HomeMy WebLinkAboutCompaction Test �tt�n —gyp? DENSITY ... EnOW I 7� OFIELD REPORT _.._....... or kie€7Fstieidrs :..... €Your:Fio'ect is`OurCoirimifinen4 PROJECT NO.' PSL-1316 TO CLIENT Lennar. Homes, LLC Lennar Homes, LLC C.C. 8895 N Military Trl Ste. 101-B r Palm Beach Gardens, FL [h: 33410 MAY -A, 017 ATTN: Thomas Leo PLit-" _ St. F✓Lci.�.: .. ..:. PROJECT Meadow wood LOCATION Btwn I-95 and Johnson Rd. Fort Pierce, FL REPORT NO. 6 NO.OF DENSITIES 5 TESTED BY M. Updike DATE TESTED Apr 10,2017 CONTRACTOR See Supporting Lab Testing AREA Proofroll Reports for Detailed Material CONSTRUCTION TYPE (0-12") Descriptions DENSITY Laboratory MOISTURE DRY DENSITY LOCATION ry COMPACTION NUMBER Soil Identifier FIELD LAB. FIELD LAB % 16 Lot 192- Approximate Center Lt Brown Sand ' 6.6 12.0 108.2 107.5 101 S1 Trace Shell Frags 17 Lot 194- Approximate Center Lt Brown Sand 7.4 12.0 107.0 107.5 100 Sl Trace Shell Frags 18 Lot 195- Approximate Center Lt Brown Sand 6.9 12.0 107.6 107.5 100 Sl Trace Shell Frags 19 Lot 196- Approximate Center Lt Brown Sand' 7.9 12.0 107.5 107.5 100 S1 Trace Shell Frags 20 Lot 197- Approximate Center Lt Brown Sand 6.8 12.0 107.2 107.5 100 Sl Trace Shell Frags V � QA OFIELD METHOD Nuclear ASTM D6938 � 98 LABORATORY METHOD Modified Proctor ASTM D1557 A s ' N51"f18S,.INi)IG4TrA COMMENTS f G - Page 1 of 1 Apr 10 2017 P Nutting Engineers of Florida,Inc. '- P fifee . These test results only represent compaction measured at the location reported to a maximum depth of 12 Inches below the surface tested l klRlchaTd( lossl,:p E.7t42U� This report does not reflect bearing capacity or deeper loll conditions. This report shall not be reproduced,except in full or relied upon without prior written approval of Nutting Engineers of Florida,Inc.. Palm Beach(561)736-4900*Broward(964)941-8700*Miami Dade(305)824-006.b=*P6A.St -Lucie.(772)408.1050 I