HomeMy WebLinkAboutWater Well Permits0 A Mission: To protect, promote & improve the health of all people in Florida through integrated state, county & community efforts. '+` f t j HEALTH Vision: To be the Healthiest State in the Nation Ron DeSantis Governor Scott A. Rivkees, MD State Surgeon General Florida Department of Health in St. Lucie County Conditions for Issuance of Water Well Permits Effective July 24, 2017 • Contact the Florida Department of Health in Saint Lucie County (FDOH — St. Lucie) prior to constructing or abandoning any well. a. Call the FDOH — St. Lucie Well Line at 772-873-4936 or email SLCDOH-WELLS(&-FLHEALTH.GOV a b. Provide the following information: i. Permit number ii. Driller name iii. Address iv. Date and time to begin construction/abandonment • A�minimum'of 24 hours' notice is required before constructing any public water supply wells. Please call our main office at 772-873-4931 and speak with Environmental Health Staff or provide notification by email to SLCDOH-WELLS(a-)-FLHEALTH.GOV • Submit revisions to permit and/or site map and associated fee within 48chours of well construction or abandonment. J Florida Department of Health St. Lucie County Accredited Health Department 5150 NW Milner Drive - Port St Lucie, FL 34983 Public Health Accreditation Board PHONE: 772/462-3800 - FAX: 7721871-5360 StLucieCountyHealth.com i STATE OF FLORIDA PERMIT APPLICATION -1-o coiVS•rRLIC , REPAIR, MODIFY, OR ABANDON A WELL, (]�outhwest PLr7AsLFIIIOurAIL.APPLICAa1.r•FiFo..ns I:;Northwest ('Danulas Requires d Fields Where Applicable) St. Johns fiver I 1 SOUt11 Florida 1)+'r 1wilol Wolf font, au(ru w rnapunslhlp fincurnpialtnd frrls form and ronvmliGly 1ha porfnd oppliraUon to Bra 0,§uwanneca River app oprlrlln de,lr {f,+1od wfhowy whwo upprenblo. ci bEP 0 Delegated Authority (If Applicable) v I i 1 caner, Legal ame if Corporallc "Addro;;s City 2. 'Well ell Location-A(ldre* Road Nam a or umbel% City, _.... t?ercel ID No. 'PIN) of-Allem to Ifoy (Circle Ono) 4. dect'ign or La Grant 'Township f�alige •Tounty 15,�,me.,.r►'.e..�,ra.17.rL.I�..I.n "Wator Well G ntracl 9Y "License Number }'alaG 6, QlnS s XJ NdSI: %. ypo of We 8. Number of g. poetry Jill _ i Domestic _._ l Mottled 1A Public W. L Public WI —_Class I In Class V InJecti 1. Raradiratlorl: 1( Other it).; •13.,'�stimatod 14. Estlinal'ed I6. Primary C 1 16. econdary 17. 'econdary 18., othod of .--Co Wo 19. ropose From"_„ r•rntn r 20 I Indicate total 21 'Is this wolf or or CUr,l OF 221 Latitude 23I Dotal Obtaine 1 Jul '•hy aNLly UNI I alit M Urrr nllp,lMhfLMnl rlirll ann mnlvill. I fuNmrovW IIV vYYrr Ukln YYVI kWn V WIII r1UVUf+1YUVII N IIIY lit ubd, IkannmlliaAammi I 'oval Groniod hocoived $ i PERMIT IS I PVC, uO.5�c-S-'I�01,-?)i( Nil. 59-31013 ,46pulation,; Royuired (Soo Atlnchod) (.1mid No. fUP Appllcation No--_______-_--..., 'Sinto ZIP 'Telephone Number -�v►K� iii ,��l.ot Block Unit "" s "�� --' ChecK V 62-524: ___ Yor 7- IVo Subdivision �i- ]s.,7,:R--)I AAQ�nro I I CQ twin(',; 1 n^ State C�notruatlon r:npair .._.._.._.Moclitiootior, Abmndonmenf ...__,...... ,.....,.._.._.__..,..___._____....,.,,._....._,.._..._.._...................._..