HomeMy WebLinkAboutInspection Docs • Termite Inspection Sus Christ is �� 771-323-717 • Termite Pretreatment le rq �V%�f A-�U9 - Toll Free: 1-877-365-9990 Pest Control Termite Fax: 772-340-5990 •• Rodent Service ft Pest • Fire Ant Lawn Service _ , Control, Email: Evictabug@gmail.com • Whitefiy TreatmentY Inc. 2373 SW Woodridge St. Licensed & Insured Lic.JB175775 Port St. Lucie, FL 34953 Notice of Preventative Treatment for Termites (as required by Florida Building Code(FBC)104.26 and Broward County Chapter FBC 105.2.2) PEST PREVENTION I FIRE ANT SERVICE I TERMITE SERVICE I RODENT EXCLUSION&REMOVAL I WHITEFLY TREATMENT DATE OF SERVICE TIME I_ I DEVELOPMENT NAME(PROJECT) CONTRACTORS AME QNTACT PERSON C.i `:f1 t 31 t l� i tt'A STRUCTURE ADDRESS(LOT?BLOCK) _ (�' CITY,STATE COUNTY UNTY 5 30L" `tY t 1 f4r'A . ' - . ) Sri NOTES ZIP CODE 11LD' r.�v �7i'tf`t TREATMENTTYPEIAREA ❑FLOATING ❑MONOLITHIC ❑PATIO ❑GARAGE O DRIVEWAY ❑STEM WALL'FOOTERS ❑ADDITION O CUTOUTS ❑FOOTEP, ❑FRONT ENTRY O RETREAT ❑BORA CARE TREATMENT J PLUMSING CUT OUTS ❑SIDEWALKS _l 7Atu1P&TREAT )jTREAT ONLY FINAL ❑POOL DECK O OTHER____.._ (( PRODUCTS O BASELINE DOMINION 2LACTIVE INGREDIENT 0 TERM IDOR SC O BORACARE ❑PREMISE ❑TALSTAR OU OTHER ACTIVE INGREDIENT___.__._..._...__.._____._.......................... _.. IMIDACLAPRID ❑BIFENTHRIN ❑DISODIUM OCTABORATE TETRAHYDRATE CONCENTRATION El.06^/0 ❑.12% ❑.25°io 05% C1 23 m ❑9% ❑OTHER GALLONS APPLIED 0 SQUARE FOOTAGE .._.._.._....._ __....__ LINEAR FOOTAGE SQUARE FOOTAGE VERIFIED YES ❑NO �jMEASURED OR VERIFIED PER PLANS `JOB READY CONDITIONS MET r;YES ❑NO DETAILS..._--__............ ...........-..... —-.... ------................. ._.....---------........... ..... As per 104.2.6 FBC-If soil chemical barrier method for termite prevention is used.Final exterior treatment shall be completed prior to final building approval Certi_fi_ca#e of Compliance:The building has received a complete treatment for the prevention of subterranean termites. Treatment's in accordance with rules and laws established by the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services.(Per the Ronda Building Code.) { ..(, If this notice is for the final exterior treatment,initial and date this line t FINAL STICKER 1 h ,. 1!' V Ll ELECTRICAL PANEL ❑lJATER BEATER OTHER t t _� .. f;.r,3�:. �. Payment Terms: Payment due at time of service. r •Date Applicator:(Evic A thug T it and Pest Control,Inc. Date Customer(Property Owner or Agent) wwnv.evictabugpestcontroi.com i Planning & Development Services Department Building & Code Regulations Divisio t 2300 Virginia Avenue FiC - Ft Pierce,FL 34982 - - - —- Phone:772-462-2165 NOV 0 6 2017 Fax:772-462-2522 PEMAll W4G Request for 30-Day Temporary Power ReleAe Lucie County, FL Date: %/- 2 - 2d(-7 Permit Number: 17 0'JL Project Address: �y, d /�Jc t�i �C LT> F-T iPlCA-Z�Z c _ i THE UNDERSIGNED HEREBY REQUEST RELEASE OF ELECTRICAL POWER TO THE ABOVE DESCRIBED PROPERTY,FOR A PERIOD NOT TO EXCEED THIRTY (30)DAYS,FOR THE PURPOSE OF TESTING SYSTEMS AND EQUIPMENT IN PREPARATION FOR FINAL INSPECTION. IN CONSIDERATION OF APPROVAL OF THE REQUEST WE HEREBY ACKNOWLEDGE AND AGREE AS FOLLOWS: 1. This temporary:power release is requested for the above stated purpose only,and there will be no occupancy of any type,other than that permitted by construction during this time period. 1 2. As witness by our signatures,we hereby agree to abide by all terms and conditions of this agreement,including Building Division Policy,which is incorporated herein by reference. 3. All conditions and requirements listed in the attached document entitled"Requirements for 30 Day Pow Ir for 4. Testing"have been fulfilled and the premise is ready for compliance inspection. 