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MarinoMAREI& Product Submittal Data 7v�x'i`+:+� � �;.i,"..�x'r'+,a''',,.�.'tiM1t�:h�`:t�;i53•is :';'�;� c: _-_ - w!K�S`:� ,�� �` >; �?:"+. 3e PRODUCT NAME: 25OS137-33 MARINO\WARE PART 41 212SC20 PROPERTIES: A. Web (in) 2-1/2" Yieid Strength Fy (KSI) 33 B. Flange (in) 1-3/8" Tensile Strength Fu (KSI) 45 C. Lip (in) 3/8" Design Thickness (in) 0.0346" Mils 33 Minimum Thickness (in) 0.0329" Available Finish G90 Gauge 20 SECTION PROPERTIES GROSS SEC77ON PROPERTIES Cross Sectional Area: A (in2) 0.197 Weight of Member: (lb/ft) 0.67 Moment of Inertia: Ix (in4) 0.203 Section Modulus: Sx (in3) 0.163 Radius of Gyration: Rx (in) 1.015 Gross Moment of Inertia: ly (in 4) 0.052 Gross Radius of Gyration: Ry (in) 0.515 EFFECTIVE SECTION PROFERTf£S Moment of Inertia -Deflection: Ixe (in4) 0.20 Section Modulus: Sxe (in) 0.16 Allowable Local Bending Moment: Mal (in-k) 3.11 Allowable Distortional Bending Moment: Mad (in-k) 3.09 Allowable strong axis shear away from punch: Vag (Ib) 97S Allowable strong axisshear at punch: Vanet (lb) 399 TORSIONAL SECTION PROPERTIES St, Venant Torsional Constant:1x1000 (in') 0.079 Torsional Warping Constant: Cw (in') 0.076 Shear Center to Centroid on Principal X-axis: Xo (in) -1.141 Shear Center to Mid -Plane of the Web: m (in) 0.677 Radius of Gyration on the Centroid Principal axis: Ro (in) 1.612 Torsional Flexural Constant: R 1-(xo/Ro)2 0.499 CODES & STANDARDS AISI S10O-12& ICCESESR-4Ct52 Framing meets ASTMA 1CO3, A 653, & C955 Meets IBC 2015 & 2012, FBC 2014, CSSA code compliant GREEN INFO LEED v3 & LEED v4 credits available Contact Technical Services for more information. 05.40.00 Cold -Formed Metal Framing <s JAN 16 2020 ST. Lucie County, Permitting For more information, please contact Marino\WARE Technical Services at 866-S45-1545. This technical information reflects the most current information available and supersedes any and all publications, effective 1/5/2017 www.marinoware.com OCopyrighl 2017 by Ware Industries, Inc. All rights reserved Z. rrfcJbinS/ri'sPl'fa „1� POWDER FASTENERS We maintain only the highest standards in the materials, production techniques and quality control measures used to manufacture our fasteners, assuring consistent, optimum quality in every fastener. FASTENER TERMINOLOGY SUFFIX K= Knurled X = Collated C =100 count B = Black SO = Washer M =1000 count E=Ramguard TH=Top Hat SELECTION CHART Designed for use in concrete and structural steel applications. Available in 100-pack or 1000-pack per box. 1S068 3/4 (19.1) Shonk diameter =.745 Head diameter =.300 Designed for use in concrete and structural steel applications.100 per box. 1503K 112 Knurled (12.7) — 1508 1 (25.4) 1512 1-ln 1 38.1) 1514 7516 2-1/2 (63.S) Shank diameter =. 145 Head diameter =.300 Washer increases bearing surface against the material to be fastened 100per box. 16gage metal washer. 7/8" diameter washer. 5000 5000 5Opp' % 5000 1000 • 80a r6a0 1506SD 3/4 (19.1) 1000 I]: �1 is F di,'� .,;� Yltnr'.'+T•F.. y�'ri .. _.., ~`3' .'F'k _ �T8 _ 'Y +al ..! 1i i_ _ _«$ .y�• 3� i:lF:= 1OaQ;. 1-1/4 (31.8) 1000 �15105D �'';��1,��`'i_�d1 fi-�a :hi;." a;>wii��l�j� .i�T�.�_i?'yw:.ti:�?'•<<`� - ''t': , Y a. t +may 1514SO 2 (50.8) 7000 1524SDP" 3 (76.2) 60.0 iquureWOW 1natcateS4 pin nas oeen installed 3nanKdtameter=.145 Head diameter=.300 Coated to improve corrosion resistance in treated lumber and other applications. 100 per box, Recommended for treated lumberatlrtkatlorfs. t ?Yr'•i •. �sz.Sit .' `.: .. r�5•� , {y. ;;. .7 '"�ti r. ••f� j;i .-.-�.;�••1 •t' �Ifit�I j ., J�'�.:- .t ^'�a �• \.F-•.. �," 1 r:� :sl`.-` j � �? Shank diameter =.145 "Square wosherindicates 3"pin has been installed Head diameter =.300 d " 7500 Series Coated with Ram6uard %"A', 'S� R.4r41SfT t•0t f BOARD OF BUILDING AND SAFETY COMMISSIONERS VAN AMBATIELOS PRESIDENT E. FELICIA BRANNON VICE PRESIDENT JOSELYN GEAGA-ROSENTHAL GEORGE HOVAGUIMIAN JAVIER NUNEZ ITW Ramset 700 High Grove Blvd Glendale Heights, IL 60139 Attn: Dave Jablonski (800) 848-5611 CITY OF Los ANGELES CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING AND SAFETY 201 NORTH FIGUEROA STREE-- LOS ANGELES, CA 90012 FRANK M. BUSH GENERAL MANAGER SUPERINTENDENT OF BUILDING ERIC GARCETTI OSAMA YOUNAN, P.E. MAYOR EXECUTIVE OFFICER RESEARCH REPORT: RR 22668 (CSI # 03 16 00; 05 05 23) BASED UPON ICC ES EVALUATION REPORT NO. ESR-1799 REEVALUATION DUE DATE: September 1, 2018 Issued Date: May 1, 2017 Code: 2014 LABC GENERAL APPROVAL — Reevaluation - Ramset Power -Driven Fasteners DETAILS When in compliance with the use, description, design, installation, conditions of use, and identification of Evaluation Report No.1799, reissued June 2016, by the ICC-ES Evaluation Services, Incorporated, the report, in its entirety, is attached and made part of this general approval. The parts of Report No.ESR-1799 which are excluded on the attached copy have been removed by the Los Angeles City Building Department as not being included in this approval. The approval is subject to the following conditions: The fasteners shall not be used to resist seismic loads, except when used with architectural, electrical and mechanical components as described in Section 13.1.4 of ASCE 7-10, and as follows: a) Concrete base materials: The ITW Ramset fasteners installed in concrete base materials may be used to support acoustical tile or lay -in panel suspended ceiling systems, distributed systems and distribution systems where the service load on any individual fastener does not exceed the lesser of 90 lbf or the published allowable load shown in Tables 1, 2, 5, and 6 of the attached ICC-ES ESR-1799 evaluation report, as applicable. RR 22668 Pagel of 3 LADES G-5 (Rev.09/05rz014) AN EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY - AFFIRMATIVE ACTION EMPLOYER ITW Ramset RE: Ramset Power -Driven Fasteners, Power