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Property Card https://www.pasle.org/RFCard/g/propCard/130973 Michelle Franklin, CFA -- Saint Lucie County Property Appraiser -- All rights reserved. 1 of 2 Property Identification Site Address: 9409 POINCIANA CT Use Type: 6100 Scclfown/Range: 34134&39E Account 9: 130973 Parcel ID: 1334-503-0028-000-5 Map ID: 13134N Jurisdiction: Saint Lucie County Zoning: Planned Un Ownership Dorothea F Ufner 9409 Poinciana CT Fort Pierce. FL 34951 Legal Description MEADOWOOD UNIT ONE LOT 26 (.17 AC) (OR 1354-1122: 1377-1950) Current Values JusUMarket Value: $184,000 Assessed Value: $134.461 Exemptions: $75,500 Taxable Value: $58,961 Property taxes are subject to change upon change of ownership. Past taxes are not a reliable projection of future taxes. The sale of a property will prompt the removal of all exemptions, assessment caps, and special elassirleatioas. Taxes for this parcel: SLC Tax Collectors Office Download TRIM for this parcel: Download PDF Date Mar 29, 2001 Dec 29, 2000 Oct 30. 1991 View: Building Type: HB Grade: e Story Height: I Story Bedrooms: 3 Full Baths: 2 Half Baths: 0 A/C %: i 00% Total Areas Finished/Under Air (SF): 1.729 Gross Sketched Area (SF): 3,558 Land Size (acres): 0.19 Land Size (SF): 8,380.9 Building Design Wind Speed Occupancy Category I it III & IV Speed t40 150 160 Sourcesdinks: Sale History Rook/Page Sale Deed Grantor Pnee Code 13771 1950 XX01 QC Ufner H Joseph $100 13541 1122 XX00 4VD Weber Volker $140,000 07661 1309 XX00 WD MEADOWOOD DEV CORP $151,900 Building Information (1 of 1) Finished Area: 1,729 SF Gross Sketched Area 3.558 SF Exterior Data Roof Cover: Metal Roof Structure: Hip Year Built: 1991 Frame: Effective Year: 1991 Primary Wall: CB Stucco No. Units: I Secondary Wall: Interior Data Electric: MAXIMUM Primary Int Wall: Heat Type: FredHotAiT Avg HgYFlour:0 Heat Fuel: ELEC Primary Floors: Carpet Heated %: 1001/6 Sprinkled °/a: 0°/ Sketch Area Legend Sub Description Area Fin, Perimeter Area Area BAS BASE AREA 1729 1129 196 1/15/2021, 11:18 AM Property Card GAA Gran, Attached Averase 552 0 94 https://www.pasle.org/RECard/#/propCard/130973 NYSE Screen Enclosure for Sketch Only (Valued in 975 0 128 SFYD SPAR Screen Porch Attached Average 264 0 68 SPAR Screen Prove Attached High 38 0 29 Special Features and Yard Items Type Qty Units Year Bit US POOL AVG 1 392 1991 POOL ENC-AVG 1 975 1991 POOL DK-AVG 1 593 1991 POOL HEATER 1 1 1991 Ddv-Concret 1 720 1991 Current Year Values Current Values Breakdown Current You Exemption Value Breakdown Giant Code Description Amount Building: $164,000Tax y year a Land: $20,000 2020 2008 0550 Homestead $25,000 JustlMarken S184,000 Exemption over$ 50,000 AS Credit: $o 2020 2002 0500 Homestead $25,000 Save Our Homes or $49,539 2020 2004 0565 Exemption Senior Homestead $25,000 IOn/o Cap: over65 Aasessed: $134,461 2020 2020 4000 Wide,', $500 Exempticn Exmnpticu(s): $75,500 Taxable: $58,961 Current Year Special Assessment Breakdown Start Year AssessCode Units Description Amount 1990 0051 1 Fort Pierce Farms Water Management S21.50 District 2009 2009 12 County Solid Waste $296, 14 2010 9018 1 Meadwcad Sheet Lights $71.35 This does act necessmilyrepmdxu the total Special Assesse.wN that could be charscd against this property The total amount charged for special_a.sessments is reflected on foe most diamond tax statement cord information is available with flue SLC Tax Calleetor's Office WJ, Historical Values Year JustMuket Aaaeased Exemption, Taxable 2020 $184,000 $134,461 $75,500 $38,961 2019 $196,100 $131,438 $75,000 $56,438 2019 $162,900 $128,988 $75,000 $53,988 Permits Nmnber Issue Date Description Amount Fee C53139 Jul 6,1990 Rwidantlal New $10B,150 S108,150 C91-03676 Jul 9,1991 Pool $10,000 $10,000 C91-03997 Jul22,1991 Eaclomm $4,290 $4,290 CL010-0193 Oat22,2010 Stomr Shuder, so $0 C1402-0003 Peb 3, 2014 Air Ccndltirm, 80 $0 Only C1606-0526 art 6,2016 Reof $0 $0 Notice: This does not necessarily represent all thepermiB for this property. Clinic flue following link to check for dd t coal permit data Saint Lucia County All information is believed to be correct at this time, but is subject to change and is provided without any warranty. © Copyright 2021 Saint Lucie County Property Appraiser. All rights reserved. 