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0 Septic 02 Pereira Lot 1 NOE - noble oaks
PERMIT #: 56-SF-2166104 APPLICATION #:AP1577844 • STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH DATE PAID ONSITE SEWAGE TREATMENT AND DISPOSAL FEE PAID: SYSTEM •�y RECEIPT #: DOCUMENT #: PR1467497 CONSTRUCTION PERMIT FOR: OSTDS New APPLICANT: Aurelio Pereira PROPERTY ADDRESS: Noble Oaks Ln Fort Pierce, FL 34981 LOT: 1 BLOCK: SUBDIVISION: PROPERTY ID #: 3404-312-0001-010-7 [SECTION, TOWNSHIP, RANGE, PARCEL NUMBER] [OR TAX ID NUMBER] SYSTEM MUST BE CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH SPECIFICATIONS AND STANDARDS OF SECTION 381.0065, F.S. , AND CHAPTER 64E-6, F.A.C. DEPARTMENT APPROVAL OF SYSTEM DOES NOT GUARANTEE SATISFACTORY PERFORMANCE FOR ANY SPECIFIC PERIOD OF TIME. ANY CHANGE IN MATERIAL FACTS, WHICH SERVED AS A BASIS FOR ISSUANCE OF THIS PERMIT, REQUIRE THE APPLICANT TO MODIFY THE PERMIT APPLICATION. SUCH MODIFICATIONS MAY RESULT IN THIS PERMIT BEING MADE NULL AND VOID. ISSUANCE OF THIS PERMIT DOES NOT EXEMPT THE APPLICANT FROM COMPLIANCE WITH OTHER FEDERAL, STATE, OR LOCAL PERMITTING REQUIRED FOR DEVELOPMENT OF THIS PROPERTY. SYSTEM DESIGN AND SPECIFICATIONS T [ 990 ] GALLONS / GPD FuiiClean CE10 PBTS CAPACITY A [ ] GALLONS / GPD N/A CAPACITY N [ ] GALLONS GREASE INTERCEPTOR CAPACITY [MAXIMUM CAPACITY SINGLE TANK:1250 GALLONS] K [ 1,050 ] GALLONS DOSING TANK CAPACITY [ 38.30 ]GALLONS @[ 12 ]DOSES PER 24 HRS #Pumps [ 1 ] D [ 672 ] SQUARE FEET Netafim(08WRAM1-12) drib SYSTEM R [ ] SQUARE FEET N/A SYSTEM A TYPE SYSTEM: [ ] STANDARD [X] FILLED [ ] MOUND [ ] I CONFIGURATION: [X] TRENCH [ ] BED [ ] N F LOCATION OF BENCHMARK: survey disk center Of rd left property Corner I ELEVATION OF PROPOSED SYSTEM SITE [ 5.00 ] [ INCHES FT ] [ ABOVE BELOW]BENCHMARK/REFERENCE POINT E BOTTOM OF DRAINFIELD TO BE [ 4.00 ] [ INCHES FT ] [ ABOVE BELOW]BENCHMARK/REFERENCE POINT L D FILL REQUIRED: [ 17.001 INCHES EXCAVATION REQUIRED: [ 20.00 ] INCHES The system is sized for 3 bedrooms with a maximum occupancy of 6 persons (2 per bedroom),for a total estimated flow of D 460 gpd. Performing Lift Dosing. Pumps must be certified as suitable for distributing sewage effluent. T NEEDS BIANNUAL OPERATIONG PERMIT/MECONTRACT FOR 2 YEARS. PE DESIGN REQUIRED SIGN OFF AT H CONSTRUCTION FINAL(designed by Nicholas Turnbull) HOLD FINAL APPROVAL FOR COPY OF PBTS NOTICE IN PUBLIC RECOREDS. E SAMPLING FOR TN,TP,AND FECAL SHALL OCCUR SEMIANNUALLY, MONITORING FOR CBOD5,AND TSS SHALL R OCCUR SEMIANNUALLY. SPECIFICATIONS BY: SCOTT FRANZ TITLE: APPROVED BY: TITLE: Environmental Specialist II St. Lucie CHD Brian j Sngram DATE ISSUED: 11/05/2(�20 EXPIRATION DATE: 05/05/2022 DH 4016, 08/09 (Obsoletes all previous editions which may not be used) Incorporated: 64E-6.003, FAC Page 1 of 3 v 1.1.4 AP1577844 SE1425620 NOTICE OF RIGHTS A party whose substantial interest is affected by this order may petition for an administrative hearing pursuant to sections 120.569 and 120.57, Florida Statutes. Such proceedings are governed by Rule 28-106, Florida Administrative Code. A petition for administrative hearing must be in writing and must be received by the Agency Clerk for the Department, within twenty-one (21) days from the receipt of this order. The address of the Agency Clerk is 4052 Bald Cypress Way, BIN A-02, Tallahassee, Florida 32399. The Agency Clerk's facsimile number is 850-413-8743. Mediation is not available as an alternative remedy. Your failure to submit a petition for hearing within 21 days from receipt of this order will constitute a waiver of your right to an administrative hearing, and this order shall become a 'final order'. Should this order become a final order, a party who is adversely affected by it is entitled to judicial review pursuant to Section 120.68, Florida Statutes. Review proceedings are governed by the Florida Rules of Appellate Procedure. Such proceedings may be commenced by filing one copy of a Notice of Appeal with the Agency Clerk of the Department of Health and a second copy, accompanied by the filing fees required by law, with the Court of Appeal in the appropriate District Court. The notice must be filed within 30 days of rendition of the final order. St. Lucie County Health Department E 5150 NW Milner Dr Port Saint Lucie, FL 34983 HEALTH PAYING ON: #.56-SF-2166104 BILL DOC#:56-BID-4984432 CONSTRUCTION APPLICATION#:AP1577844 RECEIVED FROM: Florida Onsite Svstems & Design AMOUNT PAID: $ 430.00 PAYMENT FORM: CREDIT CARD 00921J PAYMENT DATE: 09/11/2020 MAIL TO: Aurelio Pereira FACILITY NAME : PROPERTY LOCATION: Noble Oaks Ln Fort Pierce, FL 34981 1 Lot: Block: Property ID: 3404-312-0001-010-7 EXPLANATION or DESCRIPTION: QUANTITY FEE 128 - OSTDS Construction System Inspection Research Fee 1 $ 5.00 -1 - Surcharge (All) 1 $ 45.00 -1 - OSTDS New Permit Surcharge 1 $ 100.00 -1 - OSTDS Construction Application and Plan Review,New 1 $ 100.00 126 - OSTDS Construction Permit (New or Mod, Amendment) 1 $ 55.00 127 - OSTDS Construction System Inspection 1 $ 75.00 133 - OSTDS Construction Reinspection 1 $ 50.00 