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POLYGLASS USA Inc. MEMBRANE M 500 L 5 Corporate Office Directlyover the acceptable substrate install one I of POLYSTICK " O 1111 West Newport Center Drive p ply MODIFIED CEMENT v Deerfield Beach,Florida 33442 Plus underlayment with minimum 3"side laps and 6"end laps,without 'n LLn Tel.(954)233-1330-Fax:(954)418-4453 wrinkles or fishmouths.Unless the substrate surface is flat,voids may v ' V^1 v ^ occur which will be hard to seal and may not render a permanent, PRODUCT DESCRIPTION E N `V Email technical�polyglass.wm waterproof roof. It is the installer's responsibility to ensure that E Website:www.polyglass.00m is IL 71 1 OD SERIES SPEC I FICATIC0NS substrate conditions permit a wrinkle and void-free installation. Any PG500 is a high quality formulation suitable for use as a cold-applied bonding agent for "A, O O POLVSTICK TU PLUS voids occurring may have to be sealed with a heat gun or other suitable SBS roofing systems as well as various other membrane systems. PG 500 has a heavy, t� U O M Tile Roofin S stem mastic. U O O 9 Y "trowel-grade" consistency which makes it ideal for flashing details, attachment ofLkiNew or Re—Roofing Applie+ation Unroll and cut the POLYSTICK TU Plus underlayment to a suitable membrane to steep slopes and parapet walls and a variety of waterproofing repairs. Its Technical Bulletin #2003-03 Revised 2011 desired length (depending on slope and project conditions.) Position ]y i— _� flexibility and elasticity make It superior to standard plastic cements especially where there ,'1// the material in the desired location on the substrate and proceed as � � � LY _I, follows;align the membrane at the lowest edge of the roof.Lift one half are moving joints. of the material to expose the underside and remove the split back O TO: All POLYGLASS Users / release film, gradually push/roll the material into place(do not lift and USES APPLICABLE STANDARDS V / drop the material into place, air pockets may occur that will be difficult Ql 3 Z Roofing Tiles to remove). Apply even pressure alongthe entire length of the • For applying SBS modified bitumen membrane flashing to parapet walls, curbs and roof • Miami Dade County Approved J al CC: POLYGLASS Sales&Technical Services i ) pp y g / j / (BY OTHERS) membrane, from center to outer edges, to avoid air inclusions or penetrations. • Meets or exceeds the requirements of O z wrinkles. Repeat for other side.Position the next sheet by aligning the • ASTM D 4586 Asphalt Roof Cement Type I ' /` side lap of the upper sheet with the factory overlap. Date: February 05, 2011 For sealing lap seams and perimeter edges of SBS modified bitumen membranes. P Yp �_ ��-� >� PolysHck�TU PLUS Overlap and cut end laps minimum 6" place thin uniform bed of This product may be used as a topical application on smooth or granule APP products for Q }� (SELF-ADHERED UNDERLAYMENn approved mastic between overlapping membranes. Repeat the above MIAMI•DADE COUN - - - roofingrepairs only. I `t t procedure for all subsequent sheets.At seam overlaps, remove the p Author: Steven C.Wadding RRC,RRO,CDT - - -_;�_=,� % p q pI� - Prime when necessary protective seam tape and apply even pressure to seam area.Product is • For repairing splits, breaks and small holes in asphalt-based roofings and flashings. Technical Services Manager pressure and temperature sensitive.After adhering roll,it is recommended • installing that uniform pressure be applied to the entire roll area by a weighted rdler. For insta g metal edge flanges and other metal joints. Approved/Accepted Substrate Care must be taken during rolling on sloped roofs. PACKAGING RE: Installation Techniques Self-Adhesive (SA) Membranes • Positive—side damp proofing of concrete, masonry walls and foundations. POLYGLASS°recommends tiles be stacked in accordance with tile and • Not recommended for use with thermoplastic or thermoset membranes 10.1 oz (0.3 Liters) Cartridge 0 J PART 1 DESCRIPTION underlayment manufacturer recommendatoins.POLYGLASS° � W requires- J Effective the date of the original Technical Bulletin,the installation technique herein Provide all labor, materials, equipment, supervision and incidentals as identified by the manufacturer and product name. that tiles be stackedwith batens on slopes of 7/12 and greater. FEATURES AND BENEFITS 4.75 Gallon (18.0 Liters) Pail LU Z 0 0 w W w > W needed to install a complete POLYGLASSIreinforced