HomeMy WebLinkAboutTruss Drawing (2) + Southern Truss Companies,Inc. Truss: B6G
s 2590 N.Icings Highway
SOUTHERN &S Project Name: 2371-A
Component Solutions7M SUSS Fort Pierce,FI 34951 ate. 8/220/2016 7:4120 AM
uss COMPANIES (800)232-0509 (772)464-4160 (772)318-0016 Fax
Version:2016.5.1[Build 5
24-11-12 5/12 1 0-0-0 0-M 1-9-14 1-9-14 1 24 in 121 lbs
• 2-1-14 1 4-11-8 1 - 5-" 1 5-0.6 1 4-11.8 1 2-1-14
2-1-14 7-1-6 12-5-14 17-10-6 22-9-14 24-11-12
5x8 HS i s- 2x61 5xe HS is-
TT 12 3 4 5 12
q 5F— 15
em t2 4x71 4x7 b
4x4- 4x4-
1 7
12 11 10 9
13 77c6- 4x4- 3x6- 7x6- 6
3x61 3x61
CJ7,J7ELI J7 0 Q CJ7 J7
0-0-0 0-"
y1-14 4-11-8 5-" Sd-8 4-11-8 2-1-14
C 2-1-14 711-0 1 12.514 1710.E 22-9.14 1 24
Loading General CSI Summary Deflection L/ (loc) Allowed
Lend (gO Hdg Code:- FBC 2014/ TC: a95(4-5) Yat TL' a2s io L/855 (9-10) L/240
TOLL; 20 TPI I-2007 BC: 1.00(940) Wt L3.: a09in L/999 10 LI360
TCDL: 15 Rep Mbr tacos.; No Wb: 0.96(69) Cmt/OH M. 0.02 in UP ZL/999 (1-1) 2L 1120
BOLL: 0 D.O.L; 125 X Cml/OH LL• O in UP 2L 999 (7-7) 2L/120
DL: 10 H�TL 0.05m 8
Plate Offsets(JnMY.A& (1:2AM Q) (2:1-12,3.1,22) (3:14U-3,0.) (4.-K3 90) (s:l-L,3$Q) <6:1a23-L=) (7:2,0.3-Z.a) (8UQ3-4,90L)
(90A3 8.0.) Oo.0*34M) (I1:042-0.0.) (12:0A3-8.Q) (13:0-U-k a)
Reaction Summary
JT Twe $¢C-A. Bic E_ Material &-Ben Wdth Mac React MarmUplift Mac WndUplift Mu UpIiR Max Haiz
13 Pin(M) 1 8 m Cmaete Masmry l is Z1291bs - -1,0271b, -1,OZl It fil lbs
8 H Roll(W0) 1 8 iv Cmnrte Mssmry 3A0 m Z1291t - -1,0Z71t -1,02711s 0lbs
Material Summary Bracing Summary
TC SP(ALSC6.2013)SS 2A TC&acing Shmthnl ocPvlips a 3OA Puffin design ly Othas.
BC SP(ALSC6.2013)M-2x4 BC Bracing ShmthdaPmrtns et 34 A Actin deign by Other.
Vkhs SP(AL &2013)NYSW 20
Loads Summary
I)Thu tss has been desigod fa the effrms den to 10 psflon®chord live lad plts dxd lends.
2)Thu toss has been deigned for the effects of wivd loads in sccudaaoe with ASCE7-10 with the fdlming user defip.d ivp[:170 mph tdt®se,ETmae C.Fdl-Endured.
GebleUp,Holding Category B 0-1.00),Osemll HOg Dims 82 ft x 52 ft,h-16 ft,NU End Zme Tams,Neither and web ansidved DOL-1.33,CC Zme Width 5.2 8
3)hEnimim stooge W.Imdi aa ng in ad—with IBC T He 1607.1 has been applW
Load Case LrI:Sid Live Load pp
Point Loads
Mornber Location Diamim I.md T b Wdlh
Top Chd }Ifi 'Down 991t
&d Chd 7-IL Dp 91t � `�� `GENS N
Tap Chd 7.2 UP t a
2 so It 24 in
- BatChd 7.2.2 up 11 ;n t / � � \
Top Chd 9-b2 Dawn 80It -- 24 in
Chd 92 Up IIt 24 in TT �„ LE76051 `\ r
TT Chd 11.2-z-: Dun allt m ta - �
Bd Chd 11.2-2 UP 1 l e 24 t `
Tap Chd 12-5•]4 Dun 8011 Z4in
Bet Chd 12-5.14 Up 11bs 27 in
Top Chd 13.940 Dam W it 24 ip r {
Bet Chd 13-9-10 UP 1 nn 24 in r "(� , A-
TapChd I5.9-10 UP @Jlt 24mBd Chd IS9-10 Up 1 It 24 inT Chd 17-940 D— 87 Re 24m /O con 17-106 UDown 89N 24m S�GRID
Bd Chd 17-I(16 DP 91t //�ONA
NOTICE A.py of this deign shell be fianbhed to the—e im emt eda.The deign of this ind i&.1 vase is basd m design enteric and mgemvents wpoied by the Toss M—fd sd relies yen the amrecy Brian M Bleakly
and—octeness d the M-estim set fish by the Ho dewing lding Designm A seal en this indicate euxp d anes pnfma sil engioeerires ngp—ibility solely fa the bass eampment deign shmn.5ec thecae Sur Fog NMI
Page end the-Ie padanl Inf atim&Gmoel Notes-pege Or edditimd i f tim.All em.W pk es shell is mwtdacnsd by Sip,.SN g-Tie Cmgeny,Inc in aceadmoe with ESR.2762.A0 mmsta 2590 N.Ktgs High.FL Pie F134951
plate—20 page,mles the sprifiea plate siu is Kowed by a--Ill"which in&ate en 18 ps,plate,a'S®19,whicb indiestes a high tmsim 18 ps@e plate.
Southern Truss Companies,Inc. Truss: B6G
LE SOUTHERN 2590 N.tangs Highway Project Name: 2371-A
TRUSS Fort Pierce,F134951 Date: 8/20/2016 7:4120 AM
Component Solutiolls3M Thus COMPANIES (800)232-0509 (772)464-4160 (772)318-0016 Fax Page: 2 oft
Version:2016.5.1 u17d 5
24-11-12 5/12 1 0-0-0 0-0-0 1-9-14 1-9-14 1 24 in 121 Is
Load Case D 1:Std Dead Load
Point Loads
Member Location Ditcctim Load Trib K(dlh
Top Chd 7-16 Dawn 7811s
Rd Chd 7-1-6 Down 2516a
Top Chd 7-2-2 Down 60 Iha 24 in
But Chd 7.2.2 Down 40 Iha 24 in
Tap Chd 9-2-2 Dawn fo Ion 24 in
But Chd 9-2-2 Dam 40Is 24 in
Tap Chd 11-2-2 Down 601bs 24 in
But Chd 11-2.2 Down 40IM 21 in
Mp Chd 12.5-14 Dam Qllbs 24 in
Ed Chd 12-5-14 Down 4011s 24 in
Tap Chd I3-910 Dam 6011n 24 in
But Chd 13-9-10 Daum 4011s 24 in
Tap Chd 1-1940 'Dawn 601bs 24 in
But Chd 15-940 Dawn 401W 24 in
Tap Chd 17.9-10 Down fll lbs 24 in '
But Chd 17-9-10 Down 40 Rn 24 in
Tap Chd 17-10.6 Dman 781hs
But Chd 17-106 Dam 2511s
Member Forces Summary- Thuleindcatea:Membar ID,ma,tCSLunnx exist force,(,cuueassX.r amffcrent6ammaaa)(Wr)-
TC 1-2 01M -1561M 3-4- 0.950 -3,68311s 56 11617 -2,93711s;
2-3 0.614 -2,937ls 4-5 Q. 1.ft 6.7 0.1. -133 it.
BC 7-8 0.268 1481bs (4516s)910 1AW Z6091bs (2,16411,$) 12-13 (1362 16411s (54 1b,)
8.9 0.362 148 Its -151bs 1412 1.000 2,6091be (-2,190lbs) 13-1 0.268 1691W (-7 lbs)
W-W 2-13 0.6338 -2,(058n 3.10 QBf/ 1,1781bs (-1,'I )SA Qffi 6301� (-3401bs)
2.12 U959 Z6791hs (,2.338 Rs)4.10 R444 1,24111s <-928Ibs)6A 1959 Z679 lbs' (-2,3881In)
3_12 C221 61816s (3W fW)5.10 Q829 -1,1821s 6a Q651 -2,051b.
Truss-to-truss Connections Summary
m Carved T,sss Carving Tms - Camingollset Angle- - -
Tr31 C77 B6G _ 7-1-6_ 4i deg
�.. __... �_�u_. _a.__.
4T732 77 BGG 9-2-2 _90 deg
„'=TI32 77.....-s w �_'.. -,..���.= '.
Tf32___ .__17 _ __ B6G IL5-14 90 deg
-_T732. .`. n_ .._..y.._. �._._� _�. ..P'v 90&g �.
TT32 77 ]3GG 15.9-10 90 deg -
,.,;.Tf32 ��_ 77..'- BSG.._u'� 17-106_ __.:..��g
TT31 C77 � B6G 17-]06 135 deg
1)When this tnss has bran cho.m fa,q chty assurance inspection,the Plate Placement Method per TPI 1-200VA3.2 shag be mad Cq-1.17.
2)P,ai&adequate drainage to present pmdivg
3) ®Indicate cmtim,ac lateal sestamt(CM,equed at the laration(s)sbown.Rasa of CI.Rasst 1 adequately degmally lsaeed,see D-WIDCIRBBACE Fcr alte,natiw
to C1Rs and diagonal lsacdg,see D-WEBRENFORCE
4)L'sted wind*M seadims based m MWM Only loading
- - - - LE 76051
NOTICE AcapJ of this deign shall be 6snished to the erection cmtad tires is The design of individual ti is based m design criteria and.qui mta supplied by the Tr ss Mamdactuv and dlie apm the axuracy Brian Ni Bleakly
and cmgdetme.of the inf tim set forth by the Building Designer.A seal on thisdawing indien,.—g-..ftsaf simal mgi.,cd g,epmeiblitysoleiy fa the hors congmml daita shown.See theme Shut.at,VMI
page and the'7mpolmt Infonmtim&Gmeal Nam-rage fw additimal inf tim.All cone plate.hell be—,Saetued try Simpson Shang-Te C q—y lne in arcades.with ESR-2762.All—ecur 2590 N.Kings]lid.Ft.Pict F1 34951
plates all 20 pugs,mless the apecWcd plate size is followed by a-Ile which indicates an 18 gauge plate,m'SR IS*,which indicates a high tension 19 pups plate.
Southern Truss Companies,Inc. Truss: B7G
SOUTHERN 2590 N.kings Highway Project Name: 2371-A
7I1U gg Fort Pierce,F134951 Date: 8/20/2016 7.41:20 AM
Component Solutions*** COMPANIES (800)232-0509 (772)464-4160 (772)318-0016 Fax Page: 1 ofz
Version:2016.5.1 uild 5
24-2-14 5/12 1 0-M 0-M 1-9-14 0-M 2 12 in 180Ibs
2-1-1a 5-10-2 2-114 4-6.11 as11 4 611
2-1-14 8-0-0 10514 15-1-9 19-83 24-2-14
Sx8- 4x4- 7x6- Sx8HS18-
4 5 6 7
6F— 3x4/
-e - 6.10 HS18/
6 3x4-
r� 1
I 14 - 13 12 11 10 9 B
3x8 I Sx10 HS 18- 6x9 8x8 HS 18- 5x9 7xl0 HS 181 4x121
000 0-0-0
!I-1a 11G-2 21 4 3 5 0 3 so 3 so 3S-0
2-1-1a B-M ii: 14 1311-14 n.a-14 20-9-14 24- %
Loading General CSI Summary Deflection L/ (loc) Allowed
Lmd (pat) Bldg Cade: ' FBC 2014/ TC: 0.92(b3) Ynt Il.: U42 in L/395 (I1-12) L/240
TCLL: 20 1PI 1-2107 BC: (1-(12.13) Val I.L. (115i. L/999 (I I-L) L/360
TCDL: 15 Rep Mbrinaease: No Vkb: Q99 CM Cent/OH TL: Q02 in UP 2L/999 01 2L/120
BCLL: 0 D.O.L.: 125% Cent/OH LL Q01 in UP 2L/999 (141) 2L/120
BCDL: In H-M 0.09i 8
Plate Offsets(InMY,And (1:40,12,Q) (2:1-12,3-1,22) (3:1-12,3-1,21-) (4:04,42,0.) (5:00,5Ao) (6:0Q5-AQ) (7:40,SAQ) (8:20.60.9a)
(9045A94) (IOOQ5Q90) (11:044-0A) (123-8,5-0.9(k) (13:1.11-440.) (M.&MA90.)
Reaction Summary
IT Type Bm C-ho Bm Vddth Material Rgd Brx Vddth Max React M.G Uplift Mex Vdnd Uplift Max Uplift Mu Hui.
14 Pin(WA 1 Si. Console Masonry Sig in 9,472 Its - -3.21311a -3.213 He 1691hs
9 H Ron(VLII) 1 g in Coo=Mss— 661 in 11.199 Me - -3,41411a -3.41416s 0 Rn
Material Summary Bracing Summary
TC SP W SC62013)Ir 2,6 x•�. 7C Baring Sheathed
1-0 SP W.SC62013)SS 2x4
BC SP(ALSC6-2D 3)SS 216 BC Bating Sheathed or Pialins at S6Q Pvtin chic-by Olhen.
VF.bo SP(ALSC62013)#3/snd 2x4 except:
2-13 SP(AISC6-Ml3)SS 2x4 610 SP(ALSC62013)#2 2.4 7-9 SP(ALSC62013)SS 2c4
Loads Summary
0 Thu=,he,been designea nix the err w ds to I0 p flxn-.hen liw Imd phn dad loch.
2)This tms has been designed for the effects ofuind lads in nand ncewith ASCE/-10 with the follaxing mar def M inp[:pA mph Wli—ta Er.Pmue C,Fcllp Faclmed
Gahl.ffp,Brilding Cateeap B(1=1.W), sstall O Bldg Dines 82 ft x 52 ft.It=16 f,Not End Zone Truss.Neithe end web eadidaed DOL=1.33.CC Zone Width S2 a
3)Nfi—at ego attic lading in euwrdanec with IBC TAI.MUM fins been applied
Load Case Lrl:Std Live Load
PM®Ear Loadsoint Iuralim Direction Lmd T b Vddth �\\0.�� '� • /�
BtChd 7-11fi Dam 1.652ft
Sol Cbd 9.9-14 Dos. 780 Ibn 24 in
- Bel Chd- - - 11-9-14 Dom 7811bs 2a in -
Bd Chd 13.9-14 D— 780 no 24 in 1
Bel am Cbd 15.9.14 D 780lbs 24 in _� ��ff�'' E 7/6Q 1 >,
Bel Chd 17L14 Dom 78 Ile
24 in �- `. f
Sd Chd 19$14 I)ouv 780 1he 24 in YeM.
Bot Chd 21-944 Doan 780 V. 24 in
Load Case D 1:Std Dead Lnad ,
'fl TATE OF /I
Point Loads i
Mmber tim Direction Imd Thl,Vadth /��
I.on \\` O �O A \
Bel Cbd 7-llfi Daum Z069Ibs _
�cna �144 DD— 475� 24 m //�SS�O�At-
Bel Cbd 13A14 Dom 975lbe 24 in not Chd 159.14 Dom 97511e 24 in
Bel Chd 17-9-14 D— 975lbs 24 in
Bd Chd 149-14 D— 975 it. 24 in
not Chd 211)44 Dam 975 lb, 24 in
dQ a deal ofthis indisidal Inns is lnaed m dal oiteria end,, is aWoied by the Tnas M-leen.er eon relies npm the a«aeey Brian M Bleakly
NOTfCE Ampy of this dales shell be fiatished to the section contra .The ga L 9
endempletmess ofth,inf tim set forth by the Belding Designer A ad m this ddwing indiesles aaeplxncc dpmf imel enginresing mpms3Bty solely fa the trial comment design shoua.See the inner Su-2.Fag NMI
page end the-Importntt Inf tim&Gmael Notes-Inge fir edditimel ivf tim.All connector plates shell be nunadecoxed by Simpson Saute-Ts,Cooputy.Inc in aecad nos uith ESR-2762.All rmvxte 2590 N.Kings IEgh.FL Piave,F134951
plate,ecs 2D gage,mhos the specified plot,size is followed IT s--18"which indicates en 18 gage plate,.'SO Ir,which indieste,a high tension 18 gangs plate.
Southern Truss Companies, Inc.. Truss: B7G
'« SOUTHERN 2590 N.Idngs Highway Project Name: 2371-A
TRUSS Fort Pierce,F134951 Date: 8/20/2016 7.41:21 AM
Component Solutions""'Thus COMPANIES (800)232-0509 (772)464-4160 (772)318-0016 Fax Page: 2 oft
Version:2016.5.1 wild 5
A 24-2-14 5/12 1 0-M 0-M 1-9-14 0-0-0 2 12 in 180 Ibs
User defined Load Case LI:TTC Load Case
Point Loads
b/ber Location Diteuiion Lend Tab VAdth
Bd Chd I1-904 Dorn 17411. 24 in
Bot Chd 13 orn 314 D 24516s 24 in
R4 Chd 15914 Down 29916a 24 in
But Chd 17414 Dam 337 IIn 14 in
Bd Chd 19-9-14 Dam 309 Ihs 24 in
Bd Chd 21-9-14 Dmm 354 Ra 24 in
Load Combinations
B Load Combo Fact. Ind Dwation Fed.
1 DI LOUD 0.900
,LOI70.,__.-....._. ._'
•_3�. SDI+tjl.___..._._..._ __....._.� _., ._i _ .-1.100 1.250
._..+T.:.< y I)1+.075 L1, Q7iLrl. _.,.___�.�..�____: _.:�__.__1.250__--.. ._.._:.
5 DI+Q6 W3 _ __'-._- -�- _ LOW 1.330
,_I)I±Q4$N7__U75 LI+p.75111 ____,.._.. - .. ..._,-_�_._ .__ -._... .__ ...
7 D]+045 W2+0.75 LI+0.75 UI-- _ LOD0_ 1.330
.45 W3+D.75L1+075 -1 „� __ ._.�..�__-._.__..___. __ _. .I�. �_.._.�_.,._ ._7.33D'
9� D1+0.45 W4+0.75 LI+0.75U1 LODO -_1.330
_ __. .-
-..:_D1+O.QS W5.+0.7a L1LL0.75,U1�_..-... ..._.._.. _ _ ... . __. .
Il DI+o45W6+0.75LI+Q75U1 Lam _- _1.330 -
, ._D1+045 W7+Qh Ll+Q751r1__ _.__ _..�- '___. __.
13 DI+Q45W8+o75LI+o751A _ _ -- 1.000 1.33D ----
r 19_�:>DI Q45 P9'+LL7 Ll:.Q751r1._ `-, �, '1(AO.._ _...
15 DI+0.45 WIO+0.7'f7 +0.75 UI __.�.._�.__._ _.__.-..... _ __.-__1.W0 1.330 .
...._.z__...� ....___. .,..i�.... - - .:1370,- -- .
17 DI+0.45 W2+075 L1 L000 1.330
,18._ �DI, 045 W3+U.75 L1:.._ __ ,... _.._._,_.._. ...,____...._._ .�_.� v._.,.v._.......1370.
19 D1+045 W4+0.75 L1 1.000 I.330
._. __ -.-7_ _. _
171'+045 W5+0.75 L1 �-.-.- � 0_-- .••.-. �1000_,_,.. � :1.330{�.� .....
. ;
-- 21 D1+0.45W6+0.75L1 _ 1.000 _ _ 1.330
__, DI+a45 Nil.+Q75I.i,..: ._. _ _..`.,.._._...___ .�..._._.:..1..__.. _.'�I:OW ___.. .. �1.33(1 ._.._
23 D1+0.45WB+0.75L1 1.000 1.330
W9_+0,7_S LIB ..-_ ..w...�__._...�_ �_�.�1330_._...._..
15 D1+045W10+075L1 l.� 1.330
2bf16D1+q6 VII; _�...__ .__.w.= �._.._�._..___ -"1CW�.� -
27 _0.6 D1+Q6 VQ 1.000 1.330_-
t.__..78„„„-, ,Y06WC....':......._..._ - --•-•-- - _ ...i lAU -r� t330- _,-•;
29 0.6 DI+0.6 W8 `-""-.""'_._..__c__.� .___..�._�._.--.._. Lo00 1.330V
31 D1+L10' '"„".___�,_..�.�V...._..._,__ _�__.__�v _..-�,.._. 1.000 .��--1.250
_. a32- _L31+URl�y.._._� ..__'___�.._ _�.�._.__. �_ __ �_. _ __...__._`1-(100�_ ._.-
33 D1+11R2 Lom 1.2M
Member Forces Summary ]able indicates:Member D.eaxCSI.max a ialNee,(cam:tantpa.face ifd;s t firm eaxaual r e)
Tc 1-2 0.178 -693 N 34 Q613 -7,7911bs 56 0.541 A5121hv
2-3 0.924 -&259 lbs 45 Q68 -7,6211ha 6.7 0.327 -3.911 lbs
Bc B-9 0.229 0lba 11-12 Q712 7,224ls (-3.W71h) 14.1 (1367 f601h (-356 lbs)
9-10 U.537 4.794 lbs (.2,2M Do) 1213 0.757 7,6D4 Its (AM9lh)
10-11 0.714 7.260 lbs (-3.580Ibs 1344 0.369 606 lbs (439Its)
;iz 2.14 0860 4,293 lbs 4.12 (1839 2,344 lbs (4L494lb,)610 (1799 3,765 lb, (-I,SM lb+)
2.13 Q902 7,020 Its; (-3,97lb,)4-11 0.226 632lba (-2501bs)69 0661 -3,5551t.
3.13 Q283 -M Its; 511 Q5R 1,4o71bs (4631le)7-9 o.63o 6,597lbs (3,IODIba)
312 0.304 850lbs (7531ba)S-10- Q560 -1,639Its 7-8 0.999 -5,366lbs
Truss-to-truss Connections Summary
ID Carved Tees Coming Tana Curving Offset Angle
T174-..____-_. AIIG _-.,�,_.-BIG ]ells 90 deg__
..tti , AlU�.� Bur_JeY..�..._ 99-14:T�t_����S_-.�
176 A9 �- B7G 11-R14� R/deg
_w-ABA _ig!<+-a._...�:.-:i 'I}YL .--'= _50 deg<_�:`:'
T18 A7A B30 1i944 ._90 deg
t;_179 A6A �..� T.
-Trio ASA B7G I9-9-14 =90 deg
1)When this buss has been chosen fa gmlity esa.atm inap iim,the Plate Plaem:mt Method per TP71-200NA3.2 ahe11 be teed Cq=1.17.
2)Provide adegwte dminege to ptevant pooding
3) ®indict cootie lateal renmint(CLR)m7ind at the locatim(s)shwa.Rws of CLRmust he adegntely diagmallv laaccQ see D-WFBCLRBRACF F.altematises
to CLRs and diago al leasing,am D-VIEERE]NFORCE
4)The fern shown for this multi-ply buss am per pay and the neactions an,Intel plies.T o identical tnsses shall le Wilk and attached as fell-TC-I v-d I0dNails.Gm Nail,
[min 0.120'18e x 27/8-long]Qa Ir o.c.,BC-2 steggnd urn of103 Nails or Gun Nail,[min G.Iffi'din.x 27/r long]@ 4.5-nor.,Vkla-1 rw'I0dNail,. in Gm Nails[m 0.120'&a.
x 27/8'Img)@9'nc..
h1 addition to the fastening atlinrd aboa,ptxide the follwirrg supplemental fmtenea within 24'ofthe I.ati.@)listed W-m lieu of using hanger co.cc,t-that ate capehle of ---
hans(earring the entim load betwcm the plies: `� ��� L`'E(V
BC:7-114(14)10dNails.Gan Nails[min(II232'dis..27Ar long) \ �� �� SF
BC:15414.(2))1m Nails. um G Nails[min Q12P di,x27Ar lang] \
BC:17.9-14(2)Ion Nails.Gtn Naib[mio O.12 ff..27/r l-g] - C
BC:19-944'(A 1Q3 Nails.Gum Nails[min 0.17R dm x27Ar CE7U0]3C:9tiod, W]mNaflaerGun Neill-mtl O.IM'the)to-Img]5)When:mquhed,std5cent hangea shell be prided Q6'&hen)to¢slat reedims shorn.
6)rn,tel1 the ac.va/nails m-aide:da n.flip urns.Seaws/neila shall be ivshucd in the.-tnna ply that the hang a e¢attached 1n
7)L i-I bracing shall be attached to each ply. ' , AATEO� '
8)All felt-- i im-2-1/2' g I/2'long-].a t th-.i c noted /y
9)Neils in]at and god ply shall be staggered firm suxeasne plies by 12 the call spacing
10)UstedwindlpliQ reaetims Msedan MWFRS Onb-].d'mr- O\\ -{�/'�`
NOTICE Acopy ofthis design shall be 6anisbcd to the erection emtrad..The design ofthis indmidual truss is based an&sign criteria and segdmn®ts supplied by the Tnaa Mandarwer and mli, 19m the ams--y Brian M Bleakly
and completeness of the inC tim set forth by the 13dldingDesigfl..A seal an this dewing indicates arcepance,dpdssirnal an ineeting reaimsibility solely fm the tens conpment design shorn.sea the wv Strant.Fig NMI
page and the-bnpotent Inf tim&General Notes-page f.addtiand inf tim.All emnect.pletea shall he mmtilacnsed by Simpan Strang-Teaec Company,Inc in ontnam with FSR.D62.All tam . �connector N.Kings Mgh.FL Piero,FI 34951
plates ore 2D Mtge,sales,the specified plate sill is followed It,--19'which indicates an 18 gage plate,or'S44 18-,which indicates a high tessim 18 gage plate.
Southern Truss Companies,Inc. Truss: B8
C ' SOUTHEAN 2590 N.kings Highway Project Name: 2371-A
Component SolutionsTM TRUSS Fort Pierce,F134951 DazPage: 8/20/ 016 7:4121 AM
TnlSs COMPANIES (800)232-0509 (772)464-4160 (772)318-0016 Fax
Version:2016.5.1 bald 5
24-2-14 5/12 1 0-0-12 0-M 1-9-14 0-0-0 1 24 in 118 lbs
0-�12 2-1-14 1 1-8 7-6-12 7-6-12
11.6 1652 I 24-2-14
5x5 HS 18- 3x4- 3x5-
3 4 5
5F— '
- -,� 3x4!
10 9 8 7 6
1x4j 4x7- 3x4- 3x5- 2x6l
0-0-0 &0-0
2-1-14 6-11-8 7-0-12 7812
2-1-14 9-1.6 168-2 24-2-14
Loading General CSI Summary Deflection L/ (loc) Allowed
Load (PSI) Bldg Code:' FBCcola TC: a97(4-) Men 0,21in L/999 (6-7) L/24D
TCLL: om 20 TPI 1-2 DC: Q76(7-9) Wl LL: 0.05 in L/999 (7-8) L/360
TCDL: 15 Rep Mtrineaase: Yes Wb: 457(S7) cant/OH h.: 0.02 in UP 2L 1999 (10-1) 2L!lm
BCLL: 0 D.O.L: 125% Cord/OH LL: 0in UP 2L/999 (141) 2L 1120
BCDL: 10 Hen.TL 0.02m 6
Plate Offsets pntY'Y,Ang} p:2g3-za) (2.' I'3-1,22) (3,K3-9,a) (4:1-Iz34;Q) (5:3-s,3-8,a) (6:1-1z3a94) p:1-v 3s a> (soo.I-Iza)
(9:1-113-8.a1 (10, 0.3$Sa1
Reaction Summary
lr tore Bgr canto Bag M: Maiedal Rna Big wdth Meu Read Max Gav Uplift h(axllvdeiH M.Uditt Max Harz
lU Pin(VAll) 1 8 in Cmaete Maamry 3.W in 1,210 He - -31Yi Its -39616a 3151bs
6 H Roll(VAS) 1 8 in Caaaete Masmry 30D in 9901ba - -36711s -367Ibs 0Ibe
Material Summary Bracing Summary
rc SP(AISc6-2113)r/2 20 TC Bracing: Sheathed
BC SP(ALSC62013)fa ZA BC Hating Sheathed a Palivs at 610q Pulin design by Othen.
VAhs SP(ALSC&2U13)WYSwd 20
Loads Summary
p'Ibs toss has been designed fa the effms dm io l0 psfbd ,had lis load plw dmd lads.
2)This hos,bu been designed fm the effects of uind Inds in se—dance%ithASCE7_10 with the Wmaing mer defined mpst 170 mpb adtimate,Egsnae C,F Aly Fndmed,
Gable/HiA B dlding CeteM ll 0-1.00),O,,U Bl4g Dims 82 A x 52 0,h-1611 NM FndZme Ttms,Ndtha and web crosidned DOL-1.33,CC Zme Width 5.2 0.
3)Minianm shag attic loading in aemrdmee%ith IBC Table 1607.1 has bem applied
Member Forces Summary able bafiate,:M®ba In, CSI,maxa,dalf,(—amps.f ffdff I1n a;a,Res) \\\\`
TC 11-1 Q52I 3 He 34 Q181 _1,476 Ro 0.158 1,31916s \,\� M a BL /ii
1-2 Q524 _,53 H.
3-0 aggl _1.231ba
BC 67 0.536 aN 9.10 0.419 -V61h
7-9 0.764 1.319 Re
k1 -699 Has).10.1 Q381 147 0a (-19he �i
Va 2-10 Q290 -1,104 N4-9 Q 5d 031 -211 He 1,311 -91111, `�A� �x0ENS�\
2-9 4511 1,1541ha (-518Ibsj 4-7 a 185 .545 Has
3-9 Qom 184 run (A Ibs)5-7 0.571 1.49911. (-094Ile)
—Notes: - - - - - — - - yyy�yyy,�^� E 760 1 -v
1)Wbm this Inns has tau hwen f gelity asatsanm inapeefien,the PIe1e Plarsaent Method pa TPI 1-200LA3.2 shall be wed Cq-1.17.