Point Fasteners and Angle Clip b) Steel base materials: The ITW Ramset fasteners installed in steel may be used where the service load on any individual fastener does not exceed the lesser of 250 IV or the published allowable load shown in Table 3 and 4 of the attached ICC-ES ESR-1799 evaluation report, as applicable.. c) For interior, nonstructural walls that are not subject to sustained tension loads and are not a bracing application, the ITW Ramset power -driven fasteners may be used to attach steel track to concrete or steel in all Seismic Design Categories. In Seismic Design Categories D, E and F, the allowable shear load due to transverse pressure shall be no more than 90 pounds when attaching to concrete; or 250 pounds when attaching to steel. Substantiating calculations shall be submitted addressing the fastener- to -base -material capacity and the fastener -to attached -material capacity. Interior nonstructural walls are limited to locations where bearing walls, shear walls or braced walls are not required by the approved plans. The design load on the fastener must not exceed the allowable load shown in Tables 1 through 4 of the attached ICC- ES evaluation report, as applicable. The design load on the fastener must not exceed the allowable load shown in Tables 1 through 4 of the attached ICC-ES ESR-1799 evaluation report, as applicable. 2. Shear values for fasteners in concrete are for connections of steel to concrete. Allowable bearing stresses for the steel material being connected shall not be exceeded. 3. The minimum concrete thickness shall be three times the fasteners embedment in concrete, except where noted otherwise in this report. 4. For working values in steel, the fasteners shall have sufficient length so that the entire pointed portion of the shank pierces the steel plate, except where noted otherwise in the tables of the attached evaluation report. 5. The allowable values listed in the attached report and tables are for the fasteners only. Connected members shall be checked for their capacity (which may govern). 6. Use of the low velocity fasteners to the metal deck, the fasteners shall be installed through the metal deck and into the concrete at the upper or lower flute as designated in the table. The fastener must be a minimum of 1 1/8 inches from the edge of the deck web and 4 inches from the end of the deck. The minimum fastener spacing is 4 inches. 7. No increase is permitted in the tabulated allowable load values for short duration loading. 8. The fasteners shall be installed per the manufacturer's instructions, a copy of which shall be available at each job site. RR 22668 Page 2 of 3 ITW Ramset RE-: Ramset Power -Driven Fasteners, Power Point Fasteners and Angle Clip 9. The containers of the fasteners shall be labeled with the 1TW Ramset company name, the fastener product name, length, catalog number, and quantity, the evaluation report number (ESR-1799); and the manufacturing date and lot number. In addition, all of the fasteners, except the 1600 W series fasteners, shall be identified by the letter "R" stamped into the fastener head. DISCUSSION The report is in compliance with the 2014 Los Angeles City Building Code. The approval is based on tests in accordance with ICC-ES Acceptance Criteria for Fasteners Power -driven in to Concrete, Steel and Masonry Elements (AC70), dated October 2006. This general approval will remain effective provided the Evaluation Report is maintained valid and unrevised with the issuing organization. Any revisions to the report must be submitted to this Department for review with appropriate fee to continue the approval of the revised report. Addressee to whom this Research Report is issued is responsible for providing copies of it, poxn Iete With -any attarhrnents indicated., to architects, engineers and builders using items approved herein in design or construction which must be approved by Department of Building and Safety Engineers and Inspectors. This general approval of an equivalent alternate to the Code is only valid where an engineer and/or inspector of this Department has determined that all conditions of this Approval have been met in the project in which it is to be used. QUAN NGHIEM, Chief Engineering Research Section 201 N. Figueroa St., Room 880 Los Angeles, CA 90012 Phone- 213-202-9812 Fax-213-202-9943 QN RR22668/ R05-11-17 TLB 1700201 104.2.6/1909 Attachment: ICC ES Report No. ESR-1799 (9 Pages) RR 22668 Page 3 of 3 [CC -ES Evaluation Report ESR-1799 rtvww.1CC-es.0r 1 (800) 423-6587 1 (562) 699-0543 DIVISION: 03 00 00—CONCRETE Section: 03 16 00—Concrete Anchors DIVISION: 04 00 00—MASONRY Section: 04 05 19.16—Masonry Anchors DIVISION: 05 00 00--METALS Section: 05 05 23—Metal Fastenings DIVISION: 09 00 00—FINISHES Section: 09 22 16,23—Fasteners REPORT HOLDER: ITW RAMSET 700 HIGH GROVE BOULEVARD GLENDALE HEIGHTS, ILLINOIS 60139 (800)726.7386 w ytUamset .rom Pe'chsu ❑ ilwccna.com ADDITIONAL LISTEE: ITW BRANDS —DUO -FAST 955 NATIONAL PARKWAY, SUITE 95500 SCHAUMBURG, ILLINOIS 60173 (847) 944-7728 brand s itvvb nds.com EVALUATION SUBJECT: RAMSET AND DUO -FAST POWER -ACTUATED FASTENERS AND CEILING CLIP ASSEMBLIES 1.0 EVALUATION SCOPE Compliance with the following codes: a 2012, 2009 and 2006 International Building Code (IBC) a 2012, 2009 of o_2M International Residential Code (IRC) 2013 Abu Dhabi International Building Code (ADIBC)t 'The ADISC Is based on the 2009 IBC.,2008 IBC code sections referenced In Ws report are the same sections in lheADIBC. Property evaluated: Structural 2.0 USES Ramset and Dun -Fast 1500, 1600 W, TE Series fasteners and SP Series Power Point fasteners are used for general fastening of bullding components to normal -weight Reissued June 2016 This report is subject to renewal June 2017. A Subsidiary of the International Code Council° concrete, sand -lightweight concrete, sand -lightweight concrete filled steel deck panels, concrete masonry and structural steel substrates. The fasteners are used as alternatives to cast -in -place concrete anchors described in 2012 IBC Section 1908 (2009 and 2006 IBC Section 1911) for placement in concrete; to the embedded anchors described in Section 2.1.4 of TMS 402/ACI 530/ASCE 5 (which is referenced in IBC Section 2107); and to the welds and bolts used to attach to steel, described in IBC Sections 2204.1 and 2204.2. The fasteners may also be used where an engineered design is submitted in accordance with IRC Section R301.1.3, Ramset SDC, SPC and TEC ceiling clip assemblies are used to attach wire for suspended ceilings to the supporting structure above. The ceiling clip assemblies are used as alternatives to cast -in -place concrete anchors described in 2012 IBC Section 1908 (2009 and 2006 IBC Section 1911); and may also be used where an engineered design is submitted in accordance with IRC Section R301.1,3. 3.0 DESCRIPTION 3.1 General: See the tables in this report for shank descriptions and nominal shank diameters. The fasteners are available in various lengths to achieve embedment depths as noted in Tables 1 through 8. 3.2 Ramset and Duo -Fast 1500 Series Fasteners: The 1500 series fasteners are manufactured from steel complying with ASTM A510, Grade 1060 or 1062, and austempered to a Rockwell "C" core hardness of 52 to 56 for smooth -shank fasteners and 54 to 56 for knurled -shank fasteners. The 1500 series fasteners have a nominal shank diameter of 0.145 inch (3.7 mm) and a nominal head diameter of 0.3 inch (7.6 mm). All of the 1500 series fasteners have a zinc -plated finish, except for the smooth - shank 1506E and 1508B fasteners, which have a black oxide finish. The 1506E and 1508E fasteners are limited to installation in normal -weight concrete. 3.3 Ramset 1600 W Series Fasteners: The 1600 W series fasteners are manufactured from steel wire complying with ASTM A510, Grades 1060 or 1062, and austempered to Rockwell "C" core hardness of 52 to 56 for smooth -shank fasteners and 54 to 56 for knurled - shank fasteners. The 1600 series fasteners have a nominal shank diameter of 0.145 inch and 1/4-20 threads on the end of the !l:(:I;'.1 fi !GGturtart krlwns'+u trot ru rK .wWr'ti7reritar rvnrrrrrir/r rr4-YtllaJor nr urry' a/110 rretrtbuicX nut aneclfically addressee/, nor aru they m Au conrtrued elf ux rrulwneudNN q%t/+r ,trrrbfn,v or'lire A7WI 6r 6 rrcputarr1441lNs for hr i}re ilrerr h no rrrlrrrrnlj, by /C(: Evaluation Service, l,l,(:, e.rpre.ra' nr implir.J, ax In ar r,11;rva;t14•r of !II& Rvarl, ur ar.eo rit{hruwrincr *arere'l b}'tare Copyright 02016 ICC Evaluation Service, LLC. All rights reserved Page 1 of B " Deleted by City of Los Angeles ESR-1799 1 tubs( Widely Accepted and Trusted fasteners to be used with a nut and washer. The 1600 W series fasteners have a zinc -plated finish. 3.4 Ramset and Duo -Fast SP Series Power Point Fasteners: The SP Series Power Point fasteners are straight or stepped shank series fasteners manufactured from steel wire complying with ASTM A510, Grade 1060 or 1062, and austempered to a Rockwell "C" hardness of 55 to 56. The SP Series Power Point fasteners have a head diameter•of 0.3 inch (7.62 mm). Fasteners having nominal shank lengths of r/e inch and less have a smooth, straight, nominally Qi50-inch diameter shank. Fasteners having a nominal shank length of 1 inch or longer have a smooth, stepped shank with a nominally 0.150-inch diameter shank at the tapered end and a nominally 0.180-inch diameter shank at the headed end. The SP Series Power Point fasteners have a zinc -plated finish. 3.5 Ramset and Duo -Fast True Embedment (TE) Series Fasteners: The TE series fasteners are straight and tapered shank fasteners manufactured from steel wire complying with ASTM A510, Grade 1070, and austempered to a Rockwell "C" hardness of 55 to 58. The TE series fasteners have a head diameter of 0.32 inch (E.1 mm). The smooth shank fasteners have a tapered point and a nominal straight shank diameter of 0.157 inch. The knurled fasteners have a straight shank with a nominal diameter of 0,157 inch. The TE series fasteners have a zinc -plated finish. 3.6 Ramset Ceiling Clip Assemblies: Ramset ceiling clip assemblies are comprised of a power - actuated fastener with a premounted steel clip. See Figure 4. 3.6.1 SDC 100 and SDC 125 Ceiling Clip Assemblies: The fasteners used in the SbC 100 and SDC 125 calling clip assemblies are 1500 series, smooth, straight shank fasteners, described in Section 3.2, with shank lengths of 1 Inch and 1114 inches (25.4 and 31.7 mm), respectively. The clip angles -have a 120-degree •angle between the IegS of the clip artd are manufactures front 3/4-inch-wide sleel strips conforming to ASTM A653 FS Type a and having a IyasO�meK#ckness of O.D74 inch (1.88 mm). one 1dg of t(ie ,dlip is ! iticft land, (23 mmy and the apposite -••leg is 31} inch Eot�g (t9.1.mm).. Ttta fasten rs are 1nsertt31AJ1rou9h a dimple formed in the longer leg of the clip angle. The other leg has a hole with a nominal diameter of 0.335 inch (8.5 mm) through which the ceiling wire is attached. 3.6.2 SPC 78 and SPC 114 Ceiling Clip Assemblies: The fasteners used in the SPC 78 and SPC 114 ceiling clip assemblies are SP series Power Point smooth, straight shank fasteners, described in Section 3.4, with shank lengths of 7/s inch and 04 inches (22 and 31.7 ram), respectively. The dip angles have a 90-degree angle between the legs of the clips and are manufactured from 'I' -inch -wide (19.1 mm), No. 14 gage [0.0747 inch (1.90 mm) base -metal thickness), steel strips conforming to ASTM A653 CS Type; B. One leg of the dip is 1 inch long ( 5.4 mm) and the opposite leg is 314 Inch long (19.1 mm). The fasteners are inserted through an eyelet which is inserted through the hole in the 1-inch-long (25.4 mm) leg of the clip. The eyelet is manufactured from 5052-0 grade aluminum having a thickness of 0.032 inch (0.81 mrn). The 3/4-inch-fang (19.1 rnm) leg has a hole with a nominal diameter of 0.313 inch (8.0 mm) through which the ceiling wire Is attached. 