HomeMy WebLinkAboutTermite Treatment PestRelafedeiiri es
Pre-Construction.. ermite re Unent Contract
and,Final TreatmeiA C t f�ca an
dvantage is a full service company offerma pest control,lawn&or amental,spraying.andfcrtilization,and ter-
mite control.For more information,please" all,(90,O)698 7998: ''fie:terms epnditionsr hi
contract,appear on the'hack of this Wage:Should holder have any que lions with reference to.this contract,please
contact our office at the-number orraddress noted below;This con ract.is transfeiable and is:for the primaty'structure
noted below.In the case-of;a.multi.unit-,structure all unitholdermust.re evs�;warranty in order for-structure to main-
tain termite warranty pro tection::It does not include,;iinless specified in vvritn ,fences,detached:structures,decks
and additional construction provtddd after the date contract is- C 1.. d fi ference to termites;applies to subterranean
termites.This.eontract does not provide for protection of ary other dod destroying organism,insector pest,
and excludes formosan;#eranites This',contract and:work 7t:represen s;is specifically and solely for topical. soil;
preperation, (top inch) .of soil and. application :of terraiiici:de. Advantage :.is not a licensed `building
contractor/engineering firm.and implieslI6 knoWledge or expertise-in Olt er subject.Advantage does;nofprovide"any
service other than those oitlinerl herein;
12epa l anal'12et>rea Went Weikanty,
Company agrees:to.warranty.thoe tructure for an initial period of tvvel &(12)months from the.date of the initial
treatment.If termite infestation occurs at any dme during this period,th Company will inspect property.and provide.
remedial tteatment(s);spot qr full;wrth a liquid tem Jticide as required to'e ate or control termites.Should structural.
termite damage benoted through inspection,companyor a subcontractor( )cljosen or approved by,company.,will repair
damage;caused by termites.;at:ito cost to;property owner For annual:fee specified below,owners)tray extend this:
warranty/contract for a:max,itrt tt of'four(4)additional,years,as specified in paragraph,two(2)of terms and.
conditions.noted on the back of this page, ,.
The treatment provided are:for preventive purposes andwere requested b Ithexontractor or builder noted below.Pre-
construction.-termite treatments are applied as-defined by EpA approvedsficicie labels.Supplemental treatments)
(patio,entryway,abutting foundation,.etc.).were prO.ided subsequent t6l the.:initial treatment date;,as notified,
readiness by-builder,The.cost of this treatment lias,been billed to the bu lder.or'sub=contractor of the builder.
� i
Final Treatments 13/21/2017 Builder: al Atlantic Homes
Initial Treatment: 5/24/2017 Subdivis i ::River Bend
Property.Address: Lot 38, Retar
13306NW'BaywoodPlace. Q� ooaa, sF_.
Stuart F:L. This contract ti t vali �vt but i o seal and and ce`�it �y .issuance"date.
The, ui cLig rec coin t f r the' vention of sub
lei Wean e to ,, t.is is iecc �.rul ad laws estate
us ed by tl Flot c!' ep ne.n gii 92nd Cgs ec Services.
T ese ire i rits"a plied s a r ;{fi .of bpi ding code iancial histitn-
Treat rent Cost- Billed to ContractorrNni ent FtoatoA
Treatment Area: 4183 sq i# 4439
PrOdUCt(S)' Bifenthrin.U6% Aut oriz` gent C papy. _ Lieense;No
Advantage Pest Related Services.Inc..•2800 N.W.'22nd Terrace•-Po pa'no Beach:FL 330691-800-698-7998
w vw:a,'eivantacy est_ccm j
Pest Re/atQd Senride
Pre-Construction Termite Treatment Contract
and Final Treatment; Cef ification
dvantage is a full service company offering pest control,lawn&orn nental spraying and fertilization,and ter-
Amite control.For more information,please call (800)698=7�98.s a if c terms&conditions re ar i this
contract appear on the back of this page,Should holder have any ques ions with reference to this contract,please
contact our office at the number or address noted below.This contract is ansferable and is for the primary structure
noted below.In the case of a multi-unit structure all unit holder;rtmst rene vi warranty in order for structure to main-
tain termite warranty protection.It does not include,unless specified in writing,fences,detached structures,decks
and additional construction provided after the date contract is issued.R erence to termites applies to subterranean
termites.This contract does not provide for protection of any other od destroying organism,insect or pest,
and excluded formosan termites.This contract and work it T4resents s specifically and solely for topical soil
preperation, (top inch) of soil and application of termiticide. Advantage is not a licensed building
contractor/engineering firm and implies no knowledge or expertise in either subject.Advantage does not provide any
service other than those outlined herein.
