of materials or dimensional accuracy of drawings · Anchorage to the substrate or design of the building support structure. Cover Page 1 of 1 Engineers Design Approval Stamp: 10/16/2020 Design Criteria: 1. Design Loads per Florida Building Code 6th Edition (2017) (ASCE 7-16) 2. Deflection to be L/120 max. for vertical door members. Deflection to be 2L/120 for cantilever members. 3. Steel anchor plates, clip angles, reinforcement channels and bars to be minimum ASTM A-36 steel. 4. Steel tubes to be minimum ASTM A-500, Grade B, Fy = 46 ksi. 5. Stainless steel screws and bolts shall be stainless steel alloy groups 1, 2 or 3 (300 series only), condition CW Fy = 65 ksi, Fu = 110 ksi minimum, with diameters and locations as shown in calculations. 6. Field and shop welding shall be E70 or better, steel filler alloy to have a minimum tensile strength of 70 ksi or better. 7. Design of material separation to prevent reaction between dissimilar materials not designed by Rice Engineering Inc. 8. Concrete anchors shall be a threading cutting type anchor with the size, embed depth and spacing as per the calculations. Anchors shall be installed per the manufacturer’s specifications. Use Simpson. See manufacturer’s ICC evaluation report for special inspection requirements. 9. Concrete shall be minimum f`c= 3,000 psi normal weight (assumed cracked). 10. Lag Screws shall conform to ANSI/ASME Standard B18.6.1-1981, minimum bending yield strengths of Fby=45 ksi. 11. Wood is assumed to be Spruce-Pine-Fir, SG = 0.42. Page: Description: Date: Revision: 1 Project Data 10/13/20 2 Section Props / Wind Loads 10/13/20 3 Seismic / Load Combinations 10/13/20 4 Vertical Rail Check 10/13/20 5 Cross Member Check 10/13/20 6 Door Header Check 10/13/20 7 Frame Header Check 10/13/20 8 Door Leg Check 10/13/20 9 Truss Tube Check 10/13/20 10 Truss Upright Check 10/13/20 Page: Description: Date: Revision: 11 Bottom Tube Check 10/13/20 12 Reactions and Deflections 10/13/20 13 Door Results 10/13/20 14 Cylinder Analysis 10/13/20 15 - 16 Hinge Analysis 10/13/20 17 Frame Header Connection 10/13/20 18 Post Base Connection 10/13/20 19 – 20 Truss Diagonal Check 10/13/20 R1 – R7 Anchor Specifications 10/13/20 COA: 9090 10/16/2020 RICE ENGINEERING Florida Firm No: F-01000005061 Certificate of Authorization: #9090 Wayne K. Helmila Registration No: 59092 105 School Creek Trail Luxemburg, WI 54217 Phone: (920) 617-1042 Fax: (920) 617-1100 www.rice-inc.com 105 School Creek Trail Luxemburg, WI 54217 Phone: (920)-617-1042 Fax: (920)-617-1100 www.rice-inc.com RICE ENGINEERING This item has been electronically signed and sealed using a Digital Signature. * Printed copies of this document are not considered signed and sealed and the signature must be verified on any electronic copies. Powerlift Hydraulic Door Calculations Detail Ref. Sheet No: 01 Project Data:Governing Code: gfedc ASCE 7-05gfedcDouble Posts gfedc ASCE 7-10gfedcDouble Legs gfedcb ASCE 7-16gfedcbHurricane Pins gfedcb Use Truss gfedcb Use Truss Diagonals hb 25:=ft building roof height <--- ASSUMED hd 14.42:=ft door overall height wd 44.5:=ft door overall width Occupancy/Risk Category:II Spah 53.625:=in max horizontal tube spacing Spav 88:=in max vertical tube spacing dt 17.5:=in truss depth *NOTE: Hinges are located at vertical rails Spat 31.125:=in truss upright spacing Wind Load Data: V 161:=mph design wind speed E "C":=building exposure Kzt 1.0:=topographic coefficient Kd 0.85:=directionality factor External Pressure Coefficients.: GCp1 0.95-:=CZ Member Section Data: GCp2 0.80:=CZ GCp3 0.9-:=Typ Cylinder: HSS5x5x0.188GCp4 0.80:=Typ Frame Header: HSS5x3x0.25Internal Pressure Coefficients:Frame Post: GCpi1 0.18:= HSS5x2x0.125Door Header: GCpi2 0.18-:= HSS5x3x0.25 Seismic Load Data:Door Leg: HSS4x2x0.25Ss4.9%:=Mapped Spectral Response Acceleration at Short Periods Vertical Rails: S1 2.7%:=Mapped Spectral Response Acceleration at Long Perio ds HSS3x2x0.083Cross Members: Ip 1.0:=Component Importance Factor HSS4x4x0.125ap1.0:=Component Amplification Factor Bottom Tube: HSS3x2x0.125Rp2.5:=Component Respose Modificaiton Factor Truss Tube: Fa 1.6:=Short-Period Site Coefficient ( Table 11.4-1) HSS3x2x0.125Truss Upright: Fv 2.4:=Long-Period Site Coefficient ( Table 11.4-2) Soil Site Class:D Truss Diagonals: 105 School Creek Trail Luxemburg, WI 54217 Phone: (920) 617-1042 Fax: (920) 617-1100 www.rice-inc.com Project Description: Job No:R20-10-029 - Powerlift - 45 x 14 - Yates Hanger Engineer:GAB Sheet No:01 Date:10/13/2020 Rev: Template:Chk By: Date: RICE ENGINEERING Medium Powerlift Hydraulic Door Calculations Detail Ref. Sheet No: 02 Member Section Properties: FrameHeader "HSS5x5x0.188"=FramePost "HSS5x3x0.25"=DoorHeader "HSS5x2x0.125"= tfh 0.174=in tfp 0.233=in tdh 0.116=in WTfh 11.96=plf WTfp 12.18=plf WTdh 5.6=plf Afh 3.28=in2 Afp 3.37=in2 Adh 1.54=in2 Ifh 12.6=in4 Ixfp 10.7=in4 Ixdh 4.65=in4 Zfh 5.89=in3 Zxfp 5.38=in3 Zxdh 2.37=in3 VerticalRail "HSS4x2x0.25"=CrossMember "HSS3x2x0.083"=BottomTube "HSS4x4x0.125"= tvr 0.233=in tcm 0.083=in tbt 0.125=in WTvr 8.78=plf WTcm 2.728=plf WTbt 6.46=plf Avr 2.44=in2 Acm 0.802=in2 Abt 1.77=in2 Ixvr 4.49=in4 Ixcm 1.021=in4 Ixbt 4.4=in4 Zxvr 2.94=in3 Zxcm 0.818=in3 Zxbt 2.56=in3 TrussTube "HSS3x2x0.125"=TrussUpright "HSS3x2x0.125"= ttt 0.116=in ttu 0.116=in WTtt 3.9=plf WTtu 3.9=plf Att 1.07=in2 Atu 1.07=in2 Ixtt 1.3=in4 Ixtu 1.3=in4 Zxtt 1.06=in3 Zxtu 1.06=in3 Wind Load Calculations: Velocity