3.6.3 TEC100 Ceiling Clip Assemblies: The fastener used in the TEC100 ceiling clip assemblies is the TE series 2 of g smooth shank fastener, described in Section 3.5, with a shank length of 1 inch (25.4 mm). The clip angle and eyelet are the same as for the SPC 78 and SPC 114 ceiling clip assemblies described in Section 3.6.2. 3.7 Substrate Materials: 3.7,1 Structural Steel: Structural steel used in supports must comply with the minimum requirements of ASTM A36 (see Table 4), ASTM A572 Grade 50 or ASTM A992 (see Table 5), and must have thicknesses as noted in Table 4 or 5, 3.7.2 Normal -weight Concrete: Normal -weight concrete must be stone -aggregate and comply with IBC Chapter 19 or IRC Section R402.2, as applicable. The minimum concrete compressive strength at the time of fastener installation is noted in Tables 1 and 7. 3.7.3 Sand -lightweight Concrete: Sand -lightweight concrete must comply with IBC Chapter 19. The minimum concrete compressive strength at the time of fastener installation is noted in Tables 2, 3 and 8. 3.7.4 Steel Deck Panels: Steel deck panels must conform to a code -referenced material standard, with the minimum thickness and minimum yield strength noted in Tables 3 and 8. See Figure 1 for panel configuration requirements. 3.7.6 Concrete Masonry: The CMUs must be 8-inch- thick, normal weight blocks conforming to ASTM C90. Mortar must be Type S mortar complying with IBC Section 2103. Grout must be coarse grout complying with IBC Section 2103. 4.0 DESIGN AND INSTALLATION 4.1 Design: 4.1.1 Allowable Loads: The most critical applied loads, excluding seismic load effects, resulting from the load combinations in IBC Section 1605.3.1 or 1605.3.2 must not exceed the allowable loads described in this section. For fasteners which are subjected to seismic loads, see, Section 4,1.3 for additional information. The allowable shear and tension (pullout) values in the tables of this report are for use in allowable stress design (ASD), The allowable loads apply to the connection of the fasteners to the specified base materials only, and limit states such as pull -over and lateral bearing, which are governed by the properties of attached materials, are outside the scope of this report. Design of the connection to the attached material must comply with the applicable requirements of the IBC. The stress increases and load reductions described in IBC Section 1605.3, must not be allowed for wind loads acting alone or combined with vertical loads. No adjustment is allowed for vertical loads acting alone. The allowable shear and tension values for the Ramset and Duo -Fast fasteners driven into normal -weight concrete are shown in Table 1. Allowable shear and tension values for these fasteners driven into sand -lightweight concrete are shown in Table 2. Allowable shear and tension values for these fasteners driven into sand -lightweight concrete filled steel deck panels are shown in Table 3. Allowable shear and tension values for these fasteners driven into steel are shown in Tables 4 and 5. Allowable shear and tension values for these fasteners driven into concrete masonry are shown in Table 6. The allowable shear and tension values for the ceiling clip asseimbiies installed in normal -weight concrete are shown in Table 7. Allowable shear and tension values for the ceiling clip assemblies installed through steel deck ESR-1799 I Most Widely Accepted and Trusted 3 of 8 panels and into (lie sand -lightweight concrete fill of the metal steel deck panel are shown in Table 8. The allowable loads for fasteners subjected to combined shear and tension loads must be delermined using the following equation; (PIPa) + (v/V.) :5 1 where; P = Actual tension load, Ibf (N). Pa = Allowable tension load, Ibf (N). v = Actual shear load, Ibf (N). V. = Allowable shear load, Ibf (N). 4.1.2 Wood to Steel or .Concrete: Reference lateral design values far nails, defermined in accordance w[th Part 11 and Table 11 N or the ANSVAWC NOS, are applicable to Ramset fasteners of equal or greater diameters. The wood element must be considered to be the side member. The fastener bending yield strength used in determination Of the connection Capacity is allowed to be laken as the value noted in the footnotes to Table 11 N of the NOS, based on the shank diameter of the Ramset fastener. Under the 2012 and 2009 IBC and iRC, the fasteners may be used in contact with fire -retardant -treated wood in dry, interior locations only, in accordance with IBC Section 2304.9,5.4, IRC Section R317.3,4 and 1TW Ramset's recommendations. Use of fasteners in contact with preservative -treated wood or in contact with fire -retardant - treated wood in exterior applications is outside the scope of this report Under the 2006 I13C a4id-IPQ, use of fasteners in contact with preservative -treated wood of Fire -retardant -treated wood is outside the scope of this report. 4.1.3 Seismic Considerations: The fasteners are recognized for use when subjected to seismic '.loads as follows.; 'I. The Ramset and Duo -Fast fasteners may be used with nonstructural components listed in Section 13.1.4 of ASCE 7, which are exempt from the requirements of ASCE 7. 2. Concrete Base Materials: The fasteners installed in concrete base materials may be used to support acoustical tile or lay -in panel suspended calling systems, distributed systems and distribution systems where the service load on any individual fastener does not exceed the lesser of 90 Ibf (400 N) or the published allowable load in Tables 1, 2, 3.7, and 8, as applicable. 