HomeMy WebLinkAboutT1 Code Information (3) I` . : Aveem OM � 00 �!7W STOR CONSTRUCTIO-..- 9 100 A PROTOTYP ' A z o � 1 • - � •I -Jh iO" Cn Cumberland 'falOx I • 0 1 � A-, NBC) .� 0 D O DOLLAR GENERALL] 1 , .: Store .. • Apple eqwww IAwow Arnold R�d irginiAvenuer � w - @::0 FDRAWING INDEX rl r, • I ' ER SHEET, CODE INFORMATION, SHEET INDEXERAL PROJECT INFORMATION ~ s-r� T3 PRODUCT APPROVALS Medical CIVIL WCnlm Cross', . . SQUARE FOOTAGE LEGEND CO COVER SHEET Cl EXISTING & DEMO PLAN C2 SITE PLAN QF•••F� j TOTAL SQUARE FOOTAGE 9,100 S.F. ��•••••• ••0� • TOTAL LEASABLE AREA 9,026 S.F. C2A WETLAND EXHIBIT �j`Q'•• `boy OVERALL BUILDING DIMENSIONS 70'-0" X 130'-0" C3 GEOMETRIC AND UTILITY LAYOUT E NEY N SALES FLOOR DIMENSIONS 68'-0" X 104'-6" C4 GRADING PLAN AR92549 SALES AREA 7, C5 POND PLAN & PROFILES �'. `,�, E 263 S.F. 7� 20z\ VICINITY MAP RECEIVING AREA 1 ,111 S.F. C6 DIRECTIONAL DRILL PROFILE (1) `sT''•••• •�•� NOT TO SCALE BREAK ROOM & OFFICE AREA 175 S.F. C7 DIRECTIONAL DRILL PROFILE (2) FRED•ARG S TOILET ROOMS & HALLWAY AREA 175 S.F. C8 CIVIL CONSTRUCTION NOTES TOTAL NET AREA 8,724 S.F. C9 CIVIL CONSTRUCTION DETAILS (1) (BLDG AREA PER BLDG CODE) C10 CIVIL CONSTRUCTION DETAILS (2) E Cll CIVIL CONSTRUCTION DETAILS (3) Q C12 CIVIL CONSTRUCTION DETAILS (4) > CODE INFORMATION C13 WATER CONSTRUCTION DETAILS 12.DESIGN LOADS: SEE STRUCTURAL DRAWING SHEET SO. C14 SEWER CONSTRUCTION DETAILS Zp 04 1.GENERAL INFORMATION: 5.1 Special Occupancy 8.2 Other Rated Elements w Element Required UL* (Hourly Rating) Number C15 SEWER P.S. DETAILS a Name of Project: Dollar General Occupancy Category: O S-2 Enclosed Parking Garage w/S-2 open parking above Interior Walls U � v Project Address: Virginia Avenue&38th Street,Fort Pierce FL 34947 - Live Load Roof PSF C16 EROSION CONTROL PLAN U _Unlimited height for B,M and R Bearing None N/A N/A W > a Proposed Use: Mercantile/Retail Store Parking Beneath R -R-2 Type III A -R-2 Type II A Non-bearing None N/A N/A Floor PSF C17 EROSION CONTROL DETAILS Q "' G Owner or Authorized Agent: DGC Fort Pierce LLC - G -Open parking beneath A,I,B,M and R Ceiling-Floors None N/A N/A Wind Load: Basic speed MPH(3-second gust,ASCE-7-05 Edition) w o 0 Mr.Haymes Snedeker C18 TRAFFIC CONTROL H _S-2 enclosed parking with A,B,M or R above Beams None N/A N/A Exposure Importance Factor Q N Address: 805 Trione Avenue Columns None N/A N/A Internal Pressure Coefficient E A N D C S A P E Qt-- oo Daphne,Alabama 36526 5.2 Mixed Occupancy -Yes X No (If Yes,Separation Hr.) Ceiling-Roofs None N/A N/A w 2.LEAD DESIGN PROFESSIONALS: Shafts-Exit None N/A N/A TP200 TREE PROTECTION PLAN Exception Shafts-Other None N/A N/A Buildingwill be designed as: Enclosed Building Unenclosed Building-Open Designer Name License# Phone None N/A N/A g gLP200 LANDSCAPE PLANTING PLAN Architectural: Todd F. Stewart,RA AR92549 251.947.3864 Identif whether you are using the provisions of Non-separated uses or separated uses Corridor Separation y y g p p p Occupancy Separation None N/A N/A Allowable soil bearing pounds/sq.ft. LP500 LANDSCAPE PLANTING DETAILS Civil: Perry C.Jinright,PE FL 61289 251.928.3443 by placing an"x"below by your design choice. None N/A N/A Soil Report -Yes -No -N/A Party/Fire re Wall �T� Landscape: Chad Watkins LA 6666896 251.948.7181 None N/A N/A LI200 LANDSCAPE IRRIGATION PLAN I-�--I Structural: Russell S.Barton FL 63599 251.219.4942 Separation: -Non-Separated Mixed Occupancy None N/A N/A Earthquake Design Smoke Barrier LI500 LANDSCAPE IRRIGATION DETAILS H Mechanical: Wade Stewart,PE FL 65932 251.937.6313 Separation: None N/A N/A Seismic Design Load Controls -Yes -No -N/A Electrical: Wade Stewart,PE FL 65932 