modified bituminous POLYGLASS will not accept liability concerning lost tiles. Contact W Q U below will be required and applicable to all Polyglass self-adhesive membrane underlayment over a new or acceptable, prepared existing roof All materials shall be stored on an elevated platform and off the ground POLYGLASS°Technical Services with any questions or concerns. High flexibility to accommodate temperature related expansion and contraction of J Z Q W Q substrate. All details of installation shall conform to POLYGLASS' or roof surface. No wet or damaged materials will be used in the manufactured for steep-slope and low sloped roofing designs. Specifications, Details and General Recommendations. application. Materials stored on the job site shall be stored on an the roof system. POLYGLASS U.S.A., INC. U) U LD LD LU U) w z elevated platform and off the ground of the roof. W lJ QUALITY ASSURANCE •Great bondingstrength MANUFACTURING FACILITIES Polyglass requires as art of the installation of all SA membranes,the installed Products used in the work of this Section shall be manufactured b Yg q p y Application of all roofing shall be accomplished in such a way that each g Q = 0 Q J Z W � > Z U POLYGLASSI or accepted for use in conjunction with the products area will be complete at the end of each day's work.All roof edges and • Provides exceptional weathering characteristics over a wide range of challenging • V '�~ Z J_ — LLI membrane be rolled with a weighted roller with a minimum of 501bs for steep-slope y tem eratures and weather conditions. Will not mudcrack and will remain highly Fernley,y ~ 0 = W Q J manufactured by POLYGLASS�. incomplete flashing shall be protected against water entry, particular) p g Y • Hazleton, PA I;_ Q IY and 80 lbs for low-sloped conditions. Broomin of SA membrane is no longer between work periods. flexible, resilient and durable through all seasons LU Q F- � W p g g The Roofing Contractor shall be a Polyglass Registered Contractor in g • recommended to ensure sufficient contact between membrane and substrate Winter Haven, FL w Z w w 0 Z good standing and their personnel sufficiently trained to install the When ambient temperature is below 40 DEG.F,care must be exercised ~ z z (n Cr ~ m � Z materials/systems as outlined in this section of work. in handling and storing POLYGLASS' membrane. Only rolls for Eliminates the need for kettles and torches = Q Z 0 U W Q surfaces. immediate application shall be exposed to the elements. • Interlocking fiber matrix assures uniform, excellent adhesion CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS Z J J O W H W I- J J Do not apply roofing during inclement weather. Do not apply roofing _ LU O Q membrane to damp frozen,dirty or dusty surfaces. All masonry, concrete and sheet metal surfaces incorporated into the • When used on a vertical surface at high temperatures, exhibits excellent flow resistance. Polyglass U.S.A., Inc. � W J H = O O Polyglass recommends that safe work practices be used when using a weighted roller, roof system shall be primed allowed to dry prior to installing bituminous rr J Q Z = Z > PART 2-MATERIALS roofing materials. • Non-destructive to asphalt based roofing membranes. 1 1 1 1 West Newport Center Drive Q Q J ~ W O O especially on steep-slope roof conditions. Polyglass assumes no liability for damage Underlayment - POLYGLASS' Polystick TU Plus, A homogeneous Cr W Z 0 U U) 0— J LU 0 rubberized asphalt waterproofing membrane, glass fiber reinforced Wood curbs or nailers, where required, shall be pressure treated with • Asbestos free— 100% recycled cellulose fibers Deerfield Beach, FL 33442 = _ LL 0 Cc Z or injury during the execution of its products. Installers can consult published safety with a high strength polyester fabric on the upper surface,designed for accepted pressure treatment meeting AWAP Standard P-5. Priming of 0 LLCc V Q Z Q IZ 9 9 p Y pp 9 p p 9 9 use as a tile underlayment. The bottom surface of the sheet has an wood may be recommended depending on project conditions. www.polyglass.com 0 Q 0 Z ILL! = 0 i2 standards b OSHA, NRCA,state and local building codes. adhesive compound with split release film for ease of a TYPICAL PHYSICAL PROPERTIES w LU � 0 — = U) W }- 0 Q Y g' p p application. There are approximately 200 square feet of coverage per roll weighing PART 3-APPLICATION Z z = U) U) W approximately 80 lbs. PREPARATION General Line: (888)410-1375 Q — — 0 Z = C_n Special circumstances and questions should be addressed to POLYGLASS Technical TRADENAME: POLYSTICK TU PLUS TESTPROPERTYTESTVALUETESTPROCEDURE • Q ~ O ¢ Z Z FOR REROOFING APPLICATIONS (954)233-1330 � } ILL. — O r Services Department. FINISHED ROOFING SURFACE - Roofing Tiles, Manufactured by Remove existing metal edging down to the surface of the roof. Weight/gal ilbl 9.0-9.5 ASTM D 2939 W Z LL 0 0 LL Q U LL O Z Others.Set in Foam Adhesives or Mechanically Attached. Remove existing(lashings at roof details and roof penetrations. Customer Service: (8OO)222-9782 Z — N W Cone Penetration fdmmf 245 330 ASTM D 312 W � � � � W W � Z _ ASPHALT PRIMER-ASTM D 41 or other approved rimer b Polyglass Remove all wet or deteriorated roofing substrate materials or insulation Technical Service: (866) 802-8017 Z _ = w W Z 1-- applied J pp p Y Y9 9 Flash Point iTF >105`F PMCC � U � = � Z � W � C) in strict comformance to manufacturers recommendations. and fill in any low spots occurring as a result of removal work,to create 0 a smooth even surface for application of underlayments. VOC(gm/ii <300 Sid method U� > _ Questions?pgmarketing@polyglass.com t1 O _ PRODUCT HANDLING Z z 0 � 0 LU ('D All materials, except those that are shop fabricated shall be delivered Pliability @ 32'F pass ASTM D 6611 w 0 J W 0 (n to the job site with their original labels intact. Bulk materials, shall be Sag @ 140`F pass ASTM D 651 1 0 0 } _ Q ED 0 w } Solids Weight i%i >70 ASTM D 1644 cr Q F Z U LL w01� Z 0- POLYGLASS'� GUIDE SPEC # 100 TU PLUS U LL t7[] O H Q ~ - — U Td.s Ster� {July 2011) APPLICATION INSTRUCTIONS 02/05/2011 x W U - 0 0 > LL CL W scw Surface Preparation: W Z LL 0 U) >- F- U � it Surfaces to receive coating must be clean,dry and free from any foreign matter such as dirt, WATERPROOFING MATERIALS AND INSULATING SYSTEMS LL 11 0 W Q U) Q H =) _ � Q oils, grease or other debris that could inhibit the adhesion capabilities of the newly installed 0 U) >_ cl: O 0 products. Priming is recommended when adhering to questionable conditions. J LU U) O Z LU cl: = ~ 0 CC WATERPROOFING MATERIALS AND INSULATING SYSTEMS- • Q = W Z Q 0 0 0- LL On existing roofs, inspect roof substrate condition. Blisters, buckles,and raised edges should Z POLYGLASSO GUIDE SPEC # 100 TU PLC g p g z LL U) Q 0 be cut out and repaired for a smooth surface. a a � � P = LU Q O � � • • / Tile System(July 2( O LL Cn U IZ O LY } — U) 0 = 0w � H = Copyright©201 1 by Polyglass U.S.A.,Inc and all rights are reserved O J LL (D 3 /W� Er I— ' hu Edition Date:04/11/2011•Doc#PG500 LW L � � Q W z — W I„L ^ IL J J U m Q U H F- 0 > CLU � zWU . a_ °C zLLIrrz ¢ a °CwF O � mow0 � � � 0 � � < PG 5000 3: ILL[ - - Z W Oc� LLI — LL — � H MODIFIED CEMENT W _J0 <0 Cc 0 U) z _JZ < 02 n z 4" X 4" METAL DRIP EDGE = JzQQ JZQDLUZ W_ LLI = JOoCOwO J HQQ � UQUO � CCU U • Check all flashings, edges,drains,valleys and vents and repair as needed. • Do not use on wet or damp surfaces, directly over wood or on surfaces previously covered with coal tar based products. POLYGLASS APPROVED SEALANT Application: ASPHALT PRIMER CAP SHEET MEMBRANE • Application Rate:Apply 1/8" coat(approximately eight gallons per square) depending on ambient temperature, surface porosity, as well as applicator and/or application technique. FASTENERS 4" O.C., STAGGERED 4 LB. LEAD FLASHING • Application Method: Use pointed trowel or wide-edged putty knife to apply cement evenly and in equal amounts to substrate and BASE & INTERPLY SHEETS )M M flashing. Coat should be 1/8" thick,without gaps, dry areas or bubbles. BASE SHEET MEMBRANE W • Membrane Flashing:Coat underside of membrane with cement at rate indicated. No cure time required before flashing installation, APPROVED SEALANT (TYP) simply press into place with even pressure, smoothing out wrinkles and bubbles. Roll all side and end laps, making sure a sufficient INTERPLY MEMBRANE amount of product is applied to the laps so that a bead is visible at all lap edges. Mechanically fasten membrane flashings to parapet POLYGLASS MEMBRANE // ♦ walls to avoid membrane slippage. FLASHING COLLAR • Coursing:Apply cement to surface and install fabric or webbing into cement, then apply a final course of cement. Metal:Set metal CAP SHEET EXTEND POLYGLASS MEMBRANE V flashings in full 1/8" bead. Apply product between joints and apply pressure so that bead is visible at joint edge. MEMBRANE 4" (MIN.) BEYOND LEAD FLANGE Ir PRIMED LEAD FLANGE • Sealing/Repairs:Apply cement at a thickness of 1/8"to 114"working the product into the opening or crack and spread two inches INTERPLY MEMBRANE (TYP. BOTH SIDES) 1 beyond repair area at minimum. Embed glass or cotton fabric into the cement for added reinforcement,then cover with additional cement. STRIP IN `,J • Best suited when ambient temperatures are 45'F and rising.Cold weather will cause product to stiffen, making application more difficult. 