3. Steel Base Materials; The fasteners installed in steel may be used for attaching nonstructural components Where the service load on any individual fastener does not exceed the lesser of 260 Ibf (1112 N) or the published allowable load shown in Tables 4 and 5, as applicable. nonstructural walls are limited to locations where bearing walls, shear walls or braced walls are not required by the approved plans, The design load on the fastener must not exceed the allowable load shown in Tables 1 through 5, as applicable. 4.2 Installation: The fasteners must be installed in accordance with this report and the ITW Ramsel installation instructions. A copy of these instructions must be available on the jobsite al all times during installation. A low -velocity, powder -actuated fastening tool, recommended by ITW Ramset or ITW Brands - Duo -Fast, must be used to install the fasteners. The fastener penetration, spacing and edge distances must be as noted in the tables of this report. 5.0 CONDITIONS OF USE The ITW Ramset and 11 W Brands - Duo -Fast power - actuated fasteners and ceiling clip assemblies described in this report comply with, or are suitable alternatives to what is specified in, those codes listed in Section 1.,0 of this report, subject to the following conditions: 5.1 The fasteners must be manufactured and identified in accordance with this report. 5.2 Fastener installation complies with this report and ITW Ramset or ITW Brands - Duo -Fast published installation instructions. In the event of a conflict between this report and the published installation instructions, this report governs, 5.3 Calculations demonstrating that the applied loads are less than the maximum allowable loads described in Section 4.1.1 must be submitted to the code official. The calculations must be prepared by a registered design professional where required by the statutes of the jurisdiction in which the project is -to be constructed. 5,4 Refer to Section 4.1.3 for seismic considerations. 5.5 The minimum concrete thickness must be three times the fastener embedment in concrete, except where noted otherwise in this report. 5.6 The use of fasteners is limited to uncracked concrete, Cracking occurs when f > fr due to service loads or deformations. 5.7 Installation must be limited to dry interior environments, which include exterior walls which are protected by an exterior wall envelope. 5.8 Refer to Section 4.1.2 regarding the use of fasteners in contact with preservative -treated or fire -retardant - treated. 6,0 EVIDENCE SUBMITTED 4. Interior, Nonstructural Walk- Fnr ;Meer..' 7• nUnszruczural waits [net are not subject to sustained tension loads and are not a bradng application, the power -actuated fasteners described in Section 3.0 may be used to attach steel track to concrete or steel In all Seismic Design Categories. In Seismic Design Categories D, E and F, the allowable shear load due to transverse pressure must be no more than 50 pounds (400 N) when attaching to concrete; or 250 pounds (1,112 N) when attaching to steel. Substantiating calculations must be submitted addressing the fastener -to -base -material capacity and Data in accordance with the ICC-ES Acceptance Criteria for Power -actuated Fasteners Driven into Concrete, Steel and Masonry Elements (AC70), dated April 2015. 0 IDENTIFICATION The containers of the fasteners are labeled with the company name (ITW Ramset or ITW Brands - Duo -Fast); the fastener product name, length, catalog number, and quantity; the evaluation report number (ESR-1799); and the manufacturing date. In addition, the ITW Ramset 1500 series and SP series fasteners are identified by the letter "R" stamped into the fastener head, the ITW Brands - DUO -FAST 1500 series and SP series fasteners have a semi -circle stamped on the fastener head and the TE Series fasteners have the nominal length marked on the fastener head. See Figure 3. the fastener-lo-altachad•materiai capacity, Interior Deleted by City of Los Angeles ESR-1799) Most WidelyAccepled and Trusted Page 4 of 6 TABLE 1—ALLOWABLE TENSION AND SHEAR VALUES FOR FASTENERS INSTALLED IN NORMAL -WEIGHT CONCRETE (Ibf) SHANK MINIMUM MINIMUM MINIMUM CONCRETE COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH (psi) ANK DESCRIPTION EMBEDMENT SPACING EDGE 2000 psi 4000 psi 6000 psi METER DEPTH (inches) DISTANCE nch) (Inches) (Inches) Tension Shear Tension Shear Tension Shear 51, 50 66 100 104 — — .i45 Smooth- 1 5.1 3.2 152 166 157 182 — — straight 1'/, 159 265 179 2671'/2 154 340 209 342150 WASCHMINAL Smooth- '145.1 3.2150 105 81 82 straightSmooth- 1154 200 243 175, 189210 /0.180 stepped 1'/, 5.1 3.5 207 230 298 211 213 305 1'12 — - 384 391 239 594 Smooth- 31 71 116 71 116 109 117 57 tapered ; 5.1 2.75 197 216 258 216 214 383 1 /, 264 283 377 317 415 349 For SI: 1 inch = 25A mm, 1 Ibf = 4.45 N, 1 psi = 6.89 kPa. 'The fasteners must not be driven until (he concrete has reached the designated minimum compressive strength. Minimum concrete thickness must be three limes the fastener embedment into the concrete. TABLE 2—ALLOWABLE TENSION AND SHEAR VALUES FOR FASTENERS INSTALLED IN MINIMUM 3000 psi SAND -LIGHTWEIGHT CONCRETE' PART NOMINAL SHANK MINIMUM MINIMUM MINIMUM EDGE TENSION SHEAR NUMBER SHANK DESCRIPTION EMBEDMENT SPACING DISTANCE (inches) (Ibf) (Ibf) SERIES DIAMETER DEPTH (Inches) (inches) (Inch) 3/4 167 179 1500 0.145 Smcolh-straight 4 3.2 1` 393 400 1'/2 391 410 1 226 250 SP 0.150/0.180 Smooth -stepped 1'/4 4 3.5 329 377 1 /2 406 380 152 159 TE 0.157 Smooth tapered 1�/t 5 1 3.0 358 437 1'/2 466 478 For Si: i inch = 25A mm, 1 Ibf = 4:45 N, 1 psi = 6.89 kPa. 