2)Pmvide adequate drainage m paamt pending * -
3) ®lndimtes emtim�lteral astsint(CLR)mgimd at the lamlim(s)shorn.Rave a(C1Raaet be adcgntdy diagma0y braced,see D-V6BCIRBHACE Fa altematiw 1
to CLR,and dagmal treeing,see D-WEER DIFORCE
4)listed wind upiH—dims based m MMM Only loading ATE OF j
' •������
NOTICE Acapy of this design shall be banished to the enstim enewdm.The desig d this mdnidaal ores is b—d m design rileria and tupnnaneats supplied by the hens Mentdacnaa and relies tqm the amxecy Brian NiBleakly
and emgletmess of the inf tim sdforth by the Building Desigaa.A seal m this dawing indi,ata a cepten a dpofmaimsl engineering pms'bility solely f the tnes—parent design ahmta.See the cat Sorel Fog p7W51
page and the'7mpadanl Inf tim&General Notes-page fen edditimal if l nien.All cmnara plates sbdl be mantdachaed by Simpsm Snmg-Te Cmyeny,Inc in a,�ixdanre with ESR-2762.All cannecla
pates are 20 ptge,unless the,ped5ea plate size is followed by a-ar wbkh indicnes an IS pqp plate,a•Sa IS',%td h indimtm a high Im,im 18 pre plate 35A N.K op High.Ft P doe F 34951
Southern Truss Companies,Inc. Truss: B9G
1-- -- SOUTHERN 2590 N.kings Highway Project Name: 2371-A
Component Solutions r� TRUSS Fort Pierce,F134951 Due: 8/20/2016 7:4121 AM
Truss COMPANIES (800)232-0509 (772)464-4160 (772)318-0016 Fax Page: 1 oft
Version:2016.5.1 wld 5
24-2-14 5/12 1 0-0-12 0-0-0 1-9-14 0-M 1 24 in 123 lbs
l 24310
0-1r12 22-1-14 I 1-8 l F 5-8-8 I 3
-14 7-,. M8 18{6 z5-2-14 t
5x5 HS 18- 6x7- 3z4- 6x6- 1.5X3 1
12• 3 4 5 6 7
n 4x7/
4x4- - -- - --
�i 1A
I 13 12 11 10 9 8
3x6 l 8x8- 3x5 HS 18- 1x4 1 3x4- 7x6-
CJ7 7 0 DZI EM J7 Q Q 0 I RA
0-0-0 0-0-0
2-1-14 4-1 1-8 5-88 5-8-8 Sall
2t 1-14 7-,.8 1z-9-1a JR A 2a-2-1a
Loading General CSI Summary Deflection L/ (loc) Allowed
Land (pso Bldg Cade:' FBC 20141 TC: 0.92(46) Vert TL 0.33 m L/769 (9-10) L/140
TOLL: 20 TPI I-2w BC: 0.53(ID-M Vat LL: Ql in L l 999 (9-10) L/360
TCDL: 15 Rep Mtrinerenee: No %b: 0.9/(2-M Cant/OH TL: 0.02 in UP X. 999 (1-1) 21./120
BCIL: 0 D.O.L: 125% Cant/OH LL: QOl in UP 2L/999 (1-I) 2L 1120
BCDL: 10 H—M. Q09 in 8
Mete Offsets()nt:X,Y,Angy (1:2-0,12,(X) (2:1-12,3-1,22) (1: 9,0.) (4:00,34A) (5.'KI-IZo) (6:1-12.3AM) (7:1-12.3A90) (M34kQ)
(9.1-IZ344Q) (10:0Q3$50.) (I1:00.1-12.Q) (12:14.4QQ) (136Q3-0.So)
Reaction Summary
JT 7vpe B.,C.,nho Hg a_ Material rand Beg Vddth MaxReaa Max G—Uplift htxq dUplift Max Uplift MuH-
13 Pin(V8R) 1 gin Cmerele Maaoosy 3.CU in 2,14D Ibs - -l.00g lbs -1,Q611s ffi Ihs
8 H Rao(71611) 1 8 in Cmerete Masonry 3.00 in 1,654 Its - -972 N -M Its 01h
Material Summary Bracing Summary
TC SP(ALSC62013)SS 2A TC Bradng Shmthed.Pulipa et 36a Perlin daigr by Otbers.
BC SP(ALSC6.2013)SS 2M BC Bracing Sheathed.,Pu in at 340.Resin design b/O1hm.
Vkhs SP(ALSC6.2013)NYShd 20 camµ:
6S SP(A)SC62013)92 2x4
Loads Summary
1)This true has bmn designed Cor the effects don to 10 psf bats®rh d lice Iond plus deed loads.
2)This taus has been designed f the effecs of wind loads in am.,danm with ASCE/-10 with the following wa h5ned inpt:170 mph sdtimate.F7pmme C,Fdly Fncimed,
GableQiils Building Ceecg.,y N(I-1.001 O—ell Bldg ITms 82 R x52 ft.h-16 ft,Not End Zone Tens,Neither and web considered DOL-1.33,CC Zone Wrmh 5.2 R.
3)Mmimw swage attic loading in a=mdmw with®C Table 1607.1 has been applied -
Load Case Irk:Std Live Load
Point Loads
Member Location 'D'oatim Load Tsib W&h
Top Chd 7-1-6 D— 89 lffi _ Q� rCI(,
• Bet Chd 7-1.6 Up 9Rs \ \ 0EN
D— \
Top Chd 7-2-2 D g0 Rs N in �J/ V, 19'
Bat Chd _ _ _7-2-2 _ Up _ _ 1IMe 24 in ���
Top Chd 4L2 Doan so Me 24 in � / �
nd Chd 9•2-2 Up 1 Rs Ni. _� yy
Top Chd 11-2.2 Ds— M Ibs 24 in a%i+s-SF1�'�'�`• `
Bd Chd 11-b2 Up I Rs 24 in * -
Tap Chd 13-2-2 D— 101te 24 in
Hot Chd 13-2-2 Up 1 Iln 24 in r ,,,.t
Tsp Chd 152-2 Down albs 24 in V ` WE OF
Bd Chd 15-2.2 Up I I s 24 in \ �• 1 V�
Tapchd n-za Dawn 8DIm 24 in � /�\ �{.•�f10✓�((�\
But Chd 17-2-2 U 1 Rs 24 in
Bachd IS 2 Dawn RIm 24n ' `.`ORI�
Tip Chd 21-2'2 Down &l Ian 24 in
Bet Chd 21-2,2 Up 1 Ra 24 in /SAS NA
Tap Chd 232.2 Dmm 22 Re 24 in
But Chd 23-2-2 Up 1401hs 24 in 1
NOTICE Ampy ofthis design shell be fisnished to the erection ennund.,.The sign of this ind'nidml lnss is haze m design aiteris end reqnincnents s,goied by the Tnss Manof&rn and relies tpm the acarary Brian M Bleakly
end—octmeae f the inf tim set fadh by the Bidding Designs.A sed anrm this d iog mdiceles semplmm dpnfrsaimd engineering Mpmsitiiity solely far the truss wspmmt design shown.San the Si Eng.NMI
Iegc and the-Important Iafmastim @ Genial Note"peg.f additional infamntim.All canoe er dates shall be sru facnacd by Simpson Strm&Ti-Curymy,Inc in er—dsuw with ID42762.A0 emneetae 2590 N.Kings HiEh.FL Pierre,FI 34951
pleb am III pug,,,mess the specified pate size u followed by a"-Ir which indimtee m 18 ptge plate,.,'SN 18',.Lien indimtes a high tension 18}pug.plane.
Southern Truss Companies,Inc. Tivss: B9G
SOUTHERN 2590 N.kings highway Project Nara: 2371-A
Component Solutioms TRUSS Fort Pierce,F134951 Date: 8/20/2016 7:4122 AM
Truss CQMPANIES (800)232-0509 (772)4644160 (772)318-0016 Fax Page: 2 of2
Version:2016.5.1[Build 5
24-2-14 5/12 1 0-0-12 0-0-0 1-9-14 0-M 1 24 in 123 lbs
Load Case D 1:Std Dead Load
Point Loads
M.A_ 1-6- Dh tiro Lond Tdb Pidth
Top Chd 7-IS awn Down 781-
Chd 7-16 D 25Its
Tap Chd 7-2-2 Down 6D 1b. 24 in
Brt Chd 7-2.2 Dawn 4U Rs 24 in
Top Chd 9-2.2 Dam fA list 24 in
Bn Chd 9-2,2 Dam 401bs 24 its
awn Tapchd 11.212 D 60lb, 24 in
Bot Chd 11-2-2 D- 401b, 27 is
TTChd 13-2-2 Down Go ib, 24 in
BAY Chd 1M-2 D— 40 Rs 24 in
Top Chd 15.2-2 Dam 6011e 24 is
13d Chd IS2.2 Dam 40 Its 24 m
Top Chd 11.2-2 •Dam 601hs 24 it
Bot Chd 17-2-2 Down 40 lb, 24 in
Tip Chd 19.2.2 Dawn W it. 2A in
Ed Chd 19-2.2 Dam 40 lb, 24 in
Tap Chd 21-22 Dam 6011s 24 in
Bet Chd 21.2.2 Dwn 40 Its 24 m
Tap Chd Z3-2.2 Down 1216s 24 io ,
Bat Chd ..2}y2 .UP _I5711. _ 24 is
Member Forces Summary MI.indiwes:Member lD,aa CSI, axillbee(maaW.r ifdia nt6omma,:aualr)
TC 14-1 0000 2 rs 2-3 Q619 -Z9581bs 46 11919 -4793 no
1-2 alas -175 IW 3-4 Qa77 -2.7131hs 67 a702 on.
BC 8.9 0.446 2,793 @s (-2,561 lbs)1 .32 Its 0.134 1941b (-8 lbs)
161 2 ,
910 0.529 3,732 lb, 3,39h) 23 a183 -179Iba
PNs 243 0.678 -ZO05 as 4-12 (1901 -1,172 lb, 69 0.306 83 the (319 Rs)
2-12 0.%9 2.7061bs (-Z334 lb,)4-10 am 4691he 68 0.644 d,214Ito
3-12 0.168 44111s (-s@s)4-9 Q959 -1.073 It. 7.8 a107 300lb, (-243 Its)
Truss-to-truss Connections Summary
ID Carom T-, Carving Tams Cmrvbg onset An?].
7 _C37 B9G IS.-.-, --7- 3)5
'I-r24 _ 17 _ �B9G 94-2�.
.._T1724 P B9G— _.13-2-2� ZA dcg_
T'P_4 17 _ B9G 17-2-2 _270 deg
-_TT_4 17 B9G 21-2-2 270 dcg
1)Wbea this toss has been chosm f gislity assysn«inspection,the Plate PIse snot Method per TPI 1-2(071A3.2,hail I w d.Cq=1.17.
2)Provide a&gmt,drainage to Fro t pmdng
3) ®Indicates cmtinuw hteel mtraint(Cl2gregired at We location(,)shwa.Rows d Ci.Rtmst he edegefety diagonally 4a«d,s«0.WFECIRBRACE Fa alt—aches
to CIRs nod dagnal tanryng s«D-Wli1 RENFORCE
4)listed wind sgdift sexxims based on MWFRS Only loading
` :OF
�`.—OR104% ���
NOTICE Acopy of this design shall Fe finished to the esrlim cmtraGor.The design dthis indsidml toss u F d m design aitcde and tegdtemrnts,,{plied ly me rtme hdao.aaen.a�><I;.,pm we e«aary Man M.Bleakly
and smgleteness of the infamstim set forth by the Bdldng Designa.A seal on this dewing indicates auspssce of prof.simd engineering tespmsihiliry sdcty f the toss co„pmont design shwa.See the eaa Sln t.Eng.4`76D51
loge aad the'7mpcstmt lnfam stion do Gmeml Notes-psge(eddtimnl infumstim.All emneeter plat«shall be manWScu:d by Simpson Su g-Tie Company.Inc m aam(m«with ESR-2162.All—act. 25M N.IGngs High.Ft Pierce,FI 34951
plat.—31 gage,role,the specified}date site is tallowsd by a-ore"which iadi.-®18 gorge Plate,or"SO 18',which indicates a high teo,im 19 gage plate.
Southern Truss Companies,Inc. Truss: C1G
1 " SOUTHEIRN 2590 N.Icings Highway Project Nalne: 2371-A
Component Solutions7T1 TRUSS Fort Pierce,F134951 Page: 1/20/ 016 7:4122 AM
Tniss COMPANIES (800)232-0509 (772)464-4160 (772)318-0016 Fax �
Version:2016.5.1 mld 5
15-3-14 5/12 1 0-M 0-0-0 0-M 1-9-14 2 24 in 99 IS
3S7 2-71 41a9 2-7-4 3-4-7 2-1-14
r 35-7 i 6-',r11 7-2-4 9-9-8 t3-2-0 15-3.14 t
2-9-9 2-9.9
12 12
3.62 F— --�3.62
5x5- 5x6-
3 4
12 6x61 6x6 HS 181
5F 2 5 12
� 5x6 1x41! 6 n
12 - 11 10 9 8
1.5x3- lox10- 7x7- 4x71 7x6-
58® A9C Al OC CJ7 AllCGJ66 CJ58
D-0-0 0-0-0
31-14 3-t-14 1-8-8 5-1-12 2-1-14
3-1-14 13-2-0 t 15314
Loading General CSI6ummary Deflection L/ (loc) Allowed
Lord (PsU Bdgcme:' FBC201a TC: a96(4-5) VeTL: DDin L/846 (1all) L/Z40
TOLL: 20 TPI 1-2DW BC: (X70(9-10) Vct LL: Q06 in L/999 pall) L1360
TCDL: IS Rep Mbrinerease: No Vhb: 0.9•/p-11) Cmt/OH TL: 0in UP 2L 1999 (7� 2L/120
BCLL: 0 D.O.L.: 1259, Coot OH LL: Om UP 2L1999 (7-8) 2L 120
BCDL: 10 H—TL• a04 in 8
Plate odsets Q.MY,Mg): (1:5$1$22) (7-00.MM9.) (3:OA38,0.) (4:04L3$0.) (51U}10.19.) (6:3A343,90.) QA4 2,0.) (81-1,440.)
RTM44 9Q) (101-124AQ) nl:I-LkS-&Q) (1s5s•2.12.0.)
Reaction Summary
7T Tvpe Brg Canbo Hrg Vldth Material Rqd Hq Vddh Max Rea4 Max frravUdiR Mont VdndUpliR Max Uplift Ma:Hots
12 Pin(V811) l 8 in Concrete Mssonsy 3.W in 7,79D Ides - -2.8951ht -2,89516s 91 Res
8 H Ron(VAU) 1 8 i o Conerele M.—y 3.31 in S.6141bs - -2,2U fs -Z=it. 0lha
Material Summary Bracing Summary
TC SP(AISC&2013)#1 a--4 TC&acing: Sheathed a Ptalina d 2.90.Pulin design by Other.
BC SP(AISC&2013)SS 2.5 BC S ciug; Sheathed a Puffins et 6-1-0,Pulin desiLm by Others.
Vkha SP(ALSC=3)FgShd 1A ex.qv
1.12 SP(AISC&2013)0226 1-11 SP(ALSC&2013)02 a4 5.8 SP(ALSC6-2013)P2 2c4
Loads Summary
])This kites b"b—designed fa the.Betts don to 10 psfbnm rLerd live Imd pha dad load.
Z)Thu mesa has bem digaed f the etieds o<rind Iaad in aaetdanm with ASCE7-10 with the following user defined mpa:170 mph ultimate,Expxeme C,Fully E.dmed
G.H.Hp,Bitldmg Category U p-1.001 0-11 Bldg Dims 82 ft x 52 ft.It-16 k Not End Zme Tms,Neither and web considered DOLE 1.33,CC Zone Width 5.21E
3)Kohn—s1—p ani.lmdivg in accordance with IBC Table 1607.1 has b—"OW
Load Case 1r1:Std Live Load
Point Loads \\ _�`y M•8L ��/
Mernter Loralim Direction Imd T b Aldth \P`'_�_
Bat Chd I." Dmw 780 fs 2A in - N\\Q.. ___777
Bd Chd 3-&0 Down 78D Da 24 in Top Chd 38-7 Down 56N /y\\\�% \11GENS'J `'
Bot Chd _ 3-&7 _ Up_ 251te
Bet Chd 560 Down 7 2 24 In �
Top Chd 57.2 Down 72 N _ m 6051 Re 14 _�
Bd Chd 5J-2 Up 211e 24 i.
Tap Chd 6-312 Dow. 116 He
• Bot Cbd 6.312 UP 10 lb,
TOPChd 69-0 Down 96169 74 in r .A
Bol Chd &M Dawn 111e 24 in r y TATE OF
Top Chd 7-24 Douw 116 Da //rr /��4'A.�
Bed Chd 7,L4 UP 10 lb. ��{a'F�`�
Bed Chd 7A8 Down 1,652 H. /ai O O 1D P
Top Chd 7-1a14 Dwv 72ft air / _ \
TTBot W Chd 79149 Down 5261� 24 a /� \\
VN_ \
Bot Chd 9-9-9 Up 25 lbs
NOTICE A,,W afthis d ign shell be fimuhd to the—tion cmtnda.The design of this iadhid it huas b b.d on design viteti t and regii—ts srpokil by the Ttms Maoufactuecand H.T.the aeuary Brian M Bleakly
end eo VJetmes of the inC lion set fodh by the Building Dwie,ua.A seal m this doming indmtes aeeepmm Ifpdosionel myjneering—pmslility sdcly for the hiss mnpmmt dig.shown.Son the msx Stw.Fng 179151
page mdthe-Imputant Infomatiort&Gmeml Notes-page f edditimal inf tim.All cmn�v plates shall be mmt ieft d by Simpson ShmgTe Congeny Inc in amadnm with ESR-V62.All eutnecf 2590 N.Kings Higb.Ft Piero..Fl 34951
pleta eon 2U gaup.,-1—the apeeified plate size is followed by a"19 which ind®to m Ie huge plate,or'Sff 19'.which indimm a high leosim 19}huge plate.
Southern Truss Companies,Inc. Truss: C1G
=` " 2590 N.kings Highway Project Name: 2371-A
TRpSSi Fort Pierce,F134951 Daze: 8/20/2016 7:a1az AM
Compon SolutionsTM COMPANIES (800)232-0509 (772)464-4160 (772)318-0016 Fax Page: 2 of3
Version:2016.5.1[Build 51
15-3-14 5/12 1 0-0-0 0-M 0-M 1-9-14 2 24 iQ 99 lbs
Load Case D 1:Std Dead Load
Point Loads
Manhm L-6- Dacctim Ued Tb VJ kh
Bd Chd 140 Down 975 It's 24 in
But Chd 3" Dom 9751hs N1.
T.p Chd 3&7 Down 321In
But Chd 3&7 Down 10lb, '
Bd Chd 5" Dmw 9751. 24 in
Tap Chd 5-7-2 Dom 531he 24 in
Bot Chd 5.7-2 Down 3416a 24 in
Tp Chd 6-3.12 Down 87 Its
Got Chd 63.12 Down 491hs
Tap Chd 6-M Down 65Ibs Z4in
Bd Chd 6-M Dmw 44IIn 21 in
Tap Chd 7-24 Dmw 83lbs
Bd Chd 7.24 42own 4916s
Bd Chd 7h8 Dmw Z074Its
Top Chd 7-1fY14 Down 5311. 24 is
Bd Chd 7-tO14 Down 341hs 24 in
Top Chd 9.94 Dmw 32lbs
Got Chd 9-9-9 Down ]Olds
User-defined Load Case LI:TTC Load Case_
Point Loads
hl-ber Uvtim Direction Lind T b VA&b
Bd Chd I." Down 15411a 24 is
Load Combinations
9 Lmd Cmrho Fa_af 1md D-nim Factor
_ I DI _ _ _ LOW _ 0.900
`3 DI+lit 1.000 1.250
• D`+Q77+ _....__. - 000
� .`-
5 DI+0.6 W3 1.000
_ 1.330
7 '111+0.45 W2+0.75 L1+Q75 U1� 1.000 1.330
9 111+Q45 W4+0.75 L1+0.75 1.1 _ 1.000 1.330
`_; 10 -.D_1-,+445 H5+Q75 L1±Q751r1��.
III+0.45 W6+0.75 L1+0.75 UI_ _ _1.Wo 1.330
_ 13 _ D1+045 W8+0.75 LI+0.75 U1_ 1.000 1.330
E'er': 4 14-
15 D1+0.45 WIO+0.75 L1+0.75 UI -� LOW _1.330
,�._' 16_�D7+Q45 WI+O75 L7_��_�__._.__.__.____�- ___.���_:�..•__..__1.000 •' _��1330� �__„_'.
17 DI+0.45 W2+0.75 L1
..__.._...._,�_ 1000 1.330
D]_ + 1 _ _. : ZE-Q4 _ :
D1+045 W4+0.75 L1 1000 1330
_ �D]�,Q45 W5+0.75 L1'.y - u. - 1000_ 13JO i..,�;,r.. ;
21� III+0.45 W6+0.75 L1 �L000 1.330
.. ...1 :'D1+0.45 W7+075 L1 ,. •• ,ram_ ,m' _�1000: '����1.3J'O< ...+`-
23� D1+Q45 WS+Q75 L1 1.000 1.330
25 _DI+0.45 W10+_US L1 _ 1.000 1._330
27 0.6 131+0.6 W2 - LOW
..' �•. 0.61)1+Q6 W4• _�.._. __ �_ _._.... ...--. _ .._..__x....-. _ _.�_�-. 1 000_. _-,.-__. 1 330_�..-.__
29 06131+46WS LOW 1.330
30;.-.._Q6 D1w0.6
"`.'3 :Dl+11R1 -�: --_..-� ... _ --•'- - .: _';'1 l00 ,. .. "^-'_L250_._.�..-..
�- 33Dl+OR2 .. ._ 1.000
r Forces Summary 7aNe indicates:M-ber ID,mesCSLtant exist face.(ma:eanpa.r ifdia t6renm-a)dalfa«)
TC 1-2 Q7D 4,71911s 34 Q"M ASn Ion 5.6 0.303 -29516s
2-3 a 4674 the 4-5 0.1K6 -4474M 67 0.286 -3371hs
HC 7-8 0.160 234 as (91 16a)%10 0.698 4,241IN (2,9m act) I I-12 (1= 45 lbs
8.9 (1369 351811,e -2.538 lls 10.I1 0.512 4,7891bs 1
76D the)
R6In 1-12 0.366 -3,3431W 3.10 0.369 1,032lbs (S59lbs)5-8 0.818 4,U75]be
1-11 0.969 4,567 IW (-2,84611a)4.10 0362 1,011 lbs (-4421hs)68 0.Q74 -23116s
2.11 Q141 393M (4311s)4-9 QC28 -%the
2-10 Q120 -39511. 5.9 (1444 1,139 as (-SD4lb,)
Truss-to-truss Connections Summary
ID Casied Tm. Cmr)ingTms Coming offset Angle a
TT12 AS C1G Id0
t-:TT13 ,A9C C1G "_ :,.MA-9 -._ 11 '7
TT14 ciss 3&7 m79deg �� �-,�vGENS`.������
TT16 168 C1G 5.7.2 _ 45 de'�
C.=Trn',.�`__cJ79 - - -� -�- E 76Q�1 -
Tna 37 c1c 690 9Dae'
L�7T17 _=IIC _____ cic -'- 7-z�� :.nos4g :. _ 1
TT19 - AIICG C1G 7-0-8 ZA deg -
�7T167 •C1G _'_,- 770:14_•�,'���•_,_17 deg:�� _
TT14 CJ58 -- CIG 9-9.9 1592 deg '
Notes: �1"ATE01F1 When this onus has hem chmen Ca per q=
spdiry scrums inspzclim,the Piste Plar®mt Mdhd TJ>r 1-2D�A3.2 ahaa de ingot C 1.I7. � 0 . ORID 4%�2)Provide degale drainage to pmsmt pmdng
3)The f a show fa thu mvlti-P1y tins eon pa dY and the reactions an frt ell plies.7 identical msso shall tr taelt and anachd as fotlmsz:TC-1 row d'10dNaLs eCsm Nails � \
[min 0.120'dta:2 7B•Img[@a 275'a.a.,BC-2 sinpyced caws oC loiNeil a Gm Naiu[min 0.D0'dill:27/e-Imp)3_:I.S ore.,Ntls-1 rwv 141Nu1s or Gw Nails(ruin 0.17ff �'-` \ ��
&e..27/8'Imgl @ 9'ore. //s`S/0NAL
In additim to me f lining odlind abm.Pmiae the fallowing ss3y9mnmtal fasteners within 24'athe Imtim(s)Balm belaw in am of�i g hinges tmneama that erz capable of
baaafeaiag the entim toad between the plies: r i
Tc:7-24,(21)Ion Nails m Gm Nails[min Q 120•dill.x 2 71r tang]
4)Wbere taq.5nd,sufficient bangers shall x psmidaa(b,•othen)to rout reactions shown.
5)Install the-ws/nails m me side:do not nip tins.Se-Vnails shall be installed in the same Ions ply that the hangers are anaahed to /
6)Latent tracing shall be eunnccd to inch ply. !/
7)All fastmen;mivimsm bl/r tmS,mless otherwise natei
8)Nails in Ist and god ply.bell he st&-ed ffom ns ,ix plies b71/2 the nail spsda'
NOTICE Amp ofthi3 deign shall be hanished to the seed-cmaacte.The devilss dthis i dnidmt tnas is lased on design catede andseq.A-ts ss4plied by the Tms Mmrffamse and relics q Ne.wrary Brian A Bleakly
and maptetmvs afth.infameom sat forth b7 the Bold'Designer A seal m this dmwug indcam w=ptan«ofpml simat mgmeeriag respmsibility solely lathe Ines crospmmt doi�shown.Ses the«sv Stml Fnpe f77Kr51
pap cat.
Infann d-R General Notes"page fa eddiamal inf um.All emner4a plates shall be-Acted by Simpson Sa-g-re Cmspany,Inc in arsndan«with FSR Z762.All cenncta< 23W N.Kings Mgh.Ft.Pies«,F134951
prole an 2D garea-]errs an species plate sill is fdpoved by a"-18"which indcates m 18 a%v plate,a•Sp 18',which indicate a hiE s Imsim 18 Psge plate.
Southern Truss Companies,Inc. . Truss: C1G
SOUTHERN 2590 N.kings Highway Project Name: 2371-A
Component SolutionsTs" TRUSS Fort Pierce,Fl 34951 Date: 8/20/2016 7:41:22 AM
Taus COMPANIES (800)232-0509 (772)464-4160 (772)318-0016 Fax Page: 3 of3
Version:2016.5.1 w7d 5
15-3-14 5/12 1 0-M 0-M 0-M 1-9-14 2 24 in 99 lbs
9)Listed wind ydia=wtims based m MWFRS Only loading.
E 76051
10 �'.IATEOFIT 2.01l
Nonce A.aW d thi.desige shoal x r ni:hed to the ens m—m U-ne de.i¢a(this indi,id.1 nna is lava m design e,ite,;.end,e sm—t.,,Void by the T n Mandwtm and Rs«iTm the.wraey Brian M Bleal*
end cmtple essess ofthe inf tim sd fum by the Balding Dnig.a.A seal m this dining indicates esept.nee fp f,imsl mpneaing—pmsibility anlely fa the tn.s .;--t desig.sbwsn.See me ewer Stt a Fag N76DS1
peg.end the'Ympolant Inf tim 4 G-,.l Ndea page to additi..l infmmtim.All an. pldes shell is memded.ed by Simpam Sttmg.Te Cary.nY.Inc in accadanm with ESR-M.An cmvsta bMN.Kings ELgs.FL Piave.F134%1
pletea—2U tales.the.pacified plde siss is fdMwved by a-W which indicates en 18 p V,plate,m-SM Ir,which indiedes a high tm,im 18 pptge plat..
Southern Truss Companies,Inc. Truss: 05
= =„ SOUTHEIRM 2590 N.kings Highway Project Narm: 2371-A
-muss Fort Pierce,F134951 Date:- 8/20/2016 7:a1.23AM
Component Solutions?Truss COMPANIESCOMPANIES (800)232-0509 (772)464-4160 (772)318-0016 Fax Page: 1 oft
Version:2016.5.1 Build 5
6-11-5 3.535/12 2 0-1-1 0-0-0 2.6-2 0-0-0 1 12 in 25 lbs
or1r1 2-11-13 1-11-12 1-11-12
n 2-11-13 4-11-9 i 6115 t
3.54 1x41
d 3x5-
T 1
J1 1x4 l D2G
Jt I FJ-3-1
0-0-0 0-0.0
2-11-13 13 I 311-6 _
2-1 1- 6-115
Loading General CSI Summary Deflection L/ (loc) Allowed
Load (Pero Hdgcde: - FBC20141 Tc: 0.70(1-2) v tm aIinup L/389 (56) L/240
TOLL: 20 TPI 1-2W7 IC: Q96(545) Vol LL: Q03 in UP L/999 (5-6) L/360
TCDL: 15 Rep mb,Inaeaae: No Rub: Q22M Cant/OH TL• Q16in 2L/402 (1-1) 2L/120
BOLL: 0 D.O.L.: 125% Cant/OH 11.: 0.05 in 2L/999 (1-1) M.1120
BCDL: to Hm:TL: QQ5 In 4
Plate Odscts GnU-Y,Angt (12AMA) 20Q3-1(X9().) (3:00-MQA) (5214.3%36) (600•18.9Q) -
Reaction Summary
]T Type 1§g Cmdu Brp Nidth Materiel Rod Big W mh Max Feast Maz Gmv UpiiR M.Vdnd Uplift Max Upitl Mnx Hon.
