HomeMy WebLinkAboutSammler NOCr 0 r- 0 i) (10 iZ W LL LL Q W Q CO TZ W T' M C1 i0 CO U m W II W W / U/)r� (D MQ MW CD W C)((Q� I Q Q m N 70 0 rJ v UOSEPH E. SMITH, CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT - SAINT LUCIE COUNTY FILE # 4778105 OR BOOK 4505 PAGE 537, Recorded 11/09/2020 01:47:12 PM Permit # Talc Folio # Prepared by:'Surttmer Sagraves MIDFLORIDA Credit Union 3004 S. Florida Ave Lakeland, FL 33903 IVIIDFLORIDA Credit Union Notice of Commencement State pf Florida County of Saint Lucie The undersigned hereby Informs you that -Improvements will be made -to certain real property, and in accordance with Section 713, Florida Statutes, the following informatlon-Is provided In this Notice of Commencement. 1. Description of Property: 5766 Pinetree Dr Fort Pierce, FL .:349'82 Legal Description: Lots 13 and 14, Block. 1,0; Indian River Estate's Unit Two. pc4xyrd.1rjg ,lo the plat thereof, as recorded in Plat Book 1.0, P#ga 46, 0( the Public RAedrds (il St. Lutis C4unly, FloFida. 2. General description ofimprovementsi SINGLE FAMILY RESLDENCE 3, Owner Information: Craig :Sammler D_ anielle. Sarnmler I a31 'SW Hutchins St Port Saint Lucie, FL '34983-3043 4. Contractor: RJM Custom Homes Inc 5511 Royal Palm Beach Blvd Royal Palm Beach, FL 33411 5. Lender: MIDFLORIDA Oredit Unfon Attu: Mortgage Servicing Department 3004'S. Florida AVonue Lakeland, FL 33803 6. The owners also designate'Therese O'Brien or MiDFLORIDA Credit Union to receive a.copy of the Llen!s Notice as provided In Section 713:43(1) (b), Florida Statutes. 7. Expiration date of commencement is 1 year from the date of recording. Commencement of said improvement shall begin within. thirty (30) days from dateof recording this notice. WARNING TO OWNER:- ANY PAYMENTS MADE BY THE OWNER. AFTER. THE EXP.IRATSON OF .THE NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT ARE CONSIDERED IMPROPER UNDER 'CHAPTER 713, 'PART 1, SECWXON 713.13 rLORIDA STATUTES, AND .CAN RESULT: 'IN YOUR PAYING TWICE FOR TMP,ROVEMENTS 'TO YOUR .PROPERTY, A NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT MUST BE RECORDED AND POSTED ON THE 'JOB SITE BEFORE, THE .FIRST INSPECTION. IF YOU INTEND TO. OBTAIN' FINANCING, CONSUI;.T YOUR LENDER OR .AN ATTORNEY BEFORE COMMENCING. WORK, OR RECORDING YOUR. NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT.. VERIFICATION PURSUANT TO SECTION 92.525, FLORIDA STATUTES., UNDER PENALTIES OR PERJURY, j DECLARE THAT 1 HAVE READ THE FOREGOING AND THAT THE FACTS STATED IN IT ARE TRUE TO THE BEST OF NIY"kNOWLEDGE-AND BELIEF. Dated this day 30 : of 64t2ft:,i Craig ammier State of Florida County of . _ , f7C, 'Darllelle Sairirrtlec The foregoing instrument was acknowledged -before me.b_y means of /Iphysical presence.or • online..notarization, this _5Dd'ay of O ,VbW 20`LO . by Craig Sammlerand Danielle Sammier,.who:€s/are personally knownto-me or'whhQ has/have praduced n o as identification_ N UtarUb c:. Late &"Floritla ��„Nr 114g ,IwYo..n1RCnK Notary Seat MY com mA CINO Ci6054645 I E!=Es. February 9. 2021 %V oI Pr�M30Dded lbru 8udgel NOWY 891N — I HEREBY CERTIFVTHATTHB DOCUMENT IS A TRLEAND CORRECT COP\ OFANOMC'IAL RECORD OR-ociWr,, Digitally signed by The Honorable Joseph E. Smith DOC.UMl:NTALTHORIZED by LAM'M RE RECOMEDOR FILED AND ACTUALLY RECORDED OR FILED IN � Date: 2020.11.09 1 •49:55 -05:00 THE OFFICE OFTHE SE LUCIE COUNTY CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT. THIS DOCUMENT' MAY HAVE REDACIONSAS REQUIRED BY LAW. 41,9�1 � Reason: Electronically Certified Copy VISIT H'ITP5tl/STLUCIY.CLCRK.('O.�IM1CR1'ICEV!<'ERTOYAYTIC'IALRY.CYRIfA4 TO VALIDATE THIS DIK[('NEYF. Location: 201 South Indian River Dr, Fort Pierce, FL 34950