HomeMy WebLinkAboutBUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION - 8024 PLANTATION LAKES DRAll APPLICABLE INFO MUST BE COO PLATED FOIN APPLICATION TO BE ACCEPTED Date: 1-14-2021 Permit tY umber; - l3u ildi rig Permit Application Pfonn�rq DrO Oyftnt SerwiM Bui�Qing and Cie ReguQ3[ion Djuiston Carnm$rc1-a6 �R�SI��f1#ICI 2300 VkOrria Auen"R, for[ Pierce F1 34 Pkinne= (772) 4621-1553 Fax' (7721 462.157.9 HERMIT APPLICATION FOR: RER00F PRC IRMED IMPROVEMENT LOCATION: Add re-5s: 8024 PLANTATION LAKES DR _ P rro-perry Tax ID #: 3 1--0033-DOO-0 5Gt,e Plarr N a me; Lot No.27 Blok No. Project Nam e: — D ETAI LE D DESCRI PTIOIV O F WOW �l REMOVE TILE ROOF I N STALL 30# FE LT FL2346, 1 N TALL T LJ PLUS UNDE R LAYM ENT FL5259 I NSTALL H I P & R IDG E FO R TI LE FL5374- INSTALL T I LE FL7849. P(D LYFOAM TILE ADH E IVE FL6276 New Electrical Meter SeLrA3 nd E lectrica I Wkler — 7 ONSTRUCTION INFORMATION - Additional work tD fbe parfvrrned Under this permit -check all that apply: _M.Pcha n ica I _bias Tank J Gas Piping Electrtic _ Plurnbirk _ Spri n klers Total 5q- Ft of C.rnstrurtion; 4,057 cc3st of Construttiom s,750 OVVN ER/LFSSEE= rja m e David J Sanack Add ress:6024 PlaaL tlon Lakes DR city'. PORT :ST LUCIE $tat*; ip code' $498 Fax, Phone No,= - . _:shutters W' dows/ors _ Pond Generator T Roof 5112 Pitch Sq. Ft. of first Floor: 4,057 L.Itllitles: _ Sewi�r _Septic E-Mail: RII in fee simqile Title Holder on next page ( if d ifferent from the Dwner listed above) CONTRACTOR: Nam-e; ROLAND WILEY BUllding Hight: $ FT omRa rrw_SHORELINE ROOFING — Address; 1073 SW C LENDAL E CTREE t City: PROFIT ST LUC I E state: FL Zip Cade; 347 _ Fq)x Pftorre N0 772-2 0-9565 E•MaiI HORELINEFk FIN @YAHQ0. 0M SRati.- or C-Owity Lice nse COC11 331170 ff wiliue -of construction Is 25W or more. a RECORDED WkE of Co-rrtierbCemerrk 1% Mqul ned- If walug of NAVC is VrSW OF mpre, a RECORDED Natice oft Co mmencemtnt Is required. SU PPLEMENTAL CO N STFI: U CTION LIEN LAW INFORMATION: INEER; Name=� Address: Address: City - State: City' State-. Zip; phne Nat App I ica MORTGAGECOMPANY' _ Not Applicable trEE SIMPLE TITLE H 0 DER: Narrre Rio: Phone, Not Appka ble I BONDING COMPANY; NaM-R' Addre.ss= City, Zip=— - Phone; - Name: Address-, City: zip: Phone: Not Applicable OWNER/ CONTRACTOR AFFIIDViT: AppliCation is hereby made to Wain a permit to do the work -and InstalIati*+ $5 Indicated, I certify that no work or in€tbldation has Commenced prior to the issti.Ante of a pei-MIK. $t. Lucie Countty� makcr5 HO representation d7at is gr;)ri#Ing a permit will aurthorize the permit holder to buddthe subject Str,dtture which Is In conflict with an�r appLcable Home Uwrtrs Association ruses, bylaws or and covenant a that rnay+ restrict M prohibit such structure, PI oons-ult + 1th your Home Owners. Association and rj�wl-ew your eyed for any restr10cros which may applyr. I rl Consideration of the granting of this requested perm it, I clo heielav agree that I will, i n all respects, perform the work in accordance wKh the approved plans, the Florida Building Codes and St. Luce Cou ntV Amendments. The following building permit applications aFe 4�xe.mpt from undergoing a hall Concurrency rewlew- rim editions, acces5urV struMre5, swimming pmlk fences, walls, signs, screco rooms and &cce' ry+ us -es to another norn-resldentiai use WAR N ING TO OWN E R. hour failure to Retold a Biotic@ of mmeriieerme rd may resutt in Raying twwLae for improvern ants to your property- A Notice of Co mme nce rrl-ent m ust be re -corded in the pu Wie records of St. Lull a Cou my a nd pasted on the jobsite before the first inspeCtion- If you inten d to obta i n #i nantl rig. Wn salt with leader o r a n attgrn ew before earn merlti n work or regarding w u r Nit ite �f Commer�Ceme nt, A-eC41 lessee act S Agent for 0 rrer I AuLILere of one ckrxiLlcnse HClder STATE OF FLORID ,�.� . C4tl NTY OF - s or for affirmed] and sub5[r1bed before me of PhvSIcal presence of Online Nctariiaticir, th Is -lax of 2020 by AFame uf person rn7C?R eme nt o fier5�$IIy Knflwn ProdUOed Identlf+Cai $ Type ut I&ntlfication Pr ueed Ce W ICy-K L� (Signature of 1%161:r br ic- 5tate of F143ri o COmml scion W3. [Seal f STATE OF FLORIDi CCUW-Y OF swo for affrmd] and su bscrl bed b-efofe me of ,/to Phpirt I Presence o+r _ Online Nokarltiaer th i5 day of _ 2020 by I R)l Piame of person maki skajerf7e w Personalky� Kn OR Produced Identlflcation v -ryrpe *f Identification o I produced a U ] (Signature of Not UkAic- state of Roeida-66 F Commission No. i (Sealy= *+ R EVI EWS FRGN1r ZON I-NG SUPERV IS IA PLANS COU N-rEk R EVI EW I REVIEW R EVI EVY ICE-GETAT11 N SEA TUFLTfE MANGRDVE REVIEW REVIEW I REVIEVY