HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Permit Application All APPLICABLE INFO MUST BE COMPLETED FOR APPLICATION TO BE ACCEPTED Date : Permit Number : CO-U 'N IF I ID A ' " u il ding Permit Application Planning and Development Services Building and Code Regulation Division 2300 Virginia Avenue, Fort Pierce FL 34982 Phone : ( 772 ) 462 - 1553 Fax : ( 772 ) 462 - 1578 Commercial Residential X PERMIT TYPE : Shutter PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT LOCATION ," —' Address : 159 Nettles Blvd . Property Tax I D # : 4502-501 -0345-000- 1 Lot No . Site Plan Name : Block No ., Project Name : Connor DT�l 1.DETAILED DESCRIPTION C} F W-OR-K & 10 V41 , Install 15 accordion shutters CONSTRUCTIO -N tNFURMATbON ` 4 Additional work to be performed under this permit — check all that apply : _ Mechanical _ Gas 'Tank _ Gas Piping X Shutters Windows/ Doo rs _ Electric _ Plumbing _ Sprinklers _ Generator _ Roof P itch Total Sq . Ft of ConStrUction . Sq . Ft . of First Floor : 5Cost of Construction : $ _9 � 1 � � _ Util ities : _ Sewer _ Septic Building Height ,* OWN E.R/ LEss E E : ° _ < ;, �• _ , _ � . CO TRACTQR : i Name Martin & Marybeth Connor Name : Michael Heissenberg Address : 159 Nettles Blvd . Company *. expert Shutter Services City : Jensen Beach State : F L Address : 668 SW Whitmore Dr Zip Code : 34957.§_A�_ I Fax : City : Port St . Lucie State : FL Phone No. 954 -309 - 7463 Zip Code : 34984 Fax : E - Mail : Phone No 772-871 - 1915 Fill i' n fee simple Title Holder on next page ( if different E - Mail Perm itsCa)expertshutters . com from the Owner listed above ) State or County License 16572 If value of construction N $ 2500 or more, a RECORDED Notice of Commencement is required . If value of HVAC is $7, 500 or more, a RECORDED Notice of Commencement 1k is required . +, .+...s-...:+r ld+�+,e�'•h!'fa_44—w+.Y it iN+i.-.�y.f*+..j.�R.*�++R-+■y-�41.a 1■tin+La'.+f k•Y u..+,ti�+t'fv+,ar.rr+• �Y F. • r+Si+"�f'� *■■5�■� + L+ti■�'irrr iiYtil7tlLY 7i■■aaa-• yryf�i 0 . A:. S-UPPLEMEN'TAL C.ONSI .K.0 'nkL ­nA'-AT'-1_0- T .- +ti - � !F F ' i -- - - -. - - •{• i ' Lam• 1 - F`- } _i L LL -' ..._._ .Y fl{• L rll `4,d 11 �'... ... .. ._ _• _. '�} ti+._..F {. '1.'1+'.k. }�J} Sti i. ,5. I+: �.Ir. y .I-!• 'iti' r: Y Ir -'rl F 5 py rLi� YJ • h -�-i.i.. - - - - - •• •._� •�Y•c'��r�'.,a.•.��.• , - - -�.�.._.=7[a� , - I ;-}_-��� r'���`-� - - -� �- +`' }. �: _ --, - �:_ _.�}•Y+i!1+•�• - �- ����:.•_• •��lAY�1Tr�r"'rrrrr- -r•rFr�=r`�Y.�3Xi'fy'V5�v ''�' _.. .. 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Not Applicable, BONDING COMPANY * Not Applicable - f�r.a.��.+a.� - - --•+at■fry....*.i••R,•t.,,r�._�Kwrt+��■�■■r.