pressure Coefficients: Velocity pressures: Kzh 0.94=psf qh 0.00256 KzhKztKdV253.02=:= Kzz 0.85=psf qz 0.00256 KzzKztKdV247.943=:= Calculated Pressures (ASD): Pczneg Φ qhGCp1 GCpi1-( )hb 60if Φ qhGCp1q h GCpi1-( ) otherwise 35.947-=:=psf Pczpos Φ qhGCp2 GCpi2-( )hb 60if Φ qzGCp2qh GCpi2-( ) otherwise 31.176=:=psf Ptypneg Φ qhGCp3 GCpi1-( )hb 60if Φ qhGCp3qh GCpi1-( ) otherwise 34.357-=:=psf Ptyppos Φ qhGCp4 GCpi2-( )hb 60if Φ qzGCp4qh GCpi2-( ) otherwise 31.176=:=psf W max Ptypneg-Ptyppos, ( ) 34.357=:=psf 105 School Creek Trail Luxemburg, WI 54217 Phone: (920) 617-1042 Fax: (920) 617-1100 www.rice-inc.com Project Description: Job No:R20-10-029 - Powerlift - 45 x 14 - Yates Hanger Engineer:GAB Sheet No:02 Date:10/13/2020 Rev: Template:Chk By: Date: RICE ENGINEERING Powerlift Hydraulic Door Calculations Detail Ref. Sheet No: 03 Seismic Load Calculations: SDS 2 3FaSs5 %=:=Design Spectral Response Acceleration At Short Period (Eqn 11.4-3) SD1 2 3FvS14.32 %=:=Design Spectral Response Acceleration At Long Period (Eqn 11.4-4) 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 0 1 2 Design Response Spectrum Period (sec)Design Spectral Response Acceleration (% g)Sa P( ) P fp 0.4 apSDSWp Rp Ip 1 2 hb hd   + 108.2=:=lb (Eqn 13.3-1) (Eqn 13.3-1) Fpmin 0.3 SDSIpW p45.4=:=lb Fpmax 1.6 SDSIpWp242.1=:=lb (Eqn 13.3-3) Fp Fpmin fp Fpmin<if fp fp Fpmax<if Fpmax otherwise 108.153=:=lb (Eqn 13.3-2) FpASD 0.7 Fp75.7=:=lb Per ASD Load Comb. Section 2.4 FpvASD 0.7 0.2SDSW p21.2=:=lb Per LRFD Load Comb. Section 2.4 Eh 0.118=psf ASD Hirizontal Seismic Force Ev 0.033=psf ASD Vertical Seismic Design Force Seismic Design Category (SDC) per ASCE 7-16 Section 11.6 Load Combinations: SDC "A"= LC1 D 4.511=:=psf downward (door open) LC2 W 34.357=:=psf horizontally (door closed) LC3 D 0.7Ev+4.535=:=psf downward (door open) DLh LC2 34.357=:=psf DLv max LC1 LC3, ( ) 4.535=:=psf 105 School Creek Trail Luxemburg, WI 54217 Phone: (920) 617-1042 Fax: (920) 617-1100 www.rice-inc.com Project Description: Job No:R20-10-029 - Powerlift - 45 x 14 - Yates Hanger Engineer:GAB Sheet No:03 Date:10/13/2020 Rev: Template:Chk By: Date: RICE ENGINEERING Powerlift Hydraulic Door Calculations Detail Ref. Sheet No: 04 Vertical Rail Check:VerticalRail "HSS4x2x0.25"= Lvr h d 12( ) 2.5-bfh-bbt-163.54=:=in wvr Spav DLh 144 20.996=:=pli Muvr wvr Lvr 2870192.657=:=in lb Check Flanges for compact section Check Web for compact section λpvrf 1.12 Es Fy 28.121=:=λpvrw 2.42 Es Fy 60.762=:= λrvrf 1.4 Es Fy 35.152=:=λrvrw 5.70 Es Fy 143.118=:= btvr 5.58=htvr 14.2= λvrf "compact" btvr λpvrfif "noncompact"λpvrf btvr<λrvrfif "slender" otherwise "compact"=:=λvrw "compact" htvr λpvrwif "noncompact"λpvrw htvr<λrvrwif "slender" otherwise "compact"=:= bevr min bvr 1.92 tvr Es Fy 1 0.38 btvr Fy Es -  ,  2=:=in Svreff Sxvr 2.25=:=in3 Mpvr Fy Zxvr135240=:=in lb Mnvrf Mpvr λvrf "compact"=if Mpvr Mpvr Fy Sxvr-( ) 3.57 btvr Fy Es 4-  -  λvrf "noncompact"=if Fy Svreff( ) otherwise 135240=:=in lb Mnvrw Mpvr λvrw "compact"=if Mpvr Mpvr Fy Sxvr-( ) 0.305 htvr Fy Es 0.7384-  -  λvrw "noncompact"=if Fy S vreff( ) otherwise 135240=:=in lb Mnvr min Mnvrf Mnvrw, ( ) Ωb 80982.036=:=in lb VERTICAL_RAIL "OK" Muvr Mnvr 1.07if "FAILS" otherwise "OK"=:= ∆VertsWL 5 wvrLvr 4 384 EsIxvr1.502=:=in 105 School Creek Trail Luxemburg, WI 54217 Phone: (920) 617-1042 Fax: (920) 617-1100 www.rice-inc.com Project Description: Job No:R20-10-029 - Powerlift - 45 x 14 - Yates Hanger Engineer:GAB Sheet No:04 Date:10/13/2020 Rev: Template:Chk By: Date: RICE ENGINEERING Powerlift Hydraulic Door Calculations Detail Ref. Sheet No: 05 Cross Member Check:CrossMember "HSS3x2x0.083"= Lcm Spav 88=:=in wcm Spah DLh 144 12.794=:=pli Mucm wcm Lcm 2128256.622=:=in lb Check Flanges for compact section Check Web for compact section λpcmf 1.12 Es Fy 28.121=:=λpcmw 2.42 Es Fy 60.762=:= λrcmf 1.4 Es Fy 35.152=:=λrcmw 5.70 Es Fy 143.118=:= btcm 24.096=htcm 36.145= λcmf "compact" btcm λpcmfif "noncompact"λpcmf btcm<λrcmfif "slender" otherwise "compact"=:=λcmw "compact" htcm λpcmwif "noncompact"λpcmw htcm<λrcmwif "slender" otherwise "compact"=:= becm min b cm 1.92 tcm Es Fy 1 0.38 btcm Fy Es -  ,  2=:=in Scmeff Sxcm 0.681=:=in3 Mpcm Fy Zxcm37628=:=in lb Mncmf Mpcm λcmf "compact"=if Mpcm Mpcm Fy Sxcm-( ) 3.57 btcm Fy Es 4-  -  λcmf "noncompact"=if Fy Scmeff( ) otherwise 37628=:=in lb Mncmw Mpcm λcmw "compact"=if Mpcm Mpcm Fy Sxcm-( ) 0.305 htcm Fy Es 0.7384-  -  λcmw "noncompact"=if Fy Scmeff( ) otherwise 37628=:=in lb Mncm min Mncmf Mncmw, ( ) Ωb 22531.737=:=in lb CROSS_MEMBER "OK" Mucm Mncm 1.07if "FAILS" otherwise "OK"=:= 105 School Creek Trail Luxemburg, WI 54217 Phone: (920) 617-1042 Fax: (920) 617-1100 www.rice-inc.com Project Description: Job No:R20-10-029 - Powerlift - 45 x 14 - Yates Hanger Engineer:GAB Sheet No:05 Date:10/13/2020 Rev: Template:Chk By: Date: RICE ENGINEERING Powerlift Hydraulic Door Calculations Detail Ref. Sheet No: 06 Door Header Chk:DoorHeader "HSS5x2x0.125"= Ldh Spav 88=:=in wdh 0.5 Lvr× b dh+( ) DLh× 144 19.987=:=pli Mudh 0.1071 wdh× Ldh 2× 16576.557=:=in lb× Check Flanges for compact section Check Web for compact section λpdhf 1.12 Es Fy × 28.121=:=λpdhw 2.42 Es Fy × 60.762=:= λrdhf 1.4 Es Fy × 35.152=:=λrdhw 5.70 Es Fy × 143.118=:= btdh 14.2=htdh 40.1= λdhf "compact" btdh λpdhf£if "noncompact"λpdhf btdh<λrdhf£if "slender" otherwise "compact"=:=λdhw "compact" htdh λpdhw£if "noncompact"λpdhw htdh<λrdhw£if "slender" otherwise "compact"=:= bedh