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C ANDC b%geesIPIr--D 1 P6W�R5 RCSI DENGE �DO N)W W lWTGB-S CRCEK. Kb , �? PAt-rn CIr� IFL_ . 3s /xl r�zr� cssr GRrLL ST GALJ I V I ey 4S, 000 5F1L5t FNUEEE.A_6 ll ?ANY--LESS WH az m g3,o0o csr 19gDoo Il _ E j> 1 6SST t($ diT �o?�C-Al-v }391 3�t C FIRE LAc� I ©II"W.0 2.1S AQt A ST-REG _j m r 4'o'00 O T'x 2Nb ST � 00 + !m I JUN` -i t 6i9 z r F Ci s aye` b 5z Cl ar....� 31frr I � 2ND ST , LP6AS GALv Q RE(? 3D 4� II rW•C .-JCL PRESS .9, S6D 0 f X(' CD3 to Psl Wa-rezA-(2 -75,00 ` FX-c F3TU. (OO J) 2-9-7I 000 yc ' INr BT-U, 15001o00 (N�vJ) t LO N SST l N r Rv tJ 5,5 �y n PE � ►JCvJ lloGR'TI0(J � 1° s t iro N �Es T t✓xT RI)N 135 p 1'OR EXISTING CSEN�Rf}r0� (�Oor 000 � �HU7 -OF`ES INST/�LLED w 1T1-t )N (o' OF OACII APPI,rRNC,E Alt BY OTHERS 5L,--C V E D R s NEedEA 3�µ11 PE �oz• y C/Za� IF izEQvl ��eD IV PSI 4 0-2- Soa art 11 o(� NEvJ LOCA i l6N FOR CXISYIN INK NF?A Sq> IS.I(o) UNDERGROUND L.P.G_ STORAGE TAf 1 TYPICAL ANCHORING STANDARD D{VIS10A! 14 _ 4 f r/z" PE rUSYNG 1/8" SFEF1 CABLE 1/6- G.4LVAffaEO CABLE coin d AK4 STEEL AUGER ANCHOR �_ GRApE !Votes, I Wbon aec� to prevent floatatiOn, or when required, undergraw K .mks SIWI be awned using 4 - APKW' auger anchors and %' st=I cable. Cabit be insert-i its Ufa A PF_ tt3b;,*g to prot�4 L: e: mbk ftm &=t contact with tfie caYle. 2. ate cable approx tely 14" inWW of-welded .on both ends ,lank. Use 4 (4a°) galvantzed cAble clamps to s=ro cable to.the �'M 3,� fer to E2nda d 6.6 for eavk locations coating and.bacfl;i. 1.1(211 E'V[PA)f E.TW)U-*.t th I GAS 11 Window air conditl0rier (source of ignillo Intake to direct- vent appliance 99 Ll 0 it(min) U (Note 1) 10 It(min) (Note 1) Contra)AC. 10 it(min) 10 It(min) (Note (Note 2) Crawl opening, compressor(source of Ignition) window,or exhaust Ian r--iO ft(min) 00 r (Note 2) Note 1:The relief valve,rifling connection,and fixed maximum liquid levef Nearest line of adjoining gauge vent connection at the container must be a[least 10 1[from any exterior prope.rty that can be i source of ignition,openings into direct-vent appliances,or mechanical built upon ventilation air inlakes.Refer to 6.3.10. For S1 units, 19 0.3048 in Note 2:No part of an underground container can be Tess than 10 It from an important building or line of adjoining property that can be built upon.Refer to IqGURE, LI(c) Underground ASME Containers. (This jTirefor ilhish-atizippitiposes