6 Pm(V6B) 1 11.313 in Cmaete Mmmry 3.W ffi 273 Iffi -1671hs -1671ffi 1171bs
5 H Rdl(runs) 1 1.5 m - 3.W in 4781ffi -2'1711n -27311e -27716s 0lhs
4 H Roll(rugs) 1 1.5 in - 3.0D in 93 Rs - Al Its; �1 Its 0 Ra
Material Summary Bracing Summary
T'C SP(A15C6-2GI3)a2 W TC Bracing: Sh-thed a P�lias d 6-541.PWin design by 0then;.
BC SP(AISC62013)12 w BC Boeing Sheathed a Paling at 6-K Pndin d sigo by Other.
wEbs Sp
(ALSC62013)Must 2,4
Loads Summary
1)This a-,hag teen d sipnd fQ the meets doe to 10 p.ftmao grad lie load gate dad Poe&.
2)This Ines has been design"for the eff=b of wind los is in sera isnes with ASCE7-10 with the following—clef cd input:170 mph dma tite Eqp—C,Fully Enclosed•
GabldHip,Building Cstegay R(I-Ln ouemll Bldg Dims 82 It x 52 It,h=16 ft,Not End 7me Lens,Neither end wxb considered DOL-1.33,CC Zone,Width 5.2 It.
3)Minimum storuge attic lauding in aeec b nee with 19C Table I6UM has been applied
Load Case Lrl:Std Live Load
menubLoads ���\\`Q•Nl�l•+$_��������
Memla Location Diaetim Lend T b tNdOt r-
Top Chd 141 'Dow 351ffi �;(}
But Cbd Ibl Dorm 71ffi � /'}��
Tap Chd 141 Dow 35lbs ��/}�C- ��GENSF\;
But Chd ]dl D.I. 7N 4 /•r
Top Cbd_ .. 44.0 __ _Up. _ _ _ 44(ffi
But Chd 440 op %lffi E 76051 \�
Tap Cbd 44-0 Up 44 Iffi
But Chd 440 Up 561ts
Load Case D1:Std Dead Load
Point Loads TA-E OF
Member Location Diaction Loud T b Vddsh \`
.'2Top Chd lbl Dom- 361bsBat . �•�t
cna I � riTTop .&I m "�-OR��P
Bat Chd I6•I Down 161 e
Tap Chd 444D up 5711's / S
But Chd 44-0 up 65 N
Top Cbd 440 Up 571hs
But Chd 44.0 Up 651t,
Member Forces Summary TsWc indicates:Member ro,tnex CSI,mex W faee,(—mow.r ifmlr t ere n nuo,"a.l r)
TC 7-1 1-001 111e 1- a- -4551bs
1-2 Q702 -631ffi 3-0 Q408 431ffi
BC 56 0.960 4561ffi -2851ffi &I 0.4H 5731bs -2941ffi
t36 0
NOTICE A Fl dthis d:aigo shell ffi fimishd to the err aim cmtmaa.The design dthig ivd'nidaul mar is Lard on design ailed.end mgrinments supplied by the 7 s Mmudemaer and relies upon the m— Brian M Bleakly
end completeness of the inf tim set forth by the B bfing Designer A seal on this de wing ndiestes aanpanne of gad siucet engineering sesponstility solely Ca the toss emup-ent&sign shown.Seethe-tier St-L En&1l7WSI
]cage and
the-Important Infm &.nntioo General Noes-p.ge fv addib-.1 information.All rmnsda pates shall be ma of ft-d by Simla-Sbang m Ti,Caolv,Inc in a-,I.-with ESR.2762.Act eannmta 2590 N.Kinp High.FL Pierce,b134951
pates-20 gorge,-less the spcand plate sine is f.H.-d by a--18"which indicates-18 gauge plate,a"S#Ir.which ivdiwtes a high tension 18 ptge Pete.
Southern Truss Companies,Inc. Truss: 05
SOUTHERN 2590 N.kings Highway Project Name: 2371-A
TRUSS Fort Pierce,F134951 Date: 8/20/2016 7AI:23 AM
Component solutions7M COMPANIES Page: 2 of2
Tnlss (800)232-0509 (772)464-4160 (772)318-0016 Fax
Version:20165.1 uild 5
6-I1-5 3.535/12 2 0-1-1 0-0-0 2-6-2 0-M 1 12 in 25 lbs
Truss-to-truss Connections Summary
ID CanidTtuss Carving Trms Ca i g06et Apple
,_,:Tr35 11 GS _ Idl _ _5 deg
`T736 _ 13 � C75 4<U _ 45 deg _
_ TI77 C]5 D2G 56 410 ffi deg a
;�7T33 .�.: C15
1)Whm this tens has lam ehman fa quafiry«svanre inapetbm,the Plate Plaeemeol Method paTPI]•200NA3.2 shall fe used Cq-1.17.
Tj Tnnsao4mse naamisfagmphi®Iintnpstatimmly Ahanga or other,hmtreal rear-lira shall he pmided to min the rmx r«ctim and uplift slu nin the R«ctim
S, y
3)Bated wind uplift r«ctima based on MW M Only Im,ling. -
K 40"01 v\GENSF� ��ii
/— DE 76051
N0710E Amp/dthis hsign shall lr furnished to the enstim emtrestoe.the design dWis iadisidinl tnes is base:)m design raitede and rcgin�ats ssydid by th<T a biaadgn.Q sad seh«tqm me aexrraay Brian M Bleakly
and a 4,tm«s of the inf®etim set fuW by the Ridding Designs.A seal m this drawing indicate as-Vt--dlacies simal-&—ing--pms3tity solely for the t s mopment design shmsa.See the cmv SmeL Eog.06051
page and
'he'7mponant Inf tim&General Notes-page(edditimal inf tim.All emneeter plat«shall be mandechnd by Simpsar Swag-Ta Company,Ine in acwdanee with ESP,7762.All cmneetor 2590 N.Kings High.FL Pierre,F134951
plst«are 20 pugq rates.the apecifid plena siu is foil.—d by."lr which indicates an 18 page plate,or'S8 IS',which mdiestn s high tram.18 gulls plate.
Southern Truss Companies,Inc. Truss: CJ58
SDUTHEAN 2590 N.Icings Highway Project Name: 2371-A
Page: 1 Component SolutionspM TRUSS' 'Fort Pierce,F134951 Date:
/oft 016 7.41`23 AM
.truss COMPANIES (800)232-0509 (772)464-4160 (772)318-0016 Fax
Version:2016.5.1[Build 5
5-8-10 4.674/12 2 0-0-12 0-M 1-11-10 0-0-0 1 24 in 181bs
O-Qp12 2-4-0 3-4-10
4.67 F
• 1X4
1X41 ® C1G
0-M 0-0-0
2-0-0 I 3-4-10
2-0-0 5-6-10 1
Loading General CSI Summary Deflection Ll (Ioc) Allowed
Load (psi) adg code:' FBC 20141 TC: 0.43(1-2) Vat TL: 018 in UP L!999 (4-5) L/240
TCLL; 2D TPl 1-2w7 BC: Q30(45) Vert LL: 0.01 in UP L!999 (4-5) L/360
TCDL: 15 Rep Mtrtne—, No Vlb: 0.19(M) C=OHTL; Q15in X/349 (1.1) 2Ll 120
BOLL: 0 D.O.L.: 125% Can[/OH Il; Q07in 2L/999 (1-1) 2L/120
BCDL: 10 Ho¢TL' Qmin 3
Plate Mau(,ntK,XAnpb (1243.?0.) (2-I00.3-1290.) (5:04 90.)
Reaction Summary
JT Type Brx Cmxbo BrgW ill Mat '1 1g Bg Wdm MReact Max Gay Uplift Max Wnd Uplift Max Uplift Manx
5 Pin(WM) I 8.75 in Concrete Masonry 3.00 in 466 ens -117 lb, -117 lb. Z781ha
4 H Rdl Cr—) I l.s in - 3.w in 77 Rs -1511n S iba -15 the -
3 H Roll(Inns) 1 1.5 in - 3.00 in 119 Ibe - 424 la -124 ffs 0lbe
Material Summary Bracing Summary
TC SP(AISC6.2013)f2 2x4 TC Sawing Shoamed a Pmlina a[6.Xa Pmlin d-sign by Omens.
BC SP(ALSC6.2D13)42 ZA BC Sating Sheathed er Pudim at 1000.Pulin design by Others.
Vlhs SP(ALSC&2U13)What ad
Loads Summary
I)Thu tress has been daigncd f the effects dm to]0 Psf b onmx dtad hse Imd pis dmd lo-&.
Z)Thu toss has been daig.ed fame effects of wind Imds in eavde—with ASCS!-10 with the following met defined mpF. lM mph dtimale,Fxgxmm C,Fdly Endured,
Gabbe/Hip,Sritding Category B a-LOU),C-11 Bldg Dims 82 itx 5214 h=16 it,Not EndZme Tmss,Neither end web con red side DOL=1.33,CC Zone Width 5.2 it.
3)Minna m storage attic loading in ac=dmm with IBC Table 16(/7.1 has been applied
Load e Lrl:S[d Live Load
P urt Loads
Manic ]nation Direction Lend Trib Wdth \�\\ •IpL ///��
Top Clad 4106 Down 17lbs
Clad 4106 UP 201h
Load Case DI:Std Dead Load \ jJ v
Poi LEnt LoadsMemtc LocationLocation I>irzaim Loa 76051d Tnb Wdth �. 222��� jj
Top Clad 4I06 Dpxm 4Ibe
Bot Chd 4106 Up 7M
Member Forces Summary T.H.indicates:M®ber ID,inn CSL axial face,(mom gyp.r adds t ficea—xial r we) _ �l l
TC 61 0.w1 albs 1-2 Q431 .2651hs 2-3 alai -Mlle v ; TATE OF i/L
BC 4s aim. obi, 5-1 0.3m T78Ibe -58Ibe) e2T.',Qt�/[/'V•\
Vbbs 2.5 Q167 50ft (-352Rc) O f'Y �v
i, OR1DP
Truss-to-truss Connections Summary
ID C..ied Tans Carving Lens Cawing Offset Anp,e \\
Tr37 J43 058 4106 2421 deg^ SS
T17I4 C,58 C1G 9-9-9._..._. •3 -7.._ -_�...�,.2LL79h6..�^
1592 deg 1
1)%=this vets has been chosen for quality assoc nee inspedim,the Plate Plac�eat Method per TPl 1.200NA3.2 shall be died Cq=1.17.
ZJ Lms4o4nsa monectim is fa gmphiwal integseutim only Abangeroratherstrmtaal emmaim shall be poidedtosesiel the max reaetim md*ifl shown in the Reaction fls
NOLCE Ampy of this design shall be ftsnisbd to the—etim antral..The design of this i dhidnl toss is hued m deiga aitaia end requi—tor supplied by the T a Mannborer ad relies upon the acaracy Brian Ni Bleakly
and cmgiaenme dthe i m nFretim act forth by the Bald ..Balding Dcaig. A seal m this drawing indi ate.accept__o(p f aimd engineering pespmsbRity solely fa the ass compnmt design shown.Ste me wv StrxeL&rg.K7W51
page and the-7mputent Inf ties&General Ndrs-page(additional infmmtim.All connector plates shall b m®i ctumi by Sim7nm Strang-Te Cmpny,Inc in—al non with ESR7762.All connector 2590 N.Kings lUgh.FL Pierce.F134951
plate,ore 2U gauge,unless the specifid plate siu is foUowd by a"lfr which indicates an 18 page plate,a'S4 IS`,which indicates a high tensim i8 gouge pate.
Southern Truss Companies,Inc. Truss: CJ58
SOUTHERN 2590 N.kings Highway Project Name: 2371-A
Page: 2
Component SolutionsTM TRUSS Fort Pierce,F134951 at 8/20 016 7:4124 AM
Truss COMPANIES (800)232-0509 (772)464-4160 (772)318-0016 Fax
Version:2016.5.1 told 5
5-8-10 4.674/12 2 0-0-12 0-M 1-11-10 0-0-0 1 24 in 181bs
3)listed windsgtia teaciims Fasts m MWFRS Only loading
pE 76051
— Tk
OF 1
NOTICE Acapy efthis de ip she11 be fimished to the ercstim amtrsder.The design of this indhidal toss is Fried m dsip eateria end n gi—ts supplied by the Tessa Mmtdxhm s d mlies e m the aocur BriimM Bleakly
and—pl,tmess of the iof tim sd fwh IV the Arilding Desig—Anal m thi.duwiag indiates acepenes of p f 9 simsl aneeting nspms.Mty solely foe the tnss a mint design shown.Sm the inter Stan Eg 976DSI
page and lhe'Impntaat If-6-&General Nd -rage fin edditimsl ivfmoetim.All cmnwQ pleles shell be ttmntd."ed by Simpam St g-Ti:Cup y,I..is mwdanm with ESP TM.All cmnmta 259p N.Kipp Fligh.FL Pierre,FT d34951
plate sin IIJ pge,ml—the ape dfied plate size is fdl—d by a-lr which indiest,,an 19 puge plate,a'SM Ir,which mdimes a high tensim 18 page plate.
Southern Truss Companies,Inc. Truss: 07
r SOUTHERN 2590 N.Icings Highway Project Name: 2371-A
Component SolutionsT muss Fort Pierce,F134951 DatVie: 8/oft 016 7:4124 AM
T,uss COMPANIES (800)232-0509 (772)464-4160 (772)318-0016 Fax
Version:2016.5.1[Build 5
9-11-4 3.536/12 4 0-1-1 0-M 2-6-14 0-M 1 24 in 38Ibs
031r1 34)-9 3-5-5 35-5
3�9 6-5-14 I 9.11-4
p+ 1x41
^ 2
8 1
6 5
1x41 1.5X3
J1 IX41 J3 J5 B6G DBS9GG B6G
0-0-0 0-0-0
3-0-9 3-5-5 3-5-53-0-9 65-14 9-11-4
Loading General CSI Summary Deflection L/ (loc) Allowed
Lord (1-0 Bldg coder FBC 20I1V TC: 0.82(1-2) t<d TL: Ql3in L/568 (S6) L1240
TCLL: 20 TPI 1.20V BC: 0.52(67) VW LL: Q04 in L/999 (5-6) L/360
TCDL: 15 Rep Mtr Increase: No W:b: 0.18" Cent/OH TL: 0.35 in Z.1189 (11
1) 2L 1120
BCLL: 0 D.OJ-: 125% Cent/OH 14 0.11 m 2L/592 (1-1) 2L/120
DL: H�7L: 0.12 in 4
Plate Offsets 0.3X]0 ngk (I:L83-1 Q) (2003-10.9a) (3:1-123-216.) (5:3Q3A31.) (6:OA3$SQ) (7.00.3-M) -
Reaction Summary
2T Type ft Csmlo Sg Wdth Met "1 R;9g Wdth Max Rear MexG—UOM Max-vAnd Uplift Mors Uplift Mac Holz
7 Pin(VAJI) 1 11.313 in Coracle Masonry Mom 610lbs - -321 lbe -3211hs 276 Its,
5 H Roll(foes) 1 I.5 in - I in 178 His - -9'7 lb, -97 lb, 011.
4H Roll(rnas) I 1.5m - 1W;n 1T7 His - -101 is -101 IM 0Re
Material Summary Bracing Summary
TC SP(ALSC62013)N2 2e4 TC Bmc;np Shedhd Q Pulins d 5-147,PQiin desipr by Others.
BC SP(A1SC6-2713)5S ZA BC B acing Shrathed a Pulins at 6-3U.Pbdin dmila W Othea.
Vlbs SP(ALSC62L13)N31Sad 2e4
Loads Summary
I)This toss has been daipred fa the effccts doe to 10 psfbomm deed Ilse laid phis dad loads.
2)Thu tons has been designed fm the effects of wind loads in accmdsnee stilbASCE7-10 with the following merde8ned mprt 1'Rl rnPh dtimatt �C,Fink Enoloaed
Game/Hfp,B&dld;ng CsteM n(I-LOU),0-11 Bldg Dims 84 8 x 52 ft,h=16 f4 Na EndZme Toes,Neither and web crosidued IDOL=1.33,CC Zece Width 5.2 f.
3)Minimum etmage attic lording in omordmce with IBC Tame 16U7.1 has been applied .
Load Case Lrl:Std live Load
Point Loads \\ •�� /,
Member laotim Dircatim Load T b Wdth
Jkt chit iai Do 37Itts ��\35
Top Chit �A;G
1S7 Down Rs
Bat Chd ldl Down 7 Rs G
Tap Chd 440 Up 44 lbs
ad C 440 Up 56 the
= / O C 7C
Top Chd 44.0 UP 44 as j.{1(-S >�,\,6E /Ll
44.0 UP 56 His
Top Chd 7-1-15 Down 35 It.
Bet Chd 7-1-15 UP 13I1.
Top Chd 7.1-15 Doses 35 the
Bct Chd 7-1-15 UP 13 lb. "d ; TAT€OF
•.,OR104%' '��
NOTICE Ampy of this dmipt shell be famished to the eo tim cmtmaoa The design of this indisidW h ss is hued m design oaten,sod mgiii eats soloicd by the Toss MmsdschvQ and reties sPm the emray Brian Ni Bleakly
and a uo,teness dthe infmnatim sd faW by the$dlding Designer.A seal m this dawmg indicates-,e,g-ce dpof simd engineering resposstiliry solely for the toes canpnent design shown. lb the corer Stw.Eog.K/ft81
page and the']sopodent lnf tim&.Genera]Ndn"pegc li sdditimd inf 6m.All smoec err plates shall be mentdictued by simpsm strong-7-e Cmipeny,Inc in aecadsnes with ESP Z76I.Au connector 2590 N.Kmgs High.FL Pisa,F134951
Prase,aft](7 gauge,onlus the spec fed pl,t rim is followed by a"-Ill•which indiestes m 18 p V phu,a-SO 18',which indimtn o high tension 18 ppsge plate.
Southern TYuss Companies,Inc. Truss: 07
I £ SOUTHERN 2590 N.kings Highway Project Name: 2371-A
Component Solutions- TRUSS Fort Pierce,F134951 Date: 8/20/2016 7:4124 AM
Truss COMPANIES (800)232-0509 (772)464-4160 (772)318-0016 Fax Page: 2 of2
Version:2016.5.1[Build 5
9-11-4 3.536/12 4 0-1-1 0-0-0 2.6-14 0-0-0 1 24 in 38lbs
Load Case DI:Std Dead Load
• Point Loads
Mend. Lccatim Direction Load T b VAdh
Top Chd 141 Doan 361ts
not Chd ISl Down 161hs
Top Chd Ill Down 36lb,
Eat Chd 1S1 D— 16lbs
Top Chd 4" Up 57lbe
Ea Chd 44-0 Up 650s
Tp Chd 440 Up 571M
Ba Chd 4-" Up 65l s
Top Chd 7-1-15 Down 2111s
But Chd 7-145 Drnm 8Its
Tap Chd 7-1-IS Down 21 ft
Ba Chd 7-1-15 Dave BIts
Member Forces Summary• UN,indicetes:Mmd.In.nomCSL»axialfacr,(—X.f ifs tfimcaccmdalr)
TC 8-1 o- 2lb, 2.3 ng17 -534>m
1-2 ag24 M lb 34 n67I -79INW
BC 56 0.429 38416c -146lbs (5-7 0.519 394 lb. -1451be)7-1 0..442 660lbs -1401N1
Vkhs 2-7 R165 4651hs (3691be)3.6 0.I82. 509lb, (-25111s)3_5 0.141 450 no
Truss-to-truss Connections Summary
ID Cani dT-s Cam;ocTtm: Cm ngoaet Angle
T726 _ I Cn -I-&I 315aeg
rrn is cii 44 0 3is deg
TI28 _CJ7 7-1-15�y _ _7=fas _' w 9deg.=
Tf23 _C77_ 89G 7-15 315 deg,-
•_:T731 CJ7 B6G -...7-M_-._.�.95 dcg
B6(j�=-.._'_ �17166'
1)When this Ness has been chosen for Smlity as a--i.spectim,the Flat,Pla®ant Method per TPI 1-200YA3.2 shall le-1 Cg=1.17.
Z)Trms4obosa cmnectim is far paphical mletpetntim mlp Ah-ga m other shwa"c noctim shall be presided N resist them ma aim and yiift shorn in he 17eaetim
3)Listed ui d vpU reaaims loved m MWFRS Only Im6ng.
x . rE
QE 76051
i�4�� 22.2o11a�
NOTICE Ampy f thi,lesig.shag be fianished to the maim amtraam The design cfhis individual tans is based m deign criteria and m4firemmts supplied by he•tuns Manvd'actuer ana ale,apan the wary Brian Ni Bleakly
and myde=s of the Inf tim act fah by the Dulling Designer.A seal m this lowing indimrs n"�m of pmf simal mpneering responsibility solely fm the hrna caopmmt dcsigo shown.Scs:the car Sw Fag R76D51
page and he-Important ha[tim&G-1 Note"pogo f additimel i ®ntatim m.All cncew plates shall be mangy trued by Situps SNngTe Canpeny,Inc in actor& with ESR-2762.An camaf 2590 N.Kip lEgh.Ft Piece,FI 34931
piarea as 2U poe,,mlesa the specified plate size is fdiowed by."lr which indirat an 18 gauge(date,a•Sot 19%wtieh i dicelea a high tension IS p ugo plate.
Southern Truss Companies,Inc. Truss: CJ79
2590 N.tan Highway
SOUTHEAN P Y Project Name: 2371-A
Component SolutionsTa4 muss Fort Pierce,F134951 Date: 8 2/20 016 7.4125 AM
Page:Truss COMPANIES (800)232-0509 (772)464-4160 (772)318-0016 Fax
Version:2016.5.1[Build 5
7-10-9 4.674/12 2 0-0-12 0-0-0 1-11-10 0-0-0 1 24 in 24 lbs
0-%12 2-0-0 5b9
1x4 1
} 61
5 C1G
_ 1x4J J43 J51
0-0-0 0-0-0
M2 F 5.6.9-
2-0-0 7-10.9
Loading General CSI Summary Deflection L/ (loc) Allowed
Lard (lso Bldg Code:' FBC 20141 TC: 0.69(2-3) Vat TL 0.1 in L/638 (4-5) L/240
TCIL; 20 TPI 1-711D7 BC: 0.74(5-1) Yet LL 0.01 in UP L/999 (4-5) L/360
TCDL: IS Rep Mhrlovcase: No %b: 427(2-5) Cant/OH TL 0.17in M1308 (1-1) 2L/120
BCIL: 0 D.O.L: 125% Cant/OH LU 0.011n UP M 1999 (1-1) 21.1120
BCDL: 10 Hao:7L 0.08m 3
Net.offset U.My—Aft (1:243-Z0.) a00,3-12.90.) (5:00.33(94)
Reaction Summary
1T Type Beg CmIW ft Wah Matelot Rai Brs Wd is Mu Read Max Gra Uplift Max%d Upift Max Uplift Max Hod.
5 Pin(PAR) 1 IL75 in C—te Mesmry 3.OD in591 Idea - -186 the -1861b; 3161bs
4 H Roll(fsaes) 1 1.5 in - 3.(o in 107Ibe - - - 01t
3 H Roll(Dens) 1 1.5 in - 3.00 in 249Its - -W7 Rn -W?N 0Ibe
Material Summary Bracing Summary
3C SP(ALSC62D73)SS 2x4 TC Breemg: Sheathed or Puffins at 63-0.Pudin deign Fq Others.
BC SP(ALSC6.2013)r 2x4 BC Beam& Shathed m Puffins et]080.Arlin deiga by Others.
Vkbs SP(AISC62013)OYStul 2x4
Loads Summary
1)This tnea hu been designed for the effect doe to 10 psfI n—,h d lice load plos deed Imds.
2)Thu U.,has been designed for the erect(wiad leads in accudance with ASCE7-10 with the following—defined inpm 170 mph sdiimatc,Exposure C.Fully Enclosed,
Gablelft Balding CatcM R U-1.001 O—all Hdg Dims 82 ft x 52 ft,h-16 ft,Not End Zme Tess,Neither end web emsidsed IDOL=1.33,CC Zone Width 5.2 ft.
3)Mori,w storage attic lording in accord m with lBC T,H,1HJl.l has been applied
Load Case Ir1:Std Live Load
Point Loads \\\\�\`�\
Member Lastim Direction I,md T b Pldh
Top Chd 4-106 Down I71bs 24 in
Bel Chd 4-10.6 Up mph 24 fn \ y^�`,�'__`��
Top Chd 5-7-7 Dow 37 Its 24m Q3` ,
Bd Cbd 5.7.7 Up 12Ibe 24 in
Load QseM:StdDeadLoad QE 76Q51
Point Loads •M, y
- Memhd ).omtim Dimctim Load 7db V.idh * 1
Tap Chd 4-10.6 Doug 4115s 24 in
Bo(Chd 4-10-6 UP 71ke 24 in A;
Top Chd 57-7 Dow 2311s 24 in /'V -'ATE OF /y
Bd Chd 57--7 Dow 10 R. 24 i. `L
-IT, tom cc,
Member Form Summary 1aeei.mwtes:Memw ID.maxeSL—.xaf.,,c-curesifdifieren tftommaxa,dalfi.-)
5 Q �
7 26 OR
HC4 S R 2 4
I 4 S675 on. 7 PFhs 2-5 4267 746 Ra (5441bs)
Truss-to-truss Connections Summary
ID Carved Tnes Coming Taus C—ing Offtet Angle
T nor 143 CT79 4.106 33i.8 deg
[ T139 -.-.-:�_4,:_.- e.m:.P.a-•-..��C1A..�..�:.:,i.�_.�57-7-:�
TT17 C179 CIG S3-l2 6921 deg
r TiI7,_,_�TC179•�� _-_-C1G���:T....� }24_�__.....�.1148 d&u:-_ � l
NOTICE AccW of this deign shall be fimished to the eedim connador.The deign(this indhidusl Ines is tensed on design ail d.and rcgi-1,a gviied by the Trans Mentd'ad—sod N.rpm the acarery Brian Ni Bleakly
and coopldenes(the inf tim set fadh by the B&ild'mg Designer.A seal m this don ing indicates accep®m(�simal engineedng sespms�lity solely fm the Ines cmipmenl design sbwn.See the msc stos Eng P76D51
fag and the"Important iafmoatim de Gencral Notes"page fen additiond in(tim.All cooneetor plain shell be mandsctued by Simpson Shmg-Tis Company,Inc in a,mdance with ESRZ762.AR ccoocc a 2590N.Kings Mgh.Ft Pic—FI 34951
Plates;are 2)gug,mless the specified plate siec is follawsd by.--IB'whkh indicates an 19 gaug plat.,.-SO IW.which indicates a high tension 18®ape plate.
Southern Truss Companies,Inc. Truss: CJ79
r SOUTHEpN 2590 N.kings Highway Project Name: 2371-A
Coaglonent Solutions' TRUSS Fort Pierce,F1 3495 1 Page: 2/202 016 7.41:25 AM
Truss COMPANIES (800)232-0509 (772)464-4160 (772)318-0016 Fax
erasion:2016.5.1 uild 5
7-10-9 4.674/12 2 0-0-12 0-0-0 1-11-10 0-0-0 1 24 in 241bs
• 1)Whm this buns has teen chosen fw gality assurance mspeeim,the Plate Placement Mahod per TPI I-711O/A3.2 shall he teed Cq=1.17.
Tj Teas-twnns coso-tiro is f V*iml intcpetatim mly Ahenger or other sbuct ral crosectim shell he podded to mist the roes mctim end uplift shmm in the Rractim
3)Listed wind uplift reach-.based m MWFRS Only loading.
�� gyp•,--- ,S9Zr
\ ����
� F i
- i LE76051
NOTICE Aagy of this design sbdt be fvnishd le the etemtim cmhectm The design ofthis ind iduel roes is bead m drip criteria and tegitemmts stpplid by the Tnns Mmtifsctu a sd relies tp.the—ccy Brian M Bleakly
and comdetmess dthe inf®etim setfonh by the Mdi gDesigter.A seat co this dewing indicates aecepeoce dprubm simd mgin ingtespms'h7ity solely fathe miss co(npuumt design shmm.See the cows Shtel Eog.9760H
an Inge d the-Impatmt Inf®atim&Gmerol Notes-page f edditimal inf tim.All smnector plates shall be us>®�mheed by Simpsm Shmg-Te Cnnpany,Inc in sc—dsose with ESP,2762.Allcaroecla 2i90 N.Kings High.FL Pierce,F134%1
Prato aft 20 gs%e,mlos the specified plate sin is followed IT. indicate m 18 Vote plate,a•Sx 18-,wtkh indieetes a high lmsim 181W plate.
Southern Truss Companies,Inc. Truss: D1
N.Idngs Highway Project Name: 2371-A
Component SolutionsT TRUSS Fort Pierce,F134951 tee: o2016 7:a12s AM I f1
Tmss COMPANIES (800)232-0509 (772)464-4160 (772)318-0016 Fax
version:2016.5.1[Build 5
13-1-6 5/12 1 0-0-12 0-0-12 2-5-8 2-5-8 1 24 in 46 Ibs
4Qr12 2-38 I 3-9-3 3-9-3 2-93 O-Qr12
2-9-E 6-6-11 10-3-14 13-1.6
12" 12
5F 5
1x4 1x4l
2 4
axa- axa-
9 1 10
8 6
1x4l 1x4l
0-0-0 0-0-0
2-9-8 3-93 3.9-3 2-9.6
2-93 6-6-11 10.3-14 13-13
Loading General CSI Summary Deflection Lit (loc) Allowed
Load (Pst) Bldg Code: ' FBC WIN TC: 0.42(1-2) N%1 UL Q13in L/629 7 L/240
TOLL: 20 TH1-2W7 BC: Q45(8-1) list LL: Q05 in L/999 7 L/360
TCDL: IS Rep Mbrl.—.: Yes 11bb: 0.16(b8) Cant/OHM. Q12in 21./sa (1-1) 2L/I20
BCLL: 0 D.O.L.: 125% Cot/OH LI.- Q04 in m 1999 (5a� 2L 1120
9CDL: 10 H—TL: 0 in 6
Plate Offsets(JntY-Y.Ang): (12432Q) (20-0.3.13 9Q) (3:01.3-13.Q) (4:OQ3-13,9Q) (52-0.32ft) (6:00.3,9Q) (7:043$9Q) (8:0-0.38.W.)