01 2 2 of 2 1/15/2021, 11:18 AM STORAGE TANK IS ADEQUATELY ANCHORED TO PREVENT FLOATATION, COLLAPSE OR LATERAL MOVEMENT DURING THE BASE FLOOD EVENT. ALL WORK SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH NFPA 54-58, NATIONAL FUEL GAS CODE AND FLORIDA FUEL GAS CODE 2020 & FLORIDA BUILDING CODE 2020. TANKS INSTALLED IN TRAFFIC AREAS SHALL BE PROTECTED WITH GALV. STEEL SCHED. 80 PIPE BOLLARDS (4'0) 6' LONG X 3' BURY DEPTH WITH CAP A 3' O.C. PROPANE TANK BUOYANCY MAX BUOYANCY = pag*Vw = 1.94 slug/ft' 32.2 ft/s' + 66.84 ft' = 4176 LEIS NET BUOYANCY = MAX BUOYANCY — WEIGHT OF EMPTY TANK = 4176 LBS — 871 LEIS = 3305 LEIS FORCE ON &- CABLE = 3305 / 2 = 1653 LBS TENSILE STRENGTH OF J' CABLE = 9800 LIES / 5 = 1960 LE FORCE ON AUGER ANCHOR = 1653 / 2 = 827 LIES MIN. PULL—OUT RESISTANCE OF AUGER ANCHOR = 1360 LEIS LP TANK J' 7x19 GALV. AIRCRAFT CABLE 2 TOTAL (IN POLY. SLEEVE) AUGER ANCHOR, 36' LONG W/ 6.0 HELIX 4 TOTAL SIDE ELEVATION SCALE 1/4" - I'—O" GRASS 17LB. ANODE BAG LP TANK �— EXCAVATION SIZE: `L 121 x 4'W x 4.5D Ferrellgas 3232 SE Dixie Hwy. Stuart, FL 34997 Port Pierce Engineering, Inc. Dependable WchoulcolI Eleonicd 3e Plumbing Design C.A. No. 2N17J 315 South 7th Sheer Part Pierce, FL. 34950 Ph.: 772 672-4636 Pe,, 772 672-4637 n�eulu;uaotrQea v fie: Pdo fiQ992 A —1' 709 GALV. °dog AIRCRAFT CABLE °? STRAPPING BOLT AUGER ANCHOR ,LIX 36' D1ghally1[gnadbyEtkSlotted, LONG W/ 6 o HEDate'202T.o1.1218.11;52-05'OP Ado be Acrobat verelon: 202001320074 FRONT ELEVATION SCALE 1/4" = 1'-0" APPROVED: EJS DRAWING NUMBER T-l_ LP500 WHY CHOOSE QUALITY STEEL UNDERGROUND TANKS? • 120 - 1,990 WG CAPACITY General Specifications Conforms to the latest edition of ASME Rules for Construction of Pressure Vessels, Section Vill, Division 1. • Complies with NFPA 58. • Rated at 250 psig from -20° F to 125° F. All vessels registered with National Board. Two service options available: Option 1: Ready -to -bury underground option, coated with either powder coated phenolic epoxy finish or liquid applied epoxy primer coat followed by urethane top coat, supplied with composite AG/UG dome ° Option 2: Aboveground option, coated with either powder coated TGIC polyester finish or liquid applied epoxy primer coat followed by urethane top coat, supplied with steel AGIUG dome • Family & employee owned Financing and leasing available • Customized delivery programs available HOW DO I FIND MY SALES REP? Visit our website, www.propanetank.com to view a list of our reps. Once on our site you'll be able to choose the Commercial options and from there you'll be taken to a list of US states where you can choose your location and view the contact information for your local sales rep. If you don't see your sales rep. please give us a call at 800-345-2495. Our manufacturing locations are strategically located to help serve your tank needs. OHIO LOCATION 721 Graham Drive Fremont, OH 43420 . ... .... . ...... . 1 UTAH LOCATION 5601 Axel Park Rd, West Jordan, UT 84081 801-280-1133 HOME OFFICE 2914 U.S. 61 Cleveland, MS 38732 800-345-2495 Consult our dimension and specification chart below to find the tank that best fits your needs. Visit our website at www.propanetank.com for more information. OVERALL LENGTH OVERALL HEIGHT LEG SPACING LEG WIDTHS Ltj %- LEG WIDTH APPROXIMATE ABOVEGROUND/UNDEGROUND (AG/UG) VESSEL DIMENSIONS AND SPECIFICATIONS WATER CAPACITY DIAMETER (OD) HEAD TYPE OVERALL LENGTH OVERALL HEIGHT LEG* WIDTH LEG** SPACING WEIGHT (lbs.) **QUANTITY FULL LOAD PER STACK *120 wg. 24" Ellip. 