Repair and Retreatme>l t Warranty
Company agrees to r e structure for an initial period f twelY (12)months from the date of the initial
treatment. t n ccurs at any time during this period they gmpany will inspect property and provide
re t Sn t or full,with a liquid termiticide as requi`ed to eh ate or control termites.Should structural
de noted through' spection,company or a subconZctor(s hosen or approved by company,will repair
�a a caused 1 ites at no A to property owner.For annual fee, ecified below,owner(s)may extend this
warranty r`k for a m iod of four(4)additional years,as;s cified in paragraph two(2)of terms and
conditions noted g0d@ lac of�6 ge. j
PeC��Lv��e U) Residential Treatment Infor in ation
tment provided are for preventive purposes and were requ sted by Uie contractor or builder noted below.Pre-
construction termite treatments are applied as defined by EPA ap�roved ire'sticide labels.Supplemental treatment(s)
(patio,entryway,abutting foundation,etc.)were provided subsequentit the initial treatment date,as notified of
readiness b builder.The cost of this treatment has been billed to'the bull r or sub-contractor of the builder.
y. � t I
Final Treatment: 11/21/2017 Builder: C 1 Atlantic Homes
Initial Treatment: 5/24/2017 Subdivisi f : River Bend
Property Address: Lot: 38 ( �S�1tELgr�c��
13306 NW Baywood Place I; II �Q �oIRPOF?4 F
Stuart This contract n vali �vL' out co y seal and certi
. issuance date.
The u in a rec v com r th ention of sub
to nean Ter ''t Mn t is ilk ccgJy rul d laws estab
lis ed by tli o 'd p en griotll g2nd C is er Services.
ese tre nts p 1'ed a of bui ng code ancial institu-
Treatment Cost: Billed to Contractor ti n requ' ent j �10RIO"
Treatment Area: 4183 sq ft ylr39
Produet(s): Bifenthrin.06% Aut oriz gent C 'plan y License No.
Advantage Pest Related Services.Inc.0 2800 N.W.22nd Terrace•Pom a�to Beach.FL 33069 1-800-698-7998
Pest Related Services
Pre-Construction Termite Treatment
1-800-698-7998 License #4439
Property Information Builder / Contractor Information
Treatment Date l ,? Time: /• 'G�
a of Builder
Lot Block A0
Shell Contractor
Subdivision Name Construction Type
Street Address (if known) Monolithic_L/ Floating/Stemwall
C��� � � y
Entr Driveway-
City / State Zip
Owner Name (if known)
Product / Treatment Information
Treatment Type (Must check one): Initial Under-Slab—i' Supplemental Wood Treatment—Final
Product applied: <Bifenthrin --Bora-Care Other
Concentration: �� % Mixed Product Applied: Gallons
Square feet treated: t* Linear feet treated:
If box is checked, then either a final perimeter liquid treatment has been completed or a wood treatment is
completed and the following statement is applicable:
CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE: The building has received a complete treatment for the
prevention of subterranean termites. Treatment is in accordance with the rules and laws
established by the F orida Denartment of Agriculture and Consumer Services.
Applicator's Name (Please Print)
Advantage is a Full Service pest control company offering inside pest control, termite.control,
and lawn & ornamental insect protection and fertilization programs. We offer discounts to our
Termite renewal customers! Call 1-800-698-7998 for more information.
2800 NW 22"a Terrace, Pompano Beach, FL 33069 (954) 968-7717 fax(954) 968-2922