Reaction Summary
77 Type BtR CrmW Hm MdUr Mnl '1 Rqd Hrg Wdh bdan Ravel, Max Gray Uplift Max Find Uplift Max Upo Max H
8 Pin(0.bll) 1 8 in Concrete Memory 3.m in 65316s - 208 lbs -2081ha -56 lbw
6 H Roll(V811) 1 8 in Ccaaete Masonry 3.W in 653 lbw - -2W Ion -m lbw 0l s
Material Summary Bracing Summary
TC SP(AISC&2013)N22x4 TC Bracing Sheathed a Pulias a&3Q Pudin dsilpr by Others.
13C SP(ALSC&2013)fR a4 BC Bracing Shmthed or Pathos at 104Q Puffin desiga by Othets.
Fobs SP OLSC&2D13)Mod 2.4
Loads Summary
1)This teas hu been d itad loath ffects ds to 10 psfbalmt.had Eve Imd pion dead l.&.
2)Ibis rotas has lees drsigoed fa the effects d Wind lords in.••adana with ASCEI-10 with the Collawing finer defined mpix:TA mph ultimate,Ecpeaue C,Fdh•Eaoloscd,
GebldHip.Bddd'mg Category R Q-I.n O,.4 Hdg Dian 82 ft x S2 ft,h=1611 Nd Fnd Zone Tess•Neither end web considved DOL=1.33,CC Zone Ws(kh 5.2 R
3)Mmi,mm storage attic loading in accadma with IBC Time 1607.1 has been applied
Member Forces Summary Tame indimtc:MembQ m,max CSL m atanl form,(max cmtpr.f if dill t firm mar modal fora)
TC 9-1 Qml 2As b3 0.419 .1251b, 4.5 Q424 -199lbs
1-2 0.424 -1991hs 3-0 Q419 -12511s 5.10 QWl 21M t
BC 56 0.451 2141M (-81bs)7.8 Q451 214ls (3lb,) \\\\ �` �• �i�
67 Q451 210.1hs (.311. &1 Q451 214 Ra (.8ne ``a B/`
Rbbs 2-8 QI56 4T7 IW (42211s)3 11s 7 Q06S 17711n (.IQ5 ,46 0.156 43711a (421hs)
Notes: -\40�/ v�C'EN`SF� ���i
1)When this trtas has ban chosen fa ggnlity ass—inspection,the Plate Placmmt Method pet TP11-2DWA3.2 sball be toed-Cq=1.17. -
2)Listed wind q&fl aims lased as MWFRS Only lmdin& ys I76051 \�
•0�, TAT€OF j
NOTICE Acopy ofthis design shall be fanisbed to the enstim c atsada.The deign ufthis indhidaal tuna is based m design cailaie and ugfin> b,srq#iad by the Tnas Manufacnse and relic qm the amrracy Brian M Bleakly
and completeness of the inti matim set forth by the BdI(E g Dcig—A seal on this dawmg indiestes acceptance dpdessimd ca&aasing respma3Tity solely C the bras.mgment dsip,shown.Sa the. StraA�&fn6051
pogo®d lb,"Important 1nfconstion&Gen—I Notn"page f additimd inf tim.All cmnecla plate sb II be a eoulh toed by Simpson String-Ts Company,Inc in aewdance with FSP Z762.All connector ?;gp N.King,Mgb.Ft Pivee,F134951
Plate,ere 20 gaage,males:the aped6ed plot.si a is folly d by a"Ilr which indimtea an 18 pup plate,a•Sa 19'.which indlmtc a high Imaion 18 pup Plate.
Southern Truss Companies,Inc. Truss: D2G
90UTHEAN 2590 N.kings Highway Project Name: 2371-A
TRUSS Fort Pierce,F134951 Date:e: 1 2 20 016 7.41:25 AM
Component SolutiorvsTM
Truss COMPANIES (800)232-0509 (772)464-4160 (772)318-0016 Fax
Version:2016.5.1[Build 51
13-1-6 5/12 1 0-0-12 0-0-12 1-9-14 1-9-14 1 24 in 561bs
r 2-z11--114
a tzzG a1na2 13-11a
B8-1-6 aAh1z
4x5- 4x5-
12 3 4 —121
5� IS
3x4/ 3x41
N 5
_ 4x4- _ _ _ _ .. _ - ...
111 12
B 8
3x4- 3x4-
lb 7
1x4 1 1x4 1
aa0 0-a0
z-1-1a 11 2 314 2-10-2 z-1-1a
2-1-14 5 0 0 E-1-(3 10-11-8 13 1 s
Loading General CSI Summary Deflection L/ (loc) Allowed
Lead (pa0 Bldg cede:- FBC 2011V TC: 0.32(34) lit TL: 0..01 in L/1 999 9 L/240
TOLL: 20 TPL I-mm BC: Q17 pap Vet LL: o i. L/999 (8-9) L/360
TCDL: 15 Rap Mtr Incswe: No Vkb: 0.21(4� Cant/OH TL: 0.01 in 2L/999 (6-7) 2L 12D
BOLL: 0 D.O.L: 125% Cant/OH LL: Oin 2L/999 6 2L/170
BCDL: 10 H—TL ain 7
Plate Odscts(7ntYY,An0 (1:2032,0-) (2'1-1;31,22) (3.90,3-%o) (4:00,34(Q) (5A-IZ3-I 2) (6:20,32,Q) Q.-OA38,M) (043AO)
f9:1t0.38Q1 (1Q00.3g90.)
Reaction Summary
7i Tvpe lkg Cams, Bg Mdth Material Rgd 6¢Vddih Max React Max Gn Ud'ft Max Wnd Ud'ft Max Uplift Max xaiz
10 Pin(WB) 1 8 m Cmraele Maamry 3.OU in 5601to - -323 lb, -323 Its 441ts
7 H Real(Vmll) 1 gin Cmerete Masonry 3.00 in 5601ts - -323 the -323 Ihs 0lla
Material Summary Bracing Summary
TC SP(ALSC(.2013)Or N4 TC 13acing Sbeathed a P.line A 63-0.Patin&sign b/Otbers.
BC SP(ALSC&2013)12 2.4 BC&acids Sheathed of Pr.1ins at 63A Prxlin lasign by Others.
Vkba SP(ALSC6.2D13)NLStW 20
Loads Summary
1)This ones has teen designed f the Ciects da to 10 pafbottuo rLerd lice lead plu dead leads.
2)This ones b.beas designed fQ th—fli to nfwiod leads i.woordanea with ASCE7-10 with the fdlming wee de inm mpx I70 mph rutiaatr E)gx-uc C.Fdb'Etdmea
Geblr/Hip,l3Eldng Category H a-LOD),Otvall DWI;Dims 82 It x 52 It,Is-16%Not End Zone Tnas,Neither end web sxm.idered DOL-1.33,CC Zme Vrrd1h 5.2 f.
3)Mini—ataage afti.Imdivg in.¢udmea with IBC TAN.16r7.1 has beau applied
adnt d�1r1:StdliveInad \`1`11
lyf—b a Location Diz..tim Lead Tdb vadh \�
Top Chd 500 .Down 471M _
_ Bat Chd 500 U 13111a \ r p�,
Tap Cbd 54Y12 Dow 351ts 24 in / G 1 Y
P /}
13d Chd SAY12 Up 131bs 24 in \ V� V\
Tip Chd-- - - 6611 _ I2pwn 351te :4 in- E 760�1
Bat Chd 6611 Up 13 Ise 24 in
Tap Chd ga10 Dow 3511. 24 i. _�
Bet Chd 8 UP D IM 24 in
g-6 wv- Tap Chd 76 D 471hs
Bel Chd 8.1-6 UP 131 Oa
Load Case DI:Sid Dead Load t
�'O -rATE OF lot /
Point Loads j \ �. to,
Memla Location Dvection L.md T 3Vdth tib
mce solo DUpav 14"s� �� `�_OR1DP.\�
Top Chd 50-12 Dave 21 lbs 2A in
Ed Cbd 5b12 Dow 8 the 2A in
Top Cbd 6GI1 Dow 21 Re 24 in
Bd Chd 6611 Doan m 24 in
Top Chd gP10 Dow 21 to 74 in
But Chd 9410 Dave 8lbr 24 i.
Top Chd SIS Dow 44N
Bat Chd 8-1-6 Up w Its,
NOTICE Ampy of this design shall be famished to the eseeim cmhactm.The design ofthis indisid al tnas is bored m design ailetis and reµinssent.agTlied by the Teas Ms tcfi m and selin rpm the aaaray Brian M Bleakly l/
and—plefeness ftheinfomu Stunt tag vmsi
-- page and the"Impotfmt Infmnatim&.General Nda-page for edmtional infmastim.All connector plates shall be manufneoaed by Simpam SmngTe Company,Inc m accordance with ESR-2762.All cama3a 2590 N.Kings Higb.Ft Pi=.F134951
platen am w gage,miens the apacifi d pima ai.is&11—d by.-187 whirr indicates an 18 gauge plate,or'SN Ir.w,hieb indicates.high tenaim 18 gaga pate.
Southern Truss Companies,Inc. Truss: D2G
P a SOUTHERN 2590 N.kings Highway Project Name: 2371-A
Component Solutiong"' TRUSS Fort Pierce,Fl 34951 p gee: 2 20/2016 7:41:26 AM
Tr COMPANIES (800)232-0509 (772)464-4160 (772)318-0016 Fax
Version:2016.5.1 5
13-1-6 5/12 1 0-0-12 0-0-12 1-9-14 1-9-14 1 24 in 56 lbs
Member Forces Summary Tetile;.&m1e,:Memha ID.—csL—a,dalr..e, r irdiei—tsm—a,d•Ir)
Tc 11-1 aWl 211e 3A Q321 3061hs (497lbs)6.12 Qml 21ts
1.2 UK) -260 r. ¢5 Q312 30311e (-2721bs)
2-3 Q290 30311s -242lbs 5.6 Q2m -25511a
i3C 6-7 Ql7l 281 1tn (441 the 8-9 0149 314lbs (-164 leer) 10.1 Q174 2851M (-141 its)
7-8 Q136 281 hS -141 lbs 9.10 0137 271 lbs 441 Iles)
Vkh, 2-10 Q135 -101 H. 3A Q206 5741M (-3331bs)58 0.115 32211s (259 M)
2-9 Q115 322 lbs (2591ts)443 0.206 5750a (a33 Its)5-7 0.142 -fn 0s
Truss-to-truss Connections Summary
ID Canid Truss Coning Tnss C!E!n S W Angle
T733_ __ C15 _ _D20 580
T734 15 _ __D20 &&1) '10 dc6
TI33 C15 ' D1G e-]L 135 deg
I)V&m this hoes has bcm chosen far polity asnrmce iospeetim,the Plate Plaeement Method per TM 1-20MIA3.2 shall be mc(L Cq-1.17.
2)Prmidc adnpale drainage to p—1 pending
3)Listed wind WO reactions base m MWFR.S Only loafing
E 760051
NOTICE Acopy ofthis design shall be banished to the aectim cmtiactm.The design dthis iodisidsel truss rs lase m dsign aiterie and regisanenm aupplid M the Tr.va Ddentfaen.er ad relies rpm the—e Brian M Bleakly
end—,plateness tithe inf®stim act falh by the Dill g Designer.A seal on this dewing indimtes eaepmre dpd simal engineering tespmsibility,solely fen the trms asepment design sb—See the eac StneL Fog 976051
page and the'7mparlent Inf tim&General Notes-page fm additional infmaatim.All connector plates shall be menht:a—A by Simpson String-Te Copy.Ise in-mc,&nm with ESR-2762.All cmnoelm 2590 N.Kinp Hi&.Ft.Piero,FI 34951
plates me 20 patge,wless the specified plate size is full—d by a"_llr which indicates en 19 page plate,m'S#16',which indicates a high tensim IS gorge plate.
:r <
Southern Truss Companies,Inc. Truss: WG
SOUTHERN 2590 N.kings Highway Project Name: 2371-A
Component Solutions*" TRUSS Fort Pierce,F134951 Date: 8/of2 016 7:41:26 AM
Trass COMPANIES (800)232-0509 (772)464-4160 (772)318-0016 Fax �e:
Vas ion:2016.5.1 mild 5
13-3-14 5112 1 0-0-12 0-M 1-9-14 0-0-0 2 24 in 901bs
0-%12 1-1-14 5-10-2 2-b-14 2-so
2-1-14 B-0-0 10-rr14 13314 '
4x5- 6x8l
4 5
5F— 4x5/
r 101
I n -1 VF
9 8 7 6
2x81 - 5x81 8x91 3x101
A17CG A10C A9C
0-0.0 0-0
2-1-14 5-1D-2 2-6-14 2-9-0
2-1-14 1 8-0-0 10b14 I 4
Loading General CSI Summary Deflection Ll (loc) Allowed
Lead (.so Bldg Code:' FBC 20141 Tc: 0.72 rya) Yet TL: 0.13 in L/954 (7-9) L/240
TCLL: 2D TPI 1-= BC: 0.76 Q-8) M.1 LL (104 in L/999 CPS) L 1360
TCDL: 15 Rep Mhr Inmease: No W:b: a99(5:7) Cent 1011 TL ant in 3.1999 (1-1) 2L/120
BCLL: 0 D.O.L: 125% Cant/OH LL: 0 in 2L 1999 (I-1) 2L/120
BCDL: 10 11-71L. QOl m 6
Plate offsets(3nt:K,Y,Aoet (1:40.Iza) (2:I-Iz3-In) (3:1-123-1,21-) (4:K3-g(L) (5:3A,$A90.) (6:1-1zsg.sa) 0:1-Izs-49a) (s1az�A9o.)
Reaction Summary
7T Tvpe 0¢Cmbo Be6 Wdh Mat 'al Rgi Bm NMdh Max React MaG Uplift Max Wed Uplift Max Uplift Horiz
9 Pin(VMD 1 8in Cmectc Mesomy Uo;n 3,3551Is - -1.3®Rs -1,38011n 365 lb.
6 H Roll(VU0 1 8 in Cmaete Masonry 3.12 m 5,293 It. - -Z231 Ihs -z251 Its 011.
Material Summary Bracing Summary
TC SP(ALSC6.2013)N2 20 TC 1—i g: Sheahed us Min:a S10a h Pudin design by Oea.
BC SP VJSC6.a113)x22Z BC�acin� Sheathed aPurlina174a Pealin design b/olbea.
Wits SP(ALSC67D13)NYShil 2x4
Loads Summary
I)This buss ha,Iron d.igrud fb,the errmta don to 10 psf ban—read lire lend plan dead loads.
t 2)Thei7s mss ha nb=d eined fen h h I70 uTh d6mm,F.Vw—C,Fd,'F-I-ed
GeblHp,B.9dig CWMU 0=I.;;Owall Bldg Dim 32 ft.52 ft,h=16fI,Nd Fnd7ma Toss,116thereodwebemsidered DOL=1.33,CC Zone Widh 5.2 ft.
3)hLnimim ataage attie)ending in acmdmee with IBC Tale 1607.1 has been applied
Load Case Lr1:Std Live Load
Point Loads
Memla Lccatim I)iamtim Lmd 76 Wdh 1Y1
Ba Chd 7.11-6 •Duwn 1,704 It.
Bachd 9 Dmw 4 Dam 780Its 2A�
Bd ��GENS��`I��ii
Chd I1-9-14 7m the 7A in /
Load Case Dl:Std Dead Load
. 76-51 \
Point Loads \•�..
Member lwdm Dismtim Lmd T b W dh y
But Chd 7-Ili Down z1501hs
Ba Chd 9-944 Doug 975 the 24 in
But Chd II-9I4 Down 975 lb. 14 ie +-
Member Forces Summary Table i di-s:Mends to, CSI, pe a,del fm-c,(p m--W..r ifdff ent rem a,da1 f-)
b j
TC 1st a000 I1ta za an5 -z59g1s ¢5 azw 1.2391m Q�` 2O 1�j�1\
1-2 a330 _ .2251ts 3-4 a340 -1.35111. \ `V
6.7 C283 0lb, 9-9 a293 1Wthe i, F 0R1
7-8 0.761 2,383 the (-1,914Its 9-1 0.293 II3 Rs F103 lb,)
W:M 2.9 0.438 -1,503 ft 3-7 am3 -1,885 lbs Sb U797 -2.327 Rs
2-8 3-8 a815 z14811. 1,65 Its)4-; a169 2.595 It. c.���; /SS�ONq�1�ca
NOTICE Amp of this desipa shill be 6xnished to the erection emmam.The design ofthu ivdi%idml tuss is basal en dsign wit na and segvrments supplied by h m e Truss Mmure< Q and teliea tpm the aruxecy Brian M Bleakly
and Bleakly— int 6m ca for h t"he Bd1d ng Des p er.A seal m h a sew ng and ate,amep anon prp,d;mat ongu ev ng espma bi ry egwy t he his anpment aesi m ahpwa.s«me m a smxz��N76051
page and the-Impudsutkibrucation @ General Net s-page f additimd mf 6m.All mmeetm plates shall be mensdarLaed by Simpson Spmg-Tn Cmyeny,Inc in ac adance with ESRZ762.All cenneele, 2590 N.Kiugs High.FL Piece,F1349i1
phtea an 20 pupa,unless he specified plate size is followed by a"-18"which indicates an 18 p%e plate,m'SN 19",which indicates a high tension 18 pl;-m plate.
Southern Truss Companies,Inc.
Tivss: D3G
' ''{` SOUTHEEiN 2590 N.Icings Highway Project Name: 2371-A
Component solutionsr TRUSS Fort Pierce,F1 3495 1 PDate: 2 oft 016 7.4126 AM
Truss COMPANIES (800)232-0509 (772)464-4160 (772)318-0016 Fax
13-3-14 5/12 1 0-0-12 0-0-0 1-9-14 0-M 2 24 in 90 lbs
Truss-to-truss Connections Summary
ID CaminiTrms C Mivg T—. Carving Offset Angle
TIl A11CG D3G 7-IIS _ZA deg
A10C -._.__. �_' .. _.
TO - A9C D3G J I1-9-14 ZA deg
1)When this tens bail been chosen fir quality assurance inspection,the Plate Placement Method per TPI 1-200VA3.2 shall be toed Cq-1.17.
2)Ptwide.&qua1e drainage to pavan ponding
3)The t shown f this mdti-0y thus a per pry and the m,6ma are f aH pbe.T idm6,W wse shall be bih end,Mehd as foilaws:TC-1 tow of loot Nails mom Nails
train alxv dia x z Ira-Img]@ lr sear He-2 srst�,d,awa d lmxdls orcun Nails train a12v diz x z 7/8'img]@sae.,vr•In-1 raw 1mxdls a cun Nails train a bar aiz x
27hr rang]@Toe.
In addition to the fastening aslioed abuse,pmdevi the fdlmvivg stgyduasnlal fnslmm within 24'cfthe la tim(s)luld Mmv is lieu ofasinghenger.mnec m that me capable d
transferring the enure load betwxau the plies:
13C:7-11d(16)lalNails or Gun Nails(min a12X din x27/8'long]
4)VA—n:gti ed,sufficient hangers shall be Aided(w others)to mist reactions shown.
5)Install the semus)nails on-.aide;do not flip truss.Sczeual—its shall le installed in the same toms fly that the hangers an,attached to
6)laleal bracing shall be attached to inch ply.
7)All fasteners ruin®urn 2-Ur Img,unless oth—Ase oded
8)Nails in bat and 2nd ply shall be staggered firsn succassi.,plies by 12 the nail spacing
Fj listed usind uplift reactions based on MWFRS Only loading.
E 7605.1 �>
2' •�t�
S��NAL E ��\N
NOTICE Acopy a this design sball be finished to the eseetim rmtmdw..The design nfthis indhi&W tuns is Mad on design allele and Tot.-mmts snlybed y-ran runs Mmtanen.Q am rslies rim me aauaey Brian M Bleakly
and emplumesa.1 the for tiro set forth by the Building Desigra.A seal on this drsuing indicate acceptance Mpefessimal eng;nmingraspensilality solely f the toes component deign shown. -111 coot= son x Fug rn osl
page and the-Important Inf tim 6.Genard Notes-page fax additional inufturation.All emneGa plates shall be manufactured by Simpson StlmgTe Cempety,Inc in aeeadmee uith ESM762.All aumeetur 2590 N.Kinp Higb.FL Pierre,FI 34M
pates son 2I g,,W,unless the specified plate in is fdlowed M-a--18"which indicates an 18 p W plate,er'S#18',which indicate a high Iensim 18 gauge plate.
b Southern Truss Companies,Inc.
Truss: D4
- -• 2590 N.kin Highway
SOUTHERN F I�gh Y Project Name: 2371-A
7iRU SS Fort Pierce,F134951 Date: 8/20/2016 7:4126 AM
Component SolutionsTTM COMPANIES Page: I of 1
Truss COMPANIES (772)464-4160 (772)318-0016 Fax
Version:2016.5.1 jBuild 5
13-3-14 5/12 1 0-0-12 0-M 1-9-14 0-M 1 24 in 681bs
04h12 2-1-14 I 6-11-8 4-2-8 i
2-1-14 9-1-6 13-3-14
4X5 HS 18- 2X6-
3 4
4x4- .
fi 7 6 > 5
1X41 3X8- 2X61
0-0-0 0-0-0
2-1-14 6-11-8 4-2-8
22 1-14 9-1-6 13-3-14
Loading General CSI Summary Deflection Lt (loc) Allowed
Lead ((s9 Bldg code:' FBC 20141 TC: om(34) VW TL: (1W in L 1999 (6-7) L/240
TCLL: 20 TPI 1-2m! BC: Q37(7-1) Vert LL: 0.01 in L/999 (6-7) L/360
TCDL: 15 Rep Mtrineease: Yes 1alb: ox(46) Cant/OH TL 0.01 in UP 2L/999 (7-1) 2L/120
BOLL: 0 D.O.L.: 125% Cant ON LI.: 0in UP 3./999 (M) X/120
BCDL: 10 H—TL: 0' S
Plate Offsets Rnt:7LY.An t (12412'0) (2.1-I;31.2L) (3:04-5&O-) (4:3534A) (5:1-17,3$9IL) (6:1.123$Q) (7:043-&90.)
Reaction Summary
37 Type Hrg Crmho &c Wldth MI.M Rg1 00. Max React Max G Uplift Min:Whrd. Max 6 ft Ma 34
7 Pin CMIl) 1 sin Cmcate Mvmry Qm m 7561ba - -'.061hs -�6lbs 3341ba
5 H Roll(%%N 1 8 in Concrete Masonry 3.00 in 489 As - -2151W -21511a 011n
Material Summary Bracing Summary
TC SP(AISC6-20I3)12 2x4 7U Racing: Sheathed m Pudins at 6,xq Prdin design by Others.
BC SP(ALSC :3)N2 2.4 BC Bating Sheathed cr Praline at 100a Pulin design by Others.
Vkb, SP(ALSC6-ID13)A31St d 2A4
Loads Summary
1)This toss hasan b designed for the effects die to 10 psf boltan Chad live Imd plus deed loads.
2)This hues h.b—designed fathe.fr u of wind lords In aceadaoa with ASCE/-to with the following men defined iopd:lM mph g1imate,Fq.—C,FW1,Enrdmed,
GableJHiA Bolding Category B O-1.00).Orden Bldg D'me g2 ft x 52IL h-16IL Nd Fnd 7.me T—,.Neither end w<b—,idesed DOL-1.33,CC 7me Width 5.2 R
3)Mmimrm storage anti.loading in.—dance with IBC TAI,1697.1 has been applied
Member Forces Summary r me indicate,:Member M.max CSI,oar«axial fad,(max cam.r ifdia t flan m®:axial Baca)
TC 1-1 Q331 111s 3-4 Q758 -391 Ile
Its \\\`11
1-2 0.34 -170 Its 3-0 0.774 -9911Is \\\ •BC ��/
BC 56 0.742 O Iba 6-7 QTrS -2s31ba 7-1 0.375 161 Rn (-151tn1
V.U. 2-7 0.212 -a71ta 36 Q148 4131bs (3061ba)4-s QISs -464 nn A
26 QIIO 29/lb. (69 Ra)46 11269 358lba (458 Flat) \\ \• i
Notes: \��R <CENSF��4!��i
I)When this inns his berm chosen f gjdity assvance inspection,the Plate PlaQment Method per TPI 1-2MVA3.2 shall he used Cqm 1.17.
2)Pm+ide adcgmte drainage to pesmt pending \>.
3)Listed wind rgEft teaaims based m MWFRS Only]ending E 7601\ '
r�O ; TATE OF j
�lll I I111�
NOTICE Ampy of this design shall be f—isbed to the oeaim mrtactor.The design ofthis indhi&W truss is based on design criteria and gni—ts snpoied by the Toss Mamdnctaer and teli spin the—acy Brian M Bleakly
and caopleteness ofthe in(umatim set forth by the Belding Designer_A seal on this dewing indicates amepance ofpafessimel engineering mspens'baily solely for the buss cmgment design shown.See the core SiM.Fog tr)�]
page and the'7mpo tent Infmmtion&General Notes-Deg.far additimnl in(tion.All coonecta platy shall be pass ffechnd by Simpson SttmgTic Cmgany,Inc in ecoo dance with FSR-2762.All connate 2590 N.Kings High.FL Pierce,FI 34951
plates=20 gorge,mless the specified plate in is fdlaw.d by,--la'which indicates an 19 gorge pate,or'Sd 18-,which indicates a high tension 18 gang date.
Southern Tivss Companies,Inc. Truss: D5G
2590 N.ldn M wa
SDUTHEi7N P>s l� Y Project Nam: 2371-A
Component Solutions— TRUSS Fort Pierce,F134951 Date: 8/20/2016 7:41'27 AM
Truss CQMPANIES (800)232-0509 (772)464-4160 (772)318-0016 Fax
Version:2016.5.1 wild 5
13-3-14 5/12 1 0-0-12 0-M 1-9-14 0-0-0 1 24 in 67 lbs
0-%12 1-1-14 4-11-8 i 3-1-4 ' 3-14 i
2-1-14 7-1.6 10-2-10 IN44
4x5- 3x4- 1.5x3 1
3 4 5
I 8 7 6
2x6 1 4x7- 7x6-
CJ7 J7 E Q J7
0-0-0 0-0-0
2-1-14 4-11-8 6-2-8
2-1-14 7-1-6 13-3-14
Loading General CSI Summary Deflection L/ (loc) Allowed
Iced (pa0 Bldg Cade: ' FBC WIN TC: 0.76(3-4) Ved TL 0116 i. L/741 (6-7) L/b10
TOLL: 20 TPI 1-3107 BC: n82(6-7) W t LL: aol in L/999 (6-7) L/360
ICDL: 15 Rep Mt.Iamrsse: No VEb: G44(b7) Cmt/OH TU 0.01 in 2L 1999 (1-1) 2L 1121
BCLL: 0 D.O.L: 125% Cant/OH LL Oin 2L/999 0-1) 2L 112D
BCDL: to Hoa TL: not in 6
Plate OffstsOMYAngy (1203-10.) (2'1.1'}122) (3'00.3-&0.) (4aQ34i3O.) (5'1-113A,90) (63834t0.) (/:1-123AOJ (&0a,3-&90)
Reaction Summary
JT Type HgC b. HEK{dth Mat '1 Rt1d Hg VJ&h Max Read Max G Uplift Max VAnd Uplift Max Uplift Max Hui.
8 Pin(Phil) 1 &in 'Cmcete M®mry 3.(10 in 1,1151ba - -S72lba -0T Iic 280 Its
6 H Roll(P60) 1 8 in Cmeete Masonry 3A)is 1,191 Ibe - -6461be d46 Its 0 Rs
Material Summary Bracing Summary
TC SP(ALSC&20l (a 2r4 TC)§adn& th Sheaed or Ptalins at Sao,Fusin design ty others.
BC SP(ALSC6.2013)r-2x4 Ee Haeh� Shuthed m Putins at 6aa Puiin design br others.
Pebs SP(MW6-ID13)M3/Stud 2A
Loads Summary
1)This hiss has beer dasipd fa the effects due to 10 psf to0mt cbatd lie Iced plus Brad loads.
2)This truss has been dasigtad fat the eff is of wind lords in ewoolmoe rvith ASCE7-10 uith the following tier defined inpt:170 mph dtio all,Fn-m C,Fully Enclosed
Gabldit.Btdlding Category B(I-1.00}Osvall Hdg Dine 82 R x 52 ft,h-16 ft.Nat F.td 7me Trtas,Neither anduvb crosideed DOL=1.33,CC 7me Width 5.2 k
3)Mmimw storage attic loading in acemdenu with IBC Mble 1697.1 has been applied
Load Case Lrl:Std Live Load 11� pp
Point Loads Member
Memb Lontim Diredim Iced Trib Kldth `v
Tip Chd 7-lfi Down 89lbs
Bas Chd 7.1.6 .Ra
Top Chd 7-2-2 - Dam so Ra 24 m
not Chd 7.2-2 tap I lbe 24 i. `������GEN'-11 Tap Chd 92-2 Down M lbe 24 in
Bat Chd 9-2.2 - Up - )Re - 24 inTop Chd 11-2-2 Dam Hub, 24� �E 760�1
Berl Chd 11.2-2 UP 1 Ibe 24 in
TaPChd 1}22 Dam In 24 in 8k _
Bd Chd 1}22 Up 1 Ibe 24 in
Load Case DI:Std Dead Load -- l
Point Loads !'0 ; �TAT/rE Ot FF
Memtrr Iacalim Dior tim Iced T b Mdth .2T.•fX��
Tepchd 7-I6 Down 78]be �`ORi�P i �\Bd Chd 7-I 6 Down 25Its \�
Top Chd i2-2 Down 611bs 24 in �=
m chd 7-z2 Dowa 4)Ice 24 be
Top Chd 9a2 2 Dam ®lb. 24 m
13d Chd 9-a2 Dam 40 Ra 24 in ��%/s/S��NA i 1EN�
Top Chd D-2-2 Down 60 Its a i.