min bdh 1.92 tdh× Es Fy × 1 0.38 btdh Fy Es ×-  ×,  2=:=in Sdheff Sxdh 1.86=:=in3 Mpdh Fy Zxdh× 109020=:=in lb× Mndhf Mpdh λdhf "compact"=if Mpdh Mpdh Fy Sxdh×-( ) 3.57 btdh× Fy Es × 4-  ×-  λdhf "noncompact"=if Fy Sdheff×( ) otherwise 109020=:=in lb× Mndhw Mpdh λdhw "compact"=if Mpdh Mpdh Fy Sxdh×-( ) 0.305 htdh× Fy Es × 0.7384-  ×-  λdhw "noncompact"=if Fy Sdheff×( ) otherwise 109020=:=in lb× Mndh min Mndhf Mndhw, ( ) Ωb 65281.437=:=in lb× DOOR_HEADER "OK" Mudh Mndh 1.07£if "FAILS" otherwise "OK"=:= 105 School Creek Trail Luxemburg, WI 54217 Phone: (920) 617-1042 Fax: (920) 617-1100 www.rice-inc.com Project Description: Job No:R20-10-029 - Powerlift - 45 x 14 - Yates Hanger Engineer:GAB Sheet No:06 Date:10/13/2020 Rev: Template:Chk By: Date: RICE ENGINEERING Powerlift Hydraulic Door Calculations Detail Ref. Sheet No: 07 Frame Header Chk:FrameHeader "HSS5x5x0.188"= Lfh Spav 88=:=in wfhv WpDOOR wd 12( ) 3.767=:=pli wfh 0.5 Lvrbdh+( ) DLh 144 19.987=:=pli Mufh 0.1071 wfhLfh 216576.557=:=in lb Check Flanges for compact section Check Web for compact section λpfhf 1.12 Es Fy 28.121=:=λpfhw 2.42 Es Fy 60.762=:= λrfhf 1.4 Es Fy 35.152=:=λrfhw 5.70 Es Fy 143.118=:= btfh 25.7=htfh 25.7= λfhf "compact" btfh λpfhfif "noncompact"λpfhf btfh<λrfhfif "slender" otherwise "compact"=:=λfhw "compact" htfh λpfhwif "noncompact"λpfhw htfh<λrfhwif "slender" otherwise "compact"=:= befh min bfh 1.92 tfh Es Fy 1 0.38 btfh Fy Es -  ,  3=:=in Sfheff Sfh 5.03=:=in3 Mpfh Fy Zfh270940=:=in lb Mnfhf Mpfh λfhf "compact"=if Mpfh Mpfh Fy Sfh-( ) 3.57 btfh Fy Es 4-  -  λfhf "noncompact"=if Fy Sfheff( ) otherwise 270940=:=in lb Mnfhw Mpfh λfhw "compact"=if Mpfh Mpfh Fy Sfh-( ) 0.305 htfh Fy Es 0.7384-  -  λfhw "noncompact"=if Fy S fheff( ) otherwise 270940=:=in lb Mnfh min Mnfhf Mnfhw, ( ) Ωb 162239.521=:=in lb FRAME_HEADER "OK" Mufh Mnfh 1.07if "FAILS" otherwise "OK"=:= ∆FHWL 0.0065 wfhL fh 4 Es Ifh0.021=:=in ∆FHDL 0.0065 wfhvLfh( ) 4 Es Ifh0.004=:=in 105 School Creek Trail Luxemburg, WI 54217 Phone: (920) 617-1042 Fax: (920) 617-1100 www.rice-inc.com Project Description: Job No:R20-10-029 - Powerlift - 45 x 14 - Yates Hanger Engineer:GAB Sheet No:07 Date:10/13/2020 Rev: Template:Chk By: Date: RICE ENGINEERING Powerlift Hydraulic Door Calculations Detail Ref. Sheet No: 08 Door Leg Check:DoorLeg "HSS5x3x0.25"= Cyl CylinderLengthindex10 2, 70=:=in dtop CylinderLengthindex10 3, 29=:=in Ldl Lvr Cyl-93.54=:=in adl Lvr Ldl-70=:=in M1dl 0.5 SpavDLh 144  adl 2 2 25719.929=:=in lbM2dl 0.5 SpavDLv 144  a dl 2 2 3394.584=:=in lb Rtruss 0.4 wdhwd 120.33( ) PINS "YES"=if 0.5 wdhwd 12( ) otherwise 1408.817=:=lb Rtruss2 0.5 0.5 h d12DLv 144  wd12727.437=:=lb Mudl 0.5 max M1dl adl Rtruss+M2dl adl Rtruss2+, ()()LEGS "DOUBLE"=if max M1dl a dl Rtruss+M2dl adl Rtruss2+, ()otherwise 124337.149=:=in lb Check Flanges for compact section Check Web for compact section λpdlf 1.12 Es Fy 28.121=:=λpdlw 2.42 Es Fy 60.762=:= λrdlf 1.4 Es Fy 35.152=:=λrdlw 5.70 Es Fy 143.118=:= btdl 9.88=htdl 18.5= λdlf "compact" btdl λpdlfif "noncompact"λpdlf btdl<λrdlfif "slender" otherwise "compact"=:=λdlw "compact" htdl λpdlwif "noncompact"λpdlw htdl<λrdlwif "slender" otherwise "compact"=:= bedl min bdl 1.92 tdl Es Fy 1 0.38 btdl Fy Es -  ,  3=:=in Sdleff Sxdl 4.29=:=in3 Mpdl Fy Zxdl247480=:=in lb Mndlf Mpdl λdlf "compact"=if Mpdl Mpdl Fy S xdl-( ) 3.57 btdl Fy Es 4-  -  λdlf "noncompact"=if Fy Sdleff( ) otherwise 247480=:=in lb Mndlw Mpdl λdlw "compact"=if Mpdl Mpdl Fy Sxdl-( ) 0.305 htdl Fy Es 0.7384-  -  λdlw "noncompact"=if Fy Sdleff( ) otherwise 247480=:=in lb Mndl min Mndlf Mndlw, ( ) Ωb 148191.617=:=in lb DOOR_LEG "OK" Mudl Mndl 1.07if "FAILS" otherwise "OK"=:= FRAME_POST DOOR_LEG:= 105 School Creek Trail Luxemburg, WI 54217 Phone: (920) 617-1042 Fax: (920) 617-1100 www.rice-inc.com Project Description: Job No:R20-10-029 - Powerlift - 45 x 14 - Yates Hanger Engineer:GAB Sheet No:08 Date:10/13/2020 Rev: Template:Chk By: Date: RICE ENGINEERING Powerlift Hydraulic Door Calculations Detail Ref. Sheet No: 09 Truss Tube Check:TrussTube "HSS3x2x0.125"= Ltt wd 12( ) 2 d t-499=:=in Lbt wd 12( ) 2bdl-528=:=in k 0.5:= Lbtt Spav 88=:=in k L btt rytt 54.726= Fett π2 Es k Lbtt rytt   2 95566.237=:= Fcrtt 0.658 Fy Fett Fy     k Lbtt rytt 4.71 Es Fy if 0.877 Fett( ) otherwise 37606.456=:=psi wtt 0.5 h d12DLh 144 20.643=:=pli Mctt wtt Lbt 28"PINS" "NO"=if 0.1 wtt0.33Lbt 2otherwise 189910.644=:=in lb Putt Mctt dt 10852.037=:=lb Pntt Fcrtt A tt40238.907=:=lb TRUSS_TUBE "OK" Pntt Ωc Puttif "FAIL" otherwise "OK"=:= 105 School Creek Trail Luxemburg, WI 54217 Phone: (920) 617-1042 Fax: (920) 617-1100 www.rice-inc.com Project Description: Job No:R20-10-029 - Powerlift - 45 x 14 - Yates Hanger Engineer:GAB Sheet No:09 Date:10/13/2020 Rev: Template:Chk By: Date: RICE ENGINEERING Powerlift Hydraulic Door Calculations Detail Ref. Sheet No: 10 Truss Upright Check:TrussUpright "HSS3x2x0.125"= Ltu dt dbt-d tt-10.5=:=in Pxtu wtt Spat642.506=:=lb Truss Diagonal Check: Ntu 17=Angle atan Ltu Spat  18.642 deg=:= Vctu wtt Ltt 28"PINS" "NO"=if 1.1 wtt0.33Ltt( ) otherwise 3739.166=:=lb TTD Vctu cos Angle( ) 3946.201=:=lbs Pytu 0.02 Putt217.041=:=lb Ωt 1.67:= Tn Fy Atd Ωt 18427.545=:=lb Mytu Pytu Ltu 20.671=:=in lb Mctu Mytu TD 1=if Vctu Spat 2 2   otherwise 20.671=:=in lbDIAGONALS "OK" Tn TTDif "FAIL" otherwise "OK"=:= TRUSS_DIAGONALS DIAGONALS TD 1=if "N/A" otherwise "OK"=:= Ωv 1.67:= Vntu 0.6 FyAtu Ωv 17683.832=:=lb Check Flanges