HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Permit Application - 3401 Cortez blvd Main homeAll APPILI CA13LE INFO MUST B E COM PLETED FOR APPLICATION TO BE ACC EPTIED DatL.; 1-12-2021 ftnMno and J)ewfoPmen r 5ervkes Permit Number: Building permit Application 64oi fq Enid Code Regufation DNfs�3rr Commercial Re5ideTi al 2300 Virgonro Avenue, fort Pierce F4 Phon-e; (772) 462-1553 Fax: [772� 462-1579 PERMIT APPLICATION FOR, RE ROOF MAIN HOME PROMS IMPROVEMENT LOCATI0N: A4 d res5: 3Q1 GORTEZ BLV D Property Tax I R lt; 2420-311-0004-000-9 Slte Parr Nm: Prajert Name: DETAILED DESCRI PTION DF WORX: REMOVE HIN'GI.-E ROOF INSTALL PEEL & STICK UNDERLAYMENT FL16048 IINSTALL 5V METAL FL17022 New E Iectrica I Meter Second Eledriral Meter CONSTRUCTION I NFORMATIDN: Additional work to he performed under this permit —cheek all that a ppdy; _.Mecha n ical _ Gas Ta n k —Gas Piping _ Electric Plum I�i-nq _ Sprinklers iota I SQ. Ft of Construction- a,009 Cost Df Construction: 5 Lt.. 050 OWNER/LESSEE: N ame Cynthia Mead s Address: 3401 Cortez BLV D _ City: FORT PIERCE Srate: Zip Code: 34981 Lot No. BI(Kk NO. _ Shutt rs _ Wind(w5 f 13wr:5 _ _ Pond _ Generator _XROaf :5112 Pitch 5q_ Ft. of first Flppr_ 31009 Utl Iktles; —Sewer _ 5eprie Fax: — — Phone N.G. F ill in fee simple Trtle Holde r on next p2ge ( if d iffere nt from the ownL%r lid a6nve) CON TRA C rOR: B u ildi.ng H e-ight: 8 FT Name: ROLAND WILEY Corn parry; SHORIEL I N E ROOFING Address; 1973 SW GLENDALE STREET City_ PORT 9T LU DIE sta re_ FL Zip Code: 34987 Fax: Rhone No 772-2I -8 5 E-Ma ill SHORELINEROOF ING @ YAHOO.GOM State or Cou n#y License CCC 1331170 If value of uonM4;tivn is 25M yr more, a RECORD E D Notice of Commenceme nt Is F ecruired. If value of HAVC is $7, SHOD or more, a RE [ORDE D Notice of Commencement is req uirtLi, SUPPLEMENTAL CONSTRUCTION LIEN LAW INFORMATION - DESIGN WENGIN EERY _ Nit Applicable Name.. Ad dress: City; _-- State. Zip.. Phone FEE SIMPLE TITLE HOLD ER! _ Not Applicable Name Address; Cl ty: Zip; MORTGAGE COM P ANY: _ Not Ap plicabl e ' Name: City; State: Zip, Phone: BOND ING COMPANY- _N Cit Appl I -Cable J Name: A,dtl ress; City_ Zip; phone' OWN E R/ CONTRACTOR AF F I DVIT. Applicatieim is hereby miadk t%o obtaln a perml# to do the work and install3bun as indicated. I certify t#tiat no work or m5tallation has cornmenced prior To the is&uariee & a pefmit. St. Laxie C�un makes no reprew ntAicr1 that is gtanti ng a permi.t wirl authorize th ermit holdrr to buil<1 the suk JjKt structure which i s 1+1 t wG#h any applicable Home Owners Association rule§, Waws arr Covenants that may restrict or prohibit Su[ I. structure. P ease consult �Ch y�r Home Owners Association and rem eww your r ed or any re5trwtions which may apply. In consideration of the granFing -of this fequested perm ik� I do hereby aigree [h&k I will, i n .11 ieWects, perform the work in accrordanm with. the approved plarNs, the Florida Building Codes and St, Lucie C4uMv Ame"merds.. The followi mg bui1¢ing pefmft applications are exem pt from undeFpi ng .a fu II concvrwrV review: rciom additions, Kcessory structures, swimming OoNs, fences, wa 11:5,, ugns, screen roams and accessory us@s to another rion-ievdential use WARN ING TO OWN E R: You r fa Ilure to R rd a Notice of Commeintement maV resutt In pone twke far improvem eats to your property- A Notice of Comme rkee anent rn ust be recorded in the pu blic record 6 of St - Lucie County -a nd posted or1 t h e j obsi to h-afora the first ir1 spection- kf you ir7ternd to obte I n fl nanci ng, con cult with reads r or an attorney tief0re com m-artici ng work or recording your Ncitice of Com m encement. signature raf Owner] Lessee}Contrkctor a 5 AEer`t for Owner Signature of Contractor{Lic-ense Hol STATE OF FLORI I STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF a CO U NTY OF Zp to far af'firmud } ir`d sabKnl �d before me of hyrsi-cal Presence pr Online Numrizaticm this — day of . W2D bV 5w to rqr -affirmed) and subscribed before me of _ PhygiCaL Presence or Online N otarization this da'! of . Z020 by 2):j a2vj- L [et — Name *f person rm iWng $10 Imo - Name of person making statemenliff Personally �Crl wrl - R Rr duoe�d Id ntiflca Per5cknally Known DR Praducrd ItyrrFtiii4 #i Type of I dentificadon Type of 'Identification g P uced W prucd s [Signature of ry Public- Srate qF Fl-crida } {, (signature of public- State of Florida 1 4 e Cam mission No. [5e811j t Commission No. [Seal l i FLEVIEWS FRO NT ZDN I PIG SU P EFRVISO R P LANs V EC ETATION SEA TU RTLE MANGROVE C:DRJNTER ° 'REVIEW -REVIEW I REVIEW REWEW REVIEW REVIEW P LETED