RECEIVED BY: VanceMH AUDIT CONTROL NO. 56-PID-4663590 STATE OF FLORIDA PERMIT NO. r � DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH DATE PAID: L _ ONSITE SEWAGE TREATMENT AND DIPOSAL SYSTEM FEE PAID: APPLICATION FOR CONSTRUCTION PERMIT RECEIPT #: ,� f3 APPLICATION FOR: [X ] New System [ ] Existing System [ ] Holding Tank [ ] Innovative [ ] Repair [ ] Abandonment [ ] Temporary [ ] APPLICANT: Aurelio Pereira Fax (386) 736-1463 AGENT: Florida Onsite Systems & Design TELEPHONE: (407) 383-7676 MAILING ADDRESS: 411 E. Rich Avenue Deland, FL 32724 TO BE COMPLETED BY APPLICANT OR APPLICANT'S AUTHORIZED AGENT. SYSTEMS MUST BE CONSTRUCTED BY A PERSON LICENSED PURSUANT TO 489.105 (3) (m) OR 489.552, FLORIDA STATUTES. IT IS THE APPLICANT'S RESPONSIBILITY TO PROVIDE DOCUMENTATION OF THE DATE THE LOT WAS CREATED OR PLATTED (MM/DD/YY) IF REQUESTING CONSIDERATION OF STATUTORY GRANDFATHER PROVISIONS. PROPERTY INFORMATION LOT: 1 BLOCK: -- SUBDIVISION: Noble Oaks Estates PLATTED: PROPERTY ID #: 3404-312-0001-010-7 ZONING: res I/M OR EQUIVALENT: [ NO ] PROPERTY SIZE: 0. 5 ACRES WATER SUPPLY: [ ] PRIVATE PUBLIC [ ]<=2000GPD [X ]>2000GPD IS SEWER AVAILABLE AS PER 381.0065, FS? [ NO ] DISTANCE TO SEWER: >100 FT PROPERTY ADDRESS: Lot 1- Noble Oaks Lane Fort Pierce, FL 34981 DIRECTIONS TO PROPERTY: BUILDING INFORMATION [X ] RESIDENTIAL [ ] COMMERCIAL Unit Type of No. of Building Commercial/Institutional System Design No Establishment Bedrooms Area Sqft Table 1, Chapter 64E-6, FAC 1 SFR 3 3704 2 3 4 [ ] Floor/Equipme�ntt Drains [ ] Other (Specify) SIGNATURE: DATE: Scott M. Franz #SR0121704 cflsoilsolutions@cfl.rr.com DH 4015, 08/09 (Obsoletes previous editions which may not be used) Page 1 or 4 Incorporated 64E-6.001, FAC S`-S'F-21 bblay Elite Engineering of D®Land LLC October 17, 2020 Brian Ingram St Lucie County Environmental Health 3855 South US 1 Fort Pierce, FL 34982 Subject: Lot 1- Noble Oaks Lane, Fort Pierce Mr. Ingram: This letter serves as a request for approval of the above referenced site for a performance base treatment system meeting advanced secondary treatment standards for CBOD5,TSS, TN, TP and fecal consisting of one FujiClean CE10 (900 gpd treatment capacity) treatment unit with a corresponding drip effluent (irrigation) disposal system. The performance based treatment system is required to obtain a 50-foot setback to the design high water line of a wet retention pond. A 25% drainfield reduction will be applied for design purposes only. The FujiClean treatment unit, when properly maintained and operated, can reduce effluent to 10 mg/L or less for CBOD5, TSS and TP, 20 mg/L or less TN. As per DOH Memo #08-003, monitoring for CBOD5 and TSS will be accomplished by conducting a visual inspection of the ground surface above the drip emitter lines by the approved maintenance entity semiannually. Samples for TN and, TP shall be obtained semiannually from the sample port in the headworks or directly from the aeration chamber as per FujiClean sampling protocol document. The soil will be utilized as part of the treatment system in order to achieve 200 fecal col/100 ml or less. Sampling for fecal will be conducted using "monitoring wells"/ports (slotted pipe). Sampling for fecal shall occur semiannually. Cover vegetation shall be St. Augustine grass or other approved vegetation. We appreciate your assistance on this matter and the approval of the proposed system. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at any time. Sincerely.. f1 Nick Turnbull, P.E. FL License# 79123 CA31525 PO Box 229283,Glenwood,FL 32722 Page 1 of 1 STATE OF FLORIDA PERMIT # ,`,s�:2r��(oy DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH �( ONSITE SEWAGE TREATMENT AND DISPOSAL SYSTEM SITE EVALUATION AND SYSTEM SPECIFICATIONS APPLICANT: Aurelio Pereira AGENT: Florida Onsite Systems and Design LOT: 1 BLOCK: -- SUBDIVISION: Noble Oaks Estates PROPERTY ID #: 3404-312-0001-010-7 [Section/Township/Parcel No. or Tax ID Number] TO BE COMPLETED BY ENGINEER, HEALTH DEPARTEMENT EMPLOYEE,OR OTHER QUALIFIED PERSON. ENGINEERS MUST PROVIDE REGISTRATION NUMBER AND SIGN AND SEAL EACH PAGE OF SUBMITTAL. COMPLETE ALL ITEMS. PROPERTY SIZE CONFORMS TO SITE PLAN: [X] YES [ ] NO NET USABLE AREA AVAILABLE: 0. 5 ACRES TOTAL ESTIMATED SEWAGE FLOW: 460 GALLONS PER DAY [RESIDENCES-TABLE 1/OTHER-TABLE2] AUTHORIZED SEWAGE FLOW: 1250 GALLONS PER DAY [1500 GPD/ACRE OR 2500 GPD/ACRE] UNOBSTRUCTED AREA AVAILABLE: 1171 SQFT UNOBSTRUCTED AREA REQUIRED: 797 SQFT BENCHMARK/REFERENCE POINT LOCATION: survey disk center of road left property corner ELEVATION OF PROPOSED SYSTEM SITE IS 5 [INCHES/FT] [ABOVE/BELOW] BENCHMARK/REFERENCE POINT THE MINIMUM SETBACK THAT CAN BE MAINTAINED FROM THE PROPOSED SYSTEM TO THE FOLLOWING FEATURES SURFACE WATER: 50 FT DITCHES/SWALES: n/a FT NORMALLY WET? [ ] YES [ ] NO WELLS: PUBLIC: n/a FT LIMITED USE: n/a FT PRIVATE: n/a FT NON-POTABLE: n/a FT BUILDING FOUNDATIONS: 13.2 FT PROPERTY LINES: 10.1 FT POTABLE WATER LINES: 54.7 FT SITE SUBJECT TO FREQUENT FLOODING: [ ] YES [X] NO 10 YEAR FLOODING? [ ] YES [X] NO 10 YEAR FLOOD ELEVATION