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Building Plans
PROJECT NOTES of any work. 318 1. Provide cabinet and casework shop drawings for the Owners review 8. Changes to the HVAC Plan or Notes shall be made with only with 1 All slabs on grade shall reinforced. if specifically allowed in plan, & approval prior to ordering.Coordinate installation with all trades. written approval from the engineer. Recalculate duct sizes as slab may be reinforced with synthetic fiber. Fiber lengths shall be 4. Show adjacent areas of work. Allow 2 weeks for shop drawing required given construction in place. 1/2" to 2" amounts shall be 0.75 to 1.5 pounds per cubic yard in review. 9. Balance and adjust each system at the completion of the project. accordance with manufacturers recommendation. r 2. Provide floor finishes at all locations per Owner selection. 10, Provide snow feet for all A/C compressors and mechanical 17. Lap continuous reinforcement as noted in lap splice schedule or Coordinate sub flooring to provide level transitions at material equipment. min 40 bar dia. Lap cont. bottom steel over support and cont. f changes. top steel at midspan unless oth ise specified. 3. Provide appliances, plumbing fixtures, and trim per Owner 15. Terminate all discontinuous top barswith ACI standard 90 degree 5• selections. Coordinate installation w/ all trades. STRUCTURAL DESIGN CRITERIA AND GENERAL hook ( placed vertically) unless noted otherwise. Hook length shall I 1. Codes: 2017 Florida Building Code, ASCE 7-10 be min. 3 bar dia. GENERAL NOTES 2. Assumptions: 19. Provide the following concrete coverage over reinforcing: Ii 1. Review all project documents prior to fabrication and start of 2.1. Building is assumed to be enclosed as defined by section 6. construction. Report any discrepancies to architect or structural 1606.1.5 FBC Footing/Grade beams: Bottom and unformed edges engineer prior to proceeding with work. 2.2. All components and cladding subject to wind loadings i.e. P 9 1 9 Direct contact with soil 3" CUR. _2. Contractor shall verify all dimensions in the field and report to doors, windows, jambs, roofing, etc. shall be designed and with vapor barrier 2" CUR. 7• the engineer any discrepancies prior to construction. fastened to resist design wind pressures for components and Beams &Columns: 3. The masonry walls are not designed to withstand temporary cladding, as shown on plan. Interior 1 1/2" CLR. construction loads. It is the contractor's responsibility at all times 2.3. All pre- manufactured main wind force resisting components, CLR. 8, to maintain wall stability during the construction phase of the i.e. trusses shall be designed to resist main wind force Exterior 2" project. resisting design forces, as specified on plan and shall be in Slabs: 4. It is the contractor's responsibility to protect existing facilities, and shall be installed in accordance with manufacturer's Interior 3 4" CLR. er / structures and utility lines from all damage during construction. specifications Exterior 1 1/2' CLR. 9, 5. No structural member shall be cut, notched or otherwise reduced 2.4. All glazing is to have either impact resistant glazing or be in size or strength without prior approval in writing from the protected with an impact resistant covering. 2). Sleeve all penetrations through bea s and slabs individually. Core > structural engineer. 2.5. Glazed openings located within 30ft of grade shall meet the drilling will not be permitted. Subm t location and size of sleeves 10 W 6. Coordinate structural and other drawings that are part of the - requirements of the large missile test through beams to engineer for revi w prior to casting concrete. contract documents for anchored, embedded or supported items 2.6. Glazed openings located more than 30ft above grade shall 21. No reinforcing bars shall be cut to accommodate the installation which may affect the structural drawings (i.e. Mechanical, meet the requirements of the small impact test. of anchors, embeds or other items 11 Electrical, Plumbing, Ductwork, Etc.) 39 Owner or Contractor shall obtain necessary installation 2 comply Use the structural drawin s includi revisions and addenda in 9 9 7. All details and sections on the drawings are intended to be typical specifications and inspections required to with conjunction with reviewed shop drawings for placement of 11.1 and shall be construed to apply to any similar situation elsewhere manufacturers recommendations for installation of components and cladding and cladding for hurricane regions. 2 reinforcing. ' changes in directions of cof a walls, beams & strip a on the project except where a separate detail is shown. 4. prone All construction shall be braced and shored by the contractor as footings, provide corner bars of same size and quantity unless footings, same 11 8. The intention of the plans and specifications is to provide all required to safely perform the work. noted otherwise as horizontal steel 11 necessary details to construct a complete structure. When specific 2 . -AII embedded items shall be securely tied place prior to concrete _C6 information is missing or is in conflict. The conflicts shall be PROPANE GAS placement. P o w w brought attention of the Architect/Engineer 1. Gas piping shall be installed in accordance with the gas 2 The. general contractor is responsible a for providing the construction 11.5 z 9. Eto ngineer The Engineer shall not be responsible for layout, dimensional s .local code, or NFPA-54 where requirements are more stringent. of all formwork in accordance with ACI 347. 