HomeMy WebLinkAboutProject Information (2) 1 LILSA UNITED STRUCTURES OF AMERICA 1 N C 0 R P 0 R A T E D 1912 BUSCHONG HOUSTON,TEXAS 77039 PH(281)442-8247 FX(281)442-2125 W W W.USABLDG.COM TEXAS ENGINEERING FIRM NO.143 Mr.Larry Aitken March 9,2017 19501 W Country Club Drive Apt 204 Aventura,FL 33180 RE U.S.A.Job Number: 49172-0217 End Use Customer: Larry Aitken Location: Lot 98 Navion Road Port St.Lucie,FL 34953 To Whom It May Concern: United Structures certifies the above referenced building(s)is designed in accordance with the order documentation and the applicable Sections of the project specifications except as noted below, and the AISI Cold Form Steel Manual 2010 Edition,and the AISC Steel Construction Manual(14'Ed..—ASD)as applicable. The following loads are applied in accordance with Florida Building Code 2014. 1 DEAD LOAD: Metal building structure only as furnished by U.S.A.,Inc. LIVE LOAD: 20 psf with Tributary Reduction WIND LOAD: 165 mph(3 sec. Gust) Exposure C GCpi: ±0.18 Velocity Wind Pressure: 53.17 psf SNOW LOAD: Pg=0.0 psf Pf=0 psf Is= 1.0 Ce= 1.0 Ct= 1.0 COLLATERAL LOAD: 3 psf SEISMIC DESIGN DATA: Occupancy Category H SDs=0.059 SDI =0.045 Site Class: "D" Ie= 1.00 Ss=0.065 Si= 0.028 Seismic Design Category="A" Seismic-force-resisting Vstern: General Steel System R=3.00 Cs=0.017 Design base on shear V=0.55 kips (Equivalent lateral force procedure) OTHER LOADS: None FILE COPS ALLOWABLE DEFLECTIONS: Frame Sidesway: H/60 Frame Deflection: L/180 Purlin Deflection: L/150 Endwall Columns: H/90 Endwall Rafters: L/180 Girt Deflection: L/90 Bracing: H/60 This letter applies to the referenced building(s)and its component parts as furnished by United Structures of America,Inc. and specifically exclude foundation masonry, or general contract work including erection certification. The design and certification for this project is in accordance with the provisions and loads specified on the building order. The buyer is responsible to insure all specified loads are in compliance with local regulatory authorities. United Structures of America,Inc. is an IAS accredited manufacturer. Sincerely, UNITED STRUCTURES OF AMERICA,INC. 011 •~�c E i...... No.54910 STATE F t� RID 1 Zt � Anan Almughrabi,P.E. ✓ e b. Director of Engineering This building is designed and fabricated by United Structures of America,Inc.Houston,TX. r POWERLIFT HYDRAULIC DOORS 1 . Project Information Project Location Project Name- City: Fort Pierce y Building Company: State: Florida _ Customer Name: Aitkens Hanger, Address: Order Number: 212 Zipcode: 34982 Estimator: :Lynn Shepard.-_-: Design Site Class: T,, D help Estimate Date: 6/22/2016 Governing Codes: Door Information Feet inches IBC 2012 ASCE 7-10 Door Clearance above floor: 0 2.5 Occupancy Category: II 1 help Door Overall Width: 49 6 Wind Speed(mph): � 165 help Door Overall Height: 13 7 Double Legs/Posts? YES _ Rough Opening Width: 50 0 Cylinder Size: Rough Opening Height: 14 0 Use Hurricane Pins? yES NO Include Wainscote.7 Include Walk Door? F NO _4 Maximum Cross Member SPA: 36 in.o.c. Include Windows? No l+ FILE COPY POWERLIFT PAGE HYDRAULIC DOORS. 77-7-75TAR-0 �ff 2 Door Components Door Frame Post '-5x3xo z5 tube ;w 3.75 12.27 4.91 12.21 3 w Door Frame Header 5x5x0-188 t6be 's. 3.62 4.29 5.60 11.97 5 Door End Posts 5x3xo.25 tube 3.75 12.27 4.91 12.21 3 Door Header 1zs tube 1.69 5.20 2.08 5.61 2 Vertical RailsSx2x012otube�y 1.62 5.02 2.01 5.52 2 Cross Members �3xzxD.o$3 tube 0.80 1.02 0.68 2.73 2 Steel Nailers 3xzxo.os3 tube try 0.80 1.02 0.68 2.73 2 Bottom/Truss-Interior Tube t 5x2x0.12o tube �'� 1.62 5.02 2.01 5.52 2 Truss Exterior Tube 3x2xO 125 tube r.