5. All requests for an extension beyond 30 days must be made in writing to the Building Official stating the reason for the request. Power may be removed from the site and/or a Stop Work Order issued if the Final Inspection has not been approved within 30 days. A fee of$100.00 will be required to lift the Stop Work Order. WE HEREBY RELEASE AND AGREE TO HOLD HARMLESS, ST. LUCIE COUNTY, AND THEIR EMPLOYEES FROM ALL LIABILITIES AND CLAIMS OF ANY TYPE OF NATURE WHICH MAY ARISE NOW OR IN THE FUTURE OUT OF THIS TRANSACTION,INCLUDING ANY DAMAGE WHICH MAY BE INCURRED DUE TO THE DISCONNECTION OF ELECTRICAL POWER IN THE EVENT OF VIOLATION OF THIS AGREEMENT. 75WNE�lt SIGNA DATE i d/ ? GENERAL CONTR TOR SIG TURF JDATIE ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS' ATITRE JDAIIE i I SLCPDSD Revised 06/14/2010 i i i I i i Planning &Development Services l ?�ir ' Building &-Code Regulation Division felel2300 Virginia Ave j Fort Pierce, FL 34982 772-462-2172 Fax 772-462-6443 CERTIFICATE OF TERMITE TREATMENT e*ccJ AwV CONSTRUCTION SOIL TREATMENT PERMIT #: jM_0q JOB ADDRESS: C BUILDER/CONTRACTOR: `71 : PEST CONTROL CONTRACTOR: EVICT-A-BUG TERMITE&PEST CONTROL INC. PEST CONTROL LICENSE #: JB175775 We, the undersigned, hereby certify that we have pretreated the above described construction for subterranean termites in accordance with the standards of the National Pest Control Association. Square feet if area treated: u-6 Chemicals used: BASELINE Percentage of solution: .06% Total gallons used: .3L /� - I Date of Treatment: Time of Treatm t: ` �Foot_ing lab 1st Treatment Treatment Re-Treat Re-Treat Driveway Pools 1st Treatment 1st Treatment Re-Treat Re-Treat Other Perimeter for Final Inspection 1st Treatment r Re-Treat PAUL LUGARA !o e20 tally10.BA1 08 31 30-04'00 Signatur6 of Exterminator Date Note: There must be a completed form for each required treatment or re-treatment and this form must be on the job site to be picked up by the inspector at time of each inspection or the scheduled inspection will fail and a re-inspection fee charged. FBC104.2.6 Certificate of Protective Treatment for prevention of termites A weather resistant jobsite posting board shall be provided to receive duplicate Treatment Certificates as each required protective treatment is completed, providing a copy for the person the permit is issued to and another copy for the building permit files The Treatment Certificate shall provide the product used, identity of the applicator, time and date of the treatment,site location,!area treated, chemical used,percent concentration and number of gallons used, to establish a verifiable record of protective treatment. If the soil chemical barrier method for termite prevention is used, final exterior treatment shall be completed prior to final building approval. St Lucie County requires for the final inspection for CO, a Permanent Sticker to be placed on the electrical panel box cover, listing all_the treatments and dates of applications. Revised 7/24/2014 i Soil Nuclear Gauge Client: Project: Report Date:6/20/2017 Casco Construction, Inc. 17-4932.00 Test Method:ASTM D 6938 2926 SE Paramount Place Casco Construction Master Proposal Port St Lucie Stuart,FL 34997 Various Locations FBPE CA#4930 FL 521 NW Enterprise Drive Port St.Lucie,FL 34986 Phone:772-924-3575 I Fax:772-924-3580 O 7�E 170,54 7 lS,54 _ e�9�44 7 - `.,Test.Resu.ts:� " Optimum Maximum In Place In Place Probe Min/Max Retest Test Soil Moisture Dry Density Moisture Dry Density Depth Percent Comp. Test# Of---Date -Proctor ID Method Classification (%) (pcf) (%) (pcf) (in)- Compaction - (%) - - Remark -- 1 6/19/17 P-1 N/A 11.0 102.2 11.5 97.2 12 95 95/105 Pass 2 6/19/17 P-1 N/A 11.0 102.2 11.0 99.1 12 97 95/105 Pass . 