ojily, ror1t!sJI1711jRVz)r7'7Q Annex) Sample Ordinance Adopting NFPA 58 I)-()Ilillg Wililill ill(- limias 01' IlW '1110 .1MMV al"t, This annex is not apa?f.ofthe requirentents qf this MM',9 dorlinwill. herchyadol)(H as dw code of,dic 611risdiction1fin-the purpose o Gut is in cluded.for i7ifi-onn a lional/)mposes only. f'prescribing honif-cloll";in Fife and properly from fire or explosion and provicling for J.1 The Following sample ordinance is provided to assist. a issuance of per-11111s-.111(l colloctioll of fees. iction in dicaclopi,ion or this code and is not part of this code. St'.CTION 2An\ person who sll;lll all,%-pl-()N-isioll of, ORDINANCE:NO. this code or Standard hereby adopted or Rlil to comply Lliere- witli;orwIlosImll Vioblic nl'f71il to C0111p], with any ordermacle An ordinance of the liwiWiction.] adopting the 2008 edi- d1cl-Quildcr, or who shall build in violation of aill, delail(al Lion ofNFPA58,Liquejud1lelroleum Gas Code,documents listed stalellielli of'specifications or plans subil)itted and approved in Chapter 2 of that code;prescribing regulations governing or fillilod to 01)Q11M,ill conclidons hazardous to life and property from fire or explo- Cal.c. or Pei-IIIiI. issued 1.11CI-em)(ler; and frolli which ll(;nppeal sion; providing For the issuance of permits and collection of has been taken:or who shall Fail to comply with such all order fees;repealing Ordinance No.— of the[jzin-'sdirlion)aml as affirmcd or illoclificcl he or hv;I.Courtd('0111pel('11tJorisdic- all other ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict there- Lion,wilhill the time fixer) 1,6r each and with; providing permky; proviclilIg;I SCV(TahiliLy'cklusc;acid P1•C11Y .511VII vir71:1(im) and mmc(1111 plinlicv. rcspvcl ivc ill, hc providing for publication;and providing an e1kccivc date, guilt,1,al'a Illis(Icilicallor, plillislinble hya I'lliv of'111.11 )(-SS*Ill:lll .1—lior Illore Iliall 3 y—orh illiprisolillicill f,()]-not Icss BE IT ORDAMD BYTIf I" (I�OVCIWI'/Ig 1)0(1)'/OF THR,/jijris- d;lvs Iml,mork. INIll I than times dirlion). times ov hehmll inch fine,and illlprisoIl Ill 0.111.The imposition of*(;Ile pernalw rol.ally SECTION I That the liquefied.Petroleum Gos'Codrand docu- d0),iti011 shall not VxCllse [lie violadoli or perini( if'to co);_ rneai adopted by Chapter 2, three (3) Copies of'which are oil time; anti all suchpey.