FOR SITE: -- FT MSL/NGVD SITE ELEVATION: -- FT MSL/NGVD SOIL PROFILE INFORMATION SITE 1- 5" above SOIL PROFILE INFORMATION SITE 2- 9" above MUNSELL #/COLOR TEXTURE DEPTH MUNSELL #/COLOR TEXTURE DEPTH 10YR 4/2,5/3 FS/SCL-fill 0 TO 17 10YR 4/2, 5/3 FS/SCL-fill 0 TO 20 10YR 3/1 Ab FS 17 TO 25 10YR 3/1 Ab FS 20 TO 27 10YR 5/1 w/5/6 SCL 25 TO 42 10YR 5/1 w/5/6 SCL 27 TO 45 10YR 6/1 w/5/6 SCL 42 TO 55 10YR 6/1 w/5/6 SCL 45 TO 51 cemented @ 55" cemented @ 51" USDA SOIL SERIES: Mapped Wabasso USDA SOIL SERIES: Mapped #5 Unable to determine series Similar to Udorthents OBSERVED WATER TABLE: 46 INCHES [ABOVE/BELOW] EXISTING GRADE. TYPE: [PERCHED/APPARENT] ESTIMATED WET SEASON WATER TABLE ELEVATION: 25 INCHES [ABOVE/BELOW ] EXISTING GRADE HIGH WATER TABLE VEGETATION: [ ] YES [X] NO MOTTLING: [ ] YES [X] NO DEPTH: -- INCHES SOIL TEXTURE/LOADING RATE FOR SYSTEM SIZING: SCL/0. 65 DEPTH OF EXCAVATION: 20 INCHES DRAINFIELD CONFIGURATION: [X ] TRENCH [ ] BED [ ] OTHER (SPECIFY' REMARKS/ADDITIONAL CRITERIA: depleted matrix w/redox startinc Aa "' boring 1, soils were essentially the same in both borings Rev. 10117120 SITE EVALUATED BY: .�� _ fin. _ _DATE: 31 Aug 20 Scott M. Franz, CPSS- Soil Scientist, CEHP & Contractor #SR0121704 (407) 383-7676 cflsoilsolutions@cfl.rr.com DH 4015, 08/09 (obsoletes previous editions which may not be used) Incorporated: 64E-6.001, FAC Page 3 of 4 Elite Engineering of Deland,LLC. P.O.Box 229283 Glenwood,FL 32722 eeod.nt 0 amail.00m Florida Reg.#79123,CA31525 Property Card Page 1 of 1 i5(o-SF- 216610� Michelle Franklin, CFA--Saint Lucie County Property Appraiser--All rights reserved. Property Identification Site Address:TBD Parcel ID: 3404-312-000 1- Account#: 188254 Sec/Town/Range: 010-7 04/36S/40E Map ID:34/04S Zoning:RS-2-Cou Use Type: 0000 Jurisdiction: Saint Lucie County Ownership Legal Description Aurelio Pereira 4 36 40 THAT PART OF SEC MPDAF: FROM NW COR OF Maria Pereira SW 1/4 OF SEC,TH S 00 12 52 E 339.52 FT,TH N 89 47 42 E 1425 SE Village Green DR 231.61 FT TO POB;TH CONT N 89 47 42 E 104 FT,TH S 00 Port St Lucie,FL 34952 12 18 E 159.85 FT TO CURVE CONC SE,R OF 136 FT,TH SWLY ALONG ARC 56.15 FT,TH S 34 47 42 W 24.93 FT TO CURVE CONC NW,R OF 60 FT,TH SWLY ALG ARC 57.60 FT,TH N 00 12 18 W 244 FT TO POB(0.50 AC-21,735 SF) (OR 1739-1732) Current Values Historical Values 3-year Just/Market: $19,100 Assessed: $19,100 Year Just/Market Assessed Exemptions Taxable Exemptions: $0 Taxable: $19,100 2020 $19,100 $19,100 $0 $19,100 Sale History Date Book/Page Sale Code Deed Grantor Price 04-17-2018 4130/2730 0198 QC Pereira Aurelio $131,500 Total Areas t Finished/Under Air 0 (SF): 'v Gross Sketched Area 0 (SF): Land Size(acres): 0.5 Land Size(SF): 21,735 Total Building Count: Special Features and Yard Items Type Qty Units Year Blt All information is believed to be correct at this time,but is subject to change and is provided without any warranty. ©Copyright 2020 Saint Lucie County Property Appraiser.All rights reserved. https://www.paslc.org/RECard/ 9/11/2020 i 151s-5�'• 21 bblc y � Check List for PBTS/Drip Irrigation Systems per 64E-6, Florida Administrative Code Date: September 29,2020 i Application: Noble Oaks Ln Reviewed by: Eb Roeder and Xueqing Gao CHD:St Lucie We focused our review on the engineering design for the drip-irrigation system, assuming that the St Lucie County Health Department has reviewed other permit aspects of the proposed system. But if we see some other issues with the design,we will comment, too,with the understanding that county health department will comment on the same issues. The application is incomplete (mainly missing information on how treatment standards for fecal coliform are going to be met and O&M manual)and contains several apparent inconsistencies and errors. Please address the comments in red font in the following tables: Site evaluation/plan comments Unobstructed area not identified, CHD to check. Site evaluation shows authorized sewage flow of 1500 gpd/acre, but application shows public water supply, is one wrong? There are two locations labeled as benchmark on the site plan, please confirm that the one with less information nearer to the SW corner was used as indicated on the site-evaluation. SET 5/5 IRC BEN ARK (LBB098 / F PCP / 5547 CURB INLET sue, ND / (LB5547) L , •�S , 5 lt� AM �l e����y esc V .0 U� S� There are references to AquaKlear performance comments underneath the certification of design./These should refer to FujiClean information as in the cover letter. Please revise. cw0!!e� Comment only: If the installer is not precise or the terrain varies it would quickly become a mound system. If so,they'd be attempting to place shoulders and slope into the utility easement. Utility easements are an obstruction,so shoulders and slopes cannot be placed there unless: • There are no underground utilities present • The property owner has written: • permission from the easement owner to place part of the system in the easement • Assurances that there will not be vehicular traffic or damage to the system by the easement owner 1 of 9 Check List for PBTS/Drip Irrigation Systems per 64E-6, Florida Administrative Code Date: September 29, 2020 I PBTS (see check list of HSES 10-001): APPLICATION [64E-6.026(2)] 1. Application, site plan and site evaluation signed, dated and sealed by Site plans and site engineer. [64E-6.026(2)] evaluation sealed. 