for compact section Check Web for compact section λptuf 1.12 Es Fy 28.121=:=λptuw 2.42 Es Fy 60.762=:= λrtuf 1.4 Es Fy 35.152=:=λrtuw 5.70 Es Fy 143.118=:= bttu 14.2= httu 22.9= λtuf "compact" bttu λptufif "noncompact"λptuf bttu<λrtufif "slender" otherwise "compact"=:=λtuw "compact" httu λptuwif "noncompact"λptuw httu<λrtuwif "slender" otherwise "compact"=:= betu min btu 1.92 ttu Es Fy 1 0.38 bttu Fy Es -  ,  2=:=in Stueff Sxtu 0.867=:=in3 Mptu Fy Zxtu48760=:=in lb Mntuf Mptu λtuf "compact"=if Mptu Mptu Fy Sxtu-( ) 3.57 bttu Fy Es 4-  -  λtuf "noncompact"=if Fy Stueff( ) otherwise 48760=:=in lb Mntuw Mptu λtuw "compact"=if Mptu Mptu Fy Sxtu-( ) 0.305 httu Fy Es 0.7384-  -  λtuw "noncompact"=if Fy Stueff( ) otherwise 48760=:=in lb Mntu min Mntuf Mntuw, ( ) Ωb 29197.605=:=in lb TRUSS_UPRIGHT "OK" Mctu Mntu 1.07 Vctu Vntu 1.0if "FAILS" otherwise "OK"=:= 105 School Creek Trail Luxemburg, WI 54217 Phone: (920) 617-1042 Fax: (920) 617-1100 www.rice-inc.com Project Description: Job No:R20-10-029 - Powerlift - 45 x 14 - Yates Hanger Engineer:GAB Sheet No:10 Date:10/13/2020 Rev: Template:Chk By: Date: RICE ENGINEERING Powerlift Hydraulic Door Calculations Detail Ref. Sheet No: 11 Bottom Tube Check: Lbbt Spav 88=:=in k L bbt rybt 27.848= Febt π2 Es k L bbt rybt   2 369068.147=:=Fcrbt 0.658 Fy Febt Fy     k L bbt rybt 4.71 Es Fy if 0.877 Febt( ) otherwise 43661.819=:=psi wbt 0.5 hd12DLh 144 20.643=:=pli wbto 0.5 hd12DLv 144 2.724=:=pli Mcbt wbt Lbt 28"PINS" "NO"=if 0.1 wbt0.33L bt 2otherwise 189910.644=:=in lb Pubt Mcbt d t 10852.037=:=lb Pnbt Fcrbt Abt77281.42=:=lb Mubt1 wbt Lbt 212"PINS" "NO"=if 0.1 wbt0.33Lbt 2otherwise 189910.644=:=in lb Mubt Mubt1 TRUSS "NO"=if 0 otherwise 0=:=in lb Check Flanges for compact section Check Web for compact section λpbtf 1.12 Es Fy 28.121=:=λrbtf 1.4 Es Fy 35.152=:=λpbtw 2.42 Es Fy 60.762=:=λrbtw 5.70 Es Fy 143.118=:= btbt 31.5=htbt 31.5= λbtf "compact" btbt λpbtfif "noncompact"λpbtf btbt<λrbtfif "slender" otherwise "noncompact"=:=λbtw "compact" htbt λpbtwif "noncompact"λpbtw htbt<λrbtwif "slender" otherwise "compact"=:= bebt min bbt 1.92 tbt Es Fy 1 0.38 btbt Fy Es -  ,  4=:=in Mpbt Fy Zxbt117760=:=in lb Mnbtf Mpbt λbtf "compact"=if Mpbt Mpbt Fy Sxbt-( ) 3.57 btbt Fy Es 4-  -  λbtf "noncompact"=if Fy Sxbt( ) otherwise 109831.581=:=in lb Mnbtw Mpbt λbtw "compact"=if Mpbt Mpbt Fy Sxbt-( ) 0.305 htbt Fy Es 0.7384-  -  λbtw "noncompact"=if Fy Sxbt( ) otherwise 117760=:=in lb Mnbt min Mnbtf Mnbtw, ( ) Ωb 65767.414=:=in lb BOTTOM_TUBE "OK" Mubt Mnbt 1.07 Pnbt Ωc Pubtif "FAILS" otherwise "OK"=:= 105 School Creek Trail Luxemburg, WI 54217 Phone: (920) 617-1042 Fax: (920) 617-1100 www.rice-inc.com Project Description: Job No:R20-10-029 - Powerlift - 45 x 14 - Yates Hanger Engineer:GAB Sheet No:11 Date:10/13/2020 Rev: Template:Chk By: Date: RICE ENGINEERING Powerlift Hydraulic Door Calculations Detail Ref. Sheet No: 12 Reactions and Deflections:Rzho 0:= Rzhc 1.25 wfhL cm( ) Nvr 1=if 1.10 wfhL cm( ) Nvr 2=if 1.143 wfhLcm( ) otherwise 2010.335=:=lb maximum horizontal wind load on hinges wdl Wp 12 wd( ) 5.421=:=pli weight of door per inch Ryhc 1.25 wdlL cm( ) Nvr 1=if 1.10 wdlL cm( ) Nvr 2=if 1.143 wdlLcm( ) otherwise 545.286=:=lb maximum vertical dead load on hinges (door closed) Rypc 0.375 wdlLcm( ) Nvr 1=if 0.4 wdlLcm( ) Nvr 2=if 0.393 wdlLcm( ) otherwise 187.487=:=lb maximum vertical dead load on post (door closed) Rzpc 0.375 wfhLcm( ) Nvr 1=if 0.4 wfhLcm( ) Nvr 2=if 0.393 wfhLcm( ) otherwise 691.218=:=lb maximum horizontal load on frame post (door closed) Θ atan dtop Cyl  22.504 deg=:= Ryho 0.5Ryhc 272.643=:= Pvdl 0.25 Wp723.73=:=lb Point load on door leg from truss (open) Rypo FCYL sin Θ( )1174.819=:=lb maximum vertical load frame post from open door Rzpo FCYL cos Θ( )2835.77=:=lb maximum horizontal load on frame post from open door Rzfp 0.5 hd 12( ) DLh 144 0.4L bt 0.33( )  H1 1=if 0.5 hd 12( ) DLh 144 Lbt0.5 otherwise 1438.717=:= lb maximum horizontal load on frame post from wind load lfp hd 12173.04=:=in bfp dtop 29=:=in afp lfp b fp-144.04=:=in Rzfptop Pvdl afp 2 lfp 3 afp 3bfp+( ) 669.562=:=lb horizontal reaction at top of frame post from open door Rzfpbot Pvdl bfp 2 lfp 3 3 afpbfp+( ) 54.169=:=lb horizontal reaction at bottom of frame post from open door dtruss d t 17.5=:=in d' dtruss 2 ttt( ) -17.268=:=in btruss b tt 2=:=in b' btruss 2 ttt( ) -1.768=:=in Itruss btruss d truss 3b' d' 3- 12 134.604=:=in4 wDL 0.5 hd 12( ) DLv 144 2.724=:=pli ∆trussWL 5 wbtLbt 4 384 EsItrussPINS "NO"=if 0.0069 wbt0.33 Lbt( ) 4 Es Itrussotherwise 0.034=:=in ∆trussDL 5 wbtoLbt 4 384 EsItruss0.706=:=in 105 School Creek Trail Luxemburg, WI 54217 Phone: (920) 617-1042 Fax: (920) 617-1100 www.rice-inc.com Project Description: Job No:R20-10-029 - Powerlift - 45 x 14 - Yates Hanger Engineer:GAB Sheet No:12 Date:10/13/2020 Rev: Template:Chk By: Date: RICE ENGINEERING Powerlift Hydraulic Door Calculations Detail Ref. Sheet No: 13 Door Results:Wp 2894.921=lb Door and Frame Weight Spav 88=in FrameHeader "HSS5x5x0.188"= DoorHeader "HSS5x2x0.125"= CrossMember "HSS3x2x0.083"= <------VerticalRail "HSS4x2x0.25"=<--DoorLeg "HSS5x3x0.25"= FramePost "HSS5x3x0.25"=----> Door Deflection BottomTube "HSS4x4x0.125"= ∆VertsWL 1.502=in Spat 31.125=in TrussTube "HSS3x2x0.125"= Truss Deflection ∆trussWL 0.034=in<---TrussUpright "HSS3x2x0.125"= ∆trussDL 0.706=in BottomTube "HSS4x4x0.125"= Member Code Checks:RYHopen 32.527=PLF REACTIONS RYHclosed 65.054=PLF