�olis shall he required I() CoITC10 OV file and are open to inspection by the public in the office of ITIlledV SLIC11 VMALiolvs or dcFQc(s within ;I tittle; the [junMiction's hilafmr of-records] of the are ;Ind 10hell It o I'o(f)t,11visespecified (It('applicalioll of'ill(?above hereby adopted and incorporated into this ordinance as fill))- Peli'dii.shall 1)(71 be held Io prel-cill the en1b)-ced removal of as iFseL out at length herein,and from the date on which this prohibited conditions. Fach (1:11, dlm Prollibiled colldilions ordinance shall Lake effect,Lfic JVOViSiolls 1.11LI-cofshall he coil- ;Irc 111:1h)(11illcd x1l"Ill colistillitc a scparale i i C ANt) D1vE2Slfr�� pb )eRS RES1 DENCE �00 NW W INTE2S CP-66K r� P AL-m C l r� I FL . l 3S i x I GaLv � � s_ i • WrGRly oR o , z GQiLL o CSST ; GAL.J LFS, DOO SLE �EUE TANK-�CSS WH �\ Rq,NbE C,bST I 19g1000 Ll3/0o0 3/yl' PSll DlnEcv BuP-y �V 1 GS ST FrREpLq ct lea"GkLV Q 11"W-C 2NA ST-RE6, _ Y0,000 2wb sr 25, Rccy 3/y v o 6/6LJ � I 1` 3/f C.S 6 T 31Y"r,ALV V/ 2ND ST �F L P �oA s 0 RED 3a 3� r� �l W.0 -DE PRESS .BF}S�D 0/� �t �r to psl WATE2Virp- A 1D P51 S�(STE1A -7s,0o0 -� -y' FXT Z-FLk (0013 ) zy�I 000 o� I ��.Cl � I NT 9TA& 15SI000 CN�vJ) n L-0 N V EST l N r Ru 1J �y -e 1 C-UJ t_ocn-ri,>O �c Iopsl Fo(Z EX1s7llJG LON 6EST t�XT QUN 135� GEIJERI}ToR, Goo, 000 I Y, S"V-r-OFfL5 INSTALL-ED 3o W ITI-t IN &' 0 r ERG It APPt�r/jNGE SLC�EVED ks , xl' Y/- 6� M,A KL-Up Aitz- BY OTHERS NEe4EA 3/411 PE � TABLES ; L�oz• yu C/z81� IF REQVIIZrD l� PSI'Soo Gft ll o 1-�0 Z ld W W LoGjjI 16N 402.-k+ (3S) Fog CklsrlNC� LpTR�X I�IFPl� 5rb LS.ICo� PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT BOARD OF SERVICES DEPARTMENT COUNTY Well COMMISSIONERS ® o Building and Code Regulation Division GAS PIPING SCHEMATIC [A►2] [A►4] [A►6] [L4] [L8] [L12] i NK L1 L3 L5 L7 L9 L11ZE p 1-2] [L6] [L10] [Al] [A3] [A5] TANK SIZE: 5 00 GALS. APPLICANCE —TYPE/SIZE Al cxlsriNG GENT=RpTorZ (000, C>0 BTU A2 WATER_ 4a t-rEr2 75,0or) BTU A3 ?,AN�G 431 000 BTU A4 6 R, LL 4 ei 000 BTU A5 Tt�tJK-t_css W. H . i a 9; 00o BTU A6 1; � izc PLAcI= u0 000 BTU PIPING LENGTH $ SIZE (PIPE SIZE WAS TAKEN FROM L1 3 p FT. 3/gINCH DIA. THE 2014 FBC FUEL GAS CODE- L2 (o FT. 3/4 INCH DIA. TABLE 402 (, L zs ) L3 (�0 FT. 3/�j INCH DIA. (37 ) L4 y 5 FT. 2/�j INCH DIA. (3s1 L5 3o FT. 3/4 INCH'DIA. N IF?