11. z errors or discrepancies resulting from the reproduction and use of 2. All gas equipment shall be AGA approved 2 Place concrete per .ACT 304. Use i temal mechanical vibration for p 11. w contract drawings for erection and shop drawings. Use of contract 'n 3. The installation shall be for propane gas. all concrete. Limit maximum free fill drop of concrete to 6'-0" 11. w o drawings reproduced in whole or any part it shop drawl g s shall 4, The installing subcontractor shall be licensed for the installation far #57 aggregate and 6'-0" for aggregate. All precautions 1L � not relieve the contractor nor subcontractors from their of propane gas: should be taken to avoid segregation of concrete during 11. u� y responsibility to accurately layout, coordinate, detail, fabricate and 5. The gas meter pressure regulator shall deliver pressure as placement. r _ 10. install a complete structure. Review all shop drawings for conformance with the contract required by manufacturer's recommendations (11" WC). 2, . Footing sizes' shown are for footings constructed with side forms. 11.1 documents and for completeness and answer all contractor related 6. Gas piping shall be schedule 40, wrought steel pipe, welded and If soil material can hold a vertical shape, it can be used as an 11.1 u questions. Stamp and initial all sheets prior to submitting shop seamless (ASME B36.10), with threaded connections or CSST earth form provided footing width i increased 1" in each O drawings to Architect/Engineer for review. Non-compliance with piping. horizontal direction. All sloughed material shall be removed from 11.1 this requirement will result in rejection of Submittal 7. Gas piping outside of the building shall be painted with yellow excavation before and during placement of concrete. 12. 11. Construction shall be completed in conformance to the current "Rustoleum" paint or be within a yellow protective jacket (CSST). 2 Placement of conduit and pipes in concrete shall conform to ACI � building codes as required by building official. B. tops shall a made off of the to of the piping Branch p b p p p g 318 Section 6.3. 'joints i 12. Apply exterior stucco coating in accordance with ASTM C-926 9. Connection at each gas appliance shall include and inverted trap, 2). Construction not shown on t e drawings must be and Z 13. Concrete mortar, and rout shall be properly and adequately 9 P P Y q y a gas cock, a union, and a dirt leg. located to least impair the strengt of the structure. o consolidated 10. GAS PIPING SIZED PER FBC FUEL GAS 2017, SECTION 402.4, 29.1. No horizontal construction joint will be permitted in. 14. Structural epoxy shall be Simpson Strong -Tie SET-XP, Hilti TABLE 402.4(26): 29.2. Location of any construction joint not shown is subject to 13 HIT -RE 500 v3, or approved equal. review and acceptance by engi eer. w 15. The Contractor and Trades shall verify all dimensions and 14. z conditions prior to beginning any work. The Contractor shall notify SEASIDE ENGINEERS. of any discrepancies or conflicts prior to the SHALLOW 1. FOUNDATIONS Soil to be stripped, compacted and tested in accordance with the 1: Masonry construction shall conform to ACI "Building code w start of any construction. Commencing work means acceptance of recommendations of the soils engineer and project' specifications. requirements Ifor masonry structures" (ACl/ASCE 530-02) and o all conditions. SEASIDE ENGINEERS shall not be responsible in 2. Center all footings under their respective columns or walls unless "Specifications for masonry structures" (ACl/ASCE 530.1-02) any way for correction or modification to the work. otherwise shown on plans. Maximum misplacement or eccentricity Except as amended below. 15 w 16. Do not scale the drawings. Dimensions are provided. - 2". Tolerance for mislocation of column dowels or anchor bolts 2 Contractor shall obtain copy of masonry code and specifications x 17. Install all equipment and products in accordance with the to be per ACI or AISC standards. for reference at the jobsite. manufacturers instructions. 3. Horizontal joints in footings will not be permitted. 3 Structure has been designed as a bearing wall structure. All WOOD 18. The Contractor shall be responsible for coordinating all bearing 4. Coordinate plumbing lines with footing locations for interference. masonry units shall be laid prior t concrete placement of cc' 1 Z wall/footing locations, columns, headers, etc, with final truss plan Individual footings can be lowered with the prior approvals of the slabs columns, Beams and slabs for the "M" "S" Lu and wind load certification per structural sheets. structural engineer, continuous wall footings should be stepped as 4 Use type mortar for above gr de applications and type w 19. Window and doors sizes provided are nominal. It is the contractors detailed on the drawings. mortar for below grade application .Mortar shall conform to ASTM responsibility to coordinate the masonry openings and rough 5. Excavating under or near in -place footings/foundations which C270 ( Proportion or property spe ification) 2 openings with the product and manufacturer selected. disturbs the compacted soil beneath the footings/foundations will 5 Masonry units shall conform to AS C90, Normal weight, Type IL m 20. Provide egress windows at all sleeping areas. not be permitted. Minimum net compressive unit strength of 2000 PSI to provide 3 a 21. The scope of work for this project is limited to that indicated on 6. Reinforcing shall be supported on precuts concrete pads. Dowels net area compressive strength of masonry (Fm') of 1500 PSI. W the drawings for columns and filled cells shall be secured in place prior to 6, Coarse grout shall conform to ASTM C476: 4 w 22. Confirm utility and building service locations prior to beginning pouring concrete. Use templates for setting column dowels and 6.1. 