� 1.19 1.47 0.98 3.90 2 Truss-Uprights 5x2xo 1z0 tube 1.62 5.02 1 2.01 5.52 2 *Any door components in RED do not meet the minimum Code requirements TRUSS REQUIRED Door Cladding Options: Truss depth= 14 in. Ext.Cladding: 26 Ga.Metal Panel Truss upright spacing= 38.625 I in. Int.Cladding: 26 Ga.Metal PaneI �� Required Truss Camber= 0.64 in. Insulation: tl 3"open cell spray I T Truss Diagonals Included? NO Recommended Max.Vertical Spacing per Code: 66.000 in o.c. Enter Vertical Spacing: ---------------------> } '97 in o.c. ENTER REQUIRED DATA ABOVE(BOXES AND PULL DOWNS SHADED BLUE)-RESULTS SHOWN BELOW THIS LINE Door Geometry Post Height{A} 163 in Door Height{C} 163 in m Cyl.to Frame Location{B} 29 in �Ic 0 Cylinder Length(closed): 70 in Cyl.To Door Bottom{D}: 93 in U Q Door Weights 0 Door Framing 2500 lb Door Cladding 1085 lb TOTAL DOOR WEIGHT 3585 lb Frame weight 924 lb TOTAL DOOR+FRAME WT. 4509 Ib DOOR FRAME V • t POWERLIFT -6& PAGE HYDRAULIC DOORS. " `'� =3. Results: CapacityMember Member Description C.. Door Frame Post 5x3x0.25 tube OK 15% 10% Door Frame Header 5x5x0.188 tube OK 6% 4% Door End Posts 5x3x0.25 tube OK 28% 18% Door Header 5x2x0.125 tube OK 16% 11% Vertical Rails 5x2x0.120 tube OK 90% 59% Cross Members 3x2x0.083 tube OK 32% 21% Steel Nailers 3x2x0.083 tube OK N/A N/A Bottom/Truss-Interior Tube 5x2x0.120 tube OK 20% 12% Truss Exterior Tube 3x2x0.125 tube OK 67% 41% Truss-Uprights 5x2x0.120 tube OK 84% 51% Deflections and Forces NOTES: Hinge Spacing: 97.000 O.C. 1. Steel tubes shall be ASTM A500,Gr.B Max.door deflection(closed): 0.641 in 2. Steel tube yield strength:Fy=46,000 psi Max.door deflection (open): 0.59 in Max.Cylinder force(open): 5327 lb REACTIONS: Top of door reactions are the worst case loads Reaction shown below occurs at the top of the acting on the hinges. frame post. 1651 Ibs. 924 lbs. 455 lbs. 1734 lbs 924 lbs. 2254 lbs. 2254 lbs. DOOR CLOSED DOOR OPEN r I L� IL Date: 6/22/2016 Added Post Length: N/A Color: ??? Wainscoating Height: N/A Door Size: 50 x 14 Remote: No Mounting Style: Inside Inset Girts: N/A Hydraulic Side: Leff Belting Width: 6 Installation Type: Steel Framed Service Door N/A Building __Height: Bottom Door Gap: 2.5 Ou the Mount TabN/A De i Top Of Window: N/A Header Thickness: N/A Window R.O. Height N/A IGirt Matierial: Steel I Quoted to: PO"RLIFT PRO►RLETARY AND CONNDENDAI THE 50' 0" x 4' ��� Customer. DRAWING IS THESOLE PR PEIM OF RMATION CONTAINED D Aitkens Hanger xvDRauuc000TRs ,PowaURco Wfing.ANY Location: Fort Pierce,FL Lake Benton,MN REPRODUCTION IN PARE OR AS A WHOLE WRHOUTTHE WRITTEN PERMISSION OF Phone:(507)368-9500 I P—Lift c�nrn9 IS Phone: Fax:(507)368-1358 I PRD"IBff'D- FIB E COPY **CHECK MEASUREMENTS AGAINST FRAME, DOOR, AND SIDE DETAIL PAGES FOR SPECIAL DOORS** Quani Part Size Wall Length 1 Frame Header 5x5 3/16" 501011 1 Door Header 5x2 1/8" 49' 19' 2 Posts 5x3 1/4" 13'6 1/2" 2 Legs 5x3 1/4" 13 4" 5 Vertical Rails 5x2 11 ga 13 2" 18 Crossmembers 3x2 14ga 81111 12 Steel Nailers 3x2 14 ga 8'3/4" 1 Outside of truss 3x2 11 ga 46 6" Use MEDIUM Cylinders on door. 1 Inside of truss 5x2 11 ga 49'4' 15 Truss Upright's I 5x2 1 11 ga 14" Cut hinge slots in 5x5 centered at dimensions on frame detail page. Make truss 49'4"space tubes 17"from the ends,and every 39 5/8"on center. No holes or tabs for post's, Door is Weld In. Weld 5x3 Legs to the 5x2 top tube. Wipe down mating surfaces.Clamp angles on 5x2 top tube. Lay 5x5 header on 5x2 top tube. Lay 5x3 Posts on 5x3 Legs.Weld Posts to 5x3 header.Weld plates on end hinges.Cap ends and grind smooth. Complete hinge assembly except pins,slide apart to finish welding and grind smooth. Weld hinge pins in place.Tack truss into place.Screw shipping tabs into