'The fasteners must not be driven until the concrete has reached the designated minimum compressive strength. Minimum concrete thickness must be three times the fastener embedment into the concrete, unless noted otherwise. ESR-1799 I Mosl t4 idely Accopled and Trusted Page 5 of g TABLE 3—ALLOWABLE TENSION AND SHEAR VALUES FOR FASTENERS INSTALLED THROUGH METAL DECK INTO MINIMUM 3000 psi SAND -LIGHTWEIGHT CONCRETE' PART NOMINAL SHANK MINIMUM MINIMUM 3-INCH DEEP W 111�-INCH DEEP B TYPE STEEL DECK'S NUMBER SERIES SHANK DESCRIPTION EMBEDMENT SPACING TYPE STEEL DECK''' Upper Flute Lower Flute DIAMETER DEPTH (inches) (inch) (inches) Tension Shear Tension Shear Tension Shear (Ibf) (Ibf) (Ibf) (Ibf) (Ibf) (Ibf) '1, 76 260 1500 0.145 Smooth -straight �/s 4 265 1 134 265 11/a 233 346 SP 1 0150/0.180 Smooth -stepped 1'/, 119 336 4 175 372 - 11/z 179 426 106 265 131 261 154 307 TE 0.157 Smooth -tapered 11� 5152 327 1 1 156 273 138 265 c.., cl. 111, 164 330 238 448 - - - - - . 1610 —coat mill, I IUI = 4.45 N, i psi = 6.69 RHa, `The fasteners must not be.d0van until the concrete has reached the designated minimum compressive strength. Minimum concrete thickness must be three limes the fastener embedment into the roncrete. unless noted otherwise. 2•rhe fastener must be installed through the lower ffules of the metal deck with a minimum edge distance of 1'le inches from the edge of the steel dgGk vieband 4 Niches•(5.1 Inches for TE fasteners) (ram ilje a31d of the deck. Concrete thickness above the deck must be a rbinimum of 3'Ix incht s (2'1s itlOes fbr TE fasfeners)- See Figure 1 of th[s repo< The sleel deck tnudt be Wrlft0ure4 as shown in r-IOUM 1, hsve a minimum base -metal thickness of 0.035 inch, and have a minifritim yield strength of 49.5 ksf. `The fastener rrwst be inslalled through the upper or lower flules of the metal deck a[ the center of the flute and a minimum of 5.1 inches from the end of the deck. Concrete thickness above the deck must be a minimum of 2'1, inches. Sso-Figure 2 of this repots. "The steel deck must be configured as shown In Figure 2, have a minimum base -metal thickness of 0.035 inch, and have a minimum yield strength of 53.5 kak TABLE 4—ALLOWABLE TENSION AND SHEAR VALUES FOR FASTENERS INSTALLED IN ASTM A36 STEEL' (Ibf) i NOMINAL TYPE I MINIMUM MINIMUM STEEL THICKNESS (inch) NUMBER �'rArt SHANK OF SPACING EDGE �/ , 2+ ,.; / �, I SF..RIES DIAMETER SHANK (Inches) DISTANCC 1e �" / Tenslon Shear Tension Shear (inch) (inches) Tension Shear Tenslon Shear Tension Shear 1end 160 00W 0.145 S Smooth 1 1/2 81 373 181 273 397 489 243' 277` — .- 1500K and 0.145 Knurled 1 /2 296 636 584 659 680 730 2532 293' - 1600 WK SP 0.150 Smooth 1 '/•, 385 662 q45 477 393 574 948 597 234' 356' TE 0.157 Knurled 1 /z 323 606 562 673 934 820 603 766 343' 4963 • -• -•• .•.v.. .-.�.� IIII , I lul � Y.YJ IVY 'Except where noted otherwise In this table, the allowable load values shown are for fastenings that have the entire pointed end of the fastener driven through the steel plate. 2Fastener penelratoon into steel must be a minimum of r/,s inch. 'Fastener penetration into steel must be a minimum of/a inch. TABLE 5—ALLOWABLE LOADS FOR FASTENERS INSTALLED IN ASTM A572 GRADE 50 OR ASTM A992 STEEL' (Ibf) PART NOMINAL TYPE MINIMUM MINIMUM STEEL THICKNESS (frlch) NUMBER SHANK OF :SPACING EDGE a i a - •• i za SERIES DIAMETER SHANK (inch) DISTANCE Ile I� a Ix !q (inch) (inch) Tension Shear Tension Shear Tension Shear Tenslon Shear Tension Shear 1500K and 0.145 Knurled 1 1/2. 260 499 579 725 383' 595' -- — 1600 WK SP 0.150 Smooth 1 /, 356 569 554 637 604 602 . 814' 820' 2434 381` TE 0.157 Knurled 11 1/1 442 676 630 662 760 725 582 532 311' 467' For SI: f inch = 25.4 mm, 1 Ibf = 4.45 N. 'Excepl where noted otherwise in this table, the allowable load values shown are for fastenings that have the entire pointed end of the fasteners driven Ihfough the steel plate. 21'astener penetration into the steel must be a minimum of'I6 inch, 'Faslener penetration into the steel must be a minimum of 1/2 inch, 'Faslener penetration into the steel must be a minimum of'l,o Inch ESR-1799 I Mosf WidolyAccep(od and Trusted Page 6 of g TABLE 6—ALLOWABLE LOADS FOR FASTENERS DRIVEN INTO CONCRETE MASONRY UNITS''' PART SHANK MINIMUM HOLLOW UNGROUTED CMU GROUT -FILLED CMU NUMBER DIAMETER EMBEDMENT SERIES (Inch) (inch) Face Shell' Mortar Joint` Face Shell' Mortar Joint` Top of Grouted Cell'"a Tension Shear' Tension Shear' Tension Shear' Tension Sheaf Tension Shear (Ibf) (Ibf) (Ibf) (Ibf) (Ibf) (Ibf) (ibf) (Ibf) (Ibt) (Ibf) TE 0,157 11 33 100 42 68 139 145 91 127 165 171 For SI: 1 inch = 25.4 mm, 1 Ibf = 4.4 N. 'Sea Section 3.7.5 for CMU., mortar and grout requireman16. 'Fa stenefs rnus[ be installed a minimum of 5.1 Inches IrQM the end of the wall. 'Fasteners must be fnslalled at the center of the CkaU cell. No more than one fastener may be installed in an individual CMU cell. 4APplicarale Io. fa$(0150 lri tWIO in (11e. hd'ritontel rhpdarJbinl (bed Jo)i1#). Minifnurn fastener spacing must be 5,1 inches. 'Allowable sliest lci d Value applies 10 lead Applied perpendicular to 'lhe mortar joint. "Fas(engrmusI be. inslalled vertipally-al the (op, ran ler ofgfotfted cell, rShear load cari be In any dfreclian perpendicular to (lie axis 61-Iit6 fastener. TABLE 7—ALLOWABLE TENSION AND SHEAR VALUES FOR CEILING CLIP ASSEMBLIES INSTALLED IN NORMAL -WEIGHT CONCRETE' (Ibf) PART NUMBER NOMINAL SHANK DIAMETER (inch) MINIMUM EMBEDMENT DEPTH (inches) MINIMUM SPACING (inchos) MINIMUM EDGE DISTANCE (Inches) CONCRETE COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH 4000 p61 6000 psi Tension Shear Tension Shear SDC100 0.145 4 3.2 115 120 — SDC125 0.145 1'/e 4 3.2 130 167 — SPC78 0.150 14 5.1 3.2 155 188 150 153 SPC114 0.150/0.180 1'/e 5 3.5 127 226 169 300 TEC100 0.157 rle 5.1 1 ror or 1 inch = 2b.4 mm, 1 Ibf = 4.45 N, 1 psi = 6.89 kPa. 