Bd Chd 11-2-2 Down 401ta 24 is
Tap Chd 1}b2 Dam 60lbe 24 is
Bd Chd 13-2-2 Dam 401be 24 in
NOTICE Aeopy of this design shall be f—khed to the cation c atractm The daaipn of this mdhidml teas is bard m design siteria end requircnienis s1T0ird by the hiss Mmtffiwe and rclin rpm thc acmray Man 1VL BIwkl r
and—octarness of the iaf tim set forth ty the Holding Dcaignc.A seal m this drawing indicates aceeptsnee dpof—imal engineering responsibility solely for the betas—pment desipt shown.Sre the rate Strmt.Eng.P/6051
page and the"hnpodant bfimmtim&Gacal Note"}age for e6ditional kf tim.All emncta plates shall be mmtffaamed by Simpson Shmg-Tic Cmq.,y,Inc in eccadanec with ESR-7762.All connector bW N.Kings High.Ft.Pim:e,F1349sl
Plates am 2D p$e,mless the ap.-ifid plata rim is f000wad by a--lr wbiah i dieates as 18 pup pate,or'SO 19'.wt i h i diralas o high tension 19(F Ta pate.
Southern Truss Companies,Inc.
�$r 'Truss: D5G
SOUTHERN 2590 N.Icings Highway Project Name: 2371-A
Component Solutions"*[ THUGS Fort Pierce,F134951 page: 2.of2 016 7:4127 AM
Truss COMPANIES (800)232-0509 (772)464-4160 (772)318-0016 Fax
Version:2016.5.1[Build 5
13-3-14 5/12 1 0-0-12 0-0-0 1-9-14 0-0-0 1 24 in 67lbs
Member Forces Summary Ta1+e What—Memb¢m,mms Cs;tnm mdal few(anx cmgr.f if6ff t cam tea a W r)
TC 9.1 Ml 21b, 2-3 —
-1,185lb. 45 (14W 0lbs
1.2 G470 -194 Ile 34 (I'm -1.0411bs
13C 6-7 0916 406 lb, 7-9 0.577 -178lbx 18.1 0.104 X15 Ides -5311e1
Lambs 2-8 0332 -1.048 lb. 3-7 n175 489lbs (-756IIs)4b 0.423 1,1911hs (1,096 lb,)
2-7 0.435 1,054 lb, (4S321M)4-7 0.1W 439Ibx (-245 Ile)5-60.132 3A Ibv Om fbe)
Truss-to-truss Connections Summary
ID Ceaid Tees Coming Tess Cawing Offset Angle
T729 C77 D5G 7-1-6 45 dcg._
.�P .' - ':DSG.: _;- 77.2_;_- ...�_��g
TT30 17 _ D5G 432 0_ 9 deg
71730 _:1�77 _^'._. -_.. . ��_'_11-b2.,. ._ -._ ._�&g.::�..'.
Tr30 17 D5G 13-2-2 90 deg
1)When this toss has been cbmen f gality assssance inspemm,the Plate Pl,retmt Method ra TPI 1-MVA3.2shsll be rood Cq=1.17.
2)Provide,&gate dai,aW to pmeat pmding .
3)Dated Wind tplid aactian,hexed m MWFRS Only loa&ag.
QE 76051
NOTICE Ac ff of this design shall be fisnished to the—tiro caa aetac The&sign sdthis indisi&el tams is based m design criteria end m1&emmts sToied by the 7,Manuf6chm am telies npm the,eaaaey Bra M Bleakly
and cc o tmess of the infmmtim act forth by the 13tv16ng Design.A seal an this dining mute,aceepaace dpd aimal mgin,,i g re paesibility adely fa the hma canpmm seethe t design shorn.s the ce— sinri Frg.P76051
page cad the-Important Ivf tim&G—A Natcs-page fa,ddi imel inf tim.All cae—ta pates shall be mmtdaaaed by Simp an Sbmg-Ti,Canpeny,Inc in accords with ESR-2762.All omnxta 25g0 N.Map]Sigh.FL Pietce,F134M
Plates as 20 pab,roles,the,p dfid pax,ore is ralatvd by,--la which indicates m 18 ppsge pate,a•Sx 18',wticb is&,ales a high leasim 18 P141 plate.
Southern D-uss Companies,Inc. Truss: FTA
2590 N.ldn�H�i Project Name: 2371-A
- wa y P �
TRUSS Fort Pierce;F1 34951 Designer. she
Component SolationsTM COMPANIES (800)232-0509 (772)464-4160 (772)318-0016 Fax Date: I off 016 7:4128 AM
Truss Page: f2
Version:2016.5.1(Build 5
1-10-8 0/12 2 0-0-0 0-M 0-M 0-M 1 12 in 18 Is
1i 10-e i
• yf—��I
1.541 1.5X3 1
TIIr 1 2
I.X31 Al A2A A7 X3 1
0-0-0 O-"
1i 1-10-8 10.B i
Loading General CSI Summary Deflection L/ (loc) Allowed
L-d (]s0 Bldg Code:' FBC 20141 TC: 0.04(1-2) Vat IT, 0.01 is L/999 (34) L/240
TOLL: 20 7PI 1-2077 BC: 0.24(5-4) v'en LL 0 m L/999 (-14) L/360
TCDL: 15 Rep Mbrina.se: No Vkb: Q07(1-4) Ii-TL Om 3
BOLL: 0 D.O.L: 125 V. Cmep Facla,Rv 1.5
Plot. ffs O is(7ntJCLO (FT1Z.3-&9a) (2:1-11 3$90.) (3:1-123-&90) (4:1-12,3-k90.) -
Reaction Summary
3i Type ftC bo Bq Wdth Mt '1 Rg1 Btg Wdth M.F—d Max Gavupa Max Wad UPI& Max Uplift Max Horiz
4 Pin(fans) 1 1.5 is - 3.0)in 133 Re - -4611a -46 ft 016s
3 If Ralf(rrms) 1 1.5 is - 3.0D in 1571t. - .5511n -551bs 0Ibe
Material Summary Bracing Summary
TC SP(AISC6-2013)g22A TC Baring Sheathed or Aalina at630.Pmiin desip by Othm.
BC SP(ALSC62013)02 2x4 BC Bracing Shsthed er Patina d 100A Me design by Othem.
W1. SP(ALSC6-2(112)03 2x4
Loads Summary
1)This atss hes been desipd fen the effects rim to 10 psf benan rtad lie load plus d.d load.
2)'Ibis tnes has been designed forth,effects dxind]cads in arcadanm with ASCE7-10 with the fdloaing marde6ndmp1:17D mph dtimate,Esp.=C.Fulh Fnelosed,
GAI,Hip,Baildmg CatcM a 0 e 1.001 0-11 Bldg Di—82 R x 52 R h-16 tt Not End Zme Tess,Neither and carob considered DOL-1.33,CC Zone Width 5.2 8
3)Nf i.m at—W attic Imding is accordance with IBC T.W.1607.1 has been applied
Load Case Lrl:Std Live Load t J
Point Loads
Manila Ix Do Lma rdb Wdlh
Bd Chd 1-0b Down 91 Ila 2
LDad Case D 1:Std Dead Load
Point Loads
_ Member .Location Dkr slim Load Trib Wdth -
Ba Chd I." Down 114 Ito
a r s QE 76051
Member Forces Summary - time Iasi®t.:Mecr ID,
mb ,r®:cbT,m a,w ran,(�aw� ;con t fiam r-x a,5a1 sae) _ �.,�
Tc ]a non 1 m, (-011a
tic 34 n238 a nor t
Vkba J 14 01035 521hs (-33 Ibs)2-3 A(B5 52 Rs (-331M) .0 OTA"E OF
Truss-to-truss Connections Summary i-A Z •����<(/��
ID CaaidI-, C=iaTeas C.M.,Olfet Angle �i�'<1 Tr41 ORI Op'•
FTA AI 191 = i' _9�oa�g �/ ��ORI
E:I 43 `- FrA L��— _iw
1)V b-this bona h.b—.bmm f gahty.saance inapati-,the Plate Placement Mdmd W TPl l-2=A3.2 ahau be and Cy=1.r/.
2)Trms4o4rtna cmaectim is fa gaptical iatespn:tatim mh:Ahmgeradhm swdual connection shag be pmsided to mist the cam:roctim sad stditt shown in the Rextim J
Saamary. �fl
3)Provide a&gmte dmiogm to present pending
NOTICE Acopy of this design aball be fished to the oeeti-contra.-.The design of1his iadnidml truss is Wed-Riga dtde and regmuoeots supplied by the Truss Menu feet—ad relics sym the acomary Brian Ni Blealt:Ly
and®pleteacs tithe infmntim ad forth by the Bading Desigoa.A seal as this dmwivg indiuus seeep.nee of prd.simal mgiaeedng s.pmsTdlitp solely f".man eon .-I d.iga shown.Sa the roc Sena Eng m6051
page and the-Impatmt rnfamdim&.General Notes-pw f eddifimd W 0m.All monads plat.shall be—.1setued b)Simpson Strong-Tic Cmgeny,Ina m aced.-with ESR-2762.All cmneeta 2390 N.Mass Mgb.Ft.Pi—IT 34951
plates am 20 gauge,-less the apeeifid plate i-is followed by a-Ir which indics"so,18 gauge plate,a'S#IS',sstich indicate,a high tmsim 18 Pool predate.
Southern Truss Companies,Inc. Truss: FTA
SOUTHERN 2590 N.kings Highway Project Name: 2371-A
Component SolutionsT"r muss Fort Pierce,F134951 Designer alit
So COMPANIES (800)232-0509 (772)464-4160 (772)318-0016 Fax Date: 8/20/2016 7:4128 AM
TmssPage: 2 of2
Version:2 . 1111d 5
1-10-8 0/12 2 0-M 0-0-0 0-M 0-0-0 1 12 m 18 lbs
4)Listed wind Wlie reactions bssm eo MWFRs only loadingi
l i 11////
�\ N M.St ii,�
\��.00 i V\CENgF����!ii
E 761051
N077CF A—efthis dnigo shell he f—ished to the esaiim mttrsetm'he design of this i disidod teas is hued on design mitaia and agesm�mb stRAicd b,the'rnas t•f— etaer and relic y,m the.eemaey Brian M Bleakly
end emlileteoese of the infametim set fath by the Balding DesipmA sad m this dmuing indicates o—ptenee ofpo$ssimd mgmerung responsibility solely fm the buss campmmt design shaven.See the Dons Stnct Fag.pIHJ51
page end the'Irnpabn lafstnetion&Genea1 Note-loge l additional inf tiro.All®rerun plates shell be mend shred by Simlem Shmg-Tit company.be in eccadutee with FSR-V62.All co—dar 7,yp N.Kings Nigh.Ft.Piesee,F1 34951
paste are 20 pegs,-less the apmMed pate sim is followed by a--19"ubirh indicates an 18 Q ge platy or•sa 19%ubkh indicates o high tension 19 g.T.plate.
Southern Truss Companies,Inc. Truss: GEA
A� SOUTHERN 2590 N.kings Highway Project Name. 2371-A
Component solutions7ef TRUSS Fort Pierce,F134951 Magner. g 2/ 0/2016 7:a12s AM
TntsS COMPANIES (800)232-0509 (772)464-4160 (772)318-0016 Fax
Version:2016.5.1 uild 5 Page: 1 of 1
9-1-7 0/12 2 0-M 0-M 0-0-0 0-0-0 1 12 in 6515s
i 2-0.0 2-0-0 2-0-0 2-0-0 1-1-7
3X3 1X41 1X41 1X41 1X41 3X31
1 2 3 4 5 6
12 11 10 9 B 7
1.5X31 1X41 1X41 1X4 1 1X41 1.5X31
0-0-0 0-0-0
24}-0 2-0-0 2-0-0 2-0-0 1-7-7
2 4-0-0 1 6-0-0 9F '1-7 1
Loading General CSI Summary Deflection L/ (loc) Allowed
Lord (psf) Hdg Code:' FBC 20141 TC: 0.35(34) Vst TL 0.32 in L/324 (9-10) L 1240
TOLL: 20 TPI I-200/ BC: OL38(9-10) Vert LL: Qu in L/933 (9-I0) L/360
TCDL: 15 Rep Mbrinaease: Yes Vbb: 0.79(6-7) Ho¢TL: Oin 7
BCLL: 0 D.O.L.: 125% Cary Factor,Ka=LS
HCDL: 10
Plate of&ets(Int:)[Y,Ang): (1:1-12,3A9(k) (2:00.3$9a) (3:()4-18.90.) (4.,K3$90.) (5:003a,91X) (6:1-12.3b,9a) (7:1-12.3-k9a) (&00341.50.)
(9.U.3-8.90-) (10".0A3$90.) (11:0(1.3-M.) (121-123-&9D.)
Reaction Summary
Jr Type 13g C®ho Bg V4dth Material Rgd Ba W&h M.React Mu ors-up" Mm:VlndllpU Max Uplift Max Hain
12 Pin(VW1) 1 3.5 m Cmaete Masmry 310 in 2(6Its - .7211n -7211s Olin
7H Roll(fens) 1 L5 iv - 3.00 in 2051hc - -72 the -721W 0Ihi
Material Summary Bracing Summary
TC SP(A1SC6.2013)M-2.4 TC R—ing: ..Sheathed or Puiina d 63A Pmlin dcsige by Others.
BC SP(ALSC6-2013)tR A4 BC Hating Sheathed Pali,at 1000,Perin design by others.
Who SP(ALSC&2012)93 2.4
Loads Summary
1)This hiss bars teen designed fm the elfect•it&to 10 pvflvn=chord the lord plw Brad Iced,
2)This toss has bra designed for th.eB u of uivd loads in amadanm with ASCL7-IO uith the following ms defind mpII: 170 mph tdtimate,F-4nsae C,FtW Encl®ed
Gablef ft Edlding Category E 0 e LODI Oaall Bldg Dims 82 It x 52 fl,h-16 ft,Not Fnd Zme Tens,Neither end ueb crosidesed DOL-1.33,CC Zme Width 5.2 ft.
3)Minim storage attic lording in neeord'mm with IBC T.H.16W.1 has been applied
Member Forces Summary Tithe indicate:Member ID,men:CSL ssm n,dal fen,(men:cop.f ifdif t fi®men:mial face) 1y1
TC 1-2 arra ,"He 34 0.351 -"R. SS a218
2-3 0.331 .291bs 4S a248 -291hs \\ �.
BC tt
7-8 a061 291hs (-21 Rs)9-10 Q Rn 377 29 (-211hs, I1-12 0.167 2911s (,2111,s, l� LPL
8-9 Q320 29Its (-zl lhs) 10-11 (1377 291bs (-,I @s) y-- .�
Vile 1-1
2 a7&9 -159 Rs 3-10 n� 56 it. (340s,5.8 o.M5 6DIt. (,76>�) Q- i GEN ��
toll 0019 46 hs (-3 His)4.9 Q020 5211s (ohs)6-7 0.789 .1811h ` I �,
Truss-to-truss Connections Summary / oC 7605�
ID Cavil taws Cmsigg Taws Causing OiTut Avp)e � ��....`��„
TT44 GEA FTA 1-06 Rs deg _
1)When this hies has bcm chosen fm q-,Uty esssanm inspwdm,the Plate PI—t Mdhd perTP11-2=A3.2 shut be wed Cq-1.17 ,� "a , �,TATE OFbtss cmneaim u for 17aphical inlesprtatom mly.Ah,gec or ether sb,dual amaectim shas M poided to waist the men:teactim end tplift shownin the Reactionilot /
3)Pnrvide a,I q 1,d eic pe 1.pesent pending 0
4)]isid ssivdt{lift seaaima West m MWF7LS onTy laas6ng OR1D . \�
� z
NOTICE Acopy of this design shell be hmishd to the crcstim cmtceaor.The design of his indvidwl toms is lased m desip ctilesia and memm segta syplidly the T—Mmxdict—sod mlies tyat the ameecy Brian M Bleakly
sad mmplamese if the infinetim set forth by th.Bdlding Designer.A seal on this dmsing indicates weepunce dpxtfesimal enginmivgaspmsilility solely fathe torts:caryment design sbwn.Sm the co— Sti t.Fog ff76051
page and the-Impmant Infmnatim d:General Nolen-pagc f additimd inf tim.All cmnrsf plates shell be s,nidisaw ed M Simpam Sbmg-Te Canpmy,Inc in se—b m uith ESR-M.All connector MR King 1Lgb.FL Pierce,F134951
plates ore 20 gatge mless the specified plot,size is fodla ed by a`-IS'which indcatn en 18 gnge plate,or'SN 18',which indicates a high tensim 18 p utpe plate.
Southern Truss Companies,Inc. Truss: J1
+e 2590 N.kings Highway Project Name: 2371-A
Component SolutionsT TIRUSS Fort Pierce,F134951 �Dage: 1/2012016 7:4128 AM
Truss CGUIPANIES (800)232-0509 (772)464-4160 (772)318-0016 Faxof
Version:2016.5.1 Build 5
1-" 4.999/12 12 0-0-12 0-M 0-10-8 0-M 1 24 in 3 Is
12 2
�� 2
6 4x4-
I I 3
C.77 CJs
0-0-0 0-0-0
Loading General CSI Summary Deflection U (loc) Allowed
Idd (psf) Bldg code: FBC 20141 TC: Q04(1-2) 1mt TL: 0 in L/999 3 L/240
TOLL: 20 TPf I-2W7 13C: QIO(3-1) Vat 13.: Om L1999 3 L/360
TCDL: li Rep?&'I. .: Yea Vkb: Qmp) cant/OH TL Om A./999 (3-1) 2L/IM
BOLL: 0 DAL: 125% Cant/OH 1I.: Oi. 21,1999 1 2L 1120
BCDL: 10 Hod.TL: 0 in
Plate Offsets Ut:X,XAnng1: (1:2-03-ZQ) -
Reaction Summary
7T Type tig Canln 13sx MdW Material Rnd Sg Wddth Max Rmct Max Grsv Uplift Max ulnd Uplift Max Upli11 Max Had.
3 Pin(Ines) 1 l.i io - 3.00 in 261bs - .10 Ibs -10 N 199 lbs
2 Pin(Inns) 1 1S in - 3.W in 77 an - .301h -30lb, -121 an
Material Summary Bracing Summary
TC SP WSC6.2013)N2 2c4 TC Hneiog: Sheathed ar P-lina at t0-0Q Pectin design try Others.
BC SP VJSC6-2013)IR 2c4 Be Bracing Sheatheam Pwlins at 630.Puffin desip by Otbas.
Loads Summary
1)This t uu has been designed far the effecu due to 10 psf hxtan chard liw laud plus dmd laud.
2)This trod,has hen d.ig.cd far the effccu of wind load,to eooard.-with ASCE7-10,with the following wa defied inpd:IA mph dtimete,F q--C.Fully Fndmed,
GabldHlp,Bidding Cdcgay ll q a 1.00)•O,em111Ldg D'nns 82 ft x 52 ft,h-16 ft.Nd Eod Zme Truss.Neitha and web emsid.eA DOL-1.33,CC Zme W'idlh 5.2 fL
3)b5ninian stange attic lauding in accord nce with IBC Table IM7.1 has been applied
Member Forces Summary Table indicates:Menber ID,i.xesl,—uialfxac, axemp.r ifdis tf..—.1dalfol.)
TC 41 Q001,RS 211n ld Q074 -1641h
3-1 19911n AI Ibs V-1 \\` M•�� / �i/
Truss-to-truss Connections Summary �� \P -- /�
1n can earns. canngTm: caryngoaan An �\ ,(,j,, \GEIVS�� ��/�
7726 11 C17 Ill 315 ``
E 76051 \\
Tr3s n � cis tit
Notes. _ ,* &W. }
1)When this tnns has been charm far gmliry assuanee inspection,the Plate Plamusat Method pa TPI 1-2MVA3.2 sha11 he used.Cq=1.17. l 1
ST�rcslolnns cmnectim is fm gmpblcal intapdmim m1p Ahanger m dher structural connection shall be pmided to mist the its madim and uplift shown in the Reaction i.A �� �I'ATE O�F�3)M g dtilge pinned bearin east
O\ a�• P� ,a, \
4)Listed wind,;liftnacti—based m MWFR.S Only lading. f�
V// OR1D / �UV•�
/SS/ANAL EN�\\\�\\
NOTICE Aoop/.flhis design Shall h fianished to the cnxtim cmbadar.The design afthis indwidual trms is lased an design criteria and re4innuents mplied by the Tuns Mama wer and selies Igsn the eamery Brian M Bleakly
and wopletma.of the inf tine set fish by the Building Desig,a.A sal m this d—bg indimtes acceptance dpufessimd mgmemng respmaTxliry sdely far the bins canpmml design shown.Sa the can St t Fng g7m51
page and the"hnparunl Infcruction&General Notes-}age far edditimal inf tine.All cmnectar pldes shell be mmdacnned by Simpson Shang-Tic Caopeny,Inc in ace..danec with EM-M.All emnectm 2590 N.Kings High.FL Pierce,FT 34931
plates are 20 paW.unless the specified plate size is fdlo—d by.--lr which indicates an 18 gauge plate,ar'SW 18',which indicates a high ianaim 19 P she plate.
Southern Truss Companies,Inc. Truss: J3
= SOUTHERN 2590 N.kings Highway Project Name: 2371-A
Component SolutionsTT3 -Russ Fort Pierce,F1 3495 1 Date: 8/20/2016 7:4129 AM
Truss COMPANIES (800)232-0509 (772)464-4160 (772)318-0016 Fax Page: I of 1
Version:2016.5.1[Budd 5
3-M 5/12 12 0-0-12 0-0-0 1-9-14 0-M 1 24 m 11 Is
r 3-0-12
0-%12 2-1-14 I 0.10.
m 64x4-
2x6l G17 CJS
0-0-0 0-0-0
2--1 o-102
z-1-1a 3-o-a
Loading General CSI Summary Deflection IJ (loc) Allowed
Lend (Pal) Bldg Code: FBC 20141 TC: 0.36(2-3) 3kd TL: 0in UP L/M (4-5) L/M
TOLL: 20 TP1 1-200 BC: 0.38(S0 Mat LL: 0 in UP L/999 (4-5) L/360
7CDL: IS Rap Mhrinmase: Yes Wb: 0.16(2.5) Can:/OHLL: 0.09 in 2L/1531 0-q 2L/120
BCLL: 0 D.O.L.: m Cent/OH LL: 0.02 in 2L 999 (1-I) 2L/17n
BCDL: 10 H—TL• 0.05m 3
Plat Offs is p tY-YAngk (1203-ZO) (2003-139a) (500.39,9Q)
Reaction Summary
type B95combo 13mwath Material Rgdl3gwdth Max React Max Gm upn Mazwnaupun Max vp n Maxxodz
EPin(Rbn) 1 8 in Cmaete Mumry 3.m in 514 lbs •led lbs -109 the 1801bs
4 H Roll(Truss) 1 1.5 in - Un in 1831ts -121 Ho -I I8 it. -121 Ibc -
3 H Rdl(Ines) 1 1.5 in - 3.00 in 127 no -101 no -9611s -101➢a 0 ns
Material Summary Bracing Summary
TC SP(ALSC6.2013)a22x4 TC Bain& Sheath d.P aline at 6.3.Q P-H sign by Others.
BC SP(AISC62013)112 20 BC Hmcm& Shmthcd Q Palins at 1000.Patin design by Other.
Robs SP(A1SC&2013)WSW 2x4
Loads Summary
1)This toes bas been designed for the enacts&x to 10 psf bon—chml lire load plw dead leads.
2)This trtss has been designed f the effects of ind loads in aceadance%ith ASCE7-10 with the follming mar defined mpta:170 mph tdtmmie,F'gnsae C,Ftdly Fnelosed
GA1.0p,Balding Categuy 0 0=Loo,0-11 Bldg Dim 82 ft x 52 fl,h=16 ft,Not Fad Zone Tnes,Neither end web masidared DOL=1.33,CC Zone Width 5.2 ft.
3)Maine=stuage adie lording in accordance%ith IBC TaHe 1607.1 has besa applied
Member Forces Summary We indicates:Membam,owCSl,tnscasl6xca,(o—cospr.r adia t6on,m:mdO15se) \\\`1l,���''!,/,/
TC 61 0.m1 211s l 1 Q274 -138Ib, b3 Q362 -61 He \\\ .
BC 4i 0.352 Oibs 5.1 0.38i Pat lb, -3616s1
wen b5 0.156 4361M (-24)lbs)
Truss-to-truss Connections Summary E
ID c od Tm Cendng r C goat Aag1 \ �/j v NSA
TI27 73 C17 4-0-0
-cn a4 0� 45 deg 1 �(y/�P76051 \�
7136 _ ]3 C75 440
1)Whm this trma hu been ehmen to tpsiliry usaanm inapedim,the Pkte Placanmt Method IQ TPI 1•s-007/A3.2 shoo h used Cq=1.17. TAT€O t
2)Tms4o s tmnmdm is fm gmphiW intmperatim ml}Ahmga a atha etncneal amrectim shag le gmided to resist the atax tmctim and t�i8 shown in the Rractim l
sr�arc i� �� 2T T.
3)Listed wind yeitl reactions maid m MWFRS only lmdi g. / Q
�1j1I 1111�
NOTICE Aecpy of this design shall be 6anisbed to the arctim Brian M Bleakly
and eampteteness ofthe Br tied set forth by the Brnld;ogDeaitne,A seal on this lowing i di to naaptvtm orpa simal mginee,ing,Tmsiwiry sorely for the tens e®pmmt design shown.sea the on- ShoeL Eag rn6D51
Page and the-Impwtent klannatim&Genad Notes-page f edditimd'mfaanm.All cmnectm plate shall be—&ctued by Simpson Shmg-Te Cmrgny,Inc in nee&.cc with ESR-2762.All emneds 2590 N.Kings High.FL Pierce,Fl 34931
pates ate 2e game,mless the specified plate she is folk—ed by."-18"which iadicatm-18 gasgc plats,or'SO 19'.%iakh indicates a high tmsim 18 ptga plate.
Southern Truss Companies,Inc.
Truss: 24SOUTHERN 2590 N.kn&�Highway Project ame: 1-A
Component SolutionsTM TRUSS Fort Pierce,Fl 34951 Date: 8/20/2016 7:4129 AM
Truss COMPANIES (800)232-0509 (772)464-4160 (772)318-0016 Fax Page: 1 of 1
Version:2016.51 uad 5
4-3-9 5.125/12 4 0-0-12 0-0-0 1-9-14 0-M 1 24 in 141bs
0-%12 2-1-14 2-1-11
12 3
5.13 F-
4-Er __ _ ..__ LHJ ____ __ _. _.__ _. __ .__. __4
1x4i CJ58
0-0-0 Ob0
2-1-14 2-1-11
2-1-AN 43-9
Loading General CSI Summary Deflection L/ (loc) Allowed
Load (Ps1) Bldg Code: - FBC 20141 TC; Q28(1-2) Mtn TL 0.01 in UP L/999 (4-5) L/240
TOLL: M TPI I-2W7 BC: Q26(5,l) Vert LL 0in UP L/999 (4-5) L/360
TCDL: 15 Rephltalomease: Yes VPb: Q14(2-5) Cant/OHTL: Qll in 2L/455 (1-1) 2L/120
BCLL: 0 DAL: I25% Cant/OHLL. Q03 in 3./999 0-1) 2L/120
BCDL: 10 H—TL 0.05 in 3
Plate Olsen antY-Y.Ang (ITA3-2Q) (2'00313,90.) (5:0019.90.)
Reaction Summary
IT Tvpe Big CrmW Rg MWth Meterinl ltdBrg VAdth Max React Mez Gran,Uplift Max-Mind Uplift Mbar Uplift Max Hon¢
3 Pin(Wdn I It to
Cmacte M orry 3.00 in 416 no 42 Ibe -ffi 1h 731 Its
4 H Roll(rrus) 1 1.5 in - 3.W in 55 list -261h -7.2Ila -26Its 011.
3 H oa Ron(rrs) 1 1.5 in3 W in 36 Re 4 ne -56 rh -%Ibs 011.
Material Summary Bracing Summary
TC SP(A=&WI3)It-2x4 TC Bracing: Sbeethed a Pmdin,al 6-3a Min design by others.
BC SP(ALSC6-2013)M22x4 BC Racing Sheathed or Pudins at IGO%Pudin design by Mon.
Mbbr SP OLSC6-2013)RLSnsl 2.4 f�
Loads Summary
1)This Inns has been designed for the effects das to 10 prbad—chord Ii a load plan dead 1.6.
2)This hnas has hen designed fa the off b Quid Teed,in avadena xathASCE/-10 xith the follwig uer de6nrd mpt 170 mph n➢timaie,Rime C,Fulb•Enclosed.
GAWHip nodding Category 11(1 a 1.00),t—11 Bldg Dian,ffi ft x 52 ft,h-16 ft,Na Fad 7.me True,Neither end xeb considered DOL=1.33,CC Zone Width 5.2 ft.