� sg 1s. Q. L6 35 FT. I/2 INCH DIA. L7 y 5 FT. 3_ )� INCH DIA. L8 3 FT. 33/ _ INCH DIA. L9 135 FT. 31� INCH DIA. L10 3 FT. 3/1 INCH DIA. L11 5 5 FT. i/g INCH DIA. L12 FT. INCH DIA. Website:www.stlucieco.gov 2300 Virginia Avenue-Fort Pierce,FL. 34982-5652 Phone(772)462-1553 FAX(772)462-1578 Revised 7/22/14 / mea}I'I)')].7.p:' •Ses'C'S•'n!f.]S' / "''eB�PRE / Y>A.) S76'rb•Mrb S jr aeJ+7yJ. JJ 4e ii ap�E'S •\ j 1 $o J1 oct >r�°tea/ /� a yy�,, •\ ��F� reel // '0ib}' JO \\ r vr•.rc a a°° *NkI . ,1 N� S (V 1• � 7v J• \ i NII5V9'49`W 1].]1' _ •�Y i„' n v'ax"oi�>i;maGp.mn GRA.>`IC SCAB 4 o za ac s y�;°r J .. e yr�p. <... C \--sxs•a!•+s`E Izv 'gr�, �-• q'2'"a�rp� qp>. 16 //` \ S/ ,� \ •• 'r0� �\,v�ri� m, � �- \ Sec �f�Eq. / `\. •;�'by / ICY \� IT , /[.. ,I '4.Po / yroo ....♦ A� s�e6 bJv � red \ m•a,b !�� v Y/. .✓f \ l 1 V r"W.. •� .Nr��Qpp / 1 a •Mn;h.> ,{�''� 'roe T nsz'se•..I^x 2'aQ' ' \ r lr: `` ;4 •l ) / �" 7 t ^�` srr ooOrHG "IN PROPERTY ADDRESS: ;r, yya i a• !S; / 'J/ ��/ �\�TM �` ir. Cy)'i' q� Ps) D A -RS EREEI ROAD J,. \• v /~eH> w nw"ar:..LavpA LEGEND ' l .. ;�' /J /y '� � �•/�L'} � �a ho �� e'L +r.1't J +'� as) .ac,A��iELEpnae / `+,_• <•b' }�. Np / IGe) -lAmfvazaau Df LEGAL DESCRIPTIONS / �• NY 7')))'�`% +a°b4." ••,�vy� m Mo asr�R x 'R[ 1— Y✓x0_mi S e`B•pZep T r � a' P' a� a GS[nxm em5ss Ip o i°caEttPmr'cuSazv E ex � .i /3 �7,�ypo• yr YC,� ,+/ \`I{• � y [LEA -raw eflm xl Y L)'a=cn:xpoc 'x .D ll• �;, �.Ne7JY� , ,.['Yk( • j ,P+(Sj p./• Ld- uCCIHJ 9Ls:W E99 -.'s`[s cr0si aef Bavxfv�tP tta x_:x.s ME ru0ue J7' e]ta ve.wPm caraapw usfe Aurz L.•m.,ME of L-,€ p uy� �q,LlYrlmaLwcDaos lrLm ttf ..W!E ixC E Aep•2 I "'xp3 mPo-ey) ct"e..: ,J 1. ` \ �r /41 ^�Mu pf'ID`I•ufrrxr)EnOa:uoxwplr :ii0 rar D�pnAreca roz�n-no�il.w0 u:a vMe=.ar e.LAmr I ].J>` I LLst qk �N ?ram / x -Peurt or ar,mse wrnnpE usem As rruxos. ]]°Ds ].]a a � °'y '.4•' �` — c .Pcw)ar:muDL"p cwv.lu.E ±E L.W W ar TIf.vMAeEs-CGx[ Y Lf,a=9 Lxptta Cx Ib v1r c,0 '�y 4 j r O 9.n N•-9AerNY vup0.E nE.C ST tcD i is G Y:h D M[vMl!M1e'ILa 9D.xp9 Y 5y0 I N _ / CJO•3NurAaY 0.Eul Oni .Of i n a E x.lD K.— .9 h[MxM-Ic.Mrya MeaE' D.e Uf4T•GSEV[NI anE} [ M[ CP v ivD� • 'nFsr ••P.v /k'��:: (7 7� \ai4 or. �. rl6 G9 - Ip5 OI fnC. WSwiECfDI ° •Cr. .,"r z...It, .�[PaR=qYc dMs.CE 1 aeN /D,�A}}`2yJ "V 41 Y• \.: 'b A c' 9) -1 U..QUD NM E u 2.mpxLa a tt,hl J S , 4 .5 :� - mEAo 9DMpnwDncaefsA9p.E:5_a,a,MEVME /, y� ) F�?ro °zJ`•}r y/ / GENERAL NOTES:- _ N)'!JS H 1)a)>vVJ P> J-J]]I �•'J'aa �/ 11 J�cralC a aul U=al9nal.n on v!yNW rclaap a.ci of p flroo Licenaaa Lrxrm m Vapoer, (9 1 p:iw 11U.n nv.en wp.