2. System design criteria [64E-6.026(2)(a)]: _ I Performance Level: Baseline [] STS [] ASTS[x] AWTS[ ] Florida Keys [] Parameter Performance level Treatment Supporting information for required accomplished by which treatment level [y/n/comment] (annual average) system component CBODS 10 mg/L Fuji Clean CE10 Reference to DOH Innovative System Testing result and Aqual(lear NSF 40/245 data, please correct Total Suspended 10 mg/L Fuji Clean CE10 Reference to DOH Innovative System Solids Testing result and AquaKlear NSF ff 40/245 data, please correct L Total Nitrogen 20 mg/L Fuji Clean CE10 Reference to DOH Innovative System Testing result and AqualUear NSF Q 40/245 data, please correct L Uc Q Total Phosphorus 10 mg/L This is typical septic tank effluent concentration. Fecal Coliform 200 counts/100 ml Chlorination based on Missing, please provide sample location?;Please specify model and Yee- 6 o° \ M✓9\u A-� if^ installation Dina, l 1 Other system design calculations: Drip, see drip comments. 3. Monitoring requirements [64E-6.026(2)(a),64E-6.029,see HSES memo 08-003] Parameters to be monitored: CBODS[] TSS[] TN[x] TP[x] Fecal Coliform[X] OK.TN,TP,and fecal coliform will be sampled from the sampling port in the headworks or directly from the aeration chamber semiannually.Monitoring for CBOD5 and TSS will be accomplished by conducting a visual inspection of the ground surface above the drip emitter line by maintenance entity semiannually. Sampling frequency: OK.TN,TP,and fecal coliform will be sampled semiannually.CBOD5 and TSS will be inspected semiannually. Monitoring ports provided: OK.A sampling port will be installed in the headworks.Samples can also be collected from the Fuji Clean ATU chamber. Monitoring locations identified: OK.Samples will collected either from the sampling port in the headworks or directly from the Fuji Clean ATU chamber. Method of monitoring flow through system. OK.A flow meter specified in the SKE Single 2of9 Check List for PBTS/Drip Irrigation Systems per 64E-6, Florida Administrative Code Date: September 29, 2020 Filter Headw.orks on Sheet 2 of 2. 4. System design calculations. [64E-6.026(2)(b)] OK,The advanced secondary treatment is used to achieve 50-foot setback to a wet retention pond. 5. System design plans and drawings, including installation instructions Missing disinfection ejvj [64E-6.026(2)(c)] information.AquaKlear is referenced in installation JJ instructions.See also C fes comments on the drip irrigation. 6. If soil is used for treatment, a site plan showing direction of N/A groundwater movement, location of monitoring wells, and extent of effluent plume. [64E-6.026(2)(d)] 7. Contingency plan for system failure. [64E-6.026(2)(e)] OK.When alarm starts, owner must contact ME, ME must inspect and repair the system within 36 hours(Specified on Sheet 2 of 2). 8. "Certification of Design" statement signed, dated and sealed by the OK. Included on the engineer? [64E-6.026(2)(f)] Certification of Design on Sheet 2 of 2,which is sealed by the design _ engineer. 9. Operation and maintenance manual [64E-6.026(g)]? Missing. CHD to confirm receipt of the operation �� and maintenance manual. Needs to include ��(� SS-1 chlorination instructions Y! if chlorination is used. 10. Cover letter from engineer requesting the approval of a PBTS. OK DESIGN REVIEW CONSIDERATIONS FOR SPECIFIED PERFORMANCE LEVELS 1. Are there any modifications to setback requirements? Yes.Advanced secondary treatment level proposed to allow 50-foot setback from a wet retention pond. 2. Is there a modification to the separation from the wet season high No water table? 3. Is there a request for an increase in authorized sewage flow? No 4. Is there a drainfield size reduction? No DRAINFIELD MODIFICATIONS [64E-6.028(3)-(5)] 1. Drainfield infiltration surface reductions adhere to treatment level OK. design? 2. Drainfield infiltration surfaces identification? OK 3. Drainfield infiltration surface calculations? OK. 4. Design meets effective storage volume requirements? n/a 3 of 9 Check List for PBTS/Drip Irrigation Systems per 64E-6, Florida Administrative Code Date: September 29, 2020 5. Design meets total storage volume requirements? n/a 6. Design meets unobstructed area requirements? OK 7. Modeling programs [footnote 2, Table IX]? n/a PRIOR TO FINAL APPROVAL [64E-6.027(5)] 1. As-built provided by engineer? 2. "Certification of Installation"statement by engineer? 3. CHD inspection and construction approval? 4. PBTS notice in public records at courthouse completed? 5. Copy of signed maintenance agreement with a permitted maintenance _entity? 6. Application for operating permit and fee? Drip Irrigation Review Items 64E-6.009, Ok/not Comment FAC ok/???