__.. . I oslidWells IRoarrnlrnRrpalr Mopllkalinn,orAhnnAaunnnl bd Use(s) of Wall(s): d 1 Landscape Irrigation _ Agricultural. Irrigation Site Investigation r ) Supply _ J�ecroatlon Aroa Irrigation Livestock _ __ fvioniloring �. i5upply jUrnited Use/DOH) Nursery Irrigation -foul [on upply I(.nmmunity or Non ComrnunityNl �) Corrimercial/lndustrial Larih_Coupled Geothermal S E P 8 20 ? Course Irrigation __,.•_ HVAC Supply I•IVA(: RWturn • _fteohargo ,_• a onunarcialllnduslrlal Disposal ,_,._. Aqui1r, storage and Recovr:ry Drainage . I_f 000vory _-.. Air SoOroe _._..othor (Ov;1xihn DO �r111St.L Co MY ...... __....._,_,...... _,_..... � ¢auttl. rt 'I 111 WAS onnuN D111 punnl I )d W u r un punnifllnppulhurdy� _ TH Soplic System If 4200 ft. 11. Fitclllt DI unplicltYQ 12. Estimated Start Date I Depth ,jF2_C) fL "Estimated Caring Depth . il. +Primary Casing Diame(e p _. _... ,In. Open hlolo: From --------- Tp_......_.._ Jl. sell Interval: Frorn 'R)-ta-vft. ' s 0 Malarial: Block Sleet GoivanizaCl ,PVC Shlinloss Stool f--_,NatCesod sing: i Telescope Casing ___._._ Liner ,— . 5urfare Casing Diameler in. 'ing Mat'orial: �11oek Slsoi __••___Galvanirotl _—_„PVC SlairlUss Stoe1 Other___._ _,r__..... latructioel,Repair, orAbandonmont: Auger Cabla"fool ,lotted _-.)&Rotary 1AUot1 (Two or More Methods) __Hand Driven (Well Point, Sand Point) ^_Hydraulic point (Direct Push) �talOrinin9..__._....PluggodbyApprovedMothod Othorrunnulun).__ _. )ting � val for the Primary, S000ndwy, anq A dilionai Casing: ! 'rq -8oal Malarial (____,__Benlonito —>< Gamest Other To Seal Material eentonite Nent Comont C7ther To : Seat Material (__8entordle•,.,.•-,- Nnv eat Coent ._ _ ..,.Olhor__ `lo�__ _i `"Seal Material (-- �-B�erntonile Neal CemenlY umber of existing walls on sits •''��_,,_ , List numbor of existing unused wells on site _ illy existing well or water withdrawal on the owner's contiguous properly covered Under a Cons umptivelWater Use Permit (CUP/WUP) Application? _ __Yes _ No If yes, complete the tollowing: CUP/WUP No, _. District Well ID No, Longitude Frorn: —GIPS _., Map ___,____Survey OPIUIn: NAC) 77 _ NAD 133 __ WGS 84 I� iply Wh hlu ppphrabw (inns oV11Uu,16, r1ol.al lulnhnudrnliyp 1'.1a11,. mlr nlal n wnlnr o-ohly Ih.11I:n4 p+n rnmfr of pip pnlpnpv, Ulat Ulf mlbrnkllt�n NnvnDp in nfmkhln, Ono mall nm swain nl n,y DV Mrn,11, p 0"dial. han h-n nr can hn nnbmncl Hoof In tM+mnncAnlnnl r,(x+l' rm(,Ix+bh,Uirrl i,nlldr l:h•ydnr;f%3, Flnfnla filAlullln, In,nnlnlnnl M pinrklly nUn11dm1 pnA YMU; rI, I f•Lldfy Ih 111 sin I IhpI UII IIIrC1MIpIW1 pl0yi/slid 41 Illln SprLgrUr11 IL flnCYfnlD Mrl p,ol I+nil �ULU11 II�o upNll.lur Iln, Urrn•.Y Ihpl InY JIIcIInnVSn I+rpripnll w dtpVlpin, Asp Ihal I hnvu wllknlml mn pynypr pf InpY I iV (YIIY+1d, Ulllri, Vf IYGYI pYvnnYllVnr+. �I urgAiuUhlu. I i111,YU I<, ,nUv;,ln V aUll rU)IlVfaIU�IIIW V4 IllllYd I�INv4 r)n1,Ur, rllll?VI,{V lV VllpnVlp pVr4rLV141 U(Ilnh Wua Qf UUUU•IIVd r1UUNlliy IIGYiIi Icl eIudp wUnya A., cnnlVlullun VI uw umwhVellg4 rauuY. nn+J,liwrLUn, or IV an, wull Silo dw 111110 90alwhoa, millet, JAVUlk AlUfl. LY UWnlWrullhnt UUllmk:od rry IIII1 plvmll. 