HomeMy WebLinkAboutRevisions; Relocate Bathroom etcOFFICE USE ONLY: DATE FILED: REVISION FEE: y 111 PERMIT # Q0,9 - a RECEIPT # �� c PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES t� BUILDING & CODE REGULATION DMSION 2300 VIRGINIA AVENUE O C T 2 ®; , f FORT PIERCE, FL.34982.5652 (772) 462.1553 ST. Lucie County, Permitting APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT REVISIONS PROJECT INFORMATION LOCATION/SITE ADDRESS: 35C. �iic)wFr} P)PCc -Q- DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT REVISIONS: Co\.)Q(- Sree-} etc tiDSP� e1(oc'ik ' k roof- ;aQ Sto%o- C cr'c+ plan CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: e) 0 e S 1 S C'f -�- STATE of FL REG./CERT. #: '(>J C 0 to O y a ► ST. LUCIE CO CERT. #: BUSINESS NAME: -;:SoC©bS C VN c QUALIFIERS NAME: n o` ADDRESS: L1761 0 1 eo' t' 2 CITY: . a r �- i e c ce.- STATE: F7L- ZIP: 3 4 cl 6 Z PHONE (DAYTIMM): -7 7 Z - FAX: 7 -7Z - 14 - L/ of O WNE"UILDER INFORMATION: m c o bS y 7 O I () a 'i 1, cor NAME: ADDRESS: CITY: PHONE (DAYTIME: STATE: FAX: ARCffiTECT/ENGINEER INFORMATION: nn NAME: C+� �/" i e n d� ADDRESS: loQ- e . e- CITY: T© c't- V i E Gc 2 TATE: _-C— PHONE (DAYTIlVIE): 72? _ Lj �y _ © ) 0 FAX: SLCCC: 9123109 Revised 06130/17 ZIP: �41lwo,, �, xEvrsroN e c'c ° FL 3y9Sl JOHN JACOW, CONGTRUC` ION, ilk. 47oi OLEANDER AVE FORT PIERCE, FL 349K 772.M-9334 SON Cleveland Design Group, Inc. 772-464-2010 October 19, 2020 vidand12Qyahoo.com To: St. Lucie County Building Department Perm, #_2002402T3 To whom it may concern; 100 Avenue A, Suite 2E Fort Pierce, Florida 34950 - - R U M OCT 2 6 _020 ST. Lucie County, Permitting We have revised the original permit set of drawings to reflect field changes on the above project. The revisions are as follows. 1. Relocate the bathroom. 2. Provide a storage closet. 3. Replace the hot water heater with an on demand insta hot. 4. Use an open cell insulation in the attic instead of closed cell. 5. Re -nail the existing plywood on the roof to provided specifications. 6. Revise electrical load calculations, to include instal -hot. 7. Provide additional strapping detail and uplift calculations. Have roofer pull permit to install a new metal roof finish ( not part of this application). These changes have been encapsulated in the two revised sheets and are clouded on the drawings. Thank You David M. Cleveland President of Cleveland Design Group,lnc. Florida Power & Light Company November 61h, 2020 John Jacobs Construction Inc. 4701 Oleander Avenue Ft. Pierce, FL 34982 Project Location: 356 Midway Rd, Fort Pierce RE: Tankless Water Heater Installation Dear: John Jacobs Thank you for contacting FPL about the installation of your Tankless Water Heater at 356 E Midway Rd, Fort Pierce. Florida Power & Light has no objections to the installations s of the orme W Rheem RTex-08 Tankless water heater at the 356 Midway Rd project. is Of the 8KW water heater the ding the at Peak In ddi loaded at 36.89KVA, with the addition tion, 45.78KVA which is under the 50KVA rated TX that is currently feeding property. the current load being used on the building is 16.2 KWD and with the additional load of 8KW it will bring the total to 24.2KWD with an Amperage of 112.02 that will be on the Conductor which falls within the rating. Voltage Drop and Flicker calculation is good as well and falls within range. 