HomeMy WebLinkAboutSub-Contractor AgreementPERMIT # I I ISSUE DATE . . . . . . . . . . 2 S & W ELECTRIC, INC. have agreed to be (Company Name/Individual Name) the._PLEQTRICIAN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... E, KI-T-CORP- c. . . . . . . . . . . . (Type of Trade) (Primary Contractor) For the project located at (Project Street Address or Property Tax ID #) It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding Our Participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will, be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. e2( CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE (Qualifier) SUB -CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE (Qualifier) MA17HEW LYLE WYNNE PRINT NAME 08898 -COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER ---State of Florida, County -of iST LUCIE rt_* --- -, The foregoing instrument was signed before me this _ day of 2P2'by MATTHEW LYLE WYNNE who is personally known�lr has produced a as identification. Signature of Notary Pic DOROTHY ANN'BASKIN Print-Name.of Notary Public . ..... DOROTHY ANN �BASKIN I MYCOMMISSIO14 H #HH046W cto* clober2 .... EXPIRES.qZ 2o24 .. T alypu* N AftU h(U Mewit evr 'LAWRENCE STUBBS PRINT NAME 29.442 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER oFlorida; County -of- $T. The foregoing instrument was signed before me thi1y of ,inby LAWRENCE STUBBS. who is personally known Llr has produced a. as identification. STAMP .tw& Tlgofture of Notai-y Public 0 laiva—'LL�8De&o Print Ndnie of Notary Public J __ E, — LAURAR.CUBBEDGE Commission# HH 013089 0 24 Expi res 21, 2024 '�Z%FC,O,P Bonded Thro Troy Fain Ins'Umm 808315 STAMP Vxa ............... . PLAN MN . 0 &DE SERVICES RVICES Building & C odeComPfiance'Divigion BUMPINGPERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT AQUA DIMENSIONS have agreed to be via� (Company-Name/Indi" Name) the PLUMBER Sub-contractor,for WYNNSDEVELOPMENT CORP..' (Type of rade) (Primary 6iiiia6toi) For the project - located at CL Tax .1D #) It is. understood that, ifthereis:-an "changp:6f-.�'§tatas�,;rekardm' -OurParticiPatidnwith-the-ab mentioned y ove project, the Building and Code: Regulation L*udie'County will be -advised pursuant tothe fifing:of a Change.of Sub=contractornotice. CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE muatiery— MA17HEW LYLE- WYNNE PRINT NAME 08898 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER SIGNATURE (QuaUfler) FW8ERT- WDLUM PRINT NAME IBM :COUNTMRTIFICATION NrUMER State of Florida, County 1 0 . f -ST. LUCG ST LUCIE State-offlorida, County of `The foreguinganstrurhent-w;kssigneabefdie.iie"th . isq—t, dgy'of instrument was -signed before.r4e' b0— day.of sA 0 who is personally.knowin V. or by '\ , &_\_� w, v�ho ispersona4y khown-IL, or hasTroddeed, a as identification. Laao, Sipki&of:Notary&lid DOROTHY ANN -BASKIN Print Name of Notary, Public DORO N' wcomw'MPS46 2024 EXPIR94: � ]a. STAMP STAMP Signature of.wow* Public RHONDA LAFF15ERTY Print Name of Notary Public RHONDA LAFFERT Y My COMMISSION # G(3058720 EXPIRES January oa, 2021 PERMIT# ISSUE DATE --. PLANNTN`C & DEVELOPMENT SIER ICES . Building & Code Compliance Division $Y7.1 -DYNG:PERMTr SUIB-CONTRACTOR AGREE1Vi PM Comfort Control oT S•t. Lucie Caunty. Inc. haveagxeed'to'be (Company NarnrAndividual Nance) the HVAC Sub-contractorfor Wynne - Develo ment Cori)' (Type of Trade) (P►zmary Contfaetor) For the project located at (Froject \�\P� & mow 0. qx-C or Property Tax ID #) It is understood that, if there is any change of status. regarding our participation with the above Inentibned . Project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant. to the fling of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. CUN x'ftACrOR SIGNATURE (QuaGSer). Matthew Life Wynne PRINT NAME COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER $tate of )Florida, County of •�V C-�� The fongtol1ing instrument was signed before me thi;9�4,y of � �C .7� by�i`•1l i.N�-l..i 5...�t�u-� who is personally known Zor has produced a as identification G:4 Go:o STAW Signature of Notary DOROWYANN WON MYCOMMIS6ION#HH04W3 Revised I S, COUNTY CERTWCAnONNNNU\MBER State of Florida;�$C�i The foregoing instrument was signed before we tT�i�6 ' ' y of who is personally Icaown V or has produced a as identi6eation, C+� ��' • STANK Signature ofNotary Imo �o�L N �� G�5r4-SKtea Print Name of Notary Puh e '••.�' 04INOOTHANNAK MOMMISMON#H o*FXPIRES:October$282544 43 . BondonadwyPbkUndwfb I ... L66-d ZOOO/ZOOOd tLO-1 999L8L8ZLL da o0 su i p l i n8 auuAM -WO8. g L: Z L 9 6 60-Z L Sr -Y fu D' :t he above mrrion to County thbe ;.pursu;an Aa wAR. permay kn,, Ouvroa a' I lox-". / ? . .. .... . A) W COMMISSION# HH 045443 EXPIRES: O'ctober.Z 202.4.. R"all.o.m.e., Y, Ap V\ wior . WpowbAUY*. , . k . noilz.N Aggimao"... .29Adentl 199tiob, MYCOMM'SSION011i045443 EXPIRES. O*W2,2024