HomeMy WebLinkAboutLetter; Creekside Parcel B Building PermitsDina M Parrinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Mike Seat' 1. Priddy,'Octobdr 29, z020 4M PM Dina M varrino, Yasmina Stephens FW' Creekside Parcel B 869ding Permits From: TornXiernan <tkiernan0eyene:coni> Sent: Tuesday, October 20, 20213 4 87 PM To: John. Edward Rosebush, Jr. <JERosebushffdrhotton.com> Cc: William R Batson <WRBatsonodrhorton.com . Subject: RE: Creekside Parcel B Building Permits [External] Will, Fyi, I was talking with William Durden this afternoon regarding the building grmits;at Creekside.. He stated'all the existing under construction permits in flood z6ites,w,ill:gq,.thr;'ougn'to'C6, "provided the FEMA elevatio'n.certificate. is submitted at Final inspection '� fait. l'1! He stated they are holding any new permits within the ,flopd'szones` ''Ne state there are two paths forward to permit. One, Obtain LOIvIA'from FEMA.... `. Two, Revise architect plans that currently state the hous"6 is NOT designed.to•be constructed within the flood zone' I remember we,pre41ftly had this conversation (regarding option two) at lehgi h I.'m not'sure what the ultimate decision was with your architect? . Seems to me that the note could be amended to state " if constructed'," hart a flood zones mushrbe plate �; rt el tlo , bowie h � }ggw Pt W", a BuildidB C ; a Tom Thomas P. Kiernan, PA.M. lce President -Director of Survey Culpepper and Teroenina. Inc. 2980-.South 251' Street R .P erce,. FL 34984 Telephone'.772:464.3537 Ext. *206 Facsimile 772A64.9497 Cellular 772.370.829.1 tkiermanOlct=eng.com t From: John Edward: Rosebush, J'r: Sent:'Tuesday;, October 2%. 20.20 9,11 OM; To 'William Diurden' <IJurdenW,�stlucieca.ote> Jodi• Neniwittk 4 «f f kkJ'@- td6ciecolora> Tom'Ki@ena'n <tkierna'n'C@ct=- ene.com