HomeMy WebLinkAboutWestern Auto - 16591REPORT: 7362 APPROVED. 5-16.73 EXPIRES 51675 3617 • 6M AVENUE, SOUTH 9 , eiRMIRGRAM ALAUAMA 33222 w , COMMITTEE on COMPLIANCE APPROVAL ' REPORT ON PREFABRICATED STEEL BiJILDINGS FOR INLAND AND COASTAL REGIONS w SUBMITTED BY ` z Y ' STRAN-STEEL CORPORATION z HOUSTON, TEXAS The Manufacturer made formal application on March 2, 4. Drawings and design calculations,Type "HS" Build 1973, for re-evaluation of their Approval Report 1165, to- ings gether with certification that there have been no significant 5. General design criteria including computer program" + changes in Stran-Steel Buildings previously approved. guide 1 6. Analysis and opinion of Strickland and Associates THIS APPROVAL REPORT SUPERSEDES AND Consulting Engineers for the Southern Building Code TAKES PRECEDENCE OVER REPORT 7165 DATED Congress MAY 11, 1971, THEREBY REMOVING AND MAKING IN- } ' VALID THIS APPROVAL REPORT 7165 AS DATED MAY : REFERENCES TO SOUTHERN STANDARD BUILDINIi 11, 1971. CODE Section 1203.1 Floor Live Loads r. The Committee has reviewed the data submitted for �. compliance with the Southern Standard Building Code and Section 1203.2 Roof Live Loads submits the following Report. Section 1205 Wind Loads - Section 1302 Footings and Foundations DESCRIPTION Chapter XV Steel Construction s Stran-Steel Buildings are pre-engineered, factory fabri- cated, rigid steel frame buildings with a roof pitch of less COMMITTEE FINDINGS ' than 30 degrees, cave heights to 32 feet and widths up to - 4 360 feet with Nyidth extensions of 24 feet and 48 feet. The The Committee on Compliance in review of the data . primary transverse frames consist of shop welded and field submitted finds that, in their opinion, Stran-Steel Corpora ' " bolted, I -shaped columns and rafters rigidly connected at. tion's Pre-engineered Steel Buildings identified as Types'',". - the eaves. Frames for widths greater than 150 feet are sup- "SM", "LR", "RF" and "HS" comply with the basic intent ported at intervals by tubular steel columns. Frames of 150 of the Southern Standard Building Code with regards to feet or less may be clear span or may have intermediate performance of the structures.: columns. The maximum bay spacing is 35 feet. ' Building types covered herein are identified as "SM", COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATIONS "LR", "RF" and "HS", the building designation for Coastal The Committee recommends that the Prefabricated Steel �, Regions being 20/25 and for Inland Regions as 20/15. Wall Buildings as manufactured by Stran-Steel Corporation, Types components for each region are designated; the primary "SM", "LR", RF" and "HS", Uses and Limitations as set framing is the same for all buildings, ,. forth in this Report, be, approved: by the Southern Building - z-„4 i r Code Congress.. FOUNDATIONS *' ` All foundations are of conventional type, designed for LIMITATIONS specific soil conditions in accordance. with Section 1302. Spe- 1. Only anchor