1f additional loading is added to the building there can be instances where the Voltage and Flicker can fall below the acceptable range and will be the customer's responsibility to pay for the upgrades of the facilities. If you have any additional question, please let me know. If you should require additional information, please contact me at 772-337-7058. Sincerely, osley Gonzalez Engineering Lead an FPL Group Company RECENEo Nov 16 110 np9tting D part Pent St. Lucie 1 Florida Power & Light Company, 3301 Orange Ave, Fort Pierce, FL 34947 FPL November 9, 2020 John Jacobs Construction, Inc. 4701 Oleander Avenue Ft. Pierce, FL 34982 Re: Tankless Water heater installation for 356 Midway Rd, Fort Pierce, FI 34982 Thank you for contacting Florida Power & Light about the installation of the tankless water heater. FPL's proposed transformer and service cables are adequate to serve the load of this RTEX-08 (8kw) water heater. FPL has no objection to this installation. If I can be of any further assistance, please contact me at (772) 489-6204. Sincerely, A NEXTera ENERGY Company `t M f i.<, �y �i'BGI�'IPII � s t ! 1 t fir „ f S.4772 ��${}!. tiff 1 i <�0 �. 1 �4,,,� ■1�.® 47 2 �adc�M ._. f ': � � r , Y i i 3 k 3iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiillillilllllllllllllllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIillillillillj Dr B $ XI I i `�TtLVG`i Ut2a� b�ET1L5 3 Nu I r t e r r i.. _._ .... ..._—_� — .....•`"' DESCRIPTION FEATURES ROUGHING IN DIMENSIONS (SHOWN IN INCHES):, F RECOMMENDED MIN. MAX. SHIP I : BREAKER RECOMMENDED FLOW FLOW WATER WEIGHT NUMBER MN AMPS SZ VO!TALE WIRE SIZE (CU} (GPM) (GPM):HEIGHT WIDT!i DEPTH i�ONN. 4LRSd ^yt� y ..-' _ r _ ,: `b, 120 ID AW6 0.3 :, 5-//8 10 '+; 2-314 V2 NP7 4.5 RTEK O4 3 5 29A # 4 HTEX_O6 5.5 25A (i �, �,- •� ., n 5)A 220 "o 'Ar+l' 03 ' , 5-I'8 10-7/8 A3i4 1/2 NPT db ^' 6.0 .:. 83A (1 a0)A 240 5l9,G 0.3 125/S 8-1/4 3-5/S 1/2 CF 7- j , 1 j -_ MIN s I R :ENf :IS E DD ELECTRICAL LOAD CALCULATIONS ! ;{yF�, I ii we PER NEC 220 8 aole ' I i mxev n M $ i9 I656 S.F. @ 4.5 vA ~ 7452 VA 9 , 6 0 EFRONT @ 200 A 1200 v ' j v " d?00 VA X 125 /� — 10, 000 VA_.. ; , .. _ -___; .,. t 4 ,.,...,.. _ . ,.... 4 REF — 1200 VA f 7 MICRO 1200 VA �--" ~ EWC s , t r — 900 VA HVAC 10,000 VA TOTAL = 31952 VA— k N j r w y }-r cu Z w _ j pp j� V 0 s p i 31952 VA /240= 133.13 AMP TOTAL DEMAND { 6 jc i t f �4°a NOTE. USE EXISTING 200 AMP PANEL i i __. Q ( 1 4 t. ILI CLtt + j y`L I $ �. 1 ti. rc -i i ( 9 , s , I r , i __ _x. _._,. _ u_ _ ,_ ..:_._._.,_. ___ .. , _ _, .. . _. _ I ►� 4r , , �o►K.y� �TtizUc 1. `�IP�Pt'ItJ� Df.�IL I F t t REVIEWED FOR, , ! r III I 4 vE i @s L ; # rev DE Tt5TLUCCE COUNTYCC > } i • f 4 , i r i 1 I , f bor Ao , l 1 2 3 4 5 9 12 1 «) h 1 16 17 1 1 2� 2 3 2 F" ���, ��. �,� m .�, 7 28 29 30 31 , TEMPERATURE RISE °P 0.5 1.0 is 2.0 2.5 &0 4.0 5.5 &0 MODEL NUMBER GPM GPM GPM GPM GPM GPM GPM GPM GPM R EEX-04 i4° 24° 18 « RI X-06 RTEX-08 7° 22° 18° 14° — — RTEX-11 + 75° 50° 38° 30° 25° is - _ — I RTEX 3 + 89° 59° 44° . RTEX-18 + + 82°_ 62° 49° 41° 31° 25° — RTEX-24 + + 109° 82° 68° 55° 41° 33°27° RTEX-27 + + + 92° 74° 82° 48° 37° 31° RTE756 + + + + 1 98° 82° 62° 49- 41° SCALE: Oc'fi ZoZc7 DRAWN BY: V^v/] 4a 8. �& 35n.,�m�.:w.4�^Fi'1`�14 _. -• A°1:1'�5�56 ,��. ^Ski;:G:3i T �`u3 Hrt±� iiA�+'C., ... �. 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