3)Minimmn,imoge attic loading in accordance xith IBC Table MAI has hen applied
Member Forces Summary T5ode indicates:MemberW.nax-CSL—raialfca,(--W..force ifdiffereotfican—axial fa)
TC 4] 0001 2lb, 1-2 Q276 -2111h 2-3 0.239 -51 N
BC 45 - Q255 Oohs Tl Q257 251 Re -Rohs)
Mbh 2-5 0143 4W.IIs (-27g1h) \\�,r1__;B_L�
Truss-to-truss Connections Summary `�J}Q ♦�GEN.(��� `l ��
11) Carried T-a Canting Tess Coming Met Apgle
7T77 743 C758 4106 249 deg
[-i.'`.T738 �,_;"_743 -�• _C779 7`7 _i106 �~-'.335.e deg, 1 /
{p E 76051 �
Notes: _ /( ice\
l)when this true has th dea chum f gnnhry asennn mspewon,the Plate Placement Methed pa TPI)-ztnvA3 z snaua,ed h e9=1.17. -
2)Tnns4o-bus connection is for gaphiralmtalvetatim only.Abanger a other stanchest connection shall be pmsided to resist the m®c ruction andgditt shwa in the Reaction l
summery �_ �` "ATE OF f
3)U t,l wind Wift reactions based on MWFRS Only leading
NOTICE Acop,of this design shall be banished to the eratias conneaa.The design of this indnidul hue,is based on design criteria and regaine,acats W i d b;the Truss MannfiernaQ and relics apoa the.—ocy Brian Ni Bleakly
and compefeaesr of the Vi Eon set forth by the nildmg Designer.A seal on this d axing indicates--p nace d�simal engineering respma'bility solely for the trues component design shorn.Sm the base 5 & 1
page end the-fm pertl Inf®ation At Gencml Neu-page for additional mf tied.All emnador plates shell be meon5ma ed by Simpson Stung-Ter Com}eny,Inn in avudanm ith ESR-2762.AR eonoeeta
ivgs Hid.Fr Piece,F134951
plot.me 20 page.,wess the spe-ibed plate sire is fold—ed by.--Is xbkh indicates an 18 par.plate,a•sir llr,x-hieh indicates a high tension,18 gauge pate. K
' a Southern Truss Companies,Inc. Truss: J5
2590 N.ldngr �lE ect Name: 2371-A
wa y Pro1
Component SolutionsTa' TRUSS Fort Pierce,FI 34951 page: 8/20/2016 7:4130 AM
Truss CQMPANIES (800)232-0509 (772)4644160 (772)318-0016 Fax
Version:2016.5.1(Build 5
5-0-0 5/12 11 0-0-12 0-M 1-9-14 0-0-0 1 24 in 16 lbs
O-,12 2-1-14 2-10.2
r>— 2-1-14 5-0-0
12 3
m 2
b 4x4-
�r 61
I 4
1x4 l ET7 D2G
0-0-0 0-0-0
2-1-14 2-10.2
Loading General CSI Summary Deflection U (loc) Allowed
Load (Pt0 mdg cede:' FBC cola Tc: 0.29(1-2) wrst TU (101 in UP L/999 (4-5) L/240
TCLL: 20 TPI 1-2ll07 BC: Q23(4>) Val LL: 0 m UP L!999 (45) L/360
TCDL: IS Pep Mbclnerease: Y. VEb: 0.16(2.5) Cmt/OH TL: nll in X1456 (1-1) 2L/120
BCLL: 0 D.O.L.: 125 Yo Cant l OH I2.: QtB in A./999 (1-1) 2L 1120
BCDL: 10 H—TL: Q05 in 3
Plate 06 cast Unt:X,Y.Angk (1:2A3-ZO.) (2:0Q113,9Q) (5-0-41 .90)
Reaction Summary
eve &g Cttmbs BT)Md h Material Bgl Erg wdth Max React Max Gm Uplift Ma.was uplift M.Ugin NU.Had.5 Pin(V511) 1 81. Cmmrte Maaay 3.00 nt 413 no $/lbs -8/Its 2761h
4-H Roll(rruss) 1 1.5 m - 3.W in 37lb, .5lbe -5 Ra -
3 H Ron(Inns) 1 1.5 m - 3.00 in 7511a - -74 Ihs -7411s 0Its
Material Summary Bracing Summary
Tc SP(AISC6.2013)tr-N4 Tc Bracing: Shmmea orft ins at 6-3-0,Pudin desip by other+.
BC SP(AISC62113)H210 BC&acing: Sheathed or P.1ins at 1000.Prdin deig<r 1y Othem.
VFbs SP W.SC&2013)##Stud 2.4
Loads Summary
1)This tans has hen dmignd for the elreeta due to 10 pom®r chord live lead plan dead Ioads.
bes been designd fa the effects of mind loads in accordance ith ASCE/-10 mith the folleming user defied input:IM mph adtimete,Flue C,Fully Fnclmed
Gabldblip,Baildmg Category R p-1.001 Oaera Bldg Dim 82 It x 52 k h=16 Q Net EndZme Tess,Neither end web considered DOL=1.33,CC Zme Width 5.2 R
3)Mmisnassat stm p attic loading in accordance with IBC Table 19f1.1 has hen applied
Member Forces Summary tithe indicter:MembcID, CSI,—axindr a(ma:r..p.f ifdilr tficarmxa,aalfie)
IC 6-1 Q111 2lls la n294 -2011e 2-3 a256 -7111s
Bc 45 n23s or s1 az35 r6lh nlds)
Vbh 12,5 a157 440lb, (-301the)I _
Truss-to-truss Connections Summary \GENS
ID Camel Tnaa Coming Tans Cm_Nffiet Angle
7728 75 C77 71 15
ITT a —7s cn 7 I-u 4s a<g Q E 78051 \
TT34 7s n� sou 90 deg '
23 90 hg
TI34 15 D2G � 8410 90 deg
Notes. 1
1)When is boas ha hen r s chosen gm asm lity e,sce inspection, men the Plate Placement Method per TPI 1-20WA3.2 shall be used Cq=1.Iz r'fl �AT �
�sE O j
3)Traas-totnns cmneetimut gaphical intcrpetatim only.Ahmger or other atntn+d emm'lim ahallhpnidedto mist the mu:rogim mdufdin shown in the Reaction \\ �'I .2Qt
Soucy I! v
3)1�6td winat4lin r�.etimrle:dm MwFRs only lending QRI����� �\
S ONA`10� N
NOTICE Ampy of this design shell be fmnuhd to the arc tim s ahactor.The drip dthu indi idaal tons is based on design criteria and mgnrements mgglid by the Tans Mmtdechaer and mlies rpm the acearacy Brian hi Bleakly
and e�letmesa dthe in[tim set forth by the Balding Designer.A seal or,this dewing indiesta acceptance dpdasimal erapneednapm g raibility solely for the teas ccmpmen ow t desip shown.See the corer Street Fig.06051
page and the'lmpadma Inf tim&General Notes-page fen additimd iaf—dire.All emncctor platee shell be mmtdachred by Sb p,-Shong-Tit Coenpmy,Inc In eceadanre mith ESP-M.AR connector 2590 N.Kivgs High.Ft.Pierce,hl 34951
plats am 20 ptte,colas the apsdfid plate sire is followed by a-W which tadarm en 18 Doge plate,a'Se 11r,mtirL indicates a high tension 19 Lmng plate.
Southern Truss Companies,Inc. Truss: J51
- -•=K 30UTHERN 2590 N.Icings Highway Project Narne: 2371-A
cornponent SolutionsTM TIRUSS Fort Pierce,Fl 34951 Date: 8/20/2016 7:4130 AM
Truss CUMRI4NIES (800)232-0509 (772)4644160 (772)318-0016 Fax Page: 1 of 1
Version:2016.5.1[Build 5
5-1-1 5/12 2 0-0-12 0-0-0 1-9-14 0-M 1 24 in 16lbs
0-%12 2-1-14 2-11-3
12 3
• IX41
�Si 6 1
I 4
1x41 CJ79
0-0-0 0-0-0
t 2-1-14 2-11-3
Loading General CSI Summary Deflection Ll (loc) Allowed
Lend (lef) Bdg Cade: FBC 20141 TC: 0.30 0-2) t41 TL: a01 in UP 1.1999 (4-5) L/240
TCLL: M TPI t-20P/ BC: O.M(4-5) Vat LL: 0 in UP L/999 (4-.) L/360
TCDL: 15 Rep Mbrineresse: Yes VEb: 0.16(b5) Cent OH TL: 0.1 n 2L 1460 (1-1) 2L/12n
BOLL: 0 D.O.L: 125% Cant/OH LU am in x 1999 (1-1) 2L/120
BCDL: 10 H-11, aa5 in 3
Plate Offsets OntK,Y,AngL (13A3-2.0.) (2-00,343,90.) (5,04-890.)
Reaction Summary
1T By Cmdn BgWth Material Rg 13m Wdth Max Read Msx G—UWfft M.Wad Uplift Max Uplift Max Benz
5 Pin(V✓;ll) 1 sin Cmaete Masmty 3.00i. 4.15 Its .97lbs -97 Ibs 2791hs
4 H RoR Cr-,) l 1.5 in - 3.LU in 351bs .211n -211n -
3 H RoR(rms) 1 1.5 in - 3.00 in to Its - .77 ibs -771b. 0 f
Material Summary Bracing Summary
TC SP(AISC6.2013)P-2.4 TC B=i g: shedhea m Padins at&3A Pmfin duip by Oih=.
BC SP(ALSC6.2013)M D:4 BC Beacivg: Shtaihed a Polies al 100Q Pmlin doi�ly Olhen.
Vfbs SP(ALSC&2L13)HYStml 2A
Loads Summary
1)This tress has been designed fat the,Beds dm to 10 psfiotmn ebmd lie Imd pw dead Inds.
2)This tees h.been&signed fm the effects of mind lords in awards—wilhASCE/-10 with the fo0mting wer defined inpt 170 mph Wtias1t rageme C,FWIy Era1w d,
GaddFEp,l3WdingCategory II(I m 1.00),Otamg Bdg Dims 82 ft x 52 R,h=16 it Nat Fad 7me Tess,Neither end web rmsideted DOLm 1.33,CC Zme Width 5.2 R
3)Nf.i amn,1egN attic lending in orcmdmm mith IBC Btic 19f2.1 hen been applied
Member Forces Summary T bl,indiatm:Member ID,men:CSI.max ax;il fine,(t cmnp.r if dff t fi=max nt;al fen)
TC 6i amI I Ira 1-2 a2W ,7�Ira z 3 0-9
R 45 - 162312 a Im 5.1 a232 779Ile -58 11s)
V6ba 2-5 0.159 44S.IIa (-3(511n)
Truss-to-truss Connections Summary
ID CemedI-. Caasingrtwa C—mgDad Ange
7T39 351 C379 -5.7-7 20.79deg
LE7601Notes: huI)bemid —m1.17. Jr �2)hws4ottesaemnedimisfgmphimlintetpemGmm$Ahmga a arbor stnshaal tmmdim shll is psmidedto sesisl the smx sraetim andtplift,homer m the Rractim .
Smmm)t \
3)Listed mmd�plif—ctienabas d IAVFRs Only lending. \\ TAT€OF
NOTICE Acepy ofthis deign shell be furnished to the enstim emtiada.Ine design&this inditidwl ttesa is lased m&sign criteria and eegicummts applied 6y the Ttesa Mandactua atd tonnes sym the aavary Brim M Bleakly
sod n..*eanes,efthe ftsr ties set fodh by the Balding Design¢A seal en this drawing ivdiesw weepenen ofpdmsimel engineering—peesimity solely fen the has empmmt Short.Eng 976051
peg,end the-hnpatant Infmtmtien&General Now"fnge fa eddWa al inf tim.All wtnedor plates shall be mmttaebacd by Simpsm SbmgTis Canpany,In.in soot hn.mith FSR.2762.AO emneda
pate me 20 rpm-1.,the speeified pate sire is W—d by a-erg^whieh ivdi® gauge
w en 1g pl a ot,, •Sa 19',mixim indiedn a high ansim 19 gage plate. 2590 N.Kings Hid.FL Pietro.F134951
J � Southern Truss Companies,Inc. Truss: J68
SOUTHERN 2590 N.kings Highway Project Name: 2371-A
Component SolutionsT TRUSS Fort Pierce,F134951 p ate.
81201 016 7:4130 AM
Truss COMPANIES (800)232-0509 (772)464-4160 (772)318-0016 Fax
Version:2016.5.1[Build 5
6-8-0 5.125/12 2 0-0-0 0-0-0 1-9-14 0-0-0 1 24 in 21 lbs
2-1-14 482
5.13 I
' 4
5 1x4j C1G
D-0-0 0-0-0
2-1-14 4S2
2-1-141 68-0
Loading General CSI Summary Deflection L/ (loc) Allowed
Lend (psq Bldg Code: FDC 2,0141 TC: 0.57(b3) Vet TL: ow in L/999 (4-5) L/Z40
TOIL; 2D TPI 1-20D7 BC: 0.37(il) Ved LL: 0 in UP L/999 (45) L/360
TCDL: 15 Rep Mb,Ineease: Y VFh: 0.19(2-5) Cent/OHTL: 0.12in 2L/369 (1-1) 11./120
PUT.: 0 D.O.L: 125% Cent/OH uL aul in 2L/999 (1-1) X/12D
BCDL: 10 H_TL: QG7 in 3
Plate OEscts Ont:XY.Anft (1:24,i2D) (2-00.3-13,90.) (5:00.3-M)
Reaction Summary
7T $p; lig Canbo B l Widlis Material Rnd lag Vddth Mne Rwd Max Gov Udift Max V1nd Uplift Max Uplift Max Had.
5 Pin(VbR) 1 8 in Cmm:te Masmty 3.00 in 471 lb. - -92 Bbe -92 lbs 316 His
4 H Rod Cr—) 1 1.5 in - 310 in 7Dlls - - - -
3 H Roll(rims) 1 1.5 in - 3.0D in155lb, - -119 Rs -1191bs 0 Re
Material Summary Bracing Summary
TC SP(MSC&2013)92 2x4 TC Hrecing: Sheathm er Pmlins at 63A.Aalin design b/Olhets.
BC SP(ALSC-13)IP ZA HC B acing Sheathed ar R tins at 1040.Pidin dssi®s W Othm.
Vkbs SP(AISC6-A33)PYSt.1 20
Loads Summary
1)Thumnshasleand.ig.edf the,lf.t,dotolopsftottmtchmlliselmdpi.deadlmds.
2)Thu tnss has been designed fa the eff is of wind load in eceadnce with ASCE7-10 with the Ko ing user defined input 170 niph plumate,Frame C,Ftdly Eodoaed,
GabldHip,B,Wu ing CatcgayB(I-1'00%0,—UBldg Dimsg2ftx52ihh-16ft,Nd End Zm,Truss,Neitheendwebemsidead.DOL=1.33,CCZone Wrd�h5.2ft.
3)Knimma storage attic loading in acted non with IBC T.H.16D7.1 has been applied
Member Forces Summary T5[d,indiwn Memberro.®Cur,maxadalto,ae.(ma:a.n.r ifdilroatfim, saidr) \\\`1`11I'f1///J/
LC1-2 I.W -329N L3 056J -128Ite
BC 4-i 0316 0lhs 5.1 D374 31611s 401ts)
RbM 12.5 a185 51711a (-3971bs) A\�
Truss-to-truss Connections Summary ���Q', \GENE
ID Carved Tins Coming Tnss Cmtipod Angle
TT16 368 C1G i-7-2 45 deg^� 7c
L:_171fi. J6g-- �a _...-C1Gti'n.r-:-.1:1biJ..i.._.-:-,--T.;13i deg....:._- / IUO51 \,
Notes: _ 1
1)Whca this noes has been choaen fa qudity assurmce inspection,the Plate Plarroiant Method per TPI 1-2DN/A3.2 shall be used Cq=1.17.
2)Tms4oams cmnecti is fen gaphied intesp ta6m only Ahmga t ether smcns.1 c 1. 6t.h.E be pmided t -i t the soon—rim and WU(I,hwn in the Rmetim ! I
3)listed wivd uplift reactions based on MVNM Only lending 7:--�0�,` TAT€OF 2� �
-2 • 1 f lv
�111 I l 111�
�-E g
NOTICE AcM dthis design shall be f nnished to the=otim emtacto,The design of this indhidml Inns is based an desip ailerin and e* -nta sapokd by the I a Mmwadmer and relies�m me aeamaay Brian M Bleakly
and muplaten of the inf®alian set fath by the Bidding Desip=A seal m this da ing indicates nr4pana ofpdassimd angineetingrespnsildity solely forth,tins eenpment design shown.See theme Slant En&d76D51
page and the-Important lof tim&Gonad Notes'page fa addidard itsf—tiro.All emnectapldes shall be mmuffietured by Shnpsm Shmg-Tit Cmrpany,Inn is accadanee with ESR,2762.All cameda 2590 N.Kings High.Ft.Pi—FI 34951
platen ne 20 gauge,mless tb,speafied plate size is fdIa d b)-a--lr which indicates an 18 gorge plm,,a,'SN 19',which indicates a high tension 18 pprg,plate.
i' Southern Truss Companies,
Inc. Truss: J7
ul SOUTHERN 2590 N.Icings Highway Project Name: 2371-A
Component SolutionsTM TRUSS Fort Pierce,F134951 Datee: 8/020//2016 7:4131 AM
Tnlss �
Version:2016.5.1[Build 5
7-1-6 5112 19 0-0-12 0-0-0 1-9-14 0-M 1 24 in 22 lbs
0,1,12 2-1-14 4-11-8
2-1-14 7-1-6
1x41 B6G DSG DSG f36G
0-0-0 0-D-0
t 1
1-N 4-11-8
2-1-14 7-1-6 t
Loading General CSI Summary Deflection L/ (loc) Allowed
Lwd (psi) Bldg Code:. FBC MIN TC: 0.6/(b3) Pert TL: Q04 in L/999 (4-5) L/240
TCLL: 2D TPI 1-2 7 BC: (143(Sl) Vest IL: Din UP L/999 (4-5) L/360
TCDL: IS Icep Mnrinaase: Yea Fbb: 0.19(2-5) Cant/OH TL 0.13 in 2L/370 (1-1) 21./12D
BCL.L: 0 DAL: 125% Cml/OHLL Oin 2L 1999 (1-1) A.1120
13CDL: 10 Hen TL: Q07 is 3
Plate Offsets(3at:xX.-ngk (1:243-2,Q) (2:0Q113,9Q) (5:043AM)
Reaction Summary
JT Tjts HgCmbo Brg vAdth Matcsial Rad ag Wdih Max React Max G—UOM Mac Rind Uplift Mac Uplift Max Hariz
3 Pin(V8ll) 1 gin Cmaele Masonry 3.00in 490 Ras - -IMlba -1031bs 320]be
4 H RDD(Dms) 1 IS la - 3.)in 801ns - - - OR.
3 H Roll(rmn) 1 1.5 fa - 3.m in 17111. - -In lln -127 na 0lhs
Material Summary Bracing Summary
TC SP(AISC63013)#2 bc4 TC Racing: Sbathed a Ptslias at f3A Reim design by Others.
13C SP(ALSC6E113)4-2W 13C&acing Sheathed a P dins at 101K Praha design by Others.
RFhs SP(ALSC6.2UI3)#YStW 2.4
Loads Summary
1)This toss:hu teen dsigoed fa the effects din to 10 psf bortm ch file lead fi load plus dad loads.
2)Thu trtsa hn been dnigaed fa the edxts d wind lads in eecadasr<with ASCE/-IO with the follmsing sera defined inpd:170 mph ultimate,Egmtae C,Fully Fatdwed,
Gable Mp,Mding Cwegsy R g=1.00),0sem0 Bldg Dims g2 ft x 52 D,h m 16 f4 Nm F,,d2me Ttms,Neither end web crosidved DOL=1.33,CC 7eae Width 5.2 R
3)Miamsm atuage atfie losdiag in acmdmu with 1BC TSHe 1tTD.1 has been applied
Member Forces Summary vme�aata:MinnaID,Ngcsr maxtidalr De,(".amp<.r ifaa lain a;ar)
T'C 6.1 N.
2lbs 1-2 Q428 -33811s 2-3 0.669 -13411s
HC 4.5 - N. 0lls Sl Q42g 37D IM -sOlhs)
Vkbs 2-5 Q194 542lb. (-414lb,)
Truss-to-truss Connections Summary .�1`" "IS� E �\
ID Canird Tnes CamiDg Tnas Cawing 0&el Angle i S�`�`�
T724 17 B9G 7 b2 Z70 deg y
'm4 n BM —�— if
�E 76051
T724 77 -M IS- 2 37odcgot-
E 7}v6 17izz7odeg*— —
'['I24 ]7 B9G 19-2-2 Zxl deg 1
TP4 n — age 1 zi 7 zm nee e{ \ W
TT30 —77 D5G 7-2-2 9U deg v� ` A1C^ l '
^1•f� (���
-7730 l7 ._.e_�J DSG r y=--, j. �"
TT30 77 _ DSG 11-2-2 9O deg _TTM
".� " \
„ — � b2 -� .— ��j/F`SSIJOIVAL
7T3 EaG�\�\
[._M2 77 .B6G - ILS14, •-- 9U deg, _ // // I
2 17 I3lG 13-9-10 Al hg
LL TI32 77 B6G5G� 17.9.10-]O 90 deg
NOTICE Amp/dthis daigs shell to finished to We erectim cmmaa.The deign dihia mdiaidia]inns is hued m daigt criteria and re4vsenmts stpiied by the 7nas Mmdacfvaaod relic spin the amrecy Brian M Bleakly
and ompletenna of the ief tim act forth by the&adding Desigae.A cal m this dewing indicates acceptance dpdasimal engineering respmaihlity solely f the tons caapment daig.shown.sin the mtc Sir¢1.Fog#MI
page nod the"Important laf tim&General Notes-(age f additimal int tim.All cmneeW plates aball be sasaua s d by Simpsm Strang-Tic Cm4eay,lee in—ad.-with FSR2762.All cmnala
plain are 20 gattc,mlas the specified plate sus is 'fallowed by a IV which indicates sat 18 gauger plate,a•S#18'.w en which indicates a high tsim 18 page peat 2590 N.Kings Hips.FL Pieme,FI 34951
Southern Truss Companies,Inc. Truss: P
a SOUTHERN 2590 N.Icings Highway Project Name: 2371-A
muss Fort Pierce,F134951 Date: 8/20/2016 7:4131 AM
Component SolutionsTat COMPANIES (800)232-0509 (772)464-4160 (772)318-0016 Fax Page: 2 oft
Version:2016.5.1 wild 5
7-1-6 5/12 19 0-0-12 0-M 1-9-14 0-M 1 24 in 22 lbs
1)When this toes has been eh—fin gselily assmma inepeclim,the Plate Placement Method pea TP11-2MVA3.2 shall he ued Cq-1.17.
A rmaanana,�n�m v t deal b le pelatim mty Ahmger m othc shudur t em aim,hau be p i&d to mi,i the a mdim and toifl,bmn in the Rmctim
3)listed wind µilia reectims teased m MVIM Only loading.
NOTICE Amp/of this deip,bell be fisnished to the crestim emtmdm.The design dthh indisidml tuns is hued andesign xitais and recpi—ts supplied by the Tms Mantdee1u—ad relies rpm the emrary Brim M Bleakly
and mq,letmess tithe inf tim sel forth by the Holding Design-.A seal m this dmsing indintes.-.plan-ofp f aimal mgineamg m-pmsibility solely fm the tins cmpmmt design shone.Sce dre mtc SU-t F.g 976D51
ptge and the'Impmtant Inf tim&Gmeral Notes-pa&(additimd M tim.All cmnectm plates shall be man 6,tured by simpsm Snmg-Tr Cmrymy,Inc in accadtnm with ESF.2762.All mwxtm 390N.Kings Mgb.FL Piero F1 34951
plate,ue 20 gauge,mlos the specified plate she is fotl—d by,lr which indicete,an 18 gauge plate,or'SW 18"w i h indieam a hilt tm,im 18 tp ge p(ne.
Southern Truss Companies,Inc. Truss: J75
SOUTHERN 2590 N.kings Highway Project Name: 2371-A
Component Solutiongm TRUSS Fort Pierce,F1 3495 1 Date: 8/20/2016 7.4131 AM
Truss COMPANIES (800)232-0509 (772)464-4160 (772)318-0016 Fax Page: 1 of 1
Version:2016.5.1[Build 51
7-5-0 5/12 1 0-0-12 0-0-0 1-9-14 0-0-0 1 24 in 23Ibs
0-%12 2-1-14 I 5-3-21� 2-1-14 7S0 '
4 1x41
5 C1G
1x4 1
0-0-0 0-0-0
2-1-14 5-3-2
21 75-0
Loading General CSI Summary Deflection L/ (loc) Allowed
Lead (Ief) Bidg Code: ' FBC 20141 TC: 0.75(L3) Vat TL: 0.05 in L/993 (4-5) L/240
TCLL: 20 TPI 1-2W7 BC: 0.48(5d) Vat IL: 0 in L/999 (4-5) L/360
TCDL: 15 Rep Mtrinorease: Yes VPb: Q20G6) Cent/OH TL: 0.14 in 2L 1338 (1-1) 21./120
BCLL: 0' D.O.L.: 125% Cml/OH LL: 0in UP 2L/999 (5-1) 11./12D
BC L; 10 H—TL: 0.09 in 3
Plate OHxts(Int:X,Y,Ang} (12b3-2(L) (2:043-13,90.) (3:043-8.90.)
Reaction Summary
3T Type 13g Erg V3dlh Material Rqd Bag Vtdth Max Read Max Gray Upift Max-VMd Uplift Max Uplift Max Hai.
5 Pin(VhR) Sr1 8 in Gamete Masmty 3.00 in SW 1bs - -10.5 lbe -105 lbs 326 Its
4H Rau(r- 1 1.5 in - 3.W in vlba - - -
3 H FOR(raisers) 1 1.5 in - 3.00 in 1841ts - -135 it. -13511s 0lhs
Material Summary Bracing Summary
TC SP(ALSC6.20 3)p2 2x4 TC Btaeing Sheathed or Mica d 6.3-0.Pubs dip by 01b—
BC SP(ALSC6-2013)P2 2A BC Bcacing: sheathed or P dins at 1 W0.AAin design by Other.
Wts SP(AISC&2013)INStul 2x4
Loads Summary
1)This tt ss has been designed for the eR'ects due to 10 pef lxman dtad line lend pl s dead loads.
2)This truss has beat designed fa the effects dvind loads in accadm=with ASCE7-10 with the fdlm ing we&Ened inM:170 mph o1dznate,EVaaae C,Ft4 Fnd®ed.
G.bl.Hip,&lding Celegory Q([-1.00),O%—Il Eldg Dime 82 ft.52 fl,h-16 Q N.t Eod Zone Tttas,Neithv and web crosidaed DOL-1.33,CC Zane Width 5.2 R.
3)Mimeo storage anic Ioading in aaadmee with IBC Table It3f7.1 has been applied
Member Forces Summary T.W.indicate,:Moab¢11), CSI,tax a,da1r,(—coop,.fare ads I ft— dm f—)
7C 6: QWI 2Rs T12 1.2 -14911s 2-3 Q750
BC 45 Q422 Olhs SI 0.481 32611s (4131hs)
Vkbs 2-5 0.199 5%Me (-434N)
Truss-to-truss Connections Summary \\ .,- (;EN
ID CardedT—a C—mgTnss C—m offset Angle \ `V/ /�` SF \ .j
Trig 375 CIO 65W 90 deg
LE 76051 �>
1)When this truss has been hmen fm geEV assiri ce inspection,the Plate Placouent Method pa TPI 1-70ID/A3.2 aha11 be toed Cq-1.17.
2)Trtna4e .emnrstim is fa graphical mterpetatim colt'Ahsnger w otherahuctasl emrcaiat shall be pmi&d to mist the trex-ctico and qM shm n in the Reaction
s,®mtR 1
3)listed wi d tglift sections Lased m MV&W Only loading 0 QTATE OF
NOTICE A.Wy dthis design shall be fanished to the.section—Met-The design dthis ind'nidoal buns is lased m design criteria and req i—ts supplied by the Tnss Mandarnaa and dies yen the actuary Brian M Bleakly
andrampldmess dthc inf tim setforth by the Holding Desigta.Actedm this dawivg indicmtx acce;sseca dpafmsimal mpneaing respmsL'litysolely for the teas cmtpmenl design shorn.Sce Weutte Slttzt E g.S76451
page end Ibe-Imponent Info n tim&Gm,W Notes'page f adiitimal inf tim.AR emnciur plates shell be vunt.acnaed by Singnon SbmgTi Co pony,Inc in acauda t with ESR-2762.AR mtnectQ N.Kivgs High.Ft Piera,FI 34951
plates aft m gage,micas me specified pime siac is followed VT a--18^which in base an is poW date,ar•Sa 19%which indiestes a high tensim Ig iaece pate.
Southern Truss Companies,Inc. Truss: J7A
1• SOUTHEFIN 2590 N.kings Highway Project Name: 2371-A
t Sol do TRUSS Fort Pierce,F134951 Date: 8/20/2016 7:4132 AM
Tr Suss ol Cot3�on utionsI" CGMPAN IES (800)232-0509 (772)464-4160 (772)318-0016 Fax Page: 1 of 1
Version:2016.5.1[Build 5
7-1-6 5/12 1 0-042 0-M 4-1-2 0-0-0 1 24 in 28lbs
0-%12 48-13 1 2b9 I
4573 7-1E
I •
- 1.Sx3\
2x61 H9G
0-0-0 0-0-0
4b13 2-0 9
r 4-613 7-1.6
Loading General CSI Summary Deflection L/ (loc) Allowed
Load ((ss9 Bldg Code: ' FBC 2114/ IC: 0.46(1-2) Yct TL: Q02 in up L 1999 (4-5) L/240
TOLL: 20 TPI 1-207 BC: 0.60(5.1) Yct I.L. 0 in up L/999 (4-5) L/360
7CDL: 15 RepMbrinaease: N vtb: 0.38ry5) CantIOHTL: 0.12in 2L/tn0 (sI) 2L/12o
BOLL: 0 D.O.L: 125Y Cent/OH IL: Q03 in 2./999 (5-1) 2./12D
BCDL: 10 H—M a01 in 3
Plaza O.;i;(3nt3EY,Anpj (1:2.a3.20.) (2:1-123-1,R) (41-1138.40.) (5:0Q3A9a) -
Reaction Summary
3r Type Big a In ag vdmh Mat 'l Rod 1§g W(d h Max heart Max Gay uplift Max%d uplift Max upift m..Ha.