8" MIN. INTERPLY • Do not heat exterior of container or attempt to thin this product. Not recommended for application on substrates that exceed 140'E W MEMBRANE STRIP—IN U • To greatly extend the life of the roof cement, it is recommended that the applicator apply a Polyglass Aluminum roof coating after a minimum 4" MIN. J of 30 days cure time. J Limitations: • • Do not use on TPO, EPDM, PVC, or other single ply membranes. • Not to be installed over or under polystyrene insulation. • Do not use this product under any APP or any torch products with burn off film. Storage and Cleaning: O • Product shelf life: 24 months from date of manufacture when properly stored. U • Store unopened container 24 hours at room temperature prior to application. • Observe normal safeguards for storing and handling of this product prior to and during application. Z • Keep containers covered when not in use. O • Clean equipment and contaminated surfaces with kerosene or mineral spirits. % 7F • Clean hands with waterless hand cleaner. DECK CIO STRUCTURAL DECK WARNING QD Combustible Liquid and Vapor-Contains petroleum distillate.Harmful or fatal if swallowed.Vapor harmful.May affect the brain or central nervous RIGID INSULATION OR APPROVED SUBSTRATE TREATED WOOD NAILERS • ANCHORED TO DECK This report has been electronically signed system causing dizziness, headache, or nausea. Causes nose and throat irritation. Causes eye and skin irritation. Reports have associated _^ repeated and prolonged occupational exposure to solvents with permanent brain and nervous system damage. Intentional misuse by deliberately and sealed using a Digital Signature. concentrating and inhaling contents may be harmful or fatal- Kee away from heat and open flame. TREATED WOOD NAILER, ANCHORED TO DECK Printed copies of this document are not �lJ g g Y p Y p COVERBOARD/ INSULATION OR ACCEPTABLE SUBSTRATE Personal Protection-Irritation may result from prolonged or repeated contact with skin.Wear chemical considered signed and sealed and the ' resistant gloves, protective goggles and protective clothing, if needed. CONTINUOUS CLEAT (SEE NOTE) signature must be verified on any electronic v, (� Eye Contact- Rinse immediately with clean water for 15 minutes and seek medical advice. copies. (6 Waste Disposal-Empty containers must be disposed of in accordance with local, state and federal regulations. 10 For Professional Use Only-Keep out of the reach of children `%%J1111111,11' �l—J For Exterior Use Only �� R. SgNO�i,� L NOTES: �% O ,•• �` 'i U NOTES: 1. LEAD FLANGE MUST BE SET IN APPROVED FLASHING CEMENT. HEAT FUSED APPLICATIONS SHOULD SET IN `���G•',��G E N`S.F•••.4tS�-- Refer to material safely data sheet(MSDS)for specific data and handling of our products. 1. METAL EDGE FLASHING, WOOD BLOCKINGS AND ATTACHMENTS SHALL COMPLY WITH ANSI/SPRI ES-1. SOFTENED MEMBRANE. No 64781 O =&NAW= ATERIALS AND IN FOR HEAT FUSED MEMBRANE APPLICATIONS, SET METAL FLASHING INTO SOFTENED MEMBRANE. 2. LEAD FLASHING SHOULD CARRY OVER AND INTO VENT PIPE OPENING 1 INCH. n 1 All data furnished refers to standard production using manufacturing testing tolerances. The Jproduct user, and not Polyglass, is responsible for determining the suitability and compatibility of our roducts for the users intended use.p - WITRRPRODRIHO YATCRLiLfi AHD IHEULARa70 AY®BONS LU P NUMBER: = ��• STATE OF �/� � v � PG-EDGE-001 PG-PEN-002 � Q =**^� ;�< O R `oP.•'\�'`�; Q Q �6 For the most current product data and warranty information, visit www.polyglass.com } TYPICAL DRIP EDGE VENT PIPE FLASHING ���,SS •••. ••• ���� Q Z (� DETAIL DATE: Polyglass USA, Inc. with LEAD SLEEVE DATE: Polyglass USA, Inc. 1111 W. Newport Center Dr. 1111 W. Newport Center Dr. �f� /�NA\-� �%% July 2011 July 2011 111111��� J X Deerfield Beach, FL 33442 Deerfield Beach, FL 33442 � X � www.polygI0SS.com www.polyglass.com O Reviewed and Approved > Q X D_ scott r Digitally signed by scott r sanders Date: 2020.12.26 1212212020 1 1 :47:06 sanders 20:35:54 -06 00 PA-4 . I Scale