/n/a (5) (5)Drip irrigation systems—Drip irrigation ok systems may,at the option of the applicant,be used in lieu of a mineral aggregate drainfield. Drip irrigation systems shall meet all requirements of this chapter except as noted below. (5)(a) (a)Drip irrigation systems shall receive effluent OK The proposed system is a fi•om an approved aerobic treatment unit or a PBTS that includes a Fuji performance-based treatment system designed to Clean CHO ATU system meet at least secondary treatment standards for (and some disinfection?) ]ft'Sk CBOD5 and TSS,and shall meet the following designed to achieve the Apt requirements: advanced secondary treatment. (5)(a)1. 1. Drip irrigation systems shall be designed by an OK Design signed by Nicholas engineer licensed in the State of Florida. Turnbull,a PE whose active status can be found from the DBPR license database. (5)(a)2. 2.The infiltrative area required shall be the same OK Proposed drainfield is as the area required for a mineral aggregate larger than required for a drainfield with reductions allowed for the mineral aggregate reduction of CBOD5 and TSS as noted in this drainfield. chapter for aerobic treatment units. (5)(a)3. 3. In an absorption bed configuration,the Na The proposed system is a drainfield area shall be calculated as extending one trench system. foot beyond the sides of the outermost emitter lines.Notwithstanding the provision of paragraph 64E-6.014(5)(b), F.A.C.,the individual bed size limitation of 1500 square feet does not apply to dri emitter systems. (5)(a)4. 4. In a trench containing a single emitter line,the Ok 2*1*453=906 sgft, which drainfield area shall be calculated as 2 feet is larger than the required multiplied by the emitter spacing in feet multiplied 706 sgft. by the number of emitters. (5)(a)5. S.Drip effluent disposal systems shall be ??? (1) The pump design considered pressure distribution systerns.Head capacity is marked as 4of9 Check List for PBTS/Drip Irrigation Systems per 64E-6, Florida Administrative Code Date: September 29, 2020 loss calculations shall be provided to insure proper 19 gpm on the pump hydraulic pressure at the emitter.Pump selection curve while the design shall be indicated in the design specifications. calculation shows 14.9 Pump performance curves shall be included in the gpm. Is this due to permit application. pump tank return to set the pressure to 35 j 1 psi?Please reconcile. (2) OK.Inlet pressure specified as 35 psi (80.9').This part includes the head needed to balance the dripline friction loss and maintain proper emitter flow and flush velocity. (3) OK.Static head specified as 5'. (4) OK.Head loss through supply line and supply manifold calculated as 1.8' (5) Head loss through return line and piping back to CE10 specified as 23.1'.This is an overestimate of the losses during a flushing cycle, but indicates the pressure during a dosing cycle. (Overestimate because: drainfield plan view did not show the return line is more than 10 times longer than the supply line;flow in return line is lower than in the supply line) (6) TDH is the sum of(1) through(4)as 110.8'. (7) Little Giant WE20g05p4-21 pump is selected for the project. (8) Pump curve provided. (5)(a)6. 6. Recirculation rates shall be in the design ??? Maximum recirculation specifications. rate 12.1 gpm specified on Sheet 2 of 2. (8 gpm for flushing+2-3 gpm filter flush;where is remaining 2 gpm coming from?) 5of9 i Check List for PBTS/Drip Irrigation Systems per 64E-6, Florida Administrative Code Date: September 29,2020 (5)(a)7. 7. Check valves, petcocks, inline filters,and OK Specified in the drainfield vacuum breaking device locations shall be shown plan view and the AKE on the design drawings. Single Filter Headworks drawings(Sheet 2 of 2). (5)(a)8. 8. Drip irrigation systems shall be time-dosed over ??? Please confirm that the the 24-hour period. Demand control dosing shall apparent discrepancy override timed-dosing in periods of flow where between 66 minutes daily 1 timed dosing cannot accommodate the excessive run time specified,and 12 i flow. doses times 6 minutes=72 <)j2_e minutes daily runtime stems from rounding 66.2min daily runtime/12 to 6. Demand override specified in note 10,ok. (5)(a)9. 9. Emitter lines shall be designed as a continuous ??? Four of the five emitter loop circuit with no dead-ends. lines appear to start and end on the supply manifold.They should start from the supply manifold and end on the return manifold. Please clarify. (5)(a)10. 10. Emitter lines shall be drawn to scale and ok OK.The distance between emitter spacing shall be indicated on the drawings. adjacent emitter lines specified as 25"and emitter interval specified as 12"specified in the System Specification Notes. (5)(a)11. 11. Vacuum release valves shall be installed at the OK Vacuum release valves highpoint of the emitter lines. installed at the highest points in drainfield specified in the drainfield plan view drawing. (5)(a)12. 