2500 PSI at 280 days 5 construction. anchor bolts. 6'2. 1/4" maximum aggregate size 23. Protect existing driveway and walks from damage during 7. Contractor shall verify that the minimum compaction of 95% of 6.3. 8" to 11" slump g, construction. Owner & Contractor to note existing conditions prior its modified proctor accordance with ASTM D1557 is obtained prior 7� A reinforced concrete tie beam or masonry tie beam shall be a to commencement. Contractor shall be responsible for repairing to footing placement. provided in all walls shown on the structural drawings at each 7, construction damage 8. Foundations shall be placed on well compacted soil that is free floor and the roof. Use galvanized mesh type cell caps. Provide w 24. Contractor shall be responsible for the replacement and repair of from organic debris. corner bars at all beam corners to match horizontal bars. landscape material, sod and irrigation damage caused during the 8� Unless noted otherwise, tie beams shall be either B. o construction. DEEP FOUNDATION 8.1. concrete tie beam reinforced with (2) #5 top and ZZ 25. Exterior doors and windows shall be large missile impact rated & 1. Piles shall be helical piles, designed by others bottom bottom and 3 stirrups 018"o.c. 9. certified for resistance to wind pressure per FBC current edition. 2. All piles shall be constructed in accordance with the 8.2. (2) Courses 8" masonry U-Block reinforced with #5 EA course a 26. The engineer recommends the owner and contractor consult with recommendations of the soils engineer and provide the following full routed 10. o windstorm insurance carrier for the structure for the disclosure of service load capacities: 9. y 9 Vertical reinforcing for filled cells shall conform to ASTM 615 N any special requirements the insurance carrier may have for 50 KIPS compression 10. Provide vertical reinforcement in grout filled cells: w windstorm protection coverage. 5 KIPS uplift 10.1. As shown on the drawings 11. m 27. The engineer assumes no responsibility for settling cracks that 3 KIPS lateral_ 10.2. Maximum 32" o.c. a may develop in a monolithic concrete slab system. The use of a 3. Unless otherwise noted on plans, center all pile caps under 12 F_ FIBERMESH type concrete, additives, and saw cuts may reduce the respective columns and all single piles under their respective grade 10.3. At all corners and intersections Z risk of slab cracks due to settlement and temperature changes. beams. flans or bearin of beams 10.4. At anchorage of connec g w The use of diagonal steel at reentrant corners of concrete slabs 4. Contractor to review geotechnical report for construction, length, 1 . Reinforcing bars shall be lapped 48 bar diameters where spliced a is recommended but not required. Concrete cracks are to be inspection, and testing requirements for piles. and shall be wired together. Lap vertical reinforcement above 0 expected, and preventive measures should be taken to isolate 5. actor to rovide helical Ile sho drawin s and calculations p P P 9 9 rode beam and above each floor unless noted otherwise. i Z a any cracks that may threaten any special architectural finishes to en 1 to engineer for review and approval prior to construction. . Provide full mortar bedding around all filled cells with vertical 9 o J (i.e. floor file and stone) REINFORCED CONCRETE 1 . reinforcing. Place all masonry in running bond with 3 8" mortar joints. Y 9 / 13. wDimensions Desian 1. All concrete design and placement shall be in strict accordance 1 . Provide horizontal wall reinforcement 9 GA. Ladder type w 1. and The general contractor and/or subcontractor shall verify all with the ACI "Building code requirements for structural concrete," (Dur 0 Wall or Equal) in bed joints at 16" o.c. measured Z dimensions in the field with this construction drawing prior to ACI 318-Latest edition. vertically. Z construction. The engineer shall be immediately notified of any 2. Provide (4) test cy finders for each 50 C.Y. of concrete placed or 1 Joint reinforcement shall be lapped at least 6" at splices and 14, odiscrepancies found. fraction thereof. shall contain at least one cross wire of each piece of 2. The general contractor and/or subcontractor(s) shall report any 3. Structural concrete shall conform to ACI 301 specifications and reinforcement in the lapped distance. N � discrepancies, errors or omissions to the engineer. for correction shall develop the following minimum compressive strength at 28 1 At intersecting walls fifty percent of the masonry shall be laid in A g y p nt y 15. before construction begins. Should any contractor choose to days: overlapping masonry bonding pattern. p overlook or fail to report any discrepancies, errors or omissions to Beams and slabs 4000 PSI 1 Refer to typical wall sections for maximum construction height of 16. the engineer, that specific contractor shall bear the expense All other concrete 4000 PSI masonry walls. Provide clean -out holes at base of filled cell when incurred as a result of such discrepancies, errors or omissions. 