HomeMy WebLinkAboutSubcontractor Agreement(Company Narn&lnd the J U kxnbt t (Type of Trade) For the project located at PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES. Building & Code Compliance Division Name) BUILDING PERMIT SUS -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT JUN 0 ? � �? St. Luc c have agreed, to be Sub -contractor for (Primary Contractor) '35"4 (\ck \J I or ('Pr.'oject Street Address or Property ID �i) LL It is understood.that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building, and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie Cotanty"will be advised pursuant"to the filing, of a Chtzxlge of Sub=contractor notice. CONT (TOR SiGNATuRR (Qualifier) PRINT N 4I /, COUNTY CERTIFICATION:NUM13139 State of.Florida, Countyof µArtesia_ The foregoing instrument was signed before.me this I Jay of yNti . 120.11, by GIt£6 Cf—Lghi et)() who is personally knowy or has produced a as identification, STAMP Sign tui a of No ary Pubile Print,Name of Notary` Public Y Ryan Sea^ Slattery NOTARY PUBLIC STATE'OF FLORIOA Ct>n" FF19W5 e @ Expires 1/29/20191 Revised 11/1612016 E-CON- .WTO A-TURE(Qualifier) ion n UL 611a n ,PRINT NAME &-(65. COUNTY CERTIFICXf1ON NUVIDER State of Florida; Countyof i'f, The foregoing instrument was signed before me this! day of by who is piirsonally known _or has,produced a as identification. 4P M PERMIT # ISSUE DATE 76 PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES ` Building & Code Compliance Division BUILDING' PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT J U N 7 21PIs PEIRIAI i HNIG St. Lucie Cotsnty, FL 1 t have agreed to be (Com Name ndividual Na e) the. YgVA C Sub -contractor for (Type of Trade) (Primary Contractor) project /1%Q.li1 pq V 1-/V - CCC��7 For the located at Q— , DY� C L (Project Street Address or Property Tax IDS) It is understood that,, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. Z6NTPCTOR. SIGNATURE (Qualifier) 6k" ors L (e� PRINT N CCU0d50188 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida, County of MKS The foregoing Instrument was signed before me this day of ':5�4NE , 2047, by UizcG-r f Et.f-n-A1Jb who is personally known elir-or has produced a as identification. STAMP SigkZLureof tary Public J Print Name of Notary Public Rye+► Seth Slattery 4VNOTARY PUMIC STATE OF FLORIDA C W# FF194445 EXPlfes 1 /2912019 Revised 11/16/2016 HA� s, e& //f. I SUB-CONTRA-CTOR SIGNATURE(Qualifier) An-1-t-110h V [u? "I PRINT NAB Ili CAC I B 1434c) COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida, County of. -.& The foregoing instrument was signed before me this 4—day of �( ,20,.by. rl'W Ic who is personally known or has produced a �JR4 M= as entifi do STAMP Signn��at a of otary Plublic �� ,,,, (0VP-,,tukV L- L///i&I1 Print Na(nJ of rf tary Public G,CELFMMIO MY COMMISSION t FF OtiW i EXPIRES: Dwember 11. 2017 Bonded TMu Notary Public Undenden so. PERMIT # ISSUE DATE T_ 6 e> PLANNING & DEVELOPMENTSERVICES Building v& Code Compliance Division SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT ,� U �� I PEE;MI TiNJC Si. Lucie County, FL have.agreed to be (Company 'N me/Individual Name) r r the `(,[>?.� � (;�� Sub for fQ/hryp I.tda. (Type.of Trade) ,, f ((PPnn)a y.Contractor) For the project located at `�3 5_4 .IVA.Y)On Prty _ rP T cS- %li{(.[ Q rL- (Project' treet Address or Property Tax ) #) It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our,participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice: Co CTOWSIGNATURE (Qualifier) PRINT NAMS GCC IS00/1519 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida, County`of 17INJ . The'foregoinginstrument was signed befor"e me this - day of SSyt4E. ,2on'by 61Rlrla (_E(VJrV^)b who is personally known -&'or has produced a as Identification. STAMP nature .,Notary Public 0 �yary 5c-�,a. S�A�ri�y Print Name of Notary Public. R71W Seen Siattety 140TARY PUBLIC STATE. OF FLORIOA Ctxltlt# FF19W5 spires 1129/2019 Revised 11/16/2616 S CON"I RAC i OR SIG i\TURE (Qualifier) PRINT NAME rCDvo t.kr,e COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida; County.of The foregoing instrument was signed before me Ithis day of 20ff by who is personally lmowa or has produced a asatio .DDDD 6k�� I f O STAMP Signatuie of Niftary+Pubec 1 Print N e o Notary Public s X 0.CELENTANOWMMMISSION#W067W EXPIRES December11; 2017 o :[iodeQThmNotryPubNcUndern3ars