12.The maximum emitter longitudinal spacing on ??? Cross section shows drip an emitter line shall be 2 feet.The maximum line 6"below existing spacing between adjacent emitter lines in an grade, or only 19 inches absorption bed configuration shall be 2 fcct.The above water table,please 24-inch separation from the seasonal high water correct. table shall be measured fi-om the emitter orifice. ` The emitter spacing Setbacks shall be measured from the drip e>riltt te lines. ; `� specified as 12". The (f e G�(z(( `" � spacing between adjacent emitter line specified as u 25"for a trench drainfield. L Estimated seasonal high water table is 25 inches below existing grade based on Site Evaluation.The excavato 20 o remove Inoppr dripline will be installed now deeper than 1" below 2 the grade(specified in the System Specification Notes on Sheet 2 of 2). 6of9 Check List for PBTS/Drip Irrigation Systems per 64E-6, Florida Administrative Code I Date: September 29,2020 (5)(a)13. 13.The setback from drip emitter lines to building OK Specified in the drainfield foundations and property lines shall be no less plan view on Sheet 2 of 2. than two feet. (5)(a)14. 14.The definition of a filled system in Rule 64E- n/a A standard subsurface 6.002, F.A.C., is not applicable to drip effluent system. disposal systems.A drip effluent disposal system is considered to be a mound system when any part of the bottom surface of any drip emitter line is located at or above the elevation of undisturbed native soil in the drainfield area.A drip cfflucnt disposal system is considered a standard subsurface drainfield system when the entire bottom surface of every drip emitter line is installed below the elevation of undisturbed native soil in the drainfield area. (5)(a)15. 15. For mound systems there shall be a minimum n/a a standard subsurface 18-inch separation between the shoulder of the fill system and the nearest drip emitter line. Mound system slopes shall be in accordance with paragraph 64E- 6.009(3)(0, F.A.C., except that a minimum 2 foot separation is required between the nearest drip emitter line and a building foundation,retaining wall,or similar obstruction. Mound systems shall be stabilized in accordance with paragraph 64E- 6.009(3)(f),F.A,C. (5)(a)16 16. For standard subsurface systems,the elevation n/a of any fill covering the drainfield shall extend no less than 18 inches away from all emitter lines before tapering down to natural grade. (5)(a)17. 17. Minimum cover on the emitter lines shall be 6 ??? Cross section shows 6"of inches for all drip irrigation systems.The cover from the bottom of maximum cover for all drip irrigation systems the drip line, not from the shall be no greater than 12 inches. I top,please revise.Specified L (0 SS Sg'-+ bv\ e in the System Specification �,�,a S w -2r-e n Y i� ` t'—J`+ Notes 5 on Sheet 2 of 2. L k 1 } County Health Department check during system 14 00 d S' nv � �c� CJ t installation. (5)(a)18. 18.The system shall include a petcock on the OK Petcock shown in the AKE dosing pump discharge line for effluent sampling. Single Filter Headworks drawing on Sheet 2 of 2. (5)(a)19. 19.All systems shall incorporate an automatic ??? The difference in length of mechanism for backwashing or flushing the drip five emitter loops is lines and filters. 59 substantial. Please clarify �M,,�,°( how flushing of the longest S, driplines will be achieved given preferential flow through the shortest lines. (5)(a)20. 20.All onsite sewage treatment and disposal County County Health Department systems that include a drip effluent disposal Health checl<before system system and aerobic treatment unit or performance- Department approval. based treatment system shall have a biennial operating permit,a maintenance contract with an check a roved maintenance entity,and shall be 7 of 9 Check List for PBTS/Drip Irrigation Systems per 64E-6, Florida Administrative Code Date: September 29, 2020 inspected in accordance with the requirements of i this chapter. (5)(a)21. 21. Drip irrigation systems shall be designed to OK The pressure at the emitter have a minimum operating pressure at the emitter specified as 35 psi(>10 psi head of 10 PSI, a maximum operating pressure at and<45 psi).The total the emitter head of 45 PSI,a maximum system pump head provided at the operating pressure of 60 PSI,and a maximum design flow(14.9)is about discharge rate per emitter of 1.5 gallons per hour. 130 feet,corresponding to 56.6 psi(<60 psi). The flow per emitter is 0.92 I gallons per hour. (5)(a)22. 22.The hydraulic surge storage requirement of OK Rule 64E-6.028, F.A.C.,does not apply to drip irrigation systems. (5)(a)23. 23. Drip irrigation systems shall only use ??? OK.The Netafim components approved by the Bureau of Onsite 08WRAM1-12 dripline will Sewage Programs• be used for the proposed drainfield.The proposed AKE drip irrigation package includes all the headworks components and the 70000-005 drip control panel. Please provide information S �V,6, regarding the filter type �06 and the mesh size of the filter. Does it provide filtering to 100 um? (5)(a)24. 