VERTICAL_RAIL "OK"= FRAME_HEADER "OK"= RZHopen 0=PLF FRAME_POST "OK"=RZHclosed 247.713=PLF DOOR_HEADER "OK"= Cylinder forces when door is openDOOR_LEG "OK"= CROSS_MEMBER "OK"=RZPcyl-2835.77-=lb BOTTOM_TUBE "OK"= RZPcyl 2835.77=lb TRUSS_TUBE "OK"= TRUSS_UPRIGHT "OK"= - TRUSS_DIAGONALS "OK"= RZHP 3956.472=lb Legend: RZHP Reaction - Z dir. - Hurricane Pin Hurricane Pins when door is closedRZPReaction = Z dir - Post RYPopen 1174.819=lb RYP Reaction - Y dir - Post RZPclosed 1438.717=lb RYPclosed 187.487=lb RYH Reaction - Y dir - Hinge RZPopen 54.169=lb RZH Reacion - Z dir - Hinge 105 School Creek Trail Luxemburg, WI 54217 Phone: (920) 617-1042 Fax: (920) 617-1100 www.rice-inc.com Project Description: Job No:R20-10-029 - Powerlift - 45 x 14 - Yates Hanger Engineer:GAB Sheet No:13 Date:10/13/2020 Rev: Template:Chk By: Date: RICE ENGINEERING Powerlift Hydraulic Door Calculations Detail Ref. Sheet No: 14 Cylinder: Cylinder "Medium"= DBs 2.5in=Bore diameter ABs DBs 0.5( ) 2 π4.909in2=:= Ss 49.5in=Stroke FMAXs Ps ABs17180.585lbf=:=Extension Force Ps 3500psi=Max Hydraulic Pressure ARs DRs 0.5( ) 2 π2.405in2=:= DRs 1.75in=Rod Diameter FRs FMAXs Ps ARs( ) -8762.098lbf=:=Retraction Force Lret 68.125in=length retracted Lext 117.625in=length extended CYL "OK" FACT FMAXsif "FAILS" otherwise "OK"=:= Cylinder Pin: Dpc 1in=pin diameter Apin Dpc 0.5( ) 2 π0.785in2=:= FVpin 100000psi:=pin shear strength fvpin FACT Apin3908.2psi=:= CYLpin "OK" fvpin FVpinif "FAILS" otherwise "OK"=:= Detail 14.1 - Cylinder 105 School Creek Trail Luxemburg, WI 54217 Phone: (920) 617-1042 Fax: (920) 617-1100 www.rice-inc.com Project Description: Job No:R20-10-029 - Powerlift - 45 x 14 - Yates Hanger Engineer:GAB Sheet No:14 Date:10/13/2020 Rev: Template:Chk By: Date: RICE ENGINEERING Powerlift Hydraulic Door Calculations Detail Ref. Sheet No: 15 Reactions - From Sheet 13 Rxc max RZPcyl Rzhc, ( ) 1lbf 2835.77lbf=:= Ryc Ryhc 1lbf 545.286lbf=:= Rxo Rzho 1lbf 0=:= Detail 15.1 - End Hinge Cylinder Forces Ryo Ryho 1lbf 272.643lbf=:= α asin 1.5 dfpCyl( ) 6.151 deg=:= Fdn cos α( ) FMAXs17081.687lbf=:= Check Hinge Blades: Nehb 1=No. of end hinges d1 3.375in=See Detail 15.2 d2 1.75in=See Detail 15.2 dhb 2.5in=Depth of hinge blade thb 1in=Thickness of hinge blade tehb 2in=Thickness of End hinge blade Fyhb 36000psi:= Mhb max Ryc Ryo, ( ) d11840.34in·lbf=:= Zxhb thb dhb 241.563in3=:= fbhb Mhb Zxhb1177.818psi=:= Fbhb 0.66 Fyhb23760psi=:= Vhb Rxo 2 Ryo 2+272.643lbf=:= Ahb thb dhb2.5in2=:= fvhb Vhb Ahb109.057psi=:= Fvhb 0.4 Fyhb14400psi=:= Mehb Fdn d1Nehb57650.694in·lbf=:= Zxehb tehb d hb 243.125in3=:= fbehb Mehb Zxehb18448.222psi=:= Fbehb Fbhb 23760psi=:= Check Hinge Pin: Dp 1in= Ap π 0.5 Dp( ) 20.785in2=:= Detail 15.2 - Typical Hinge Side View Fyp 36000psi:= Vp max Rxc 2 Ryc 2+Rxo 2 Ryc 2+, FMAXs Nehb, 17180.585lbf=:= fvp 0.5Vp Ap10937.5psi=:= Fvp 0.4 Fyp14400psi=:= 105 School Creek Trail Luxemburg, WI 54217 Phone: (920) 617-1042 Fax: (920) 617-1100 www.rice-inc.com Project Description: Job No:R20-10-029 - Powerlift - 45 x 14 - Yates Hanger Engineer:GAB Sheet No:15 Date:10/13/2020 Rev: Template:Chk By: Date: RICE ENGINEERING Powerlift Hydraulic Door Calculations Detail Ref. Sheet No: 16 Check Hinge Angles: Lha 4.375in= tha 0.375in= d3 0.25in=(<--- gap between angle and blade) Check Hinge End Plate Welds: Fyha 36000psi:= Fvep Fdn Nhep17081.687lbf=:= Mxha 0.5 Vpd215033.012in·lbf=:= Lweld 0.5 Fvep0.7071 0.25in( )21000psi2.301in=:= Sxha tha Lha 261.196in3=:= fbxha Mxha Sxha12566.371psi=:= BLADE "OK" fbhb Fbhbfvhb Fvhbif "FAILS" otherwise "OK"=:= Fxha 0.66 Fyha23760psi=:= Myha 0.5Vp d3( )2147.573in·lbf=:= Syha Lha tha 260.103in3=:= PIN "OK" fvp Fvpif "FAILS" otherwise "OK"=:= fbyha Myha Syha20943.951psi=:= Fbyha 0.75 Fyha27000psi=:= ANGLE "OK" fbxha Fxhafbyha Fbyhaif "FAILS" otherwise "OK"=:= Check Hinge Angle Welds: Detail 16.1 - Max Hinge Isometric Lew 2 10 Wha tha( )   Fydh tdht Fyha tha  W ha2.964in=:=Effective weld length Aw Lew 1in 2 2.096in2=:=Area of weld per inch Fw 0.60 70ksi 42000psi=:=Weld Strength Rn Fw Aw88039.508lbf=:=Nominal Weld Strength Ωw 2.00:=Per AISC Specification Table J2.5 Fall Rn Ωw 44019.754lbf=:=Allowable Weld Strength FHclosed Ryhc 2 Rzhc 2+1lbf 2082.975lbf=:= FHopen Ryho 2 Rzho 2+1lbf 272.643lbf=:= Detail 16.2 - Hinge Weld Requirements Fmax max FHclosed FHopen, ( ) Cylinder "Max"=if max FHclosed FHopen, 0.5Fvep, ( ) otherwise 8540.844 lbf=:= treq Fmax Fall 1in 0.194in=:= FILLET 0.25in= Lweld 2.301in= 105 School Creek Trail Luxemburg, WI 54217 Phone: (920) 617-1042 Fax: (920) 617-1100 www.rice-inc.com Project Description: Job No:R20-10-029 - Powerlift - 45 x 14 - Yates Hanger Engineer:GAB Sheet No:16 Date:10/13/2020 Rev: Template:Chk By: Date: RICE ENGINEERING Powerlift Hydraulic Door Calculations Detail Ref. Sheet No: 17 Reactions from Sheet 13: Horizontal Reactions Vertical Reactions RZPcyl 2835.77=lb Ryho 272.643=lb Check Angle:FyA 36000:=psi Rzhc 2010.335=lb Ryhc 545.286=lb Lang 5:=in Check Welds to Tube:tang 0.25:=in e'y 5:=in Nb 2:=Number of lag bolts at hinge location e'z 2.5:=in Ma max Rzhc e'zRyhc e'yNb, ( ) 5025.837=:=in lb TorMax max Ryhc e'yRzhc e'z, ( ) 5025.837=:=in lb Leff Ma 6 0.75 FyAtang 2 17.87=:=in dw b fh 3=:=in Dist. between welds Lw 3:=in HEADERANGLE "OK" Leff 18if "FAILS" otherwise := tw 0.25:=in Aw 0.7071 twL w0.53=:=in2 Use 5" x 5" x 1/4" Stl Angle Continuous (ASTM A36)Vw Rzhc 0.51005.167=:=lb Tw TorMax 3 1675.279=:=lb Check Lag Bolts: fw Vw Aw   2 Tw Aw   2 +3683.957=:=psi < 21000 psi Vb Ryhc Nb 272.643=:=lb WELDS "OK" fw 21000if "FAIL" otherwise "OK"=:= Tb Ma 0.5 Lang0.852365.1=:=lb Use 1/4" x 3" fillet welds @ 36" o.c. max E70XX See sheet R1 for lag bolt calculations 105 School Creek Trail Luxemburg, WI 54217 Phone: (920) 617-1042 Fax: (920) 617-1100 www.rice-inc.com Project Description: Job No:R20-10-029 - Powerlift - 45 x 14 - Yates Hanger Engineer:GAB Sheet No:17 Date:10/13/2020 Rev: Template:Chk By: Date: RICE ENGINEERING 2.5"2.5"4-1/2" min (1) 1/2" DIA. S.S. LAG BOLT @ 24" o.c. MAX MIN. EMB.