+o.cafyna c.l.n:anpJm lnav plvl� ' ..yf J aJ ai iw 'p.l aplp al nna• p.Ccicprr°I0.yC•6. ]].a0'(IIR) La oa—to I'.J'--04D omu. I'..M.aw Dw:e ampwa—t.m.a!)9 pm.mrn m bu. `7:anp.mp.n nm.m°rm pm pnn.6m.a pr Im.airy.mr nano-pl-.pr.xe..r.pepn..Am=empel... �N7FRS u:m Ep°.n.n.m a °fa.sra L,Imnpum mm,m a.apmm.a anpm,l .a er>am.wmisn ppprpprwl. C .erl�Iwp,Na 1 REEK R �lln�p•c-e':.Ds•'IxaJ 6J Rm S. .n nn.en me mea en mm grm,rp:'m,Dw m.ramM m a.nma ir.m rw.u.a CAC r•N= aaaa..>i4,lu.cecn VarU))n9'ef•pe.:wa>0 uan pp6— ve rnpll,p U..w . (qR "v m ))una.xxlpvna manl...,lung..r•u••,m.nrmim,.wa apr .m.n.....rm Iepm.a x.p�pml a1 al.m,...1 CEH,C uq m a�praaol na.n n is 1 m.a Imm map.na.aa'==a Z..malsepaoe.=1-x•as an n m,n.,a CDT \ Nm. 1 r¢illco.oa i upv n:aaaai=ew,.r le.zpu,•mm� u.a.r.nl note iewrwp.A-uap Im ERRACE� r=lmal.'ly a M..pw pr.m....,..�i'm u m...pa a.mxnpuan an y ap pavN.= .lr• Lp ,. :�wi"v•pr +•er puma �x 1-1r m pmu., 11 prpnnuw I i p.mp Ile o�::0e,°nin°pi°�:n^a:o omy mprwnp�.: map .Ipl.i II) mce Dewavl.urwy 01 C popper 6)vpenNy b,p.w lhnolnl N.a xon.11p Po.m.apba z' n CULPEPPER S TERPENINO, INC REV 51 O N S _ vll lD AS-BUILT FORb030ARD SURVEY j �lUr/1� /1��.�C• m,. � ev.nxo fxo,v of I Lx • � 1 - ti epPm funiY .a v..DrD a r9ev.5DED roe 7.-I nwa.wetly I,c,Ar.E pA :I.xm.wu..we.vn ^^• � ,.v a .=mlfxa•.w.nw...m.a r """• o— /00�0 ?"' "°' ai. TMIOTHY H.POWERS&NANETI.POWERS 16-0�J 1 1 / / N"Ye}rr,oyn aebf�,eo�`� J � QREN�"Ja sJas �z�+•h�af'��\� / � �!A•,. ! 4p, ` [ rNRv.uRh tin f� -xJ,Y9']a"X l0.r]' '` N� / �.>P, �+�� a� / \\\\ nn•.rc a ne. \\ f � .°jl�:\ //. �P/,�/�•., a `h . �v.cas•w 7Jar / ,i ;�dt 1; 1� ,....' Jy! -' � � a""orli.'s iwu[.p.wn _ \ • cRAPHic SCAty- va�Y'•tiT, �' /y /�`.r /9�e '�Ir ' o TO xG ,c / .d,�G•E 4+/ $ /j�' f.,y�t�O.,r,=.' `�'ar:. —zxs•Ia•.rE Ix.51• •\ • B Y to ` , 4�MLy,ty \-4. +�MO,../ A+� 3. .Or $ Nsna•„max nox•-' r�'[Dn.., /,' / y.. /�,T •a�"} big 14 PROPERTY ADDRESS: a;-Q xw\°' g ' v F"( ��``m; /^;'^v'• 4 90nafi H'ERLO;E,<UCAC _ V,,a ur7 -w,q,?'.,.• x %/ °f. . !,° ,u. .. 4� �' LEGEND a•a°'r'�o 0ST .e[Iscr:p rt.—.c UAy4 OF aEAwrms LEGAL DESCRIPTIONS: ..c.1 m 1..