24. Unobstructed area for drip irrigation systems CHD to may be located anywhere on the establishment check property that meets the setbacks for unobstructed area and can be accessed via transmission lines, supply lines and return lines installed in accordance with this chapter. The land containing only transmission lines,supply lines and return lines shall not be included in the calculation of unobstructed area. (5)(a)25. 25. Supply lines and return lines shall be OK considered as transmission lines for determining setbacks not specified in this section. (5)(a)26. 26. Except for slopes required to meet the ok St Augustine grass stabilization requirements of paragraph 64E- 6.009(3)(0, F.A.C.,the area over the drip irrigation drainfield shall be stabilized in the same way or vegetated with plant species specified by the design engineer.The species specified shall not include trees. (5)(a)27. For drip emitter lines using non-pressure- ??? Please clarify if the drip compensating emitters,the maximum elevation R Q�„.�` lines will be on a slope.The difference shall be four inches between the highest water table indicators were and the lowest emitter in any individual line 20" below benchmark for segment between the supply and the return line. profile 1 and 18"below For drip emitter lines using pressure-compensating benchmark for profile 2. 8of9 Check List for PBTS/Drip Irrigation Systems per 64E-6, Florida Administrative Code Date: September 29, 2020 emitters,there shall be no more than 18 inches of The given drainfield elevation difference between the highest and P elevation only lowest emitter in any line.Neither property slope J 9z t accommodates profile 1. nor drip emitter line slope shall result in the depth 0— ,(,a ( No elevation changes and of cover over the drip emitter lines to be outside of slope specified. Please the range permitted in subparagraph 64E- provide. 6.009(5)(a)17, F.A.C. (5)(a)28. The minimum effective soil depth below drip County County Health Department emitter lines shall be 42 inches;however,spodic Health check layers greater than 24 inches below the drip Department emitter lines may remain in place at the discretion j check of the design engineer (5)(b) (b)Drip irrigation systems shall be monitored By By maintenance entity during required maintenance visits by visual maintenance i inspection of the-round surface above the emitter entity lines for evidence of soil saturation at the ground surface. 1 i I u ,i 5 r i I' I". 1� r 1 ii Y li I 9 of 9 Ongrarn, Brian J From: Scott Franz <cflsoilsolutions@cfl.rr.com> Sent: Saturday, October 3, 2020 11:21 AM To: Ingram, Brian J; Roeder, Eb Cc: Koerner, David J Subject: RE:TBD Noble Oaks Ln OSTDS Attachments: fuji_clean_usa_residential_om_manual_append ices.pdf; PBTS Drip Review.pdf Importance: High Eb, in regards to your review. I printed your comments and have written notes. The following are comments/discussion to some of them in order: 1. Fecal Coliform-we have test data of units in operation where the fecal levels are consistently below 200 fecal counts/100ml without Chlorination. We are not proposing chlorination for this reason. Fecal will be tested as required/described in the submittal. 2. 19 gpm is the approximate flow of the pump as the system is designed. 14.9 gpm indicated by the calculator should be taken exactly as labeled "minimum pump flow."This the minimum flow required to achieve 2 ft/sec scour velocity based on the design inputs and is a check to ensure the selected pump will be big enough. 19 > 14.9 so the selected pump is appropriate. 3. Flushing-The note on page 1 of 1 (site plan) is based on your past comments and addresses the issue. 12.1 gpm is the "maxmium recirculation during flush cycle via return line &filter flush line."That is 19 gpm—6.9 gpm leaving the drip emitters= 12.1 gpm maximum recirculation back to trash compartment during a field flush.The note "approximately 2-3 gpm via filter flush line during each pump cycle" is simply providing information as to the approximate flow through the filter flush line. 4. Apparent discrepancy- I cannot account for the discrepancy but it is something the calculator is doing.This information is not pertinent to the design, function or performance of the disposal system.The only value in that section that matters is the run time.The control panel has a smart relay.The specific on and off time is programmed.The system will pump for 6 minutes then shut off for 1 hour 25 mins. 5.. We do not consider the differences in length to be substantial by any means. Our scour calculator demonstrates that we are well above the required 2 ft/sec in the longest lateral. 1 DRIP SYSTEM SCOUR VELOCITY ESTIMATOR = Input OP = 30 psi Area of 125" PVC Supply Line = 0.0104 Square feet Area of 0.57" I.D_ Bioline = ®Square feet Pump Operating Flow Rate= ®GPM 19 GPM is Eqivalent to: 0.042 cubic feet /second Velocity in 125" PVC Supply= 4.07 ;feet/second Equivalent Velocity in One Bioline = 26.46 feet/second If number of Bioline loops is: Velocity at start of each loop= 5.29 feet/second Number of Drip Emitters = Total Number of Drip Emitters = in Longest Lateral Drip Rate per Emitter= GPH Volumetric Loss due to Drip = 6.95 GPM Total Volumetric Loss due to Drip= 0.84 GPM in Longest Lateral Scour Velocity(end of loop) _ ®feet1second 6. The filter that comes in the headworks is the 120 micron Netafim disc filter approved by your office. 