bolts of the size recommended by t� Gific approval shall be made of all foundation designs by the Manufacturer shall be used to insure proper anchdf heal authority having jurisdiction. age.oil 1 2. Foundation drawings designed for the specific sm8 ; / `IFBSTANTIATING DATA conditions of the site and certified by a registered` ' 1. Drawings and design calculations, T " Type "SM Build- engineer shall be submitted when a 1 in fox a x ' PP Y g ings x, permit. be ,,. 2. Drawings and 'design calculations, Type "LR" Build- 3. All bolts used in assembling the structure shill ings drawn up tight, and when High -Tensile bolts are 3. Drawings and design calculations, Type "RF" Build used, •�- - for -field connections of the frames, they shall bi ings tightened in accordance with the bolt manufacturers Specifications. " v 1a 4, BracingsP shall be provided against erection stress COMMITTEE ON COMPLIANCE and wind on all buildings. Southern Building Code Congress _ IDENTIFICATION - 4e-tfiel All Stran-Steel Buildings shall be identified according to Chao widSh, the 25 for Coastal Regions, the 15 for Inland Regions. ,� --Columbus, Georgia •.Field identification as to this approval shall be by a Southern . Building Code Congress Standard Decal, with a blue back- ground and white .letters for Coastal Regions, and green. L . P. Hamilton background and white letters for Inland Regions. Columbia, South Caroline PERIOD OF APPROVAL -. This Approval or Certificate of Compliance is granted c D. Lyon for a period of two years from date. An extension may beGreanv111e, Texas granted only after a re-evaluation of Company data to insure that no change. in design and/or manufacture has occurred during the interim period. Should any revision or change occur, this Approval shall terminate. This, however, is not .' Earnest P. Kiker, E. #9751 to be construed to preclude any new submittals. TechnlCalDtreckor, SBCC , £ V E IFE", 41 h pt, IF IF FEE- it- M rgq El IF, R F­i te "'0 FEily ,,"Vf.EFf7,FeI,e Ti Ili le"i "I"EMI"i A N 0 . ..... &A 4N Elf 4, E RM [0, dil"r "m �2 I 'W 11 ZIF Ut'i "Ahl PIN t e 11 17IR fe. ;Ali, 7t,U "I A" VE IF I" elf" II Ve: 11 Mz awl, Mal 11W 0 FIVE I�VF` Ell 'Elli 7 A, weEFIF I, *EI le AVE Pill, p, ef� x, ll,"i li x it W -25 ei , z f EE q & RN, � , I - - I e'w m 40,,M, �,ii'fii ��,l 6 06 Re, , I! p W eg, " I ITE,�,+ I Ell eti "I W."Ai % iIi Elo Ill -P Fil It Ef­ 5�i VVII'l, let, I , Ei I "E -A �`A ' I , " IF iliv it�ifl , I 200 5V111 FEE ?i Vill, 'Eli It ?Q 11 Fail 4"eii7 I Ef", If IF F, VVE "I iiit'�, AAFF, iXfF`S,�,'I!-,FE I,% Fe E. I 't,iii i - F pg Ell e e�, W, "Et V'; Ell FEE W "'R Ad V, )it V, 9Z 'Et7'Eltli fit F� "p,e , - MOR F I�IIMMRM FEE MAI mv, Ili Li 4"a III V N"Rti MA i " y , - #11lN' 1V It i I F-Ii M NILN W ,V4,jI,7 ,, ! "V"i 7FI Ei S, ; FlIEI d, 'IV ig "j, .. ....... . funii 1010' P File,, efe", V.