5'-811 3' 11-1 1/2" 21-10 1/2" or 3'-11" 260 108 196 161 12 *250 wg. 3011 Hemi. 7'-1011 3'-811 11-511 4'-11" 480 54 9 *320 wg. 30" Hemi. 9'-7" 31-8r' 1'-51' 51 620 45 9 500 wg. 37 1/2" Hemi. 10, 41-211 11-81' 5' 950 37 130 8 16 1000 wg. 4111 Hemi. 16' 4'-511 1'-81' 101-111 1,800 1 17 1 15 6 15 1450 wg. 46 1/2" Ellip. 17'41 4'-11" 11-9" 11'4" 2,650 12 4 1990 w . 46 1/2" Ellip. 23'-11" 4'-1111 1'-9" 16' 3,520 8 4 Dimensions and specifications shown are approximate. Individual vessels may vary * Leg spacing +1- 2". Leg widths and spacing may vary based on mfg. location. Check with your salesperson for details. 120, 250, 320 wg. standard tanks - no holes in legs (one center hole on request). 500 and 1000 wg, standard tanks - 2 holes 16" on center. 1450 wg. and up as shown above, ** Full load and stack quantities vary by shipping location. Check with your salesperson for details. 4ip QUALITY STEEL Because Quaufy Steel Means Quably Tanks * 11i'mw Too for Smarfiny PSA Mmulmw.,,rs * HOME OFFICE 2914 U.S.61 Cleveland, MS 38732 800-345-2495 OHIO LOCATION 721 Graham Drive Fremont, OH 43420 419-334-2664 UTAH LOCATION 5601 Axel Park Rd. West Jordan, UT 84081 801-280-1133 Quality Steel 8l2017 S2 NHPA 58-2017 and 2020 Editions Liquefied Petroleum Gas Code `I'IA Log No.: 1480 Reference: Table t6.1(n) Comment Closing Date: June 17, 2020 Submitter: Tom Dann, Iowa Propane Gas Association MyLv lit ap ota/5� 1. Revise Table 16, l (n) to read as follows (highlighted to show corrections): Table 1k`i.1 nZP01 otnXlane r�a9ciC r� e — xra Gas: Undiluted Propane Inlet Pressure 30 0 prig_ pressure Drop: 1.0 psig -------_. 1.52 Gravity. _ Plastic Pipe x/2 in SDR 3/4 In SDR 1 I in SDR 11/4 in SOR Ss/x in SDR 11 2 m SDR 11 Length 1 9 33 11 11 11 (1554) (1943) (ft) I (0.660) (0.360) (1.007) (1.328) f1SH SCging�gp'tween First StR n RresSure Regin a or a nsf9econd age {(qw St....,... Pressurc) � apq� 30 2140 x'9429U 7740 13420 20300 36400 40 1840 3670 6630 11480 17300 31200 50 1630 3260 5870 10150 15400 27600 60 1470 2950 5320 9220 13900 25000 70 1360 2710 4900 - 8480 _..__.._..__ 12800 _._...._,._.. ..._..._._,. 23000 ----- .....--------- .... ,.......---._ . 80 _.._._.� . .....__._...., 1260 - - -----...... 2530 _.�._..__ 4560 7890 11900 21400 90 1180 2370 I 4270 7400 1.1200 20100 100 1120 2240 i 4040 6990 10600 19000 125 990 8W- 0 j 3580 6200 9360 16800 ISO 897 1401800 3240 5620 8480 15200 175 826 8261650 2980 5170 7800 14000 200 778 7#81540 2780 4810 7260 13000 225 721. 401:249. 2600 45.10 6810 11200 250 681 64 2460 4260 6430 11600 275 646 Wi290 2340 4050 6110 :,. 11000 300 617 64.71240 2230 3860 5830 10470 350 567 �'r671140 2050 3550 5360 9640 400 528 $241M 1910 3300 4990 8970 450 495 44M 0,VI790 3100 4680 ..__..._ 8410 ,. _...................... ._. ...._..._..._._. .. 500 ....._.._... _ ._- 468 .......... 4682aZ _..... Wi690 _ ....._. _ 2930 .. 4420 7950 600 424 424849 8491a-20- 2650 4010 7200 700 390 8.fli81: , -i410 2440 3690 6620 800 363 363z76 D-u 2270 3430 6160 900 340 4 0,58-a 682l2_n 2130 3220 5780 1000 322 3Z2M4 6441M 2010 3040 5460 1500 258 2.58,m1 514,k3 4331Q -k646Z4_4Q 4390 2000 221 2142{3 443Z988 498-1380 138320y0 3750 Application Ideal for use as a first stage regulator on any domestic size ASME or DOT container in propane gas installations requiring up to 1,500,000 LISTED BTU's per hour. The regulator is factory set to reduce container pressure to an intermediate pressure of approximately 10 PSIG. F�:a i1v , • Compact design can be connected to a service valve using either a POL adapter or