= 4-1/2" MIN. E.D.= 2.5" WOOD BUILDING HEADER (BY OTHERS) ASSUME SPF MIN SG= 0.43 1/4 1/4 3-36 3-36 POWERLIFT FRAME HEADER 5" X 5" HSS Powerlift Hydraulic Door Calculations Detail Ref. Sheet No: 18 Reactions from Sheet 11: Door Closed RZPclosed 1438.717=lb RZPcyl 2835.77=lb Detail 18.1 - Post Base Anchor Door Opened RZPopen 54.169=lb Check Anchor Bolts: Vb 1.6 max RZPclosed RZPopen, ( ) × 2301.947=:=lb See Sheets R3-R8 for Anchor Bolt Design USE 5/8'' Dia. Simpson Titen HD Min. Embed.=4-1/4 "Min. Edge Dist. =7 Check Post Jamb Anchor Bolts: nb 6:=number of bolts Vba RZPcyl nb 472.628=:=lb See Sheet R2 (6) 1/2" DIA. S.S. LAG BOLTS MIN. PEN.= 3-1/2" MIN. E.D.= 2" MIN. SPACING = 2" ASSUME SPF (SG = 0.42) BY OTHERS 105 School Creek Trail Luxemburg, WI 54217 Phone: (920) 617-1042 Fax: (920) 617-1100 www.rice-inc.com Project Description: Job No:R20-10-029 - Powerlift - 45 x 14 - Yates Hanger Engineer:GAB Sheet No:18 Date:10/13/2020 Rev: Template:Chk By: Date: RICE ENGINEERING MIN. 2"MIN. 3-1/2" Assume SPF (SG = 0.42) Minimum BY OTHERS 10"MIN. 2"MIN. 2"1"1"3"Typ.2"12" Spacing Centered on Cylinder Mount And 24" O.C. for Rest of Tube 3"6.5" MinSlab Thickness Powerlift Hydraulic Door Calculations Detail Ref. Sheet No: 19 Overlapped K-Connection All members are ASTM A500 Grade B E Es 1×psi:=Fy 46000psi:= Truss Chord - HSS3X2X3 Ac Att 1× in2 1.07in2=:= Bc b tt 1×in 2in=:= Hc d tt 1×in 3in=:= tc ttt 1× in 0.116in=:= Truss Upright - HSS3X2X2 Au Atu 1×in2 1.07in2=:= Bu b tu 1×in 2in=:= Hu 3in:= tu ttu 1×in 0.116in=:= Pd 5189lbf:=Max diagonal force Truss Diagonal - HSS1.25X1.25X2 Pu 720lbf:=Max upright force Ad 0.563in2:= Bd 1.25in:=Lc 37.5in:= Hd 1.25in:=Lu 22in:= td 0.125in:=θu 90deg:= θd L u L c¸33.614 deg×=:= 105 School Creek Trail Luxemburg, WI 54217 Phone: (920) 617-1042 Fax: (920) 617-1100 www.rice-inc.com Project Description: Job No:R20-10-029 - Powerlift - 45 x 14 - Yates Hanger Engineer:GAB Sheet No:19 Date:10/13/2020 Rev: Template:Chk By: Date: RICE ENGINEERING Powerlift Hydraulic Door Calculations Detail Ref. Sheet No: 20 Check Truss Geometry for applicability per AISC Section K2.3a and Table 8-2A Hu Bc 1.5=> 0.25Bc tc 17.241=< 30 Bd Bc 0.625=> 0.25Hc tc 25.862=< 35 Hd Bc 0.625=> 0.25Bu tu 17.241=< 35 e sin θd( ) Hu 2  × Hc 2  -0.67-in=:=Hu Bu 1.5=Hu tu 25.862=< 35 Hd Bd 1= q Hu 2 sin θu( ) × Hd 2 sin θd( ) × +   e Hc 2 + sin θu( ) sin θd( ) × sin θu θd+( )   -1.38in=:= BT 1.1 E Fy × 27.619=:= Hc Bc 1.5= p Hd sin θd( ) 2.258in=:= Bd td 10= Bd Bu 0.625= Ov q p 0.611=:= Hd td 10= td tu 1.078=e Hc 0.223-=>0.25 and 1.0 Bu Bc 1=> 0.25 GEOMETRY "OK"= Check local yielding of branches due to uneven load: Ωly 1.58:= beoi min 10 Bc tc Fy tc× Fy td×  × Bd× Bd,       0.673in=:= beov min 10 Bu tu Fy tc× Fy tu×  × Bu× Bu,       1.16in=:= Pnd Fy td× 2 Hd× 4 td×-beoi+beov+( ) × 22038.6lbf=:= Pnu Pnd Au Fy× Ad Fy×  × 41885.083lbf=:= DIAGONAL "OK" Pd Pnd Ωly £if "FAILS" otherwise "OK"=:= UPRIGHT "OK" Pu Pnu Ωly £if "FAILS" otherwise "OK"=:= 105 School Creek Trail Luxemburg, WI 54217 Phone: (920) 617-1042 Fax: (920) 617-1100 www.rice-inc.com Project Description: Job No:R20-10-029 - Powerlift - 45 x 14 - Yates Hanger Engineer:GAB Sheet No:20 Date:10/13/2020 Rev: Template:Chk By: Date: RICE ENGINEERING Frame Header Connection (Wood) Detail Ref. Sheet No: R1 Dowel Type Fastener Capacity (NDS 2012) Vpos 273 lbf:=Vneg 273 lbf:= Spruce Pine-Fir G 0.42= Tpos 0.5 2366lbf:=Tneg 0.5 2366lbf:= p 4.5:=penetration, in 1/2 in Lag Screw SS tshim 0.25:=maximum thickness of shim, in CD 1.6:=load duration factor, 10.3.2 lm p:=thickness of main member, in. CM 1.0:=wet service factor, 10.3.3 ls 0.25:=thickness of side member, in Ct 1.0:=temperature factor, 10.3.4 36 ksi Steel Cg 1.0:=group action factor, 10.3.6 Fyb 65000=bending yield strength, psi.C 1.0:=geometry factor, 11.5.1 D 0.5=unthreaded shank diameter of screw, in.Ceg 1.0:=end grain factor, 11.5.2 Dr 0.37=root diameter of screw Cdi 1.0:=diaphragm factor, 11.5.3 Fes 87000=bearing strength, psi 90:=angle of Shear load to grain, degree G 0.42=Material "Spruce Pine-Fir"= Calculations________________________________________________________________ KD 2.2 Dr 0.17if 10 Dr0.5+0.17 Dr<0.25if 0 otherwise otherwise 0=:= K 1 0.25 90 +1.25=:=Re Fem Fes 0.03=:=Rt lm ls 18=:= k1 Re 2 Re 21 Rt+Rt 2++Rt 2 Re 3+Re 1 Rt+( ) - 1 Re+0.22=:= Rd1 KD Dr 0.25if 4.0 K0.25 Dr<1if otherwise 5=:= k2 1-2 1 Re+( )  2 Fyb1 2 Re+( ) Dr 2 3 Femlm 2 ++0.48=:= Rd2 KD Dr 0.25if 3.6 K0.25 Dr<1if otherwise 4.5=:= k3 1- 2 1 Re+( )  Re 2 Fyb2 Re+( ) Dr 2 3 Femls 2 ++:= Rd3 KD Dr 0.25if 3.2 K0.25 Dr<1if otherwise 4=:= ZIm Dr lmFem Rd1 818.79=:=ZIs Dr lsFes Rd1 1613.85=:=ZII k1 DrlsFes Rd2 394.72=:=ZIIIm k2 DrlmFem 1 2Re+( ) Rd3462.72=:= ZIIIs k3 DrlsFem 2 Re+( ) Rd3317.48=:=ZIV Dr 2 Rd3 2 FemFyb 3 1 Re+( ) 349.82=:= Z1 min ZIm ZIs, ZII, ZIIIm, ZIIIs, ZIV, ( ) 317.48=:= Rpos Tpos 2 Vpos 2+1214.09 lbf=:=Rneg