•ru r Name Name : --------------- A d d rec, f iM�Ja•fie ai r+• �+15Y�i`-s--J_J_l-----J - 'YI'■•TS•■•7'Y+■'4r�_._f��.i��ii � T ----- -------------- A d, d v C ity rTf'THIN Y.-%Ai~Yi a­t'hAAAA { . .. �-'t+,.f'•-'�� ���+rr�+gyp! r .■�+1+•�r+-hr-���- .:�... . r fJ i 4A dphdA&Epyok*1 %4�--- cit y MM -OWN JOAO" 1-1 WOWyM T P f Phone. S■.�WJJ.LF Yr5r Y.+tii=aii �Y++�I�y44�yYW.4. .�r■i �4iM �-I•�yr��==a.�r',R,�,i,rl�Y.r+++�'IFf+M■•.•■■� !•■•4 Y i�i.Y_+i._4Y`____•Yi••T I••f•iiYi +.F ;a iia ray C) WNER/ CONTR.ACTOR AFFIDVIT *, Appl-pication P hereby •.■ to obtain a pei%mit t o o dthe work i l4 rI cei- tify that no work oi installation coryimenced St. LucietF} f � i � a � s or a nd covenants th at may re trict 0 r P ro I I . will authorize the pe-rmit holder- to bolid the subject StrUcture ca IJ n (, 0 n i ct w ' th a ny .8 pp I i 1) 1 e Hom e 0 wners 0c i -rat io �,.� � . , b yl a � h " b " t such structure . corisuft w " th at i your Home owners Associ ion arid review your, deed for any restrictions whic rn �ly apply . In conside., ration of the granting ofthis requested in -dccordance with -the. appi-ovf_10 plat) 5, the Flor*ldaBuflding T ' ie following bk� fldinF 't applicat -perrm4 i on s a re e, xe m 0 n ) n de i acces,sory st-ructures, ,, win-irmtrip, i) uols, fences, walls.,, sign �, streen roon ) ,� and accessot-y uses to ariother non.*PreSf` de. ntit-,) 1 use "WARNINC 'TO OWNER ',', YOURFAILURE T I(:JE R IMPROVEMENTS TO YOUR PROPERTY . POSTED ON THE J013 SITEBEFORE UR LENDER RNE-------- -------- Fr+ra■ ...■..........�YO a92-L" . .'Ok '�� � '� �� ��, - ' - - - - k _ �{�t•��3�di■W��■ � M'4i'y�R�i'y'�+�_+___+riiva+;r....-..asa•ti„+a.;tea+_.-_________ _ 1�.�==��• MENT .� J-11 � + OME �■■ EPPE &404Mb.it ft dkh*"i iM R r■rd■& •ti• rfwiiiaL+r ter,.r,.■y - ip Sig f i#fifi+Od4a 0 rrAr461d ■A 44W a0. ....tt��41' --i;+qk,T.,....+.....y•...�. INW1.%J1d�rrY b i...i..+-•+•.-. . V. . .� T re f Ow t?/c . a#'et iL.■t•-ss, u r) I r w er Own * � r' 41i i Contractor LiHolder 1 ! cL FLORIDA j STATE OF #COUNTY OF . ---------- COUNTY OF The for *}rL �J�i'+'�7� struryi -ent w.-Cis atkniowledged before mforgo' 'longinstrument forp. me thin day . zP. 2 0 b y Michael Michael Name of persoti mak'mg statemen't' ' .. - +'•i■��.+--_ram•T r5RL•.-+'-__- ,-+i�'/'i�i•i■■•/�����Yf+ ---.� ��a.!i tl Name per,., on� '� PF ro KnownIdentifick-3fion fff Personally on 'rype of Id till cationTyp'e of Ideritification Pro ( I u ced . Prod uced ._ •*•,ai.�.�■i■..•.5.+•ter•-,-.--r,-.�-.�iw�_ 11111011111, ( Signature Notary L CSigna ure c Na Psi State i stianon MAR I"wp�_WI , ."At -TATF Ot Com' M' PsSlon No . 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