'The fasteners must not be driven until the rnnrrete has reached the designated minimum compressive slrenglh. Minimum concrete thickness must be three limes the fastener embedment into the concrete. TABLE 8—ALLOWABLE TENSION AND SHEAR VALUES FOR CEILING CLIP ASSEMBLIES INSTALLED IN MINIMUM 3000 psi SAND-L(GHTWEIGHT CONCRETE FILLED STEEL DECK PANEL"'-' (Ibf) NAK I F SI NOMINAL MINIMUM MINIMUM FASTENER INSTALLATION LOCATION AND LOADING CONDITION NUMBER SHANK EMBEDMENT SPACING R DIAMET"(It DEPTH (Inches) Lower Flute Lower Flute Upper Flute Upper Flute ) (Inches) Tension Shear Tension Shear 5 '/a4 67 237 104 310 5 1'/44 94 276 106 319 0 '/e 4 59 202 04 324 .180 1'/a 4 157 272 180 33.4. - 7/a 5.1 88 -- -- • - �- or . ESR-I 799 Most Widely Accepted and Tf-usled Page 7 of a 3,000 psi LIGHTWEIGHT CONCRETE STEEL DECK 12" —4— N, • .1 41 4.1/2" . ....... ....... . . _I FASTENER DIRECTION OF SHEAR LOAD For SI: I inch= 25.4 Mm. See Tables 2 and 6. I = 3'/2" for 1500 and SP Series Fasteners (See Table 3) I = 3'12" for SDCJ 00, SDO125, SPC78, and SPC1 14 (See Table 8) I = 2'1," for TE Series Fasteners (See Tables 3 and 8) FIGURE 1—FASTENER INSTALLATION LOCATION IN SAND -LIGHTWEIGHT CONCRETE FILLED 3 INCH DEEP STEEL DECK 3000pf! LIGHTWEIGHT CONCRETE STEEL DECK 2-1/2" 718" FASTENER 1-314" FIGURE 2—FASTENER INSTALLATION LOCATION IN SAND -LIGHTWEIGHT CONCRETE FILLED 1'12 INCH DEEP STEEL DECK ESR-1799 I MOS( Widely Accepled and Tousled Page 8 of SDC TE FASTENERS ITW RAMS ET ITW BRANDS — DUO -FAST FIGURE 3—FASTENER MARKING FIGURE 4—RAMSET CEILING CLIP ASSEMBLIES SPC ICC-ES Evaluatlon Report ESR-1799 CBC and CRC Supplement Reissued June 2016 www.fce-es.ci I (800) 423-6587 1 (562) 699-0543 DIVISION: 03 00 00—CONCRETE Section: 03 16 00—Concrete Anchors DIVISION: 04 00 00—MASONRY Section: 04 05 19,16—Masonry Anchors DIVISION: 05 00 00--METALS Section: 05 05 23—Metal Fastenings DIVISION: 09 00 00-4`INISHES Section: 09 22 16.23—Fasteners REPORT HOLDER: ITW RAMS ET 700 HIGH GROVE BOULEVARD GLENDALE HEIGHTS, ILLINOIS 60139 www.ramset.com tanllsu M.r*rarbs et.CAR1 EVALUATION SUBJECT: This report is subject to renewal June 2017. A Subsidiary of the International Code Council' RAMSET AND DUO -FAST POWERACTUATED FASTENERS AND CEILING CLIP ASSEMBLIES 1.0 REPORT PURPOSE AND SCOPE Purpose: The purpose of this evaluation report supplement is to indicate that Ramset and Duo -Fast PowerActuated Fasteners and Ceiling Clip Assemblies, recognized in ICC-ES master evaluation report ESR-1799, have also been evaluated for compliance with the codes noted below. Applicable code editions: it 2013 California Building Code (CBC) 9 2013 California Residential Code (CRC) 2.0 CONCLUSIONS 2.1 CBC: The Ramset and Duo -Fast PowerActuated Fasteners and Ceiling Clip Assemblies, described in Sections 2.0 through 7,0 of the i•nastdr' evaluation report ESR-1793; comply with Ct3C Chapters 19, 19A, 22, and 22A, provided the design and instalfalion are in accordance with (he 2012 International Building Codee provisions noted in the master report and the additional requiramerjlj of CBt; Chapters 19, 19A, 22 aad 22A, as applicable. 2.2 CRC: The Ramset and Duo -Fast PowerActuated Fasteners and Ceiling Clip Assemblies, described in Sections 2.0 through 7.0 of the master evaluation repdjl ESR-1.799 comply with the CRC, provided the design and installation are in accordance with the 2012 InternqtloAel Residential Code provisions noted in the master report, This supplement expires concurrently with the master report, reissued June 2016. /CC-E.Y l oVewrion Repurlr arc nut to be ronstn+rdcas rep essmlrrg aesihericr or ot0r other arrrlbnres not speellI rly+aWrev,rrd. not arc dory rn +rc rueurrued ar air end3rrenrem of the rubject af'Ihr eVort or a r+ri'a+nH76fkiR7kfJ jur Ar use. % here is nu irorrvnty hp 1('(' ISa$wrir+v+.S'rrulce, 44 . exp+e,rr or 4Nrp1led. as' to uny finding ur uther matte• in this report, or ax to an}, produce covered b y the report. Copyright 0 2016 ICC Evaluation Service, LLC. All rights reserved: Page ;of 1 9/27/2Ul / Self -Drilling E Metal Screw I Metal Screws I Screws and Nails I Fastening Systems I Simpson Strong -Tie [httas://www .stranatie.caml! Sear(:;h strongtie.corn Home (6 > Fastening Systems (/fasteningsyslems/category) ) Screws and Nails(/screwsandnails_fasteningsystems/category) ) Metal Screws (/metalscrews_screwsandnails/category) '&©©® Self -Drilling E Metal Screw • � U?Z RECEIVED JAN 16 2020 5T. Lucie County, Permitting Key Features • Hex -washer head • Clear zinc finish Recommended for use with certain Simpson Strong -Tie connectors • #3 drill point (max. total drilling thickness 0.35") • Bit included in each box (replacement driver bit — BITHEXR38-134) Applications Cold -formed steel framing Codes • ASTM C1513 compliant Related Links • Fastening S stems Technicaf and Installation !Votes 1 roductslfastenin -s stems/technical-n tes Catalog Pages • Product Information: ® C-F-2017 tFastenina 5ystg!rns),a e 0 htt p Wembed. widencdn.netl dfl l us/ssttool box/8vnq o vt rt/C-F-2017- g099.pdf?u,qwur7r) • Technical Data and Loads: ® C-F-2017 (Fastening Systems), page 374 ,(htt :1/embed,wldencdn net/bdf/nlus/ssttoolbox/kaloshh6lw/C-F 2017- 2374.Pdf7u=bwur7r7 —' >s:HWww.strongtie.com/metalscrews srrawsanrinailc/a crro nr/n/ecl!_ irillinn_o_mo oL�nr e... oen-unning t Metal Screw I Metal Screws I Screws and Nails I Fastening Systems I Simpson Strong -Tie Related Literature Fastening Systems Catalog I C-F-2017 A full -color catalog containing Simpson Strong -Tie fastener solutions, including our Strong -Drive@, Deck -Drive@, Quik Drive@ and stainless -steel product lines. CATALOG j /resour a /literaturelfastenin -s stems-cataio i -- — - i Sistemas de Fijacion C-F-15SP Informacidn completa de nuestra linea de tornillos y clavos, grapas y clavos en sarta, tornillos en sarta I y sistemas de autoalimentacidn de tornillos Quik Drive@ pars sistemas de sujecidn. CATALOG i i i I r i Cftps:Jlemb_widencaln.netldownloadlsst#aolbox16138w36k1dIG-F-755P,odi7u�cim Z i Connectors for Cold -Formed Steel Construction C-CF-2017 A catalog including specifications, load tables and installation illustrations for our cold -formed steel connectors and clips. CATALOG j resources/lIterature cold -formed -steel -catalog Product Information Table s://www.strongtie.com/metalscrews screwsandnails/e_screw/p/self-drilling-e-metal-screw 2/4 -• -- - 111y " IVIOLGI J ICW I IVICLdl JL:IGwb 1 .)ujews ano IVaIIs I raslening oyslerns I JlfnpSUn oLrong-Ile Length Screw Drive Head L g Head Point Point Packaging Model No. - ' Diameter TPI - A C Coating/Material -- I (in.) Size Type Type Size - Type Quantity UPC (in.) 3/8 in. Hex Drill El81414B 1 414 0.500 Washer 14 3 Hex Point Head E161414R100 : 1 414 3/8 in. Hex DrUI Hex 0.500 Washer 14 3 1 Head Point Clear -Zinc Coating 2500 Clear -Zinc Coating 100 746056101604 I 746056119401 Load Tables • 5r�.,'an�%:;,�sa>c•^�.erx,�.