-nxc ai iy sr P 4e TDt aU / , / oe CI[ AGe CASG[Ilr r�iL�i iaw aEvm ucsE..wrc n:: :Es:maEo,s:nfc,K %� cy. JY t4Lr� // >`': wr nar Rm s ur r .0 m ur,rC-p o Io MuecR auwE nA- Erol �`sy�3[Y `�^w[ i� �I A, Sul :ucawxm�ws. [/C^•RCEo x , c1111.A'J = CUC J2 P•R. Y1 / :PLAT UGC. ,31 oP srw.yip aAxr':, GR"n. `'v a,EC?iUs acm .PUYAn[ur PELFRYKi 4CnUYp' Mr,f,wwc aloe,cR[y L,.ra vcaE Uv[u4 ' "aRH P,(R I A A'=f. :EC MME M m 5p,[,_A 9xam Cv M[,002 /H PQ 4'DCy' PA j \ PRC .PCurt m,Ev[RY:uRYARPt .yAali UwME aA-.vD il.Ano aEna vaa:=wncl.wLr % J'°a's,YOT I '-� 'k„�F r•. / PCG .PavE m csurDLxo auwA^at aEA s C K - Sp vR• SA•TARY VAr t.E Cfl "G 4 m LOT♦ E. A9 SxUrw Cn fAA i Sr LL' xcRMualAf,rp V•", Ar7 r q°hp, 9,X ciC-6AtnrART]LN,LCUi rwu. S e'M E 0 ML veR 113P-ne4 m n'rt, w5g0 'w gJ7 • —7rr\ ' r ,r \� uE .UrWr•C.L9[up! uz:[e.EEr u n[ z M CRE:r. m a E svxos m mp wo"aPol sir•mM ssn'.t[;[ 2gjj', f. ` _7/ _ . iLm[ E YMMI M]i[,.r ICYxD4 GI ,GE A.�urcE m[zP ,\M yo / �y j'. CB 7f>Jy�• a� 4y . [avcE�ua Mra ,n• fro Asn ry�:u,A c[r[u.x r A . yF d" �•p \ / »a]`mr:�a.a s,a nuMeu�Lr a•%vyax usOv u a w,I.,TO „� y'Fp'f" �aD 'b7r �d,'.fe'�=k�r • rH;[�+§' ' GENERAL NOTES' a LE34 '"u Purns ofscaeEJ,ecrr rs ze]4 wz nmE ,y"�JYa'of a a,A'tiI yD r :4',�y�4 ' J a°J'W Trr�, 1 -4," . x)0.crlD[am l,^ ..imolrn�J Y.mrghol rc ad uv ol�p orp°Ll,an,.f SLmym mf a In,calm:mo/m 1,.v rpu:e97 JI rn.�p.l am.°� o,oR1,Rm la Eo'a. .7 ul a:m a.ev. p°m m I..N m.e'oaallm IR I x[ml,as o.axJ p N„'x5'9J"E 23.99'([IR)\ S)Lma.,no,nu norm•vry nRl p111—.a C1,1,;, rf c,m x°.r m111I7/1 nuY.. IGRST. md/m E°„nmly pl iecml SuN hlmnplim v1wIA ae aplWad anf c vd 0Y ol.n!W,uy,aocr°Dxoly au..,nncpxN � �REfK '�rfnoe•v'E uor(xR, a)a.mh4• we n.•.pn R..RRs.a m mm hlmmp:m and m.mmin m u.m.m Ih.p xNl..m.a M R]tCANCfyQ0p !NU n�dvuvo:roav nfYl x AllUl,:Um'O,CS wall Y p.pmaiIwllnmm.p,•an. mfx;mv.......11,Iipmcv bu a'1'v p pp ml pl ul,wm rtd y,wy dk .,.y hwrmc.Rnt.YRo Im . �RRq� \ M°uilam:°•°r�=nm,w� ,r ....anpm,a.M...Rn x.,lanpnm:.R only..s.mmh.d Yr m a..plun _ f sl war e m w me p w mop.m r.Dm:.ey p cum a.Ymhu Pm:r m pmn...Dramu.e Nwl m'll,n cm.m�RI N,,Fpre r Dm pry vn Na.pkn ' IC)envnev an c.e m w .° a nl.v.pUenl.v vlolad. f R.Ivvncv Dp ary wnvy oy CwD.ppv k larD.^h0°h or IMOMY N,k Na�vll.Pp.v.doled U,/,6/xCl9. CULPEPPER S TERPENINC, INC n R E V 151 0 N S AS-BUILT FORb[BOARDSURYEY �Pw[r-ac camun. J/" /I O��C Are•r.A, : Gax[ucr xp[na er[[v!I�+ ,' PnRRwym[,lf.Y PcM uVu,lRm[�uAR:xr rmG,....r.ru rA WUYYi'u Art ,y myxwIr avA rnnN,u.[['Y•rn-rN,..nNo LALI,tmn[cv.[tlrT rrL:.vu Y[.C,•nuam rrJ.Nu.u.f.rvn,T,...M.rrM..n.u.a.unn u,w.l nIru•w•rmR—..r r.l[yo ! - ..I.[ FTVVIOTHY H.POWERS&FCNRA NETTE POWERS® PREP_ . m f FOOT? x.U4 LN,N\A 78-Wa 7 (