posts and legs. Measuring from the top of the vertical rails,layout the crossmember locations. Tack in 3x2 vertical rails. Location per drawing or according to crossmember width. Weld 3x2 cross members and steel nailers,inset from outside of legs flush Door is INSIDE MOUNT, USING MEDIUM CYLINDERS. Tack on upper cylinder mount 29 inches from bottom of 5x5 header to center of pin. Install 6 in. guessets. Install 3 inch bar channel Tack on bottom cylinder mount so the hole is centered rom edge of barchannel Install caps on 3"bar channels.Weld mounts moving around to AVOID WARPING! Install 6 inch belting so it extends outside of posts Lock valve assembly is on the LEFT SIDE. Plumbing lines are on the back face of 5x5 tube. Paint door???. Quoted to: MPOWERLIFT PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENIIAL THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS Customer. Aitkens Hanger HYDRAULIC DODRS I DRAWING IS THE SOLE PROPERTYOF PowerltMCo Ithg.ANY Location: Fort Pierce,FL Lake Benton, MN REPRODUCTION IN PART OR AS A WHOLE Phone:!507)368-9500 P—rUffCo—MgIS PERMISSION OF Phone: ,Fox:(507)368-1358 PROHIBITED. 1 Frame Detail Always Double Check Measurement's from opposite end of header. MIDD o :o in i� r 0� r 00 �— N cov Fj IN-11 2" 50'-01, End Hinge Blades are Centered at 1 5/8 Inches From Edge of Frame Header Quoted to: W.WDRAULIC RLIFT PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL THE INFORMATION CONTAINWINTHISCustomer. Aitkens Hanger .DOORS DRAWING IS THE SOLE PROPERTY OF -- PowediH Constdling.ANY Location: Fort Pierce,FL Lake Benton,MN WITHODUCTIONWPARTROR MSA WHOE IIF/0llTTHE WRITTEN PERMISSSION OF Phone:(507)368-9500 P—erUft Com1ing IS Phone: Fax:(507)368-1358 PROHIBITED. All Top Measurements are from DOOI' Detail from Double Check Measurement's the inside of the Door Leg. from opposite end of header. P e e e zo _e N O DA N M ct -0" 41?„ 80" 119" IL I58" ee .......... 8'-1 8e"I M Quoted to: POWERLIiE'T PROPMEIARI'AND CONNDENTIAL THE WFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS I Customer: Aitkens Hanger HYDRAUUODDORS. DRAWING IS THE SOLE PROPERTY OF P—difl C—JtU g.ANY Location: Fort Pierce,FL Lake Benton,MN I REPRODIICDON RI PART OR AS A WHOLE WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PERMISSION OF I � hone Phone:(507)368-9500 P.,~�+NC. fi gIS P j , Fax:(507)368-1358 PROHIBIfED. Ol O" • Glrf'S Flush Use 48 Inch or Larger 5x3 Gussets Side Detail 29" a� U Post Leg 13'4" 13'-6 2" H rn c a Header is weld-in" K Inset Steel Field 0" Quoted to: PROPR Po�vERLiFT II EFARY AND CONFIDENTIAL Customer: „„Q,,000aa, INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS Aitkens Hanger DRAWING AWINGINGISISTHESOLE PROPERLY OF Poweflift ConsiAting.ANY Location: Fort Pierce,FL Lake Benton,MN REPRODUCTION W PAR OR AS WHOLE WITHOITITHE WRITTEN PERMISSION OF Phone: Phone:(507)368-9500 P-Liff Do��TI IS Fax:(507)368-1358 �Y Truss Detail jPre7BowTruss 1 11/2" 49'-4" �- 46'-6" _ I 14" 11 Ti 1 .1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Lilco -IV NCO �Ici r.loo ails M100 o .o uo LD u) it er a. N N TRUSS UPRIGHTS CAN BE 14 GA OR 1/8 INCH Employee Date Start Finish Notes Load Cut Weld Cut Wood Belt Plumbing Wipe Down Paint Install Wood Cylinders Quoted to: POWERLIFT PROPB1ETA0.YANO CONFIDENTIAL Top Of Truss 160 1/8",237 3/4", 160 1/8" -- THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS Customer. Aitkens Hanger xmRAcuc 000Rs DRAWING IS THE SOLE PROPERTY Of PowerliH Cwuulting.ANY Bottom Of Truss 58 1/8",277 3/8",256 1/2" Location: Fort Pierce,FL Lake Benton,MN REPRODUCTION WRRTBJ P�EROMISSso OF OLE Phone: Phone:(507)368-9500 Powe It Consulting IS Fax:(507)3681358 PROMBR®.