4. Structural concrete shall conform to ACI 301 specifications the concrete pour exceeds 5 feet in height. a 5. Use regular weight concrete. 1b. Grout for filled cells shall be vibrated during placement using a aELECTRICAL 6. Structural concrete shall conform to ACI 301 and have the "Pencil" type vibrator. 1. Provide dimmers for recessed lighting per owner selection following slumps & aggregate requirements: 19. Vertical reinforcement shall be held in position at the top and w = 2. All devices shall be decora - white, or Owner's selection. bottom of bar and at 8'-0" o.c. maximum with a minimum v~ 3. Home run 4-pair category 5 telephone wire w/o splices Location Slump Max. Aggregate clearance of 1/2" from masonry. The clear distance between bars 0 4. Provide RG-6 cable. Beams and Slabs 5"+1" ASTM #57 shall not be less than one bar diameter or 1". Center bars in 5. Provide arc fault breakers ® panel for all bedroom circuits walls unless noted otherwise. 6. Provide variable speed control switch for all fans 7. Maximum water to cement ratio when no back-up data is 20. All reinforced cells are to be clean and free of any foreign 7. All wiring shall be copper unless noted otherwise available: material or debris. w B. All work shall be in accordance with N.E.C. (latest edition) and 7.1. 3000 PSI, 28 day compressive strength; w/c ratio 0.58 y applicable local codes. maximum (non -air' entrained), 0.47 maximum (air entrained) LINTELS Z 9. Contractor shall verify electrical service and location with local 7.2. 5000 PSI, 28 day compressive strength; w/c ratio 0.40 1. Unless noted otherwise all lintel depths are to be assumed to be power company maximum (non -air entrained), 0.35 maximum (air entrained) 16" minimum depth. 0 10. Provide receptacles within 6' of door openings and not more than 8. Flash, when used, shall be limited to 20% of the cementitious The number of courses of masonry required between the lintel & 12' apart materials. Do not use for exposed slabs. bond beam should be coordinated with elevation drawings. Z 11. Provide receptacles on countertops per FBC E3901.4 9. Submit copies of concrete mix design to engineer for approval The contractor is responsible for coordinating the proper lintel 12. All lighting fixtures in closets shall be a minimum of 18" from information shall include: height. N shelving 9.1. Intended usage and location for each type Lintels at garage door opening are minimum depth required for _ ` 13. Outdoor receptacles shall be GFI and in weatherproof covers 9.2. Mix design for each type the design loads. the depth may be increased if required for ~ 14. All lighting fixtures in closets shall be a minimum of 18" from 9.3. Cement content in pounds -per -cubic yard proper lintel 'height, g.c. coordinate. shelving. 9.4. Coarse and fine aggregate in pounds/cubic yard Precast lintels = 3500 psi. Prestressed lintels = 6000 psi 15. Smoke detectors shall be hardwired & interconnected per FBC 9.5. Water cement ratio by weight 6. Grout = 3000 psi w/ maximum" aggregate current edition 9.6. Cement type and manufacturer Concrete masonry units (CMU) per ASTM C90 w/ minimum net 9.7. Slump range area compressive strength = 1900 psi HVAC 9.8. Air content rebar provided in precast lintel per ASTM A615 GR60. filled rebar 1. These drawings are essentially diagrammatic in nature. Additional 9.9. Admixture type and manufacturer per ASTM A615 GR40 or GR60. off sets, transitions, etc. may be required to provide a complete 9.10. Percent admixture by weight Prestressing stand per ASTM 416 grade 270 low relaxation z" system. Contractor shall verify space conditions prior to the 9.11. Strength test data required to establish mix design wire per ASTM a510 fabrication/installation of any work. No abrupt transitions shall be 9.12. Complete detail and placing shop drawings for all reinforcing 10. Mortar per ASTM C270 type M or S permitted. steel including accessories that have been reviewed and 11. The specific lintels on this sheet are manufactured by Cast -Crete 2. All fiberglass duct work shall be 1 Yt" fibrous glass duct board stamped by the general contractor corp. lternative manufactured lintels are available "b others". P• Y installed in accordance with the latest edition of S.M.A.C.N.A. 10. All Reinforcement shall be fastened and secured together to Sole and full responsibility is retained by the subcontractor in the fibrous glass duct construction standards. 1" fibrous glass duct prevent displacement by construction loads or the placing of selection of the alternative lintels as having equal to or greater 9 q board may be used where Federal, State, and Local codes allow. concrete capacity than the actual gravity and uploads, that are listed b P Y 9 Y P Y All branch takeoffs to have damper collars: 11. The use of Jitterbugs to consolidate concrete will not be the Cast -Crete manufacturer. 3. All air devices shall be white painted aluminum Metalaire or equal. 