HomeMy WebLinkAboutZonningApplicationSt.LucieCounty RECEIPT ., Planning& Development Service9 Department # Building& ('alit Regulations 3i1ii!ii-giiiiii Aw Fart Pinve,Fl 3490.. APPUCATJON FO-R ZONING COMPLIANCE—ROME OCCUPATION Buques5 GUFIa lager Llq!.Idotprs,LLC Busiatss Addrtss: 19442 Cortez Blvd,l=t,Blom,FL 34982 Dtacripdan of Iype olDusingNst PHONE AND OFFICE USE ONLY10r, Freight forwarding tramactional only finwm buisin@§§NO @tnrng&or inventory and NO 0150roon PUPO Mi Prepesly Tia ID 2421-24MO06-000 1 Miaheol Show Pliant: 8501377.0710 Applicant's Now, — 1942 Cortez Blvd Applicant's Address: ___-- ................ .......... - City: Pt,Bierw _ state. FL_ - Zip: 34982 --- I HEREBY ACKNOWLEDGE THAT THE ABOVE IN CORRECT AND AGREE TO CONFORM TO THE ST,LLCIE COVNTV ZONING AND BI:HDING CODE, ANY VIOLATION OF SECInON L01,00 "HOME OCCUPATION"WILL BE PURSUED THROUGH ST.LUCIE CODE ENFORCEMENT, Applicant's 91paturt OFFICE USE ONLY Mile: Subdivisicttti __.. .__ Mock! Lot: seciiom — — Towniihip. Mtge; — -- NUP - Zonings .... ._. .._..._._.__.__.. LwWMe= -- --------...__...... ._. .... ._..._..m_ -_.____.... ceflitieate of Caitt wncy R&quked€ No Yes N=bef — — Type of cetlifleatwn. _ FICTITIOUS NAME REGULATIONS ( y Apply to YOU) If you use any t o other than your personal name an this application it nay require Compliance with FICTITIOUS toe laves before the Tax C olleetor can issue your Occupational Lieeme. Other exceptions may apply. They would have to be addressed an an individual basis. If you love any gtleshom reptdiIng thew Mate requirements ar exemptions,please contact St, Lucie County TaA Cahleetor's office bated in earn 106 or phone 462=1650 betbre tilling out this application. &OL06 HOME aft t PATIONS smOL01 AMPOSE T1w is to protect mid naiataid the dimatgr of r€sideti ial neighbarhwds while regegni g that particular professional and litttited businen artivitiies are twditiomAly and itwifeasiviely carried an in the how. 8.01,02 AUTHOR17ATION The t6flaving home occupation shall be permitted in any residential dwelling milt,including mobile hotttes: provided that the home occupation complies with the lot size,bulk and parking requirements of the zoning district in which the home occupation is located: A. Homebound employment of a physkally,mentally,or emotionally handicapped person who is tenable to work away from home by reason of his dimbility, R aflice facilities provided that no retail or wholesale sales are made or tratisacted on the premises;and, c Studios or laboratcvies. tl,0L03 USE t_tWTA11UNS FOR HOME MUTATIONS In addition to meeting the rec)ttirementtt of the zoning district in which it is located;every home occupation shall cramply with the following restrictions; A. No person other than tttetitbers of the family residing ou the premixes shall be engaged in the conduct or support of such occupation: S� No stock lit trade shall be digplayed or scold on the premises: C. only sales incidental to the home occupation shall be permittedd-- D: The haute acrupation shall be conducted entirely within the principal dwelling unit;and in no event shall such Use be visible from any Other restdemial structure or a public sway. E. The itse of the dwelling unit for the home dcttpation shall be incidental and subordinate to its use for residential purposes,and no more than twenty=five(25%)peteent of the building floor area shall IV used in the conduct of the home occupation. p. There%hall be no outdoor storage of ecl€tiptttetit or materials used in the home oecttpatWill 0. No niore than one(1)vehicle shall be used in the conduct Of the home occupation: Hi No ineehanical;electrical;or other equipment that produces Boise,electrical or m69ttetie interference,vibration, heat,glare,or other nuisance outside the residential structure shall be used: L No home occupation shall be pettiaitted that is noxious,naensive or hazardous by reason of vehicular trattic generation or emission of noise;vibration,smoke,dust,or other particulate natter,odorous matter,heat,humidity, glare;refuse,radiation,or other objectionable ettdsslotts. I No traff'ie shall be generated by such home occupation in greater volume than would tiormally be expected in a residential neiglibarhood;and any need for parking generated by the conduct of such home occupation shall be fife€ off the street end tither than in a required front yard. 7f U 1112412020 Applicant's Signature tTDA' i<'10,7919