3 6/19/17 P-1 N/A 11.0 1 102.2 10.9 100.1 12 98 95/105 Pass 4 6/19/17 P-1 N/A 11.0 102.2 8.2 103.0 12 101 95/105 Pass 5 6/19/17 P-1 N/A 11.0 102.2 7.1 103.6 12 101 95/105 Pass 6 6/19/17 P-1 N/A 11.0 102.2 6.9 106.9 12 105 95/105 Pass :Test Information " Gauge Test# Test Location Elevation Reference Make/Model I SN Field Technician 1 Below Slab Grade:5304 Pinetree Drive,Fort Pierce, Foundation Pad,Southwest Section 0-1 Troxler T3430 22260 Smith,Johnnie 2 Below Slab Grade:5304 Pinetree Drive,Fort Pierce,Foundation Pad,Northeast Section 0-1 Troxler T3430 22260 Smith,Johnnie 3 Below Slab Grade:5304 Pinetree Drive,Fort Pierce,Foundation Pad,Center 0-1 Troxler T3430 22260 Smith,Johnnie 4 Below Slab Grade:5304 Pinetree Drive,Fort Pierce,Garage Pad,Center 0-1 Troxler T3430 22260 Smith,Johnnie 5 Below Slab Grade:5304 Pinetree Drive,Fort Pierce,Garage Pad,Northeast Section 0-1 Troxler T3430 22260 Smith,Johnnie 6 Below Slab Grade:5304 Pinetree Drive,Fort Pierce,Garage Pad,Southwest Section 0-1 Troxler T3430 22260 Smith,Johnnie „ Remarks, Comments Pass:Tests results comply with Specifications Tests are"Direct Transmission"(Method A)unless probe depth is not as "Backscafte'.Gauge calibration data on file with the testing agency. �tiE ���Di t aWc a a;aF: eo m • 6 6 /20/201 Qgnald W. Miler, P.E. -p ®Popo{esssmAl�ngpper i� 5 %Ito Ida p,.: e,� si Z R Q• •�N % NAL�S4 Test Reports shall not be reproduced,except in full,without the written approval of GFA International Inc. Page 1 of 1 Digitally signed printed copies of this document are not considered signed and sealed and the signature must be verified on any electronic copies. Soil Nuclear Gauge T, � Client: Project: Report Date: 6/20/2017 Casco Construction, Inc. 17-4932.00 Test Method:ASTM D 6938 2926 SE Paramount Place Casco Construction Master Proposal Port St.Lucie Stuart, FL 34997 Various Locations FBPE CA#4930 FL 521 NW Enterprise Drive Port :Phone 72I924 35751 Fax:772-9243580 y^ 170 f - Test Results Optimum Maximum In Place In Place Probe Min/Max Retest Test Soil Moisture Dry Density Moisture Dry Density Depth Percent Comp. Test# Of Date Proctor ID Method Classification (°/o) (pcf) (%)- -(pcf)_- _- _—(in) -Compaction-—--("/o) Remark- _ -- 1 6119/17 P-1 NIA 11.0 102.2 11.5 97.2 12 95 95/105 Pass 2 6/19/17 P-1 N/A 11.0 102.2 11.0 99.1 12 97 95/105 Pass 3 6/19/17 P-1 N/A 11.0 102.2 10.9 100.1 12 98 95/105 Pass 4 6/19/17 P-1 N/A 11.0 102.2 8.2 103.0 12 101 95/105 Pass 5 6/19/17 P-1 N/A 11.0 102.2 7.1 103.6 12 101 95/105 Pass 6 6/19/17 P-1 N/A 11.0 102.2 6.9 106.9 12 105 95/105 Pass . . ... .. , , . �.Test Information: Gauge Test# Test Location Elevation Reference Make/Model/SN Field Technician 1 Below Slab Grade:5304 Pinetree Drive,Fort Pierce, Foundation Pad,Southwest Section 0-1 Troxier T3430 22260 Smith,Johnnie 2 Below Slab Grade:5304 Pinetree Drive,Fort Pierce,Foundation Pad,Northeast Section 0-1 Troxler T3430 22260 Smith,Johnnie 3 Below Slab Grade:5304 Pinetree Drive,Fort Pierce,Foundation Pad,Center 0-1 Troxler T3430 22260 Smith,Johnnie 4 Below Slab Grade:5304 Pinetree Drive,Fort Pierce,Garage Pad,Center 0-1 Troxler T3430 22260 Smith,Johnnie 5 Below Slab Grade:5304 Pinetree Drive,Fort Pierce,Garage Pad,Northeast Section 0-1 Troxier T3430 22260 Smith,Johnnie 6 Below Slab Grade:5304 Pinetree Drive,Fort Pierce,Garage Pad,Southwest Section 0-1 Troxler T3430 22260 Smith,Johnnie Remarks ' C'oinments Pass:Tests results comply with specifications Tests are"Direct Transmission"(Method A)unless probe depth is noted as "Backscatter".Gauge calibration data on file with the testing agency. o0apA6oB�00pp� ®tee®% W. D' � . • S�:•CCU°°°i 0 60 207 1 Dopald W. M%ler, P.E. 01 Wessional Engineer#60675 � e o TA OF ��m Ile . °� 0141®�° °®moo°� °-- - &®-T ;est:Reports-shall-not-be=reproduced except-in-full,-without-the-written-approval-of-GFA-Internationalind. - � ��gaooea ---Page Digitally signed printed copies of this document are not considered signed,and sealed and the signature must be verified on any electronic copies.