12. permitted. All pumped concrete with aggregate is to contain a high MOOD TRUSSES All sizes and patterns are noted on the Mechanical Plans or HVAC contractor's and/or information. Provide damper collars on all t. range water reducing agent. Minimum size of discharge to be 4" 1 This section defines pre-engineered, prefabricated, metal plate plan branch takeoffs. I'D'„ connected wood roof trusses as "wood trusses". 4. Thermostats shall be per Owner. Provide humidistats 13. A 2 I.D. Discharge may be used with #8 aggregate. Use Design of metal connected roof trusses to comply with:Applicable 9 P y PP licable o 5. All range, dryer, and bath exhaust shall terminate at roof to plasticizer admixture if necessary to increase slumps beyond that building code See Structural Design Criteria and General Note 1 9 ( 9 )• � aluminum roof caps unless noted on the Mechanical Plana noted noted above. NFPA's "National design specification g p clflcation for stress graded lumber and v; 6. All primary condensate drain lines shall be insulated with downward 14. All reinforcing steel shall be detailed, fabricated and installed in its fastenin gs."Truss plate institute's "Design specifications for w z itch not less than Ya" for ever 12" of horizontal run. An in -line P Y accordance with ACI 318 and ACI detailing manual, ACI-315 latest light metal late connected rood trusses." 9 P Z safety float switch shall be installed in every primary drain line edition. 15, Reinforcement with rust, mill scale or a combination of both shall 3• Wood trusses shall be designed and fabricated in acceptance with "National w within 6" of the air handler. Auxiliary drain pans shall be installed be considered satisfactory, provided the minimum dimensions ( the design specifications for wood construction" 1986 o under every horizontal air handler with an auxiliary drain line to including height of deformations) and weight of a edition, published by the American forest and paper association, "Design y terminate over a door or window. hand -wire -brushed test specimen are not less than applicable specification for metal plate connected wood trusses, 7. Contractor shall submit a Manual J load analysis before the start specification requirements in the ASTM standards reference in ACI TPI-85", published by the truss plate institute, And the applicable building code listed in the miscellaneous section of these S Signed and sealed shop drawings showing truss configuration with member sizes and connections, truss layout with piece marks, squired truss to truss connections, design loads, duration factors and erection details must be submitted for review prior to abrication. If required, submit copies to the building department at time of permitting. Wood truss memebers and connections shall be designed for all oads shown on the contract documents including: Live, dead, wind, and concentrated. See structural design criteria section for ve loads. Minimum duration of load factors Roof DL+LL+WL 1.33 Roof DL+LL 1.25 No wane, skips or other defects shall occur in the plate contact area or scarfed area of web members, Plates shall be connected with one required each side of truss. Handling. erection and bracing of wood trusses shall be in accordance with "Handling and erecting wood trusses"(HIB-91) and "Bracing wood trusses: commentary and recommendations" by the fuss plate institute, latest editions. Deflection limitations: (Unless noted otherwise) Roof live load = L/360 Roaf total load = L/240 Supports: Wood trusses shall be designed with at least one horizontal roller connections per span so that no horizontal reactions are induced on supports under dead or live loads. d drawings shall include but are not limited Wood truss design shop drawl 9 P 9 . to, the following information: Span length, overhang and save dimensions, slope and spacing of the wood trusses. 2. All design loads and their points of application, valley and conventional framing must be considered. 3. Adjustments to allowable values ( Duration of load factors, etc.) 4. Reactive forces and their locations. 5. Bearing type and minimum bearing length. 6. Deflections, span and reaction. 7. Metal connector plate type, guage, size and location. 8. Lumber size, species, grade and moisture content. 9. Location and connection design of required continuous lateral bracing. 0. Truss splices must be detailed. This includes "Piggyback" trusses. L Connection details: Truss to truss, truss to truss girder, piggy back to truss, etc. 2. Bracing: Note minimum requirements WT-12 Continuous bottom chord lateral bracing is required at a minimum S of 10' o.c. unless noted otherwise. Bottom chord bracing s continuous from one end of the building to other end. Overlap continuous bracing at least one truss space. Use a minimum of 2X4 grade marked lumber at least 10' long, with simpson H2.5 at each truss. Truss erector is responsible for all temporary bracing of truss S during construction. All metal wood connectors exposed to marine air environment shall be stainless steel type 316. All other connectors in contact with treated lumber shall be hot dipped galvanized or stainless steel type 316 manufactured by Simpson strong tie co. or approved equal. All connection hardware is to be fully fastened per manufacturer's requiremennts unless noted otherwise. All wood construction and connections shall conform to AITC "American Institute of Timber Construction" manual edition, and the "National Design Specification" for wood construction, 1991 Edition, and Florida Building Code, chapter 23. All wood in contact with concrete or masonry or exposed to weather shall be pressure treated. Dimensioned lumber shall be dressed S4S, and shall bear the grade stamp of the manufacturers association. All lumber shall be sound, seasoned, and free from warp. All metal wood connectors shall be manufactured by Simpson strong tie co. or approved equal and shall be galvanised steel. All lumber shall be southern pine no. 2 grade or better: with 19% maximum moisture content, unless noted on the plans. Sheathing shall be as follows unless noted otherwise: Roof sheathing shall be APA rated sheathing exposure I, span rated as per rafter or truss spacing. Pn.