111 Ihlu punuit, fir Ula ofmnd UAPlr(iuoll, vnpU W ydr ulvuta G(ul. - _ clefma'—. No. "• • olpnruun: or Owner or g1 nt Date I ( i : _. Issu(j oato _ Expirnlion Dato 3/f``-i-lydrologistApprovul_ i IT VALID. UNTIL PROPERLY SIGNED BY AN AUTHORIZED OFFICER OR RI:PRESrNTA1'IVI2 OE THE WMD OR DELEGATED AUTHORITY. THE AVAILA6LF. AT THE WELL. SITE DURING ALL CONSTRUCTION, REPAIR, M01:)IFic Aftr)N, OR ABANDONMENT ACTIVITIES. Form D00) Oporporatod In 62-032.400('1), F.A.C. Ffferlivo Dalfi: 00tobur 7, 2010 Pads t of 2 EXISTING WELL 89055'26'�W 480.04'M 138.9' x 21.2 23.7 x 21.4 x 23.9 f� 54.4' ti x COVERED co 12.0 ENTRY 8.4' O COVERED C'7 PORCH Lo na 3,6 00 - PARCEL # 2310-601-0003-000-4 PROPOSED FELICIANO JURADO 4.86 1 STORY CBS JONES ESTATES �-- RESIDENCE , LOT 3 8.9' cl MINIMUM VA co FFE = 23.6' Cfl 41.3 ' CONCRETE.'.. N 75.0' DRIVE • N co9.9', w 23.7.j- 22.0' 6 A/C PROPOSED x 23.8 WELL M x 21,2 - co� x 20 ,5 c6 CM L �-39.0' PROPOSED PFZO'POSED DRAINFIELD +-350SG FT EXISTING SElynOtMA 23.5 GREEN AREA 21,3 S 890'26" E �22.8 75.0' EXISTING WELL FENCE x FENCE / 21.3 530.84'M 530.85'P PARCEL # 2310-601-0004-000-1 x 24.1 CHARLES HATLEY 430 N. FFA ROAD r rYr 22.2 75.0'_ Property Card Page 1 of 1 Michelle Franklin, CFA -- Saint Lucie County Property Appraiser -- All rights reserved. Property Identification Site Address: TBD Parcel ID: 2310-601-0003- Account #: 150598 Sec/Town/Range: 000-4 10/35S/39E Map ID: 23/I0N Zoning: AG-1 Count Use Type: 9900 Jurisdiction: Saint Lucie County Ownership Legal Description Feliciano Esquivel Jurado JONES ESTATES (PB 42-14) LOT 3 (1.742 AC) 3215 Hibiscus AVE Fort Pierce, FL 34947 Current Values Historical Values 3-year Just/Market: $59,800 Assessed: $59,800 Year Just/Market Assessed Exemptions Taxable Exemptions: $0 Taxable: $59,800 2020 $59,800 $59,800 $0 $59,800 2019 $59,800 $28,616 $0 $28,616 2018 $43,900 $26,015 $0 $26,015 Sale History Date Book/Page Sale Code Deed Grantor Price 10-22-2019 4337 / 1449 0001 SP DiFrancesco Sr Anthony $25,000 03-25-2019 4247/ 1467 0001 WD Nieves Rodney $19,600 09-02-2004 2505 / 2314 XX01 : QC Nieves Jose $100 Primary Building Information Finished Area of this building: 0 SF Gross Sketched Area: 0 SF Exterior Data - View: Roof Cover: Roof Structure: Building Type: Year Built: N/A Frame: Grade: Effective Year: N/A Primary Wall: Story Height: No. Units: 0 Secondary Wall: Interior Data Bedrooms: 0 A/C %: 0% Electric: Primary Int Wall: Full Baths: 0 Heated %: N/A% Heat Type: Avg Hgt/Floor: 0 Half Baths: 0 Sprinkled %: 0% Heat Fuel: Primary Floors: Total Areas Finished/Under Air 0 rf: (SF): Gross Sketched Area 0 (SF): Land Size (acres): 1.74 Land Size (SF): 75,882 Total Building Count: 1 s Special Features and Yard Items Type Qty Units Year Bit All information is believed to be correct at this time, but is subject to change and is provided without any warranty. Q Copyright 2020 Saint Lucie County Property Appraiser. All rights reserved. https://www.pasle.org/RECard/ 8/31/2020 St. Lucie County Health Department 5150 NW Milner Dr Port Saint Lucie, FL 34983 HEALTH PAYING ON: #: BILL Doc #:56-BID-4932817 RECEIVED FROM: American Drillinq Services AMOUNT PAID: $ 115.00 PAYMENT FORM: CREDIT CARD 072042 PAYMENT DATE: 08/31/2020 MAIL TO: American Drilling Services 405 SW 2nd St ' Okeechobee FL 34974 FACILITY NAME: American Drilling Services PROPERTY LOCATION: 405 SW 2nd St Okeechobee FL 34974 Lot: Property ID: EXPLANATION or DESCRIPTION: -1 - Well Construction 1 QUANTITY FEE $ 115.00 RECEIVED BY: MontanezNM AUDIT CONTROL NO. 56-PID-4598643 Note: 59-31013 TBD N FFA RD