5 Pin(V60) 1 11.313 in Cmmdc Mmornry Main 95511n -1991hs -1991M 3211b,
4 H PA(Cons) 1 1.5 m - 3.00 in 450It. -297 N -2t911a -297 lbs a N
3 H Roll(rasa) 1 1.5 in 3.m m 42lb, - -34Ite -3411u 0lb,
Material Summary Bracing Summary
TC SP(ALW 6.2113)d2 n,a TC Bm i r Sheathed ar Holm:a 5-11.a Amin design by Othem.
BC SP(ALSC62013)f220 BC&acing: Shaathad or Puffins at 63-0,Pn tin design by Otb—.
PFta SP(ALSC62013)(0("2e4
Loads Summary
I)Thu Iona has been des.ped c the ea is 6>to In paf t*n=hod five load plat dead leads.
2)This msa has been doigaed for the effects f ind Itad in acendance with ASCE7-10 with the foUa ing tsa defined mp1:170 mph tdtimate,Expostm C,Fully Enclosed,
GablelHip,Building Caleguy II(I=1.00Z 0-11 Bldg Dims 82 ft x 52 ft,)i=16 ft,Na End Zone Toss,Neither and web considered DOL-1.33,CC Zone Wift 5.2 ft.
3)Minimum staage ante loading in aeamr u with DBC Table 16M.1 has bred applied
Member Forces Summary Talendeta:MeaWID.muCSlmaxaaaltace(�nc F.f uda trmmaaxa;al�> \`\,11�11",///!/
Tc 61 aml gnu ) 11 n464 n71u 23 0.az1 snot `\\��
Bc a5 aa99 acts lb, ant lbs s1 as95 765Ita a9s IM1
P6ba a5 an6 1,050am (-801 lb, 2� ¢l73 -576lbs
Truss-to-truss Connections Summary
ID Cmied Tttns Coming Truss Cmviag Odra Angle \ `V/ '�r1 V� ���/%
Tm nA B9G - - 23-b2
E 76051
I)%en this tans has boon ebmen for gmUty asstivm inepeaim,the Plaza Placement Method pa 1PI 1-H02/A3.2 shall M teed Cq.1.17.
z)rnnaaaa nor arena am u r gaphi al ntapc ebm only Ahanga aeha,bmbaal am»tatim sbau ba pmtimdto=ist the maxaaaatim aod*in shaven in the R=tim — 1} RRR�---✓✓✓✓
soaoamy l
�Listed w�a{larvae mrroammMWF7iSonlylaadng K7��, J- O
AT€OF ��
i O�� V 7A1��1v
i,51t R1DP
//S/ONAL E �
!f I111
NOTICE A.M of this design shell 1z Banished to the oe ionm ctmor.d .The deaign dthi,indnidual toss is head m dsip aitai.end.9oh m stpIkd by the Tons N1..f m a,d tell.upon the—.-Y $[bold M-Bleakly
and emtpletmess dthe inf tiro set Nth by the Witting Design¢A seal on tbis dewing inmram aceepance dpafasim on al anginearing responsibility solely for fi the s conymmt design shown.S.the ea— Stnst Fog N76DM
page eod the"Impotent W.—tiro&G-1 Notes-page for ed itimal inf®atim.All connector plates shall le mantel etued by Simpson Snmg-Te Cmgwy,Inc in ae:mdanm with ESR-2762.An conned¢ 239D N.Kings High.Ft Pi—,FI 34951
plat.are 20 pope,onleas the.pea ied plate sae u fdl—d by,"IV which indieates an 18 page plate,or'S11 19,vet»ch i dicatr a a high to nsim 18 gaupe plate.
+` Southern Truss Companies,Inc.
J � Truss: J8
SOUTHERN 2590 N.Icings Highway Project Name: 2371-A
neon TRUSS Fort Pierce,F1 3495 1 Date: 8/20/2016 7:4132 AM
Component Truss SolutionsTa' COMPANIES (800)232-0509 (772)464-4160 (772)318-0016 Fax Page: 1 of2
Version:2016.5.1 ulld 5
7-9-2 5/12 32 0-0-12 0-0-0 1-9-14 0-M 1 24 in 241bs
0-%12 24-14 1 5.7-4
2-1-14 7-9-2 t
1 1x4�
5 A11CG
1x4� p11G
0.0.0 0-0-0
2-1-14 5-7-4 - -
2-1-14 7-9-2
Loading General CSI Summary Deflection Ll (loc) Allowed
L.d (psf) Eldgcde:' FBC20141 TC: 0.94(2,3) lAtTL: dwin L17I7 (4-5) L/24o
TOLL: 20 TPI 1-2107 BC: Q54(Sl) Vet LT-- O.ol in L/999 (a5) L/36D
TCDL: IS Rep Mtrinevase: Ye Vkb: 0.2197a Cent/OH TL: Q16in M/300 (I-I) 2L/120
BOLL: o D.O.L.: 125 Cant/OH LL: Q01 in UP m1999 0-1) 2L/12D
BCDL: 10 H-TL: Q09 in 3
Plate Cast,pntXY.twRk (12A.3-ZQ) (2:04 313,91) (5,0-0.389Q) _
Reaction Summary
3T Type ft co ob. Bm N1dth Mat '1 Rqi BpR W dth Max Reset Ma G Uplift Max-Wnd Upli(1 m.Uplift Mxc H '
5 Pin(VA19 1 8 in Concrete Masonry 3.W in 516 Its - -108 Ihs -108 N 33311s
4H Roll(Ions) 1 1.5 in - 3.Win 95 Ito - - oil.
3 H Roo Cron-) 1 1.5 in - 3.W in198 Ih - -1431to -14311n o no
Material Summary Bracing Summary
TC SP(AISC&20 3)62 34 TC Bating Shnthea a Puffins at&3a Pdin design ly Otha-.
13C sP(ALSc&2013)A3 2A BC 13adng Sheathed aPulins at 100a ndin design by othm.
Vbb- SP(ALSC&2013)Mod ZO
Loads Summary
1)This Ions has been designed fv the etTcw due to 10 psftdtoot 6,ad lie Imd phe desd loads.
2)This Ions has ben designd for th.dfbets of wind load.in-,—dams with ASCE7-10 with the followi sae-de ng fiedput in 170 mph dtim ee ate.Epgxs C,F-lb*Fndosed.
Gdle/Hip,B.Uding CategoryR(I=LODI Osvaa Eldg Dim 82 ft x-52 ft,h=16 ft.Not End Zone Trsss,Neither end web oa nsidned DOL=1.33,CC Zone Width 52&
3)Mini—al—ga attic lending in accordance with IBC 5b].1607.1 has been applied
Member Forces Summary Tada.6-te-:Maas t ID,mz CSI,ens aria)face,(env:wmp.face ifdff I fiom twx-a ial face) \\`\`1
TC 61 0001 2Ila 1.2 Q476 36111n 2-3 Q844 -148Ro
- 1` 1
Vkb- zs axed areItto (-0n�)sl n540 33316s W1Mt `\\\
v�GENSF• �,�
•a �` aTAT€OF
- ORIDp:i�r
NOTICE Aoopy of this design shall bs f—ishd to the erccti-—tracw The design of this indi idtml ems is besd on 6aign esitda and xgiuements s%3Ajd by the T—M-u<aene:r and she open the evoracy Brian M Bleakly
and—Viet --ofthe ivr tins set forth by the WIding Designer.A sd m this doing indicates...epma fpt f.,i..i anginsrivg respmsibiliry solely fa the hsss c-q--t design showy.See the cost Stnri Eng.K76051
page end the-Tmpatml Inf tim&Geneel Naas'page f ad&6.d inf lion.AR emn our plates shall be—fiented by Simpson ShmgTe Compmy,Ne m accordance with ESRZ762.All eonnac �N.Kings High.tY Piece.FI 34951
plow ea 7U gasge,soles the specified plate sift is fdlo,a by a-Hr whieb indicate®18 gorge plate,a'Sa I8',wLich indimtes a big-tension 18 gxsge pate.
Southern Truss Companies,Inc. Truss: J8
SOUTHERN 2590 N.Icings Highway Project Name: 2371-A
Component SolutionsT'J -Huss Fort Pierce,F134951 Rage. 812012016
/oft 016 7.4133 AM
Tnlss COMPANIES (800)232-0509 (772)464-4160 (772)318-0016 Fax
Version:2016.5.1 wld 5
7-9-2 5/12 32 0-0-12 0-M 1-9-14 0-M 1 24 in 24lbs
Truss-to-truss Connections Summary
ID Camel Tna, Camiog T-. Causing Ofh t An&
TIM JB A11G (1114 Z7D deg
2-1 ld�
TT20 78 LA11G 4-114 Z70 deg
.270 deg_-:.
TI27 18 AIIG 8.I14 _2A deg
C._,.TJ11 ]B A116 1611-0r _'•ZAl deg
TM 78 A11G .._^.. 12-11-0�— _.-_270deg -
JE � �. -. .AIIG_......_ deg"_.
TI20 18....
...._.._._._.___AIIG-__._-...____1&11-0__.--r.. _^-710 deg
Tf71j'„_'...__...,...JB._...:._._"_.:_.,_AIIG_.. .•IB-11-J ...:,_270.d9g:.'. :
7-r70 __ 18 A]7G.__ _._._
120.L1l1l_l-0. _ 2Z77A/0
4 �
TI26-- " 18 Al7G 24-11-1
J(__- __ _ Al1G-
7770 18 0 d�dde<e€ggg
_ AIIG 28114 270 deg _,
7. .._ 30-114, -___..'^_2'Adeg_;_..:
— .-..-..__ ._
`_'.,-__J8.__—_____-__�.Al1G:..._:_-.�___::._3a-11-1 ' _
TIC is _ A11G 3511-0_ 270 deg
TI2I is --� --AIICG 4Q12 _ 90 deg
TP_l ]8 Al1CG 8612 90 deg
. _.-- -_ -
TT21 _Ja-___--- .--_ --AIICG
� ...-�_I2a12
CG. _.-_.m9SOU_Jddee:gg�- ___-.
TR] 78 Al1CG 16612 9D&8_,
1C G 160.12
_t _.
18 -._AIICG - _ 810.12- 90dcg____
`MI— is AIICG. uuli wdg
----'---- --- — ---_.
90lkg=..,.,._ -
1)When this htns has been chmen fa quality assurance inspection,the Plate Placament Method pff'M 1-2MVA3.2 shall be treed Cg=1.17.
2)Tsussiomns connection i.,for graphical mtetpetstion only-Ahanga a ctha ct wk,,d connection sball be poid tw ed to ist the max reaction and uplift shown in the Reaction
3)11,ted ww•md gain t action,b..d m MWFRS only Laing
— -
-0 ; TAT€OF ¢
- 0 22a�t�tv
//,/`SS'/ONAL E�G�\\�\
NOTICE Aapy ofthis desist sbell be fnished to the,maim eon don The doipt d this iodiwi&W tuns i.bs d m design Brian Ni Bleakly
and wvpleteneas dthe infmoatim set forth by the l3dlding Deals—A seal on this dm ing indicates oazptance dpmfe.imai mgincmng s.qp Nlity solely f the tons,component design shown.Sea the ea z SbmM 1.g 976051
page and the'7.po1ant Inf tim&Gmeml Note-page fa,dditional inlennation.All connector plates shall be manuficnsed by Simpam Soong-Tin Company,Inc in accadmee with ESILM.All cmnedu 2M N.Kings High•FL Piaea F134951
plate ate 20 gauge,unless the spcvfied plate sin is followed by a-IV which indicates an 18 gauge plate,a'SN Is*,which indicates a high tmsim 18 pause plate.
Southern Truss Companies,Inc. Truss: J8C
2590 N.ldn Highway
SOUTHEFIN Project Name: 2371-A
Cor»}1oneQt Solution0M muss Fort Pierce,F134951 Page: 1 I/20 016 7:4133 AM
Truss5.1 COMPANIES (800)232-0509 (772)464-4160 (772)318-0016 Fax
Version:2016. [Build 5
7-9-2 5/I2 6 0-0-12 0-0-0 1-9-14 0-M 1 24 in 271bs
0-%12 2-1-14 3-5-0 2-2-4
2-1-14 5-Cr14 I 7-9-2
5� 1x41
• d
1x4 1
r x4-
I 7
1.5x3 1
8 A11CG
0-0-0 0-8-0 0-8-0
2-1-14 35-0 _ 2-2-4
2�+ Sb14 �7-9.2 0
Loading General CSI Summary Deflection L/ (loc) Allowed
Laod (Ia0 Bldg C.&:- FBC gRN TC: 0.99pm VW TL*
tTL: Qn in L/731 7 L/190
TCLL: 20 TPI I-2007 BC: Q37(rl) Ven LL: (109 in L/695 7 L/240
TCDL: IS Rep Nlbrinaeasc: Y. Vkb: a18 q4) C®t/OH TL: 0.221. 2L/220 (1-1) M/I IM
BCLL: 0 D.O.L: 125% Csnl/OH LL: . not in UP a,1999 (1-I) 2L/120
BCDL: 10 Han:TL 011 in 4
Plate Offsets Ont:X XAn t (1:2A3-2,0.) (100.343,9Q) (3:1-124$90.) (6:641-1ZO.) (/:1-123$90.) (&0A3$90.) -
Reaction Summary
JT type 6gC®bo Hg Kidlh Me,aiel Rrp Big Vdd,h Max Read Max Grey uplift Max Vdnd Uplift Max UP0 Max HT-
8 Pin(Vhll) 1 8 i. Cmoel.Masonry 3.00 in 517 lbs - -197 lbs -1W Ibs 333 I.
5 H Roll(Ines) 1 1.5 in - 1(0i. 47 As - - - 0lb.
4 H Roll(room) 1 1.3 in - 3.00 in 234 not -151 f -151 Re Oft
Material Summary Bracing Summary
TC SP(A1SC6.2013)M-2x4 TC Bmi r Sheathed
BC SP(ALSC6-201 3)N2 294 BC&adng: sheathed or Porlius at 100a Asti.design by Others.
3)NVShsd 1,4
Loads Summary
1)Tbis b ss hes Ian desig.d for the effw,de to 10 psfloeun rhad fite toad plm dead loads.
2)This Ines he been designed f the cffwb cf wind loads in amndan.with ASCE7-10 with the f.11-ing user h5.d i pt TA mph,dt®ate,Espmme C,Fully Enclosed.
Gatte/Hip,Bildi.g Cdegxy B Q-1.00)•0t 11 Bldg Dims82ftx52f4h=16tt,Nd FndZmeToms,Neitherandweb�3idered DOL=1.33,CCZme Wod,h5.2R
3)bbvimtm a,ospge ante loading in aacodwre with IBC TaHe 16(17.1 has been appRd
Member Forces Summary
TC 9.1 0.001 21ts 2-3 Q993 -153 Re
I-2 - Q439 -341 Its 3-0 Q795 -1 Its
BC 56 0.068 Oft 7A Q308 Olhs 8-1 Q369 33311. (S/]Is 2`�_l tYl Il
V ho 2-8 0.181 506I1s (-464 Rs)3d Q038 Ion Its (-5 lbs)67 nazi 54 It. (19 Eas) \\
Truss-to-truss Connections Summary \��� �\G1=1VS� `r�,i
ID CnsiedT Canting?
C 260g-1o2d s" A9Dn dde
M-s 1sC A])CG 246 g 76 05
TT22 18C Al1CG 30&12 A7 deg {ice 1
M �18C--, AIICG 130412
" 77E ]8C AIICG ., 32b 9012 90 deg `-
( TT2i 18C _ .•AI7CG�--T-r—'`-`34612'.�'�" SO d<84_ y
Notes �` TATE OF 1
1)When this toes has boon ehmen tar gdity oss m inspm6m,We Plate Pla t Method paTPI I-=A3.2 shall be tad Cq-1.17.
2)Toss-toatmcmnectimi,fwg,,phim4intapdatimm$Ahongeror athm smwal manection shell 1e pmi&dto resist the metrmerim end TO sb—in We Reaction �/ � � V �
Sa..zoy. �� \
3)Lhtd wmdiplift rmdimefi.d on MWFRS Only lmdi.g. \\\
4)At least me web ofthis tns haseen b d=igtd with a p m,l punt in the wch AR panel p inu m,mb woe sball be hwd la,eauy papmdiade to the plme of the truss.Lateral "ONAL \\
treats abell to inert U d sAlbin 6'leash web panel punt //01 1 I 1 1 1 0\�
.J 3
NOTICE Acopy rthis deign shall be fimishd to the eseetim cmtmetm The desigt dtbis inditidual toms is lased an design aiWi.end req irvnents stTp id by the 7nss Mensdadu•,c and mlie Won the a -cl, B[]an M-Bleakly
and can lelenees dtbe in[tim set forth by the H.M.,Designee A oral m this doling indimte erapancc of pdessimel en&—ill nsimn-bility solely for the toms 1-1 desigs eb—,see the my SvseL For WMI
page and the-I pcotent I.fmution&General Notes-page for additional inf tim.All connector plates shell be tm.dach d by Simpson String-Te Cerny,Inc in ae..dan.with ESR-2762.All woo d. S90 N.Kings High.Ft.Piet«,FI 34931
plea.—20 page,unless the apeeilied phle size is fulowd tT.'Il which i.dieate on 18 g.W plate,.•Sa 19'.wtd b indicates a high tension 18 pose plate,
Southern Truss Companies,Inc. Truss: MV 10
r 2590 N.kin wa
30SOUTHERNP�Hi P>h Y Project Name: 2371-A
Component SolutionsT TRUSS Fort Pierce,F134951 Date: 8/20/2016 7:4133 AM
Truss COMPANIES (800)232-0509 (772)464-4160 (772)318-0016 Fax Page: 1 of 1
Version:2016.5.1(Build 5
104" 5/12 1 0-M 0-M 0-M 0-M 1 24 in 35 Ibs
10-0-0 i
1.5x3 l
1 .
101 1.513 1
0-0-0 D-0-0
Loading General CSI Summary Deflection L/ (loc) Allowed
Lad (pso Hdg Code: ' FBC Ella Te: 0.97(2-3) 1kd TL: Qm in L/999 (4-5) L/240
TOLL: 20 TPI 1-20P7 BC: Q40(3-1) Wd LL: Oia L1999 (5-1) L/360
TCDL: 15 Rep Mhrinaeaae: Yes va: (165(t4) H—TL: Oin 4
BCIL: 0 D.O.L.: 125% Cncep Fecta,K—1.5
BCDL: 10
Plate Odseb OnMY,Angp (3:1-1Z4-9,M) (4:1-123S9Q)
Reaction Summary
H Type lag R—b. Bag Rldlh Material Max React Aoe Read Max Gmv Uplift Max Wad Uplift Max Uplift M.x Ho iz
1 Cmtintae 1 lain Cuaacle Masmny 5141M 99 pf - -2151M .215 IM 513 the
Material Summary Bracing Summary
TC SP(ALSC&2113)#YSIW 2.4 IC Btacmg: Sheathd
BC SP(ALSC6-M,NYShd ZA BC BmCiaX Sheathed a Palms at 63Q Pmlio design ly Othaa.
REM SP(ALSC(•2113)Ill 2c4 ea—Ft:
2-5 SP(ALSC&20M OVSmt 20
Loads Summary
1)This Mea has been deaipcd f the eawa due to 10 pefbdtow shad lire load phe dead loads.
2)Thu Ines has been d.*.d for the e&cb f iod laeda in aamlao with ASCE7-10 with the f.U-ing met def..d iapl:IA mph Wtimate,E P.—C,FWh•Fa.1os.d,
Getldl ip,Bolding Catcgny 0(I-1A0),0—all Bldg Dims 92 ft x 52 R h=16 R.Fad Zone T—,Neither end web eaaside ed DOL-1.33.CC Zone Width 5.2 ft.
Member Forces Summary THeindima :MeabeID,muCSL wet adelface,(pmg,r ifdia tJimmaxmdalr)
7C !-5 Q917 4301M 2.3 0.974 -1361M
BC 45 M. -55 IM 5-1 Q397 lMb, -AIM)
REM LS Q248 693f (AM 1M)3-0 0.646 3A5lie (198IM) `\\\\\��
Notes: M�B�E9
1)G.NetegL6-entinma 1.now shad heating -
2)G.W.—bsp.ud a6To..,U.N.O. ` ��i v�c'EN`Sec•��iL�i
3)Aeacb pble web with U4 21gp plat.,U.N.O. \ '
4)%bea thu boss has been chosen fm quality assaana:inspection,the Plate Placement Method pa TPI 1-II107//A3.2 shall be wed Cq=1.17. '
5)listed wind uplift teactima Msed on MNFRS Only Imding �
tE 76051 �>
-` *
NOTICE Acapy of this dip shall be fimishcd to the—fie.cmhaaer.The design ofthu individul Ines is based m design a taia and m9ti ents stpplird by the Teas Ma-f eh er and relies upon the aaarary Brian M Bleakly
and aropki ese ofthe inf lion set forth by the BAding Desig..A cesl on thin drawingindiutes auep.nee dptd simd engineving mspms'hlity solely fa the Men catWment desipt shown.See the mac Sh¢L all.7fmi
Page and the-hopottent Mti®etim dt Genaal Nor.-P r fm eddi6mel ivf tim.All emnmim plat.shell M manufw umd by Simpsm Shrug-Tn Caapeny,Inc in a..d m with ESR Z762.AD cmnwla 2590 N.Yip High.FL Pierre,F134931
plates am 20 page,unless the specified plate.be is(mewed b(.'18 which indicates-18 pg.plate,a'SO Ill',which indimt..high tmaim lg page pate.
Southern Truss Companies,Inc.
Truss: MV2
SOUTHERN2590 N.kings Highway Project Name: 2371-A
Component SolutionsTas TRUSS Fort Pierce,F134951 Page: 1/2012016 7:4134 AM
Tmss COMPANIES (800)232-0509 (772)464-4160 (772)318-0016 Fax
Version:2016.5.1 Build 5
2-M 5/12 4 0-M 0-0-0 0-M 0-0-0 1 24 in 5 Ills
�- ----- 2x4/-- -- - - - -- - --
0-0-0 0-0-0
Loading General CSI Summary Deflection L/ (loc) Allowed
Imd (peQ Bldg Cola:- FBC Zola TC: 0.25(1-2) Mast TT.: n01 in L/999 (1-1) L/240
TOLL; 20 TPI 1-2097 BC: 017(}t) K t LL: 0 m L/999 (1-1) L/360
TCDL: 15 Rep Mbrinctmse: Yes %b: QOOU) H—TL Din
BOLL: 0 D.O.L; 125% Creep Factor,K. 1.5
BCDL: 10
Plate OHs is O t:XXAng7 (1.1415.3-8.ZL)
Reaction Summary
]7 Type B,gC 6o Hrp Wdth Material Max Rena Axe Rma Max G—Uplift Max Wnd Uplift M.Uplift Max Hodo,
3 Cmt_ I N in Cool Masmty 2171bs l l5 plf -19 Rst -8 31a A the M the
Material Summary Bracing Summary
TC SP(ALSC62013)Oahe 2x4 TC Bracing Sheathed w Pwlins a 631 ?tn dcsipt by Mm.
BC SP(ALK62013)NYSnd 214 BC Bracing Sheathed or Pulins at 630,Pt tin design ly Mm.
Loads Summary
1)This htas has bem designed fa the effects doe to 10 psfbonm chord lice load plu dead loads.
2)Tbis man has b—designed fa the e&as of wind lea&in a..dvoce with ASCE/-IO with the folloxing u;er definad inpoa: 17f1 mph ultimate,Etgiosme C,FWIy Fndosed
GeH.H p,Brilding Cmcgay B 0-1.00),O,—U Bldg Diw 82 fl x 52 fl,b=16 ft,Fad Zmc Ttms,Neither and wcb rmsidr d DOL-1.33,CC Zmo Width 5.2 ft.
Member Forces Summary TeNe indimtes:Ma*m m,max CSI,sass aiW f.(max waV.f ifma t ftm stax."a1 fmx)
TC I-2 0.263 -W list
BC }I 0 170 135lbs -A Ila) t l
1)Gable tga —coati.—Intro ehad beating
2)Gable ale pis d a1 97 e.,U.N.O. /
3)Attach gable wain with 2r42(iga plate.U.N.G.
4)Whm this tans hu been chmm fa gnhty asstsanm inspectim,the Plate Placement Method per TPl 1-2WVA3.2 sbal be nned Cq=1.17. '
5)Listedoindup1ift imsbawdm MVq-W Only loading 1 1 \ r
'' � 2�•yot ,�tV �
NOTICE A,,W of this deign shall be fisnished to the esedim protractor.The deign ofthis iodtniAal.tnna is based m design aitasia and tegmements supplied by the Tnas Mantdaoaer a clnd.lies up.the amrary Brian M Bleakly
and cmgddmess of the inf rim set fath by the B ilding Designer A ad m this drewivg indicates wociannce ofpmfesime mgincering—pms3lity solely fu the hosts canpmmt design sbmaa.Sao the rote Stoat Fng N76051
page and the'7mpxt=t Inf tiro&Gao-1 Nees-page fa Mtimal inf Ilea.All cmnecta plea shall be—ifactur d by Simpam Sttmg-Te Cmgeny,Inc in--danm with FSR.ZM.All cmoctec j90 N.Kings Higit.FL Pic—Fl 34951
plate aft 20 gable,Islas the specified plate she is fdlowed by.'19 which indicates m 19 Msge plate,or'SO 18',which indicates a high tmsim 18 ppVe plate.
Southern Truss Companies,Inc. Truss: MV4
SOUTHERN 2590 N.kings Highway Project Name: 2371-A
Component SolutionsT TRUSS Fort Pierce,F134951 Date: 8/20/2016 7:4134 AM
Truss COMPANIES (800)232-0509 (772)464-4160 (772)318-0016 Fax Pape: 1 of 1
Vecsion:2016.5.1 P3uild 5
4-0-0 5/12 2 0-M 0-M 0-M 0-0-0 1 24 in 12lbs
4-0-0 i
1.5x3 l
0-0-0 D43-0
Loading General CSI Summary Deflection L! (loc) Allowed
I-d (ps0 E dg Cde:" FBC 20141 TC: 0.42(1-2) Wd TL: o in L/999 (3-1) L/uo
TCLL: 20 TPI 1-II1W BC: 0.17(11) V tLL: oin L/999 (1-1) L1360
TCDL: 15 Rep Mbr Inarase: Yea Vkb: 0.49(7.3) H�TT-10 in 3
ECLL: 0 D.O.L: 1S% Cr-p Factor,Kcr=1.5
ECDL: 10
Plat,offsets,Ont:X,YJ,ngk (1:1k15.3-&22)2:1-12,4$90.) (3:1-123-&%) -
Reaction Summary
11' Type ErgC®Les 13<g µidth Material Max React Ae Reset M--G—Uplift M.llhad Uplift M.Uplift M.H.I.
1 Cmtinuas I 48 in Cmerete M.-V 3`A lbw 99ptf - 651bs 65 As 301 Ibe
Material Summary Bracing Summary
TC SP(AISC6-20I3)NNSt d Ze4 TC I§aeing: Sheathed a Palms et 43Q Puffin design by Others.
Be SP(ALSC6d713)N3/Stud 2x4 BC B cmg: Sheathed or Pudins at&3A Putm design t7 0th_.
W. SP(ALSC61013)AWStd 7x4
Loads Summary
1)Thv toss has been icsigned fm the effects doe to 10 pfbaerm had Rse load plus Brad 1®ds.
2)This taes has heed designed fm the effects of vied lords in arcades-,with ASCE/-10 with the following as&fi.d inp4:IA mph ultimate,Egssm,C,Fully Fnelosed,
G.Nc Hily Building Cntegory B a-1.00),0-11 Bldg Di—82 it.52 ft.h=16 R,Fnd Zm,Trus,,Neither end web—aidesed DOL=1.33,CC Zme Width 5.2 ft.
Member Forces Summary T,Ne n&ate:ManaID, uxCSI maxaddf,(wzcan{r.f irmr tepmmaxadelfha>
TC ]-2 a420 -IZ71b, )
Notes: 2-3 485 a170 1351h -701bs) \```1111111'///�
14bo Ll 0. 259 Rs (-1091hs)
I)Gable rcgi—anti.—bw—bcsd 6esrmg \\\ P� M��L��,/y�//�i
2)GaNe vehs plead ac W ne.,U.N.O.
= 3)Att-b g.U,wehe vial 1.SO20p plaes.U.N.O. GENSF. ��•�i 4)%-thu cues he hen ehmm fa gislfq.,seen.iaspectim,the Plate Plaammt Methd pa TPI 1-200VA3.2 shelf he usd Cq=1.17. ,
5)Listd wind uplift r ectima bcsd as MWFRS Only lm&ng
-1 E 78051
_ 1
13; "ATE OF I
NOTICE Aagy of this deign shell be hsniand to the maim cmtnctm The design ofthis Inrbsi&W cuss is bud as design oileria and mcpg Is sWo d by the Truss Mesufaducr ad relies tqm the,votary Brian M.Bleakly
and—octeness ofthe in(tim set forth by the Bd1ding DesiI:n=A sod co this droving in&ales aaeptaaa,f�sim4 mgineesing mpmsllity solely fm tb,tons canpmmt design,hoaa.See the tact Ste-t Eng.WWI
page and the"Important Inf tim do Gcoc d Notes-paV for ad&timel inf tiro.All connector plates shell be esene-osed b/Simpsm Strong-Tie Can{my,Inc in acord—with FSR.Z762.All wm-ta 2590 N.Kings High.FL Pisa,F134951
piste are El gorge,voles,the apecifid pat,sirs is folly .d by o"-Ill"which induce-m Ig gage plate,a'SN 18',which indiestes o high Imaim 18 gage date.