- rzgqF;, eIN", I 'j, 'Vi Ii I OR eft t �wt "I l:V? i el"EI I FEE C', D I Will I -ni !". tm i4 f - Ili, I E FEE M, 7 FE, , E, I FEL jE t`k I. EVE, 'IF 1, w -F, IF If "'i 4 FEE le off "Eit Y E, "'i tei el, Fit i fifil, li EII al"N""A 1 04 fle El. I,, -g 7t- le"i C'Eii Ell" �,f - Mile %"Itil , 4'1 iFV I FS efe, gw"' R FIX "i T�, Ti. IF y . . .. . fl3.",VfV�,iSS­Pl lFw I'l 1 Ewe . ..... 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I, If I'll ­4 It, I, lee I .1-fili 460";N37'I "Ell -I I "i I " lt, 110 1 li;-�e, III EF '"Z fe, Fil- fi� "M "'f, 'IFF F'Ei t V�, tt, fe ­E, � Slov IF T 'iv Ali Fee efiIV�i V­ Vel E J I WE" k I EV 11 "1 e-, A: i A 20 Afil VILEN' VI FA El 5;, WII`f4i f 0 �n�l -z"IlIe, jl,� IF E. IF VIE t I -"i Fee JI, ell WE Ig, I ­ ,i 'M "v'Olim if 1 7% III le", Ile F IF 1-111gi , �lc "',!, te, I-, li� ii , , I '111"i I, , , , 'r" %, , I �� I , FEE I Ell 7, NPA III EI A, il, Ell IN "IlcZ IN -FINE 'i -, I", 'I, flpi, QW, Ell R)"At f,;, T fill-E IF "'Elet", W 1,P M ­ iii� IF, "'ill, IF le, t( ..... 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F IF' It `Efit� , ti ­F� VE% EV, V, EVEAT;Ii VEE ic� F I c ta IS �,, , " 'I "ll :RU 'fi -1 k - e 'i �i f If , e I i 'Fel IF F, "FIR A i'll k" I'l F, If E � t I 'N E l"W 14 1 1, ll till liti§% F, Ell I. ... I "letei Ill I'­ MzIlliv,ii lf, IF, �i' III, 't, WkEtt liFE E,,, II- I I I'll I , V, IF��? F. NOR "I'll I -'p I lti f F F, I'C", fff I Ell t IT111, lui Ef -1 Ef" fIf­ I i Me,' E "At"', , Ill 0 ll fle"I IF pw,,,�`ViQ e Ell of, l, ;-E 1 4 4 Fe IF , � "t I , 1, 1, Ill, "i "i �3 E, V):"eIlVE`1v -PITN"Ill Pit, "i -,E tAl FF­ �T', Eit"W"I 45- lEl, Ii Ji I Ati Illf INfell ',,It IE IF �MR ft 'IF E, PIC If FF,EF t Z,�Vl R", EVE It FIV, V I, e, E, OII:� IF FEE "i I% ftz� AEV V, ti "of;ii fe i5iii Iii E 10PAltit V An"i r'll "Ily'i ­ I E­ �, , fe"'i fn�,E I,-1FFF FEE I e I"": If. IF tol `,iFFXI1'1;E1eI fit �iFV iE 2", J el It I, in IF ""IFIE I" I, Ftt� 4 IE� ` 'i"i" ��,i E­ It -,E W ef, Ki S FEE; Eel "Mr lit "FEE IF P- V, IF I 'VIE �jef' Ell FE"'i I i I �-%`Eli F-I F, t Vi FF �J I! !,;I ­ :E"t, IF l IF E 'ei, E jit Fj E7 el 2 ",1 - ", - EVI -�Ifl Fit gl­#Fel IF ik i", S IN F6 I , ef"I Ei i'VEF ;Ell V, V �t, '11,litVie V It I— FEE lVE "'i Ii IF 7", IF i"ei Q Ill"t ill If,, -Ell EFT I F tell Ifl, Vp Ell Fit E, t t11 IPI Vi E tel, I' VE Fier mr4r Vtl 'i "If ;If "A' E, "E": Fee Ell, 91 IS I If 7 FIVE . I, I I, V Ite IV pit, 1�-1 iill E It IF flIEe: t I i i I . : :�Ii , I III,, F2 Vi "I, , k � 'Iz , If -,III te ef, I've E,�,Fi,il4P41 af� Iliti, 't', IF uii W A -, E, ll�Njl Vili Ili *'Vi t el, j, I I'VE' Ell, rill, @ -FE IF eil". f, 1, 11 1' 11 'I�, i ifi", III ei V FEE!, -'ei R", Ji eq g S ­ y :'Ej Ail, IF, 4,;,E Vi fit, E RA - Ili t: E "' l, ir" ". - :'ll-7 i,ftl:"�,`, - jii�,'­ Ell I I Ill , Ili V, "I "I F, til Till, Fee 3., - I -:'III V�Ei VIFF Nit, "VE 4 tee, I, Ell 11,4 IF: ti, lei it "0 Fit, u, e -III .... . V f IF— r" -,E FIVE, ff� I les If All FE f 717 It Ii It 4� '�j NIII, 'Fl -W IF M- Ei F, 4,lF EV I�, I ii 'I F, V, V' Viii Iff 'F� vi I fit Fit If W, IF E, IF gliVil "I'll -.Ii I I I'l " t,,- , M I , , -.