7. The shwt is clearly described based on boring 1 which is the lowest boring. No mention of indicators for boring 2 are made. I don't know why you would question if the drip line will be installed on a slope other than you see that the ground elevation of boring 2 is 4" higher than boring 1. We are required to provide elevation information for each boring based on site conditions at the time of the site evaluation. The specifications are clear that the drip line is to be installed 4" above BM.#27 in the drip irrigation system section of the code allows for a maximum amount of fall through the dripfield depending on what type of drip line is being used; pressure compensating versus non pressure compensating. Netafim is clearly specified which you well know is pressure compensating. Assuming the 4" difference in the boring elevations is"slope" one can easily see that it is well within tolerances of this section. 8. It seems that your comment answers itself. Keep in mind that the elevations are current conditions and that site development will take place which will change the elevations.This is one reason why we reference a fixed point. I don't see that any additional clarification on this issue is warranted. Revisions have been made to both pages 1 of 2 and 2 of 2. Original signed/sealed copies will be mailed to St. Lucie County. Thanks! Scott Franz 2 From: Ingram, Brian J [mailto:Brian.Ingram@flhealth.gov] Sent: Wednesday, September 30, 2020 9:44 AM To: cflsoilsolutions@cfl.rr.com; floridaonsitesystemsanddesign@gmail.com; EEOD.NT@gmail.com Cc: Koerner, David J Subject: TBD Noble Oaks Ln OSTDS Good morning, There are several emails on the engineer specs so I included them all. Please disregard if this email does not concern you. We have received comments back from our review engineers for the OSDTS permit application that was submitted for TBD Noble Oaks Ln. There are a few errors and issues that need to be addressed. Please address the comments in red font and resubmit to our office. Please let me know if you have any questions. Thank you, Brian Ingram Environmental Specialist 11 Florida Department of Health-St Lucie County Division of Environmental Health 3855 South US 1, Fort Pierce, FL 34982 MAILING: 5150 NW Milner Dr, Port St Lucie, FI 34983 office (772) 873-4905 "To protect, promote and improve the health of all people in Florida through integrated state, county and community efforts." NOTE: Florida has a very broad public records law. Most written communications to or from state officials regarding state business are public records available to the public and media upon request. Your email communication may therefore be subject to public disclosure. How are we doing? https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/XHBMW7K 7 J Check List for PBTS/Drip Irrigation Systems per 64E-6, Florida Administrative Code Date: May 13, 2016 Application: Review by: CHD: PBTS(see check list of HSES 10-001): Drip Items (see also table below) APPLICATION [64E-6.026(2)] 1. Application, site plan and site evaluation signed, dated and sealed by engineer. [64E-6.026(2)] 2. System design criteria [64E-6.026(2)(a)]: Performance Level: Baseline [ ] STS [ ] ASTS [ ] AWTS.{_ Florida Keys [] Parameter Performance level Treatment accomplished by Supporting information for required which system component treatment level [y/n/comment] (annual average) CBOD5 (b ???mg/L Total Suspended Solids 16 ???mg/L Total Nitrogen O ???mg/L Total Phosphorus 10 ???mg/L Fecal Coliform Utz ???cfu/100mL Other system design calculations: Drip, see drip comments: 3. Monitoring requirements [64E-6.026(2)(a), 64E-6.029, see HSES memo 08-003] Parameters to be monitored: CBOD5 [\] TSS 1-4-TN [ ] TP [ ] Fecal Coliform [ ] Other[ ] Sampling frequency: I/ j .T-(_ 2,x ,i- Monitoring ports provided:'_/ Monitoring locations identified: Method of monitoring flow through system. 4. System design calculations. [64E-6.026(2)(b)] 5. System design plans and drawings, including installation instructions [64E-6.026(2)(c)] 6. If soil is used for treatment, a site plan showing direction of groundwater movement, location of monitoring wells, and extent of effluent plume. [64E-6.026(2)(d)] 7. Contingency plan for system failure. [64E-6.026(2)(e)] 8. "Certification of Design" statement signed, dated and sealed by the engineer? [64E-6.026(2)(f)] ; 9. Operation and maintenance manual [64E-6.026(g)]? 10. Cover letter from engineer requesting the approval of a PBTS. DESIGN REVIEW CONSIDERATIONS FOR SPECIFIED PERFORMANCE LEVELS 1. Are there any modifications to setback requirements? 50 -{- ' 2. Is there a modification to the separation from the wet season high water table?.! 3. Is there a request for an increase in aut orized sewage flow? !V 4. Is there a drainfield size reduction? DRAINFIELD MODIFICATIONS [64E-6.028(3)-(5)] 1. Drainfield infiltration surface reductions adhere to treatment level design? 1 of 4