�lrs<e+�.cn�Lsrr>ktLr.�.�;,tser�i'��ra+ere"��F+s Screw Strength (lb.) #14x 1" ElB1414 3,130 5,395 I 1,565 2,700 1,045 1,800 Cold -Formed Steel Member Connection Loads, Steel to Steel ASO 200 1 295 605 850 1,045� 390 505 920 1,160 1,6551105 140 250 320 455 r �� ;. #14 x 1 " E 1 B 1414 0.242 0.5 LI3FD ; 300 : 44.5' ;. 905;1 "�$O,'l_�565 : 68,5':.; 760 1,380.1, 740 2;480 ' 1 G0, ! 210 ; 38..Q-:I f .. Nominal strength 600 890 1,810 2 555_3 130:1,1701,520.2,760:3,475 4,960 320 415 755 955 111360' 1 � i 1. Screws shall extend through the connection with a minimum of three exposed threads per AISI General Provisions Standard Section D1.3. 2. Tabulated loads are based on calculations per AISI S100-07 using the thinner steel member in the connection. A safety factor of 0 = 3.0 and resistance factor 0 = 0.5 were used to determine the ASD and LRFD strength values. 3. Loads are based on cold -formed steel members with a minimum yield strength, Fy, of 33 ksi and tensile strength, Fu, of 45 ksi for 43 mil (18 ga.) and thinner, and a minimum yield strength of 50 ksi and tensile strength of 65 ksi for 54 mil (16 ga.) and thicker. 4. For other pertinent information, please refer to the Important Information roducts/connectorslccld-formed-steel-connectorsLtec nical- notes and General (Votes / roducts/connectors/cold- or ed-steel-connector technical- otes/ eneral-notes pages. Related Products s!//www.slrongtie.com/metalscrews_screwsandnails/e_screw/p/self-drilling-a-metal-screw 3/4 -• --- .�c n-vi un ny mutdl .JUftCw I IVICIdI ouluvvD I Ja7ews aria (Vans 1 I-aslening JYSIernS I Jlmpson Jlrong-I le Driver Bits (/d ri ve rb its_s c rews a n d n a i I s/b it_sc rew b it/p/driver- bits) //www.slrongtie.com/me la lscrews_screwsandnails/e_screw/p/self-drilling-e-metal-screw 4/4 - RECE JAN 16 2020 ST. Lucie County, Perrrrittirng Home (n > Fastening Systems (/fasleningsystems/category) ) Collated Screws for the Ouik Drive® System(/collatedscrews_tasteningsystems/category) Collated Interior Wood Screws(/collatedinleriorwoodscrews_collaledscrews/category) DWC Drywall Screw (Collated) 'sub=i r'Ji -_H^� 4•� k'j..v�. ..ti '.{'{IF'L w:r Key Features • Bugle head #2 Phillips (driver bit in each box; replacement bit model BIT2P) • Coarse threads Sharp point • Curved collation Applications • Drywall to wood Codes ASTM C1002-04 Type W Related Links • Fastenin. S stems Technical and Installation Notes 1 roductslfastenin -s stems technical -notes • Dever Bits Idriverbits screwsandnaiisltait screw8ftl (driver -bits Datalog Pages • O C-F-201 Fasierir S stems a e 270 htt • ::lenibed.wldencdr7 rietl dfl iusls ttooiboxl2rr1 ii w.ucrnlC-F-2017- 277. df?u= wur7r 3elated Literature 'resourc_eslliteratu elfastepi��stems-cataloff} //www,slrongtie.com/col laledinI( rinrwnrrierramrc ..,.- A-..—ii Fastening Systems Catalog C-F-2017 A full -color catalog containing Simpson Strong -Tie fastener solutions, including our Strong -Drive®, Deck -Drive®, Quik Drive® and stainless -steel product lines. CATALOG Sistemas de Fijaci6n C-F-15SP Informaci6n completa de nuestra linea de tornillos clavos ra as clavos en sarta tornill f Y , g p y os en sarta + y sistemas de autoalimentaci6n de tornillos Quik Drive® para sistemas de sujeci6n. I CATALOG 1 J I � i i... _......._..� htt s://embed.widencdn.neVdowNgad/ssttoolbox/6136w36k1d/C-F-15SP, df7u=c'm in Product Information Table _ -Drive ww _� . -. •-T Model No. - Length = Screw Head y Thread Point Packaging Compatible (in.) Size Type Type Type Type Coating/Material C • I Quantity Quik Drive® UPC I Tools f -- .......�;.. —` fd v� DWC114PS 1 iA #6 #2 Bugle Coarse C—Sharp ; Gray -Phosphate I Phillips I Head � Threads Point I Coating 2500 PR0200 746056015925 ` DWC158PS 1 5/8 f #6 42 , Bugle g Coarse Sharp Gray Phosphate I Phillips Head Threads Point j Coating 2500 PR0200 i 746056025023 i DWC1 PS ' 1 #6 ; 12 ; Bugle Coarse Sharp Gray -Phosphate _ Phillips fIf Head I Threads Point Coating 2500 PR0200 746056051619 j #2 ~ DWC212PS 21/2 q6 Bugle E Coarse Sharp Gray Phosphate I Phillips Head Threads I Point 4 I Coating 1500 PR0250DW 746056057796 _ DWC2PS 2 #6 f 3 42 Phillips Bugle Head Coarse Threads Sharp Point Gray -Phosphate Coating i ! 2000 PR0200, PR0250DW 746056039488 ! //www.slrongtie.com/collatedinleriorwoodscrews_collatedscrews/dwc cscrew/p/dwc-drywall-screw 2/3 �.�.. ...�...- —.1— ---W—a..- .1,I. 11.E 11 Iv— --II 42 HCKDWC114PS 11/4 46 Bugle Coarse Sharp Gray -Phosphate 1000 PR0200 746056056911 Phillips Head Threads Point Coating HCKDWC158PS 15/8 46 42 Bugle Coarse Sharp Gray -Phosphate 1000 PR0200 746056056904 Phillips Head Threads Point Coating Related Products �� P ,fir-srr.�L�x".•�k`��''�`�t "7�'a�'r��.L`-i�!� r>�''�.�t�+��`Y+ _ pt Quik Drive® PRO200 Drywall System (/qu ikdrivesystems_q ui kdrivesystems/pro200_gdsystem/p/q ui k- drive-pro 200-d rywal I -system) Driver Bits (/driverbits_screwsandnails/b it_screwb it/p/driver-bits) Quik Drive® PRO250DW Drywall Attachment (/quikdriveattachments_quikdrivesystems/pro250dw_cidattach/p/quik• drive-pro250dw-drywall-attachment) //www.strongtie.corn/collatedinteriorwoodscrews collatedscrews/dwc cscrew/o/dwc-drywall-screw �/