a RegO product pigtail. • Large threaded W F.NPT bonnet vent can easily be piped -away underground installations without the need of glue kits or extra adapters. • Non Adjustable • Large flow orifice resists freeze ups due to water concentration in LPG vapor. • Design provides for good flow regulation at both high and low container pressures. • Built in relief valve and travel stop comply with NFPA 58 over pressure requirements. • Incorporates ''/e" F.NPT downstream pressure tap for an easy inline check of the regulator's delivery pressure, • Molded diaphragm provides an o-ring type seal between the body and bonnet. • Body and bonnet are assembled in the USA using the unique, patented RegUlok seal system. • Fully painted in brilliant red for complete corrosion protection. • Mounting bracket available as an accessory: part number 2302-31. Materials Body...........................................................................................Zinc Bonnet......................................................................................... Zinc Spring........................................................................................ Steel Seat Disc.................................................................Resilient Rubber Diaphragm...........................integrated Fabric and Synthetic Rubber VRO. •wit.>� � `�A ✓o� li{rA Information LV3403TR 71 Fiwn, xso,000 5O°°00 FLOW PROPANE tsa,000 soa,000 irsa,000 LV3403TR I I Over Outlet LV3403TRV9 '/a" F.NPT V F.NPT 7132" 10 PSIG 1,500.000 9:00 Maximum flow based on inlet pressure 20 PSIG higher than the regulator setting and delivery pressure 20% lower than the regulator setting and delivery pressure 20% lower than the setting. A14 MAM3 100 Rego Dr. Elon. NC 27244 USA www regoproducts wm +1 (336) 449-7707 Applica l fien Designed to reduce first stage pressure of 5 to 20 PSIG down to burner pressure, normally 11" w.c. Ideal for medium commercial installations, vapor meter installations and normal domestic loads. Features • 90 degree right angle inlet to outer connection for meter or standard installations, • Large vent helps to prevent blockage and has ,%` F. NPT for vent piping. • With 15 PSIG inlet pressure, regulator is designed to not pass more than 2 PSIG with the seat disc removed. • Replaceable valve orifice and valve seat. • Straight line valve closure reduces wear on seat disc • Unique bonnet vent profile minimizes vent freeze over when properly installed. • Large molded diaphragm is extra sensitive to pressure changes. • Built in pressure tap has plugged W F. NPT outlet. Plug can be removed with a 3116" hex alien wrench. • Select Brown Finish Right Angle Design Can mount directly to vapor meter. It is also suitable for mounting directly to the house piping. It will retrofit into existing installations that are currently using a 90 degree, right angle regulator. Body........................................................................... Die Cast Zinc Bonnet........................................................................ Die Cast Zinc Nozzle Orifice .......................................... Brass Spring...................................................................................... Steel Valve Seat Disc ..................................................... Resilient Rubber Diaphragm ......................... Integrated Fabric and Synthetic Rubber hdolr[ttat>ion U� USTED LV440=41WRA Series CFi B7Whr. 1. AW Attached to Vapor Metes W/Ma ndi Bracbei mmm I-V440386sRA 11" w.c. at 10 LV4403t366RA13— �/' F. NPT 3/a" F. NPT 3146" PSIG Inlet g to 13" w.c. Over Inlet 1,000,000 Maximum flow is based on 10 PSIG inlet and T w.c. delivery pressure. Mounting Bracket Included. rr� 100 1 Dr Flon. K 272" USA www.regcproducts.com +1 (336) 449-7707 MKOAD