+ Southern Truss Companies,Inc. Truss: MV58
— SOUTHERN 2590 N.kings Highway Project Name: 2371-A
TRUE$ Fort Pierce,F134951 Date: 8/20/2016 7:4134 AM
Component SolutionsT*+ COMPANIES (800)232-0509 (772)464 4160 (772)318-0016 Fax Page: 1 ofl
Version:2016.5.1[Build 5
Span Pitch Qty OHL OHR CANT L CANT R P11ES Spacing WGT/PLY
5-8-10 5/12 1 0-" 0-M 0-M 0-M 1 24 in 181bs
0-D-0 0-0-0.
Loading General CSI Summary Deflection u (loc) Allowed
I.md (psl) Bldg code: ' FBC 2D141 TC: 0.63(1-2) Stet TL: aw in 1.1999 (sl) L 1240
TCLL: 20 TPI 1-2m BC; 0.M(3-1) Vat LL: a01 in UP L/999 (1-1) L 1360
TCDL: IS Rep Mbrinaeue: Yes Rbb: 0.81(2-3) H—TL: Oin 3
BOLL: 0 D.O.L.: 125% Creep Factor,Ka=1.5
BCDL: 10
Plate O m OntXYAngt (1:1-0-15.3-8.22)(2:1-1,14$9(l) (3:1-12.3$90.) -
Reaction Summary
7T Type Lbg Canal Big Wdth Materiel M-Reect Ate Rae. Max Grey Uplift Max Wed Uplift Max Uplift Max Haiz
1 Cmtintva 1 6865in Cmvde Masonry 335 Be 99 pit - -Ion It. -100 R. 4M Ides
Material Summary Bracing Summary
TC SP V15C62013)N2 2x4 TC B,'ng: Sheathed a Rahn.at 63A Puffin design by Other.
BC SP(AI.S—13)NYShm zt4 BC Racing: Shwtbod m Pmiins at 6-3.%Puffin desip iv othaa.
Vkbs SP(ALSC6.2013)g2 2x4
Loads Summary
I)Thin tuna has b—designed f the eff w d e to 10 p fbarn—ehred li-lmd plm dad imds.
2)This hma has been designed fa the eBms(wind 1.6 in accedence with ASCE7-10 with the fo➢p ing m def ed i W:170 mph tili=1,,Evos=C,Fully Enclosed,
G,Ndffip,Mding Category➢(I-Lat0 Otere➢Bldg ITm 82 ft x52 ft.h-16ft,End Zone Tans,Neither ced web conaid-d DOL=1.33,CC Zone Width 5.2 ft.
Member Forces Summary TaN,iadimtcs:Mande ID,max CSI,max anal face,(mast cosq,f ifdifferent limn rtax wdal r)
LC 1-2 E133 -1771bs
BC }1 0.810 US lbs (481lbs)
W:ls b3 0.810 41816s (-IBI ila) p
1)Gable maims ea tin-1woo,chant beating
2)G.W.webs p oed at 60...U.N.O. r'�
3)Attach gaWe—1s,with�20ga pig..U.N.O. \ �% v NSF��
4)Whm Nu tons has been chmon f gmliry asseane:inspection,the Plate Plar�eot Method per TPI 1-2002/A3.2 shall lx tied Cq=1.17.
5)Listd windydift rractimslasedm MWFltq Only loading ti � E 76
�llf I I111�
NOTICE Ampy(this design shall be funisbd to the mectim eadrsdor.The design(this ivditidW tans is hued to dsita aiteda and regriremmts s,gVid by the Tnsa Maroc naer and re➢es rWm me a�daey g�M g)�h,
sod ampleteem,(the inr tion set forth by the l3d](in8 Deign¢A lied m this drs ing indicates seeep-ce(pmdasimal engineering retpmaT:lity aaely f the tuna cmpment design dhpwn.see he limey Foy qp�p
page and the'Tmpelent Intonation&Geneml Notes-page f dditimd inf Zion.All asmedor plates shill be manu(adud by Simpson Soong-Tor Company,toe in aecadtnce with FSR Z762.All connector 2590 N.Kings High.FL Pierce,Ft 34951
plater eon 20 gorge,-less the apeci6d plate sae is Mowed IT a'18"which inmmtes m 18 Barge plate,a'SN 18'.which inddmtes a high tonsim 18 gauge plate.
Southern Truss Companies, Inc. Truss: MV6
a 0 SOUTHERN 2590 N.ldngs Highway Project Name: 2371-A
wa Y .t
Cornponent Solutions? TRUSS Fort Pierce,F134951 Date: 8/20/2016 7.41:35 AM
Tr-ss COMPANIES (800)232-0509 (772)464-4160 (772)318-0016 Fax Page: 1 ofl
Version:2016.5.1[Build 5
6-0-0 5/12 1 0-M 0-0-0 0-M 0-0-0 1 24 in 19lbs
t 6-0-0
i 6-0-0
6-0-0 t
0-0-0 0-0-0
6-0-0 i
Loading General CSI Summary Deflection Ll (Ioc) Allowed
Lwd ((s0 Bldg Cade: " FBC 20141 TC: 0.72(1-2) Vest TL a(6 in L/999 (3.1) L/240
TOLL: 2D TPI 1-2007 BC; 0.78(3-1) Vct LL: Q01 in UP L 1999 (1-1) L/360
TCDL: 15 Rep Mtr Inae.e: Y %bb: 0.90(2.3) Hom TL o m 3
13CLL: 0 D.O.L: M Creep Fedor,Ka=1.5
BCDL: 10
Plate Olfscu pntXY.Angl: (1:1.615,3$22) (3:1-1234(9a) -
Reaction Summary
1T Type I�Cm6u &g N{dih Material Max R.d Ave Read Max G—Uplift Max%1nd Uplift Max Uplift Max Hs iz _
1 Contimae 1 T_in Cot c.Masonry 347 Im 99pf - -106 lhs -106Ile 415 Its
Material Summary Bracing Summary
TC SP(AUC&2DI3)02 2x4 TC B..ing. Sheathed a 1'srlinr at 6-3A Pudm desipt by O%-.
13C SP(ALSC6-2D13)Mtud 2x4 BC Hacivg Sbmtheda AAins ac 6.3A Padin desig.by Olhas.
%EF4 SP(ALSC62D13)d220
Loads Summary
1)'Ibu Inns has asem designed(the etfepts dte to 10 psflottmn chord live load p e dead Inds.
2)This truss has been designed fa the eflitets of rind Inds in aoca d- with ASCE7-10 with the follming Ina defined inpt:170 mph ultimate,Femme C,Fully F& 1-1,
GaNeDlip,&rilding Category 110=1.00),0-11 Bldg Discs 82 It x 52 ft,h-16 It,End Zone Titus,Neitha and web coosidend.DOL=1.33,CC Zme Width 5.2 ft.
Member Forces Summary TNeindicat.:MerbaM.maxCSI,mato pal force,(mmaW.f ifdiff I6®maxepalr)
TC 1-2 a717 -125 the
Ec 3-1 a777 -142 lbs
vkh 2-3 a905 439 the (-19216s)
1)G.N.teQmes—ti.—b ttttm chord bearing /1—
2)Gable webs placed t(P U.N.O. Q� ,
s 3)Attach pNe webs xith 2s5 20p plates.U.N.O. \ N ``CE9 V/9�s�S
4)When this W s has been rhwm for quality assumce inspection,the Plate Placemmt Method per TPI 1-2017/A3.2 shall he seed Cq-1.17.
5)listed rind s0in reactions bwtd on MWFRS Onty loading.
E 7605:
NOTICE A eop'of this design shall be firnished to the acdim omnh d .The desips afthis mdi ase tidad tnss is ld m design a iletie and te givtra .supplied by the The.Mmsteetu-and tell.tpn the—.y Brian M Bleakly
and mrgdelmess of the mf lion sd forth by the 13uiidmg Desipa.A seal an this droning mditales.00ep—oc f pmfmsimal engmeesmg tespm%tility solely for the htos—q—t design shorn.See the once Sh-L Enp N76051
paged the-I putmt Infomdim dt.Gmerel Notes'page f ndditimd fnf tiro on.All cnector plel.shell le mm fiat sed by Simpson Strong-T e Copy.Inc in aua bnce xith ESRZ762.All emneetar 2590 N.Kings Hips.Ft Piesre,FI 34931
pal.eon 2D ip ge,wIn,the spmified pate site is followed by a=I6"whieh indioal.m 18 page plde,m-SM IS%ssbich indieetes a high tmsim 18 ptge plate.
Southern Truss Companies,Inc. Truss: W8
SOUTHERN 2590 N.kings Highway Project Name: 2371-A
Component SolutionsT TRUSS Fort Pierce,F134951 Date: 8/20/2016 7.4135 AM
Truss COMPANIES (800)232-0509 (772)464-4160 (772)318-0016 Fax Page: 1 of 1
Version:2016.5.1[BuM 5
8-0-0 5/12 1 0-M 0-M 0-M 0-0-0 1 24 in 27 lbs
_ 1
xxxxx 4
1x41 2x6 1
0-0-0 11-0-0
Loading General CSI Summary Deflection L/ (loc) Allowed
1-d (pat) Ndg Code:" FBC 2014 7C: 1.00(b3) Vat TL: 0A3 in L 1999 (4-5) L/240
TCLL: 27 TPI 1-2(f1 BC: 436(45) Vat LL: 0 in L/999 (1-1) L/360
TCDL: IS Replwrinaease: Yes Vbb: (3,74P-4) Han TL: Oin 4
DOLL: 0 D.O.L: 125% Crap Fadar,Ka=1.5
Plate Offsets OneX.ko. (l:1d15.34L7)(3:1-IZ49,50.) (4:14Z3S.9D.)
Reaction Summary
3T Type sRCmwo EMMdt Material Max Read A.eRead t.G—Utdin MaxwndUplift Max Uplift Mar Hai:
I Cmunw,n I m Cmaete Masonry 424 Ion 101 pf -m N -m nn 4941bs
Material Summary Bracing Summary
TC SP(ALSCsm13)NV 2x4 Te�& sheathed
BC SP(ALSC6-21)3'.—2x4 BC Dmcmg: sheeted a P.1i...163-0,Pulin design ty owe,.
Vbha SP(AISC6.2u713)922x4 esrept:
2.5 SP(AL4C6-2.DM NNShd 2A
Loads Summary
1)This tna has been designed fate effecter der to 10 psf ldtom chard li.e land pm dead loads.
2)This pun has been designed firth e.dxb ofwind lees in eaadanm with ASCEI-10 wit the follwing ma defined inµt: IA mph ultimate,Egmme C,Fwly F..Iw d,
GAI,Ailp.&diking Category H a-1.00).0-4 Ndg Dims 82 It x 52 f.Is=1611k,Fad Zone Tms.Ncitha end web crosidesed DOL-1.33.CC Zone Vhdt 5.2 fL
Member Forces Summary MN.mdiestes:Member ID.mat CSL mat amelf—(max nmgt.r HdiE t fit max mde]r)
TC 1-2 0.97b -0091hs 2-3 49A5 -llglt ,� �I
BC 45 0.3R 42 is SI 0.362 12511n -�Ibs)Vlbb \``
No LS 4258 7721hs (-3471bs)3-0 4738 4141M (-1911he) `\\\
I)Gaffe mgdtes cmtinrmun bottom Thud beastmg \
2)G.W.wba(tared at 60'o...U.N.O.
3)Attach pNe webs wit Ix4 2(ga plates,U.N.O. /00
4)Vdten this tnes has been chosen f 4nfity assurance inspection,the Plate Plamment Method per TPI 1-2007/A3.2 shall biz d. Cq-1.17. 1 '
5)listed wind splitt aeadirms based m hdNFItS Only londing. �
LE 7601
OF j
. �llilllll�
NOMCE Ampy of this design shell be funishad to the amtion contract..The design dais indi.idml tsm,is hued m deign ailed.and.9i mints sWpHed by the Tmu Mmufedu r and mlies Was to e.saey Brian M Bleakly
and completeness afthe if.-atim son fodh by to Mding Desi@ta.A seat on this d—ing indicates awsptmce ofpoxf—iond enginaaing responsibility solely for to tns emtpment design shwa.Sra the cote Stet.Eng.N76D51
page and the-hnportmt Infomstim&.General Notes-pig,11 edditimal inf lion.All co neda plates shell be mant£edued by Simpson StrmkTe Company,Inc in avadinm with FSIL7/62.All connceta 2590 N.Kings High.Ft.Pierce.F134951
Fames.the 20 page,=less the specified plate size is foil—d by a-erg^which indicates an 19 gauge plate,or•S4 14,which indicates a high tension 19 page pate.
Southern Truss Companies,Inc. Truss: VA -
2590 N-1dn Hi wa
SOUTHERN ! Sh Y Project Name: 2371-A
MUS3 Fort Pierce,F134951 Designer: d,c
ComponentTr sohntions7M COMRAIWE3 (800)232-0509 (772)464-4160 (772)318-0016 Fax Date: 8/20/2016 �:a1ss AM
Truss Page: 1 of 1
Version:2016.5.1 uild 5
4-8-12 5/12 4 0-0-12 0-0-0 1-9-14 0-0-0 1 24 in 181bs
4�12 48-12
1.5x3 1
• 1x41
1.Sx3 1
04Y0 0-"
Loading General CSI Summary Deflection U (loc) Allowed
Land (oal) lydg code: ' FBC 2011V 7c: 0.50 0-2) 14a 71: 0 in UP L/999 (slur) L/240
TCLL: 20 TPl I-2DJ7 BC: a89(5-1) Vet LL O m UP L/999 (5-10a) L/360
TCDL: 15 Rep Mhrinmense: Yes Vkb: 021(2-5) Cant/OH TL 0.97 in 21./639 (1-1) 2L/120
BUZ: 0 D.O.L.: 125% _ Cant/OH LL: 0.02 in X, 999 0-1) 2L/120
BCDL: 10 H—TL 0' 4
Plate Offsets OWY-Y,Angx (1:243.10.) (3:1-12,4-8.90.) (4:1-12.3590.)
Reaction Summary
n Type I31g Combo Erg Wdth Material Max Read Ne Read Max Gmv Uplift Max Wad Uplift Max Uplift Max Hain
4 Cmtintsss 1 34.975 in Coneete Masonry 280 gas 166 pit - -121 IM -1211M 396lb,
Material Summary Bracing Summary
TC SP(AISC6.2012)P3 2x4 TC B—i g: Sheathed a Pulins a&34 PWin&.s p by Othem.
BC SP(A1SC6,37I2)(73 2x4 BC leader. sheathed a Paiins a&3q Partin design b/Oihem.
Wbs SP(ALSC6.2012)g3 2.4
Loads Summary
1)This tnn,has been designed fa the efr der disc to 10 psfbmm chord Iiw land plot dead Ianm.
2)This Inn,has been designed forthe effect,d awind land,in danee aim ASCE7-10 with the following me,defined input:170 mph wma tim.Expm=C,Fdb-Enelmd
GaHdit Htilding Catq y II a-1.00l Owueil Bldg Dim,n ft x 52 ft,h=16 ft,End Zone Truss,Neither and sveb crosidecd DOL=1.33,CC Zone VA&h 5.2 R
Member Forces Summary 1aNeinrVante,:Member ID.—CS(,max asialfam,(max e.W.f—ifdis tth,n—mdalfisme)
TC 61 aa0z 2the 1-2 0.499 z9alb 23 0.41613C S9I6s
Vk 24.5 ¢070 551 N 34 Q176 124Ile (-+Its, ",\`�11
V2ba 2-5 0.210 SSl lhs (-2481bv)3A ¢l76 12416e (-37Ths)Notes: \\\\AAN
1)Gable,vele plaand at W era,U.N.O. \\ \r`_ --
2)Ansch gdNe wcM with 1.4 2Dga plates,U.N.O.
.t 3)This=a has been designed for implane wind loading.Fmkedngregin tsfmotaf-plane indlmd'mg•refatntheCmsNctimDonmmumdlwBCSI-ffi. ` 40 �,�GEN.34 \"
4)Nben this most bas been chosen f qudily asstsanee inspection,the Plate Pla®ent Method per TPI 1-200LA3.2 shall be used Cq-1.17. \ ,
5)Listed wind Iplift meesions based on)A%TM Only loading.
w = ys LE 76051 1 ""
NOTICE A ofthis design shell he f niched to the eection emhada.The design ofthis ind'oidml Irma is hosed an design eiteria and mquimments stp(died by the Tons Manndaesue and Lelia Won the savory � Brim Ni Bleak3y
end completeness of the inCamatim set forth by the$dl&ng IXsigoa.A seal m this drawing mdiestes aaeptaam ofpedessional engineering respmsiblity solely fa the tross cmtpo nent design Shona.See the eater gp�Fng.876051
page and the'7mpatmt lnf tim&GmeM Ndes-{age fa,Mfi &I i.4 tied.All rmnaeta plates shall M aanuf tomd b/Siagem Shong'Ie Company,Inc in accordance with ESP-2762.All—noon 25W N.Kings High.FL Pierre,Fl 34951
paaw.a z0 Page.mlesa me ape-�fiea plate aiu is roem.ed q a-era which�mestes an 1e�IQe plate,a'Sp 18',which m6utes a high tmsim IB gp�e pWe.
Southern Truss Companies,Inc. Truss: VE
2590 N.Icings Hi wa
*M•= — SOUTHERN &S Y ProjeaName: 7371-A
Component Solutions— TRUSS Fort Pierce,F134951 Designer. dhc
Truss COMPANIES (800)232-0509 (772)464-4160 (772)318-0016 Fax Date: 8/20/2016 7:4136 AM
Version:2016.5.1 ulld 5 Page: 1 of I
2-9-14 5/12 1 0-M 0-M 0-M 0-M 1 24 in 9 lbs
• 2-9.14
1.5x3 l
0-0-0 0-0-0
Loading General CSI Summary Deflection Ll (loc) Allowed
Load (pso Bldg Code: ' FBC 2014/ TC: 012(1.2) ved TL: o in L/999 (1-I) L/240
TOLL: 20 TPI I-Z)97 11c: 0.17(3-1) lid LL om UP L/999 (1-1) L/360
TCDL: IS Rcp Mbrinmeaee: Y Vkb: 036(2-3) Hoa TL oin 3
BOLL: 0 D.o.L: 125% Creep Factor,Ka=1.5
BCD!: 10
Plate Olfseb Oat:K,YAngk (1:50,0-321) (21.11,48.9Q) (3:1-123350.)
Reaction Summary
IT T>pe HgCmiho Hp Wdth Material Max Rsad As React Mee:Gtav Uplift Mee:Vdnd Uplift Mar:Uplift Max Htxa
I Cmtinmm 1 33.g)5 in Ccncr eMasonry 1640a 99 pdf - -54 lb. -54 lbs 212I1n
Material Summary Bracing Summary
TC SP(A1SC&20)2)03 2x4 TC Htadng: Sbulhd a Purlins at 63A Pubes design by Other.
-201 Be sP v1sc 2)P3 2x4 BC$aemg Sheathd or Pmlina at 6.3Q Pullin dcsip Iy Other.
Vkta SP W.SC6-2o12)A3 2.4
Loads Summary
1)This htas has I—dsignd for the elf is dce to 10 psfbr0®chord]ice load pha had Inds.
2)This teas has beet designed t the effects of wind load ineccndanrewith ASCE7-10 with the fdiasing—defied inpn:170mphdtlmatq Exp.—C,FuOy Fncdosed,
GaNdkEp,&ridding Ca.M 11(I-1.00),0s—U Hdg D'um 82 ft x 52 ft,b-16 f4 Frd 7,me Tnas,Norther cad web eonsidQed DOL-1.33.CC 2.me Vh&h 5.2 ft.
Member Forces Summary GNe n�estes:Memlcro.maxcsLmaxada,r.(®x«�.laee fine tfiun �ada1)xQ>
7C I-2 Q712 -511In
BC 3- a165 /A]la -521bs
vela 7.3
a360 217lhe (AI lbs)
0 cable mq»mttintn�a baron ehetd bring --•
2)AncG.H pbIc ccdmth1.5,U.N.O. le
n 3)ACach gnNe orbs with 1.5xT 20ga plates,U.N.O. \ �
4)Whea this tons has been en fie e gnlity assurance inspection,the Plate Plammmt Method pa TPI 1-20MIA3.2 sha0 be wed.Cq-1.17. ,
5)Ustd wind i#ift=oats lased on MWFRS Only loading. 1 E 760.1
�a ` TAT OF 1 4t
�a� • 2'l•2Qt�4,`v�
NOTICE AccW of this design shall he fianishd to the action cmtmdor.The design of this mdhidual tons is based m design ctitesie and ugwe t ants supplied by the Trees Manned noes end relies tpm the aceuary Brian M Bleakly
.cad—Vleteneas ofthe inf don set lath by the Buldivg Desipner.A seal on this dewing indicates acceptance ofprdessimel esgincaingrespmstlulity solely lorthe tans canpmml design shown.Sc the cuc SaeL Fong.tf76051
page and the'lmpommat Inf tiro&General Notei Inge fa edditimal inf tim.All connector plates shall be vuntdacbaed by Simpson Shmg-Te Company,Inc in—dates with FSR-x72s.All emnedm
plates me 20 p%,a,mless the specified plate siu is Colloid "by a lr which indicates an 13 gnge plate,or'SH 18'.white indicates a high tension 18 pptge plate. 390 N.Kings Him.F[Pierre,fl 34951
Southern Truss Companies,Inc. Truss: VF
SOUTHERN 2590 N.kings Highway Project Name: 2371-A
Co onent Solutions7M TRUSS Fort Pierce,F134951 Designer. dhc
"'� COMPANIES (800)232-0509 (772)464-4160 (772)318-0016 Fax Date: 016 7:4136 AM
Truss Page: 1il
1 o of 1
Version:2016.5.1 dd5
4-3-2 5/12 4 0-0-12 0-M 1-9-14 0-0-0 1 24 in 16 lbs
O-42 432
432 ;
1.5x3 1
1.5x3 1
0-0-0 0-0-0
Loading General CSI Summary Deflection L/ (loc) Allowed
Lind (PSI) Bldg Code:' FBC 20141 1'C: 0.44(1-2) Vat TL: o in L/999 (4-5) L/240
TCLL: 20 TPI 1-= BC: 0.75(5-1) W l LL: 0 in UP L/999 (45) L/360
TCDL: IS Rep Mhrinuose: Yes VFb: 0.20(L5) Cant/OH TL: 0.06 in M/809 (1-1) 21./120
BOLL: 0 DAL: 125% Cant/OH LL 0.02in 211/999 (1-1) M/12D
L:BCD 10 Heat M. O m 4
Plate O..NAY0.Ang): (L•b0$2,0.) (3:1-12,4-&90.) (4:1-123S.50.) '
Reaction Summary
lT Type Ag Cmd. ft Wdth Materiel Max Read Poe React Max G—Uplift Max Hindupiift Max Uplift Max Haiz
4 Continsnm 1 29.25 in C-aete Masonry 30511a 181Plf - -115lbs -1151hs 3621in
Material Summary Bracing Summary
TC SP(ALSC&2012)03 2x4 TC$aciog: Sheathed u Pulin.at 6-3A Pu1in design by Others.
DC SP(ALSC62DL)IB 2x4 BC Besting Sheathed u Pb.at&3A P.H.desip ty Others,
Vkhs SP(A1SC6-2012)03 2.4
Loads Summary
1)This me,has been designed for the effects elm to 10 psfbm—thud lice load pbm dyad Inds.
2)Thi to.ban be—designed fa the.ff d of wind]cad in a.cudance with ASCE/-10 with the f.U-ing tsar deC d htpet:IM;n;h ultimate,Expmme C,F A E cl—d,
G.W.HIp.ME gCalegay0a-1.04 Osvell EMS Dims82ftx52 ft.h-16 ft,End 7me Truss,Neither and web considoed I)OL=1.33,CC 2me Width 52 ft.
Member Forces Summary TWe indiates:Mcnber ID,max CSI,max axial face.(max C.W.f=ifdill t 6om—dal dal r)
LC 6-1 QOCQ 2lb, 1-2 0.12 -294lb, b3 04sU -71 lb,
BC 2-5 0.197 -161in SI 0.158 136l369 bs (-1 IbI
Hits b5 0.197 SIS f (-217IIs)3-0 0.156 136Ihr (-L'Ihs)
1)G.61e webs plat d at W ns.,U.N.O.
2)Aft h pNe wds with 1.4 20p plat.,U.N.O. \
�. 3)Whm this tres rats hu b chasm f gmUry sssu ce inspection,the Plate PIs—eal Mdhd per TFI 1-2007/A3.2.haE be read Cq=1.17. � v�v�I
4)Listed wind spli0 r-Wms bad m MV)FRS Only lmdng.
- = ' E 76051 �►
NOTICE Acopy ofthis d igt shell be hmishd to the cectim—Md-The design ofthi.indnidsd tnsa is basil m design criteria®d rcgmrments.sq{died ly the Tams Manufactuv eel rclia sWm the amrary Brian M Bleakly
and ec oetmess of the infmmtion set forth by the Hdlebg DesignmA seal m this dewing indicates ew ro-ee ofIsr fi-i—I mgi—ing--pons3Tity solely f the Ines ee.pment design shown.See the cwc St Fig V76051 _
Inge.ad the"Impotent Infomatim&Gmoel Notes-page f additional i f tion.All—1n plates shell be tnmtd..h d by Simpson Slime-Tn C-q..y,Inc in ac.d..with ESR-2762,All cam«tu +SgO N.Kings FEgls.Fl Pierce,Fl 349i1
plain arc 2U ptU--less the specified plat.sirs is fdlwd by.--Ilr which indicates eo 18 page plate,u•Sg 18',which indicates.high tm.im 18 pr a plate.
Southern Truss Companies,Inc. Truss: VJ
^ =' SOUTHERN 2590 N.kings Highway Project Name: 2371-A
Component SolutionsTm TRUSS Fort Pierce,F134951 Daz Designer noizol6 7:4136 AM
Tr COMPANIES (800)232-0509 (772)464-4160 (772)318-0016 Fax
Page: 1 of 1
Version: uild 5
24-4 5/12 1 0-" 0-" 0-0-0 0-" 1 24 in 8lbs
244 i
1.5x3 i
1.5x3 i
O O-0 a0-0
Loading General CSI Summary Deflection L/ (loc) Allowed
Iced (P-0 Bldg Cade: FTlC 20141 7C: 0.12(1-2) Vat TL: 0 in L/999 (1-1) L 1240
TCLL: 20 TPI I.2007 BC: 0.O9(3-1) Ned LL: O in L/999 (3-I) L 1360
TCDL: 15 RePMtrincresse: Yes 11Fb: M22(2-3) Hut TL' Om 3
13CLL: 0 D.O.L: 125 Y. Crecp Factor,Kra=1.5
BCDL: 10
Plate OHcets QnMYAngk (1:541,03.22) 21-l-"90.) (3:1-123390.)
Reaction Summary
2T Type Hg Combo ft wft Material Max Read Poe React Max Grey Uplift Max Wlpd Uplift Mu Uplift Max Ho iz
I Continue 1 2s25 in Concrete Masonry 144 But 99pdf - 44lb, 4411n la the
Material Summary Bracing Summary
TC SP(ALSC6 12)43 2x4 TC&ecmg Sheathed a Partin:d 6.3A Palin design by t7tbns.
BC SP(ALSC&2012)03 2e4 BC Enactor sheathed or Fortin .163-0,Javelin deign by Dtha,.
Whs SP(AiSC62011)03 2x4
Loads Summary
1)Thu toss has been deigned f the effects du to 10 psf tun®chard Iise load plus dead Imds.
2)This trios has been designed for the effects of wind Inds in auxor&na with ASCE7-10 with the U-ing veer def d inpi:170 mph diimatq Exl o C,Fully Endcard
G.Nd ip Bdlding Categary H(l-1.00),Overall Bldg Dine;82 it x 52 fi,h-16It,End Zone Truss.Neither and web caruid—d.DOL-1.33,CC Zane Width 5.2 R.
Member Forces Summary TaHe indicates:Manlxr 11),more CSL m.x axial fora,(max mow.c HdE t fican max atdal force)
TC I-2 o124 -511hs
%b 11 0A91 74lb, e36It o\1111111!//
Rbhs b3 Q272 174Ibs (711hs)
Notes: \\\\ 8_�nn/�/�i
q Gabe regdre,omtinmie lsunan chard besting �\ \P, -- .�i+Qf� /
2)Gall.—J.plead al 2r o.a.U.N.O. -+/
3)Attach plic webs with 1.50 20p plates,UN.O.
4)This trues has been dnigr e 1 fa inydar a wind loading.For tracing tegmemenn for aura(-plane wind loading refa to the Cmsthutio n Dmsoents andta BCSI433.
5)V/han this tnas bar been chosen f gabty assaana inspmim,the Plate Plar<mant Method perTPl 1-20WA3.2 shall be veal Cq=l.11
6,lutedwind*illrtactionslasedasMWFRSOnlyloadog. � �" E 76051 �
�lll i l 111�
NOTICE Acapy of this deign shall he fitanished to the aectim conuacam The design ofthis individual toes is lased on design criteria and requi—ft avgplicd b'the Truss ManvEactua and relies Wan the.aarary Brian M Bleakly
and cmgaetea nth.irtr tim ad forth by the Btdlding DesignarA seat on this drawing indicate—Hance ofpsdastmel enginceringrePmsiility s l lyt the truss earapaneot deign shown.See the cove smn.Eog.n76os1
page and the'7mpmant Information 8c General Notes-page for additional in(tim.AR--In,platea shell be nunv(acMed by Simpson Strong-Tic Cmupany,Inc in aeeudena with ESR.Z7V.A0—.,t. �Sp N.Kings High.Ft.Pierce.F134951
plate are 20®Te,colas the apt;5ed plate siza i,Mewed g7 a--11r wbiah indite,an 18 p epe plat.,.'SO 19,which indicates.high Im,im 18 saC.pate.