251.937.6313 The required type of construction for the building shall be determined by applying the None N/A N/A If seismic design controls,furnish data required in STRUCTURAL Height Fire Alarm: Wade Stewart,PE FL 65932 251.937.6313 Tenant Separations: ght and area limitations for each of the applicable occupancies to the entire building. *Or other approved agencies S0.0 STRUCTURAL NOTES Letter of Supervision Provided -Yes X No The most restrictive type of construction,so determined,shall apply to the entire 13. SPECIAL DETAILED REQUIREMENTS O building. FOOTNOTES I have reviewed the special detail requirements in Chapter 4 as indicated below and S1.0 FOUNDATION PLAN O 1. All fire rated walls shall be identified on plans by hatching,shading,etc.; show legend. incorporated the provisions into my design. S2.0 SECTIONS AND DETAILS � 3.GENERAL CODE DATA: -Separated Mixed Occupancy ® 2. Identify code section when using any special exceptions,etc. REQUIREMENT APPLICABLE(YES or N/A) 3.1 Building and Fire Codes used in design: N/A ARCHITECTURAL Each portion of the building shall be individually classified as to use and shall be 8.3 Draftstopping 402 Covered Mall building 2017 Florida Building Codes(Sixth Edition) completely separated from adjacent areas by fire barrier walls or horizontal assemblies Draftstopping in floor(718.2)-Yes -No X N/A 403 High rise buildings N/A 2014 National Electric Code or both having a fire-resistance rating determined in accordance with Table 302.3.3 for Draftsto m in attic 718.3 X 404 Atriums N/A F01 FIXTURE PLAN � pp' g ( )-Yes -No -N/A N/A 2012 Florida Accessibility Code for Building Construction the uses being separated.For each story,the area of the occupancy shall be such 405 Under Ground buildings A01 FLOOR PLAN, DETAILS AND INTERIOR PARTITIONS Q 2017 Fire Prevention Code(Sixth Edition) that the sum of the ratios of the actual floor area of each use divided by the 406 Motor-vehicle Related Occupancies N/A ( ) oor-veceeae ccupances 8.3.1 Distance to Property Line from Exterior Wall(Table 602) 0 allowable floor area for each use shall not exceed 1. 407 Group I-2 N/A A01.1 LIFE SAFETY PLAN (Site Plan/Reference Plan required) 408 Group I-3 N/A N/A A02 EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS � � � _Incidental Use Areas Fire Separation Distance: Type IIB Construction between greater than 30'-0" 409 Motion Picture Projection Rooms Z 3.2 Construction Description: Actual Area of Occupancy A + Actual Area of Occupancy B Fire Resistance Rating: 0 HR. 410 Stages&Platforms N/A A03 SECTIONS AND DETAILS Allowable Area of Occupancy A Allowable Area of Occupancy B< 1 411 Special Amusement Buildings N/A A04 ROOM FINISH SCHEDULE AND SALES FLOOR ELEVATIONS O W X New Construction -Renovation(Existing Bldg.) -Tenant Build-out 8.4 Life Safety Systems SECTION 1006 412 Aircraft Related Occupancies Alteration -Addition 6.ALLOWABLE AREA AND HEIGHT-TABLE 503 413 Combustible Storage N/A A05 DOOR SCHEDULE AND DETAILS M--I 1008.3 Emergency Lighting: X Yes -No -N/A 414 Hazardous Materials N/A A06 ENLARGED TOILET ROOM PLANS AND DETAILS 6.1 Area Increase-Sprinkler Increase 1001.2 Exit Signs: X Yes No -N/A 415 Groups H-1 H-2 H-3 H-4 &H-5 r l K Scope of Work: g - P N/`� NOT REQUIRED 907.1 Fire Alarm: X Yes -No -N/A 416 Application of flammable finishes N/A A07 DUMPSTER ENCLOSURE AND DETAILS �--I Construction of a new+/-9,100 s.f.retail store. Building structure is pre-engineered metal 907. Smoke Detection Systems: X Yes -No -N/A 417 Drying Rooms N/A Q� buildingover structural slab on pier foundation and grade beams. 