�matic nailing devices shall be calibrated to avoid counter sinking nails into exterior wall and roof sheathing. Unless noted otherwise, header beams are to be provided in accordance with section 2308.3 of the Florida Building Code. Framing members shall be fastened together in accordance with section;2306 of the Florida Building Code, except where fastening schedules are more stringent in these plans. Provide additional uplift connectors to resist uplift loads in accordance with connectors specified on plan or on details. Submit truss shopdrawings sealed b an engineer registered in 9 Y 9 9 the state of Florida for review prior to fabrication. shop drawings shall include truss layout, design loads, truss reactions (DL & LL and DL & AL) and all other information required for proper trust nstallation. design of roof trusses shall include the uplift effects 9 P of the design wind load based on the f.b.c. Plywood shall be min. of 5-ply 19/32" COX span rated 32/16 structural sheathing. 8d ring -shank nails 4" o.c. at perimeter, 6" o.c. at panel edges, and 6" o.c. at intermediate framing members. Provided 2"x4" blocking at panel edges, hips, and valleys with nail spacing at 4" o.c. All nails and metal hardware exposed to weather shall be 304 or better stainless steel. all nails shall be common wire nails. Space nails in straps so as to not split wood. The minimum lumber grades shall be souther yellow pine #2 or better. All exposed timbers in contact with concrete or masonry shall be pressure treated. SYMBOL LEGEND 0 ELEVATION OR REFERENCE POINT OA.1- INTERIOR ELEVATION TAG FINISHED CEILING HEIGHT SHEET NO. q DETAIL TAG INTERIOR PARTiT10N A. SHEET NO. + / - WIND DESIGN PRESSURES ® LEVEL CHANGE ® BLANKET INSULATION F.V. FIELD VERIFY M/E MATCH EXISTING CONDITION Ol DOOR MARK I HOSE BIB OWINDOW MARK ® CONTINUOUS WOOD BLOCKING WOOD BLOCKING 1 SECTION TAG A.4 SHEET N0. ❑ ® CONCRETE BLOCK W / FILLED CELL 5•I EXISTING GRADE ELEVATION INTERIOR BEARING WALL 5.1 PROPOSED ELEVATION CONCEPTUAL DRAINAGE ® SUPPLY AIR REGISTER � RETURN AIR REGISTER DESIGN CRITERIA ASCE 7-10, FBC 2017 ULTIMATE WIND SPEED, VuLT 160 MPH NOMINAL WIND SPEED, VAsa 124 MPH EXPOSURE "D" INTERNAL PRESSURE COEFFICIENT +/- 0.18 (ENCLOSED) MEAN ROOF HEIGHT G20ft RISK FACTOR II ROOF PITCH 4:12 HEIGHT & EXPOSURE COEFFICIENT 1.0 DESIGN LOADS FLORIDA BUILDING CODE, 2017 ROOF & CEILING LOAD TOP CHORD DEAD LOAD 15 PSF -TOP CHORD RESTRAINED DEAD LOAD 4.2 PSF BOTTOM CHORD DEAD LOAD 10 PSF -BOTTOM CHORD RESTRAINED DEAD LOAD 3 PSF -CEILING DEAD LOAD ON TRUSS MEMBERS 5 PSF -WALL DEAL LOADS ON TRUSS MEMBERS 5 PSF -AT ATTIC WITH STORAGE 5 PSF TOP CHORD LIVE LOAD 20 PSF BOTTOM CHORD LIVE LOAD -NONCONCURRENT WITH OTHER LIVE LOADS 10 PSF -AREAS WHERE 3.5'TALL x 2'WIDE RECTANGLE 20 PSF WILL PASS BETWEEN BOTTOM CHORD AND OTHER TRUSS MEMBERS -ATTIC WITH STORAGE 40 PSF ROOF TRUSS DEAD LOAD RESISTING UPLIFT 8 PSF FLOOR LIVE LOAD 40 PSF FLOOR SUPERIMPOSED DEAD LOAD 25 PSF ALLOWABLE BEARING CAPACITY 2000 PSF AREA SUMMARY BUILDING AREA REMAINS UNCHANGED IMPERVIOUSNESS REMAINS UNCHANGED OPEN AREA REMAINS UNCHANGED 0 • a m, 11 o W 8 0 W M CC C` G .5b z C. M 12 d Cd V •r o F w W o W wN�6 �. offal V] o 00 I-� � U 0 0 00 3 W U o N W O W IG-i Q � Z O Q F� M O x U Y - O w ti LL Z 06 r y U r t O 0 ''^^ V+ l W Z FL 11/19/20 SCALE DRAWN BY: EKR SHEET: G1 v J J N W W Z Z W W 0 T - 8'-63f',.. 8'- 4 -. lIh'_Q".. 10,_Ow > - w w w :,.F- I.r Q LIVING N U J w Z _ Z En W W Z Wz I� W ❑ w rn x z w L W w m n w F W O x w x O .ilry Z C o O ❑ a D m 0 0 0 Z W a 0 Ala J ~ J lD w w w Z 0 Z w W ❑ Q W tq 0 W 0 O a W _ z Z o U w a m z rn z 41 rn w r U J J w LEGEND Z ® 8X16 CMU BEARING WALL o DEMOLITION N 2X4 INTERIOR NON— LOAD BEARING WALL slam L _ ------ II II II II II 11 1I II iI MASTER BEDIF OOM DINING', II II Ii III II II Li IL -- ---- -- --- --— -- ---- -------------J.,,.. I. L- — ---- --- ---- ---- ----III r---------------� 06�SET .CLOSET © - ---- -----� L-------------- J I II - MASTER:- II.; REF. :D ❑I BATHROOM L-- ---J J o mil rI---- --- II I I j ( ,:.�1 ( a Ni 1 i Water �� AC li KITCHEN j Heater _ O ---- O RYE ¢H �0 BATHROOM E II LAUNDRY 777 PORCH GARAGEI----------------------- .II, II I II` I; I c I Z '-0° - DEMOLITION PLAN SCALE 4'=1'-0" Am BEDROOM 3 l DEMOLITION SCHEDULE ID INFORMATION' A REMOVE WINDOW AND BLOCK BELOW FOR INSTALLATION OF A SGD�. B REMOVE NON -LOAD BEARING WALL AND FIREPLACE. C REMOVE KITCHEN ISLAND. D REMOVE WALL AND CABINET PORTION. ' E. REMOVE AND REPLACE CABINETS, EQUIPMENT, AND. FIXTURES:. F INFILL CMU , G REMOVE.. DOOR AND SID€LIGHT. REPLACE WITH DOOR. INFILLCMU TO MATCH NEW DOOR OPENING WIDTH. H - RELOCATE WATER: HEATER AND AIR HANDLER TO GARAGE. REMOVE WALL PORTIONS, I DEMO INTERIOR NON -LOAD BEARING WALLS., SEE PROPOSED- FLOOR PLAN FOR NEW-LAYOUT,,y REDUCE THE CLOSET SIZE, SEE PROPOSED FLOOR PLAN FOR NEW SIZE m. a$ _ a'. 