Tneg 2 Vneg 2+1214.09 lbf=:= W 1 291.32= pos atan Tpos Vpos 1-77.01 deg=:=neg atan Tneg Vneg 1-77.01 deg=:= Results_____________________________________________________________________ Z' Z1 CDCMCtCgCCegCdilbf508 lbf=:=Allowable Shear Fastener "1/2 in Lag Screw SS"= Predrill "Predrill Holes at 40% - 70% D"= Penetration "Verify Blocking Thickness"= Material "Spruce Pine-Fir"= W' W 1 CDCMCtCegp tenlbf1398 lbf=:=Allowable Tension Z pos W' Z' W' cos pos( )( ) 2Z' sin pos( )( ) 2+ 1284.5 lbf=:=Intpos Rpos Z pos 0.95=:= Z neg W' Z' W' cos neg( )( ) 2Z' sin neg( )( ) 2+ 1284.5lbf=:=Intneg Rneg Z neg 0.95=:= 105 School Creek Trail Luxemburg, WI 54217 Phone: (920) 617-1042 Fax: (920) 617-1100 www.rice-inc.com Project Description: Job No:R20-10-029 - Powerlift - 45 x 14 - Yates Hanger Engineer:GAB Sheet No:R1 Date:10/13/2020 Rev: Template:REI-MC-7602 Chk By: Date: RICE ENGINEERING Frame Jamb Connection (Wood) Detail Ref. Sheet No: R2 Dowel Type Fastener Capacity (NDS 2012) Vpos 473 lbf:=Vneg 473 lbf:= Spruce Pine-Fir G 0.42= Tpos 568 lbf:=Tneg 568 lbf:= p 3.5:=penetration, in 1/2 in Lag Screw SS tshim 0.25:=maximum thickness of shim, in CD 1.6:=load duration factor, 10.3.2 lm p:=thickness of main member, in. CM 1.0:=wet service factor, 10.3.3 ls 0.25:=thickness of side member, in Ct 1.0:=temperature factor, 10.3.4 36 ksi Steel Cg 1.0:=group action factor, 10.3.6 Fyb 65000=bending yield strength, psi.C 1.0:=geometry factor, 11.5.1 D 0.5=unthreaded shank diameter of screw, in.Ceg 1.0:=end grain factor, 11.5.2 Dr 0.37=root diameter of screw Cdi 1.0:=diaphragm factor, 11.5.3 Fes 87000=bearing strength, psi 90:=angle of Shear load to grain, degree G 0.42=Material "Spruce Pine-Fir"= Calculations________________________________________________________________ KD 2.2 Dr 0.17if 10 Dr0.5+0.17 Dr<0.25if 0 otherwise otherwise 0=:= K 1 0.25 90 +1.25=:=Re Fem Fes 0.03=:=Rt lm ls 14=:= k1 Re 2 Re 21 Rt+Rt 2++Rt 2 Re 3+Re 1 Rt+( ) - 1 Re+0.18=:= Rd1 KD Dr 0.25if 4.0 K0.25 Dr<1if otherwise 5=:= k2 1-2 1 Re+( )  2 Fyb1 2 Re+( ) Dr 2 3 Femlm 2 ++0.51=:= Rd2 KD Dr 0.25if 3.6 K0.25 Dr<1if otherwise 4.5=:= k3 1- 2 1 Re+( )  Re 2 Fyb2 Re+( ) Dr 2 3 Femls 2 ++:= Rd3 KD Dr 0.25if 3.2 K0.25 Dr<1if otherwise 4=:= ZIm Dr lmFem Rd1 636.84=:=ZIs Dr lsFes Rd1 1613.85=:=ZII k1 DrlsFes Rd2 320.38=:=ZIIIm k2 DrlmFem 1 2Re+( ) Rd3380.82=:= ZIIIs k3 DrlsFem 2 Re+( ) Rd3317.48=:=ZIV Dr 2 Rd3 2 FemFyb 3 1 Re+( ) 349.82=:= Z1 min ZIm ZIs, ZII, ZIIIm, ZIIIs, ZIV, ( ) 317.48=:= Rpos Tpos 2 Vpos 2+739.16 lbf=:=Rneg Tneg 2 Vneg 2+739.16 lbf=:= W 1 291.32= pos atan Tpos Vpos 1-50.21 deg=:=neg atan Tneg Vneg 1-50.21 deg=:= Results_____________________________________________________________________ Z' Z1 CDCMCtCgCCegCdilbf508 lbf=:=Allowable Shear Fastener "1/2 in Lag Screw SS"= Predrill "Predrill Holes at 40% - 70% D"= Penetration "Verify Blocking Thickness"= Material "Spruce Pine-Fir"= W' W 1 CDCMCtCegp tenlbf1165 lbf=:=Allowable Tension Z pos W' Z' W' cos pos( )( ) 2Z' sin pos( )( ) 2+ 761.67 lbf=:=Intpos Rpos Z pos 0.97=:= Z neg W' Z' W' cos neg( )( ) 2Z' sin neg( )( ) 2+ 761.67lbf=:=Intneg Rneg Z neg 0.97=:= 105 School Creek Trail Luxemburg, WI 54217 Phone: (920) 617-1042 Fax: (920) 617-1100 www.rice-inc.com Project Description: Job No:R20-10-029 - Powerlift - 45 x 14 - Yates Hanger Engineer:GAB Sheet No:R2 Date:10/13/2020 Rev: Template:REI-MC-7602 Chk By: Date: RICE ENGINEERING Company:Date:9/14/2020 Engineer:Page:1/5 Project: Address: Phone: E-mail: Anchor Designer™ Software Version 2.9.7376.0 1.Project information Customer company: Customer contact name: Customer e-mail: Comment: Project description: Location: Fastening description: 2. Input Data & Anchor Parameters General Design method:ACI 318-14 Units: Imperial units Anchor Information: Anchor type: Concrete screw Material: Stainless Steel Diameter (inch): 0.625 Nominal Embedment depth (inch): 4.250 Effective Embedment depth, hef (inch): 2.520 Anchor category: 1 Anchor ductility: Yes hmin (inch): 6.42 cac (inch): 6.06 Cmin (inch): 1.75 Smin (inch): 3.00 Base Material Concrete: Normal-weight Concrete thickness, h (inch): 6.50 State: Cracked Compressive strength, f’c (psi): 3000 Ψc,V: 1.0 Reinforcement condition: B tension, B shear Supplemental reinforcement: Not applicable Reinforcement provided at corners: No Ignore concrete breakout in tension: No Ignore concrete breakout in shear: No Ignore 6do requirement: Not applicable Build-up grout pad: No Base Plate Length x Width x Thickness (inch): 5.00 x 7.50 x 0.50 Yield stress: 36000 psi Profile type/size: HSS5X3X3/8 Recommended Anchor Anchor Name: Titen HD® Stainless Steel - 5/8"Ø SS Titen HD, hnom:4.25" (108mm) 5956 W. Las Positas Boulevard Pleasanton, CA 94588 Phone: 925.560.9000 Fax: 925.847.3871 www.strongtie.comSimpson Strong-Tie Company Inc. Input data and results must be checked for agreement with the existing circumstances, the standards and guidelines must be checked for plausibility. R3 Company:Date:9/14/2020 Engineer:Page:2/5 Project: Address: Phone: E-mail: Anchor Designer™ Software Version 2.9.7376.0 Load and Geometry Load factor source: ACI 318 Section 5.3 Load combination: not set Seismic design: Yes Anchors subjected to sustained tension: Not applicable Ductility section for tension: not applicable Ductility section for shear: not applicable Ω0 factor: not set Apply entire shear load at front row: No Anchors only resisting wind and/or seismic loads: Yes Strength