�ei i I I., Et 'i Vi 11 Ilk, -I'll e Aft File ,,e�,E:;",FZFlIV. F FEE I,, le 31, fe Ell f 'i ielli Ef 0, Ow V, 41 I IF E., ­F I "I fill Ow. I I r, FEE -E ',D cl I VII t a. I � I E; i I III F, 'o lei RM El Wer te, if, "i Jt� %,"Fli I IF I I'F 4 -VI, , 11 1, ",1 , f lf,�El�­41111 z , IFV�% yi�� 'I I Ff Itle FEEVi Ee Ell, III, ... ... IF "I mill, fe 41 it if �Vel ft '4 � lfi,' �'i "Im ­ . I Fit, FIE Ili "1 ­4 Flit 'Vft�l' E Fi E, It L 11 IFFIF, I,, p V IF Z I Folpil"Ele, 2 It, I W -eve, Ell" 41 ;,I)t "��i 5, 5lii 's I "Fe I'.� INV, EI, E, l, "j" EVE., ElIel I It F,14EE IF FEE Itie" E, �Ileii I, Igii J, "Fe le, ... . .... .. F� P FEE 1� Fill- IF Vi V;yI I l, , 1 .1 - 1. e I, -E e J. In Fe"'t N eif',V,�,V.�-Fi ''i � I', I< el I i, IF, el f1i Vit X�, Ell I li��Vtf � -I � .1 1 1 III FF� I"VIIi FIVE, elf, 'Ir�"EEE fill `Ei 'Ji" I-, - , -, I I t-EIi IF I Ii - '01 1 , foi It ff IF 1i I -el F IF tell -Fa 17 2011 E`­ .0 fjj,�, i E, I , _ I I": ;Eiielis 4E it 1 116 Fill, I',, EI I I, F, ee FIVE l "114 "1 ti, lffeef I le�:A �TI III It, - 1 11%, F, "1 11-11 , fi� EE A e I It I r I -; I., IA WE", I I Ii I ilir I I li � , I , , I - I - - III il -�- � " � 'I V� ''Val ­F A ni, 1:2 1, F ­ M V, 1"i" , It "ji , I;ix" Ii � i,,,,�FE IP", - , I , iiii , I. :, �5,ir "IlF I Ii el,"t "Z'i ee�, ff EfIte., terlol Fte Y, e"mWFIM Ell P- IV ell h, "IF E. ',�Ffl Will' f"'t IF Mli'll let Iffii 1 r�,Ec J14 , I - I "Elift , I IF I FIE l t el Ii IF 'IY I'A I ViA, IT fl;r Ilk i'lli " - w1e, ref"Aceet, I! 11i Ft I, IV Ill- V, 'ey ;.,ei ­V, `Vi w gr IF FFF% IF, FEE V, EVIL VE IF 'llti III v Itill, I� I - I I --, itile � ,, i I Voll, E; 'J", If, , I Ei s er. 1. ­'l V FE"i � -, �" 'i 'i tie It, I Ili - , 1, � E I 'i I i V I FEE, , I%e - - - , Tir, If MI-It"If"Ili"i F�Eii; le, "Llie"Vii Ifiew-li el III 'T �F` IV lN, "'Fii F lefeetlE I I I I Ell 'po - MAE, Ao I- VE g4 V 4 ittill EQ "T� ---V W feet"If I IF V. ;,e "Fit Rp 10 It Ell, zi "EFit PRO jil, it Fit I, AEE%3:EFeF�.,,wl,'El4jrE 'Ei I till 1-Ei e, fl th'U�IVV%'E,`� I , 1!: Q A f- F " p let It l I , F;� . I Ell, 11 , I , i�ej':, IF Ell 4,1 Z�f�, FtIv. IF, I Ille, ''ll ,,I IF, "'I E "Fill, P Fit t, Al "k It, FEE -pi it If lt el, A; IF" I It J4, T IF ei 3w I ii FEE, , , ­,�, �r 'i N" R "EizetV, m 'j IF Ell, t, Ill fe;'i eii Illy, i�l E, Vv , m A IF E, R Ow^ 1410 Fit V, el F� EI V�i Fit 41 Fee, Fee "e, E to r � ®R IFFE IF Ilite 1:11 1 0111, I 'Elt, 4EF ­01 EEI Fit If Ell 913 Wt��, all A419 WE FI zZ s!"EVE -P, -,E III, 'It"I"A" Ell ne, Ex &A ti VRNSIVIiiii- il lir, It, I vm 'FEEI if­�W,`� IT IF 6 �,Rl,, �,t If 4 WE, FEW. 4"'if tell 21"IfilKiii IRV,Ell Feri 44 KE i F� FEE' Pit Izli ,.w Ai lit, F, lf, fe, PIK' IF E. IV IV �e "Fif . . I ..... 4 IF It "Ft s- F U'll-le, eel" IF E ��,i AfIEV,­. e z It lit, d , l:Q�,Elee)if Ell FiFiii ft� *FI,1�,EV:Ei etv `­ ��l it, - te Li ii " "1 04 �'k fee lFE, 9f,"i e-v let EE,Vf,�,' FEE, elt, All "Fleff i 'FI, L... ... ele: IF F iEVE 1 elf el 1 q ter, lei 'et i eftEz F ;,,.,I Fee e, , F, e,' l,i, El I le IF L I ell It I If I