1 I F d -q V1 O 1; TJ- N b 17'-0 i - 25r_On 8�_ 4,, 8F_ 4,� ,- '', 1 ". 6'-2L� 9'-111" 5'_ 2" 3 7 Ag 191-01, CF A N A LIVING o _ K W A A A EGRESS 11 1EGRES J / w w w ' w El z -0' w MASTER BED ROOM 2 BEDROOM ~ DINING O BEDROOM z ❑ . LJ z N w W z z U I�0)I L WW 0 N 0) 0x 1 II Inly ri A A REF A PY N z WABNER D LU . cLosET KITCHEN "6 .iIN ry SEE CABINET PLANS BY OTHERS FOR O ,O ¢ �p KITCHEN LAYOUT AND DIMENSIONS m F� X `.J MASTER 4 o -, BATHROOM UBATHROOM 3' 1" PAN. OVEN DISH. W ti1N _;, o z �. a PORCH m Water o Heater }: °------------- z - W z Q I I I (6 A W En _ W z �� i GARAGE! o O w O 21 w i /i to Q o w8,_4-2 �� 6-101" 5'-751 5.4" a z C7 z 3 y w 2 NORTH PROPOSED FLOOR PLAN SCALE 4 -1 0 U J N LEGEND ui w w z ® 8X16 CMU BEARING WALL z w w 0 2X4 INTERIOR NON- LOAD BEARING WALL t I i ' x 1. 4 z a ` t u ' � 7 � 1 �/1 Q W � � N z oFx+W o W 0cgm05. p o0 o N W� N TT^^ V1 WINDOW/DOOR SCHEDULE MARK QTYPE WIDTH HEIGHT INFORMATION MANUFACTURER MODEL NOA or FLORIDA PRODUCT APPROVAL NUMBER DESIGN PRESSURE (PSF) PRODUCT PRESSURE(PSF) 1 EXTERIOR SWING DOOR 36" 80" IMPACT THERMA TRU FIBER CLASSIC FL21138.9 40.7 -44.1 50.0 -50.0 2 HR WINDOW 53.125" 38.375" IMPACT LAWSON 8700 20-0813.06 40.7 -44.1 65.0: -65.0 3 HR WINDOW 53.125" 38.375" IMPACT LAWSON 8700 20-0813.06 40.7 -54.4 65.0 -65.0 4 HR WINDOW 53.125" 38.375" IMPACT LAWSON 8700 20-0813.06 40.7 -54.4 56.7 -65.0 5 EXTERIOR SWING DOOR -- -- EXISTING EXISTING EXISTING EXISTING -- -- -- -- 6 HR WINDOW 53.125" 38.375" IMPACT LAWSON 8700 20-0813.06 40.7 -44.1. 65.0 -65.0 7 SGD 72" 80" IMPACT LAWSON 9200 17-1212.05 40.7 -44.1 56.7 -65.0 8 EXTERIOR SWING DOOR 72" 80" IMPACT LAWSON 2200 18-0503.06 40.7 -54.4 76.0 -76.0 9 SGD 181, 80" IMPACT LAWSON 9200 17-1212.05 40.7 -54.4 56.7 -65.0 10 SGD 72" 80" IMPACT LAWSON 9200 17-1212.05 40.7 -54.4 56.7 -65.0 11 EXTERIOR SWING DOOR 72" 80" IMPACT LAWSON 2200 18-0503.06 40.7 -54.4 76.0 -76.0 12 EXTERIOR SWING DOOR 26.5" 80" IMPACT LAWSON 2200 18-0503.06 40.7 -44.1 76.0 -76.0 13 HR WINDOW 37" 38.375" IMPACT LAWSON 8700 20-0813.06 40.7 -44.1 65.0 -65.0 14 EXTERIOR SWING DOOR -- -- EXISTING EXISTING EXISTING EXISTING -- -- -- -- 15 EXTERIOR SWING DOOR 53.125" 38.375" IMPACT LAWSON 2200 18-0503.06 40.7 -54.4 76.0 -76.0 16 HR WINDOW 53.125" 38.375" IMPACT LAWSON 8700 20-0813.06 40.7 -54.4 65.0 -65.0 17 O.H. GARAGE DOOR -- -- - EXISTING EXISTING EXISTING EXISTING -- -- -- -- 18 INT. GARAGE SWING DOOR 32" 80" COMPOSITE, 20 MIN FIRE RATED OWNER PREFERENCE OWNER PREFERENCE N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 19 INTERIOR SWING DOOR 32" 80" OWNER PREFERENCE OWNER PREFERENCE OWNER PREFERENCE N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 20 INTERIOR BARN DOOR 32" 80" OWNER PREFERENCE OWNER PREFERENCE OWNER PREFERENCE N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 21 INTERIOR BI-FOLD DOOR 48" 80" OWNER PREFERENCE OWNER PREFERENCE OWNER PREFERENCE N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A W o� w4 w w H Z 04 V1 d a. O , C) ai � U a LL a� C I. FL LIUMffi tjOA72228 DATE 11/19/20 SCALE DRAWN BY: EKR SHEET: ,I >m '-- -- � I I aLu i 1 i li f LIVING Z w O m� P .7 x O i j' 1 1d� FAT /' 1 o CAT .----- .—/ BEDROOM 2 BEDROOM 3 cEoser Z / MASTER i! BEDROOM nTe % % / / �i' i1 aTV cnTV O F / 1 Kili I O i�/i/ DININGuj i LLJ -- // /• 1. w ` .ATV n — I / z % Lij w th • /1 ! /�\ --` // , `� 00 REF. � •- - .\ � �`, � W 1 .�,_— @{\ LAUNDRY LLJ � KITCHEN i i s Rrea p �. 1 1 / \ / CLOSET •O -- - ELECTRICAL ;SCHEDULE SYMBOL QESCRIPTION (� SINGLE RECEPTACLE �cFclDUPLEX RECEPTACLE :DFCI WATE, P,P ETC ® 240V RECEPTACLE ;FLOOR MOUNTED RECEPTACLE CEILING MOUNTED -DUPLEX RECEPTACLE 3 SWITCH SCL, DEL, 3—WAY DIMMER, FTC WAIT, rV TELECOM CATV CATG ETC.-: PAN L ELECTRICAL PANEL BOARD g ELECTRICAL METER CEILING MOUNTER PENDANT LIGHT CEILING MOUNTED LIGHT �•�- MOUNTED. LIGHT --: ING I-- —I ABINET STRIP LIGHTING 1GHT GHT45 ,Q00000 FLOOD. LIGHT FAN.WITH LIGHTFAN 0 COMBO SMOKE & CARBON MONOXIDE DETECTORI DISCONNECT OrII THERMOSTAT - ❑ PB PUSH BUTTON FOR DOOR BELL CHIME DOOR CHIME \,..i•—'`\ INDICATES SWITCH LEG CIRCUITING ►} PUSH BUTTON FOR GARAGE DOOR OPENER GARAGE DOOR MOTOR o�o H B HOSE BIB �J �1 a 1 it - o / �" PAN. OVEN DISH. LBATH6�C = MASTER m / BATHROOM Z SD W Z o J PORCH w Water I- - - z � Heater Z---- W ----- o I w I w - K - m I O - LL GARAGE ---- --- ---- - W - , • ,<. co o - III co w I NORTH ELECTRICAL PLAN \�i V SCALE 4'=1'-0 0 J cn W. Z Z w I i W u wZ Z W � Q C) J WW H--i CL x Nw Q/ V O .U'.., p � W 0. V1 W OF FL LIMHM N01P7222x DATE 11 /19/20 SCALE DRAWN BY: EKR SHEET: E1 r ^ .` .. :: . «"+. +' °Zj.. ..• ^ :." "' EXISTING LINTEL OR TIE BEAM EXISTING LINTEL OR TIE BEAM-r '^ i.4. ° i TO REMAIN + . A a ,.:. 1. ,,'.4 „... ,:•: �`'a° TO REMAIN. .< k`.; a:,< , • .: ... ., ,<. .e .• ...,.. ..... .. s . . ... v, a ... -� R,,. • EXISTING LINTEL OR TIE BEAM ^•a - ' ' " TO REMAIN •.-a .. a.,.;. EJUSTINGCMU WALL TO. 5 ° EXISTING CMU WRLL Tb '" `- REMAIN ° if EXISTING LINTEL OR TIE BEAM TO REMAIN r S: f-. ..' :. °.. ." <... ,. r.... EXISTING CMU WALL TO ` REMAIN - < ^ •', REM' GROUT FILL. EXISTING CELL a.'. EXISTING CMU WALL TO • + ' ' �f. k . O AR TO FULL .r REMAIN •. .,.. r.z r•.. OR #S VERTICAFORM AND LBAR + ' e z I, . +° HEIGHT OF OPENING. z ' . ^ .. •.r� •., r4 :. ! . 