6.1 Allowable Area Panic Hardware: X Yes -No -N/A N/A A08 REFLECTED CEILING PLAN p g Allowable area: 12,500 SF - 418 Organic Coatings 9.EXIT REQUIREMENTS: 14.N/A A09 ROOF PLAN AND METAL BUILDING NOTES Actual area: 9,100 s.f.total 4.BUILDING DATA: 9.1 Exit Access A10 CONCRETE ANALYSIS AND MISCELLANEOUS NOTES 6.2 Allowable Height No.of exits required: 2 15.QUALITY ASSURANCE FOR WIND REQUIREMENTS •,�� O Construction Type -IA -IB-IIA X IIB IIIA IIIB Allowable height 55 FT. No.of exits furnished: 3 I have prepared a quality assurance plan for wind requirements and have included this MECHANICAL Q O IV-A -IV-B -V-A V-B Allowable no.of stories 2 plan with my permit documents.-Yes X No -N/A Actual building height 18'-6" 9.2 Means of egress width I have notified the Contractor of his responsibility under Section 1706 M1 MECHANICAL NOTES AND LEGEND Mixed Construction-Yes X No (If Yes,Types ) - Actual no.of stories 1 -Yes No X N/A M2 MECHANICAL PLAN W Sprinklers Yes X No -Partial Units of Exit required: 72" � •rl System Type -13 -13R -13D ® Units of Exit furnished: 180 16 SAFETY GLAZING FOR HAZARDOUS LOCATION M3 MECHANICAL DETAILS 7.OCCUPANT LOAD: Table 1004.1.2 O Standpipes -Yes- Yes No -Wet -Dry Class -Combined Stair width units required: n/a I have identified on drawings where tempered glass is required in hazardous locations. Building Height +/-18' Ft. Retail Sales Area 7,263 S.F.@ 60 Gross- 122 Occupants(Egress Calculated Occupancy Stair width units provided: n a (2406.2) -Yes No -X-N/A ELECTRICAL Number of Stories 1 or Stock/Shipping: 1,111 S.F.@ 300 Gross= 4 Occupants(Egress Calculated Occupancy Mezzanine _Yes X No 9.3 Diagonal Rule 17.PREFABRICATED METAL BUILDINGS EO ELECTRICAL NOTES AND LEGENDS High Rise -Yes X No Actual Occupancy 126 Total Occupants Meets 1028.1 X Yes -No -N/A Requirements for metal building erection drawings included on drawings? X Yes -No -N/A ES1 ELECTRICAL SITE PLAN Atrium _Yes X No 8.FIRE PROTECTION REQUIREMENTS: 18.PRE-ENGINEERED TRUSSES Live Loads shown?-Yes -No X N/A - ES2 SITE PHOTOMETRIC PLAN Basement _Yes X No 8.1 Table 601 9.4 Travel Distance 200 Ft. Wind Loads shown?-Yes -No X N/A E1 POWER AND AUXILLARY PLAN Building Element Req'd Rating UL No.* Allowable Travel Distance Certification from manufacturer(Sealed)-Yes -No X N/A 5.OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION: Actual Travel Distance(Maximum) <105 Ft. - E2 LIGHTING PLAN M Structural frame, M -Assembly-A-1 -A-2 -A-3 -A-4 -A-5 (Including columns,girders,trusses) 0 N/A E3 ELECTRICAL DETAILS Business 9.5 Spaces with one means of egress PROJECT NO: 20-005 - Bearing Walls For buildings with one means of egress,I have checked the occupant load and the E4 PANEL SCHEDULES -Education Exterior 2 N/A g g p DRAWN BY: RJD -Factory Industrial -F-1 -F-2 Interior 0 N/A common path of travel against the requirements FBC 1001. -Yes -No X N/A EMS1 LOW VOLTAGE PLAN Institutional -I-1 _I-2 -1-3 -I-4 CHK'D BY: TFS - Non-bearing walls and partitions 10.LIFE SAFETY PLAN (I-3 Use Condition -1 -2 -3 -4 -5) Exterior 0 N/A EMS2 CPU TERMINAL DIAGRAM X Mercantile Interior 0 N/A Provided X Yes -No (If yes,Drawing No. AO1.1 ) PLUMBING SHEET NO: -Residential -R-1 -R-2 -R-3 -R-4 Floor Construction -Storage-S-1 -S-2 -High-piled (Including supporting beams and joists) 0 11.ACCESSIBILITY: GENERAL -Utility and Miscellaneous Roof construction Design conforms to ANSI Standard 117.1. X Yes -No N/A P1 PLUMBING PLAN - INFORMATION N -Parking Garage -Open-Enclosed -Repair (Including supporting beams and joists) 0 N/A If no,explain condition that will not allow building to be accessible. P2 ENLARGED PLUMBING PLAN & CODE REVIEW P3 PLUMBING DETAILS AND RISER T1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 15