HomeMy WebLinkAboutBatch ticket CCmCx 5.4'398287 { �. 1 -70'S - 0q$1 I Beglntl:baditig Tb Job: Ar11ve•!lob: ' SIad Unload;" Finish Unload-..: Leave Jvb r is 'R fu tan# + G 'Cusiomer Code: ... :Custoirter Name: Cubtomer Job Number. . . Order Cdde/Dale; 3 C ,�aG T.A i..O{ J?�.U� Pt'1EM1�•GR01J PLC 1 �5 i j a e v t �l ; ., 1 Project P.O.Number. L. d•' f �V 1� V i' 9a[;+i�i�ne��:.'� •C! _ lt� D. .. _.- I . u. .� 'O .� �� :.... '. � ,•Trd(at I7s : - _ ,Delivery Address-V• r - MaP Pitge: Map/RwdCo!u - 1 p+-/,(8?T7-_'1S35A__NA�LEW-RD.-.. ..5'i t191nt1441[� t lr r,e '4:'7• J7i9Rdfch9T = ,. •t� .1D r=r� ..,. TLt�t� 'RtI f 'F,i,Ct1y4R�'t=UALDO.,,P-. l 1RaR:# 1?.: k:t:_' HE.�y � ;T TtiE :t m'c4alcr1mu ay' G�:csl�arFr.�i•t GI•al}Gl:' H;C;. ^ ]]i4oT •' :I� tJ�'`.,r�..ri � _ _ Ticket Number.l.: .0 ♦a�� i. .✓ • �Il t.1L LS •- 't!1, i1L {. t' D 1. 1 !• .. ._ a -, i 35203341 Due On Job. Slump:' Truck Numhar. Driver Number. Driver Nerve:^ End Use: {{ °+ [ ("In t f "'- h 1 7 .,` R NJ 1- -FORD . 1 i LOAD CUMULATIVE ORDERED MATERIAL CODE PRODUCTION DESCRIPTION. UONI UNIT PRICE AMOU AN NT QUTITY QUANTITY QUANTITY • 1 .1 U..p 1 7 83457 30011) REG R. r 4 71 1° +)� ;R' ia' 1 47f ,FUEL SURCHARGE c)t► r'd " ,��1 ' i� Y 4 �TVIR�]IVMfrIr1TAL1-CH.RGE, ` s Cash . Check d/AuIRCode: Signature of Dri4er"Receivirig Cash: Cash Rec�veal:'. Total COD Order Amount to Collect.. yyithput Standby Charges: Check Charge Comments: WATER ADDED: ' GAL YARDS IN DRUM: WHEN-ADDEb.: SIGNATURE. ' CURB LINE CROSSED AT OWNER'SIAGENT'S REQUEST: . j CONCRETE DISPOSAL FEE SIGNATURE PARTIAL FLILL LOAD YARDS sICNA O LOAD WAS TESTED BY'. Notice: Our driven;wig make every effort to place materials where the customer:dtislg�i�If'Q4,bul.the SPECIAL TERMS: Any water.added Is at customers own risk. If,water is added on job•concrete strength WARNING: Product may cause akin and/or a ImZaton. CAUTION: Material _Company not,..,d:no rosponslWgry for damages Inside curb or property line. Custdn'iar�greas to the re no longer guaranteed. WAR y eye terms of sale and delmmy and accepts concrete as Is. Due to important factors whfcri erakbt,f of our may be hazardous do your safety and health. Please refer to the backside of this ticket for important central after delivery,this Company wtil not accept any respgnsibillly for the Mlshed result-':N&credit for safety handling Information.and to the malarial safety data sheets for additional infoanalion. SI reWmad concrete. Buyers exceptions and claims shag be deemed waived unless made.to.vs tri writing. AUTNORITJ:D RE' within one business day after the receipt of materiels. ® I . . tC 1006,4623 tE h. L t1 — J seuNIVERSAL INV- E