4 #5 DOWEL-S"MIN. EMBED IN REINFORCE AND' GROUT IF i Q ` DOWEL AND GROUT VERTICAL . f •' �• •' w y CONCRETE USING EXISTING POURED CELLS ARE CELL @ 48" O.C. MAX. 4' • -"a , a ! STRUCTURAL EPDXY. ACI NOT PRESENT k • •. y • ' . :' . ° #5"BAR DOWEL AND # 5 BAR STANDARD 90° HOOK. . • .- •': VERTICAL REBAR (FULL EXTENSION LEGS ARE 30'' '. , .. - OPENING) �; 48" -. :. LOCATE 48" O.C. VERTICALLY <., HEIGHT O O,C. MAX HORIZONTALLY. (TYF) ° #S DOWELS" MIN. EMBED IN :. ., • +"' .. i -. CONCRETE USING •"I - a S.�' •a'- a .. .. " •.'. STRUCTURAL EPDXY. AC[ ® L' : <• a.. •: ¢ .. ... a STANDARD 90 HOOK. • o- ` l % `� ,i :4. #5 DOWEL 8'• MIN. EMBED IN ', .. _ .. ® ` EXTENSION LEGS ;ARE 0" STRUCTURAL EPDXY. w EXTE $ L 3 ,, : < ,.. ''.:: :!',•_.._ :.:. ... a STRUCTURAL EPDXY. LOCATE.. a a ' LOCATE 48" O.C. VERTICALLY +.h . '. 1 r'° '. • •. •. a• 48"O.C.VER-RCALLY(TYP) '. M W : 4'" ♦• 4 °+ GROUT FILL CELL ADJACENT ° DGE - '• .' ,.PROPOSED OPENING. INSTALLCMU,.__: R w A N ..P REMOVE TO ACCORDING TO PLAN .n t L �. •... • - . :' . , ° it—F (1) #5 VERTICAL BAR TO FULL > N .. .. < HEIGHT OF OPENING. .. a _ GROUT FILL CELL ADJACENT - (9 '.. TO EXISTING OPENING EDGE " "` •` +' CONCRETE USINGI�.STRUCTURAL EPDXY (TMP) W AND ALONG EDGE OF � Ri <PROPOSED OPENING. INSTALL I INFILL AS (1) #5 VERTICAL BAR TO FULL Illt"� Lj HEIGHT OF OPENING. - -GROUTED r^ El •. #5 X 32' DOWELTOP AND BOTTOM. 8' VERTICAL h MIN. EMBED IN CONCRETE USING _ MIX EMBED 32 DOWEL TOP AND USINGBOTTOM. 8" Vl O MIN. STRUCTURAL N EPDXY (TYPE USING CELLS ® STRUC URAL EPDXY (TVP) WSTRUCTURAL EPDXY (TYP) ' U m 48 O.C. W N S Z : "M b0 — 1�1 G W #5X32° DOWEL FORM AND POUR INFILL AT OPENING PARTIAL INFILL AT DOOR OPENING CMU OPENING FOR NEW DOOR U w MIN. EMBED IN CONCRETE USING Z 'O STRUCTURAL EPDXY(TVP) p M •� U)Q N W zi� V •O 'OD W F r� OF"Lr" W O O ^ y`t pIr z W 4 h NOTES: rq 1. CONTRACTOR VERIFY THE CONNECTION OF EXISTING GROUTED CELLS TO BOND BEAM AND SLAB W U J 2. CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ALL DIMENSIONS IN THE FIELD AND NOTIFY THE ENGINEER OF ANY N E� r- DISCREPANCIES w 3. ALL CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE BRACED AND SHORED AS REQUIRED BY CONTRACTOR TO SAFELY PERFORM z THE WORK 0 4. CONSTRUCTION SHALL COMPLETED TO THE CURRENT BUILDING CODES AS REQUIRED BY BUILDING OFFICIAL z w 5. CONCRETE SHALL HAVE A 28 DAY COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH OF 4,000 PSI 0 6. REINFORCING STEEL SHALL BE DEFORMED BAR ASTM A615 GRADE 60 N 7. APPLY EXTERIOR STUCCO COATING IN ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM C-926 COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH = 1,900 PSI � UNITS PER ASTM C90 WITH MINIMUM NET AREA _ 8. CONCRETE MASONRY 9. MORTAR SHALL BE TYPE M OR S PER ASTM C270. � 10: GROUT PER ASTM C476. MINIMUM STRENGTH OF 3,000 PSI. 3/8 INCH MAXIMUM AGGREGATE SIZE. 8 TO 11 INCH SLUMP. z 11. CONCRETE, MORTAR, AND GROUT SHALL BE PROPERLY AND ADEQUATELY CONSOLIDATED TO REMOVE ALL LU VOIDS IN BLOCK CELLS AND AROUND REINFORCEMENT. " APPROVED EQUAL PSON SET XP ANCHORING EPDXY OR w STRUCTURAL EPD XY SHALL BE SIM 12. S " " I 13. ATTACH WOOD BUCKS TO SOUND CONCRETE OR GROUTED CELLS AT ENDS AND 16 O.C. USING 1/4 <I STAINLESS STEEL TAPCONS WITH A 1.75" MINIMUM EMBEDMENT. MAINTAIN GREATER THAN 1" EDGE m DISTANCE.- d w 0 O INFILL AT OPENING -_ U I �. CM z o #5 BAR DOWELS INSTALLED WITH SIMPSON- W w EXISTING CONCRETE SLAB STRONG -TIE SET-XPT"' EPDXY -TIE ADHESIVE _ W w AT AN EMBEDMENT DEPTH OF 6" IN SAWCUT SLAB AT CONCRETE WITH MIN 12" EXTENDING INTO [^� m DESIRED LOCATION CONCRETE PATCH. #5 BAR. LENGTH IS FULL EXTENT OF L, zz DAMAGED CONCRETE 3 a 4000 PSI I MIN. CONCRE TE o l"< .. o Nw Q a o0� J L W w a a d a w - Z a d d o a rn LLU ° a a a a V1 a. d O w d a ^ , Lu z 0 FILL WITH CLEAN, WELL GRADED LL COMPACTED SAND IF NECESSARY w d 0 SPLICE SEE NOTE 2. a 6 MIL VAPOR BARRIER 0 SLAB REPAIR oD000000�o w w 4" 2X6 PT BUCK. WATERPROOFED® No.ENg�, g Ix PER FBC AND LOCAL ° e AUTHORITY REQUIREMENTS o OF R EPDXIED 6" INTO BA=ORI'D 12" #4 DOWEL®o 0 EXISTING FROM EDGES AND 16" 4" CONC. SLAB W/ 6X6 W1.4/W1.4 WWF O.C. ON 6MIL VAPOR BARRIER OVER TERMITE TREATED CLEAN SAND FILL COMPACTED EXISTING PROPOSED TO 95 MAX. DENSITY. (TYP) o a FL L lffioW 92228 E - v DATE 11 /19/20 p a. z A SCALE •.'; �'. ? 1/4"0 CORROSION RESISTANT ANCHORS WITH MIN. 1-3/4" _-_-- -- EMBEDMENT INTO GFCMU. MIN. 3 FASTENERS PER SIDE DRAWN BY: --, EKR I SHEET: 1 0 #5 BAR AT EDGE OF RECESS 1. NEW BUCKS EXTEND BEYOND THE ACE OF THE WINDOW AND DOOR FRAME AND ARE ANCHORED PER J NOTES: FLORIDA PRODUCT APPROVAL OR NOA. ALL INSTALLATIONS MUST COMPLY WITH F.S. 553.842 &FBC N 2. WINDOWS AND DOORS SHALL BE DESIGNED, MANUFACTURED, AND INSTALLED TO WITHSTAND A MINIMUM X 1. INSTALL EPDXY IN ACCORDANCE WITH MANUFACTURER'S LITERATURE AND ICC-ES ESR-2508. HOLES SHALL DESIGN WIND PRESSURE AS STATED IN PLAN AND SHALL BE IMPACT RESISTANT IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE w BE DRILLED AND CLEANED PRIOR TO INSTALLATION OF DOWEL. 'FBC. 2. OVERLAP VAPOR BARRIER BY MIN. 6". USED VAPOR BARRIER SEAM TAPE TO SEAL SPLICE. 3. ALL WINDOW PERIMETERS SHALL BE WATERTIGHT. PROVIDE AN APPLICABLE WATERPROOF COATING - LIQUID APPLIED LE 3. PROPERLY CONSOLIDATE CONCRETE SO THAT AIR VOIDS ARE ELIMINATED. FLASHING PER FBC RESIDENTIAL MEETING AAMA 714-12 OR 714-15. (1) COAT BEFORE INSTALLING BUCKS AND (1) w 4. COVER CONCRETE REPAIR WITH BURLAP AND KEEP DAMP FOR MIN. 3 DAYS. COAT AFTER INSTALLING BUCKS PROPOSED RECESS IN EXISTING SLABATTACHMENTBILE COPY ® BUCK :