HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Permit Application - 3401 Cortez Blvd Detached GarageAll APPLICABLE. IWO MU!5T RE COMPLETED FOR AP P LIGATION tm Bf ACCEPTED Date: 1-12- 021 perm It Number: ST. UCIE mN COUNT F;L O R I a R r + F + Planninp orld OewefcWff e"t Servkes s�r,f niv and Code R6pu4tion awisron Commercial Residential ..$00 Viro,o Avenue, Fort Pierca Ft $4 Phone: 17721 462-1553 lfta)i; (772) 462-1578 [PERMIT APPLICATION FOR' NCHER GARAGE j pf 0POSED IMPROVEMENT LOCATION: Ad ress: 34?i CORTEZ RLV D pFoperty Talc I D #- Slte Plan N-ame; 242 11- -0K)0- 9 Project N arne= DETAILED DE�CRI GTE} ON OF WORK: REMOVE SHINGLE ROOF INSTALL PIES L & RT ICK U N D ERLAYM E NT FL 16048 1 NSTALL 5V METAL FL 17022 New Electric@ I Meter Second EIWFiral Meter EC9NSTA �CTIONIRMATION Additlonal work to be p.ertormed undeF thIs Qerrnit —cheek All that aPPIV M-eeha n Ica I — Eled is has Tank _ Piurtkbfrk� rJas Piping Spri n-kIers Total $q. ft of Construoon_ 480 NJW FOR K*E 6 9OX34M 1QW1k cost of constructlon, OWNEF4 LESSEE; Lat No._ Block No. _ I -Shutters _ Wkidaws/Doors T POnd GeneratorX_ Roof 7/12 Pitr h Sq, fit'. of First FI Apr= 0 utilities: ewer _ Septic �u II¢i n� H eight' EL �T Name Cynthia Mead& Address: 3401 Cortez BLVD f-ity: FORT PtE R CE state: rl ZIP Code: 34981 _ Fax; I Phone No. E-mail: - I Fill in fee simple rtle Hokller cm next page I K cliff event f ram tii a OWneF listed abloye) CONTRACTOR: .. ..� Nam@= ROLAND "LEY Company: SHOREL1 N E ROOFING Address_ 1973 SW GLEN DALE STREET city, PORT ST LUOIE State: FL Zip C.Ude: 34967 Fax; Phono No 7-260-9665 E_Maii }IOFCfLINEROOF ING9YAH00-COM state or Couritlr License i 01331170 it waIue of construction Is 2SW yr more, a INECORDED Motice flf Comrrtie wennffM i* r*�qulfed. If walue of 14AVC Is $7, 5+00 -be miffer 3 RE CORDE CF Nvtive of Commencement is req uired, SUPPLEMENTAL CONSTRUCTION LIEN LAW INFO RMATION: DE51GN ERf ENG I N EER: _ Not Applicable MORTGAGE COMIPA NY; — Not Applicable Name: Maine; Add ress' Add rew City: State: � City; 5tat�: Zip: Phone _. _ Zip: _ . Phone; _ -- FE E $1 M P LE TIT LE HOLDER; — Not Applicable BONDING COMPANY, Not A pp I itahle Name;_ Name: Ad dress. _ Add ress: — CGty-. Lit}'_ Zip: —. Phone: i p: _ Phone -- OWNER/ CO NTRACTOR AFFIDV IT; Applkcation i5 hereby rn ade to ubt$ in a permit t4 dk� the work and inSLalnvn as indicated. I certify that no work or ingalim on has romrn vnc�ed prlor to the issua nce of a permit. 5I_ Lucie Countmakes na represent,Ntion that is granting a permit will aurthori;e the permit ivider t-abuild floe suhhJW structure which i} in cantlict with anV apphr-able Hom,2 GwrWN ASSMIatiOn ruieSr bylaws or anti . cpouena nts that may restrict or prohibit smth structure. Please consult with your Home Uwrivs Aswiation and r"e++w your deed for snyr resuicti ns which may apply, In aonsidefatlon of the Jr-60ing 40f this requested permtk� I do hefeby agree that I will, i n all respects, oerform the work in accixdanoe with the approved plans, the Florida mil dl ng Codes and $t. Lucie County Amendments. The Foll43wing bu ilding permit applications are exem pt from undeFgoing. a full toncurrenev jewlevr: rocs addi tio1)5, accessory structures} swim mirtig pools, Fenced walls, Signs, screed looms and accessory u5--s to anothio non-residential use WARNING TO OWNER: Your f iak r+t to Record a No#Ice of Camme n cement may res-su It in paging twice for i m pr-oaerne nts to +you r p ro pe rLY, A Noti ee of Comm encerrtie nt MU st be record ed i n t h e publ i [ records of St. Lucie Counter w d posted an the jobs ite before th a fi r5t in-5 pectl On. If you i ,+tend to o btain fi rtianr-i ng, consv It pitthr'lendero' a n attorney before c o mme nci work or recordirig VDur Notice of Commencernaint_fi Owner{ Lessee{Contra r S ,agent for Owner Signature of C�pntra rf Licensk HMI STATE OF FLORID CCU NTY ♦UF Sw�n to for affifined] and subscribed before nw of P its I Presence ar online Notarl;a#Ion this day, of 20z0 by Narne -of person m4king *STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTYO -Sw�{gar al`firrm ed} and subscribed iDefore me of P;hvslcal Pres�[e or orfliale Npta n zadon this dew of 2020 try �ku bn C-1 I 'k, � 1-614 C" Name of person making atem [. 2-2 QerS�ftil Krwwrn _� OR Produced I��rtlflCatl Type �f Ian#If♦r�tion PFQ�UC£CI � E Personally Knower« r �g Produ�eQ identlft�atiar" Tvoe pf Identification Produced fl-ml �C" �,igr�*l ure of Public -State of Flora p { 5;grtiatufe of N a Publ io- state of fl�rida .�- comr�is5km ND- { Se j Cpm mission hlo, 1. (sea I] i i pEVkE W5 I=R014T Z.Of+l I NG 5U P ERVI50R I PLANS #EG ETATIi�N SEA TURTLE MA"'Upivv COUNTER I REVIEW RE�+I Ear . REVIEW REVIEW �EVI•EW REVI•E'�'W DATE RECEI