level loads: Nua [lb]: 10 Vuax [lb]: 0 Vuay [lb]: 2302 Mux [ft-lb]: 0 Muy [ft-lb]: 0 <Figure 1> 5956 W. Las Positas Boulevard Pleasanton, CA 94588 Phone: 925.560.9000 Fax: 925.847.3871 www.strongtie.comSimpson Strong-Tie Company Inc. Input data and results must be checked for agreement with the existing circumstances, the standards and guidelines must be checked for plausibility. R4 Company:Date:9/14/2020 Engineer:Page:3/5 Project: Address: Phone: E-mail: Anchor Designer™ Software Version 2.9.7376.0 <Figure 2> 5956 W. Las Positas Boulevard Pleasanton, CA 94588 Phone: 925.560.9000 Fax: 925.847.3871 www.strongtie.comSimpson Strong-Tie Company Inc. Input data and results must be checked for agreement with the existing circumstances, the standards and guidelines must be checked for plausibility. R5 Company:Date:9/14/2020 Engineer:Page:4/5 Project: Address: Phone: E-mail: Anchor Designer™ Software Version 2.9.7376.0 Shear load y, Vuay (lb) Anchor Tension load, Nua (lb) 3. Resulting Anchor Forces Shear load combined, √(Vuax)²+(Vuay)² (lb) Shear load x, Vuax (lb) 91.21 0.0 2302.02302.0 0.0 2302.0Sum91.2 2302.0 Maximum concrete compression strain (‰): 0.02 Maximum concrete compression stress (psi): 66 Resultant tension force (lb): 91 Resultant compression force (lb): 81 Eccentricity of resultant tension forces in x-axis, e'Nx (inch): 0.00 Eccentricity of resultant tension forces in y-axis, e'Ny (inch): 0.00 Eccentricity of resultant shear forces in x-axis, e'Vx (inch): 0.00 Eccentricity of resultant shear forces in y-axis, e'Vy (inch): 0.00 <Figure 3> 4. Steel Strength of Anchor in Tension (Sec. 17.4.1) Nsa (lb)f fNsa (lb) 28723 0.75 21542 5. Concrete Breakout Strength of Anchor in Tension (Sec. 17.4.2) Nb = kclaÖf’chef1.5 (Eq. kc la f’c (psi)hef (in)Nb (lb) 17.0 1.00 3000 2.520 3725 0.75fNcb = 0.75f (ANc / ANco)Yed,NYc,NYcp,NNb (Sec. 17.3.1 & Eq. ANc (in2)ANco (in2 ca,min (in)Yed,N Yc,N Ycp,N Nb (lb)f 0.75fNcb (lb) 57.15 57.15 5.00 1.000 1.00 1.000 3725 0.65 1816 8. Steel Strength of Anchor in Shear (Sec. 17.5.1) Vsa (lb)fgrout f fgroutfVsa (lb) 9367 1.0 0.65 6089 9. Concrete Breakout Strength of Anchor in Shear (Sec. 17.5.2) Shear perpendicular to edge in y-direction: Vby = min|7(le / da)0.2ÖdalaÖf’cca11.5; 9laÖf’cca11.5| (Eq. & Eq. le (in)da (in)la f’c (psi)ca1 (in)Vby (lb) 2.52 0.625 1.00 3000 5.00 4479 fV cby =f (AVc / AVco)Yed,VYc,VYh,VVby (Sec. 17.3.1 & Eq. AVc (in2)AVco (in2)Yed,V Yc,V Yh,V Vby (lb)f fVcby (lb) 87.75 112.50 0.940 1.000 1.074 4479 0.70 2469 Shear parallel to edge in y-direction: Vbx = min|7(le / da)0.2ÖdalaÖf’cca11.5; 9laÖf’cca11.5| (Eq. & Eq. le (in)da (in)la f’c (psi)ca1 (in)Vbx (lb) 5956 W. Las Positas Boulevard Pleasanton, CA 94588 Phone: 925.560.9000 Fax: 925.847.3871 www.strongtie.comSimpson Strong-Tie Company Inc. Input data and results must be checked for agreement with the existing circumstances, the standards and guidelines must be checked for plausibility. R6 Company:Date:9/14/2020 Engineer:Page:5/5 Project: Address: Phone: E-mail: Anchor Designer™ Software Version 2.9.7376.0 2.52 0.625 1.00 3000 6.00 5887 fV cby =f (2)(AVc / AVco)Yed,VYc,VYh,VVbx (Sec. 17.3.1, & Eq. AVc (in2)AVco (in2)Yed,V Yc,V Yh,V Vbx (lb)f fVcby (lb) 91.00 162.00 1.000 1.000 1.177 5887 0.70 5448 10. Concrete Pryout Strength of Anchor in Shear (Sec. 17.5.3) fVcp = fkcpNcb = fkcp(ANc / ANco)Yed,NYc,NYcp,NNb (Sec. 17.3.1 & Eq. kcp ANc (in2)ANco (in2)Yed,N Yc,N Ycp,N Nb (lb)f fVcp (lb) 2.0 57.15 57.15 1.000 1.000 1.000 3725 0.70 5215 11. Results Interaction of Tensile and Shear Forces (Sec. 17.6.) Tension Factored Load, Nua (lb)Design Strength, øNn (lb)Ratio Status Steel 91 21542 0.00 Pass Concrete breakout 91 1816 0.05 Pass (Governs) Shear Factored Load, Vua (lb)Design Strength, øVn (lb)Ratio Status Steel 2302 6089 0.38 Pass T Concrete breakout y+2302 2469 0.93 Pass (Governs) || Concrete breakout x+2302 5448 0.42 Pass (Governs) Pryout 2302 5215 0.44 Pass Interaction check Nua/fNn Vua/fVn Combined Ratio Permissible Status Sec. 17.6..2 0.00 0.93 93.2%1.0 Pass 5/8"Ø SS Titen HD, hnom:4.25" (108mm) meets the selected design criteria. Base Plate Thickness Required base plate thickness: 0.055 inch 12. Warnings - Minimum spacing and edge distance requirement of 6da per ACI 318 Sections 17.7.1 and 17.7.2 for torqued cast-in-place anchor is waived per designer option. - Per designer input, the tensile component of the strength-level earthquake force applied to anchors does not exceed 20 percent of the total factored anchor tensile force associated with the same load combination. Therefore the ductility requirements of ACI 318 for tension need not be satisfied – designer to verify. - Per designer input, the shear component of the strength-level earthquake force applied to anchors does not exceed 20 percent of the total factored anchor shear force associated with the same load combination. Therefore the ductility requirements of ACI 318 for shear need not be satisfied – designer to verify. - Designer must exercise own judgement to determine if this design is suitable. - Refer to manufacturer’s product literature for hole cleaning and installation instructions. 5956 W. Las Positas Boulevard Pleasanton, CA 94588 Phone: 925.560.9000 Fax: 925.847.3871 www.strongtie.comSimpson Strong-Tie Company Inc. Input data and results must be checked for agreement with the existing circumstances, the standards and guidelines must be checked for plausibility. R7