HomeMy WebLinkAboutInsulation Cert Job#
Planning&Development Services AUG 2 7 1096
Building&Code Regulation Department
2300 Virginia Ave Permitting Department
Fort Pierce,FL 34982 St. Lucie county
772-462-2165 Fax 462-6443
Name: Celentano Development Group
Penrnit#: �-,0 9 Address: 15354 Navion Rd
Ldto _Block; Subdivision:
The undersigned hereby certifies that insulation,as been installed at the above described property as follows:
1. Exterior CBS walls have been insulated with ........................... (}Spray on celiulose
which thickness,according to the manufacturer: f ()Fiberglass-blankets
(Density NIA)will yield an"R"value of ()Aluminum Foil
O Other
Exterior Frame wall have been"insulated with......................... ()Spray on cellulose
To a thickness'of,3.5 inches,which thickness,according to Fiberglass blankets
the manuf;icturer (Density NIA)(D N/A)will yield an (}Aluminum Foil
"R"value-of: 11 (}Other
2, Ceilings—Level-have been insulated with..._............_.............. 04.Fiberglass blankets
to a thickness of 2ixnches,which,thickness,according to ().Fiberglass loose fill
the"manufacturerCertainteed,(Density N/A)will yield an (}Aluminum Foil
"R"value of g (}Other Cellulose'SAB
Ceilings:—Cathedral—have been insulated with.-.................. (}Fiberglass blankets
to a thickness of inches,which thickness,according to {)Fiberglass loose fill
the manufacturer, Density(N/A)will yield an {}Aluminum Foil
"R"value of . ()Other Cellulose SAB
3. Intertar l me vralls have be=ra insulated With ............•.......... Qq Fiberglass blankets
to a thickness of':8.25nches,which thickness,according.to. ()Polyurethane
the manufacWter,Certaihteed4(Density N/A)will yield an ()%ray.on cellulose
"it"value of. 19 ()Other
4. Garage.pardtion walls.of conditioned living areas have been ()Fiberglass blankets
insulated with................................. ................................... ()Spray on cellulose
to a thick ess'of - inches,which thickness,according to the ()Polyurethane
manufacturer, _ _ ,'(Density NIA)will yield an ()Other
"R"value of
MULTI=FAMILY,RESIDERML CONSTRUCTION ONLY: The common.(party)walls separating different tenants shall,be insulated as
follows—Frame/Metal stud walls R-11(Min).;CBS or Concrete walls R-3(Min)by Energy Code requirements, See Energy Code
Rev.1/87,.paragraph.9012(b),on pages.9-17,latest edition. These"minimum levels of insulation"are not included the Energy
Caiciliations,but shall be installed in the field...
NOTE: Densities of sprayed on,loose fill,or any other composed-on site insulation shall be the PCF(lb/ft3)average of three(3)
"DRY SAMPLES"of actual installation.
MER Enterprises,LLC
Prht Marne of Insulation Contractor Signature of Insulation Contractor
26202 5/21/18
- 'fi on.Number Date of_Certification
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